Package jscicalc.complex

Source Code of jscicalc.complex.Complex$HTMLStringResult

* @file
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2011 John D Lamb (
* Portions of this file are adapted from the complex functions of the
* GNU Scientific Library,,
* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Jorma Olavi Tätinen, Brian Gough.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package jscicalc.complex;
import jscicalc.Base;
import jscicalc.Notation;
import jscicalc.OObject;

* Complex numbers. This is based on the GNU Scientific Library,,
* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Jorma Olavi Tätinen, Brian Gough and was
* suggested as an addition to the calculator by Sebastian Schneider ihi0 at
* sourceforge dot net.
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.16 $
public class Complex extends OObject {

     * Default constructor. Gives the complex number zero.
    public Complex(){
  this( 0, 0 );

     * Constructor. Converts real number to complex representation.
     * @param real The number to be converted
    public Complex( double real ){
  this( real, 0 );

     * Constructor. Converts real and imaginary parts to complex number.
     * @param real The real part
     * @param imaginary The imaginary part
    public Complex( double real, double imaginary ){
  real_part = real;
  imaginary_part = imaginary;

     * Constructor. Converts real and imaginary parts to complex number.
     * Probably not needed.
     * @param r The distance from zero
     * @param theta The angle
    public static Complex polar( double r, double theta ){
  return new Complex( r * StrictMath.cos( theta ), r * StrictMath.cos( theta ) );

     * Test for equality to zero.
     * @return <em>true</em> or <em>false</em> according as this is zero or not.
    public boolean isZero(){
  return real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0;

     * Test if an integer.
     * @return Long if it is, null if it is not an integer.
    public Long isInteger(){
  if( imaginary() == 0 ){
      long l =(long)real();
      if( l == real() ) return l;
  return null;
     * Indicate whether or not Complex has leading negative sign.
    public boolean isNegative(){
  return real() < 0 || (real() == 0 && imaginary() < 0);

     * Get the real part of the complex number.
     * @return The real part of the complex number.
    public double real() {
  return real_part;
     * Get the real part of the complex number.
     * @return The real part of the complex number.
    public double imaginary() {
  return imaginary_part;
     * Get the conjugate of this.
     * @return The conjugate of the complex number.
    public Complex conjugate(){
  return new Complex( real(), -imaginary() );

     * Get the negative of this.
     * @return The negative of the complex number.
    public Complex negate(){
  return new Complex( -real(), -imaginary() );

     * Get the absolute value of this.
     * @return The absolute value of the complex number.
    public double abs(){
  return StrictMath.hypot( real(), imaginary() );

     * Get the argument of this. Returns a value in the range (-Pi, Pi ).
     * @return The argument of the complex number.
    public double arg(){
  if( real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0 ){
      return 0;
  } else {
      return StrictMath.atan2( imaginary(), real() );

     * Get the inverse of this.
     * @return The argument of the complex number.
    public Complex inverse(){
  //double s = 1 / abs();
  //return new Complex( (real() * s ) * s, -((imaginary() * s) * s ) );
  if( real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0 )
      return new Complex( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0 );
  if( Double.isInfinite( real() ) || Double.isInfinite( imaginary() ) ){
      Complex one = new Complex( 1, 0 );
      return one.divide( this );
  java.math.BigDecimal a = new java.math.BigDecimal( real() );
  java.math.BigDecimal b = new java.math.BigDecimal( imaginary() );
  java.math.BigDecimal s = a.multiply( a ).add( b.multiply( b ) );
  double c = a.divide( s, java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64 ).doubleValue();
  double d = b.negate().divide( s, java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64 ).doubleValue();
  return new Complex( c, d );

     * Multiply this by i. This function is used so that the calculator can enter
     * complex numbers in convenient form without having to know when parsing a double
     * that it will later be converted to a complex imaginary part.
     * @return The complex number multiplied by i.
    public Complex imultiply(){
  return new Complex( -imaginary(), real() );

     * Scale this.
     * @param real The scale factor
     * @return The product of this and real.
    public Complex scale( double real ){
  return new Complex( real * this.real(), real * imaginary() );

     * Add a complex number to this.
     * @param complex The addend
     * @return The sum of this and complex.
    public Complex add( Complex complex ){
  return new Complex( real() + complex.real(), imaginary() + complex.imaginary() );

     * Subtract a complex number from this.
     * @param complex The subtrahend
     * @return The value of this minus complex.
    public Complex subtract( Complex complex ){
  return new Complex( real() - complex.real(), imaginary() - complex.imaginary() );

