Package jscicalc

Source Code of jscicalc.DisplayLabel

/** @file
* Copyright (C) 2004–5 John D Lamb (
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 John D Lamb (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package jscicalc;
import jscicalc.OObject;

* This is the part of the DisplayPanel that shows the output of calculations.
* @author J. D. Lamb
* @version $Revision: 1.11 $
public class DisplayLabel extends ScrollableLabel {
     * Constructor. The object constructed should can read but not modify
     * the DisplayPanel.
     * @param panel The panel containing this
    public DisplayLabel( ReadOnlyDisplayPanel panel ){
  super( panel, new DisplayNavigator() );
  scrollData = new ScrollData( this );
  displayCaret = new DisplayCaret( scrollData );
  textPane.setCaret( displayCaret );
  clearDisplay = false;

     * Set a new expression in the label.
    public void setNewExpression(){
  int m = getDigits();
  int precision = 10;
  final Base b = getBase();
  final Notation n = panel.getApplet().getNotation();
  double factor = 1;
  if( panel.getApplet().getAngleType() == AngleType.DEGREES )
      factor = 1;//180 / StrictMath.PI;
  OObject o = panel.getApplet().getValue();
  if( o != null )
      setExpression( o, m, precision, b, n, factor );
  synchronized( displayCaret ){
      displayCaret.updateFlag = true;

     * Change whether or not the caret should be shown, assuming permission is given.
     * This overrides base function so that caret is always invisible.
     * @param b <em>true</em> if caret should be shown; <em>false</em> otherwise
    protected void setCaretVisible( boolean b ){
  caretVisible = false;
     * Update the display. The state should depend on whether the calculator
     * is switched on and we ough to read this indirectly rather than pass
     * the state as a parameter.
     * @param on <em>true</em> if calculator switched on.
    public void update( boolean on ){
  if( on ){
      if( panel.getApplet().getMode() == 0 ){
    synchronized( displayCaret ){
        if( clearDisplay ) setNewExpression();
        textPane.setText( expression );
        textPane.getCaret().setDot( dotPosition );
        //displayCaret.updateFlag = true;
        //       try {
        //     displayCaret.wait();
        //       } catch( InterruptedException e ){
        //     System.out.println( e );
        //       }
      } else {
    textPane.setText( expression );
  } else {
      textPane.setText( expression );
     * Set a new expression from an OObject.
     * @param o The OObject to be displayed
     * @param m The number of digits (used by Complex)
     * @param precision The precision (used by Complex)
     * @param b The Base for numbers
     * @param n The Notation for numbers
     * @param factor Not currently used
    public synchronized void setExpression( OObject o, int m, int precision, Base b,
              Notation n, double factor ){
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  sb.append( "<html><p style=\"font-size:" );
  sb.append( Float.toString( panel.getApplet().displayTextSize() ) );
  sb.append( "pt;font-family:" );
  sb.append( javax.swing.UIManager.getFont( "Label.font" ).getName() );
  sb.append( "\">" );
  sb.append( start );
  int i = 53;
  navigator.dots().add( i );
  StringArray stringArray = o.toHTMLStringVector( m, precision, b, n, factor );
  // fix superscripts
  for( java.util.Vector<String> v : stringArray ){
      for( String s : v ){
    sb.append( s );
      i += v.size();
      navigator.dots().add( i );
  sb.append( "</p></html>" )
  expression = sb.toString();
  //System.out.println( expression );
  dotPosition = i;

     * Clear expression. Useful in response to OnButton, for example.
    public synchronized void clear(){
  expression = start;
  dotPosition = 54;
  clearDisplay = true;

     * The DisplayFormat object has a Base, which ought to be the same as the
     * CalculatorApplet Base and we use this to get it.
     * @return The Base of the DisplayFormat object.
    public Base getBase(){
  return panel.getApplet().getBase();

     * Get number of digits used. I think this is a default number
     * so we don&rsquo;t overrun the display width.
     * @return A number representing the number of digits in the display
    public int getDigits(){
  return DIGITS;
     * Scroll left if possible.
     * @see LeftButton
     * @see Navigator
    public void left(){

     * Scroll right if possible.
     * @see RightButton
     * @see Navigator
    public void right(){

     * Find the directions in which it is possible to scroll.
     * @return The directions in which it is possible to scroll
    final LeftOrRight getScrollDirections(){
  return scrollData.getScrollDirections();

     * This is a local class that implements a default Caret. It&rsquo;s purpose
     * is purely to get access to modelToView at a point when the textpane and caret
     * cannot move and so calculate distances for scrolling
    private class DisplayCaret extends javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret {
   * The constructor gets a ScrollData object so that when the Caret gets
   * repainted the ScrollData data can be calculated.
   * @param scrollData The ScrollData object
  public DisplayCaret( ScrollData scrollData ){
      this.scrollData = scrollData;
      updateFlag = false;
   * Standard paint method with one addition: if updateFlag has been set to true
   * then ScrollData data is calculated immediately after the paint method of the
   * superclass is called. This allows us to get distances without risk of
   * values changing because of events in another thread. In fact, it doesn&rsquo;t
   * fully account for concurrency problems: I haven&rsquo;t checked that there are
   * no possible circumstances under which the data in ScrollData might be required
   * before this function call
   * @param graphics Standard parameter
  public void paint( java.awt.Graphics graphics ){
      synchronized( this ){
    super.paint( graphics );
    if( updateFlag ) scrollData.update();
    updateFlag = false;
   * Keep a reference to the ScrollData object
  private ScrollData scrollData;
   * Set this flag to true to force an update of calculated distances used for
   * scrolling DisplayLabel
  public boolean updateFlag;
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;  
     * Keep a reference to the only Caret
    private DisplayCaret displayCaret;

     * This class is used to hold the information required for scrolling left and right.
    private class ScrollData {
   * The constructor takes information from a DisplayLabel
   * @param displayLabel The object used for construction
  public ScrollData( DisplayLabel displayLabel ){
      // references
      dots = displayLabel.navigator.dots();
      this.displayLabel = displayLabel;
      // set up
      distances = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
      atRight = true; // intially always.

