Package net.wastl.webmail.server

Source Code of net.wastl.webmail.server.WebMailServlet

* @(#)$Id: 136 2008-10-31 21:14:28Z unsaved $
* Copyright 2008 by the JWebMail Development Team and Sebastian Schaffert.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package net.wastl.webmail.server;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.DocumentNotFoundException;
import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException;
import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.UserDataException;
import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.WebMailException;
import net.wastl.webmail.misc.ByteStore;
import net.wastl.webmail.misc.Helper;
import net.wastl.webmail.server.http.HTTPRequestHeader;
import net.wastl.webmail.ui.html.HTMLDocument;
import net.wastl.webmail.ui.html.HTMLImage;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.MultipartParser;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart;
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.Part;

* This is WebMails main server. From here most parts will be administered. This
* is the servlet implementation of WebMail (introduced in 0.6.1)
* Created: Tue Feb 2 12:07:25 1999
* @author Sebastian Schaffert
public class WebMailServlet extends WebMailServer implements Servlet {
     * TODO:
     * Redo the application startup and shutdown stuff in a dedicated lifecycle
     * listener.  Should not invoke super.shutdown() from the destroy method,
     * as happens below.
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WebMailServer.class);

    ServletConfig srvlt_config;

    /** Size of the chunks that are sent. Must not be greater than 65536 */
    private static final int chunk_size = 8192;

    protected String basepath;
    protected String imgbase;

    public WebMailServlet() {

    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
        final ServletContext sc = config.getServletContext();
        final String depName = (String) sc.getAttribute("");
        final Properties rtProps =
                (Properties) sc.getAttribute("");
        log.debug("RT configs retrieved for application '" + depName + "'");
        srvlt_config = config;
        this.config = new Properties();
        final Enumeration enumVar = config.getInitParameterNames();
        while (enumVar.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String s = (String) enumVar.nextElement();
            this.config.put(s, config.getInitParameter(s));
            log.debug(s + ": " + config.getInitParameter(s));

         * Issue a warning if webmail.basepath and/or webmail.imagebase are not
         * set.
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.basepath") == null) {
            log.warn("webmail.basepath initArg should be set to the WebMail "
                    + "Servlet's base path");
            basepath = "";
        } else {
            basepath = config.getInitParameter("webmail.basepath");
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.imagebase") == null) {
            log.error("webmail.basepath initArg should be set to the WebMail "
                    + "Servlet's base path");
            imgbase = "";
        } else {
            imgbase = config.getInitParameter("webmail.imagebase");

         * Try to get the pathnames from the URL's if no path was given in the
         * initargs.
        if (config.getInitParameter("") == null) {
            this.config.put("", sc.getRealPath("/data"));
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.lib.path") == null) {
            this.config.put("webmail.lib.path", sc.getRealPath("/lib"));
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.template.path") == null) {
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.xml.path") == null) {
            this.config.put("webmail.xml.path", sc.getRealPath("/lib/xml"));
        if (config.getInitParameter("webmail.log.facility") == null) {

        // Override settings with webmail.*
        final Enumeration rte = rtProps.propertyNames();
        int overrides = 0;
        String k;
        while (rte.hasMoreElements()) {
            k = (String) rte.nextElement();
            if (!k.startsWith("webmail.")) {
            this.config.put(k, rtProps.getProperty(k));
                + " settings passed to WebMailServer, out of "
                + rtProps.size() + " RT properties");

         * Call the WebMailServer's initialization method and forward all
         * Exceptions to the ServletServer
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not intialize", e);
            throw new ServletException("Could not intialize: "
                    + e.getMessage(), e);
        Helper.logThreads("Bottom of WebMailServlet.init()");

    public ServletConfig getServletConfig() {
        return srvlt_config;

    public ServletContext getServletContext() {
        return srvlt_config.getServletContext();

    public String getServletInfo() {
        return getVersion() + "\n(c)2008 by the JWebMail Development Team and "
            + "Sebastian Schaffert\nThis software is distributed under the "
            + "Apache 2.0 License";

    public void destroy() {

     * Handle a request to the WebMail servlet. This is the central method of
     * the WebMailServlet. It first gathers all of the necessary information
     * from the client, then either creates or gets a Session and executes the
     * URL handler for the given path.
    public void service(ServletRequest req1, ServletResponse res1)
            throws ServletException {
        final HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) req1;
        final HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) res1;
        final HTTPRequestHeader http_header = new HTTPRequestHeader();

        if (req.getServletPath().equals("/admin")) try {
            log.debug("Forwarding /admin request back to self");
            req.getRequestDispatcher("WebMail/admin").forward(req1, res1);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            log.fatal("Forward from '/admin' failed", ioe);
            throw new ServletException(ioe.getMessage());

        final Enumeration en = req.getHeaderNames();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String s = (String) en.nextElement();
            http_header.setHeader(s, req.getHeader(s));

                req.getPathInfo() == null ? "/" : req.getPathInfo());