     * Multiply this by a complex number.
     * @param complex The multiplier.
     * @return The product of this and complex.
    public Complex multiply( Complex complex ){
  //new Complex( real() * complex.real() - imaginary() * complex.imaginary(),
  //real() * complex.imaginary() + imaginary() * complex.real() );
  if( Double.isInfinite( real() ) || Double.isInfinite( imaginary() ) ||
       Double.isInfinite( complex.real() ) ||
       Double.isInfinite( complex.imaginary() ) ){
      double a = real();
      double b = imaginary();
      double c = complex.real();
      double d = complex.imaginary();
      double ac = a * c;
      double bd = b * d;
      double ad = a * d;
      double bc = b * c;
      if( Double.isNaN( ac ) && (a == 0 || c == 0) ) ac = 0;
      if( Double.isNaN( bd ) && (b == 0 || d == 0) ) bd = 0;
      if( Double.isNaN( ad ) && (a == 0 || d == 0) ) ad = 0;
      if( Double.isNaN( bc ) && (b == 0 || c == 0) ) bc = 0;
      double x = ac - bd;
      double y = bc + ad;
      if( x == 0 && y == 0 ) return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
      return new Complex( x, y );
  } else if( Double.isNaN( real() ) || Double.isNaN( imaginary() ) ||
      Double.isNaN( complex.real() ) || Double.isNaN( complex.imaginary() ) ){
      return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
  java.math.BigDecimal a = new java.math.BigDecimal( real() );
  java.math.BigDecimal b = new java.math.BigDecimal( imaginary() );
  java.math.BigDecimal c = new java.math.BigDecimal( complex.real() );
  java.math.BigDecimal d = new java.math.BigDecimal( complex.imaginary() );
  double x = a.multiply( c ).subtract( b.multiply( d ) ).doubleValue();
  double y = a.multiply( d ).add( b.multiply( c ) ).doubleValue();
  return new Complex( x, y );

     * Divide this by a complex number.
     * @param complex The divisor.
     * @return The result of this divided by complex
    public Complex divide( Complex complex ){
  //double r = real();
  //double i = imaginary();
  //double s = 1 / complex.abs();
  //double sr = s * complex.real();
  //double si = s * complex.imaginary();

  //double nr = (r * sr + i * si) * s;
  //double ni = (i * sr - r * si) * s;
  //return new Complex( nr, ni );
  // deal with special case of division by zero
  if( complex.real() == 0 && complex.imaginary() == 0 ){
      if( real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0 )
    return new Complex( Double.NaN );
      double x = 0;
      if( real() > 0 ) x = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      else if( real() < 0 ) x = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      double y = 0;
      if( imaginary() > 0 ) y = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      else if( imaginary() < 0 ) y = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
      return new Complex( x, y );
  double test = complex.real() * complex.real()
      + complex.imaginary() * complex.imaginary();
  if( Double.isNaN( test ) ){
      return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
  } else if( Double.isInfinite( test ) ){
      if( real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0 )
    return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
    return new Complex();
  java.math.BigDecimal a = new java.math.BigDecimal( real() );
  java.math.BigDecimal b = new java.math.BigDecimal( imaginary() );
  java.math.BigDecimal c = new java.math.BigDecimal( complex.real() );
  java.math.BigDecimal d = new java.math.BigDecimal( complex.imaginary() );
  java.math.BigDecimal s = c.multiply( c ).add( d.multiply( d ) );
  double x = (a.multiply( c ).add( b.multiply( d ) ))
      .divide( s, java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64 ).doubleValue();
  double y = (b.multiply( c ).subtract( a.multiply( d ) ))
      .divide( s, java.math.MathContext.DECIMAL64 ).doubleValue();
  return new Complex( x, y );
     * Basic functions: square root, square, cube, exponent, power, cube root, logs

     * Get the square of this.
     * @return The square of this
    public Complex square(){
  return multiply( this );

     * Get the cube of this.
     * @return The cube of this
    public Complex cube(){
  return multiply( square() );

     * Get the square root of this.
     * @return The square root of this
    public Complex sqrt(){
  if( real() == 0.0 && imaginary() == 0.0 ){
      return new Complex();
  } else {
      double x = StrictMath.abs( real() );
      double y = StrictMath.abs( imaginary() );
      double w = 0;

      if( x >= y ){
    double t = y / x;
    w = StrictMath.sqrt( x ) * StrictMath
        .sqrt( 0.5 * (1.0 + StrictMath.sqrt( 1.0 + t * t )) );
      } else {
    double t = x / y;
    w = StrictMath.sqrt( y ) * StrictMath
        .sqrt( 0.5 * (t + StrictMath.sqrt( 1.0 + t * t)) );
      if( real() >= 0.0 ){
    return new Complex( w, imaginary() / (2 * w ));
      } else {
    double vi = (imaginary() >= 0) ? w : -w;
    return new Complex( imaginary() / (2 * vi ), vi );
     * Find exp( this ).
     * @return exp( this ).
    public Complex exp(){
  double rho = StrictMath.exp( real() );
  double theta = imaginary();

  return new Complex( rho * StrictMath.cos( theta ),
          rho * StrictMath.sin( theta ) );

     * Find 10 to the power of this.
     * @return 10 to the power of this.
    public Complex tenx(){
  return multiply( LOG10 ).exp();

