* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Chad Fowler <chadfowler@chadfowler.com>
* Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore <alan_moore@gmx.net>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina <b.cerrina@wanadoo.fr>
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini <ola.bini@ki.se>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <mlcovarrubias@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2007 MenTaLguY <mental@rydia.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch <bill.dortch@gmail.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID;
import org.jruby.evaluator.ASTInterpreter;
import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.Variable;
import org.jruby.runtime.component.VariableEntry;
import org.jruby.util.IdUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaObject;
import org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.MethodIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.CoreObjectType;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;
* RubyObject is the only implementation of the
* {@link org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject}. Every Ruby object in JRuby
* is represented by something that is an instance of RubyObject. In
* some of the core class implementations, this means doing a subclass
* that extends RubyObject, in other cases it means using a simple
* RubyObject instance and the data field to store specific
* information about the Ruby object.
* Some care has been taken to make the implementation be as
* monomorphic as possible, so that the Java Hotspot engine can
* improve performance of it. That is the reason for several patterns
* that might seem odd in this class.
* The IRubyObject interface used to have lots of methods for
* different things, but these have now mostly been refactored into
* several interfaces that gives access to that specific part of the
* object. This gives us the possibility to switch out that subsystem
* without changing interfaces again. For example, instance variable
* and internal variables are handled this way, but the implementation
* in RubyObject only returns "this" in {@link #getInstanceVariables()} and
* {@link #getInternalVariables()}.
* @author jpetersen
@JRubyClass(name="Object", include="Kernel")
public class RubyObject implements Cloneable, IRubyObject, Serializable, CoreObjectType, InstanceVariables, InternalVariables {
* It's not valid to create a totally empty RubyObject. Since the
* RubyObject is always defined in relation to a runtime, that
* means that creating RubyObjects from outside the class might
* cause problems.
private RubyObject(){};
* A value that is used as a null sentinel in among other places
* the RubyArray implementation. It will cause large problems to
* call any methods on this object.
public static final IRubyObject NEVER = new RubyObject();
* A value that specifies an undefined value. This value is used
* as a sentinel for undefined constant values, and other places
* where neither null nor NEVER makes sense.
public static final IRubyObject UNDEF = new RubyObject();
// The class of this object
protected transient RubyClass metaClass;
* The variableTable contains variables for an object, defined as:
* <ul>
* <li> instance variables
* <li> class variables (for classes/modules)
* <li> internal variables (such as those used when marshaling RubyRange and RubyException)
* </ul>
* Constants are stored separately, see {@link RubyModule}.
protected transient volatile VariableTableEntry[] variableTable;
protected transient int variableTableSize;
protected transient int variableTableThreshold;
// The dataStruct is a place where custom information can be
// contained for core implementations that doesn't necessarily
// want to go to the trouble of creating a subclass of
// RubyObject. The OpenSSL implementation uses this heavily to
// save holder objects containing Java cryptography objects.
// Java integration uses this to store the Java object ref.
protected transient Object dataStruct;
protected int flags; // zeroed by jvm
public static final int ALL_F = -1;
public static final int FALSE_F = 1 << 0;
* This flag is a bit funny. It's used to denote that this value
* is nil. It's a bit counterintuitive for a Java programmer to
* not use subclassing to handle this case, since we have a
* RubyNil subclass anyway. Well, the reason for it being a flag
* is that the {@link #isNil()} method is called extremely often. So often
* that it gives a good speed boost to make it monomorphic and
* final. It turns out using a flag for this actually gives us
* better performance than having a polymorphic {@link #isNil()} method.
public static final int NIL_F = 1 << 1;
public static final int FROZEN_F = 1 << 2;
public static final int TAINTED_F = 1 << 3;
public static final int FL_USHIFT = 4;
public static final int USER0_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+0));
public static final int USER1_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+1));
public static final int USER2_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+2));
public static final int USER3_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+3));
public static final int USER4_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+4));
public static final int USER5_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+5));
public static final int USER6_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+6));
public static final int USER7_F = (1<<(FL_USHIFT+7));
* Sets or unsets a flag on this object. The only flags that are
* guaranteed to be valid to use as the first argument is:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #FALSE_F}</li>
* <li>{@link NIL_F}</li>
* <li>{@link FROZEN_F}</li>
* <li>{@link TAINTED_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER0_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER1_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER2_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER3_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER4_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER5_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER6_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER7_F}</li>
* </ul>
* @param flag the actual flag to set or unset.
* @param set if true, the flag will be set, if false, the flag will be unset.
public final void setFlag(int flag, boolean set) {
if (set) {
flags |= flag;
} else {
flags &= ~flag;
* Get the value of a custom flag on this object. The only
* guaranteed flags that can be sent in to this method is:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #FALSE_F}</li>
* <li>{@link NIL_F}</li>
* <li>{@link FROZEN_F}</li>
* <li>{@link TAINTED_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER0_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER1_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER2_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER3_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER4_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER5_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER6_F}</li>
* <li>{@link USER7_F}</li>
* </ul>
* @param flag the flag to get
* @return true if the flag is set, false otherwise
public final boolean getFlag(int flag) {
return (flags & flag) != 0;
private transient Finalizer finalizer;
* Class that keeps track of the finalizers for the object under
* operation.
public class Finalizer implements Finalizable {
private long id;
private List<IRubyObject> finalizers;
private AtomicBoolean finalized;
public Finalizer(long id) {
this.id = id;
this.finalized = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public void addFinalizer(IRubyObject finalizer) {
if (finalizers == null) {
finalizers = new ArrayList<IRubyObject>();
public void removeFinalizers() {
finalizers = null;
public void finalize() {
if (finalized.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (finalizers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < finalizers.size(); i++) {
IRubyObject finalizer = finalizers.get(i);
finalizer, "call", RubyObject.this.id());
* Standard path for object creation. Objects are entered into ObjectSpace
* only if ObjectSpace is enabled.
public RubyObject(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass) {
assert metaClass != null: "NULL Metaclass!!?!?!";
this.metaClass = metaClass;
if (runtime.isObjectSpaceEnabled()) addToObjectSpace(runtime);
if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 3) taint(runtime);
* Path for objects who want to decide whether they don't want to be in
* ObjectSpace even when it is on. (notably used by objects being
* considered immediate, they'll always pass false here)
protected RubyObject(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean useObjectSpace, boolean canBeTainted) {
this.metaClass = metaClass;
if (useObjectSpace) addToObjectSpace(runtime);
if (canBeTainted && runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 3) taint(runtime);
protected RubyObject(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean useObjectSpace) {
this.metaClass = metaClass;
if (useObjectSpace) addToObjectSpace(runtime);
if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 3) taint(runtime);
private void addToObjectSpace(Ruby runtime) {
assert runtime.isObjectSpaceEnabled();
* Will create the Ruby class Object in the runtime
* specified. This method needs to take the actual class as an
* argument because of the Object class' central part in runtime
* initialization.
public static RubyClass createObjectClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass objectClass) {
objectClass.index = ClassIndex.OBJECT;
return objectClass;
* Interestingly, the Object class doesn't really have that many
* methods for itself. Instead almost all of the Object methods
* are really defined on the Kernel module. This class is a holder
* for all Object methods.
* @see RubyKernel
public static class ObjectMethods {
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public static IRubyObject intialize(IRubyObject self) {
return self.getRuntime().getNil();
* Default allocator instance for all Ruby objects. The only
* reason to not use this allocator is if you actually need to
* have all instances of something be a subclass of RubyObject.
* @see org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator
public static final ObjectAllocator OBJECT_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
return new RubyObject(runtime, klass);
* Will make sure that this object is added to the current object
* space.
* @see org.jruby.runtime.ObjectSpace
public void attachToObjectSpace() {
* This is overridden in the other concrete Java builtins to provide a fast way
* to determine what type they are.
