package simtools.ui;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
public class DoubleValueMapper extends GenericMapper {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6584365544886433242L;
public static ResourceBundle resources = ResourceFinder.get(DoubleValueMapper.class);
protected int doubleIndex = 0;
/** The text mappers are application global */
public static Vector doubleValueMappers;
doubleValueMappers = new Vector();
public DoubleValueMapper() {
* @param name
public DoubleValueMapper(String name) {
* If the mapper already exists in the list, update its values
* Otherwise add it to the list of existing mappers
* @param m, the mapper to update
* @return
public static DoubleValueMapper updateDoubleValueMapper(DoubleValueMapper m) {
DoubleValueMapper ret = DoubleValueMapper.getDoubleMapper(m.toString());
if (ret ==null){
ret = m;
return ret;
* Method <b>getDoubleMapper<\b> returns mapper linked to specified name
* return null if no mapper were found
* @param name
* @return
public static DoubleValueMapper getDoubleMapper(String id) {
if (doubleValueMappers != null) {
for (Iterator it = doubleValueMappers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
DoubleValueMapper sm = (DoubleValueMapper);
if ((sm.toString()!=null) && (sm.toString().equals(id)))
return sm;
return null;
* Realizes the mapping, and returns a Double object for this data source and index
* @param ds The data source to map
* @param index The index in the data source (may be used, or not)
* @return a Double object
public Double getDouble(DataSource ds, long index) {
return (Double)getMapping(ds,index);
public Double getDouble(DataSource ds) {
return (Double)getMapping(ds);
public Double getDouble(Object value) {
return (Double)getMapping(value);
public void setDefaultDouble(Double defaultValue) {
public Double getDefaultDouble() {
return (Double)super.getDefaultValue();
/** Associate a Double with a value */
public void setDouble(Object value, Double doublevalue) {
/** Associate a string with a double value interval (bounds included) */
public void setDouble(double minvalue, double maxvalue, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(minvalue, true, maxvalue, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a double value interval. Interval bounds are specified */
public void setDouble(double minvalue, boolean boundedMin, double maxvalue, boolean boundedMax, Double doublevalue) {
/** Associate a string with a double value infinite range (bound included).
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, double value, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a double value infinite range.
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, double value, boolean boundIncluded, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, boundIncluded, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a long value interval (bounds included) */
public void setDouble(long minvalue, long maxvalue, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(minvalue, true, maxvalue, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a long value interval. Interval bounds are specified */
public void setDouble(long minvalue, boolean boundedMin, long maxvalue, boolean boundedMax, Double doublevalue) {
/** Associate a string with a long value infinite range (bound included).
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, long value, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a long value infinite range.
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, long value, boolean boundIncluded, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, boundIncluded, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a String value interval (bounds included) */
public void setDouble(String minvalue, String maxvalue, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(minvalue, true, maxvalue, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a String value interval. Interval bounds are specified */
public void setDouble(String minvalue, boolean boundedMin, String maxvalue, boolean boundedMax, Double doublevalue) {
/** Associate a string with a String value infinite range (bound included).
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, String value, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, true, doublevalue);
/** Associate a string with a String value infinite range.
* @param isMore if true, the interval is x >= value, else it is x <= value
public void setDouble(boolean isMore, String value, boolean boundIncluded, Double doublevalue) {
setMapping(isMore, value, boundIncluded, doublevalue);
public MapperTableModel createModel() {
return new DoubleValueMapperTableModel();
protected class DoubleValueMapperTableModel extends MapperTableModel {
public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
if (c==1) return Double.class;
return super.getColumnClass(c);
public String getColumnName(int col) {
if (col==1) return resources.getString("Value");
return super.getColumnName(col);
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
if (col==1) return true;
return super.isCellEditable(row, col);
protected Object createNewValue() {
return new Double(doubleIndex++);
public static DoubleValueMapper createDoubleValueMapperDialog(JDialog owner) {
DoubleValueMapper cm = new DoubleValueMapper();
return cm;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// GenericMapper cm = new GenericMapper();
DoubleValueMapper cm = new DoubleValueMapper();
cm.setMapping(new Long(3),new Double(1));
cm.setMapping(new Long(4),new Double(2));
cm.setMapping(5,10,new Double(3));
cm.setMapping(8,20,new Double(1));
cm.setMapping(-18,7,new Double(5));
cm.editDialog(new JDialog());