* @file
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011 John D Lamb (J.D.Lamb@btinternet.com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package jscicalc.complex;
import jscicalc.Base;
import jscicalc.Notation;
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.13 $
public class DoubleFormat {
* Constructor
* @param number The number to format
* @param base The base
public DoubleFormat( double number, Base base ){
this.number = number;
this.base = base;
this.notation = new Notation();
setPrecision( maxPrecision() );
* Set the precision. The precision is the maximum number of significant
* digits that can be displayed. Setting the precision is equivalent to
* resetting the number and rounding.
* @param precision The maximum number of significant digits
public void setPrecision( int precision ){
if( precision == this.precision ) return;
this.precision = precision; // remember value
reset(); // create digits
if( digits.size() <= precision ) return; // no further work
/* truncate */
int lastDigit = digits.get( precision );
digits.setSize( precision );
/* check if rounding necessary */
if( lastDigit < midDigit( base ) ){
/* remove trailing zeros */
while( digits.size() > 0 && digits.lastElement() == 0 )
digits.setSize( digits.size() - 1 );
/* round */
if( roundUp() ) return; // no further rounding needed
++exponent; // otherwise exponent increases
* Set the base.
* @param base The base
public void setBase( final Base base ){
this.base = base;
* Set the notation. Use this every time you want a change of notation.
* @param notation The notation
public void setNotation( Notation notation ){
this.notation = notation;
* The recursive rounding function. Do not call this directly. It gets called from
* setPrecision.
* @return <em>false</em> or <em>true</em> according as the exponent should increase
* or not
private boolean roundUp(){
int position = digits.size() - 1;
if( position == -1 ){
/* deal with case where we've rounded all the way to
* the beginning */
digits.add( 1 );
return false;
int digit = digits.get( position );
if( ++digit == baseInt( base ) ){
digits.remove( position );
return roundUp();
} // no further rounding
digits.set( position, digit );
return true;
* Inner class used to represent HTML string representations of doubles. These are
* used to build up representations of complex numbers. The HTML allows us to format
* the minus sign and exponent nicely. It also allows us to use symbols for
* infinity. The HTML here does not include the usual start and end tags. These
* get added later when the number is formatted in Complex.toHTMLString().
* The length is used to try to stop overflow in the output. Roughly digits and
* symbols in the output have about the same width. So this gives a good enough
* measure of width of output to create a reasonable representation.
public class HTMLStringRepresentation {
* Constructor. This version is only used inside this class.
* @param string The string representation
* @param length Its length
private HTMLStringRepresentation( jscicalc.StringArray string, int length ){
this.string = string;
this.length = length;
* The usual constructor. We call it indirectly through representation().
public HTMLStringRepresentation(){
if( Double.isNaN( number ) ){
String[] nan = { "N", "a", "N" };
string = new jscicalc.StringArray();
string.add( nan );
length = 3;
} else if( Double.isInfinite( number ) ){
string = new jscicalc.StringArray();
if( number < 0 ){
string.add( minusInfinity );
length = 2;
} else {
string.add( infinity );
length = 1;
} else {
HTMLStringRepresentation h;
if( notation.standard() ){
h = standard();
} else {
h = scientific();
string = h.string;
length = h.length;
* Test whether this matches one
* @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as this matches 1 or not
public boolean isOne() {
if( string.size() != 1 ) return false;
if( string.firstElement().size() != 1 ) return false;
if( string.firstElement().elementAt( 0 ) != "1" ) return false;
return true;
* Test whether this matches minus 1
* @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as this matches minus 1 or
* not
public boolean isMinusOne() {
if( string.size() != 1 ) return false;
if( string.firstElement().size() != 2 ) return false;
if( string.firstElement().elementAt( 0 ) != minus.elementAt( 0 ) )
return false;
if( string.firstElement().elementAt( 1 ) != "1" ) return false;
return true;
* A string to hold the HTML representation of the number.
public final jscicalc.StringArray string;
* A string to hold the length of the representation. This is not just the length
* of the string, but rather a rough character count, ignoring, for example, thin
* spaces and XML, and counting a minus sign as a single character.
public final int length;
* Produce a string representing the number in current Notation and
* precision.
