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import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

* This class displays attributes in a table (currently string attributes only).  The user can modify the table values,
* and submit the results, which are passed to the registered DataSource (obtained from the registered DataSource)...

*    Some rather unpleasent stuff happens with object class changing.  The state
*    of the unmodified entry is maintained between displayEntry() calls using
*    the classChangedOriginalEntry variable.
public class TableAttributeEditor extends JPanel
        implements DataSink, PluggableEditor //, TreeEntryCreator
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TableAttributeEditor.class.getName());

    JTable attributeTable;
    AttributeTableModel tableData;
    JScrollPane tableScroller;
    CBButton submit, reset, changeClass, opAttrs; //, help;
    JFrame owner;
    JDialog virtualEntryDialog = null;

     * Flag for a virtual entry.
    boolean virtualEntry = false;

     * Copy of the current entry.
    DXEntry currentEntry = null;

     * Copy of the current DN.
    DN currentDN = null;

     * The data source directory data is read from.
    public DataSource dataSource;

     * A rare operation is for the user to change the classes of an entry.  This backs up the original state of that
     * entry.
    DXEntry classChangedOriginalEntry = null;

    SmartPopupTableTool popupTableTool;

    ClassLoader myLoader;

    final AttributeValueCellEditor myEditor;

     * Constructor initialises the table and a popup tool, as well as initialising the required GUI elements. It adds
     * action listeners for the three main buttons, which include basic user input validation checking.
    public TableAttributeEditor(JFrame MyOwner)
        // As usual, it is insanely hard to get the swing components to display
        // and work properly.  If JTable is not displayed in a scroll pane no headers are
        // displayed, and you have to do it manually.  (If you *do* display it
        // in a scrollbar, in this instance, it screws up sizing)
        // The broken header mis-feature is only mentioned in the tutorial,
        // not in the api doco - go figure.


        owner = MyOwner;

        // final JPanel mainPanel = (JPanel)this;

        tableData = new AttributeTableModel();

        attributeTable = new JTable(tableData);
        //attributeTable.setRowHeight(20);  // This may be needed, depends on how fussy people get about the bottom of letters like 'y' getting cut off when the cell is selected - bug 3013.

        popupTableTool = new SmartPopupTableTool(attributeTable, tableData, (JXplorer) owner);

        // Set the renderer for the attribute type...
        final AttributeTypeCellRenderer typeRenderer = new AttributeTypeCellRenderer();

        attributeTable.setDefaultRenderer(AttributeType.class, typeRenderer);

        // Set the renderer for the attribute value...
        final AttributeValueCellRenderer valueRenderer = new AttributeValueCellRenderer();

        attributeTable.setDefaultRenderer(AttributeValue.class, valueRenderer);

        // Set the editor for the attribute value...
        myEditor = new AttributeValueCellEditor(owner);

        attributeTable.setDefaultEditor(AttributeValue.class, myEditor);


        currentDN = null;

        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
        buttonPanel.add(submit = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("Submit"), CBIntText.get("Submit your changes to the Directory.")));
        buttonPanel.add(reset = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("Reset"), CBIntText.get("Reset this entry i.e. cancels any changes.")));
        buttonPanel.add(changeClass = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("Change Classes"), CBIntText.get("Change the Object Class of this entry.")));
        buttonPanel.add(opAttrs = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("Properties"), CBIntText.get("View the Operational Attributes of this entry.")));

        // I don't really understand why we have to do this...
        // but without it these buttons over ride the default
        // button (Search Bar's search button), if they have
        // been clicked and the user hits the enter key?

        setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10));

        tableScroller = new JScrollPane();
        tableScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 285));
        add(tableScroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


        // Opens a dialog that displays any operational attributes of the current entry.
        opAttrs.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

        reset.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                //XXX??? if (attributeTable.isEditing()) myEditor.stopCellEditing();

        submit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

        // This allows the user to change the objectclass attribute.
        // This is pretty tricky, because it changes what attributes are available.
        changeClass.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

        attributeTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mousePressed(e);

            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
                if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mouseReleased(e);