* Will generally return a value from org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex
* @see org.jruby.runtime.ClassInde
public int getNativeTypeIndex() {
return ClassIndex.OBJECT;
* Specifically polymorphic method that are meant to be overridden
* by modules to specify that they are modules in an easy way.
public boolean isModule() {
return false;
* Specifically polymorphic method that are meant to be overridden
* by classes to specify that they are classes in an easy way.
public boolean isClass() {
return false;
* Is object immediate (def: Fixnum, Symbol, true, false, nil?).
public boolean isImmediate() {
return false;
/** rb_make_metaclass
* Will create a new meta class, insert this in the chain of
* classes for this specific object, and return the generated meta
* class.
public RubyClass makeMetaClass(RubyClass superClass) {
MetaClass klass = new MetaClass(getRuntime(), superClass); // rb_class_boot
return klass;
* Will return the Java interface that most closely can represent
* this object, when working through JAva integration
* translations.
public Class getJavaClass() {
if (dataGetStruct() instanceof JavaObject) {
return ((JavaObject)dataGetStruct()).getValue().getClass();
return getClass();
* Simple helper to print any objects.
public static void puts(Object obj) {
* This method is just a wrapper around the Ruby "==" method,
* provided so that RubyObjects can be used as keys in the Java
* HashMap object underlying RubyHash.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other == this ||
other instanceof IRubyObject &&
callMethod(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), MethodIndex.EQUALEQUAL, "==", (IRubyObject) other).isTrue();
* The default toString method is just a wrapper that calls the
* Ruby "to_s" method.
public String toString() {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), this, "to_s").toString();
* Will return the runtime that this object is associated with.
* @return current runtime
public final Ruby getRuntime() {
return getMetaClass().getClassRuntime();
* if exist return the meta-class else return the type of the object.
public final RubyClass getMetaClass() {
return metaClass;
* Makes it possible to change the metaclass of an object. In
* practice, this is a simple version of Smalltalks Become, except
* that it doesn't work when we're dealing with subclasses. In
* practice it's used to change the singleton/meta class used,
* without changing the "real" inheritance chain.
public void setMetaClass(RubyClass metaClass) {
this.metaClass = metaClass;
* Is this value frozen or not? Shortcut for doing
* getFlag(FROZEN_F).
* @return true if this object is frozen, false otherwise
public boolean isFrozen() {
return (flags & FROZEN_F) != 0;
* Sets whether this object is frozen or not. Shortcut for doing
* setFlag(FROZEN_F, frozen).
* @param frozen should this object be frozen?
public void setFrozen(boolean frozen) {
if (frozen) {
flags |= FROZEN_F;
} else {
flags &= ~FROZEN_F;
/** rb_frozen_class_p
* Helper to test whether this object is frozen, and if it is will
* throw an exception based on the message.
protected final void testFrozen(String message) {
if (isFrozen()) {
throw getRuntime().newFrozenError(message + " " + getMetaClass().getName());
* The actual method that checks frozen with the default frozen message from MRI.
* If possible, call this instead of {@link #testFrozen}.
protected void checkFrozen() {
testFrozen("can't modify frozen ");
* Gets the taint. Shortcut for getFlag(TAINTED_F).
* @return true if this object is tainted
public boolean isTaint() {
return (flags & TAINTED_F) != 0;
* Sets the taint flag. Shortcut for setFlag(TAINTED_F, taint)
* @param taint should this object be tainted or not?
public void setTaint(boolean taint) {
if (taint) {
flags |= TAINTED_F;
} else {
flags &= ~TAINTED_F;
* Does this object represent nil? See the docs for the {@link
* #NIL_F} flag for more information.
public final boolean isNil() {
return (flags & NIL_F) != 0;
* Is this value a true value or not? Based on the {@link #FALSE_F} flag.
public final boolean isTrue() {
return (flags & FALSE_F) == 0;
* Is this value a false value or not? Based on the {@link #FALSE_F} flag.
public final boolean isFalse() {
return (flags & FALSE_F) != 0;
* Does this object respond to the specified message? Uses a
* shortcut if it can be proved that respond_to? haven't been
* overridden.
public final boolean respondsTo(String name) {
if(getMetaClass().searchMethod("respond_to?") == getRuntime().getRespondToMethod()) {
return getMetaClass().isMethodBound(name, false);
} else {
return callMethod(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(),"respond_to?",getRuntime().newSymbol(name)).isTrue();
/** rb_singleton_class
* Note: this method is specialized for RubyFixnum, RubySymbol,
* RubyNil and RubyBoolean
* Will either return the existing singleton class for this
* object, or create a new one and return that.
public RubyClass getSingletonClass() {
RubyClass klass;
if (getMetaClass().isSingleton() && ((MetaClass)getMetaClass()).getAttached() == this) {
klass = getMetaClass();
} else {
klass = makeMetaClass(getMetaClass());
if (isFrozen()) klass.setFrozen(true);
return klass;
/** rb_singleton_class_clone
* Will make sure that if the current objects class is a
* singleton, it will get cloned.
* @return either a real class, or a clone of the current singleton class
protected RubyClass getSingletonClassClone() {
RubyClass klass = getMetaClass();
if (!klass.isSingleton()) return klass;
MetaClass clone = new MetaClass(getRuntime());
clone.flags = flags;
if (this instanceof RubyClass) {
} else {
if (klass.hasVariables()) clone.syncVariables(klass.getVariableList());
return clone;
/** init_copy
* Initializes a copy with variable and special instance variable
* information, and then call the initialize_copy Ruby method.
private static void initCopy(IRubyObject clone, RubyObject original) {
assert !clone.isFrozen() : "frozen object (" + clone.getMetaClass().getName() + ") allocated";
if (original.hasVariables()) clone.syncVariables(original.getVariableList());
if (original instanceof RubyModule) ((RubyModule) clone).syncConstants((RubyModule) original);
/* FIXME: finalizer should be dupped here */
clone.callMethod(clone.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), "initialize_copy", original);
* Infects this object with traits from the argument obj. In real
* terms this currently means that if obj is tainted, this object
* will get tainted too. It's possible to hijack this method to do
* other infections if that would be interesting.
public IRubyObject infectBy(IRubyObject obj) {
if (obj.isTaint()) setTaint(true);
return this;
* See org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers#invokeSuper
public IRubyObject callSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, this, args, block);
* Will invoke a named method with no arguments and no block.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name);
* Will invoke a named method with one argument and no block with
* functional invocation.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject arg) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name, arg);
* Will invoke a named method with the supplied arguments and no
* block with functional invocation.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject[] args) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name, args);
* Will invoke a named method with the supplied arguments and
* supplied block with functional invocation.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name, args, block);
* Will invoke an indexed method with the no arguments and no
* block.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, int methodIndex, String name) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name);
* Will invoke an indexed method with the one argument and no
* block with a functional invocation.
public final IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, int methodIndex, String name, IRubyObject arg) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, this, name, arg, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
* Call the Ruby initialize method with the supplied arguments and block.
public final void callInit(IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
callMethod(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), "initialize", args, block);
/** rb_to_id
* Will try to convert this object to a String using the Ruby
* "to_str" if the object isn't already a String. If this still
* doesn't work, will throw a Ruby TypeError.
public String asJavaString() {
IRubyObject asString = checkStringType();
if(!asString.isNil()) return ((RubyString)asString).asJavaString();
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(inspect().toString() + " is not a symbol");
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby Array using the "to_ary"
* method.
public RubyArray convertToArray() {
return (RubyArray) TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getArray(), MethodIndex.TO_ARY, "to_ary");
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby Hash using the "to_hash"
* method.
public RubyHash convertToHash() {
return (RubyHash)TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getHash(), MethodIndex.TO_HASH, "to_hash");
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby Float using the "to_f"
* method.
public RubyFloat convertToFloat() {
return (RubyFloat) TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getFloat(), MethodIndex.TO_F, "to_f");
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby Integer using the "to_int"
* method.
public RubyInteger convertToInteger() {
return convertToInteger(MethodIndex.TO_INT, "to_int");
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby Integer using the
* supplied conversion method.
public RubyInteger convertToInteger(int convertMethodIndex, String convertMethod) {
IRubyObject val = TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getInteger(), convertMethodIndex, convertMethod, true);
if (!(val instanceof RubyInteger)) throw getRuntime().newTypeError(getMetaClass().getName() + "#" + convertMethod + " should return Integer");
return (RubyInteger)val;
* Tries to convert this object to a Ruby String using the
* "to_str" method.
public RubyString convertToString() {
return (RubyString) TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getString(), MethodIndex.TO_STR, "to_str");
* Tries to convert this object to the specified Ruby type, using
* a specific conversion method.
public final IRubyObject convertToType(RubyClass target, int convertMethodIndex) {
return TypeConverter.convertToType(this, target, convertMethodIndex, (String)MethodIndex.NAMES.get(convertMethodIndex));
/** rb_obj_as_string
* First converts this object into a String using the "to_s"
* method, infects it with the current taint and returns it. If
* to_s doesn't return a Ruby String, {@link #anyToString} is used
* instead.
