
Source Code of$Option


import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Vector;

* This class creates a GUI interface to a command line tool.
* It assumes that all the command line options are displayed as
* is, or followed immediately by strings, and are presented in
* the order they appear in a formatted file that describes them.<p>
* <p/>
* At the moment it will only wrap a single command line program.<p>
* <p/>
* The file format is: <br>
* <pre>
*    command string
*    primary: {option name}                             (becomes a menu item)
*    secondary: {option name} [nostring|ispassword]     (becomes a field)
*    secondary: "your comment here"                     (becomes a helpfull label)
*    secondary: ...
*    ...
*    primary:
*    secondary:
*    ...
*    </pre>
* <p/>
* nb. this class tries to use an image: 'open.gif' to adorn the open file
* file chooser, and expects this to be in the base directory.<p>
* <p/>
* Other options for secondary values include tip="..." for tooltips, and
* default="..." for default values.
* @author Chris Betts

public class CBAutoGUI extends JDialog implements ActionListener
    String commandName;     // the root OS utility name to run.
    Vector menuItems;       // primary options are menu items.
    Vector commonItems;     // some secondary options may be common to all Primary options

    final JEditorPane output = new JEditorPane();     // where the command output goes...
    JTabbedPane tabPane;    // the top level GUI component containing the option panes.
    CBPanel commonOptions;  // the top level GUI component containing shared options
    PrimaryOption common;   // a 'fake' primary option containing all shared secondary options

    static String lastDirectory = ""// the last directory used by the user, used in the file chooser.

    boolean guiInitialised = false;

    boolean debug = true;

    static boolean standAlone = false;

     * An example of stand alone usage.

    public static void main(String args[])
        standAlone = true;

        String fileName = "keytool.txt";
        if (args.length >= 1)
            fileName = args[0];

        CBAutoGUI MrGui = new CBAutoGUI(null, fileName);;

     * Constructs an AutoGUI showing a particular initial primary option.<p>
     * - requires a root GUI component
     * (may be null) and the fileName of a file containing a description
     * of the command line function to be called, and the parameters it
     * takes.
     * @param owner    the root GUI (required for correct look and feel propagation
     *                 and repaint behaviour).
     * @param fileName the name of the file containing the command line function description.

    public CBAutoGUI(Frame owner, String fileName)

        menuItems = new Vector(8);
        commonItems = new Vector(8);
        common = new PrimaryOption("common options");


        setSize(650, 550);

     * Brute force search through vector for object by name.  yuck.
     * rewrite sometime to be prettier.  Kind of slow too - lots of string ops.
     * Oh well. CPU is cheap.

    static Object getNamedObject(Vector v, String s)
        s = s.trim();
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
            if (v.get(i).toString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(s))
                return v.get(i);
        return null;

     * Sets a particular primary option to display.
     * @param optionName the primaryOption (and tab title) to set the tabbed display to.
     *                   a null or blank string sets the first option.

    public void setOption(String optionName)
        if (optionName == null || optionName.length() == 0)
            if (tabPane.getTabCount() > 0)
                optionName = tabPane.getTitleAt(0).trim();
                error("no tabs set! - nothing to display");

        optionName = optionName.trim();

        if (optionName.length() == 0) return;
        if (optionName.charAt(0) == '-')
            optionName = optionName.substring(1);
        if (optionName.length() == 0) return;

        for (int i = 0; i < tabPane.getTabCount(); i++)
            if (optionName.equalsIgnoreCase(tabPane.getTitleAt(i).trim()))

     * A bit of a hack - allows a program to set the default value
     * of an option at runtime.  Requires the primary and secondary
     * option names to be passed in (as they are in the file) as well
     * as the default value.
     * @param primaryOptionName   the primary option command string, as in text file.
     * @param secondaryOptionName the secondary option command string, as in text file.
     * @param defaultValue        the new default value for the named secondary option.