            //TODO need to have a way to call this from a keystroke...
            public boolean doPopupStuff(MouseEvent e)
                if (e.isPopupTrigger() == false) return false;

                int row = attributeTable.rowAtPoint(new Point(e.getX(), e.getY()));

                attributeTable.addRowSelectionInterval(row, row);

                popupTableTool.registerCurrentRow((AttributeType) attributeTable.getValueAt(row, 0), (AttributeValue) attributeTable.getValueAt(row, 1), row, tableData.getRDN());         // active path also set by valueChanged
      , e.getX(), e.getY());
                popupTableTool.registerCellEditor(myEditor);    //TE: for bug fix 3107.
                return true;

     * Opens the change class dialog.
    public void changeClass()
    {    //JPanel mainPanel
         *    MINOR MAGIC
         *    This code reuses the 'new entry window'.  In order to make things
         *    sane, we prompt the user to save any serious changes before continuing.
         *    (Things can get really wierd if the user changes the name and then
         *    tries to change the objectclass - best to avoid the whole issue.)

        if (virtualEntry)

         *    classChangedOriginalEntry saves the original state of the entry
         *    between visits to NewEntryWin.  (- I wonder if it would be neater
         *    to just reset the 'oldEntry' state of the table every time? ).
         *    Check it's not been set already (i.e. Pathological User is paying
         *    multiple visits to the NewEntryWin.)
        if (classChangedOriginalEntry == null)
            classChangedOriginalEntry = tableData.getOldEntry();

        DXEntry newEntry = tableData.getNewEntry();
        DN newDN = newEntry.getDN();

         *    Pathalogical user has messed with the name, *and* wants to
         *    change the object classes...
        if (newDN.equals(classChangedOriginalEntry.getDN()) == false)
            if (promptForSave(false) == false// we may need to reset the 'newEntry' data
            {                                   // if the user discards their changes.

                tableData.reset();              // resets the table before going on.

                newEntry = tableData.getNewEntry();
                newDN = newEntry.getDN();
            else // user has saved data - so now we need to reset the 'classChangedOriginalEntry'
            {    // to the changed (and hopefully saved!) data.
                // NB: If the directory write fails, then the change classes will also fail...
                classChangedOriginalEntry = tableData.getNewEntry();

         *    Open NewEntryWin, allowing the user to reset the objectclass attribute.

        NewEntryWin userData = new NewEntryWin(newDN.parentDN(), newDN,
                                newDN.getLowestRDN().toString(), TableAttributeEditor.this,
        if (dataSource.getSchemaOps() == null)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, CBIntText.get("Because there is no schema currently published by the\ndirectory, changing an entry's object class is unavailable."), CBIntText.get("No Schema"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            NewEntryWin userData = new NewEntryWin(dataSource, newDN, newEntry.getAsNonNullAttributes(),
                    this, CBUtility.getParentFrame(this));
            userData.setSize(400, 250);
  , owner);    // TE: centres window.

     * Kicks off the entry modify/update & checks for manditory attributes.
    public void doSubmit()
        if (dataSource == null)
            CBUtility.error("No dataSource available to write changes to in Table Attribute Editor");


        // If schema checking is on, make sure that all mandatory attributes are filled in.
        if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(JXplorer.getProperty("option.ignoreSchemaOnSubmission"))
                && (tableData.checkMandatoryAttributesSet() == false))
            CBUtility.error(TableAttributeEditor.this, CBIntText.get("All Mandatory Attributes must have values!"), null);


     * Opens a dialog that displays the operational attributes of the current entry.
    public void displayOperationalAttributes()
        JXplorer jx = null;

        if (owner instanceof JXplorer)
            jx = (JXplorer) owner;

        String[] opAttrs = new String[]{"createTimestamp", "modifyTimestamp", "creatorsName", "modifiersName", "subschemaSubentry"};
        int size = opAttrs.length;
        DXEntry entry = null;
            entry = (jx.getSearchBroker()).unthreadedReadEntry(currentDN, opAttrs);
        catch (NamingException e)
            CBUtility.error(TableAttributeEditor.this, CBIntText.get("Unable to read entry") + " " + currentDN, e);
        StringBuffer buffy = new StringBuffer("DN: " + currentDN.toString() + "\n\n");