public RubyString asString() {
IRubyObject str = RuntimeHelpers.invoke(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), this, "to_s");
if (!(str instanceof RubyString)) return (RubyString)anyToString();
if (isTaint()) str.setTaint(true);
return (RubyString) str;
/** rb_check_string_type
* Tries to return a coerced string representation of this object,
* using "to_str". If that returns something other than a String
* or nil, an empty String will be returned.
public IRubyObject checkStringType() {
IRubyObject str = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(this, getRuntime().getString(), MethodIndex.TO_STR, "to_str");
if(!str.isNil() && !(str instanceof RubyString)) {
str = RubyString.newEmptyString(getRuntime());
return str;
/** rb_check_array_type
* Returns the result of trying to convert this object to an Array
* with "to_ary".
public IRubyObject checkArrayType() {
return TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(this, getRuntime().getArray(), MethodIndex.TO_ARY, "to_ary");
/** specific_eval
* Evaluates the block or string inside of the context of this
* object, using the supplied arguments. If a block is given, this
* will be yielded in the specific context of this object. If no
* block is given then a String-like object needs to be the first
* argument, and this string will be evaluated. Second and third
* arguments in the args-array is optional, but can contain the
* filename and line of the string under evaluation.
public IRubyObject specificEval(ThreadContext context, RubyModule mod, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
if (block.isGiven()) {
if (args.length > 0) throw getRuntime().newArgumentError(args.length, 0);
return yieldUnder(context, mod, block);
if (args.length == 0) {
throw getRuntime().newArgumentError("block not supplied");
} else if (args.length > 3) {
String lastFuncName = context.getFrameName();
throw getRuntime().newArgumentError(
"wrong # of arguments: " + lastFuncName + "(src) or " + lastFuncName + "{..}");
// We just want the TypeError if the argument doesn't convert to a String (JRUBY-386)
RubyString evalStr;
if (args[0] instanceof RubyString) {
evalStr = (RubyString)args[0];
} else {
evalStr = args[0].convertToString();
String file;
int line;
if (args.length > 1) {
file = args[1].convertToString().asJavaString();
if (args.length > 2) {
line = (int)(args[2].convertToInteger().getLongValue() - 1);
} else {
line = 0;
} else {
file = "(eval)";
line = 0;
return evalUnder(context, mod, evalStr, file, line);
/** specific_eval
* Evaluates the block or string inside of the context of this
* object, using the supplied arguments. If a block is given, this
* will be yielded in the specific context of this object. If no
* block is given then a String-like object needs to be the first
* argument, and this string will be evaluated. Second and third
* arguments in the args-array is optional, but can contain the
* filename and line of the string under evaluation.
public IRubyObject specificEval(ThreadContext context, RubyModule mod, Block block) {
if (block.isGiven()) {
return yieldUnder(context, mod, block);
} else {
throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("block not supplied");
/** specific_eval
* Evaluates the block or string inside of the context of this
* object, using the supplied arguments. If a block is given, this
* will be yielded in the specific context of this object. If no
* block is given then a String-like object needs to be the first
* argument, and this string will be evaluated. Second and third
* arguments in the args-array is optional, but can contain the
* filename and line of the string under evaluation.
public IRubyObject specificEval(ThreadContext context, RubyModule mod, IRubyObject arg, Block block) {
if (block.isGiven()) throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError(1, 0);
// We just want the TypeError if the argument doesn't convert to a String (JRUBY-386)
RubyString evalStr;
if (arg instanceof RubyString) {
evalStr = (RubyString)arg;
} else {
evalStr = arg.convertToString();
String file = "(eval)";
int line = 0;
return evalUnder(context, mod, evalStr, file, line);
/** specific_eval
* Evaluates the block or string inside of the context of this
* object, using the supplied arguments. If a block is given, this
* will be yielded in the specific context of this object. If no
* block is given then a String-like object needs to be the first
* argument, and this string will be evaluated. Second and third
* arguments in the args-array is optional, but can contain the
* filename and line of the string under evaluation.
public IRubyObject specificEval(ThreadContext context, RubyModule mod, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
if (block.isGiven()) throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError(2, 0);
// We just want the TypeError if the argument doesn't convert to a String (JRUBY-386)
RubyString evalStr;
if (arg0 instanceof RubyString) {
evalStr = (RubyString)arg0;
} else {
evalStr = arg0.convertToString();
String file = arg1.convertToString().asJavaString();
int line = 0;
return evalUnder(context, mod, evalStr, file, line);
/** specific_eval
* Evaluates the block or string inside of the context of this
* object, using the supplied arguments. If a block is given, this
* will be yielded in the specific context of this object. If no
* block is given then a String-like object needs to be the first
* argument, and this string will be evaluated. Second and third
* arguments in the args-array is optional, but can contain the
* filename and line of the string under evaluation.
public IRubyObject specificEval(ThreadContext context, RubyModule mod, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
if (block.isGiven()) throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError(2, 0);
// We just want the TypeError if the argument doesn't convert to a String (JRUBY-386)
RubyString evalStr;
if (arg0 instanceof RubyString) {
evalStr = (RubyString)arg0;
} else {
evalStr = arg0.convertToString();
String file = arg1.convertToString().asJavaString();
int line = (int)(arg2.convertToInteger().getLongValue() - 1);
return evalUnder(context, mod, evalStr, file, line);
* Evaluates the string src with self set to the current object,
* using the module under as the context.
* @deprecated Call with an int line number and String file
public IRubyObject evalUnder(final ThreadContext context, RubyModule under, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject file, IRubyObject line) {
return evalUnder(context, under, src.convertToString(), file.convertToString().toString(), (int) (line.convertToInteger().getLongValue() - 1));
* Evaluates the string src with self set to the current object,
* using the module under as the context.
public IRubyObject evalUnder(final ThreadContext context, RubyModule under, RubyString src, String file, int line) {
Visibility savedVisibility = context.getCurrentVisibility();
context.preExecuteUnder(under, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
try {
return ASTInterpreter.evalSimple(context, this, src,
file, line);
} finally {
* Will yield to the specific block changing the self to be the
* current object instead of the self that is part of the frame
* saved in the block frame. This method is the basis for the Ruby
* instance_eval and module_eval methods. The arguments sent in to
* it in the args array will be yielded to the block. This makes
* it possible to emulate both instance_eval and instance_exec
* with this implementation.
private IRubyObject yieldUnder(final ThreadContext context, RubyModule under, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
context.preExecuteUnder(under, block);
Visibility savedVisibility = block.getBinding().getVisibility();
try {
IRubyObject valueInYield;
boolean aValue;
if (args.length == 1) {
valueInYield = args[0];
aValue = false;
} else {
valueInYield = RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(context.getRuntime(), args);
aValue = true;
// FIXME: This is an ugly hack to resolve JRUBY-1381; I'm not proud of it
block = block.cloneBlock();
// end hack
return block.yield(context, valueInYield, RubyObject.this, context.getRubyClass(), aValue);
//TODO: Should next and return also catch here?
} catch (JumpException.BreakJump bj) {
return (IRubyObject) bj.getValue();
} finally {
* Will yield to the specific block changing the self to be the
* current object instead of the self that is part of the frame
* saved in the block frame. This method is the basis for the Ruby
* instance_eval and module_eval methods. The arguments sent in to
* it in the args array will be yielded to the block. This makes
* it possible to emulate both instance_eval and instance_exec
* with this implementation.
private IRubyObject yieldUnder(final ThreadContext context, RubyModule under, Block block) {
context.preExecuteUnder(under, block);
Visibility savedVisibility = block.getBinding().getVisibility();
try {
// FIXME: This is an ugly hack to resolve JRUBY-1381; I'm not proud of it
block = block.cloneBlock();
// end hack
return block.yield(context, this, this, context.getRubyClass(), false);
//TODO: Should next and return also catch here?
} catch (JumpException.BreakJump bj) {
return (IRubyObject) bj.getValue();
} finally {
// Methods of the Object class (rb_obj_*):
/** rb_obj_equal
* Will by default use identity equality to compare objects. This
* follows the Ruby semantics.
@JRubyMethod(name = "==", required = 1)
public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) {
return this == obj ? context.getRuntime().getTrue() : context.getRuntime().getFalse();
/** rb_obj_equal
* Will use Java identity equality.
@JRubyMethod(name = "equal?", required = 1)
public IRubyObject equal_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) {
return this == obj ? context.getRuntime().getTrue() : context.getRuntime().getFalse();
/** method used for Hash key comparison (specialized for String, Symbol and Fixnum)
* Will by default just call the Ruby method "eql?"
public boolean eql(IRubyObject other) {
return callMethod(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), MethodIndex.EQL_P, "eql?", other).isTrue();
/** rb_obj_equal
* Just like "==" and "equal?", "eql?" will use identity equality for Object.
