Package jscicalc.complex

Source Code of jscicalc.complex.Test

* @file
* Copyright (C) 2007 John D Lamb (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package jscicalc.complex;
import jscicalc.Base;
import jscicalc.Notation;
import jscicalc.AngleType;
import jscicalc.Parser;
import jscicalc.pobject.*;

* This class is only used to test formatting.
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.8 $
public class Test {
     * Call this function to process a test file. The file should be called
     * <code>test.jsc</code>, located in the build directory and the function
     * called as <code>java jscicalc/complex/Test</code>.
     * The function reads a number of numbers, together with a base, denoted
     * <code>Bin</code>, <code>Oct</code>, <code>Hex</code> or nothing for
     * binary, octal, hexadecimal or decimal formats. All eight possible combinations
     * of notation are tested for the number and for each both input/internal and
     * input/output checks are done.
     * @param args Standard argument: not used
    public static void main( String[] args ){
  angleType = AngleType.RADIANS; file = new "test.jsc" ); inputStream;
  try {
      inputStream = new file );
  } catch( e ){
      System.out.println( "File not found" );
  } reader = new inputStream ); lines = new reader );
  try {
      int tests = 0;
      int successes = 0;
      int reasonables = 0;
      for( String line = lines.readLine(); line != null; line = lines.readLine() ){
    java.util.regex.Matcher m = octothorp.matcher( line );
    if( m.find() ){
        System.out.println( m.replaceAll( "" ) );
    Base b = Base.DECIMAL;
    m = hex.matcher( line );
    if( m.find() ){
        line = m.replaceAll( "" );
        b = Base.HEXADECIMAL;
    m = oct.matcher( line );
    if( m.find() ){
        line = m.replaceAll( "" );
        b = Base.OCTAL;
    m = bin.matcher( line );
    if( m.find() ){
        line = m.replaceAll( "" );
        b = Base.BINARY;
    m = calc.matcher( line );
    if( !m.find() ){
        String expressionString = line;
        Object o = parse( expressionString, b );
        if( o instanceof Complex ){
      Notation n = new Notation();
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
      if( checkNumber( expressionString, (Complex)o, n, b ) )
        } else {
      System.out.print( "Failed on: " );
      System.out.println( line );
    } else {
        String expressionString =;
        String resultString = m.replaceAll( "" );
        m = comma.matcher( expressionString );
        expressionString = m.replaceAll( "" );
        Object o1 = parse2( expressionString, b );
        Object o2 = parse( resultString, b );
        System.out.println( expressionString );
        if( o1 instanceof Complex && o2 instanceof Complex ){
      Complex z1 = (Complex)o1;
      Complex z2 = (Complex)o2;
      if( testRelative( z1.real(), z2.real(), 10 * DBL_EPSILON ) &&
          testRelative( z1.imaginary(), z2.imaginary(),
            10 * DBL_EPSILON ) ){
//           double d1 = z1.real() - z2.real();
//           double d2 = z1.imaginary() - z2.imaginary();
//           System.out.print( d1 );
//           System.out.print( " " );
//           System.out.println( d2 );
      } else {
          double d1 = StrictMath.abs( z1.real()
                  - z2.real() );
          double d2 = StrictMath.abs( z1.imaginary()
                  - z2.imaginary() );
          System.out.print( "real 1: " );
          System.out.println( z1.real() );
          System.out.print( "real 2: " );
          System.out.println( z2.real() );
          System.out.print( "imaginary 1: " );
          System.out.println( z1.imaginary() );
          System.out.print( "imaginary 2: " );
          System.out.println( z2.imaginary() );
          if( d1 / z2.abs() <= 10 * DBL_EPSILON &&
        d2 / z2.abs() <= 10 * DBL_EPSILON ){
          } else {
//           System.out.print( d1 );
//           System.out.print( " " );
//           System.out.println( d2 );
        System.out.print( "Failed on: " );
        System.out.println( line );
        } else {
      System.out.print( "Failed on: " );
      System.out.println( line );
      System.out.print( successes );
      System.out.print( " successes and " );
      System.out.print( reasonables );
      System.out.print( " good results compared to magnitude of result " );
      System.out.print( "(total " );
      System.out.print( successes + reasonables );
      System.out.print( ") in " );
      System.out.print( tests );
      System.out.println( " tests." );
  } catch( e ){
      System.out.println( "I/O Exception" );
     * Used to try to create a Complex from a String expression. Used internally. A base
     * is needed to be sure the expression is interpreted correctly.
     * @param expressionString The expression
     * @param b The Base
     * @return An Object, hopefully a Complex
    private static Object parse( String expressionString, Base b ){
  //System.out.println( expressionString );
  parser.clearExpression(); // just in case
  parser.base( b );
      for( Character c : expressionString.toCharArray() ){
    switch( c ){
        case '+':
      parser.add( new Add() );
        case '-':
      parser.add( new Subtract() );
        case 'e':
      parser.add( new E() );
        case 'i':
      parser.add( new I() );
      parser.add( new Numeral( c ) );
      return parser.evaluate( angleType );