     * Find log |this|.
     * @return log |this|.
    private double logabs(){
  double xabs = StrictMath.abs( real() );
  double yabs = StrictMath.abs( imaginary() );
  double max, u;
  if( xabs >= yabs ){
      max = xabs;
      u = yabs / xabs;
  } else {
      max = yabs;
      u = xabs / yabs;
  /* Handle underflow when u is close to 0 */
  return StrictMath.log( max ) + 0.5 * StrictMath.log1p( u * u );

     * Find power of this for nonnegative integral powers.
     * @param r the power
     * @return this to the power of r.
    private Complex pow( int r ){
  Complex p = new Complex( real(), imaginary() ); // multiplier
  Complex y = new Complex( 1, 0 );                // result
  boolean flag = false;                           // do we need to multiply?
  while( r > 0 ){
      if( r % 2 == 1 ){
    if( flag ){
        y = y.multiply( p );
    } else {
        flag = true;
        y = new Complex( p.real(), p.imaginary() );
      r /= 2// next binary digit
      p = p.square();
  return y;
     * Find root of this for integer.
     * @param r the root
     * @return rth root of this.
    private Complex root( int r ){
  final double abs_error = 2.2204460492503131e-16;
  final int limit = 10;
  if( r == 2 ) return sqrt();
  // estimate root.
  double logr = logabs();
  double theta = arg();
  double rho = StrictMath.exp( logr / r );
  double beta = theta / r;
  Complex x = new Complex( rho * StrictMath.cos( beta ),
         rho * StrictMath.sin( beta ) );
  // now try to improve
  int count = 0;
  for( double error = 1; error > abs_error && count < limit; ++count ){
      Complex x_next = x.scale( r - 1 ).add( divide( x.pow( r - 1 ) ) );
      x_next = x_next.scale( 1 / (double)r );
      error = subtract( x_next.pow( r ) ).abs() + (x_next.subtract( x ) ).abs();
      x = new Complex( x_next.real(), x_next.imaginary() );
  return x;

     * Find this to the power of r.
     * @param r the power
     * @return this to the power of r.
    public Complex pow( Complex r ){
  if( real() == 0 && imaginary() == 0 ){
      if( r.real() == 0 && r.imaginary() == 0 )
    return new Complex( 1, 0 )// 0^0 = 1
    return new Complex();
  } else {
      if( r.imaginary() == 0 ){
    int n = (int)r.real();
    if( r.real() == n ){
        if( n > 0 ) return pow( n );
        else return pow( -n ).inverse();
      double logr = logabs();
      double theta = arg();
      double rr = r.real();
      double ri = r.imaginary();
      double rho = StrictMath.exp( logr * rr - ri * theta );
      double beta = theta * rr + ri * logr;
      return new Complex( rho * StrictMath.cos( beta ),
        rho * StrictMath.sin( beta ) );
     * Find rth root of this.
     * @param r The value such that pow( result, r ) = this
     * @return this to the power of r.
    public Complex root( Complex r ){
  if( r.imaginary() == 0 ){
      if( r.real() == 0 ){
    // 0th root
    if( arg() != 0 ) return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
    if( abs() == 1 ) return new Complex( 1, 0 );
    if( abs() < 1 ) return new Complex( 0, 0 );
    if( abs() > 1 ) return new Complex( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0 );
    return null;
      int n = (int)r.real();
      if( r.real() == n ){
    if( n > 0 ) return root( n );
    else return root( n ).inverse();
  return pow( r.inverse() );

     * Find log( this ).
     * @return log( this ).
    public Complex log(){
  double logr = logabs();
  double theta = arg();

  return new Complex( logr, theta );

     * Find log10( this ).
     * @return log10( this ).
    public Complex log10(){
  double sc = 1 / StrictMath.log( 10 );
  return log().scale( sc );
     * Get the cube root of this.
     * @return The cube root of this
    public Complex cuberoot(){
  return root( 3 );

     * Trig functions and their inverses

     * Get the sine of this.
     * @return The sine of this
    public Complex sin(){
  double r = real();
  double i = imaginary();
  if( i == 0 ){
      /* avoid returing negative zero (-0.0) for the imaginary part  */
      return new Complex( StrictMath.sin( r ), 0 );
  } else {
      return new Complex( StrictMath.sin( r ) * StrictMath.cosh( i ),
        StrictMath.cos( r ) * StrictMath.sinh( i ) );

     * Get the cosine of this.
     * @return The cosine of this
    public Complex cos(){
  double r = real();
  double i = imaginary();
  if( i == 0 ){
      /* avoid returing negative zero (-0.0) for the imaginary part  */
      return new Complex( StrictMath.cos( r ), 0 );
  } else {
      return new Complex( StrictMath.cos( r ) * StrictMath.cosh( i ),
        StrictMath.sin( r ) * StrictMath.sinh( -i ) );