    public void setDefaultValue(String primaryOptionName, String secondaryOptionName, String defaultValue)
        // XXX more of a hack - rig the names to be the same as the .toString() names of the Options...
        primaryOptionName = formatOptionName(primaryOptionName);
        secondaryOptionName = formatOptionName(secondaryOptionName);

        PrimaryOption primary = (PrimaryOption) getNamedObject(menuItems, primaryOptionName);
        if (primary == null)
            primary = common;

        SecondaryOption secondary = primary.get(secondaryOptionName);

        if (secondary != null)

     * Sets the tab panel to the selected primary option,
     * and makes the component visible.
     * @param option the command line primary option panel to make visible.

    public void show(String option)
        if (debug) System.out.println("showing GUI with option : " + ((option == null) ? " (no tab set) " : option));

        if (guiInitialised == false)


     * Create two panels.  In the top panel, place a tabbed set of panes
     * corresponding to each primary option, and populate that with all
     * the secondary options corresponding to the relevant primary option.
     * In the bottom panel, place the secondary options common to all primary options.

    public void initialiseGUI()
        if (debug) System.out.println("initialising GUI");

        setTitle("GUI interface to " + commandName);

        CBPanel display = new CBPanel();



        JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
        JButton OK, Cancel, Help;

        display.add(new JLabel(""))// padding
        display.add(OK = new JButton("Execute"));
        display.add(Cancel = new JButton("Cancel"));
        //display.add(Help = new JButton("Help"));
        display.addLine(new JLabel(""))// padding


        //output = new JEditorPane();
        output.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new LineBorder(, 2), "output"));
        output.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 150));

        display.addLine(new JScrollPane(output));

        guiInitialised = true;

     * This runs through all the groups of 'primary' options,
     * creating a new tabbed pane for each one, and populating
     * it with the associated secondary options.

    public void addTabbedPanes(CBPanel display)
        if (menuItems.size() == 0) return// don't add anything if there aren't any...

        tabPane = new JTabbedPane();

        for (int i = 0; i < menuItems.size(); i++)
            PrimaryOption primary = (PrimaryOption) menuItems.get(i);
            CBPanel panel = new CBPanel();
            tabPane.addTab(primary.toString(), panel);

            boolean newLine = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < primary.size(); j++)
                SecondaryOption secondary = primary.get(j);
                if (secondary.isLabel())
                    addSecondaryToPanel(panel, secondary, newLine);
                    newLine = false;
                    addSecondaryToPanel(panel, secondary, newLine);
                    newLine = !newLine;
            // Hack to get GridBagLayout to do what I want...
            panel.add(new JLabel("                     ")); // spacer below...
            panel.addWide(new JLabel(" "), 5); // spacer below...

     * Add common options to a separate, constant display area.
     * Sometimes commands are common to all options, for example a password
     * must be given before any action may be done. This method adds such
     * common options to a separate display area that remains constant
     * when the user moves between different tab panes.

    public void addCommonOptions(CBPanel display)
        if (commonItems.size() == 0) return;   // if there are no common options, don't do anything.

        commonOptions = new CBPanel();
        for (int i = 0; i < commonItems.size(); i++)
            SecondaryOption secondary = (SecondaryOption) commonItems.get(i);
            addSecondaryToPanel(commonOptions, secondary, ((i % 2) != 0));
        // Hack to get GridBagLayout to do what I want...
        commonOptions.add(new JLabel("                    ")); // spacer below...
        commonOptions.addWide(new JLabel(" "), 5); // spacer below...


    void clearPasswords()
        for (int i = 0; i < tabPane.getTabCount(); i++)
            Component c = tabPane.getComponent(i);

    void clearPasswords(Component c)
        if (c instanceof Container)
            Container con = (Container) c;
            for (int i = 0; i < con.getComponentCount(); i++)
                Component comp = con.getComponent(i);
                if (comp instanceof JPasswordField)
                    ((JPasswordField) comp).setText("");

    void addSecondaryToPanel(CBPanel panel, SecondaryOption secondary, boolean newLine)
        if (secondary.isHidden()) return// don't add hidden fields.