     * Used to try to create a Complex from a String expression. Used internally. A base
     * is needed to be sure the expression is interpreted correctly.
     * @param expressionString The expression
     * @param b The Base
     * @return An Object, hopefully a Complex
    private static Object parse2( String expressionString, Base b ){
  //System.out.println( expressionString );
  parser.clearExpression(); // just in case
  parser.base( b );
  String[] elements = expressionString.split( " " );
  for( String s : elements ){
      if( s.equals( "sqrt" ) )
    parser.add( new SquareRoot() );
      else if( s.equals( "log" ) )
    parser.add( new Ln() );
      else if( s.equals( "log10" ) )
    parser.add( new Log() );
      else if( s.equals( "exp" ) )
    parser.add( new Exp() );
      else if( s.equals( "sin" ) )
    parser.add( new Sin( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "cos" ) )
    parser.add( new Cos( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "tan" ) )
    parser.add( new Tan( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "asin" ) )
    parser.add( new ASin( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "acos" ) )
    parser.add( new ACos( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "atan" ) )
    parser.add( new ATan( angleType ) );
      else if( s.equals( "(" ) )
    parser.add( new LParen() );
      else if( s.equals( ")" ) )
    parser.add( new RParen() );
      else if( s.equals( "inverse" ) )
    parser.add( new Inverse() );
      else if( s.equals( "square" ) )
    parser.add( new Square() );
      else if( s.equals( "cube" ) )
    parser.add( new Cube() );
      else if( s.equals( "cuberoot" ) )
    parser.add( new CubeRoot() );
      else if( s.equals( "power" ) )
    parser.add( new Power() );
      else if( s.equals( "root" ) )
    parser.add( new Root() );
      else if( s.equals( "conjugate" ) )
    parser.add( new Conjugate() );
      else if( s.equals( "add" ) )
    parser.add( new Add() );
      else if( s.equals( "subtract" ) )
    parser.add( new Subtract() );
      else if( s.equals( "multiply" ) )
    parser.add( new Multiply() );
      else if( s.equals( "divide" ) )
    parser.add( new Divide() );
    for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
        switch( c ){
      case '+':
          parser.add( new Add() );
      case '-':
          parser.add( new Subtract() );
      case 'e':
          parser.add( new E() );
      case 'i':
          parser.add( new I() );
          parser.add( new Numeral( c ) );
  return parser.evaluate( angleType );
     * Compare expression and result strings. This is done in two phases. First, the
     * expression is compared with an internal representation to make sure that the
     * calculator is storing the value accurately. Second the expression is compared
     * with a calculator output to make sure that the output matches the input.
     * @param expression the expression string
     * @param z The input result
     * @param n The Notation
     * @param base The Base
     * @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as the expression matches
     * internal representation and result.
    private static boolean
    checkNumber( String expression, Complex z, Notation n, Base base ){
  // Print compact details of what is being tested
  if( n.standard() ) System.out.print( "St" );
  else System.out.print( "Sc" );
  if( n.rectangular() ) System.out.print( "R" );
  else System.out.print( "P" );
  if( n.complex() ) System.out.print( "C" );
  else System.out.print( "N" );
  System.out.print( ": " );
  // convert z to string in base.
  String s = z.toHTMLString( 20, 10, base, n, 1 );
  s = html.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" ); //dump html
  s = minus.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "-" ); //Change - sign
  s = sup.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" ); //dump </sup>
  if( n.polar() ){
      s = esymbol.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "+" ); // change e^x to + x;
      s = plus.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" ); // remove leading + sign
  s = decexp.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "e" ); //Change x 10
  if( overflow.matcher( s ).matches() ){
      System.out.println( "overflow" );
      return true;
  ////System.out.println( s );
  String re = new String( "0" );
  if( n.polar() ) re = new String( "1" );
  String im = new String( "0" );
  // find imaginary part (or argument)
  java.util.regex.Matcher m = deci.matcher( s );
  if( m.find() && > 0 ){