        // Get the attribute values...
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            DXAttribute att = (DXAttribute) entry.get(opAttrs[i]);

                if (att != null)
                    buffy.append(opAttrs[i] + ": " + att.get().toString() + "\n\n");
            catch (NamingException ee)
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem accessing Operational Attributes via Table Editor\n", ee);

        // Dialog setup...
        JTextArea area = new JTextArea(buffy.toString());
        area.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 11));
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(area);
        scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 125));
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jx, scrollPane, CBIntText.get("Properties (Operational Attributes)"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

     * This notifies the user that they are about to lose entered data (i.e. they've made changes and are about to a)
     * change classes or b) go to another entry).
     * @param reset usually prompt for save keeps an internal check to prevent the user being prompted twice for the
     * same entry.  If this parameter is true, that prompt is reset.
     * @return true if data is saved, false if discarded.
    public boolean promptForSave(boolean reset)
        return false;
        if (dataSource == null || dataSource.isActive() == false)
            return false;  // no point prompting - nothing to save with!
         *    Only ever check the entry once (sometimes promptForSave can be called
         *    multiple time - remember that the 'save' function gets called by a
         *    separate thread).
        if (reset)
            checkedDN = null;  // force the prompt to be used.

        if (checkedDN == null || checkedDN.equals(tableData.getOldEntry().getDN()) == false)
            checkedDN = tableData.getOldEntry().getDN();


            String save = CBIntText.get("Save");
            String discard = CBIntText.get("Discard");

            int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(CBUtility.getDefaultDisplay(),
                                                 CBIntText.get("Submit changes to the Directory?"),
                                                 CBIntText.get("Save Data"), JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
                                                 JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null,
                                                 new Object[] {save, discard}, save);
            if (result == 0)
                writeTableData();  // nb - this queues a request to the directory
                return true;
            // do nothing - don't prompt, don't save...
        return false;

     * Opens a dialog that asks the user if they want to make a virtual entry a non virtual entry.  If the user clicks
     * 'Yes' the 'change class' dialog opens.
    public void doVirtualEntryDisplay()
        virtualEntryDialog = new JDialog(owner, CBIntText.get("Virtual Entry"), true);

        CBButton btnYes = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("Yes"), CBIntText.get("Click yes to make a Virtual Entry."));
        CBButton btnNo = new CBButton(CBIntText.get("No"), CBIntText.get("Click no to cancel without making a Virtual Entry."));

        //TE: layout stuff...
        Container pane = virtualEntryDialog.getContentPane();
        pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        CBPanel panel1 = new CBPanel();
        CBPanel panel2 = new CBPanel();
        CBPanel panel3 = new CBPanel();

        panel1.add(new JLabel(CBIntText.get("This entry is a Virtual Entry.  Are you sure you want to give this entry an object class?")));



        btnYes.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

        btnNo.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        virtualEntryDialog.setSize(475, 125);, owner);

     * Normally called by the 'Yes' button listener of the virtual entry dialog. This method opens the New Entry dialog
     * in simple mode (or Change Classes dialog). If the user selects one or more object classes they are added to the
     * entry and displayed in the table editor.
    public void processVirtualEntry()

        NewEntryWin userData = null;
        if (dataSource.getSchemaOps() == null)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, CBIntText.get("Because there is no schema currently published by the\ndirectory, changing an entry's object class is unavailable."), CBIntText.get("No Schema"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
            shutVirtualEntryDialog();        //TE: kill the prompt window.
            userData = new NewEntryWin(dataSource, currentEntry.getDN(), this, owner, true);
            userData.setSize(400, 250);
  , owner);      //TE: centres window.