        JComponent comp1 = null;
        JComponent comp2 = null;
        CBFileChooserButton fileChooser = null;

        String defaultValue = secondary.getDefaultValue()// most don't have defaults...

        if (secondary.isLabel())
            JLabel label = new JLabel(secondary.toString());
            Font current = label.getFont();
            label.setFont(new Font(current.getName(), Font.BOLD, current.getSize() + 2));
/*            if (newLine)
                panel.addWide( label, 2);
                panel.addWide( label, 4);   
            newLine = true;    // force new line...   
        else if (secondary.isPassword())
            panel.add(comp1 = new JLabel(secondary.toString()));
            panel.addGreedyWide(comp2 = new JPasswordField(), 2);
        else if (secondary.isCheckBox())
            panel.add(comp1 = new JLabel(secondary.toString()));
            panel.add(comp2 = new JCheckBox());
            if ("".equals(defaultValue) == false)
                ((JCheckBox) comp2).setSelected(true);
            panel.add(new JLabel(""));
        else if (secondary.isFile())
            panel.add(comp1 = new JLabel(secondary.toString()));
            panel.addGreedyWide(comp2 = new JTextField(defaultValue, 30));
            panel.add(fileChooser = new CBFileChooserButton((JTextField) comp2, this, "File"));
            if (defaultValue.length() > 0)
            panel.add(comp1 = new JLabel(secondary.toString()));
            panel.addGreedyWide(comp2 = new JTextField(defaultValue, 40), 2);

        if (comp1 != null) comp1.setToolTipText(secondary.getTip());
        //if (comp2 != null) comp2.setToolTipText(secondary.getTip());
        if (newLine)

    void processFile(String fileName)
        if (debug) System.out.println("processing file '" + fileName + "'");

        PrimaryOption currentItem = null;
            BufferedReader readText = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName)));

            String line = "";                                    // the first line read from the ldif file
            int count = 0;
            while ((line = readText.readLine()) != null)
                line = line.trim();
                if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#')
                    // do nothing - comment line.
                else if (commandName == null) // get command line utility name (first real line in file)
                    if (debug) System.out.println("read commandName as '" + line + "'");
                    commandName = line;
                else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("primary: "))
                    line = line.substring(9).trim();
                    if (debug) System.out.println("read primary option as '" + line + "'");
                    menuItems.add((currentItem = new PrimaryOption(line)));
                else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("common: "))
                    line = line.substring(8).trim();
                    if (debug) System.out.println("read common option as '" + line + "'");
                    SecondaryOption op = getSecondaryOption(line);
                else if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("secondary: ") && currentItem != null)
                    line = line.substring(11).trim();
                    if (debug) System.out.println("read secondary option as '" + line + "'");
                    error("WARNING: ignoring line '" + line + "'");
        catch (Exception e)
            error("unable to open file:\n" + e.toString());

    SecondaryOption getSecondaryOption(String line)
        int pos = line.indexOf(' ');
        if (pos < 0) pos = line.length();

        String name = line.substring(0, pos);

        boolean isPwd = false;
        boolean hasArg = true;
        boolean isLabel = false;
        boolean isHidden = false;
        boolean isFile = false;

        String tooltip = null;
        String defaultValue = null;

