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import org.jruby.javasupport.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod.JavaMethodNoBlock;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod.JavaMethodOne;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod.JavaMethodOneBlock;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod.JavaMethodZero;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.UndefinedMethod;
import org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;

public class JavaInterfaceTemplate {
    public static RubyModule createJavaInterfaceTemplateModule(ThreadContext context) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyModule javaInterfaceTemplate = runtime.defineModule("JavaInterfaceTemplate");

        RubyClass singleton = javaInterfaceTemplate.getSingletonClass();
        singleton.addReadAttribute(context, "java_class");

        return javaInterfaceTemplate;

    // not intended to be called directly by users (private)
    // OLD TODO from Ruby code:
    // This should be implemented in, where we can
    // check for reserved Ruby names, conflicting methods, etc.
    @JRubyMethod(backtrace = true, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
    public static IRubyObject implement(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject clazz) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();

        if (!(clazz instanceof RubyModule)) {
            throw runtime.newTypeError(clazz, runtime.getModule());

        RubyModule targetModule = (RubyModule)clazz;
        JavaClass javaClass = (JavaClass)self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class");
        Method[] javaInstanceMethods = javaClass.javaClass().getMethods();
        DynamicMethod dummyMethod = new org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod(targetModule, Visibility.PUBLIC) {
            public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
                // dummy bodies for default impls
                return context.getRuntime().getNil();
        for (int i = 0; i < javaInstanceMethods.length; i++) {
            Method method = javaInstanceMethods[i];
            String name = method.getName();
            if (targetModule.searchMethod(name) != UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE) continue;
            targetModule.addMethod(name, dummyMethod);
        return runtime.getNil();

    @JRubyMethod(frame = true)
    public static IRubyObject append_features(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject clazz, Block block) {
        if (clazz instanceof RubyClass) {
            appendFeaturesToClass(context, self, (RubyClass)clazz);
        } else if (clazz instanceof RubyModule) {
            appendFeaturesToModule(context, self, (RubyModule)clazz);
        } else {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("received " + clazz + ", expected Class/Module");

        return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, self, clazz, block);

    private static void appendFeaturesToClass(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyClass clazz) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        IRubyObject javaClassObj = self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class");

        // initialize this if it hasn't been
        if (javaClassObj == null) {
            javaClassObj = runtime.getNil();
            self.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable("@java_class", javaClassObj);

        // initialize these if they haven't been
        IRubyObject javaClass = clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class");
        if (javaClass == null) {
            javaClass = runtime.getNil();
            clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastSetInstanceVariable("@java_class", javaClass);
        IRubyObject javaProxyClass = clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_proxy_class");
        if (javaProxyClass == null) {
            javaProxyClass = runtime.getNil();
            clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastSetInstanceVariable("@java_proxy_class", javaProxyClass);

        // not allowed for original (non-generated) Java classes
        // note: not allowing for any previously created class right now;
        // this restriction might be loosened later for generated classes
        if ((javaClass.isTrue() && !clazz.getSingletonClass().isMethodBound("java_proxy_class", false)) ||
                javaProxyClass.isTrue()) {
            throw runtime.newArgumentError("can not add Java interface to existing Java class");
        IRubyObject javaInterfaces = clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces");
        if (javaInterfaces == null) {
            javaInterfaces = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, javaClassObj);
            clazz.getInstanceVariables().fastSetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces", javaInterfaces);

            // setup new, etc unless this is a ConcreteJavaProxy subclass
            if (!clazz.isMethodBound("__jcreate!", false)) {
                // First we make modifications to the class, to adapt it to being
                // both a Ruby class and a proxy for a Java type

                RubyClass singleton = clazz.getSingletonClass();

                // list of interfaces we implement
                singleton.addReadAttribute(context, "java_interfaces");
                // We capture the original "new" and make it private
                DynamicMethod newMethod = singleton.searchMethod("new").dup();
                singleton.addMethod("__jredef_new", newMethod);

                // The replacement "new" allocates and inits the Ruby object as before, but
                // also instantiates our proxified Java object by calling __jcreate!
                singleton.addMethod("new", new org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.JavaMethod(singleton, Visibility.PUBLIC) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
                        assert self instanceof RubyClass : "new defined on non-class";

                        RubyClass clazzSelf = (RubyClass)self;
                        IRubyObject newObj = clazzSelf.allocate();
                        RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, newObj, "__jcreate!", args, block);
                        RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, newObj, "initialize", args, block);

                        return newObj;
                // Next, we define a few private methods that we'll use to manipulate
                // the Java object contained within this Ruby object
                // jcreate instantiates the proxy object which implements all interfaces
                // and which is wrapped and implemented by this object
                clazz.addMethod("__jcreate!", new JavaMethodNoBlock(clazz, Visibility.PRIVATE) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject[] args) {
                        IRubyObject javaInterfaces = RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self.getMetaClass(), "java_interfaces");
                        return jcreateProxy(self, javaInterfaces, args);
                // Used by our duck-typification of Proc into interface types, to allow
                // coercing a simple proc into an interface parameter.
                clazz.addMethod("__jcreate_meta!", new JavaMethodNoBlock(clazz, Visibility.PRIVATE) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject[] args) {
                        IRubyObject javaInterfaces = RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self.getSingletonClass(), "java_interfaces");
                        IRubyObject result = jcreateProxy(self, javaInterfaces, args);
                        return result;