@JRubyMethod(name = "eql?", required = 1)
public IRubyObject eql_p(IRubyObject obj) {
return this == obj ? getRuntime().getTrue() : getRuntime().getFalse();
/** rb_equal
* The Ruby "===" method is used by default in case/when
* statements. The Object implementation first checks Java identity
* equality and then calls the "==" method too.
@JRubyMethod(name = "===", required = 1)
public IRubyObject op_eqq(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) {
return context.getRuntime().newBoolean(equalInternal(context, this, other));
* Helper method for checking equality, first using Java identity
* equality, and then calling the "==" method.
protected static boolean equalInternal(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject that, final IRubyObject other){
return that == other || that.callMethod(context, MethodIndex.EQUALEQUAL, "==", other).isTrue();
* Helper method for checking equality, first using Java identity
* equality, and then calling the "eql?" method.
protected static boolean eqlInternal(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject that, final IRubyObject other){
return that == other || that.callMethod(context, MethodIndex.EQL_P, "eql?", other).isTrue();
/** rb_obj_init_copy
* Initializes this object as a copy of the original, that is the
* parameter to this object. Will make sure that the argument
* actually has the same real class as this object. It shouldn't
* be possible to initialize an object with something totally
* different.
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize_copy", required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject original) {
if (this == original) return this;
if (getMetaClass().getRealClass() != original.getMetaClass().getRealClass()) {
throw getRuntime().newTypeError("initialize_copy should take same class object");
return this;
/** obj_respond_to
* respond_to?( aSymbol, includePriv=false ) -> true or false
* Returns true if this object responds to the given method. Private
* methods are included in the search only if the optional second
* parameter evaluates to true.
* @return true if this responds to the given method
* !!! For some reason MRI shows the arity of respond_to? as -1, when it should be -2; that's why this is rest instead of required, optional = 1
* Going back to splitting according to method arity. MRI is wrong
* about most of these anyway, and since we have arity splitting
* in both the compiler and the interpreter, the performance
* benefit is important for this method.
@JRubyMethod(name = "respond_to?")
public RubyBoolean respond_to_p(IRubyObject mname) {
String name = mname.asJavaString();
return getRuntime().newBoolean(getMetaClass().isMethodBound(name, true));
/** obj_respond_to
* respond_to?( aSymbol, includePriv=false ) -> true or false
* Returns true if this object responds to the given method. Private
* methods are included in the search only if the optional second
* parameter evaluates to true.
* @return true if this responds to the given method
* !!! For some reason MRI shows the arity of respond_to? as -1, when it should be -2; that's why this is rest instead of required, optional = 1
* Going back to splitting according to method arity. MRI is wrong
* about most of these anyway, and since we have arity splitting
* in both the compiler and the interpreter, the performance
* benefit is important for this method.
@JRubyMethod(name = "respond_to?")
public RubyBoolean respond_to_p(IRubyObject mname, IRubyObject includePrivate) {
String name = mname.asJavaString();
return getRuntime().newBoolean(getMetaClass().isMethodBound(name, !includePrivate.isTrue()));
/** rb_obj_id
* Return the internal id of an object.
* FIXME: Should this be renamed to match its ruby name?
@JRubyMethod(name = {"object_id", "__id__"})
public synchronized IRubyObject id() {
return getRuntime().newFixnum(getRuntime().getObjectSpace().idOf(this));
/** rb_obj_id_obsolete
* Old id version. This one is bound to the "id" name and will emit a deprecation warning.
@JRubyMethod(name = "id")
public synchronized IRubyObject id_deprecated() {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id", "Object#id", "Object#object_id");
return id();
/** rb_obj_id
* Will return the hash code of this object. In comparison to MRI,
* this method will use the Java identity hash code instead of
* using rb_obj_id, since the usage of id in JRuby will incur the
* cost of some. ObjectSpace maintenance.
@JRubyMethod(name = "hash")
public RubyFixnum hash() {
return getRuntime().newFixnum(super.hashCode());
* Override the Object#hashCode method to make sure that the Ruby
* hash is actually used as the hashcode for Ruby objects. If the
* Ruby "hash" method doesn't return a number, the Object#hashCode
* implementation will be used instead.
public int hashCode() {
IRubyObject hashValue = callMethod(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), "hash");
if (hashValue instanceof RubyFixnum) return (int) RubyNumeric.fix2long(hashValue);
return super.hashCode();
/** rb_obj_class
* Returns the real class of this object, excluding any
* singleton/meta class in the inheritance chain.
@JRubyMethod(name = "class")
public RubyClass type() {
return getMetaClass().getRealClass();
/** rb_obj_type
* The deprecated version of type, that emits a deprecation
* warning.
@JRubyMethod(name = "type")
public RubyClass type_deprecated() {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#type is deprecated; use Object#class", "Object#type", "Object#class");
return type();
/** rb_obj_clone
* This method should be overridden only by: Proc, Method,
* UnboundedMethod, Binding. It will use the defined allocated of
* the object, then clone the singleton class, taint the object,
* call initCopy and then copy frozen state.
@JRubyMethod(name = "clone", frame = true)
public IRubyObject rbClone() {
if (isImmediate()) throw getRuntime().newTypeError("can't clone " + getMetaClass().getName());
// We're cloning ourselves, so we know the result should be a RubyObject
RubyObject clone = (RubyObject)getMetaClass().getRealClass().allocate();
if (isTaint()) clone.setTaint(true);
initCopy(clone, this);
if (isFrozen()) clone.setFrozen(true);
return clone;
/** rb_obj_dup
* This method should be overridden only by: Proc
* Will allocate a new instance of the real class of this object,
* and then initialize that copy. It's different from {@link
* #rbClone} in that it doesn't copy the singleton class.
@JRubyMethod(name = "dup")
public IRubyObject dup() {
if (isImmediate()) throw getRuntime().newTypeError("can't dup " + getMetaClass().getName());
IRubyObject dup = getMetaClass().getRealClass().allocate();
if (isTaint()) dup.setTaint(true);
initCopy(dup, this);
return dup;
* Lots of MRI objects keep their state in non-lookupable ivars
* (e:g. Range, Struct, etc). This method is responsible for
* dupping our java field equivalents
protected void copySpecialInstanceVariables(IRubyObject clone) {
/** rb_obj_display
* call-seq:
* obj.display(port=$>) => nil
* Prints <i>obj</i> on the given port (default <code>$></code>).
* Equivalent to:
* def display(port=$>)
* port.write self
* end
* For example:
* 1.display
* "cat".display
* [ 4, 5, 6 ].display
* puts
* <em>produces:</em>
* 1cat456
@JRubyMethod(name = "display", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject display(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
IRubyObject port = args.length == 0 ? context.getRuntime().getGlobalVariables().get("$>") : args[0];
port.callMethod(context, "write", this);
return context.getRuntime().getNil();
/** rb_obj_tainted
* call-seq:
* obj.tainted? => true or false
* Returns <code>true</code> if the object is tainted.
@JRubyMethod(name = "tainted?")
public RubyBoolean tainted_p(ThreadContext context) {
return context.getRuntime().newBoolean(isTaint());
/** rb_obj_taint
* call-seq:
* obj.taint -> obj
* Marks <i>obj</i> as tainted---if the <code>$SAFE</code> level is
* set appropriately, many method calls which might alter the running
* programs environment will refuse to accept tainted strings.
@JRubyMethod(name = "taint")
public IRubyObject taint(ThreadContext context) {
return this;
private void taint(Ruby runtime) {
if (!isTaint()) {
/** rb_obj_untaint
* call-seq:
* obj.untaint => obj
* Removes the taint from <i>obj</i>.
* Only callable in if more secure than 3.
@JRubyMethod(name = "untaint")
public IRubyObject untaint(ThreadContext context) {
if (isTaint()) {
return this;
/** rb_obj_freeze
* call-seq:
* obj.freeze => obj
* Prevents further modifications to <i>obj</i>. A
* <code>TypeError</code> will be raised if modification is attempted.
* There is no way to unfreeze a frozen object. See also
* <code>Object#frozen?</code>.
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.freeze
* a << "z"
* <em>produces:</em>
* prog.rb:3:in `<<': can't modify frozen array (TypeError)
* from prog.rb:3
@JRubyMethod(name = "freeze")
public IRubyObject freeze(ThreadContext context) {
if ((flags & FROZEN_F) == 0) {
if (context.getRuntime().getSafeLevel() >= 4 && isTaint()) {
throw context.getRuntime().newSecurityError("Insecure: can't freeze object");
flags |= FROZEN_F;
return this;
/** rb_obj_frozen_p
* call-seq:
* obj.frozen? => true or false
* Returns the freeze status of <i>obj</i>.
