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* Copyright (C) 2002 Don Schwartz <schwardo@users.sourceforge.net>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
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package org.jruby.javasupport.test;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFManager;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class TestBSF extends RubyTestCase {
private static final String RUBY_SCRIPT = "SimpleInterfaceImpl.rb";
BSFManager manager = null;
public TestBSF(String name) {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
BSFManager.registerScriptingEngine("ruby", "org.jruby.javasupport.bsf.JRubyEngine", new String[] { "rb" });
manager = new BSFManager();
String expression = loadScript(RUBY_SCRIPT);
assertNotNull("Script loaded from " + RUBY_SCRIPT + " should exist", expression);
manager.exec("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, expression);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
manager = null;
public void testList() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
for (Iterator e = si.getList().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
assertTrue(e.next().getClass() == Long.class);
public void testModifyList() throws Exception{
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "MODIFY_LIST = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
List list = si.getList();
list.set(1, "FOO");
Boolean answer = (Boolean) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "[1, 'FOO', 3] == MODIFY_LIST.getList");
list.add(new Long(4));
answer = (Boolean) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "[1, 'FOO', 3, 4] == MODIFY_LIST.getList");
list.add(1, new Integer(2));
answer = (Boolean) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "[1, 2, 'FOO', 3, 4] == MODIFY_LIST.getList");
answer = (Boolean) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "[1, 2, 3, 4] == MODIFY_LIST.getList");
assertTrue(list.contains(new Long(3)));
assertEquals(2, list.indexOf(new Long(3)));
assertEquals(2, list.lastIndexOf(new Long(3)));
Object[] array = list.toArray();
assertEquals(4, array.length);
assertEquals(3, ((Long) array[2]).longValue());
List subList = list.subList(0, 2);
assertEquals(3, subList.size());
// Sublist is supposed to share same backing store as list...TODO in RubyArray.
//assertTrue(list.size() == 1);
public void testEmptyList() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "EMPTY_LIST = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
List list = si.getEmptyList();
assertEquals(0, list.size());
public void testNilList() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "EMPTY_LIST = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
List list = si.getNilList();
assertTrue(list == null);
public void testNestedList() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "NESTED_LIST = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
List list = si.getNestedList();
assertEquals(3, list.size());
List list2 = (List) list.get(0);
assertEquals(2, list2.size());
assertEquals(0, list2.indexOf(new Long(1)));
assertEquals("FOO", list.get(0));
* Tests the use of RubyHash when used from java.
* Tests:
* RubyHash#keySet()
* RubyHash#get()
* RubyHash#keySet()#iterator()#hasNext()
* RubyHash#keySet()#iterator()#next()
* RubyHash#keySet()#remove()
* RubyHash#keySet()#contains()
* RubyHash#keySet()#containsAll()
* RubyHash#values()
* RubyHash#values()#iterator()
* RubyHash#values()#iterator()#hasNext()
* RubyHash#values()#iterator()#next()
* RubyHash#values()#contains()
* RubyHash#values()#containsAll()
* RubyHash#values()#remove()
public void testMap() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getMap();
List values = new ArrayList();
List keys = new ArrayList();
Iterator valuesIterator = map.values().iterator();
// Iterate over the RubyHash keySet, simultaneously iterating over the values()
for (Iterator keySetIterator = map.keySet().iterator(); keySetIterator.hasNext(); ) {
Object key = keySetIterator.next();
// Get the value from the map via the key
Object value = map.get(key);
assertTrue(key.getClass() == String.class);
assertTrue(value.getClass() == Long.class);
// Get the value from the map via the values iterator
Object valueViaValuesIterator = valuesIterator.next();
// Check the 2 values obtained via different means
assertEquals(value, valueViaValuesIterator);
// Note that WE CAN'T say the following, because of the on-the-fly conversion of Fixnum to Long
// assertTrue(value == valueViaValuesIterator);
assertTrue(map.values().contains(new Long(1)));
assertFalse(map.values().contains(new Long(1)));
assertTrue(map.values().contains(new Long(2)));
assertTrue(map.values().remove(new Long(2)));
assertFalse(map.values().contains(new Long(2)));
* Tests the use of RubyHash when used from java.
* Tests:
* RubyHash#entrySet()
* RubyHash#entrySet()#iterator()#hasNext()
* RubyHash#entrySet()#iterator()#next()
* RubyHash#entrySet()#iterator()#next()#setValue()
public void testMapEntrySetIterator() throws Exception {
class TestMapValue { private int i; private String s; TestMapValue() {i = 1; s="2";} public String toString(){ return s + i; } }
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getMap();
int iteration = 1;
for (Iterator e = map.entrySet().iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
Object o = e.next();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
assertTrue(entry.getKey().getClass() == String.class);
assertTrue(entry.getValue().getClass() == Long.class);
if (iteration++ == 1) {
assertEquals("A", entry.getKey());
assertEquals(new Long(1L), entry.getValue());
// Set a value in the RubyHash
entry.setValue(new Long(3));
} else {
assertEquals("B", entry.getKey());
assertEquals(new Long(2L), entry.getValue());
// Set a value in the RubyHash
entry.setValue(new TestMapValue());
// Check the entry.setValue values come back out ok
iteration = 1;
for (Iterator e = map.entrySet().iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
Object o = e.next();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
assertTrue(entry.getKey().getClass() == String.class);
if (iteration++ == 1) {
assertTrue(entry.getValue().getClass() == Long.class);
assertEquals("A", entry.getKey());
assertEquals(new Long(3L), entry.getValue());
} else {
assertTrue(entry.getValue().getClass() == TestMapValue.class);
assertEquals("B", entry.getKey());
assertEquals("21", entry.getValue().toString());
* Tests the use of RubyHash when used from java.
* Tests:
* RubyHash#entrySet()#contains()
* RubyHash#entrySet()#remove()
public void testMapEntrySetContainsAndRemove() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getMap();
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Iterator e = entrySet.iterator();
Object next1 = e.next();
Object next2 = e.next();
public void testModifyMap() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "MODIFY_MAP = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getMap();
for (Iterator e = map.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
Object key = e.next();
Object value = map.get(key);
assertTrue(key.getClass() == String.class);
assertTrue(value.getClass() == Long.class);
map.put(key, new Long(((Long) value).longValue() + 1));
Boolean answer = (Boolean) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "{'A'=> 2, 'B' => 3} == MODIFY_MAP.getMap");
assertEquals(2, map.size());
Long value = (Long) map.get("B");
assertEquals(3, value.longValue());
assertEquals(1, map.size());
assertTrue(map.containsValue(new Long(2)));
map.put("C", new Long(4));
HashMap newMap = new HashMap();
newMap.put("D", "E");
assertEquals(3, map.size());
assertEquals(0, map.size());
public void testEmptyMap() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "EMPTY_MAP = SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getEmptyMap();
assertEquals(0, map.size());
public void testNilMap() throws Exception {
SimpleInterface si = (SimpleInterface) manager.eval("ruby", "(java)", 1, 1, "SimpleInterfaceImpl.new");
Map map = si.getNilMap();
assertTrue(map == null);
private String loadScript(String fileName) throws Exception {
InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
if (stream == null) {
// If we're running from within an IDE we may not have
// the .rb files in our classpath. Try to find them
// in the filesystem instead.
stream = new FileInputStream("test/org/jruby/javasupport/test/" + fileName);
Reader in = new InputStreamReader(stream);
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int length;
char[] buf = new char[8096];
while ((length = in.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) >= 0) {
result.append(buf, 0, length);
return result.toString();