                // If we hold a Java object, we need a java_class accessor
                clazz.addMethod("java_class", new JavaMethodZero(clazz, Visibility.PUBLIC) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name) {
                        return ((JavaObject)self.dataGetStruct()).java_class();
                // Because we implement Java interfaces now, we need a new === that's
                // aware of those additional "virtual" supertypes
                clazz.defineAlias("old_eqq", "===");
                clazz.addMethod("===", new JavaMethodOne(clazz, Visibility.PUBLIC) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject arg) {
                        // TODO: WRONG - get interfaces from class
                        if (arg.respondsTo("java_object")) {
                            IRubyObject interfaces = self.getMetaClass().getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces");
                            assert interfaces instanceof RubyArray : "interface list was not an array";

                            return context.getRuntime().newBoolean(((RubyArray)interfaces)
                        } else {
                            return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self, "old_eqq", arg);
            // Now we add an "implement" and "implement_all" methods to the class
            if (!clazz.isMethodBound("implement", false)) {
                RubyClass singleton = clazz.getSingletonClass();
                // implement is called to force this class to create stubs for all
                // methods in the given interface, so they'll show up in the list
                // of methods and be invocable without passing through method_missing
                singleton.addMethod("implement", new JavaMethodOne(clazz, Visibility.PRIVATE) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject arg) {
                        IRubyObject javaInterfaces = self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces");
                        if (javaInterfaces != null && ((RubyArray)javaInterfaces).includes(context, arg)) {
                            return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, arg, "implement", self);
                        return context.getRuntime().getNil();
                // implement all forces implementation of all interfaces we intend
                // for this class to implement
                singleton.addMethod("implement_all", new JavaMethodOne(clazz, Visibility.PRIVATE) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject arg) {
                        RubyArray javaInterfaces = (RubyArray)self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interfaces");
                        for (int i = 0; i < javaInterfaces.size(); i++) {
                            RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, Java.JavaUtilities.get_interface_module(self, javaInterfaces.eltInternal(i)), "implement", self);
                        return javaInterfaces;
        } else {
            // we've already done the above priming logic, just add another interface
            // to the list of intentions unless we're past the point of no return or
            // already intend to implement the given interface
            if (!(javaInterfaces.isFrozen() || ((RubyArray)javaInterfaces).includes(context, javaClass))) {

    private static IRubyObject jcreateProxy(IRubyObject self, IRubyObject interfaces, IRubyObject[] args) {
        if (!interfaces.isFrozen()) interfaces.setFrozen(true);

        IRubyObject newObject = Java.new_proxy_instance2(self, self, interfaces, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
        return Java.JavaUtilities.set_java_object(self, self, newObject);

    private static void appendFeaturesToModule(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule module) {
        // assuming the user wants a collection of interfaces that can be
        // included together. make it so.
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();

        // not allowed for existing Java interface modules
        if (module.getInstanceVariables().fastHasInstanceVariable("@java_class") &&
                module.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class").isTrue()) {
            throw runtime.newTypeError("can not add Java interface to existing Java interface");
        // To turn a module into an "interface collection" we add a class instance
        // variable to hold the list of interfaces, and modify append_features
        // for this module to call append_features on each of those interfaces as
        // well
        synchronized (module) {
            if (!module.getInstanceVariables().fastHasInstanceVariable("@java_interface_mods")) {
                RubyArray javaInterfaceMods = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, self);
                module.getInstanceVariables().fastSetInstanceVariable("@java_interface_mods", javaInterfaceMods);
                RubyClass singleton = module.getSingletonClass();

                singleton.addMethod("append_features", new JavaMethodOneBlock(singleton, Visibility.PUBLIC) {
                    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject arg, Block block) {
                        if (!(arg instanceof RubyClass)) {
                            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("append_features called with non-class");
                        RubyClass target = (RubyClass)arg;
                        RubyArray javaInterfaceMods = (RubyArray)self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interface_mods");


                        return RuntimeHelpers.invokeAs(context, clazz.getSuperClass(), self, name, arg, block);
            } else {
                // already set up append_features, just add the interface if we haven't already
                RubyArray javaInterfaceMods =(RubyArray)module.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_interface_mods");
                if (!javaInterfaceMods.includes(context, self)) {

    public static IRubyObject extended(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject object) {
        if (!(self instanceof RubyModule)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(self, context.getRuntime().getModule());
        RubyClass singleton = object.getSingletonClass();
        singleton.include(new IRubyObject[] {self});
        return singleton;

    @JRubyMethod(name = "[]", rest = true, backtrace = true)
    public static IRubyObject op_aref(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args) {
        // array-of-interface-type creation/identity
        if (args.length == 0) {
            // keep this variant for kind_of? testing
            return Java.JavaUtilities.get_proxy_class(self,
                    ((JavaClass)RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self, "java_class")).array_class());
        } else {
            // array creation should use this variant
            RubyClass arrayJavaProxyCreator = context.getRuntime().getClass("ArrayJavaProxyCreator");
            IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length + 1];
            System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 1, args.length);
            newArgs[0] = RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self, "java_class");
            return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, arrayJavaProxyCreator, "new", newArgs);

    @JRubyMethod(rest = true, backtrace = true)
    public static IRubyObject impl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
        IRubyObject proxy = Java.JavaUtilities.get_deprecated_interface_proxy(

        return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, proxy, "impl", args, block);

    @JRubyMethod(name = "new", rest = true, backtrace = true)
    public static IRubyObject rbNew(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
        IRubyObject proxy = Java.JavaUtilities.get_deprecated_interface_proxy(

        return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, proxy, "new", args, block);

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