      im =;
      s = m.replaceAll( "" );
      // get rid of i
      im = J.matcher( im ).replaceAll( "" );
  im = plus.matcher( im ).replaceAll( "" ); //dump leading + sign
  s = plus2.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" ); // remove trailing + sign
  // find real part
  m = dec.matcher( s );
  if( m.matches() && s.length() > 0 ){
      re = s;
  ////System.out.println( "{"+re+";"+im+"}" );
  // re, im now contain strings -- convert to doubles
  Pair aP = parseGeneral( re, getRadix( base ), getRadix2( base ) );
  Pair bP = parseGeneral( im, getRadix( base ), getRadix2( base ) );
  int sigDigitsRe = sigDigits( re );
  int sigDigitsIm = sigDigits( im );
  double a = aP.value;
  double b = bP.value;
  ////System.out.println( "{"+Double.toString( a )+":"+Double.toString( b )+"}" );
  // find dre
  boolean dre = n.rectangular() ?
      compare( Math.abs( z.real() ),
         Math.abs( a ), 0, sigDigitsRe,
         getRadix( base ) ) :
      compare( Math.abs( z.abs() ),
         Math.abs( a ), 0, sigDigitsRe,
         getRadix( base ) );
  // find dim
  boolean dim = false; {
      double small = 0;
      double p = 0;
      if( n.rectangular() ){
    p = Math.abs( z.imaginary() );
    if( n.nonComplex() && p <= Complex.smallImaginary )
        small = Complex.smallImaginary;
      } else { //polar
    p = Math.abs( z.arg() );
    if( n.nonComplex() && p <= Complex.smallImaginary )
        small = Complex.smallImaginary;
      ////System.out.print( "now {" );
      ////System.out.print( z.imaginary() );
      ////System.out.print( ", " );
      ////System.out.print( p );
      ////System.out.print( ", " );
      ////System.out.print( Math.abs( b ) );
      ////System.out.print( ", " );
      ////System.out.print( small );
      ////System.out.println( "}" );
      dim = compare( p, Math.abs( b ), small, sigDigitsIm,
         getRadix( base ) );
      ////System.out.println( "done" );
  boolean result = true;
  if( !dre || !dim ){
      System.out.print( "failed (internal--output): " );
      result = false;
  // z HTML string matches sucessfully
  if( n.rectangular() ){
      // second test input--output
      re = new String( "0" );
      im = new String( "0" );
      // find imaginary part
      s = expression;
      m = deci.matcher( s );
      if( m.find() && > 0 ){
    im =;
    s = m.replaceAll( "" );
    // get rid of i
    im = J.matcher( im ).replaceAll( "" );
    // im might now be just "" or just "-";
    if( minus2.matcher( im ).matches() )
        im = "-1";
    else if( empty.matcher( im ).matches() )
        im = "1";
    else if( plus.matcher( im ).matches() )
        im = "1";
      im = plus.matcher( im ).replaceAll( "" ); //dump leading + sign
      s = plus2.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" ); // remove trailing + sign
      // find real part
      m = dec.matcher( s );
      if( m.matches() && s.length() > 0 ){
    re = s;
      re = plus.matcher( re ).replaceAll( "" ); //dump leading + sign
      ////System.out.println( "["+re+";"+im+"]" );
      // re, im now contain strings -- convert to doubles
      aP = parseGeneral( re, getRadix( base ), getRadix( base ) );
      bP = parseGeneral( im, getRadix( base ), getRadix( base ) );
      if( sigDigits( re ) < sigDigitsRe ) sigDigitsRe = sigDigits( re );
      if( sigDigits( im ) < sigDigitsIm ) sigDigitsIm = sigDigits( im );
      double c = aP.value;
      double d = bP.value;
      // find dre
      ////System.out.println( "DRE" );
      dre = compare( Math.abs( c ),
         Math.abs( a ), 0, sigDigitsRe,
         getRadix( base ) );
      ////System.out.println( "DRE done" );
      // find dim
      dim = false; {
    double p = Math.abs( d );
    double small = 0;
    if( n.nonComplex() && p <= Complex.smallImaginary )
        small = Complex.smallImaginary;
    ////System.out.println( "DIM" );
    ////System.out.print( "dim {" );
    ////System.out.print( p );
    ////System.out.print( ", " );
    ////System.out.print( Math.abs( b ) );
    ////System.out.print( ", " );
    ////System.out.print( small );
    ////System.out.println( "}" );
    dim = compare( p, Math.abs( b ), small, sigDigitsIm,
             getRadix( base ) );
    ////System.out.println( "DIM done" );
      if( !dre || !dim ){
    System.out.print( "failed (input--output): " );
    result = false;
  // Now test z against input string
  System.out.print( expression );
  System.out.print( " == " );
  System.out.print( a );
  System.out.print( "+" );
  System.out.print( b );
  System.out.println( "i" );
  return result;