            while (userData.isVisible())      //TE: don't do anything until the New Entry window is closed.
                catch (Exception e)

        if (userData.newObjectClasses != null)    //TE: if the user has selected one or more object classes - add them to the entry in the directory.
                DXOps dxOps = new DXOps(dataSource.getDirContext());
                dxOps.addAttribute(currentEntry.getDN(), userData.newObjectClasses);
                dataSource.getEntry(currentEntry.getDN());      //TE: hack??  forces the entry to be read again - otherwise we don't display the naming value.
            catch (NamingException e)
                CBUtility.error(TableAttributeEditor.this, CBIntText.get("Unable to add new object classes to {0}.", new String[]{currentEntry.getDN().toString()}), e);

     * Disposes of the virtual entry dialog that is opened as a prompt when the user may want to edit a virtual entry.
    public void shutVirtualEntryDialog()
        if (virtualEntryDialog != null)

//    DN checkedDN;

     * <p>Displays data that can be modified by the user in a table.</p>
     * @param entry the entry to be displayed by all the editors
     * @param ds the datasource the editors may use for more info
    public void displayEntry(DXEntry entry, DataSource ds)
//        checkedDN = null; // hack - resets promptForSave.

        // Set the globals...
        currentEntry = entry;
        dataSource = ds;

        if (entry != null && entry.size() == 0)
// If there is an entry and it's size is zero - it's probably is a virtual entry.
// We need to give the user the option of adding an object class to it i.e. so that
// it can be added to the directory as a real entry.
// Disable all the buttons except the 'Change Class' button - but rename this button
// to 'Add Class' so the user hopefully has a bit more of an idea about what is going on.

// Sets editor to a blank screen...

// Disable all buttons except the 'Change Class' button - rename this one...
            changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Add Class"));

            virtualEntry = true;


        virtualEntry = false;

        // Isn't a virtual entry...
        if (entry != null)
            currentDN = entry.getDN();

        // May have been changed to 'Add Class'...
        changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Change Class"));

        // Some quick faffing around, to see if we're coming back from a
        // change classes operation.
        if (classChangedOriginalEntry != null)
            // If they have the same name, then we're reviewing the same entry - otherwise we've moved on
            if (entry == null || entry.getDN().equals(classChangedOriginalEntry.getDN()) == false)
                classChangedOriginalEntry = null;

         *    Check that we're not displaying a new entry, and leaving unsaved changes
         *    behind.
         *    This turns out to be quite tricky, and involves a bunch 'o special cases.
         *    First check whether the table data has changed (if not, do nothing)
         *    ->  if the new entry is null, prompt user to save
         *    ->  OR if the DN has changed, and it wasn't due to a rename, prompt user to save
        if (tableData.changedByUser())  // user made changes - were they saved?  (i.e., are we
        {                               // displaying the result of those changes?)
            boolean prompt = false;

            DXEntry oldEntry = tableData.getOldEntry();

            if (oldEntry != null)
                 *    The code below is simply checking to see if the name of the
                 *    new entry is different from the old entry, and if it is,
                 *    whether that's due to the old entry being renamed.
                if (entry == null)
                    prompt = true;
                //TE: added the isEmpty check see bug: 3194.
                else if (!oldEntry.getDN().isEmpty() && entry.getDN().equals(oldEntry.getDN()) == false)
                    DN oldParent = oldEntry.getDN().parentDN();

                    DN newParent = entry.getDN().parentDN();

                    if (oldParent.equals(newParent) == false)
                        prompt = true;
                        if (entry.getDN().getLowestRDN().equals(tableData.getRDN()) == false)
                            prompt = true;

                if (prompt)    // yes, there is a risk of data loss - prompt the user.
                    if (promptForSave(false))                // see if the user wants to save their data
                        //dataSource.getEntry(entry.getDN());  // queue a request to redisplay
                        return;                              // this entry (but don't show it this time around).

        myEditor.setDataSource(ds);    // Sets the DataSource in AttributeValueCellEditor used to get the syntax of attributes.