* @return representation of number without an exponent
public HTMLStringRepresentation representation(){
return new HTMLStringRepresentation();
* Produce a string representing the number without using
* scientific notation. This can produce very long strings.
* @return representation of number without an exponent
private HTMLStringRepresentation standard(){
java.util.Vector<String> stringBuffer = new java.util.Vector<String>();
int length = 0;
if( number < 0 ){
stringBuffer.addAll( minus );
if( exponent < 0 ){
stringBuffer.add( "0" );
stringBuffer.addAll( basePoint );
for( int i = 0; i < -exponent - 1; ++i ){
stringBuffer.add( "0" );
for( int i = 0; i < digits.size(); ++i ){
stringBuffer.add( Character
.toString( getDigit( digits.elementAt( i ) ) ) );
} else {
for( int i = 0; i < StrictMath.max( exponent + 1, digits.size() );
++i ){
if( i >= StrictMath.max( exponent + 1, digits.size() ) ) break;
if( i == exponent + 1 ){
stringBuffer.addAll ( basePoint );
if( i < digits.size() ){
stringBuffer.add( Character
.toString( getDigit( digits.elementAt( i ) ) ) );
} else {
stringBuffer.add( "0" );
++length; // just added a digit
jscicalc.StringArray t = new jscicalc.StringArray();
t.add( stringBuffer );
return new HTMLStringRepresentation( t, length );
* Produce a string representing the number using
* scientific notation. All significant digits are used; so use round() to
* shorten if necessary.
* @return representation of number with an exponent
public HTMLStringRepresentation scientific(){
java.util.Vector<String> stringBuffer = new java.util.Vector<String>();
int length = 0;
// fill in mantissa
if( number < 0 ){
stringBuffer.addAll( minus );
boolean first = digits.size() > 1; // allow for base point
for( Integer i : digits ){
stringBuffer.add( Character.toString( getDigit( i ) ) );
if( first ){
stringBuffer.addAll( basePoint ); // base point
first = false;
// fill in exponent
if( getEStringLength() > 0 ){
stringBuffer.add( getEString() );
length += getEStringLength();
//stringBuffer.append( startExponent );
int e = (int)exponent;
String q = new String( startExponent );
if( exponent < 0 ){
//stringBuffer.append( minus );
q = q.concat( minus.firstElement() ); // add minus sign
//stringBuffer.add( q );
e = -e ;
stringBuffer.add( q );
q = new String( "" ); // empty the string
String s = null; // initialise
switch( base ){
case OCTAL:
s = Integer.toOctalString( e );
s = Integer.toHexString( e ).toUpperCase();
default: // decimal or binary
s = Integer.toString( e );
System.out.println( "* " + s );
for( int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i ){
String t = Character.toString( s.charAt( i ) );
if( exponent != 0 )
q = q.concat( t );
if( i == s.length() - 1 )
q = t.concat( endExponent );
stringBuffer.add( q );
//q = q.concat( endExponent );
//stringBuffer.add( q );
length += s.length();
jscicalc.StringArray t = new jscicalc.StringArray();
t.add( stringBuffer );
System.out.println( t );
System.out.println( length );
return new HTMLStringRepresentation( t, length );
* Use this function whenever you change base or notation. It also gets called when
* you change the precision of the output. It reconstructs the original number so
* that it is ready for formatting.