     * Get the tangent of this.
     * @return The tangent of this
    public Complex tan(){
  double r = real();
  double i = imaginary();
  if( i == 0 ){
      double s = 2 * r - StrictMath.PI;
      long t = StrictMath.round( s / StrictMath.PI );
      if( t % 2 == 0 && s == t * StrictMath.PI ){
    return new Complex( Double.NaN, Double.NaN );
      return new Complex( StrictMath.tan( r ), 0 );
  if( StrictMath.abs( i ) < 1) {
      double cr = StrictMath.cos( r );
      double si = StrictMath.sinh( i );
      double d = cr * cr + si * si;
      return new Complex( 0.5 * StrictMath.sin( 2 * r ) / d,
        0.5 * StrictMath.sinh( 2 * i ) / d );
  } else {
      double u = StrictMath.exp( -i );
      double c = 2 * u / (1 - u * u);
      double cr = StrictMath.cos( r );
      double s = c * c;
      double d = 1 + cr * cr * s;
      double t = 1.0 / StrictMath.tanh( i );
      return new Complex( 0.5 * StrictMath.sin( 2 * r ) * s / d, t / d );
     * Used to compute arccosh where y greater than or equal to 1
     * @param y The number
     * @return the inverse hypebolic cosine
    private double acosh_real( double y ){
  return StrictMath.log( y + StrictMath.sqrt( y * y - 1 ) );

     * Used to compute arcsin where imaginary part is zero.
     * @param a The real part
     * @return the arc sin
    private Complex asin_real( double a ){
  if( StrictMath.abs( a ) <= 1.0 )
      return new Complex( StrictMath.asin( a ), 0 );
      if( a < 0.0 )
    return new Complex( -StrictMath.PI / 2, acosh_real( -a ) );
    return new Complex( StrictMath.PI / 2, -acosh_real( a ) );

     * Get the arcsine of this.
     * @return The arcsine of this
    public Complex asin(){
  double R = real();
  double I = imaginary();
  if( I == 0 ){
      return asin_real( R );
  } else {
      double x = StrictMath.abs( R );
      double y = StrictMath.abs( I );
      double r = StrictMath.hypot( x + 1, y );
      double s = StrictMath.hypot( x - 1, y );
      double A = 0.5 * (r + s);
      double B = x / A;
      double y2 = y * y;
      double real, imag;
      final double A_crossover = 1.5;
      final double B_crossover = 0.6417;
      if( B <= B_crossover ){
    real = StrictMath.asin( B );
      } else {
    if( x <= 1 ){
        double D = 0.5 * (A + x) * (y2 / (r + x + 1) + (s + (1 - x)));
        real = StrictMath.atan( x / StrictMath.sqrt( D ) );
    } else {
        double Apx = A + x;
        double D = 0.5 * (Apx / (r + x + 1) + Apx / (s + (x - 1)));
        real = StrictMath.atan( x / (y * StrictMath.sqrt( D )) );
      if( A <= A_crossover ){
    double Am1;
    if (x < 1) {
        Am1 = 0.5 * (y2 / (r + (x + 1)) + y2 / (s + (1 - x)));
    } else {
        Am1 = 0.5 * (y2 / (r + (x + 1)) + (s + (x - 1)));
    imag = StrictMath.log1p( Am1 + StrictMath.sqrt (Am1 * (A + 1)) );
      } else {
    imag = StrictMath.log( A + StrictMath.sqrt( A * A - 1 ) );
      return new Complex( (R >= 0) ? real : -real, (I >= 0) ? imag : -imag );
     * Used to compute arccos where imaginary part is zero.
     * @param a The real part
     * @return the arc cos
    private Complex acos_real( double a ){
  if( StrictMath.abs( a ) <= 1.0 )
      return new Complex( StrictMath.acos( a ), 0 );
      if( a < 0.0 )
    return new Complex( StrictMath.PI, -acosh_real( -a ) );
    return new Complex( 0, acosh_real( a ) );

