/* ========================
* JSynoptic : a free Synoptic editor
* ========================
* Project Info: http://jsynoptic.sourceforge.net/index.html
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* (C) Copyright 2001-2006, by :
* Corporate:
* EADS Astrium SAS
* Individual:
* Claude Cazenave
* $Id$
* Changes
* -------
* 1 avr. 2006 : Initial public release (CC);
package jsynoptic.builtin;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit;
import jsynoptic.builtin.ui.DateTimePanel;
import jsynoptic.builtin.ui.TimePlotPropertiesPanel;
import jsynoptic.ui.JSynoptic;
import simtools.shapes.AxisLabelFormatter;
import simtools.shapes.LabelShape;
import simtools.shapes.CurveShape.CurvePoint;
import simtools.ui.JPropertiesPanel;
import simtools.ui.PlotInformationDialog;
import simtools.ui.TimePlotStatisticsDialog;
public class TimePlot extends Plot {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1523083151199597764L;
protected LabelShape _dateTime;
protected LabelShape _sdateTime;
protected Font _dateTimeFont;
protected transient SimpleDateFormat datePart1;
protected transient SimpleDateFormat datePart2;
public TimePlot(int ox, int oy, int width, int height) {
super(ox, oy, width, height);
setTimeFormat(_asx1.getMin(), _asx1.getMax(), _asx1.getStep(), false);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see simtools.shapes.PlotShape#set(double, double, double, boolean, boolean)
public void set(double min, double max, double step, boolean onX, boolean secondary){
super.set(min, max, step, onX, secondary);
setTimeFormat(min, max, step, secondary);
protected void setTimeFormat(double min, double max, double step, boolean secondary) {
if(secondary && _asx2!=null) {
SimpleDateFormat dateRef=computeFormat(min,max,secondary);
setDateTime(dateRef.format(new Double(min)),secondary);
} else if(!secondary && _asx1!=null){
SimpleDateFormat dateRef=computeFormat(min,max,secondary);
setDateTime(dateRef.format(new Double(min)),secondary);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jsynoptic.builtin.Plot#createPanel()
public JPropertiesPanel createPanel() {
int curvesSize = ((primaryCurves!=null ? primaryCurves.size() : 0) + (secondaryCurves!=null ? secondaryCurves.size() : 0));
return new TimePlotPropertiesPanel(curvesSize, Builtin.resources.getString("TimePlot"));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see simtools.shapes.AbstractShape#getShapeName()
public String getShapeName(){
return Builtin.resources.getString("TimePlot");
* Take into account additional elements in bounds
* computation for the secondary x axis
* @param ret the rectangle with bounds to update
protected void secondaryAxisBoundComputation(Rectangle ret){
// nothing to do, this a hook for derived plots
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see simtools.shapes.PlotShape#drawLegendAndGetBounds(java.awt.Graphics2D, java.awt.Rectangle)
protected Rectangle drawLegendAndGetBounds(Graphics2D g2,
Rectangle reference) {
int xpos = reference.x;
int ypos = reference.y+reference.height;
Rectangle ret=new Rectangle(xpos,ypos,0,0);
Rectangle r;
Rectangle ref2 = new Rectangle(reference);
if(_dateTime != null) {
_dateTime.setAnchor(xpos, ypos);
if(g2!=null) _dateTime.draw(g2);
if(_sdateTime != null) {
// take into account specific layout/bound computation
// from derived classes
if(g2!=null) _sdateTime.draw(g2);
Rectangle b2 = super.drawLegendAndGetBounds(g2, ref2);
return b2;
public boolean doAction(double x, double y, Object o, String action, CompoundEdit undoableEdit) {
if (action.equals(resources.getStringValue("information"))){