private void reset(){
digits = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
// deal with special case
if( number == 0 ){
digits.add( 0 );
exponent = 0;
if( Double.isInfinite( number ) || Double.isNaN( number ) ) return;
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
case OCTAL:
if( StrictMath.abs( number ) < 1 )
exponent =- exponent;
* This method handles setting up decimals
private void setupDec(){
java.math.BigDecimal b
= new java.math.BigDecimal( number < 0 ? -number : number );
exponent = b.precision() - b.scale() - 1;
int exponentSign = (int)StrictMath.signum( exponent );
if( exponentSign < 0 )
exponent = -1 * exponent;
String s = b.unscaledValue().toString();
for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
digits.add( getInt( c ) );
while( digits.size() > 0 && digits.lastElement() == 0 )
digits.setSize( digits.size() - 1 );
* This method handles setting up hexadecimals
private void setupHex(){
long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
exponent -= BIAS;
boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
int exponentSign = (int)StrictMath.signum( exponent );
if( exponentSign == -1 ){
exponent = -exponent;
if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
} else { // denormalised case
significand <<= 1;
if( significand != 0 )
while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
significand <<= 1;
while( exponent % 4 != 0 ){
significand <<= 1;
if( exponentSign == -1 )
exponent >>>= 2;
for( int i = 0; i < 14; ++i ){
int digit = (int)(significand & 0xfL);
digits.add( 0, digit );
significand >>>= 4;
* This method handles setting up octals
private void setupOct(){
long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
exponent -= BIAS;
boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
int exponentSign = (int)StrictMath.signum( exponent );
if( exponentSign == -1 )
exponent = -exponent;
if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
} else { // denormalised case
significand <<= 1;
if( significand != 0 )
while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
significand <<= 1;
while( exponent % 3 != 0 ){
significand <<= 1;
if( exponentSign == -1 )
exponent /= 3;
significand <<= 2;
for( int i = 0; i < 19; ++i ){
int digit = (int)(significand & 0x7L);
digits.add( 0, digit );
significand >>>= 3;
* This method handles setting up binary numbers
private void setupBin(){
long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits( number );
exponent = (bits & 0x7ff0000000000000L) >>> 52;
long significand = bits & 0x000fffffffffffffL;
exponent -= BIAS;
boolean denormalised = exponent == E_MIN - 1;
int exponentSign = (int)StrictMath.signum( exponent );
if( exponentSign == -1 )
exponent = -exponent;
if( !denormalised ){ // easy case
significand |= 0x0010000000000000L;
} else { // denormalised case
significand <<= 1;
if( significand != 0 )
while( (significand & 0x0008000000000000L) == 0 ){
significand <<= 1;
for( int i = 0; i < 53; ++i ){
int digit = (int)(significand & 0x1L);
digits.add( 0, digit );
significand >>>= 1;
* Get method for finding the number stored in this object.
public double getNumber(){
return number;
* Get method for finding the absolute value of the number stored in this object.
public double getAbsNumber(){
return StrictMath.abs( number );
* We need to know how to represent integers up to 15 as char. This function
* does it.
* @param d An integer (should be in range 0-15)
* @return The corresponding char
private static char getDigit( int d ){
switch( d ){
case 0:
return '0';
case 1:
return '1';
case 2:
return '2';
case 3:
return '3';
case 4:
return '4';
case 5:
return '5';
case 6:
return '6';
case 7:
return '7';
case 8:
return '8';
case 9:
return '9';
case 10:
return 'A';
case 11:
return 'B';
case 12:
return 'C';
case 13:
return 'D';
case 14:
return 'E';
case 15:
return 'F';
return '?';
* This is effectively the reverse of getDigit(). We use it when extracting
* digits from BigDecimal.toString().
* @param c A char corresponding to a digit
* @return The corresponding int
private static int getInt( char c ){
switch( c ){
case '0':
return 0;
case '1':
return 1;
case '2':
return 2;
case '3':
return 3;
case '4':
return 4;
case '5':
return 5;
case '6':
return 6;
case '7':
return 7;
case '8':
return 8;
case '9':
return 9;
return -1;
* This is used during rounding. Numbers at least as big as midDigit are rounded up.
