Package jscicalc.complex

Source Code of jscicalc.complex.Format$DoubleFormat

* @file
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008 John D Lamb (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package jscicalc.complex;
import jscicalc.Base;
import jscicalc.complex.Complex;

* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.5 $
public class Format {

     * Constructor. This takes a Complex z and a Base b.
     * @param z The complex number
     * @param b The base
    public Format( Complex z, Base b ){
  this.z = z;
  real = new DoubleFormat( z.real(), b );
  imaginary = new DoubleFormat( Math.abs( z.imaginary() ), b );
  abs = new DoubleFormat( z.abs(), b );
  argument = new DoubleFormat( z.arg(), b );
  imaginarySign = z.imaginary() < 0;
  realSign = z.real() < 0;
     * This is an enumerated type representing the possible
     * notations that we can use.
     * @author J. D. Lamb
     * @version 1.0
    public enum Notation {

     * Used to replace hyphens with true minus signs
     * @param s A String
     * @return The same String with hyphens replaced by minus signs
    private static String correctMinus( String s ){
  return s;

     * Method that creates a string (ideally in standard notation) representation
     * of a number to sigDigits significant digits. If maxLength is exceeded it
     * resorts to scientific notation.
     * @param base Base: mut be 2, 8, 10 or 16
     * @param sigDigits Desired number of significant digits
     * @param maxLength The maximum number of characters in the string produced
     * @param showComplex Set to true if you want to show imaginary part
     * even when smaller than smallImaginary.
     * @param rectangularComplex Set to true if you want complex numbers in
     * rectangular notation.
     * @return a string representation of d
    public String formatStandard( Base base, int sigDigits, int maxLength,
          boolean showComplex, boolean rectangularComplex ){
  if( rectangularComplex ){
      // Redo these just in case we've rounded them to nothing
      int rDigits = sigDigits;{
    int p = real.precision( 1000 );
    if( p < rDigits )
        rDigits = p;
      int iDigits = sigDigits;{
    int p = imaginary.precision( 1000 );
    if( p < iDigits )
        iDigits = p;
      real = new DoubleFormat( z.real(), base );
      real.round( rDigits );
      imaginary = new DoubleFormat( Math.abs( z.imaginary() ), base );
      imaginary.round( iDigits );
      if( showComplex ){
    // show complex part
    int ml = maxLength - 2;
    int il = ml / 2; // imaginary part length
    int rl = il; // real part length
    if( il + rl < ml && realSign ) ++rl;
    Notation ifm = Notation.STANDARD; // standard format
    if( imaginary.precision( il ) < iDigits ){
        if( imaginary.scientificPrecision( il ) < iDigits ){
      if( base == Base.BINARY )
          if( imaginary.scientificPrecision( il ) < iDigits ){
        ifm = Notation.NONE;
          } else {
        ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
          ifm = Notation.NONE; // not displayable.
        } else
      ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
    Notation rfm = Notation.STANDARD; // standard format
    //System.out.println( "real length = " + rl );
    //System.out.println( "real digits = " + rDigits );
    //System.out.println( "real precision = " + real.precision( rl ) );
    if( real.precision( rl ) < rDigits ){
        if( real.scientificPrecision( rl ) < rDigits ){
      if( base == Base.BINARY )
          if( real.scientificPrecision( rl ) < rDigits ){
        rfm = Notation.NONE;
          } else {
        rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
          rfm = Notation.NONE; // not displayable.
        } else
      rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
    // Now change these if need be.
    while( rfm == Notation.NONE || ifm == Notation.NONE ){
        if( rfm == Notation.NONE && ifm == Notation.NONE ){
      // both failed: reduce precision
      if( base == Base.BINARY ){
          if( imaginary.scientificBPrecision( il ) >= iDigits )
        ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
          if( real.scientificBPrecision( rl ) >= rDigits )
        rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
      } else {
          if( imaginary.scientificPrecision( il ) >= iDigits )
        ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
          if( real.scientificPrecision( rl ) >= rDigits )
        rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
        } else if( rfm == Notation.NONE ){
      // reduce length allocated to imaginary
      if( base == Base.BINARY ){
          while( imaginary.scientificBPrecision( il - 1 ) >= iDigits )
      } else {
          while( imaginary.scientificPrecision( il - 1 ) >= iDigits )
      if( rl + il < ml ){
          // try increasing length
          rl = ml - il;
          if( base == Base.BINARY ){
        if( real.scientificBPrecision( rl ) >= rDigits )
            rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
          } else {
        if( real.scientificPrecision( rl ) >= rDigits )
            rfm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
      } else {
          // try reducing precision of just one of the two
          if( iDigits == rDigits ){
          } else {
        } else { // ifm == Notation.NONE
      // reduce length allocated to real
      if( base == Base.BINARY ){
          while( real.scientificBPrecision( rl - 1 ) >= rDigits )
      } else {
          while( real.scientificPrecision( rl - 1 ) >= rDigits )
      if( rl + il < ml ){
          // try increasing length
          il = ml - rl;
          if( base == Base.BINARY ){
        if( imaginary.scientificBPrecision( il ) >= iDigits )
            ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFICB;
          } else {
        if( imaginary.scientificPrecision( il ) >= iDigits )
            ifm = Notation.SCIENTIFIC;
      } else {
          // try reducing precision of just one of the two
          if( iDigits == rDigits ){
           } else {
    } // end while loop
    // We can now produce the string as required
    real.round( rDigits );
    String realString = null;
    switch( rfm ){
        case STANDARD:
      realString = real.standard();
        case SCIENTIFIC:
      realString = real.scientific();
        case SCIENTIFICB:
      realString = real.scientificB();
      realString = "*";
    imaginary.round( iDigits );
    String imaginaryString = null;
    switch( ifm ){
        case STANDARD:
      imaginaryString = imaginary.standard();
        case SCIENTIFIC:
      imaginaryString = imaginary.scientific();
        case SCIENTIFICB:
      imaginaryString = imaginary.scientificB();
      imaginaryString = "*";
    /* deal with unusual case where imaginary string == 1 */
    if( z.imaginary() == 1 || z.imaginary() == -1 )
        imaginaryString = new String();
    if( imaginarySign ){
        return correctMinus( realString + "-" + imaginaryString + "i" );
    } else {
        return correctMinus( realString + "+" + imaginaryString + "i" );
      } else {
  } else {
      // Redo these just in caes we've rounded them to nothing
      abs = new DoubleFormat( z.abs(),base );
      abs.round( sigDigits );
      argument = new DoubleFormat( z.arg(), base );
      argument.round( sigDigits );
  return null;