     * Find the number of significant digits in the number.
     * @param number A string representation (including e )
     * @return The number of significant digits
    private static int sigDigits( String number ){
  String s = end.matcher( number ).replaceAll( "" );
  s = trailingzero.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" );
  s = begin.matcher( s ).replaceAll( "" );
  java.util.regex.Matcher m = digit.matcher( s );
  int count = 0;
  while( m.find() ) ++count;
  if( count > 10 ) count = 10;
  return count;

     * Parses an integer. The base to use is given by radix and e is used to
     * handle exponents.
     * @param s The integer as a string
     * @param radix Used for the base
     * @param e Used for exponent
     * @return A number and its number of significant digits
     * @see parseGeneral()
    public static Pair parseStandard( String s, int radix, int e ){
  java.util.regex.Matcher m = basepoint.matcher( s );
  int place = 0;
  boolean flag = m.find();
  if( flag ){
      place = m.start();
      s = m.replaceAll( "" );
  double value = 0;
  int length = -1;
  for( boolean parsed = false; parsed == false; )
      try {
    value = (double)(Long.parseLong( s, radix ) );
    length = s.length() - (value < 0 ? 1 : 0);
    parsed = true;
      } catch( NumberFormatException exception ) {
    if( flag && place == s.length() ) flag = false;
    s = s.substring( 0, s.length() - 1 );
    if( !flag ) ++e;
  place -= (value < 0 ? 1 : 0);
  if( !flag ) place = length;
  value *= StrictMath.pow( radix, place - length );
  value *= StrictMath.pow( radix, e );
  return new Pair( length, value );

     * Parses a number. The base to use is given by radix.
     * @param s The integer as a string
     * @param radix Used for the base
     * @param radix2 Used for the base
     * @return A number and its number of significant digits
    public static Pair parseGeneral( String s, int radix, int radix2 ){
  java.util.regex.Matcher m = exponent2.matcher( s );
  int e = 0;
  if( m.find() ){
      String t =;
      s = m.replaceAll( "" );
      t = esymbol2.matcher( t ).replaceAll( "" );
      t = plus.matcher( t ).replaceAll( "" );
      e = (int)(Long.parseLong( t, radix2 ));
  if( minus2.matcher( s ).matches() )
      s = "-1";
  else if( empty.matcher( s ).matches() )
      s = "1";
  else if( plus.matcher( s ).matches() )
      s = "1";
  return parseStandard( s, radix, e );

     * Local class used by parseGeneral().
    private static class Pair {
   * Constructor
   * @param length The length of the number represented.
   * @param value The value of the number represented.
  public Pair( int length, double value ){
      this.length = length;
      this.value = value;
   * The length of the number represented.
  public int length;
   * The value of the number represented.
  public double value;

     * Used to convert Base to corresponding int.
     * @param b A Base
     * @return The base as an integer: 2, 8, 10 or 16.
    private static int getRadix( Base b ){
  switch( b ){
      case BINARY:
    return 2;
      case OCTAL:
    return 8;
      case DECIMAL:
    return 10;
    return 16;

     * Used to convert Base to corresponding int. Differs from getRadix() by returning
     * 10 if b is Base.Binary. Hence appropriate for evaluating output strings.
     * @param b A Base
     * @return The base as an integer: 8, 10 or 16.
    private static int getRadix2( Base b ){
  if( b == Base.BINARY ) return 10;
  else return getRadix( b );