     * Get the arccosine of this.
     * @return The arccosine of this
    public Complex acos(){
  double R = real();
  double I = imaginary();
  if( I == 0 ){
      return acos_real( R );
  } else {
      double x = StrictMath.abs( R );
      double y = StrictMath.abs( I );
      double r = StrictMath.hypot( x + 1, y );
      double s = StrictMath.hypot( x - 1, y );
      double A = 0.5 * (r + s);
      double B = x / A;
      double y2 = y * y;
      double real;
      double imag;
      final double A_crossover = 1.5;
      final double B_crossover = 0.6417;
      if( B <= B_crossover ){
    real = StrictMath.acos (B);
      } else {
    if( x <= 1 ){
        double D = 0.5 * (A + x) * (y2 / (r + x + 1) + (s + (1 - x)));
        real = StrictMath.atan( StrictMath.sqrt( D ) / x );
    } else {
        double Apx = A + x;
        double D = 0.5 * (Apx / (r + x + 1) + Apx / (s + (x - 1)));
        real = StrictMath.atan( (y * StrictMath.sqrt( D )) / x );
      if (A <= A_crossover ){
    double Am1;
    if( x < 1 ){
        Am1 = 0.5 * (y2 / (r + (x + 1)) + y2 / (s + (1 - x)));
    } else {
        Am1 = 0.5 * (y2 / (r + (x + 1)) + (s + (x - 1)));
    imag = StrictMath.log1p( Am1 + StrictMath.sqrt( Am1 * (A + 1) ) );
      } else {
    imag = StrictMath.log( A + StrictMath.sqrt( A * A - 1 ) );
      return new Complex( (R >= 0) ? real : StrictMath.PI - real,
        (I >= 0) ? -imag : imag );
     * Get the arctangent of this.
     * @return The arctangent of this
    public Complex atan(){
  double R = real();
  double I = imaginary();
  if( I == 0 ){
      return new Complex( StrictMath.atan( R ), 0 );
  } else {
      double r = StrictMath.hypot( R, I );
      double imag;
      double u = 2 * I / (1 + r * r);
      if( StrictMath.abs( u ) < 0.1 ){
    imag = 0.25 * (StrictMath.log1p( u ) - StrictMath.log1p( -u ));
      } else {
    double A = StrictMath.hypot( R, I + 1 );
    double B = StrictMath.hypot( R, I - 1 );
    imag = 0.5 * StrictMath.log( A / B );
      if( R == 0 ){
    if( I > 1 ){
        return new Complex( StrictMath.PI * 0.5, imag );
    } else if( I < -1 ){
        return new Complex( -StrictMath.PI * 0.5, imag );
    } else {
        return new Complex( 0, imag );
      } else {
    return new Complex( 0.5 * StrictMath.atan2 (2 * R, ((1 + r) * (1 - r))),
            imag );

     * Logic, Permutations, combinations and the like

     * And with another complex
     * @param z The number to AND with this.
     * @return The bitwise result of a logical and operation on this and z.
    public Complex and( Complex z ){
  return new Complex( and( real(), z.real() ), and( imaginary(), z.imaginary() ) );

     * Calculates x AND y. Used internally for and( z ).
     * @param x The first value (left of symbol)
     * @param y The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    private static double and( double x, double y ){
  if( Double.isNaN( x ) || Double.isNaN( y )
      || Double.isInfinite( x )
      || Double.isInfinite( y ) )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Boolean Error" );
  if( StrictMath.abs( y ) > StrictMath.abs( x ) ){
      double tmp = x;
      x = y;
      y = tmp;
  long x_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( x );
  boolean x_sign = (x_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int x_exponent = (int)((x_bits >> 52) & 0x7FFL);
  long x_significand = x_exponent == 0 ? (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  long y_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( y );
  boolean y_sign = (y_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int y_exponent = (int)((y_bits>>52) & 0x7FFL);
  long y_significand = y_exponent == 0 ? (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  y_significand >>= (x_exponent - y_exponent);

  // actually carry out the operation
  x_significand &= y_significand;
  // now reconstruct result
  if( x_exponent == 0 )
      x_significand >>= 1;
  else {
      if( x_significand == 0 ) return 0;
      while( (x_significand & 0x10000000000000L) == 0 ){
    x_significand <<= 1;
    if( x_exponent == 0 ){
        x_significand >>= 1;
      x_significand &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
  x_bits = ((long)x_exponent) << 52;
  x_bits |= x_significand;

  double result = Double.longBitsToDouble( x_bits );

  // deal with signs
  if( !x_sign & !y_sign )
      result =- result;
  return result;

     * Or with another complex
     * @param z The number to OR with this.
     * @return The bitwise result of a logical or operation on this and z.
    public Complex or( Complex z ){
  return new Complex( or( real(), z.real() ), or( imaginary(), z.imaginary() ) );

     * Calculates x OR y. Used internally for and( z ).
     * @param x The first value (left of symbol)
     * @param y The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    public static double or( double x, double y ){
  if( Double.isNaN( x ) || Double.isNaN( y )
      || Double.isInfinite( x )
      || Double.isInfinite( y ) )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Boolean Error" );
  if( StrictMath.abs( y ) > StrictMath.abs( x ) ){
      double tmp = x;
      x = y;
      y = tmp;
  long x_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( x );
  boolean x_sign = (x_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int x_exponent = (int)((x_bits >> 52) & 0x7FFL);
  long x_significand = x_exponent == 0 ? (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  long y_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( y );
  boolean y_sign = (y_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int y_exponent = (int)((y_bits>>52) & 0x7FFL);
  long y_significand = y_exponent == 0 ? (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  y_significand >>= (x_exponent - y_exponent);

  // actually carry out the operation
  x_significand |= y_significand;
  // now reconstruct result
  if( x_exponent == 0 )
      x_significand >>= 1;
  else {
      if( x_significand == 0 ) return 0;
      while( (x_significand & 0x10000000000000L) == 0 ){
    x_significand <<= 1;
    if( x_exponent == 0 ){
        x_significand >>= 1;
      x_significand &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
  x_bits = ((long)x_exponent) << 52;
  x_bits |= x_significand;

  double result = Double.longBitsToDouble( x_bits );