     * A calculation (e.g. sin) might create a small imaginary part. If it is smaller
     * than this number in size AND showComplex == false, don&rsquo;t show it.
    private static final double SMALLIMAGINARY = 0.00005;

     * Test function
    public static void main( String[] args ){
  DoubleFormat d = new DoubleFormat( 54321.98760, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( 54321.98760 );
  for( int i = 16; i > 1; --i ){
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " precision: " + d.precision( i )  );
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " scientific precision: "
        + d.scientificPrecision( i )  );
  d = new DoubleFormat( -0.1298761, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( -0.1298761 );
  for( int i = 16; i > 1; --i ){
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " precision: " + d.precision( i )  );
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " scientific precision: "
        + d.scientificPrecision( i )  );
  d = new DoubleFormat( 0.000456, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( 0.000456 );
  for( int i = 16; i > 1; --i ){
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " precision: " + d.precision( i )  );
      System.out.println( "length: " + i + " scientific precision: "
        + d.scientificPrecision( i )  );
  Complex c = new Complex( 4, 5 );
  Format f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( "--------------------" );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 0, 1 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 0.002, -1 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( "--------------------" );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( -1, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( -12, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 5, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123456, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345678, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123456789, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567891.0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345678912.0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123456789123.0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567891234.0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345678912345.0, 0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234.0, -4321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234.0, -4321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345.0, -54321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123456.0, -654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567.0, -7654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 12345678.0, -87654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 123456789.0, -987654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 234567891.0, -1987654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567891.0, -987654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
  c = new Complex( 1234567891.0, -1987654321.0 );
  f = new Format( c, Base.DECIMAL );
  System.out.println( f.formatStandard( Base.DECIMAL, 9, 20, true, true ) );
     * This is where the number is stored
    private final Complex z;