* a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
* a.freeze #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
* a.frozen? #=> true
@JRubyMethod(name = "frozen?")
public RubyBoolean frozen_p(ThreadContext context) {
return context.getRuntime().newBoolean(isFrozen());
/** inspect_obj
* The internal helper method that takes care of the part of the
* inspection that inspects instance variables.
private StringBuilder inspectObj(StringBuilder part) {
ThreadContext context = getRuntime().getCurrentContext();
String sep = "";
for (Variable<IRubyObject> ivar : getInstanceVariableList()) {
part.append(sep).append(" ").append(ivar.getName()).append("=");
part.append(ivar.getValue().callMethod(context, "inspect"));
sep = ",";
return part;
/** rb_inspect
* The internal helper that ensures a RubyString instance is returned
* so dangerous casting can be omitted
* Prefered over callMethod(context, "inspect")
static RubyString inspect(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object) {
return RubyString.objAsString(context, object.callMethod(context, "inspect"));
/** rb_obj_inspect
* call-seq:
* obj.inspect => string
* Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of
* <i>obj</i>. If not overridden, uses the <code>to_s</code> method to
* generate the string.
* [ 1, 2, 3..4, 'five' ].inspect #=> "[1, 2, 3..4, \"five\"]"
* Time.new.inspect #=> "Wed Apr 09 08:54:39 CDT 2003"
@JRubyMethod(name = "inspect")
public IRubyObject inspect() {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
if ((!isImmediate()) && !(this instanceof RubyModule) && hasVariables()) {
StringBuilder part = new StringBuilder();
String cname = getMetaClass().getRealClass().getName();
if (runtime.isInspecting(this)) {
/* 6:tags 16:addr 1:eos */
part.append(" ...>");
return runtime.newString(part.toString());
try {
return runtime.newString(inspectObj(part).toString());
} finally {
if (isNil()) return RubyNil.inspect(this);
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(runtime.getCurrentContext(), this, "to_s");
/** rb_obj_is_instance_of
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_of?(class) => true or false
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>obj</i> is an instance of the given
* class. See also <code>Object#kind_of?</code>.
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_of?", required = 1)
public RubyBoolean instance_of_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject type) {
if (type() == type) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
} else if (!(type instanceof RubyModule)) {
throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("class or module required");
} else {
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
/** rb_obj_is_kind_of
* call-seq:
* obj.is_a?(class) => true or false
* obj.kind_of?(class) => true or false
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>class</i> is the class of
* <i>obj</i>, or if <i>class</i> is one of the superclasses of
* <i>obj</i> or modules included in <i>obj</i>.
* module M; end
* class A
* include M
* end
* class B < A; end
* class C < B; end
* b = B.new
* b.instance_of? A #=> false
* b.instance_of? B #=> true
* b.instance_of? C #=> false
* b.instance_of? M #=> false
* b.kind_of? A #=> true
* b.kind_of? B #=> true
* b.kind_of? C #=> false
* b.kind_of? M #=> true
@JRubyMethod(name = {"kind_of?", "is_a?"}, required = 1)
public RubyBoolean kind_of_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject type) {
// TODO: Generalize this type-checking code into IRubyObject helper.
if (!(type instanceof RubyModule)) {
// TODO: newTypeError does not offer enough for ruby error string...
throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("class or module required");
return context.getRuntime().newBoolean(((RubyModule)type).isInstance(this));
@JRubyMethod(name = "tap", compat = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9)
public IRubyObject tap(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
block.yield(context, this);
return this;
/** rb_obj_methods
* call-seq:
* obj.methods => array
* Returns a list of the names of methods publicly accessible in
* <i>obj</i>. This will include all the methods accessible in
* <i>obj</i>'s ancestors.
* class Klass
* def kMethod()
* end
* end
* k = Klass.new
* k.methods[0..9] #=> ["kMethod", "freeze", "nil?", "is_a?",
* "class", "instance_variable_set",
* "methods", "extend", "__send__", "instance_eval"]
* k.methods.length #=> 42
@JRubyMethod(name = "methods", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
boolean all = true;
if (args.length == 1) {
all = args[0].isTrue();
RubyArray singletonMethods = null;
if (getMetaClass().isSingleton()) {
singletonMethods =
getMetaClass().instance_methods(new IRubyObject[] {context.getRuntime().getFalse()});
if (all) {
singletonMethods.concat(getMetaClass().getSuperClass().instance_methods(new IRubyObject[] {context.getRuntime().getTrue()}));
} else {
if (all) {
singletonMethods = getMetaClass().instance_methods(new IRubyObject[] {context.getRuntime().getTrue()});
} else {
singletonMethods = context.getRuntime().newEmptyArray();
return singletonMethods;
/** rb_obj_public_methods
* call-seq:
* obj.public_methods(all=true) => array
* Returns the list of public methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
@JRubyMethod(name = "public_methods", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject public_methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
args = new IRubyObject[] { context.getRuntime().getTrue() };
return getMetaClass().public_instance_methods(args);
/** rb_obj_protected_methods
* call-seq:
* obj.protected_methods(all=true) => array
* Returns the list of protected methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
* Internally this implementation uses the
* {@link RubyModule#protected_instance_methods} method.
@JRubyMethod(name = "protected_methods", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject protected_methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
args = new IRubyObject[] { context.getRuntime().getTrue() };
return getMetaClass().protected_instance_methods(args);
/** rb_obj_private_methods
* call-seq:
* obj.private_methods(all=true) => array
* Returns the list of private methods accessible to <i>obj</i>. If
* the <i>all</i> parameter is set to <code>false</code>, only those methods
* in the receiver will be listed.
* Internally this implementation uses the
* {@link RubyModule#private_instance_methods} method.
@JRubyMethod(name = "private_methods", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject private_methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
args = new IRubyObject[] { context.getRuntime().getTrue() };
return getMetaClass().private_instance_methods(args);
/** rb_obj_singleton_methods
* call-seq:
* obj.singleton_methods(all=true) => array
* Returns an array of the names of singleton methods for <i>obj</i>.
* If the optional <i>all</i> parameter is true, the list will include
* methods in modules included in <i>obj</i>.
* module Other
* def three() end
* end
* class Single
* def Single.four() end
* end
* a = Single.new
* def a.one()
* end
* class << a
* include Other
* def two()
* end
* end
* Single.singleton_methods #=> ["four"]
* a.singleton_methods(false) #=> ["two", "one"]
* a.singleton_methods #=> ["two", "one", "three"]
// TODO: This is almost RubyModule#instance_methods on the metaClass. Perhaps refactor.
@JRubyMethod(name = "singleton_methods", optional = 1)
public RubyArray singleton_methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
boolean all = true;
if(args.length == 1) {
all = args[0].isTrue();
RubyArray singletonMethods;
if (getMetaClass().isSingleton()) {
singletonMethods = getMetaClass().instance_methods(new IRubyObject[] {context.getRuntime().getFalse()});
if (all) {
RubyClass superClass = getMetaClass().getSuperClass();
while (superClass.isIncluded()) {
singletonMethods.concat(superClass.instance_methods(new IRubyObject[] {context.getRuntime().getFalse()}));
superClass = superClass.getSuperClass();
} else {
singletonMethods = context.getRuntime().newEmptyArray();
return singletonMethods;
/** rb_obj_method
* call-seq:
* obj.method(sym) => method
* Looks up the named method as a receiver in <i>obj</i>, returning a
* <code>Method</code> object (or raising <code>NameError</code>). The
* <code>Method</code> object acts as a closure in <i>obj</i>'s object
* instance, so instance variables and the value of <code>self</code>
* remain available.
* class Demo
* def initialize(n)
* @iv = n
* end
* def hello()
* "Hello, @iv = #{@iv}"
* end
* end
* k = Demo.new(99)
* m = k.method(:hello)
* m.call #=> "Hello, @iv = 99"
* l = Demo.new('Fred')
* m = l.method("hello")
* m.call #=> "Hello, @iv = Fred"
@JRubyMethod(name = "method", required = 1)
public IRubyObject method(IRubyObject symbol) {
return getMetaClass().newMethod(this, symbol.asJavaString(), true);
* Internal method that helps to convert any object into the
* format of a class name and a hex string inside of #<>.
public IRubyObject anyToString() {
String cname = getMetaClass().getRealClass().getName();
/* 6:tags 16:addr 1:eos */
RubyString str = getRuntime().newString("#<" + cname + ":0x" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + ">");
return str;
/** rb_any_to_s
* call-seq:
* obj.to_s => string
* Returns a string representing <i>obj</i>. The default
* <code>to_s</code> prints the object's class and an encoding of the
* object id. As a special case, the top-level object that is the
* initial execution context of Ruby programs returns ``main.''
