
Source Code of$SecurityActionListener


import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;


* CBOpenConWin displays connection info to the user, allowing them
* to open a connection to an ldap server.

// Programming note: this class is a bit of an interloper; but it requires classes from both and
//, so it get stuck in naming...

public abstract class CBOpenConWin extends CBDialog
     * stores the users connection data for passing to the 'connect()' method.

    protected ConnectionData newCon; //ConnectionData newCon;

    protected JTextField hostName, port, baseDN, managerDN;
    protected CBJComboBox version, level;
    //protected JCheckBox useSSL;                // whether to use SSL
    protected JPasswordField password;
    protected JLabel hostLabel, portLabel, userMessage;
    protected CBSaveLoadTemplate myTemplater;

    static int threadID = 1;             // naming variable for thread debugging
    static final boolean DEBUGTHREADS = false;

    // Security Levels ...
    static final int NONE = 0;
    static final int USER_AUTH = 1;
    static final int SSL_NO_AUTH = 2;
    static final int SSL_USER_AUTH = 3;
    static final int SASL = 4;
    static final int GSSAPI = 5// Vadim: GSSAPI

    // Protocols + Version strings for combo selection box
    protected static final String LDAPV2 = CBIntText.get("LDAP v2");
    protected static final String LDAPV3 = CBIntText.get("LDAP v3");

    protected SecurityActionListener securityListener;

    private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CBOpenConWin.class.getName());

     * <p>CBOpenConWin allows the user to open an ldap connection.  The jndiBroker
     * that the connection is opened through is attached to a tree display, and
     * a separate schema tree display.  An attribute viewer is linked with the
     * main tree display.  A JLabel allows the connection window to communicate
     * status to the user.  These parameters are all obtained directly from the
     * main JXplorer object</p>
     * <p/>
     * @param owner         the owning frame (used for look and feel propagation etc.)
     * @param statusDisplay a label used to give status feedback to the user.
     * @param clientcerts   the client certificate keystore (optional if 'simple ssl' is used).
     * @param cacerts       the trusted server certificate keystore (required for ssl)
     * @param referral      the jndi referral handling method ("follow" is default).
     * @param aliasType     the jndi alias handling - whether aliases are searched or not.
     *                      (default is "searching");
     * @deprecated use constructor that takes Help ID.

    public CBOpenConWin(Frame owner, JLabel statusDisplay, String clientcerts, String cacerts,
                        String referral, String aliasType)
        this(owner, statusDisplay, clientcerts, cacerts, referral, aliasType, null);

     * <p>CBOpenConWin allows the user to open an ldap connection.  The jndiBroker
     * that the connection is opened through is attached to a tree display, and
     * a separate schema tree display.  An attribute viewer is linked with the
     * main tree display.  A JLabel allows the connection window to communicate
     * status to the user.  These parameters are all obtained directly from the
     * main JXplorer object</p>
     * <p/>
     * @param owner         the owning frame (used for look and feel propagation etc.)
     * @param statusDisplay a label used to give status feedback to the user.
     * @param clientcerts   the client certificate keystore (optional if 'simple ssl' is used).
     * @param cacerts       the trusted server certificate keystore (required for ssl)
     * @param referral      the jndi referral handling method ("follow" is default).
     * @param aliasType     the jndi alias handling - whether aliases are searched or not.
     *                      (default is "searching");
     *  @param helpID the help ID to attach to the Help button.
    public CBOpenConWin(Frame owner, JLabel statusDisplay, String clientcerts, String cacerts,
                        String referral, String aliasType, String helpID)
        this(owner, statusDisplay, clientcerts, cacerts, helpID);

        newCon.referralType = referral;
        newCon.aliasType = aliasType;