     * The real part
    private DoubleFormat real;
     * The imaginary part
    private DoubleFormat imaginary;
     * The absoulte value
    private DoubleFormat abs;
     * The argument
    private DoubleFormat argument;
     * Sign of real part (true for negative)
    boolean realSign;
     * Sign of imaginary part (true for negative)
    boolean imaginarySign;

     * A private inner class that is similar in structure to ParseBase.Number.
     * It is used by Format to represent a double in a form from whch
     * the digits can be extracted as characters.
     * @see ParseBase.Number
    private static class DoubleFormat {
   * The constructor takes a double and a base
   * @param number The double we want to format
   * @param base The Base
  DoubleFormat( double number, Base base ){
      digits = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
      exponentDigits = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
      infinity = Double.isInfinite( number );
      NaN = Double.isNaN( number );
      zero = number == 0;
      switch( base ){
    case BINARY:
        this.base = 2;
        formatBin( number );
    case OCTAL:
        this.base = 8;
        formatOct( number );
        this.base = 16;
        formatHex( number );
        this.base = 10;
        formatDec( number );
   * Rounds to sigDigits significant digits. We round 0.5 (or 0.1, 0.4, 0.8)
   * up to nearest whole and get an aswer with sigDigits digits in it.
   * @param sigDigits The desired number of significant digits
  public void round( final int sigDigits ){
      if( sigDigits >= digits.size() ) return;
      // first pass rounding
      boolean carry = false;
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ){
    if( i > sigDigits )
        digits.removeElementAt( i );
    else if( i == sigDigits ){
        int digit = digits.elementAt( i );
        digits.removeElementAt( i );
        if( 2 * digit < base ) break;
    } else { // round
        int digit = digits.elementAt( i );
        digit = (digit + 1) % base;
        digits.setElementAt( digit, i );
        if( digit != 0 ) break;
        carry = i == 0;
      // may have to increase exponent
      if( carry ){
    // Rearrange digits
    digits.add( 0, 1 );
    digits.removeElementAt( sigDigits );
    if( exponentNegative ){
        for( int i = exponentDigits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ){
      int digit = exponentDigits.elementAt( i );
      digit = (digit - 1) % base;
      exponentDigits.setElementAt( digit, i );
      if( digit == 0 ) break;
      carry = i == 0;
        if( carry )
      exponentDigits.removeElementAt( 0 );
    } else
        for( int i = exponentDigits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ){
      int digit = exponentDigits.elementAt( i );
      digit = (digit + 1) % base;
      exponentDigits.setElementAt( digit, i );
      if( digit != 0 ) break;
      carry = i == 0;
        if( carry )
      exponentDigits.insertElementAt( 1, 0 );