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_s")
public IRubyObject to_s() {
return anyToString();
/** rb_any_to_a
* call-seq:
* obj.to_a -> anArray
* Returns an array representation of <i>obj</i>. For objects of class
* <code>Object</code> and others that don't explicitly override the
* method, the return value is an array containing <code>self</code>.
* However, this latter behavior will soon be obsolete.
* self.to_a #=> -:1: warning: default `to_a' will be obsolete
* "hello".to_a #=> ["hello"]
* Time.new.to_a #=> [39, 54, 8, 9, 4, 2003, 3, 99, true, "CDT"]
* The default to_a method is deprecated.
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_a", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
public RubyArray to_a() {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "default 'to_a' will be obsolete", "to_a");
return getRuntime().newArray(this);
/** rb_obj_instance_eval
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_eval(string [, filename [, lineno]] ) => obj
* obj.instance_eval {| | block } => obj
* Evaluates a string containing Ruby source code, or the given block,
* within the context of the receiver (_obj_). In order to set the
* context, the variable +self+ is set to _obj_ while
* the code is executing, giving the code access to _obj_'s
* instance variables. In the version of <code>instance_eval</code>
* that takes a +String+, the optional second and third
* parameters supply a filename and starting line number that are used
* when reporting compilation errors.
* class Klass
* def initialize
* @secret = 99
* end
* end
* k = Klass.new
* k.instance_eval { @secret } #=> 99
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_eval", frame = true)
public IRubyObject instance_eval(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
return specificEval(context, getInstanceEvalClass(), block);
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_eval", frame = true)
public IRubyObject instance_eval(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return specificEval(context, getInstanceEvalClass(), arg0, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_eval", frame = true)
public IRubyObject instance_eval(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return specificEval(context, getInstanceEvalClass(), arg0, arg1, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_eval", frame = true)
public IRubyObject instance_eval(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
return specificEval(context, getInstanceEvalClass(), arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public IRubyObject instance_eval(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz;
if (isImmediate()) {
// Ruby uses Qnil here, we use "dummy" because we need a class
klazz = context.getRuntime().getDummy();
} else {
klazz = getSingletonClass();
return specificEval(context, klazz, args, block);
private RubyModule getInstanceEvalClass() {
if (isImmediate()) {
// Ruby uses Qnil here, we use "dummy" because we need a class
return getRuntime().getDummy();
} else {
return getSingletonClass();
/** rb_obj_instance_exec
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_exec(arg...) {|var...| block } => obj
* Executes the given block within the context of the receiver
* (_obj_). In order to set the context, the variable +self+ is set
* to _obj_ while the code is executing, giving the code access to
* _obj_'s instance variables. Arguments are passed as block parameters.
* class Klass
* def initialize
* @secret = 99
* end
* end
* k = Klass.new
* k.instance_exec(5) {|x| @secret+x } #=> 104
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_exec", optional = 3, frame = true)
public IRubyObject instance_exec(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
if (!block.isGiven()) throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("block not supplied");
RubyModule klazz;
if (isImmediate()) {
// Ruby uses Qnil here, we use "dummy" because we need a class
klazz = context.getRuntime().getDummy();
} else {
klazz = getSingletonClass();
return yieldUnder(context, klazz, args, block);
/** rb_obj_extend
* call-seq:
* obj.extend(module, ...) => obj
* Adds to _obj_ the instance methods from each module given as a
* parameter.
* module Mod
* def hello
* "Hello from Mod.\n"
* end
* end
* class Klass
* def hello
* "Hello from Klass.\n"
* end
* end
* k = Klass.new
* k.hello #=> "Hello from Klass.\n"
* k.extend(Mod) #=> #<Klass:0x401b3bc8>
* k.hello #=> "Hello from Mod.\n"
@JRubyMethod(name = "extend", required = 1, rest = true)
public IRubyObject extend(IRubyObject[] args) {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
// Make sure all arguments are modules before calling the callbacks
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (!args[i].isModule()) throw runtime.newTypeError(args[i], runtime.getModule());
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
// MRI extends in order from last to first
for (int i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
args[i].callMethod(context, "extend_object", this);
args[i].callMethod(context, "extended", this);
return this;
/** rb_obj_dummy
* Default initialize method. This one gets defined in some other
* place as a Ruby method.
public IRubyObject initialize() {
return getRuntime().getNil();
/** rb_f_send
* send( aSymbol [, args ]* ) -> anObject
* Invokes the method identified by aSymbol, passing it any arguments
* specified. You can use __send__ if the name send clashes with an
* existing method in this object.
* <pre>
* class Klass
* def hello(*args)
* "Hello " + args.join(' ')
* end
* end
* k = Klass.new
* k.send :hello, "gentle", "readers"
* </pre>
* @return the result of invoking the method identified by aSymbol.
@JRubyMethod(name = {"send", "__send__"})
public IRubyObject send(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError(0, 1);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"send", "__send__"})
public IRubyObject send(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
String name = arg0.asJavaString();
return getMetaClass().finvoke(context, this, name, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"send", "__send__"})
public IRubyObject send(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
String name = arg0.asJavaString();
return getMetaClass().finvoke(context, this, name, arg1, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"send", "__send__"})
public IRubyObject send(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
String name = arg0.asJavaString();
return getMetaClass().finvoke(context, this, name, arg1, arg2, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"send", "__send__"}, rest = true)
public IRubyObject send(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
String name = args[0].asJavaString();
int newArgsLength = args.length - 1;
IRubyObject[] newArgs;
if (newArgsLength == 0) {
newArgs = IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY;
} else {
newArgs = new IRubyObject[newArgsLength];
System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, newArgs.length);
return getMetaClass().finvoke(context, this, name, newArgs, block);
/** rb_false
* call_seq:
* nil.nil? => true
* <anything_else>.nil? => false
* Only the object <i>nil</i> responds <code>true</code> to <code>nil?</code>.
@JRubyMethod(name = "nil?")
public IRubyObject nil_p(ThreadContext context) {
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
/** rb_obj_pattern_match
* call-seq:
* obj =~ other => false
* Pattern Match---Overridden by descendents (notably
* <code>Regexp</code> and <code>String</code>) to provide meaningful
* pattern-match semantics.
@JRubyMethod(name = "=~", required = 1)
public IRubyObject op_match(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public IRubyObject to_java() {
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(getMetaClass().getBaseName() + " cannot coerce to a Java type.");
public IRubyObject as(Class javaClass) {
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(getMetaClass().getBaseName() + " cannot coerce to a Java type.");
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject#getType()
public RubyClass getType() {
return type();
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject#dataWrapStruct()
public synchronized void dataWrapStruct(Object obj) {
this.dataStruct = obj;
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject#dataGetStruct()
public synchronized Object dataGetStruct() {
return dataStruct;
* Adds the specified object as a finalizer for this object.
public void addFinalizer(IRubyObject finalizer) {
if (this.finalizer == null) {
this.finalizer = new Finalizer(getRuntime().getObjectSpace().idOf(this));
* Remove all the finalizers for this object.
public void removeFinalizers() {
if (finalizer != null) {
finalizer = null;
/** rb_obj_ivar_defined
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_variable_defined?(symbol) => true or false
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given instance variable is
* defined in <i>obj</i>.
* class Fred
* def initialize(p1, p2)
* @a, @b = p1, p2
* end
* end
* fred = Fred.new('cat', 99)
* fred.instance_variable_defined?(:@a) #=> true
* fred.instance_variable_defined?("@b") #=> true
* fred.instance_variable_defined?("@c") #=> false
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_variable_defined?", required = 1)
public IRubyObject instance_variable_defined_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject name) {
if (variableTableContains(validateInstanceVariable(name.asJavaString()))) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
/** rb_obj_ivar_get
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_variable_get(symbol) => obj
* Returns the value of the given instance variable, or nil if the
* instance variable is not set. The <code>@</code> part of the
* variable name should be included for regular instance
* variables. Throws a <code>NameError</code> exception if the
* supplied symbol is not valid as an instance variable name.