  // deal with signs
  if( !x_sign | !y_sign )
      result =- result;
  return result;

     * Xor with another complex.
     * @param z The number to XOR with this.
     * @return The bitwise result of a logical xor operation on this and z.
    public Complex xor( Complex z ){
  return new Complex( xor( real(), z.real() ), xor( imaginary(), z.imaginary() ) );

     * Calculates x XOR y. Used internally by xor().
     * @param x The first value (left of symbol)
     * @param y The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    public double xor( double x, double y ){
  if( Double.isNaN( x ) || Double.isNaN( y )
      || Double.isInfinite( x )
      || Double.isInfinite( y ) )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Boolean Error" );
  if( StrictMath.abs( y ) > StrictMath.abs( x ) ){
      double tmp = x;
      x = y;
      y = tmp;
  long x_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( x );
  boolean x_sign = (x_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int x_exponent = (int)((x_bits >> 52) & 0x7FFL);
  long x_significand = x_exponent == 0 ? (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (x_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  long y_bits = Double.doubleToLongBits( y );
  boolean y_sign = (y_bits >> 63) == 0;
  int y_exponent = (int)((y_bits>>52) & 0x7FFL);
  long y_significand = y_exponent == 0 ? (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) << 1
      : (y_bits & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x10000000000000L;
  y_significand >>= (x_exponent - y_exponent);

  // actually carry out the operation
  x_significand ^= y_significand;
  // now reconstruct result
  if( x_exponent == 0 )
      x_significand >>= 1;
  else {
      if( x_significand == 0 ) return 0;
      while( (x_significand & 0x10000000000000L) == 0 ){
    x_significand <<= 1;
    if( x_exponent == 0 ){
        x_significand >>= 1;
      x_significand &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
  x_bits = ((long)x_exponent) << 52;
  x_bits |= x_significand;

  double result = Double.longBitsToDouble( x_bits );

  // deal with signs
  if( x_sign ^ y_sign )
      result =- result;
  return result;

     * Calculate factorial of this.
     * @return The factorial of this (or error if not a nonnegative integer).
    public Complex factorial(){
  double x = real();
  if( imaginary() != 0 || x < 0 || StrictMath.round( x ) - x != 0 )
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Factorial error" );
  if( x > 1024 )
      return new Complex( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY );
  try {
      return new Complex( factorial( StrictMath.round( x ) ), 0 );
  } catch( Exception e ){
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Factorial error" );
     * Calculate factorial of x. Used internally.
     * @param x The value (left of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    private static double factorial( long x ){
  if( x == 0 )
      return 1;
      return x * factorial( x - 1 );

     * Calculates the number of unordered ways to choose y objects from this.
     * Produces an error if this doesn&rsquo;t make sense.
     * @param z The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    public Complex combination( Complex z ){
  double x = real();
  double y = z.real();
  if( imaginary() != 0 || x < 0 || StrictMath.round( x ) - x != 0 )
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Combination error" );
  ifz.imaginary() != 0 || y < 0 || y > x || StrictMath.round( y ) - y != 0 )
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Combination error" );
  try {
      return new Complex( combination( StrictMath.round( x ),
               StrictMath.round( y ) ), 0 );
  } catch( Exception e ){
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Combination error" );
     * Calculates the number of unordered ways to choose y objects from x.
     * Produces an error if this doesn&rsquo;t make sense. Used internally.
     * @param x The first value (left of symbol)
     * @param y The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    private static double combination( long x, long y ){
  if( y == 0 )
      return 1;
      return (double)x  / y * combination( x - 1, y - 1 );

     * Calculates the number of ordered ways to choose y objects from this.
     * Produces an error if this doesn&rsquo;t make sense.
     * @param z The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    public Complex permutation( Complex z ){
  double x = real();
  double y = z.real();
  if( imaginary() != 0 || x < 0 || StrictMath.round( x ) - x != 0 )
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Combination error" );
  ifz.imaginary() != 0 || y < 0 || y > x || StrictMath.round( y ) - y != 0 )
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Combination error" );
  try {
      return new Complex( permutation( StrictMath.round( x ),
               StrictMath.round( y ) ), 0 );
  } catch( Exception e ){
      throw new ArithmeticException( "Permutation error" );