        InetAddress addr;
        try {
            addr = InetAddress.getByName(req.getRemoteHost());
        } catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
            try {
                addr = InetAddress.getByName(req.getRemoteAddr());
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                throw new ServletException("Remote host must identify!");

        HTMLDocument content = null;
        final int err_code = 400;
        HTTPSession sess = null;

         * Here we try to parse the MIME content that the Client sent in his
         * POST since the JServ doesn't do that for us:-( At least we can use
         * the functionality provided by the standalone server where we need to
         * parse the content ourself anyway.
        try {
            final BufferedOutputStream out =
                    new BufferedOutputStream(res.getOutputStream());

             * First we try to use the Servlet API's methods to parse the
             * parameters. Unfortunately, it doesn't know how to handle MIME
             * multipart POSTs, so we will have to handle that ourselves

             * First get all the parameters and set their values into
             * http_header
            Enumeration enum2 = req.getParameterNames();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                final String s = (String) enum2.nextElement();
                http_header.setContent(s, req.getParameter(s));
                //"Parameter "+s);

            /* Then we set all the headers in http_header */
            enum2 = req.getHeaderNames();
            while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
                final String s = (String) enum2.nextElement();
                http_header.setHeader(s, req.getHeader(s));

             * In Servlet API 2.2 we might want to fetch the attributes also,
             * but this doesn't work in API 2.0, so we leave it commented out
            // enum2=req.getAttributeNames();
            // while(enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
            // String s=(String)enum2.nextElement();
            //"Attribute "+s);
            // }

            /* Now let's try to handle multipart/form-data posts */

            if (req.getContentType() != null
                    && req.getContentType().toUpperCase().
                    startsWith("MULTIPART/FORM-DATA")) {
                final int size = Integer.parseInt(WebMailServer.
                        getStorage().getConfig("max attach size"));
                final MultipartParser mparser = new MultipartParser(req, size);
                Part p;
                while ((p = mparser.readNextPart()) != null) {
                    if (p.isFile()) {
                        final ByteStore bs = ByteStore.getBinaryFromIS(
                                ((FilePart) p).getInputStream(), size);
                        bs.setName(((FilePart) p).getFileName());
                                    ((FilePart) p).getFileName()));
                        http_header.setContent(p.getName(), bs);
              "File name " + bs.getName());
              "Type      " + bs.getContentType());

                    } else if (p.isParam()) {
                                ((ParamPart) p).getStringValue());

                    //"Parameter "+p.getName());

            try {
                final String url = http_header.getPath();

                try {
                    /* Find out about the session id */
                    sess = req.getSession(false) == null
                            ? null
                            : (HTTPSession) req.getSession(false).

                     * If the user was logging on, he doesn't have a session id,
                     * so generate one. If he already had one, all the better,
                     * we will take the old one
                    if (sess == null && url.startsWith("/login")) {
                        sess = newSession(req, http_header);
                    } else if (sess == null && url.startsWith("/admin/login")) {
                        http_header.setHeader("LOGIN", "Administrator");
                        sess = newAdminSession(req, http_header);
                    if (sess == null && !url.equals("/")
                            && !url.startsWith("/passthrough")
                            && !url.startsWith("/admin")) {
                        content = getURLHandler().handleURL(
                                "/logout", sess, http_header);
                    } else {
                        /* Ensure that the session state is up-to-date */
                        if (sess != null) {

                        /* Let the URLHandler determine the result of the query */
                        content = getURLHandler().
                                handleURL(url, sess, http_header);
                } catch (final InvalidPasswordException e) {
                    log.error("Connection to " + addr.toString()
                            + ": Authentication failed!");
                    if (url.startsWith("/admin/login")) {
                        content = getURLHandler().
                                handleURL("/admin", null, http_header);
                    } else if (url.startsWith("/login")) {
                        content = getURLHandler().
                                handleURL("/", null, http_header);
                    } else
                        // content=new
                        // HTMLErrorMessage(getStorage(),e.getMessage());
                        throw new ServletException("Invalid URL called!");
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    content = getURLHandler().
                            handleException(ex, sess, http_header);
                    log.debug("Some strange error while handling request", ex);

                 * Set some HTTP headers: Date is now, the document should
                 * expire in 5 minutes, proxies and clients shouldn't cache it
                 * and all WebMail documents must be revalidated when they think
                 * they don't have to follow the "no-cache".
                res.setDateHeader("Date:", System.currentTimeMillis());
                        "Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + 300000);
                res.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
                res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate");

                synchronized (out) {

                    if (content.hasHTTPHeader()) {
                        final Enumeration enumVar = content.getHTTPHeaderKeys();
                        while (enumVar.hasMoreElements()) {
                            final String s = (String) enumVar.nextElement();
                            res.setHeader(s, content.getHTTPHeader(s));