* class Fred
* def initialize(p1, p2)
* @a, @b = p1, p2
* end
* end
* fred = Fred.new('cat', 99)
* fred.instance_variable_get(:@a) #=> "cat"
* fred.instance_variable_get("@b") #=> 99
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_variable_get", required = 1)
public IRubyObject instance_variable_get(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject name) {
IRubyObject value;
if ((value = variableTableFetch(validateInstanceVariable(name.asJavaString()))) != null) {
return value;
return context.getRuntime().getNil();
/** rb_obj_ivar_set
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_variable_set(symbol, obj) => obj
* Sets the instance variable names by <i>symbol</i> to
* <i>object</i>, thereby frustrating the efforts of the class's
* author to attempt to provide proper encapsulation. The variable
* did not have to exist prior to this call.
* class Fred
* def initialize(p1, p2)
* @a, @b = p1, p2
* end
* end
* fred = Fred.new('cat', 99)
* fred.instance_variable_set(:@a, 'dog') #=> "dog"
* fred.instance_variable_set(:@c, 'cat') #=> "cat"
* fred.inspect #=> "#<Fred:0x401b3da8 @a=\"dog\", @b=99, @c=\"cat\">"
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_variable_set", required = 2)
public IRubyObject instance_variable_set(IRubyObject name, IRubyObject value) {
return variableTableStore(validateInstanceVariable(name.asJavaString()), value);
/** rb_obj_remove_instance_variable
* call-seq:
* obj.remove_instance_variable(symbol) => obj
* Removes the named instance variable from <i>obj</i>, returning that
* variable's value.
* class Dummy
* attr_reader :var
* def initialize
* @var = 99
* end
* def remove
* remove_instance_variable(:@var)
* end
* end
* d = Dummy.new
* d.var #=> 99
* d.remove #=> 99
* d.var #=> nil
@JRubyMethod(name = "remove_instance_variable", required = 1, frame = true, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject remove_instance_variable(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject name, Block block) {
IRubyObject value;
if ((value = variableTableRemove(validateInstanceVariable(name.asJavaString()))) != null) {
return value;
throw context.getRuntime().newNameError("instance variable " + name.asJavaString() + " not defined", name.asJavaString());
/** rb_obj_instance_variables
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_variables => array
* Returns an array of instance variable names for the receiver. Note
* that simply defining an accessor does not create the corresponding
* instance variable.
* class Fred
* attr_accessor :a1
* def initialize
* @iv = 3
* end
* end
* Fred.new.instance_variables #=> ["@iv"]
@JRubyMethod(name = "instance_variables")
public RubyArray instance_variables(ThreadContext context) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
List<String> nameList = getInstanceVariableNameList();
RubyArray array = runtime.newArray(nameList.size());
for (String name : nameList) {
return array;
* Dummy method to avoid a cast, and to avoid polluting the
* IRubyObject interface with all the instance variable management
* methods.
public InstanceVariables getInstanceVariables() {
return this;
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#hasInstanceVariable
public boolean hasInstanceVariable(String name) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(name);
return variableTableContains(name);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#fastHasInstanceVariable
public boolean fastHasInstanceVariable(String internedName) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(internedName);
return variableTableFastContains(internedName);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#getInstanceVariable
public IRubyObject getInstanceVariable(String name) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(name);
return variableTableFetch(name);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#fastGetInstanceVariable
public IRubyObject fastGetInstanceVariable(String internedName) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(internedName);
return variableTableFastFetch(internedName);
/** rb_iv_set / rb_ivar_set
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#setInstanceVariable
public IRubyObject setInstanceVariable(String name, IRubyObject value) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(name) && value != null;
return variableTableStore(name, value);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#fastSetInstanceVariable
public IRubyObject fastSetInstanceVariable(String internedName, IRubyObject value) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(internedName) && value != null;
return variableTableFastStore(internedName, value);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#removeInstanceVariable
public IRubyObject removeInstanceVariable(String name) {
assert IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(name);
return variableTableRemove(name);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#getInstanceVariableList
public List<Variable<IRubyObject>> getInstanceVariableList() {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>> list = new ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>>();
IRubyObject readValue;
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(e.name)) {
if ((readValue = e.value) == null) readValue = variableTableReadLocked(e);
list.add(new VariableEntry<IRubyObject>(e.name, readValue));
return list;
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#getInstanceVariableNameList
public List<String> getInstanceVariableNameList() {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(e.name)) {
return list;
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InstanceVariables#getInstanceVariableNameList
public void copyInstanceVariablesInto(InstanceVariables other) {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (IdUtil.isInstanceVariable(e.name)) {
other.setInstanceVariable(e.name, e.value);
* The error message used when some one tries to modify an
* instance variable in a high security setting.
protected static final String ERR_INSECURE_SET_INST_VAR = "Insecure: can't modify instance variable";
* Checks if the name parameter represents a legal instance variable name, and otherwise throws a Ruby NameError
protected String validateInstanceVariable(String name) {
if (IdUtil.isValidInstanceVariableName(name)) return name;
throw getRuntime().newNameError("`" + name + "' is not allowable as an instance variable name", name);
* Makes sure that instance variables can be set on this object,
* including information about whether this object is frozen, or
* tainted. Will throw a suitable exception in that case.
protected void ensureInstanceVariablesSettable() {
if (!isFrozen() && (getRuntime().getSafeLevel() < 4 || isTaint())) {
if (getRuntime().getSafeLevel() >= 4 && !isTaint()) {
throw getRuntime().newSecurityError(ERR_INSECURE_SET_INST_VAR);
if (isFrozen()) {
if (this instanceof RubyModule) {
throw getRuntime().newFrozenError("class/module ");
} else {
throw getRuntime().newFrozenError("");
* Dummy method to avoid a cast, and to avoid polluting the
* IRubyObject interface with all the instance variable management
* methods.
public InternalVariables getInternalVariables() {
return this;
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#hasInternalVariable
public boolean hasInternalVariable(String name) {
assert !isRubyVariable(name);
return variableTableContains(name);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#fastHasInternalVariable
public boolean fastHasInternalVariable(String internedName) {
assert !isRubyVariable(internedName);
return variableTableFastContains(internedName);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#getInternalVariable
public IRubyObject getInternalVariable(String name) {
assert !isRubyVariable(name);
return variableTableFetch(name);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#fastGetInternalVariable
public IRubyObject fastGetInternalVariable(String internedName) {
assert !isRubyVariable(internedName);
return variableTableFastFetch(internedName);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#setInternalVariable
public void setInternalVariable(String name, IRubyObject value) {
assert !isRubyVariable(name);
variableTableStore(name, value);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#fastSetInternalVariable
public void fastSetInternalVariable(String internedName, IRubyObject value) {
assert !isRubyVariable(internedName);
variableTableFastStore(internedName, value);
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#removeInternalVariable
public IRubyObject removeInternalVariable(String name) {
assert !isRubyVariable(name);
return variableTableRemove(name);
* Sync one variable table with another - this is used to make
* rbClone work correctly.
public void syncVariables(List<Variable<IRubyObject>> variables) {
* @see org.jruby.runtime.builtin.InternalVariables#getInternalVariableList
public List<Variable<IRubyObject>> getInternalVariableList() {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>> list = new ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>>();
IRubyObject readValue;
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (!isRubyVariable(e.name)) {
if ((readValue = e.value) == null) readValue = variableTableReadLocked(e);
list.add(new VariableEntry<IRubyObject>(e.name, readValue));
return list;
* Returns true if object has any variables, defined as:
* <ul>
* <li> instance variables
* <li> class variables
* <li> constants
* <li> internal variables, such as those used when marshaling Ranges and Exceptions
* </ul>
* @return true if object has any variables, else false
public boolean hasVariables() {
return variableTableGetSize() > 0;
* Returns the amount of instance variables, class variables,
* constants and internal variables this object has.
public int getVariableCount() {
return variableTableGetSize();
* Gets a list of all variables in this object.
// TODO: must override in RubyModule to pick up constants
public List<Variable<IRubyObject>> getVariableList() {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>> list = new ArrayList<Variable<IRubyObject>>();
IRubyObject readValue;
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if ((readValue = e.value) == null) readValue = variableTableReadLocked(e);
list.add(new VariableEntry<IRubyObject>(e.name, readValue));
return list;
* Gets a name list of all variables in this object.
// TODO: must override in RubyModule to pick up constants
public List<String> getVariableNameList() {
VariableTableEntry[] table = variableTableGetTable();
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
return list;
* Gets internal access to the getmap for variables.
@Deprecated // born deprecated
public Map getVariableMap() {
return variableTableGetMap();
* Check the syntax of a Ruby variable, including that it's longer
* than zero characters, and starts with either an @ or a capital
* letter.