   * This function calculates distances used by left() and right() but should never
   * be called directly. Instead, set the updateFlag of displayCaret and the values
   * get calculated when the Caret is repainted.
  public void update(){
      distances = new java.util.Vector<Integer>();
      if( dots.isEmpty() ) return;
      java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator();
      java.awt.Rectangle r = null;
      try { r = textPane.modelToView( ); }
      catch( javax.swing.text.BadLocationException e ){ return; }
      if( r == null ) return;
      int p = r.x;
      while( i.hasNext() ){
    try { r = textPane.modelToView( ); }
    catch( javax.swing.text.BadLocationException e ){ return; }
    if( r == null ) return;
    int q = r.x;
    distances.add( q - p );
    p = q;

   * Find the directions in which it is possible to scroll.
   * @return The directions in which it is possible to scroll
  final LeftOrRight getScrollDirections(){
      if( dots.isEmpty() || distances.size() != dots.size() - 1 )
    return LeftOrRight.NEITHER;
      boolean left = false;
      boolean right = false;
      if( atRight ){
    right = dots.lastElement() > displayLabel.dotPosition;
    double distance = 0;
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator();
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> j = distances.listIterator();
    while( j.hasNext() ){
        if( >= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
        distance +=;
    left = distance > displayLabel.getWidth();
      } else {
    left = dots.firstElement() < displayLabel.dotPosition;
    double distance = 0;
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator( dots.size() );
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> j
        = distances.listIterator( distances.size() );
    while( j.hasPrevious() ){
        if( i.previous() <= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
        distance += j.previous();
    right = distance > displayLabel.getWidth();
      if( left && right )
    return LeftOrRight.BOTH;
      else if( left )
    return LeftOrRight.LEFT;
      else if( right )
    return LeftOrRight.RIGHT;
    return LeftOrRight.NEITHER;

   * Scroll left if possible.
   * @see LeftButton
   * @see Navigator
  public void left(){
      int width = displayLabel.getWidth();
      if( atRight ){
    // first, find distance to leftmost position
    int distance = 0;
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator();
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> j = distances.listIterator();
    while( j.hasNext() ){
        if( >= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
        distance +=;
    if( width >= distance ) return; // nothing to do
    // now move back along until we find a position that is not hidden
    i = dots.listIterator();
    j = distances.listIterator();
    int position =; // position of leftmost element
    while( j.hasNext() ){ // should always be true in this loop
        int d =;
        if( distance - d < width ) break;
        distance -= d; // shorten
        position =; // get dot position
    displayLabel.dotPosition = position;
    atRight = false; // we're now at left
      } else {
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator();
    while( i.hasNext() ){
        if( >= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
    if( !i.hasPrevious() ) return; // at leftmost position already
    displayLabel.dotPosition = i.previous();
      // set new dot position
      displayLabel.textPane.getCaret().setDot( displayLabel.dotPosition );

   * Scroll right if possible.
   * @see RightButton
   * @see Navigator
  public void right(){
      int width = displayLabel.getWidth();
      if( !atRight ){
    // first, find distance to rightmost position
    int distance = 0;
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator( dots.size() );
        j = distances.listIterator( distances.size() );
    while( j.hasPrevious() ){
        if( i.previous() <= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
        distance += j.previous();
    if( width >= distance ) return; // nothing to do
    // now move back along until we find a position that is not hidden
    i = dots.listIterator( dots.size() );
    j = distances.listIterator( distances.size() );
    int position = i.previous(); // position of leftmost element
    while( j.hasPrevious() ){ // should always be true in this loop
        int d = j.previous();
        if( distance - d < width ) break;
        distance -= d; // shorten
        position = i.previous(); // get dot position
    displayLabel.dotPosition = position;
    atRight = true; // we're now at right
      } else {
    java.util.ListIterator<Integer> i = dots.listIterator( dots.size() );
    while( i.hasPrevious() ){
        if( i.previous() <= displayLabel.dotPosition ) break;
    if( !i.hasNext() ) return; // at leftmost position already
    displayLabel.dotPosition =;
      // set new dot position
      displayLabel.textPane.getCaret().setDot( displayLabel.dotPosition );
   * Keep a reference to owning object
  private DisplayLabel displayLabel;
   * Keep a reference to dots
  private final java.util.Vector<Integer> dots;
   * Distances between dot posistion
  private java.util.Vector<Integer> distances;
   * Keep a record of whether dot postion is or is not at right of display.
  boolean atRight;

     * Holds data about where the expression is within the Jviewport
    private ScrollData scrollData;

     * private use for updating after cleared data
    private boolean clearDisplay;
     * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
    public static final long BIAS = 1023;
     * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
    public static final long E_MAX = 1023;
     * Standard constant for IEEE 754 doubles
    public static final long E_MIN = -1022;

     * Used to set number of digits in display.
    private static final int DIGITS = 20;
    private final static String start
   = "<sub>&nbsp;</sub>&nbsp;<sup>&nbsp;</sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
   + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
   + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
   + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;  

Related Classes of jscicalc.DisplayLabel

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