// Display plot information
PlotInformationDialog di = new TimePlotStatisticsDialog(this);
JDialog jd = di.createDialog(JSynoptic.gui.getOwner());
if (jd!=null) jd.show();
return true;
} else {
return super.doAction(x,y,o,action, undoableEdit);
* Set date and time on the plot
* @param s : the string of the DateTime
* @param secondary : true -> secondary date time
* false-> primary date time
public void setDateTime(String s, boolean secondary) {
if ((s==null) || s.trim().equals("")) {
if (_dateTime!=null) {
if (_sdateTime!=null) {
} else {
if (_dateTime==null) {
_dateTime=new LabelShape(s,0,0,LabelShape.RIGHTDOWN,false);
else {
// centered, update pos
if (_sdateTime==null) {
_sdateTime=new LabelShape(s,0,0,LabelShape.RIGHTDOWN,false);
else {
// centered, update pos
public void setDateTimeFont(Font f){
if (f!=_dateTimeFont) {
public SimpleDateFormat computeFormat(double min, double max, boolean secondary){
// Compute the grain
Date tsMin = new Date(new Double(min).longValue());
Date tsMax = new Date(new Double(max).longValue());
int posEndRef[] = new int[1];
posEndRef[0] = 0;
SimpleDateFormat dateRef = DateTimePanel.getDateRefFormat(tsMin, tsMax, posEndRef);
datePart2 = DateTimePanel.getDatePartFormat(tsMin, tsMax, axesLimitsArray[SX].step, posEndRef[0]);
datePart1 = DateTimePanel.getDatePartFormat(tsMin, tsMax, axesLimitsArray[PX].step, posEndRef[0]);
return dateRef;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jsynoptic.builtin.Plot#displayCursorLocation(double, double)
public void displayCursorLocation(double x, double y) {
String msg = "";
if (_magnetizedCurve!=null){
msg += _magnetizedCurve.getLabel();
double pos_x = _magnetizedCurve.shape.getCurrentPoint().x;
// TODO r�gler le pb d'afficher les fractions de milliseondes si besoin
// ex : + "." + (new Double(pos_x-(long)pos_x).toString()).substring(2).substring(0,3)
msg += " x = " + datePart1.format(new Date((long)pos_x));
msg += " y = " + _magnetizedCurve.shape.getCurrentPoint().y;
// Display the slope
msg += "--- Slope : ";
msg += " x = " + _magnetizedCurve.shape.getCurrentPoint().slop_x + " ms";
msg += " y = " + _magnetizedCurve.shape.getCurrentPoint().slop_y;
// Display the delta
CurvePoint refPoint = _magnetizedCurve.shape.getReferencePoint();
if (refPoint != null){
msg += " --- Delta from tagged point : ";
msg += " x = " + (pos_x - refPoint.x) + " ms";
msg += ", y = " + (_magnetizedCurve.shape.getCurrentPoint().y - refPoint.y);
if (_asx1!=null) {
if (axesLimitsArray[PX].label!=null) msg += axesLimitsArray[PX].label;
else msg+= "x";
if (datePart1 == null) {
computeFormat(axesLimitsArray[PX].min, axesLimitsArray[PX].max,
msg += "="+ datePart1.format(new Date(
(long) (_asx1.getMin() + (x - _ox)
/ _asx1.getScale())));
if (_asy1!=null) {
if (!msg.equals("")) msg+=" ";
if (axesLimitsArray[PY].label!=null) msg += axesLimitsArray[PY].label;
else msg+= "y";
msg += "=" + AxisLabelFormatter.labelFormat(_asy1.getMin() + (_oy - y) / _asy1.getScale());
if (_asx2!=null) {
if (!msg.equals("")) msg+=" ";
if (axesLimitsArray[SX].label!=null) msg += axesLimitsArray[SX].label;
else msg+= "x'";
computeFormat(axesLimitsArray[SX].min, axesLimitsArray[SX].max,
msg += "="+ datePart2.format(new Date(
(long) (_asx2.getMin() + (x - _ox)
/ _asx2.getScale())));
if (_asy2!=null) {
if (!msg.equals("")) msg+=" ";
if (axesLimitsArray[SY].label!=null) msg += axesLimitsArray[SY].label;
else msg+= "y'";
msg += "=" + AxisLabelFormatter.labelFormat(_asy2.getMin() + (_oy - y) / _asy2.getScale());
if (!msg.equals("")) JSynoptic.setStatus(msg);