   * The number of significant digits shown if the string representation is
   * compressed into the given length and shown in standard notation.
   * The function returns zero if the string cannot be compressed that much.
   * @param maxLength The desired maximum length
   * @return The number of significant digits that would result
  public int precision( int maxLength ){
      if( NaN )
    return maxLength > 2 ? 1 : 0;
      if( zero )
    return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return maxLength > 1 ? 1 : 0;
        return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      int length = digits.size(); // the actual number of significant digits
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      if( exponentNegative ){ // ignore trailing zeros
    // base point
    length += exponent + 1;
    if( negative ) ++length; // minus sign
    int result = digits.size() - (length - maxLength);
    if( result > digits.size() ) result = digits.size();
    if( result < 0 ) result = 0;
    return result;
      } else {
    if( length > exponent + 1 ){ // base point
        int basedigits = length - (exponent + 1);
        if( negative ) ++length; // minus sign
        if( length <= maxLength )
      return digits.size();
        else if( length - maxLength > basedigits + 1 )
      return 0; // can't be shrunk
        else if( length - maxLength == basedigits + 1 )
      return digits.size() - basedigits;
      return digits.size() - (length - maxLength);
    } else {
        length = exponent + 1;
        if( negative ) ++length; // minus sign
        if( length <= maxLength )
      return digits.size();
      return 0; // can't be shrunk.

   * The number of significant digits shown if the string representation is
   * compressed into the given length and shown in scientific notation.
   * The function returns zero if the string cannot be compressed that much.
   * @param maxLength The desired maximum length
   * @return The number of significant digits that would result
  public int scientificPrecision( int maxLength ){
      if( NaN )
    return maxLength > 2 ? 1 : 0;
      if( zero )
    return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return maxLength > 1 ? 1 : 0;
        return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      int z = digits.size();
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      int length = scientificLength();
      // z is number of significant digits
      //System.out.println( "maxLength: " + maxLength );
      //System.out.println( "length: " + length );
      //System.out.println( "z: " + z );
      if( maxLength >= length )
    return z;
      else if( length - maxLength < z - 1 )
    return z - (length - maxLength);
      else if( length - maxLength <= z )
    return 1;
    return 0;

   * The number of significant digits shown if the string representation is
   * compressed into the given length and shown in scientific (binary) notation.
   * The function returns zero if the string cannot be compressed that much.
   * @param maxLength The desired maximum length
   * @return The number of significant digits that would result
  public int scientificBPrecision( int maxLength ){
      if( NaN )
    return maxLength > 2 ? 1 : 0;
      if( zero )
    return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return maxLength > 1 ? 1 : 0;
        return maxLength > 0 ? 1 : 0;
      int z = digits.size();
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      int length = scientificBLength();
      // z is number of significant digits
      //System.out.println( "maxLength: " + maxLength );
      //System.out.println( "length: " + length );
      //System.out.println( "z: " + z );
      if( maxLength >= length )
    return z;
      else if( length - maxLength < z - 1 )
    return z - (length - maxLength);
      else if( length - maxLength <= z )
    return 1;
    return 0;

   * The length of string that would be produced in standard notation.
   * @return The length of the string that standard() would produce
  public int length(){
      if( NaN )
    return 3;
      if( zero )
    return 1;
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return 2;
        return 1;
      int length = digits.size();
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      if( exponentNegative ){ // ignore trailing zeros
    // base point
    length += exponent + 1;
      } else {
    if( length > exponent + 1 ) // base point
        length = exponent + 1;
      if( negative ) ++length;
      return length;

   * The length of string that would be produced in scientific notation.
   * @return The length of the string that scientific() would produce
  public int scientificLength(){
      if( NaN )
    return 3;
      if( zero )
    return 1;
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return 2;
        return 1;
      int length = 4; // . and x10
      if( negative )
      if( exponentNegative )
      int z = digits.size();
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      length += z; // significand digits
      if( z == 1 )
    --length; // no base point
      z = 0;
      for( int i = 0; i < exponentDigits.size()
         && exponentDigits.elementAt( i ) == 0; ++i )
      length += exponentDigits.size() - z;
      return length;

   * Calculate the number of digits in the exponent. This is used to help
   * decide when to use scientific notation.
   * @return The number of digits in the exponent
  public int exponentDigits(){
      int z = 0;
      for( int i = 0; i < exponentDigits.size()
         && exponentDigits.elementAt( i ) == 0; ++i )
      return exponentDigits.size() - z;