     * <p>CBOpenConWin allows the user to open an ldap connection.  The jndiBroker
     * that the connection is opened through is attached to a tree display, and
     * a separate schema tree display.  An attribute viewer is linked with the
     * main tree display.  A JLabel allows the connection window to communicate
     * status to the user.  These parameters are all obtained directly from the
     * main JXplorer object.</p>
     * <p/>
     * <p/>
     * <p>This constructor allows for setting up ssl connections, by
     * passing details of keystores through.</p>
     * @param owner         the owning frame (used for look and feel propagation etc.)
     * @param statusDisplay a label used to give status feedback to the user.
     * @param clientcerts   the client certificate keystore (optional if 'simple ssl' is used).
     * @param cacerts       the trusted server certificate keystore (required for ssl)
     * @deprecated use constructor that takes Help ID.

    public CBOpenConWin(Frame owner, JLabel statusDisplay, String clientcerts, String cacerts)
        this(owner, statusDisplay, clientcerts, cacerts, null);

     * <p>CBOpenConWin allows the user to open an ldap connection.  The jndiBroker
     * that the connection is opened through is attached to a tree display, and
     * a separate schema tree display.  An attribute viewer is linked with the
     * main tree display.  A JLabel allows the connection window to communicate
     * status to the user.  These parameters are all obtained directly from the
     * main JXplorer object.</p>
     * <p/>
     * <p/>
     * <p>This constructor allows for setting up ssl connections, by
     * passing details of keystores through.</p>
     * @param owner         the owning frame (used for look and feel propagation etc.)
     * @param statusDisplay a label used to give status feedback to the user.
     * @param clientcerts   the client certificate keystore (optional if 'simple ssl' is used).
     * @param cacerts       the trusted server certificate keystore (required for ssl)
     * @param helpID the help ID to attach to the Help button.
    public CBOpenConWin(Frame owner, JLabel statusDisplay, String clientcerts, String cacerts, String helpID)
        super(owner, CBIntText.get("Open LDAP connection"), helpID); // create modal dialog ...

        newCon = new ConnectionData();//ConnectionData();

        newCon.clientcerts = clientcerts;
        newCon.cacerts = cacerts;


    protected void initGUI(JLabel statusDisplay)
        String oldConnection = "";
        int oldPortNo = 19389;
        String oldBaseDN = "";
        //String oldUseSSL = CBIntText.get("false");

        userMessage = statusDisplay;

         *   Host / port and ldap version details

        JLabel temp;
        display.add(hostLabel = new JLabel("   " + CBIntText.get("Host") + ": "));
        display.addWide(hostName = new JTextField(oldConnection, 30), 2);
        hostLabel.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("The url of the server; e.g.") + " ''");

        display.add(portLabel = new JLabel("  " + CBIntText.get("Port") + ": "));
        display.addLine(port = new JTextField(String.valueOf(oldPortNo), 5));
        portLabel.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("The port number of the LDAP server; often 389."));

        display.add(temp = new JLabel("   " + CBIntText.get("Protocol") + (": ")));
        display.add(version = new CBJComboBox(new String[]{LDAPV2, LDAPV3}));
        temp.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("For all but the oldest servers, this should be 'LDAP v3'."));
        version.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("For all but the oldest servers, this should be 'LDAP v3'."));

        display.addLine(new JLabel("")); // padding

        display.newLine()//TE: hack to add space for an extra component to be added the DSML URL field...DO NOT REMOVE (see addExtraComponent).

         *    Optional Panel for base DN.

