* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
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* Copyright (C) 2008 JRuby project
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.ext.ffi;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyFixnum;
import org.jruby.RubyFloat;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
@JRubyClass(name=StructLayoutBuilder.CLASS_NAME, parent="Object")
public final class StructLayoutBuilder extends RubyObject {
public static final String CLASS_NAME = "StructLayoutBuilder";
private static final boolean isSparc() {
return false; // FIXME: fix sparc support
* Most arches align long/double on the same size as a native long (or a pointer)
* Sparc (32bit) requires it to be aligned on an 8 byte boundary
static final int LONG_SIZE = Platform.getPlatform().longSize();
static final int ADDRESS_SIZE = Platform.getPlatform().addressSize();
static final long LONG_MASK = LONG_SIZE == 32 ? 0x7FFFFFFFL : 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
static final int LONG_ALIGN = isSparc() ? 64 : LONG_SIZE;
static final int ADDRESS_ALIGN = isSparc() ? 64 : ADDRESS_SIZE;
static final int DOUBLE_ALIGN = isSparc() ? 64 : ADDRESS_SIZE;
static final int FLOAT_ALIGN = isSparc() ? 64 : ADDRESS_SIZE;
private final Map<IRubyObject, StructLayout.Member> fields = new LinkedHashMap<IRubyObject, StructLayout.Member>();
private int size = 0;
private static final class Allocator implements ObjectAllocator {
public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
return new StructLayoutBuilder(runtime, klass);
private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new Allocator();
public static RubyClass createStructLayoutBuilderClass(Ruby runtime) {
RubyModule parent = FFIProvider.getModule(runtime);
RubyClass result = runtime.defineClassUnder(CLASS_NAME, runtime.getObject(),
Allocator.INSTANCE, parent);
return result;
StructLayoutBuilder(Ruby runtime) {
this(runtime, FFIProvider.getModule(runtime).fastGetClass(CLASS_NAME));
StructLayoutBuilder(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
super(runtime, klass);
@JRubyMethod(name = "new", meta = true)
public static StructLayoutBuilder newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) {
return new StructLayoutBuilder(context.getRuntime());
@JRubyMethod(name = "build")
public StructLayout build(ThreadContext context) {
return new StructLayout(context.getRuntime(), fields, size);
private static int alignMember(int offset, int alignBits) {
int alignBytes = alignBits >> 3;
int mask = alignBytes - 1;
int off = offset;
if ((off & mask) != 0) {
off = (off & ~mask) + alignBytes;
return off;
@JRubyMethod(name = "add_field", required = 2, optional = 1)
public IRubyObject add(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
final Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
IRubyObject name = args[0];
NativeType type = NativeType.valueOf(Util.int32Value(args[1]));
int offset = args.length > 2 ? Util.int32Value(args[2]) : -1;
int align = 8, sizeBits = 8;
switch (type) {
case INT8:
case UINT8:
align = 8; sizeBits = 8;
case INT16:
case UINT16:
align = 16; sizeBits = 16;
case INT32:
case UINT32:
align = 32; sizeBits = 32;
case INT64:
case UINT64:
align = LONG_ALIGN;
sizeBits = 64;
case LONG:
case ULONG:
align = LONG_ALIGN;
sizeBits = LONG_SIZE;
case FLOAT32:
align = FLOAT_ALIGN;
sizeBits = 32;
case FLOAT64:
sizeBits = 64;
align = Platform.getPlatform().addressSize();
sizeBits = LONG_ALIGN;
case STRING:
sizeBits = ADDRESS_SIZE;
if (offset < 0) {
offset = alignMember(this.size, align);
StructLayout.Member field = createMember(type, offset);
if (field == null) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("Unknown field type: " + type);
fields.put(createKey(runtime, name), field);
this.size = offset + (sizeBits / 8);
return runtime.getNil();
@JRubyMethod(name = "add_char_array", required = 2, optional = 1)
public IRubyObject add_char_array(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
final Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
IRubyObject name = args[0];
int strlen = Util.int32Value(args[1]);
long offset = args.length > 2 ? Util.int64Value(args[2]) : -1;
if (offset < 0) {
offset = alignMember(this.size, 8);
StructLayout.Member field = CharArrayMember.create(offset, strlen);
fields.put(createKey(runtime, name), field);
this.size += strlen;
return runtime.getNil();
private static IRubyObject createKey(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key) {
if (key instanceof RubySymbol) {
return key;
return runtime.getSymbolTable().getSymbol(key.asJavaString());
StructLayout.Member createMember(NativeType type, long offset) {
switch (type) {
case INT8:
return Signed8Member.create(offset);
case UINT8:
return Unsigned8Member.create(offset);
case INT16:
return Signed16Member.create(offset);
case UINT16:
return Unsigned16Member.create(offset);
case INT32:
return Signed32Member.create(offset);
case UINT32:
return Unsigned32Member.create(offset);
case INT64:
case UINT64:
return Signed64Member.create(offset);
case LONG:
return LONG_SIZE == 32
? Signed32Member.create(offset)
: Signed64Member.create(offset);
case ULONG:
return LONG_SIZE == 32
? Unsigned32Member.create(offset)
: Signed64Member.create(offset);
case FLOAT32:
return Float32Member.create(offset);
case FLOAT64:
return Float64Member.create(offset);
return PointerMember.create(offset);
case STRING:
return StringMember.create(offset);
return null;
static final class Signed8Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Signed8Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putByte(offset, Util.int8Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getByte(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Signed8Member(offset); }