     * Calculates the number of ordered ways to choose y objects from x.
     * Produces an error if this doesn&rsquo;t make sense. Used internally.
     * @param x The first value (left of symbol)
     * @param y The second value (right of symbol)
     * @return The result of the operation
    private static double permutation( long x, long y ){
  if( y == 0 )
      return 1;
      return x * permutation( x - 1, y - 1 );
     * Function to create an HTML string representation of the complex number.
     * This has six arguments. First, we need to know the maximum number of characters
     * available and the desired precision of the complex numbers. These are given
     * as two arguments.
     * Then we need to know the base
     * Then we need to know whether the Complex number is to be represented in
     * standard or scientific notation. These give the last two arguments.
     * Finally we need to know if we must use complex notation.
     * If not we can ignore small imaginary parts (and zero real part).
     * @param maxChars The maximum number of (visible) characters we can use
     * @param precision The desired number of significant figures
     * @param base The required base
     * @param notation  The notation to use to display this value
     * @param polarFactor Not used
     * @return a vector of Strings of at most maxChars HTML characters representing
     * the complex number
    public jscicalc.StringArray
  toHTMLSubString( int maxChars, int precision, final Base base,
       final Notation notation, double polarFactor ){
  // set up vector
  jscicalc.StringArray result = new jscicalc.StringArray();
  /* Show NaNs as Error*/
  if( Double.isNaN( real() ) || Double.isNaN( imaginary() ) ){
      String[] error = { "E", "r", "r", "o", "r" };
      result.add( error );
      return result;
  /* weak sanity checks */
  if( maxChars < 4 )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Complex.toHTMLSubString" +
              "maxChars must be at least four" );
  if( precision < 1 )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Complex.toHTMLSubString" +
              "precision must be positive" );

  Notation n = new Notation();
  if( notation.standard() ) n.setStandard();
  else n.setScientific();
  if( notation.complex() ) n.setComplex();
  else n.setNonComplex();
  if( notation.rectangular() ) n.setRectangular();
  else n.setPolar();

  if( n.standard() ){
      result = tryHTMLString( maxChars, precision, base, n ).stringVector;
      if( result != null ) return result;
  // force scientific notation
  result = tryHTMLString( maxChars, precision, base, n ).stringVector;
  if( result != null ) return result;
  else {
      result = new jscicalc.StringArray();
      String[] overflow = { "O", "v", "e", "r", "f", "l", "o", "w" };
      result.add( overflow );
      return result;

    public jscicalc.StringArray
  toHTMLParenString( int maxChars, int precision, final Base base,
         final Notation notation, double polarFactor ){
  // set up vector
  jscicalc.StringArray v = new jscicalc.StringArray();
  /* Show NaNs as Error*/
  if( Double.isNaN( real() ) || Double.isNaN( imaginary() ) ){
      String[] error = { "E", "r", "r", "o", "r" };
      v.add( error );
      return v;
  /* weak sanity checks */
  if( maxChars < 4 )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Complex.toHTMLParenString" +
              "maxChars must be at least four" );
  if( precision < 1 )
      throw new RuntimeException( "Complex.toHTMLParenString" +
              "precision must be positive" );

  Notation n = new Notation();
  if( notation.standard() ) n.setStandard();
  else n.setScientific();
  if( notation.complex() ) n.setComplex();
  else n.setNonComplex();
  if( notation.rectangular() ) n.setRectangular();
  else n.setPolar();

  HTMLStringResult result;
  if( n.standard() ){
      result = tryHTMLString( maxChars, precision, base, n );
      if( result.stringVector != null ){
    if( result.parentheses ){
        v.add( "(" );
        v.addAll( result.stringVector );
        v.add( ")" );
        return v;
    } else
        return result.stringVector;
  // force scientific notation
  result = tryHTMLString( maxChars, precision, base, n );
  if( result.stringVector != null ){
      if( result.parentheses ){
    v.add( "(" );
    v.addAll( result.stringVector );
    v.add( ")" );
    return v;
      } else
    return result.stringVector;
  } else {
      String[] overflow = { "O", "v", "e", "r", "f", "l", "o", "w" };
      v.add( overflow );
      return v;

     * internal class used for result of tryHTMLString
    private class HTMLStringResult {
   * Constructor. Sets String to null and parentheses to false.
      stringVector = null;
      parentheses = false;
   * Store the string.
  public jscicalc.StringArray stringVector;
   * Store the boolean that tells us whether or not parentheses should be
   * placed around the value.
  public Boolean parentheses;