        // only enable buttons if DataSource
        // is valid *and* we can modify data...

        if (dataSource == null || entry == null)

            if (entry.get("objectclass") != null// only allow class changes if we can find
                changeClass.setEnabled(true);      // some to start with!


        if (entry != null)
            currentDN = entry.getDN();

            popupTableTool.setDN(currentDN);    // Sets the DN in SmartPopupTableTool.
            myEditor.setDN(currentDN);          // Sets the DN in the attributeValueCellEditor which can be used to identify the entry that is being modified/
            tableData.clear();          // Sets editor to a blank screen.

        tableScroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0);   // Sets the scroll bar back to the top.

    public JComponent getDisplayComponent()
        return this;

    public String[] getAttributeValuesAsStringArray(Attribute a)
            throws NamingException
        if (a == null) return new String[0];
        DXNamingEnumeration e = new DXNamingEnumeration(a.getAll());
        if (e == null) return new String[0];
        return e.toStringArray();

     * Test whether the (unordered) object class lists of two attributes contain the same
    public boolean objectClassesChanged(DXAttributes a, DXAttributes b)
        boolean result = false;
            String[] A = getAttributeValuesAsStringArray(a.getAllObjectClasses());
            String[] B = getAttributeValuesAsStringArray(b.getAllObjectClasses());

            Object[] test = CBArray.difference(A, B);
            if (test.length > 0) result = true;
            test = CBArray.difference(B, A);
            if (test.length > 0) result = true;

            return result;
        catch (NamingException e)
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error in TableAttributeEditor:objectClassesChanged ", e);
            return true;

     * Writes the data currently in the table editor to the directory.
    public void writeTableData()


        if (dataSource == null) // if ds is null, data is not modifiable...
            CBUtility.error("no datasource to write data to in writeTableData()");
        } // shouldn't happen

        DXEntry oldEntry = tableData.getOldEntry();

        DXEntry newEntry = tableData.getNewEntry();

        /*   Check to see if major surgery is needed - whether the user has been
         *   messing with the object class list. */

        if (classChangedOriginalEntry != null)

            // use the saved state of the pre-class-changed entry as the 'old entry'
            // state.
            oldEntry = classChangedOriginalEntry;
            classChangedOriginalEntry = null;     // this is only used once! (either the object class change will
            // now succeed, or fail - either way, the entry state is reset to
            // match what's in the directory.)

            if (objectClassesChanged(oldEntry, newEntry))


                Object[] delSet = CBArray.difference(oldEntry.toIDStringArray(), newEntry.toIDStringArray());

                /* if there *are* attributes that should no longer exist, delete them by adding them (blanked)
                 * to the complete 'newAtts' set of *all* known attributes. */

                if ((delSet != null) && (delSet.length > 0))
                    for (int i = 0; i < delSet.length; i++)
                        newEntry.put(new DXAttribute(delSet[i].toString()))// overwrite old values with an empty attribute

        dataSource.modifyEntry(oldEntry, newEntry);

     * Return the thingumy that should be printed.
    public Component getPrintComponent()
        return attributeTable;

     * This editor is happy to be used in conjunction with other editors...
    public boolean isUnique()
        return false;

    public String getName()
        return CBIntText.get("Table Editor");

    public ImageIcon getIcon()
        return new ImageIcon(Theme.getInstance().getDirImages() + "table.gif");
    }    //TE: returns an icon.

    public String getToolTip()
        return CBIntText.get("The table editor is generally used for editing data, it also functions perfectly well as a simple, but robust, entry viewer.");
    }    //TE: returns a tool tip.

    public DataSink getDataSink()
        return this;

    public boolean canCreateEntry()
        return true;

    public void registerComponents(JMenuBar menu, JToolBar buttons, JTree tree, JPopupMenu treeMenu, JFrame jx)

    public void unload()

     * Use the default tree icon system based on naming value or object class.
    public ImageIcon getTreeIcon(String rdn)
        return null;

     * Use the default popupmenu.
    public JPopupMenu getPopupMenu(String rdn)
        return null;

     * Don't hide sub entries.
    public boolean hideSubEntries(String rdn)
        return false;

     * Optionally register a new class loader for atribute value viewers to use.
    public void registerClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
        myLoader = loader;

    public void setVisible(boolean state)

        // has to be *after* previous call for SwingMagic reasons.
        if (state == false && tableData.changedByUser())  // user made changes - were they saved?  (i.e., are we
             *    The setVisible() method may be called multiple time.  Only prompt
             *    the user the first time.

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