                     * What we will send is an image or some other sort of
                     * binary
                    if (content instanceof HTMLImage) {
                        final HTMLImage img = (HTMLImage) content;
                         * the HTMLImage class provides us with most of the
                         * necessary information that we want to send
                        res.setHeader("Content-Type", img.getContentType());
                        res.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + img.size());
                        res.setHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive");

                        /* Send 8k junks */
                        int offset = 0;
                        while (offset + chunk_size < img.size()) {
                            out.write(img.toBinary(), offset, chunk_size);
                            offset += chunk_size;
                        out.write(img.toBinary(), offset, img.size() - offset);

                    } else {
                        final byte[] encoded_content =

                         * We are sending HTML text. Set the encoding to UTF-8
                         * for Unicode messages
                                "" + (encoded_content.length + 2));
                        res.setHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
                                "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"");



            } catch (final DocumentNotFoundException e) {
      "Connection to " + addr.toString()
                        + ": Could not handle request (" + err_code
                        + ") (Reason: " + e.getMessage() + ")");
                throw new ServletException("Error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                // res.setStatus(err_code);
                // res.setHeader("Content-type","text/html");
                // res.setHeader("Connection","close");

                // content=new HTMLErrorMessage(getStorage(),e.getMessage());
                // out.write((content+"\r\n").getBytes("UTF-8"));
                // out.write("</HTML>\r\n".getBytes());
                // out.flush();
                // out.close();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
  "Connection to " + addr.toString()
                    + " closed unexpectedly", e);
            throw new ServletException(e.getMessage());

     * Init possible servers of this main class
    protected void initServers() {

    protected void shutdownServers() {

    public String getBasePath() {
        return basepath;

    public String getImageBasePath() {
        return imgbase;

    public WebMailSession newSession(HttpServletRequest req,
            HTTPRequestHeader h) throws UserDataException,
           InvalidPasswordException, WebMailException {
        final HttpSession sess = req.getSession(true);

        if (sess.getAttribute("webmail.session") == null) {
            final WebMailSession n = new WebMailSession(this, req, h);
            sess.setAttribute("webmail.session", n);
            sessions.put(sess.getId(), n);
            log.debug("Created new Session: " + sess.getId());
            return n;
        } else {
            final Object tmp = sess.getAttribute("webmail.session");
            if (tmp instanceof WebMailSession) {
                final WebMailSession n = (WebMailSession) tmp;
                log.debug("Using old Session: " + sess.getId());
                return n;
            } else {
                 * If we have an admin session, get rid of it and create a new
                 * session
                sess.setAttribute("webmail.session", null);
                log.debug("Reusing old AdminSession: " + sess.getId());
                return newSession(req, h);

    public AdminSession newAdminSession(
            HttpServletRequest req, HTTPRequestHeader h)
            throws InvalidPasswordException, WebMailException {
        final HttpSession sess = req.getSession(true);

        if (sess.getAttribute("webmail.session") == null) {
            final AdminSession n = new AdminSession(this, req, h);
            sess.setAttribute("webmail.session", n);
            sessions.put(sess.getId(), n);
            log.debug("Created new Session: " + sess.getId());
            return n;
        } else {
            final Object tmp = sess.getAttribute("webmail.session");
            if (tmp instanceof AdminSession) {
                final AdminSession n = (AdminSession) tmp;
                log.debug("Using old Session: " + sess.getId());
                return n;
            } else {
                sess.setAttribute("webmail.session", null);
                log.debug("Reusing old UserSession: " + sess.getId());
                return newAdminSession(req, h);

    /** Overwrite the old session handling methods */
    public WebMailSession newSession(InetAddress a, HTTPRequestHeader h)
            throws InvalidPasswordException {
        throw new RuntimeException("newSession invalid call");

    public AdminSession newAdminSession(InetAddress a, HTTPRequestHeader h)
            throws InvalidPasswordException {
        throw new RuntimeException("newAdminSession invalid call");

    public HTTPSession getSession(
            String sessionid, InetAddress a, HTTPRequestHeader h)
            throws InvalidPasswordException {
        throw new RuntimeException("getSession invalid call");

    public Enumeration getServers() {
        return new Enumeration() {
            public boolean hasMoreElements() {
                return false;

            public Object nextElement() {
                return null;

    public String toString() {
        return "Server: " + srvlt_config.getServletContext().getServerInfo()
            + "\nMount Point: " + getBasePath() + '\n'  + getServletInfo();

    public Object getServer(String ID) {
        return null;

    public void reinitServer(String ID) {

    public static String getVersion() {
        return "WebMail/Java Servlet v" + VERSION;

Related Classes of net.wastl.webmail.server.WebMailServlet

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