// FIXME: this should go somewhere more generic -- maybe IdUtil
protected static final boolean isRubyVariable(String name) {
char c;
return name.length() > 0 && ((c = name.charAt(0)) == '@' || (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A'));
protected static final int VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 8; // MUST be power of 2!
protected static final int VARIABLE_TABLE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;
protected static final float VARIABLE_TABLE_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
protected static final VariableTableEntry[] VARIABLE_TABLE_EMPTY_TABLE = new VariableTableEntry[0];
* Every entry in the variable map is represented by an instance
* of this class.
protected static final class VariableTableEntry {
final int hash;
final String name;
volatile IRubyObject value;
final VariableTableEntry next;
VariableTableEntry(int hash, String name, IRubyObject value, VariableTableEntry next) {
assert name == name.intern() : name + " is not interned";
this.hash = hash;
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
this.next = next;
* Reads the value of the specified entry, locked on the current
* object.
protected synchronized IRubyObject variableTableReadLocked(VariableTableEntry entry) {
return entry.value;
* Checks if the variable table contains a variable of the
* specified name.
protected boolean variableTableContains(String name) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
int hash = name.hashCode();
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[hash & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (hash == e.hash && name.equals(e.name)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the variable table contains the the variable of the
* specified name, where the precondition is that the name must be
* an interned Java String.
protected boolean variableTableFastContains(String internedName) {
assert internedName == internedName.intern() : internedName + " not interned";
VariableTableEntry[] table;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[internedName.hashCode() & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (internedName == e.name) {
return true;
return false;
* Fetch an object from the variable table based on the name.
* @return the object or null if not found
protected IRubyObject variableTableFetch(String name) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
IRubyObject readValue;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
int hash = name.hashCode();
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[hash & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (hash == e.hash && name.equals(e.name)) {
if ((readValue = e.value) != null) return readValue;
return variableTableReadLocked(e);
return null;
* Fetch an object from the variable table based on the name,
* where the name must be an interned Java String.
* @return the object or null if not found
protected IRubyObject variableTableFastFetch(String internedName) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
IRubyObject readValue;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[internedName.hashCode() & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (internedName == e.name) {
if ((readValue = e.value) != null) return readValue;
return variableTableReadLocked(e);
return null;
* Store a value in the variable store under the specific name.
protected IRubyObject variableTableStore(String name, IRubyObject value) {
int hash = name.hashCode();
synchronized(this) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
VariableTableEntry e;
if ((table = variableTable) == null) {
table = new VariableTableEntry[VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
e = new VariableTableEntry(hash, name.intern(), value, null);
table[hash & (VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - 1)] = e;
variableTableSize = 1;
variableTable = table;
return value;
int potentialNewSize;
if ((potentialNewSize = variableTableSize + 1) > variableTableThreshold) {
table = variableTableRehash();
int index;
for (e = table[index = hash & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (hash == e.hash && name.equals(e.name)) {
e.value = value;
return value;
e = new VariableTableEntry(hash, name.intern(), value, table[index]);
table[index] = e;
variableTableSize = potentialNewSize;
variableTable = table; // write-volatile
return value;
* Will store the value under the specified name, where the name
* needs to be an interned Java String.
protected IRubyObject variableTableFastStore(String internedName, IRubyObject value) {
if (IdUtil.isConstant(internedName)) new Exception().printStackTrace();
assert internedName == internedName.intern() : internedName + " not interned";
int hash = internedName.hashCode();
synchronized(this) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
VariableTableEntry e;
if ((table = variableTable) == null) {
table = new VariableTableEntry[VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
e = new VariableTableEntry(hash, internedName, value, null);
table[hash & (VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - 1)] = e;
variableTableSize = 1;
variableTable = table;
return value;
int potentialNewSize;
if ((potentialNewSize = variableTableSize + 1) > variableTableThreshold) {
table = variableTableRehash();
int index;
for (e = table[index = hash & (table.length - 1)]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (internedName == e.name) {
e.value = value;
return value;
e = new VariableTableEntry(hash, internedName, value, table[index]);
table[index] = e;
variableTableSize = potentialNewSize;
variableTable = table; // write-volatile
return value;
* Removes the entry with the specified name from the variable
* table, and returning the removed value.
protected IRubyObject variableTableRemove(String name) {
synchronized(this) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
int hash = name.hashCode();
int index = hash & (table.length - 1);
VariableTableEntry first = table[index];
VariableTableEntry e;
for (e = first; e != null; e = e.next) {
if (hash == e.hash && name.equals(e.name)) {
IRubyObject oldValue = e.value;
// All entries following removed node can stay
// in list, but all preceding ones need to be
// cloned.
VariableTableEntry newFirst = e.next;
for (VariableTableEntry p = first; p != e; p = p.next) {
newFirst = new VariableTableEntry(p.hash, p.name, p.value, newFirst);
table[index] = newFirst;
variableTable = table; // write-volatile
return oldValue;
return null;
* Get the actual table used to save variable entries.
protected VariableTableEntry[] variableTableGetTable() {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
return table;
* Get the size of the variable table.
protected int variableTableGetSize() {
if (variableTable != null) {
return variableTableSize;
return 0;
* Synchronize the variable table with the argument. In real terms
* this means copy all entries into a newly allocated table.
protected void variableTableSync(List<Variable<IRubyObject>> vars) {
synchronized(this) {
variableTableSize = 0;
variableTable = new VariableTableEntry[VARIABLE_TABLE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
for (Variable<IRubyObject> var : vars) {
variableTableStore(var.getName(), var.getValue());
* Rehashes the variable table. Must be called from a synchronized
* block.
// MUST be called from synchronized/locked block!
// should only be called by variableTableStore/variableTableFastStore
protected final VariableTableEntry[] variableTableRehash() {
VariableTableEntry[] oldTable = variableTable;
int oldCapacity;
if ((oldCapacity = oldTable.length) >= VARIABLE_TABLE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
return oldTable;
int newCapacity = oldCapacity << 1;
VariableTableEntry[] newTable = new VariableTableEntry[newCapacity];
variableTableThreshold = (int)(newCapacity * VARIABLE_TABLE_LOAD_FACTOR);
int sizeMask = newCapacity - 1;
VariableTableEntry e;
for (int i = oldCapacity; --i >= 0; ) {
// We need to guarantee that any existing reads of old Map can
// proceed. So we cannot yet null out each bin.
e = oldTable[i];
if (e != null) {
VariableTableEntry next = e.next;
int idx = e.hash & sizeMask;
// Single node on list
if (next == null)
newTable[idx] = e;
else {
// Reuse trailing consecutive sequence at same slot
VariableTableEntry lastRun = e;
int lastIdx = idx;
for (VariableTableEntry last = next;
last != null;
last = last.next) {
int k = last.hash & sizeMask;
if (k != lastIdx) {
lastIdx = k;
lastRun = last;
newTable[lastIdx] = lastRun;
// Clone all remaining nodes
for (VariableTableEntry p = e; p != lastRun; p = p.next) {
int k = p.hash & sizeMask;
VariableTableEntry m = new VariableTableEntry(p.hash, p.name, p.value, newTable[k]);
newTable[k] = m;
variableTable = newTable;
return newTable;
* Method to help ease transition to new variables implementation.
* Will likely be deprecated in the near future.
protected Map variableTableGetMap() {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
VariableTableEntry[] table;
IRubyObject readValue;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if ((readValue = e.value) == null) readValue = variableTableReadLocked(e);
map.put(e.name, readValue);
return map;
* Method to help ease transition to new variables implementation.
* Will likely be deprecated in the near future.
protected Map variableTableGetMap(Map map) {
VariableTableEntry[] table;
IRubyObject readValue;
if ((table = variableTable) != null) {
for (int i = table.length; --i >= 0; ) {
for (VariableTableEntry e = table[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
if ((readValue = e.value) == null) readValue = variableTableReadLocked(e);
map.put(e.name, readValue);
return map;
* Tries to support Java serialization of Ruby objects. This is
* still experimental and might not work.
// NOTE: Serialization is primarily supported for testing purposes, and there is no general
// guarantee that serialization will work correctly. Specifically, instance variables pointing
// at symbols, threads, modules, classes, and other unserializable types are not detected.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// write out ivar count followed by name/value pairs
List<String> names = getInstanceVariableNameList();
for (String name : names) {
* Tries to support Java unserialization of Ruby objects. This is
* still experimental and might not work.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// rest in ivar count followed by name/value pairs
int ivarCount = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < ivarCount; i++) {
setInstanceVariable((String)in.readObject(), (IRubyObject)in.readObject());