   * Produce a string representing the number without using
   * scientific notation. This can produce very long strings.
   * @return String representation of number without an exponent
  public String standard(){
      if( NaN )
    return "NaN";
      if( zero )
    return "0";
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return "-&#8734;";
        return "&#8734;";
      StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder();
      //System.out.println( "digits" );
      //System.out.println( digits );
      //System.out.println( negative ? "negative" : "nonnegative" );
      //System.out.println( exponentNegative ? "e negative" : "e nonnegative" );
      //System.out.println( "______" );
      int z = digits.size();
      if( z > 0 )
    for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      if( negative )
    stringBuffer.append( "-" );
      if( exponentNegative ){ // ignore trailing zeros
    //System.out.println( digits );
    //System.out.println( exponent );
    stringBuffer.append( "0." );
    for( int i = 0; i < exponent - 1; ++i )
        stringBuffer.append( "0" );
    for( int i = 0; i < z; ++i )
        stringBuffer.append( getDigit( digits.elementAt( i ) ) );
      } else {
    for( int i = 0; i < Math.max( exponent, digits.size() );
         ++i ){
        if( i >= Math.max( exponent + 1, z ) ) break;
        if( i == exponent + 1 )
      stringBuffer.append ( "." );
        if( i < digits.size() )
      stringBuffer.append( getDigit( digits.elementAt( i ) ) );
      stringBuffer.append( "0" );
      return stringBuffer.toString();

   * Produce a string representing the number using
   * scientific notation. All significant digits are used; so use round() to
   * shorten if necessary.
   * @return String representation of number with an exponent
  public String scientific(){
      if( NaN )
    return "NaN";
      if( zero )
    return "0&#215;10<sup>0</sup>";
      if( infinity )
    if( negative )
        return "-&#8734;";
        return "&#8734;";
      StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder();
      int z = digits.size();
      for( int i = digits.size() - 1; digits.elementAt( i ) == 0; --i )
      if( negative )
    stringBuffer.append( "-" );
      stringBuffer.append( getDigit( digits.elementAt( 0 ) ) );
      if( z > 1 )
    stringBuffer.append( "." );
      for( int i = 1; i < z; ++i )
    stringBuffer.append( getDigit( digits.elementAt( i ) ) );
      stringBuffer.append( "&#215;10<sup>" );
      if( exponent == 0 )
    stringBuffer.append( "0" );
      else {
    if( exponentNegative )
        stringBuffer.append( "-" );
    // strip leading zeros
    z = 0;
    for( int i = 0; exponentDigits.elementAt( i ) == 0; ++i )
    for( int i = z; i < exponentDigits.size(); ++i )
        stringBuffer.append( getDigit( exponentDigits.elementAt( i ) ) );
      stringBuffer.append( "</sup>" );
      return stringBuffer.toString();

   * Produce a string representing the binary number using
   * scientific notation. All significant digits are used; so use round() to
   * shorten if necessary. The exponent is rewritten as x2{decimal integer} if
   * number is binary
   * @return String representation of number with an exponent
  public String scientificB(){
      if( base != 2)
    return scientific();
      String s = scientific();
      String t = "";
      int i = 0;
      for( ; s.charAt( i ) != ';'; ++i ) // match multiplication sign
    t += s.charAt( i );
      t += ";2<sup>";
      ++i; // move to 1
      ++i; // move to 0
      ++i; // move to <
      ++i; // move to s
      ++i; // move to u
      ++i; // move to p
      ++i; // move to >
      if( s.charAt( ++i ) == '-' )
    ++i; // skip any minus sign
      int exp = 0; // record exponent
      for( ;s.charAt( i ) != '<'; ++i ){ // match end of exponent
    exp <<= 1;
    if( s.charAt( i ) == '1' ) exp |= 1;
      t += Integer.toString( exp );
      t += "</sup>";
      return t;
   * The length of string that would be produced in scientific notation,
   * changing a binary to 2x{decimal integer}
   * @return The length of the string that scientific() would produce
  public int scientificBLength(){
      if( base != 2)
    return scientificLength();
      int l = scientificLength();
      String s = scientific();
      int b = 0; //binary bits
      int i = 0;
      for( ; s.charAt( i ) != ';'; ++i ) // match multiplication sign
    ; // do nothing
      ++i; // move to 1
      ++i; // move to 0
      ++i; // move to <
      ++i; // move to s
      ++i; // move to u
      ++i; // move to p
      ++i; // move to >
      if( s.charAt( ++i ) == '-' )
    ++i; // skip any minus sign
      int exp = 0; // record exponent
      for( ;s.charAt( i ) != '<'; ++i ){ // match end of exponent
    ++b; // count the binary bits
    exp <<= 1;
    if( s.charAt( i ) == '1' ) exp |= 1;
      int d = (int)(Math
    .floor( Math.log10( exp ) )); // and the decimal digits
      return l - b + d - 1; // 10->2, binary->decimal

