Copyright (C) 2008 Richard Gomes
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This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
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package org.jquantlib.termstructures;
import org.jquantlib.daycounters.DayCounter;
import org.jquantlib.time.BusinessDayConvention;
import org.jquantlib.time.Calendar;
import org.jquantlib.time.Date;
import org.jquantlib.util.TypedVisitor;
import org.jquantlib.util.Visitor;
* Black variance term structure
* <p>
* This abstract class acts as an adapter to VolTermStructure allowing the programmer to implement only the
* <tt>blackVarianceImpl(Time, Real, bool)</tt> method in derived classes.
* <p>
* Volatility is assumed to be expressed on an annual basis.
* @note Term structures initialized by means of this constructor must manage their own reference date by overriding the
* referenceDate() method.
* @note See the TermStructure documentation for issues regarding constructors.
* @author Richard Gomes
public abstract class BlackVarianceTermStructure extends BlackVolTermStructure {
// public constructors
// See the TermStructure documentation for issues regarding constructors.
* 'default' constructor
* <p>
* @warning term structures initialized by means of this
* constructor must manage their own reference date
* by overriding the referenceDate() method.
public BlackVarianceTermStructure() {
this(new Calendar(), BusinessDayConvention.Following, new DayCounter());
* 'default' constructor
* <p>
* @warning term structures initialized by means of this
* constructor must manage their own reference date
* by overriding the referenceDate() method.
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(final Calendar cal) {
this(cal, BusinessDayConvention.Following, new DayCounter());
* 'default' constructor
* <p>
* @warning term structures initialized by means of this
* constructor must manage their own reference date
* by overriding the referenceDate() method.
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc) {
this(cal, bdc, new DayCounter());
* 'default' constructor
* <p>
* @warning term structures initialized by means of this
* constructor must manage their own reference date
* by overriding the referenceDate() method.
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc,
final DayCounter dc) {
super(cal, bdc, dc);
* initialize with a fixed reference date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(final Date referenceDate) {
this(referenceDate, new Calendar(), BusinessDayConvention.Following, new DayCounter());
* initialize with a fixed reference date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
final Date referenceDate,
final Calendar cal) {
this(referenceDate, cal, BusinessDayConvention.Following, new DayCounter());
* initialize with a fixed reference date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
final Date referenceDate,
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc) {
this(referenceDate, cal, bdc, new DayCounter());
* initialize with a fixed reference date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
final Date referenceDate,
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc,
final DayCounter dc) {
super(referenceDate, cal, bdc, dc);
* calculate the reference date based on the global evaluation date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
/*@Natural*/ final int settlementDays,
final Calendar cal) {
this(settlementDays, cal, BusinessDayConvention.Following, new DayCounter());
* calculate the reference date based on the global evaluation date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
/*@Natural*/ final int settlementDays,
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc) {
this(settlementDays, cal, bdc, new DayCounter());
* calculate the reference date based on the global evaluation date
public BlackVarianceTermStructure(
/*@Natural*/ final int settlementDays,
final Calendar cal,
final BusinessDayConvention bdc,
final DayCounter dc) {
super(settlementDays, cal, bdc, dc);
// Overrides BlackVolTermStructure
* Returns the volatility for the given strike and date calculating it from the variance.
protected final/* @Volatility */double blackVolImpl(final/* @Time */double maturity, final/* @Real */double strike) {
/* @Time */double nonZeroMaturity;
/* @Time */final double m = maturity;
if (m == 0.0) {
nonZeroMaturity = 0.00001;
} else {
nonZeroMaturity = m;
/* @Variance */final double var = blackVarianceImpl(/* Time */nonZeroMaturity, strike);
return Math.sqrt(var / nonZeroMaturity);
// implements TypedVisitable
public void accept(final TypedVisitor<TermStructure> v) {
final Visitor<TermStructure> v1 = (v != null) ? v.getVisitor(this.getClass()) : null;
if (v1 != null) {
} else {