static final class Unsigned8Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Unsigned8Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putByte(offset, (byte) Util.uint8Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
int value = getMemoryIO(ptr).getByte(offset);
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime,
value < 0 ? (short) ((value & 0x7F) + 0x80) : value);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Unsigned8Member(offset); }
static final class Signed16Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Signed16Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putShort(offset, Util.int16Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getShort(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Signed16Member(offset); }
static final class Unsigned16Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Unsigned16Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putShort(offset, (short) Util.uint16Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
int value = getMemoryIO(ptr).getShort(offset);
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime,
value < 0 ? (int)((value & 0x7FFF) + 0x8000) : value);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Unsigned16Member(offset); }
static final class Signed32Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Signed32Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putInt(offset, Util.int32Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getInt(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Signed32Member(offset); }
static final class Unsigned32Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Unsigned32Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putInt(offset, (int) Util.uint32Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
long value = getMemoryIO(ptr).getInt(offset);
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime,
value < 0 ? (long)((value & 0x7FFFFFFFL) + 0x80000000L) : value);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Unsigned32Member(offset); }
static final class Signed64Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Signed64Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putLong(offset, Util.int64Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getLong(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Signed64Member(offset); }
static final class PointerMember extends StructLayout.Member {
PointerMember(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
if (value instanceof AbstractMemoryPointer) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putMemoryIO(offset, ((AbstractMemoryPointer) value).getMemoryIO());
} else if (Platform.getPlatform().addressSize() == 32) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putInt(offset, Util.int32Value(value));
} else if (Platform.getPlatform().addressSize() == 64) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putLong(offset, Util.int64Value(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return ((AbstractMemory) ptr).getMemoryPointer(runtime, offset);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new PointerMember(offset); }
static final class Float32Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Float32Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putFloat(offset, Util.floatValue(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFloat.newFloat(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getFloat(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Float32Member(offset); }
static final class Float64Member extends StructLayout.Member {
Float64Member(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
getMemoryIO(ptr).putDouble(offset, Util.doubleValue(value));
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
return RubyFloat.newFloat(runtime, getMemoryIO(ptr).getDouble(offset));
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new Float64Member(offset); }
static final class StringMember extends StructLayout.Member {
StringMember(long offset) {
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
MemoryIO io = getMemoryIO(ptr).getMemoryIO(offset);
if (!io.isNull()) {
ByteList bl = value.convertToString().getByteList();
io.put(0, bl.unsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), bl.length());
io.putByte(bl.length(), (byte) 0);
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
MemoryIO io = getMemoryIO(ptr).getMemoryIO(offset);
if (io.isNull()) {
return runtime.getNil();
int len = (int) io.indexOf(0, (byte) 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
ByteList bl = new ByteList(len);
io.get(0, bl.unsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), len);
return runtime.newString(bl);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset) { return new StringMember(offset); }
static final class CharArrayMember extends StructLayout.Member {
private final int size;
CharArrayMember(long offset, int size) {
this.size = size;
public void put(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
MemoryIO io = getMemoryIO(ptr);
ByteList bl = value.convertToString().getByteList();
// Clamp to no longer than
int len = Math.min(bl.length(), size - 1);
io.put(offset, bl.unsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), len);
io.putByte(offset + len, (byte) 0);
public IRubyObject get(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) {
MemoryIO io = getMemoryIO(ptr);
int len = (int) io.indexOf(offset, (byte) 0, size);
if (len < 0) {
len = size;
ByteList bl = new ByteList(len);
io.get(0, bl.unsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), len);
return runtime.newString(bl);
static StructLayout.Member create(long offset, int size) {
return new CharArrayMember(offset, size);