/** @file
* Copyright (C) 2004–5 John D Lamb (J.D.Lamb@btinternet.com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package jscicalc;
import jscicalc.pobject.PObject;
* This is the component that shows the entry we are typing. For various reasons
* it takes quite a lot of setting up. We want it to be editable and show HTML
* output (so, for example, that we can get square root or exponent signs). So we
* use a JTextPane. But we also want it to be a single line and scrollable; so we
* encapsulate it in a JViewPort. Finally we want to make sure we only scroll to
* valid positions (between PObject strings) so we add a NavigationFilter called
* Navigator. We also need a JPanel just to hold everything together.
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.10 $
public class EntryLabel extends ScrollableLabel {
* The constructor defines an interface to the DisplayPanel object.
* @param panel The display panel (we read values from CalculatorApplet through
* it)
public EntryLabel( ReadOnlyDisplayPanel panel ){
super( panel, new EntryNavigator() );
* Update the display. The parameter is probably redundant since we can
* get the value of on indirectly from the CalculatorApplet object.
* @param on if <em>false</em> the calculator is switched off and so we don’t
* display anything; otherwise redisplay expression.
public void update( boolean on ){
//System.out.println( "entrylabel:update" );
//setFont( getFont().deriveFont( panel.getApplet().entryTextSize() ) );
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
text.append( "<html><p style=\"font-size:" );
text.append( Float
.toString( panel.getApplet().entryTextSize() ) );
text.append( "pt\">" );//font-family=\"Lucida\">" );
if( on ){
if( panel.getApplet().getMode() == 0 ){
setCaretVisible( true );
text.append( expression );
text.append( endhtml );
textPane.setText( text.toString() );
//System.out.print( "dot position is " );
//System.out.println( dotPosition );
textPane.getCaret().setDot( dotPosition );
} else if( panel.getApplet().getMode() == 2 ){
setCaretVisible( false );
text.append( "Degrees: 1 Radians: 2" );
text.append( endhtml );
textPane.setText( text.toString() );
textPane.getCaret().setDot( 1 );
} else if( panel.getApplet().getMode() == 1 ){
setCaretVisible( false );
text.append( "Comp: 1 Stat: 2" );
text.append( endhtml );
textPane.setText( text.toString() );
textPane.getCaret().setDot( 1 );
} else if( panel.getApplet().getMode() == 3 ){
setCaretVisible( false );
text.append( "Set size: 0–" );
text.append( panel.getApplet().getSizesSize() - 1 );
text.append( " (current value: " );
text.append( panel.getApplet().minSize()
- panel.getApplet().getMinSize() );
text.append( ")" );
text.append( endhtml );
textPane.setText( text.toString() );
textPane.getCaret().setDot( 1 );
} else {
setCaretVisible( false );
text.append( endhtml );
textPane.setText( text.toString() );
* Not used. I tried allowing the CalculatorButton to fire an Action to move
* the Caret left, but it didn’t work
* @return The Action (mmove left)
public javax.swing.Action backward(){
return backward;
* Delete element to left of Caret (if possible).
* @param parser If we delete we have to change the Parser too
* @see DelButton
public synchronized void delete( Parser parser ){
/* clear selection if any */
textPane.getCaret().setDot( textPane.getCaretPosition() );
int position = getDotPosition();
//System.err.println( textPane.getCaretPosition() );
//System.err.print( "position = " );
//System.err.println( position );
/* put text in textPane */
PObject p = parser.del( position );
if( p == null ){
dotPosition = navigator.dots().get( position );
//System.out.println( p.name() );
int length = 0;
length = p.name_array().length;
expression = parser.getExpression();
/* change dots to match */
int currentDot = navigator.dots().get( position );
navigator.dots().remove( position );
for( int i = position; i < navigator.dots().size(); ++i ){
int q = navigator.dots().elementAt( i );
q = q - length;
navigator.dots().setElementAt( q, i );
/* move dot to required position */
dotPosition = currentDot - length;
* Set a new expression from the Parser. Useful if we’ve just loaded a new
* expression from history.
* @param parser The Parser
public synchronized void setExpression( Parser parser ){
expression = parser.getExpression();
newExpression = false;
int i = 1;
navigator.dots().add( i );
for( PObject pobject : parser.getList() ){
i += pobject.name_array().length;
navigator.dots().add( i );
dotPosition = i;
* Clear expression. Useful in response to OnButton, for example.
* @param parser The Parser: we must also clear expression in the Parser
public synchronized void clear( Parser parser ){
//System.out.println( "entrylabel:clear" );
expression = "";
dotPosition = 0;
* Insert element to right of Caret (if possible).
* @param p The PObject, usually goten from a CalculatorButton
* @param parser If we delete we have to change the Parser too
public synchronized void insert( PObject p, Parser parser ){
/* clear selection if any */
textPane.getCaret().setDot( textPane.getCaretPosition() );
int position = getDotPosition();
//System.out.println( textPane.getCaretPosition() );
//System.out.println( p.name() );
int length = p.name_array().length;
/* put text in textPane */
//textPane.replaceSelection( p.name() );
/* make sure recorded expression matches */
//System.err.print( "******** " );
//System.out.println( position );
if( newExpression ){
newExpression = false;
navigator.dots().add( 1 );
position = 0;
parser.add( position, p );
expression = parser.getExpression();
/* change dots to match */
int currentDot = navigator.dots().get( position );
for( int i = position; i < navigator.dots().size(); ++i ){
int q = navigator.dots().elementAt( i );
q = q + length;
navigator.dots().setElementAt( q, i );
navigator.dots().insertElementAt( currentDot, position );
/* move dot to required position */
dotPosition = currentDot + length;
* This pads out the expression and makes it a bit taller if necessary so that
* new expressions are left-adjusted. Otherwise the display would start in the
* middle of the JViewPort. Navigator makes sure we can never try to edit this
* invisible region.
private final static String endhtml
= "<sup> </sup><sub> <sub> "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " "
+ " <sup> </sup><sub> </sub></p></html>";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;