/** @file
* Copyright (C) 2005 John D Lamb (J.D.Lamb@btinternet.com)
* Copyright (C) 2007 John D Lamb (J.D.Lamb@btinternet.com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package jscicalc;
import jscicalc.complex.Complex;
* This class is designed to convert a string in base Base.BINARY, Base.OCTAL,
* Base.HEXADECIMAL into a jscicalc.complex.Complex.
* It also handles Base.DECIMAL by using a function in DOUBLE.
* It was origainlly designed to convert a string in base Base.BINARY, Base.OCTAL,
* Base.HEXADECIMAL into a double. It also handles Base.DECIMAL by using a function
* in java.Math.BigDecimal. In fact it only needs to do this conversion because any
* number that we convert is a real or imaginary part, absolute value or argument.
* When you enter an expression as a sequence of Numeral objects, Parser converts
* them to a string and then must convert the string to a double. This class
* does the conversion for Parser.
* @see Parser
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.5 $
class ParseBase {
* Private inner class used by ParseBase. It is similar to
* DisplayFormat.Format.
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version 1.0
private static class Number {
* The constructor must know what Base we are working with.
* @param b The Base we need to parse
public Number( Base b ){
base = b;
significand = exponent = 0;
* The significand of the double.
public long significand;
* The significand of the double.
public long exponent;
* The exponent of the double.
public boolean negative;
* Is the exponent negative
public boolean exponentNegative;
* The Base.
public Base base;
* Reads the string and extracts the significand.
* @param s The string
* @param b The Base we are working in
public static Number parseSignificand( String s, Base b ){
Number number = new Number( b );
int end = 15;
int shift = 4;
if( b == Base.BINARY ){
end = 60;
shift = 1;
else if( b == Base.OCTAL ){
end = 20;
shift = 3;
number.negative = s.charAt( 0 ) == '-';
int offset = number.negative ? 1 : 0;
boolean leading = true;
for( int i = 0; i < end; ++i ){
long digit = 0;
if( i + offset < s.length() )
digit = getDigit( s.charAt( i + offset ) );
if( digit < 0 ){
++offset; // deal with baseimal point, etc.
} else if( leading )
if( digit == 0 && offset < end ){
++offset; // deal with leading zeros
} else
leading = false;
number.significand <<= shift;
number.significand |= digit;
return number;
* Reads the string and extracts the exponent.
* @param s The string
private void parseExponent( String s ){
//System.out.println( s );
int shift = 0;
switch( base ){
case BINARY:
shift = 1;
case OCTAL:
shift = 3;
shift = 4;
exponentNegative = false;
for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
if( c == '-' )
exponentNegative = !exponentNegative;
long digit = getDigit( c );
if( digit < 0 ) continue;
exponent <<= shift;
if( (exponent & 0x1000L) != 0 ){
//System.out.println( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++" );
//System.out.println( exponent );
//System.out.println( digit );
//System.out.println( digit * shift );
//System.out.println( exponent + digit * shift );
//System.out.println( "--------------------------" );
exponent += digit * shift;
if( exponentNegative )
exponent =- exponent;
//System.out.println( exponent );
* Finds the base point, useful for making sure the exponent is correct.
* @param s The string
private void parsePoint( String s ){
//System.out.println( s );
boolean fraction = false;
int leadingZeros = 0;
int fractionalZeros = 0;
for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
if( c == '.' )
fraction = true;
else if( c != '0' ) break;
else if( fraction )
int leadingDigits = 0;
for( Character c : s.toCharArray() ){
if( c == '.' ) break;
else ++leadingDigits;
int count = leadingDigits - leadingZeros - fractionalZeros - 1;
//System.out.println( exponent );
//System.out.println( count );
// there are count nonzero digits in front of the base point
if( base == Base.HEXADECIMAL )
count *= 4;
else if( base == Base.OCTAL )
count *= 3;
exponent += count;
//System.out.println( exponent );
//System.out.println( "**************" );
* Reads two strings, one contains significand, the other exponent. These
* will have been obtained using a regular expression.