        CBPanel inset = new CBPanel();
        inset.setBorder(new TitledBorder(CBIntText.get("Optional Values")));

        inset.add(temp = new JLabel(CBIntText.get("Base DN") + ":         "));
        temp.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("The base to start browsing from; e.g.") + " 'o=Democorp,c=au'");
        inset.addln(baseDN = new JTextField(String.valueOf(oldBaseDN), 30));

        display.addLines(inset, 1);

         *    Security Panel for anonymous vs user/password vs SASL

        CBPanel ssl = new CBPanel();

        String[] securityOptions = {
            CBIntText.get("User + Password"),
            CBIntText.get("SSL + Anonymous"),
            CBIntText.get("SSL + User + Password"),
            CBIntText.get("SSL + SASL + Keystore Password"),
            CBIntText.get("GSSAPI") // Vadim: GSSAPI

        ssl.setBorder(new TitledBorder(CBIntText.get("Security")));

        ssl.add(temp = new JLabel(CBIntText.get("Level") + ":"));
        temp.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("The level of authentication."));

        level = new CBJComboBox(securityOptions);
        level.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("Before using SSL, make sure you've set up your keystores in the 'Security' menu."));

        ssl.add(temp = new JLabel(CBIntText.get("User DN") + ":  "));
        ssl.addln(managerDN = new JTextField(30));
        temp.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("To log on as an authenticated user, enter your user dn here."));

        ssl.add(temp = new JLabel(CBIntText.get("Password") + ":   "));
        ssl.addLine(password = new JPasswordField(30));
        temp.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("Set your user password (or SASL keystore password) here."));

        display.addLines(ssl, 3);

        OK.setToolTipText(CBIntText.get("Click here to connect using current settings."));

         * ca.commons.cbutil.CBSaveLoadTemplate is a fairly cunning component (see)
         * that allows the user to save and restore the state of edit fields in a dialog

        display.addWide(myTemplater = new CBSaveLoadTemplate("connections.txt"), 5);

        addExtraComponent();            //TE: allows the user to insert a component and not mess up the template handling.


        display.add(new JLabel(""))// padding






         *    Add a listener that checks the security level (and hence
         *    which fields are greyed out) everytime something changes
         *    which might affect stuff.

        securityListener = new SecurityActionListener();
        //TE: get the combo box that has the names of the templates to load and add an action listener to it...

     * Use this method to insert an extra component.  It is intended for
     * adding the DSML label and field under protocol version.  Hopefully
     * there has been a space provided (via display.newLine()) in the
     * initGUI method.  So use something like
     * display.add(urlLabel = new JLabel("   DSML: "), 0,2,1,1);
     * display.addWide(dsmlService = new JTextField("", 30),4);
     * in the overriding method.
     * NOTE: the reason for not just sticking this method call after adding
     * the protocol stuff is so that we don't stuff up the save/load template
     * coordinates that users may have previously saved.  I.e if we did it this
     * way, the rest of the components that are added after the DSML stuff
     * wont have the saved data loaded.  Using display.newLine() acts as
     * a place holder.

    public void addExtraComponent()

     * Implements ActionListener to call the checkSecurityLevel method.
     * @author Trudi.

    class SecurityActionListener implements ActionListener

         * Calls the checkSecurityLevel method.

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

     * this simply checks the state of the security level combo box,
     * and grays out components accordingly.

    protected int checkSecurityLevel()

        int selected = level.getSelectedIndex();
        switch (selected)
            case 0// anonymous

                setState(false, false);
                return NONE;

            case 1// user + password

                setState(true, true);
                return USER_AUTH;

            case 2// ssl + anonymous

                //XXX Big Dirty Hack - use password for non-JKS keystores...
                String caKeystoreType     = JXplorer.getProperty("keystoreType.cacerts", "JKS"); 
                if ("JKS".equals(caKeystoreType) == false)
                    setState(false, true);                    // XXX HACK XXX
                setState(false, false);
                return SSL_NO_AUTH;

            case 3// ssl + user + password

                setState(true, true);
                return SSL_USER_AUTH;

            case 4// ssl + sasl + password

                setState(false, true);
                return SASL;

            case 5// Vadim: GSSAPI

                setState(false, false);
                return GSSAPI;

        return NONE;

     * Small utility ftn to handle graying out components at the same time
     * as disabling them.  (real graphics toolkits do this for you...)