        if (line.charAt(0) == '\"')
            isLabel = true;
            name = line.substring(1, line.length() - 1);   // the entire line is one comment.
        else if (pos != line.length())
            String lowC = line.substring(pos).toLowerCase();
            // This is damn ugly, but I'm in a hurry...
            if (lowC.indexOf("tip=") != -1// get tool tip
                pos = lowC.indexOf("tip=");
                pos = line.indexOf("\"", pos);
                int pos2 = line.indexOf("\"", pos + 1);
                if (pos2 == -1) pos2 = line.length(); // no closing quote...
                tooltip = line.substring(pos + 1, pos2);
                lowC = line.substring(0, pos).toLowerCase() + line.substring(pos2)// trim out comment so as not to confuse keyword search below.
            if (lowC.indexOf("default=") != -1// get default value
                pos = lowC.indexOf("default=");
                pos = line.indexOf("\"", pos);
                int pos2 = line.indexOf("\"", pos + 1);
                if (pos2 == -1) pos2 = line.length(); // no closing quote...
                defaultValue = line.substring(pos + 1, pos2);
                lowC = line.substring(0, pos).toLowerCase() + line.substring(pos2)// trim out default values so as not to confuse keyword search below.
            if (lowC.indexOf("nostring") != -1) hasArg = false;
            if (lowC.indexOf("ispassword") != -1) isPwd = true;
            if (lowC.indexOf("hidden") != -1) isHidden = true;
            if (lowC.indexOf("file") != -1) isFile = true;

        return (new SecondaryOption(name, isPwd, hasArg, isLabel, isHidden, isFile, tooltip, defaultValue));

     * Simple error printing routine - over-ride this for app specific functionality.

    public void error(String msg)

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        String cmd = e.getActionCommand().trim();
        if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Execute"))
        else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Cancel"))
        else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Help"))
            error("Unknown command in OpenConWin\n" + cmd);

    public void execute()
        execute(2000)// two second default timeout

    public void execute(int millisecTimeout)
        final int timeout = millisecTimeout;

        CBPanel current = (CBPanel) tabPane.getSelectedComponent();
        Vector args = new Vector();
        String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tabPane.getSelectedIndex())// name of the primary option...

        PrimaryOption command = (PrimaryOption) getNamedObject(menuItems, title);

        Component[] comps = current.getComponents();

        setArguments(args, comps, command);

        comps = commonOptions.getComponents();

        setArguments(args, comps, common);

        String commandString = commandName;

        if (commandString.startsWith("%JAVA%"))
            commandString = System.getProperty("java.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") +
                    "bin" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + commandString.substring(6);

        final String finalName = commandString + " " + command.toCommandString();

        for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)
            commandString += " " + args.get(i).toString();

        final String finalCommand = commandString;

        output.setText("running command:\n  " + finalName);

        final Thread worker = new Thread("Execute " + finalName) // run command in a separate worker thread
            public void run()
                    Runtime runMe = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    Process goBoy = runMe.exec(finalCommand);
                    //BufferedReader readText = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(goBoy.getInputStream()));
          , "text");
                    output.setText(output.getText() + "\n\nCommand " + finalName + " Executed.\n");
                catch (IOException e)
                    output.setText(output.getText() + "\n\nIOException reading command Output\n" + e.toString());
        // fire up another thread to time out the first, if necessary...
        Thread waiter = new Thread("Execute Watcher for " + finalCommand)
            public void run()

                    if (worker != null && worker.isAlive())
                        // pause 10 ms
                        catch (InterruptedException e)
                        /* apparently unnecessary - if code above failed, stop() wouldn't work anyway?
                        if (worker.isInterrupted()==false)  // we tried to be nice but...
                            System.out.println("attempting to force stop...");                       
                        output.setText(output.getText() + "\n\nError - unable to complete command " + finalName + "\n   - request timed out in " + timeout + " milliseconds.\n");
                catch (InterruptedException intEx)


    void setArguments(Vector args, Component[] comps, PrimaryOption command)
        Component oldC = comps[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < comps.length; i++)
            Component newC = comps[i];
            if (oldC instanceof JLabel)
                String newArg = null;

                if (newC instanceof JPasswordField)
                    JPasswordField temp = (JPasswordField) newC;
                    char[] pass = temp.getPassword();
                    if (pass.length > 0)
                        String hack = new String(pass)// destroy all that carefull security 'cause we can't be bothered trying
                        if (hack.trim().length() > 0)   // to do magic when we echo the command line args...
                            newArg = hack.trim();
                else if (newC instanceof JTextField)
                    JTextField temp = (JTextField) newC;
                    if (temp.getText().trim().length() > 0)
                        newArg = temp.getText().trim();

                else if (newC instanceof JCheckBox)
                    JCheckBox temp = (JCheckBox) newC;
                    if (temp.isSelected())
                        newArg = "";      // el hack - set to blank, so that base arg gets included (but no argument text :-) )

                if (newArg != null)
                    String secondaryOptionName = ((JLabel) oldC).getText().trim();
                    SecondaryOption opt = command.get(secondaryOptionName);
                    if (opt == null)
                        error("Error - unknown option " + secondaryOptionName);
            oldC = newC;