* @param s The string containing the significand
* @param e The string containing the exponent
* @param b The Base we are working in
private static Number parseStrings( String s, java.lang.String e,
Base b ){
Number number = Number.parseSignificand( s, b );
if( e.length() > 0 )
number.parseExponent( e );
number.parsePoint( s );
//System.out.println( number.exponent );
//System.out.println( "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" );
return number;
* Parses an entire string. Uses a regular expression to split it into
* significand and exponent and then parses these separately.
* @param s The string containing the significand
* @param b The Base we are working in
public static Number parseString( String s, Base b ){
java.util.regex.Matcher m = pattern.matcher( s );
return parseStrings( m.group( 1 ), m.group( 2 ), b );
* A regular expression pattern used to split a string into significand
* and exponent.
private static java.util.regex.Pattern pattern
= java.util.regex.Pattern .compile( "([-|+]?[0-9A-F]+" +
"|[-|+]?[0-9A-F]+[.][0-9A-F]*" +
"|[-|+]?[0-9A-F]*[.][0-9A-F]+)" +
"(e[-|+]?[0-9A-F]+|)" );
* String is composed from Numeral PObject objects. Each contains a char and
* eventually we need to extract the char from a string and convert it into
* the corresponding integer
* @param c a char representing a Numeral
* @return the corresponding integer
private static long getDigit( char c ){
switch( c ){
case '0':
return 0;
case '1':
return 1;
case '2':
return 2;
case '3':
return 3;
case '4':
return 4;
case '5':
return 5;
case '6':
return 6;
case '7':
return 7;
case '8':
return 8;
case '9':
return 9;
case 'A':
return 10;
case 'B':
return 11;
case 'C':
return 12;
case 'D':
return 13;
case 'E':
return 14;
case 'F':
return 15;
return -1;
* This is the function that Parser actually uses. Converts a string to
* a double in Base b.
* @param s The string (a number composed from Numeral objects)
* @param b The Base
* @return The number as a double
* @see Parser
public static Complex parseString( String s, Base b ){
return new Complex( dparseString( s, b ) );
* This is the function that Parser uses for doubles. Converts a string to
* a double in Base b.
* @param s The string (a number composed from Numeral objects)
* @param b The Base
* @return The number as a double
* @see Parser
public static double dparseString( String s, Base b ){
//System.out.println( s );
if( b == Base.DECIMAL ){
java.util.regex.Matcher m = Number.pattern.matcher( s );
m.matches(); // throws an exception if s is not a suitable number
return (new java.math.BigDecimal( s )).doubleValue();
//return Double.valueOf( s ); /* older version */
Number number = Number.parseString( s, b );
if( number.significand == 0 )
return 0;
// significand has up to 60 binary digits - reduce to 53
switch( b ){
number.significand >>>= 4;
case OCTAL:
number.significand >>>= 5;
number.significand >>>= 7;
for(; (number.significand & 0xFFE0000000000000L) != 0; ++number.exponent )
number.significand >>>= 1;
// exponent has possible overflow/underflow
if( number.exponent > E_MAX )
if( number.negative )
else if( number.exponent < E_MIN ){
// underflow
if( number.exponent < E_MIN - 52 )
return 0;
else {
for(; number.exponent < E_MIN; ++number.exponent )
number.significand >>>= 1;
number.exponent = -BIAS;
long result = number.exponent + BIAS;
//System.out.println( number.exponent );
result <<= 52; // shift exponent into position
//System.out.println( Long.toHexString( result ) );
if( number.negative )
result |= 0x8000000000000000L;
result |= (number.significand & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL);
//System.out.println( Long.toHexString( result ) );
//System.out.println( Long.toBinaryString( result ) );
return Double.longBitsToDouble( result );
public static void main( String[] args ){
System.out.println( parseString( "777", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "77.7", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "177", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "077", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "0.01", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "0.01", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "0.01", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "-0.01", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "-0.01", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "-0.01", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e3", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e3", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e11", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-3", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-3", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "-1e-11", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-13", Base.OCTAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e+1111111111", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e+10000000000", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-10000000000", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-10000000000", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-100000000000", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-1000000000000", Base.BINARY ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "8e+FF", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e+100", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "8e2", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "8e-FF", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-108", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-109", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-109", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-10A", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e-10C", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
System.out.println( parseString( "1e+8", Base.HEXADECIMAL ).real() );
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long BIAS = 1023;
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long E_MAX = 1023;
* Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
public static final long E_MIN = -1022;