    private void setState(boolean user, boolean pwd)
        managerDN.setBackground(user ? Color.white : Color.lightGray);

        if (pwd == false)

        password.setBackground(pwd ? Color.white : Color.lightGray);

     * Set's title back to 'open ldap connection'/clears password

    public void resetTitleAndPassword()
        this.setTitle(CBIntText.get("Open LDAP Connection"));

    protected String getURL()
            throws NumberFormatException, URISyntaxException
        String host = null;
        String portString = null;
        if (hostName != null)
            host = hostName.getText();
        if (port != null)
            portString = port.getText();

        if (host != null) host = host.trim();
        if (portString != null) portString = portString.trim();

        if (host == null || host.length() < 1)
            throw new URISyntaxException("", CBIntText.get("A host name must be entered for JXplorer to connect to."));

        if (portString == null || portString.length() < 1)
            throw new URISyntaxException("", CBIntText.get("A port number must be entered for JXplorer to connect to."));

        int port = Integer.parseInt(portString); // may throw exception

        if (port < 0) throw new NumberFormatException(CBIntText.get("Negative Port Number is illegal"));

        if (port > 65536) throw new NumberFormatException(CBIntText.get("Port Number {0} is illegal", new String[] {portString}));

        return "ldap://" + host + ":" + port;

     * Over-ride base class method that is called when the OK button is hit.

    public void doOK()

            log.fine("read values: " + hostName.getText() + ":" + port.getText());

             *    Read Host and Port

            String url = getURL()// throws exceptions if URL is bad.


            userMessage.setText(CBIntText.get("Opening Connection To") + " " + url);

             *   ldap version number

            if (version.getSelectedItem() == LDAPV2)
                newCon.version = 2;
            else // default for both ldap and dsml
                newCon.version = 3;

             *    Security Magic

            int securityLevel = checkSecurityLevel();

            newCon.userDN = null;

            newCon.useGSSAPI = false;

            if (securityLevel == USER_AUTH || securityLevel == SSL_USER_AUTH)
                newCon.userDN = managerDN.getText().trim();
                newCon.pwd = password.getPassword();
                if ((newCon.pwd.length) == 0)
                {          //TE: make sure the user has entered a password.
                    throw new Exception(CBIntText.get("No Password Provided.  Please enter a password."));
            else if (securityLevel == SASL)
                newCon.clientKeystorePwd = password.getPassword();
                if ((newCon.clientKeystorePwd.length) == 0)
                {        //TE: make sure the user has entered a password.
                    throw new Exception(CBIntText.get("No Password Provided.  Please enter a password."));
            //Vadim: GSSAPI
            else if (securityLevel == GSSAPI)
                // username & password are only used if an existing kerberos keystore cannot be found;
                // we'll prompt the user for them elsewhere if neccessary.

                newCon.useGSSAPI = true;


            newCon.useSSL = (securityLevel >= SSL_NO_AUTH && securityLevel != GSSAPI);

            newCon.baseDN = baseDN.getText();

        catch (Exception err)
        {   // a bunch of things may throw exceptions; at this stage we haven't tried
            // to contact the directory, so just reset defaults and carry on...

            new CBErrorWin(this, "Error in data provided: "  + err.getMessage(), err); // automatically visible one-shot.

            //        CBIntText.get("Error in data provided.  (probably unable to parse " +
            //        " the port number, or password.) "),
            //        CBIntText.get("Couldn't Connect"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);


            this.setTitle(CBIntText.get("Couldn't Connect: Try Again"));
            log.warning("User error in openconwin: " + err);
            userMessage.setText(CBIntText.get("Error Opening Connection."));


        // DO THE ACTUAL WORK!
        // Now the data has been read, send it off to the connect method to make the connection.



     * This method is called when the user connection data
     * has been gathered and (roughly) checked.
     * @param connectData the parsed connection data containing
     *                    host and port details, security info, etc.

    public abstract void connect(ConnectionData connectData);

Related Classes of$SecurityActionListener

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