   * This method handles formatting decimals
   * @param number The double to format
  private void formatDec( double number ){
      // deal with infinities, zero and NaN
      if( Double.isNaN( number ) ){
    NaN = true;
      if( Double.isInfinite( number ) ){
    infinity = true;
    long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
    // get sign
    negative = (bits & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0;
      if( number == 0 ){
    zero = true;
      String s = Double.toString( number );
      //System.out.println( ": " + s );
      boolean readingSignificand = true;
      boolean readPoint = false;
      boolean firstDigitRead = false;
      int leadingDigits = 0;
      exponent = 0;
      exponentNegative = false;
      //System.out.println( number + (exponentNegative ? " -" : " +") );
      negative = false;
      //System.out.print( "> " );
      //System.out.println( s.toCharArray() );
      for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
    if( readingSignificand ){
        if( c == '-' )
      negative = true;
        else if( readPoint == false && c == '.' )
      readPoint = true;
        else if( c == 'E' )
      readingSignificand = false;
        else {
      int digit = getInt( c );
      if( firstDigitRead ){
          firstDigitRead = true;
          if( digit != 0 )
      } else {
          if( !readPoint )
      digits.add( digit );
    } else {
        if( c == '-' )
      exponentNegative = true;
        else {
      int digit = getInt( c );
      if( true || digit > 0 ){
          exponent *= 10;
          exponent += digit;
      exponent += leadingDigits - 1;
      for( Character c : Integer.toString( exponent )
         .toCharArray() )
    exponentDigits.add( getInt( c ) );
      //System.out.println( digits );
      //System.out.println( exponentDigits );

   * This method handles formatting hexadecimals
   * @param number The double to format
  private void formatHex( double number ){
      long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
      // get sign
      negative = (bits & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0;
      long exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
      long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
      exponent -= BIAS;
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
      exponentNegative = exponent < 0;
      if( exponentNegative )
    exponent = -exponent;
      //System.out.println( number );
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
    significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
      } else { // denormalised case
    //System.out.println( "denormalised" );
    significand <<= 1;
    if( significand != 0 )
        while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
      significand <<= 1;
      //System.out.print( "exponent: " );
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      while( exponent % 4 != 0 ){
    //System.out.print( "+" );
    //System.out.println( exponent );
    significand <<= 1;
    if( exponentNegative )
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      exponent >>>= 2;
      exponent = (int)exponent;
      //System.out.print( "exponent:- " );
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      for( int i = 0; i < 14; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(significand & 0xfL);
    digits.add( 0, digit );
    significand >>>= 4;
      for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(exponent & 0xfL);
    exponentDigits.add( 0, digit );
    exponent >>>= 4;
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      //System.out.println( digits );
      //System.out.println( exponent );
      //System.out.println( exponentDigits );
   * This method handles formatting octals
   * @param number The double to format
  private void formatOct( double number ){
      //System.out.println( number );
      long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
      // get sign
      negative = (bits & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0;
      long exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
      //System.out.print( exponent );
      //System.out.print( " " );
      long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
      exponent -= BIAS;
      boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
      exponentNegative = exponent < 0;
      if( exponentNegative )
    exponent = -exponent;
      if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
    significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
      } else { // denormalised case
    significand <<= 1;
    if( significand != 0 )
        while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
      significand <<= 1;
      //System.out.print( exponent );
      //System.out.print( " " );
      while( exponent % 3 != 0 ){
    //System.out.print( "+" );
    //System.out.println( exponent );
    significand <<= 1;
    if( exponentNegative )
      exponent /= 3;
      exponent = (int)exponent;
      significand <<= 2;
      for( int i = 0; i < 19; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(significand & 0x7L);
    digits.add( 0, digit );
    significand >>>= 3;
      //System.out.print( exponent );
      for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(exponent & 0x7L);
    exponentDigits.add( 0, digit );
    exponent >>>= 3;