     * The main comparison function. This compares a number with an approximation
     * to it. The comparison considers numbers to sigDigits significat digits in the
     * approximation, but also allows the absolute difference between two numbers to
     * be considered and if the difference exceeds absolute, the numbers are considered
     * the same.
     * @param number The number
     * @param rounded An approximation to the number
     * @param absolute The allowable absolute difference between the number and
     * approximation.
     * @param sigDigits The number of digits that should match
     * @param base The base: 2, 8, 10 or 16
     * @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as the numbers match or not
    private static boolean compare( double number, double rounded, double absolute,
            int sigDigits, int base ){
  double difference = Math.abs( number - rounded );
  if( difference < absolute ) return true;
  if( difference == 0 ) return true;
  // convert both number and difference
  double n = Math.abs( number );
  while( difference > base / 2 ){
      difference /= base;
      n /= base;
  while( difference <= 0.5 ){
      difference *= base;
      n *= base;
  int digits;
  for( digits = 0; n > 1; ++digits )
      n /= base;
  ////System.out.println( "Number = " + Double.toString( number ) );
  ////System.out.println( "Rounded = " + Double.toString( rounded ) );
  ////System.out.println( "sig digits = " + Integer.toString( sigDigits ) );
  ////System.out.println( "digits = " + Integer.toString( digits ) );
  return digits >= sigDigits;

     * Test if result matches expected accurately. Based on functions in the GNU
     * scientific library.
     * @param result The result of a calculation
     * @param expected The expected result
     * @param relative_error The relative error in the calculation
     * @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as result matches
     * expected
    private static boolean testRelative( double result, double expected,
           double relative_error ){
  if( Double.isNaN( result ) )
      return Double.isNaN( expected );
  else if( Double.isInfinite( expected ) )
      return result == expected;
  else if( expected != 0 ){
      if( StrictMath.abs( result - expected )
    / StrictMath.abs( expected ) <= relative_error ){
    return true;
      } else {
    System.out.print( "Relative error = " );
    System.out.print( StrictMath.abs( result - expected )
            / StrictMath.abs( expected ) );
    System.out.print( " " );
    return false;
  } else {
      if( StrictMath.abs( result ) <= relative_error ){
    return true;
      } else {
    System.out.print( "Absolute error = " );
    System.out.print( StrictMath.abs( result ) );
    System.out.print( " " );
    return false;
     * Used for relative errors.
    static final double DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-16;

     * Not used
    private final static java.util.EnumSet<Base> bases
    = java.util.EnumSet.of( Base.BINARY, Base.OCTAL, Base.DECIMAL, Base.HEXADECIMAL );

     * The number e
    private final static double e = Math.exp( 1 );
     * Could be used for angles.
    private final static double p = 1.0 / 180;
     * A Parser. Used to evaluate expressions: hence automatic testing.
    private static Parser parser = new Parser();
     * Leading plus sign
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern plus
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^\\+" );
     * Trailing plus sign
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern plus2
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "\\+$" );
     * HTML minus sign
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern minus
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "&#8722;" );
     * Java minus sign
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern minus2
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "-" );
     * Nothing
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern empty
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "" );
     * The number i
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern J
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "i" );
     * Start or end html
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern html
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "</?html>" );
     * Polar representation start of exponent.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern esymbol
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "e<sup>" );
     * Scientific representation start of exponent.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern decexp
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "<sup>" );
     * End of exponent.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern sup
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "</sup>" );
     * A number (originally decimal but now any)
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern dec
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "[+-]?[0-9A-F]*\\.?[0-9A-F]*(e[+-]?[0-9A-F]+)?" );
     * A number (originally decimal but now any) follwoed by i
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern deci = java.util.regex.Pattern
    .compile( "[+-]?[0-9A-F]*\\.?[0-9A-F]*(e[+-]?[0-9A-F]+)?i" );
     * Start of number smaller than 1 in size.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern begin
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "[+-]?0?\\.0*" );
     * End of number
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern end
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "e[+-]?[0-9A-F]+" );
     * Trailing zero
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern trailingzero
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "0*$" );
     * Any digit
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern digit
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "[0-9A-F]" );
     * Octothorp (hash): used for comments
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern octothorp
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^#" );
     * Used to identify if there is more than one expression on a line.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern calc
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^.*, " );
     * Used to identify comma.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern comma
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( ", $" );
     * Used to identify overflow (from Parser).
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern overflow
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^overflow$" );
     * The base point
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern basepoint
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "\\." );
     * The exponent symbol e
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern esymbol2
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "e" );
     * An exponent
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern exponent2
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "e[+-]?[0-9A-F]+" );
     * Start of hexadecimal expression.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern hex
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^Hex " );
     * Start of binary expression.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern bin
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^Bin " );
     * Start of octal expression.
    private static final java.util.regex.Pattern oct
    = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "^Oct " );
     * AngleType.
    private static AngleType angleType;

Related Classes of jscicalc.complex.Test

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