* Others are rounded down. The returned values are 1, 4, 5 and 8 for Base.BINARY,
* @param base A Base to work with
* @return The middle digit of the base
public static int midDigit( Base base ){
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
return 1;
case OCTAL:
return 4;
return 8;
return 5;
* This is used during rounding. If baseInt is rounded up it must be rounded to
* 10 in the Base. This implies a carry operation.
* Others are rounded down. The returned values are 1, 7, 9 and F for Base.BINARY,
* @param base A Base to work with
* @return The greatest digit in the base
public static int baseInt( Base base ){
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
return 2;
case OCTAL:
return 8;
return 16;
return 10;
* Numbers are stored internally in IEEE-754 format. The number of digits of
* precision available depdends on the base and this function gives that number.
* The returned values are 52, 17, 14 and 13 for Base.BINARY,
* @return The greatest available precision
private int maxPrecision(){
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
return 52;
case OCTAL:
return 17;
return 13;
return 14;
* Exponents are represented as superscripts with a prefix, which may depend on the
* Base. In fact, it is always a thin space, but in principle, you can change it by
* changing this function.
* @return A string to represent the exponent.
* @see getEStringLength()
public String getEString(){
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
return ""; //" "; // thin space
case OCTAL:
return "";
return "";
return "";
* Exponents are represented as superscripts with a prefix, which may depend on the
* Base. This function returns the nominal length of the prefix.
* @return A string to represent the exponent.
* @see getEString()
public int getEStringLength(){
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
return 0;
case OCTAL:
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
* Standard test function.
* @param args Standard arguments.
public static void main( String[] args ){
DoubleFormat d = new DoubleFormat( -4.2035492222884317E-246, Base.DECIMAL );
Notation n = new Notation();
d.setNotation( n );
DoubleFormat.HTMLStringRepresentation s = d.representation();
System.out.print( s.string + " (length = " );
System.out.print( s.length );
System.out.println( ")" );
for( int p = 14; p > 0; --p ){
System.out.print( p );
System.out.print( ": " );
d.setPrecision( p );
s = d.representation();
System.out.print( s.string + " (length = " );
System.out.print( s.length );
System.out.println( ")" );
* Keep a copy of the double this object represents
private final double number;
* The current Base
private Base base;
* The current Notation
private Notation notation;
* The current Precision
private int precision;
* Representation of significand digits as integers in correct base.
private java.util.Vector<Integer> digits;
* exponent
private long exponent;
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long BIAS = 1023;
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long E_MAX = 1023;
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long E_MIN = -1022;
* This is how we represent a
* base point
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> basePoint
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "." ) );
* This is how we represent the
* start of an exponent
* in output strings.
public static final String startExponent = "<sup style=\"font-size:60%;\">";
* This is how we represent the
* end of an exponent
* in output strings.
public static final String endExponent = "</sup>";
* This is how we represent a
* minus sign
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> minus
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "−" ) );
* This is how we represent a
* NaN (not a number)
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> NaN
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "N", "a", "N" ) );
* This is how we represent the number
* infinity
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> infinity
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "∞" ) );
* This is how we represent the number
* negative infinity
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> minusInfinity
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "−", "∞" ) );
* This is how we represent the
* start of HTML
* in output strings.
public static final String startHTML = "<html>";
* This is how we represent the
* end of HTML
* in output strings.
public static final String endHTML = "</html>";
* This is how we represent the number
* i (square root of negative 1)
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> imPrefix
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "i" ) );
* This is how we represent the number
* e (used for natural logarithms)
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> argumentPrefix
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "e" ) );
* This is how we represent a
* plus sign
* in output strings. In principle you can change this.
public static final java.util.Vector<String> plus
= new java.util.Vector<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList( "+" ) );
* This is used to assign HTMLStringRepresentation objects to a null value.
* It allows us to make a null assignment that can still be used.
public final HTMLStringRepresentation
NullRepresentation =
new HTMLStringRepresentation( new jscicalc.StringArray(), 0 );