        Vector hiddenOps = command.getHiddenOptions();
        for (int i = 0; i < hiddenOps.size(); i++)
            SecondaryOption opt = (SecondaryOption) hiddenOps.get(i);

    public void cancel()
        if (standAlone) System.exit(0);

    // your help code here (you'll need to add a 'Help' button called 'help'....)
    public void help()


    public static String formatOptionName(String name)
        if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
            return "";
            return ("  " + ((name.charAt(0) == '-') ? name.substring(1) : name));

     * A generic Abstract Option (simply a name);
    abstract class Option
        String name;       // the name of the option, i.e. '-verbose'
        String tip = "";   // optional tool tip

        public Option(String optionString)
            name = optionString;
//        public String toString() { return name; }

        public String toCommandString()
            return name;

        public String getName()
            return name;

        public void setTip(String t)
            if (t != null) tip = t;

        public String getTip()
            return tip;

        public String toString()
            return formatOptionName(name);
    *    A 'Primary Option' is the first argument to the command line.
    *    it never has an argument.
    class PrimaryOption extends Option
        Vector options;

        public PrimaryOption(String optionName)
            options = new Vector(8);

        public void add(SecondaryOption option)

        public int size()
            return options.size();

        public SecondaryOption get(int i)
            return (SecondaryOption) options.get(i);

         * looks for a named option.  Tries original string, if that files tries again
         * with a preceeding dash.
        public SecondaryOption get(String s)
            SecondaryOption op = (SecondaryOption) CBAutoGUI.getNamedObject(options, s);
            if (op == null && s.charAt(0) != '-')
                op = (SecondaryOption) CBAutoGUI.getNamedObject(options, "-" + s);
            return op;

        public Vector getHiddenOptions()
            Vector ret = new Vector();
            for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++)
                SecondaryOption test = (SecondaryOption) options.get(i);
                if (test.isHidden())
            return ret;

        public String toCommandString()
            return name;

    *    A secondary option appears after the primary option, may
    *    have an argument, and if it does that argument (which is
    *    entered using a text field) may be a hidden password field.
    class SecondaryOption extends Option
        boolean password;
        boolean label;
        boolean hasArgument;
        boolean hidden;
        boolean file;
        String defaultValue = "";

         * Construct a new option that will appear on a tabbed pane.
         * @param optionString the name of the option, as it appears on the command line, but without the dash
         * @param pwd          whether the option is a password field
         * @param arg          whether the option has an argument (if not, treat it as a check box)
         * @param lbl          whether the 'option' is in fact simply a label (a comment, or extra directions or something)
         * @param hide         whether the option is hidden from the user, and always present.
        public SecondaryOption(String optionString, boolean pwd, boolean arg, boolean lbl, boolean hide, boolean isFile, String tooltip, String defVal)
            password = pwd;
            hasArgument = arg;
            label = lbl;
            hidden = hide;
            file = isFile;
            if (tooltip != null)
                tip = tooltip;
            if (defVal != null)
                defaultValue = defVal;

        // handle default values...       
        public void setDefaultValue(String s)
            if (defaultValue != null) defaultValue = s;

        public String getDefaultValue()
            return (defaultValue == null) ? "" : defaultValue;

        public String toCommandString()
            return name;

        public boolean isPassword()
            return password;

        public boolean isLabel()
            return label;

        public boolean isCheckBox()
            return !hasArgument;

        public boolean isHidden()
            return hidden;

        public boolean isFile()
            return file;


Related Classes of$Option

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