     * Internal function to create an HTML string representation of the complex number.
     * This has five arguments. First, we need to know the maximum number of characters
     * available and the desired precision of the complex numbers. These are given
     * as two arguments.
     * Then we need to know the base
     * Then we need to know whether the Complex number is to be represented in
     * standard or scientific notation. These give the last two arguments.
     * Finally we need to know if we must use complex notation.
     * If not we can ignore small imaginary parts (and zero real part).
     * The fifth parameter is returned as TRUE or FALSE according as the
     * representation would or would not need parentheses if expressed as part
     * of a product.
     * @param maxChars The maximum number of (visible) characters we can use
     * @param precision The desired number of significant figures
     * @param base The required base
     * @param notation  The notation to use to display this value
     * @return a String of at most maxChars HTML characters representing the complex
     * number
    private HTMLStringResult tryHTMLString( final int maxChars, final int precision,
              final Base base, final Notation notation ){
  // set up
  HTMLStringResult result = new HTMLStringResult();
  DoubleFormat x;
  DoubleFormat y;
  Notation xn = new Notation();
  Notation yn = new Notation();
  if( notation.rectangular() ){
      x = new DoubleFormat( real(), base );
      y = new DoubleFormat( imaginary(), base );
      if( notation.scientific() ){
  } else { // polar
      x = new DoubleFormat( abs(), base );
      y = new DoubleFormat( arg(), base );
      if( notation.scientific() ){
  x.setNotation( xn );
  y.setNotation( yn );
  int a = precision; // precision for x
  int b = precision; // precision for y
  // main loop
  while( b > 0 ){
      // set up representations for x and y
      DoubleFormat.HTMLStringRepresentation xr = x.NullRepresentation;
      DoubleFormat.HTMLStringRepresentation yr = y.NullRepresentation;
      // change y if necessary
      if( notation.complex() || y.getAbsNumber() > smallImaginary ){
    y.setPrecision( b );
    yr = y.representation();
      // change x if necessary
      if( yr == y.NullRepresentation || notation.complex()
    || x.getAbsNumber() != (notation.rectangular() ? 0 : 1)
    || notation.polar() && notation.scientific() ){
    x.setPrecision( a );
    xr = x.representation();
      // Find length
      int length = xr.length + yr.length;
      // Maybe add to length or subtract from it
      if( notation.rectangular() ){
    if( xr != x.NullRepresentation && yr != y.NullRepresentation
        && imaginary() >= 0 ) ++length; // need a plus sign
    if( yr != y.NullRepresentation ) ++length; // need an i sign
    if( yr.isOne() || yr.isMinusOne() )
        --length; // don't show 1
      } else { // polar
    if( yr != y.NullRepresentation ){
        ++length; // need an e sign
        ++length; // need an i sign
    if( yr.isOne() || yr.isMinusOne() )
        --length; // don't show 1
      // Check length
      if( length <= maxChars ){ // we can format it
    jscicalc.StringArray stringBuffer = new jscicalc.StringArray();
    stringBuffer.addAll( xr.string ); // x part
    if( notation.rectangular() ){
        if( xr != x.NullRepresentation && yr != y.NullRepresentation ){
      result.parentheses = true;
      if( imaginary() >= 0 ){
          stringBuffer.add( );
    } else { // polar
        if( yr != y.NullRepresentation ){
      stringBuffer.add( DoubleFormat.argumentPrefix );
          .setElementAt( stringBuffer.lastElement().lastElement()
             .concat( DoubleFormat.startExponent ),
             stringBuffer.lastElement().size() - 1 );
      //stringBuffer.add( DoubleFormat.startExponent );
    if( yr.string.equals( "1" ) )
        ; // do nothing
    else if( yr.isMinusOne() )
        stringBuffer.add( DoubleFormat.minus );
        stringBuffer.addAll( yr.string ); // y part
    if( notation.rectangular() ){
        if( yr != y.NullRepresentation )
      stringBuffer.add( DoubleFormat.imPrefix );
    } else { // polar
        if( yr != y.NullRepresentation ){
      stringBuffer.add( DoubleFormat.imPrefix );
          .setElementAt( stringBuffer.lastElement().lastElement()
             .concat( DoubleFormat.endExponent ),
             stringBuffer.lastElement().size() - 1 );
      //stringBuffer.append( DoubleFormat.endExponent );
    result.stringVector = new jscicalc.StringArray();
    result.stringVector.addAll( stringBuffer );
    return result;
      // loop
      if( a == b )
  return result;

     * Used by tryHTMLString. Finds the smaller of x and y
     * @param x The first operand
     * @param y The second operand
     * @return The smaller of x and y
    private static int min( int x, int y ){
  return x > y ? y : x;
     * The comparison operator.
     * @param complex The Complex to be compared.
     * @return integer indicating how expression is compared to this.
    public int compareTo( Complex complex ){
  double a = abs();
  double b = complex.abs();
  if( a < b ) return -1;
  if( a > b ) return +1;
  a = arg();
  b = complex.arg();
  if( a > b ) return -1;
  if( a < b ) return +1;
  return 0;

     * Test code.
    public static void main( String args[] ){
  Complex a = new Complex( 243, 0 );
  Complex z = a.root( 37 );
  System.out.print( z.real() );
  System.out.print( "+" );
  System.out.print( z.imaginary() );
  System.out.println( "i" );

     * The real part of the complex number.
    private final double real_part;
     * The imaginary part of the complex number.
    private final double imaginary_part;

     * Used for cube roots
    private static final Complex THIRD = new Complex( 1 / (double)3 );
     * Used for tenx.
    private static final Complex LOG10 = new Complex( StrictMath.log( 10 ) );

     * i
    public static final Complex I = new Complex( 0, 1 );
     * A calculation (e.g. sin) might create a small imaginary part. If it is smaller
     * than this number in size AND we want to ignore small complex parts, ignore it.
    public static final double smallImaginary = 1e-10;

Related Classes of jscicalc.complex.Complex$HTMLStringResult

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