   * This method handles formatting binary numbers
   * @param number The double to format
  private void formatBin( double number ){
      //System.out.println( number );
      long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
      // get sign
      negative = (bits & 0x8000000000000000L) != 0;
      long exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
      long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
      exponent -= BIAS;
      boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
      exponentNegative = exponent < 0;
      if( exponentNegative )
    exponent = -exponent;
      if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
    significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
      } else { // denormalised case
    significand <<= 1;
    if( significand != 0 )
        while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
      significand <<= 1;
      exponent = (int)exponent;
      for( int i = 0; i < 53; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(significand & 0x1L);
    digits.add( 0, digit );
    significand >>>= 1;
      for( int i = 0; i < 9; ++i ){
    int digit = (int)(exponent & 0x1L);
    exponentDigits.add( 0, digit );
    exponent >>>= 1;

   * This is effectively the reverse of getDigit(). We use it when extracting
   * digits from Double.toString().
   * @param c A char corresponding to a digit
   * @return The corresponding int
  private static int getInt( char c ){
      switch( c ){
    case '0':
        return 0;
    case '1':
        return 1;
    case '2':
        return 2;
    case '3':
        return 3;
    case '4':
        return 4;
    case '5':
        return 5;
    case '6':
        return 6;
    case '7':
        return 7;
    case '8':
        return 8;
    case '9':
        return 9;
        return -1;
   * We need to know how to represent integers up to 15 as char. This function
   * does it.
   * @param d An integer (should be in range 0&ndash;15)
   * @return The corresponding char
  private static char getDigit( int d ){
      switch( d ){
    case 0:
        return '0';
    case 1:
        return '1';
    case 2:
        return '2';
    case 3:
        return '3';
    case 4:
        return '4';
    case 5:
        return '5';
    case 6:
        return '6';
    case 7:
        return '7';
    case 8:
        return '8';
    case 9:
        return '9';
    case 10:
        return 'A';
    case 11:
        return 'B';
    case 12:
        return 'C';
    case 13:
        return 'D';
    case 14:
        return 'E';
    case 15:
        return 'F';
        return '?';
   * Is number negative?
  public boolean negative;
   * Representation of significand digits as integers in correct base.
  public java.util.Vector<Integer> digits;
   * Is exponent negative?
  public boolean exponentNegative;
   * Representation of exponent digits as integers in correct base.
  public java.util.Vector<Integer> exponentDigits;
   * Value of the exponent.
  public int exponent;
   * Is number infinite?
  public boolean infinity;
   * Is number not a number?
  public boolean NaN;
   * Is number zero? Useful so we can avoid overflow in some methods.
  public boolean zero;
   * The base as an integer.
  public int base;
   * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
  public static final long BIAS = 1023;
   * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
  public static final long E_MAX = 1023;
   * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
  public static final long E_MIN = -1022;

Related Classes of jscicalc.complex.Format$DoubleFormat

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