Package org.jquantlib.pricingengines

Source Code of org.jquantlib.pricingengines.BlackFormula$BlackImpliedStdDevHelper

Copyright (C) 2008 Richard Gomes

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This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
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package org.jquantlib.pricingengines;

import org.jquantlib.QL;
import org.jquantlib.instruments.Option;
import org.jquantlib.instruments.PlainVanillaPayoff;
import org.jquantlib.lang.annotation.DiscountFactor;
import org.jquantlib.lang.annotation.NonNegative;
import org.jquantlib.lang.annotation.Real;
import org.jquantlib.lang.annotation.StdDev;
import org.jquantlib.math.Closeness;
import org.jquantlib.math.distributions.CumulativeNormalDistribution;
import org.jquantlib.math.distributions.Derivative;
import org.jquantlib.math.solvers1D.NewtonSafe;

* Black 1976 formula
* @author Richard Gomes
* @author Srinivas Hasti
// TODO: adjust formulas (LaTeX)
public class BlackFormula {

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return blackFormula(optionType, strike, forward, stddev, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note  Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *        volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormula(optionType, strike, forward, stddev, discount, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note  Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *        volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real double strike,
            @Real double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        QL.require(strike >= 0.0       , "strike must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(forward > 0.0       , "forward must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(stddev >= 0.0       , "stddev must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(discount > 0.0      , "discount must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(displacement >= 0.0 , "displacement must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

        forward = forward + displacement;
        strike = strike + displacement;
        if (stddev == 0.0)
            return Math.max((forward - strike) * optionType.toInteger(), (0.0d)) * discount;

        if (strike == 0.0) // strike=0 iff displacement=0
            return (optionType == Option.Type.Call ? forward * discount : 0.0);

        @Real final double d1 = Math.log(forward / strike) / stddev + 0.5 * stddev;
        @Real final double d2 = d1 - stddev;

        // TODO: code review
        final CumulativeNormalDistribution phi = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
        @Real final double result = discount * optionType.toInteger()
        * (forward * phi.op(optionType.toInteger() * d1) - strike * phi.op(optionType.toInteger() * d2));

        if (result >= 0.0) return result;
        throw new ArithmeticException("a negative value was calculated"); // TODO: message

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return blackFormula(payoff, strike, forward, stddev, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note  Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *        volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormula(payoff, strike, forward, stddev, discount, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula
     * @note  Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *        volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormula(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        return blackFormula(payoff.optionType(), payoff.strike(), forward, stddev, discount, displacement);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, 0.0);

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real double strike,
            @Real double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        QL.require(strike >= 0.0       , "strike must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(forward > 0.0       , "forward must be positive"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(displacement >= 0.0 , "displacement must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(blackPrice >= 0.0   , "blackPrice must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(discount > 0.0      , "discount must be positive"); // TODO: message

        double stddev;
        forward = forward + displacement;
        strike = strike + displacement;
        if (Closeness.isClose(strike, forward))
            // Brenner-Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein (1988) ATM approx.
            stddev = blackPrice / discount * Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI) / forward;
        else {
            // Corrado and Miller extended moneyness approximation
            final double moneynessDelta = optionType.toInteger() * (forward - strike);
            final double moneynessDelta_2 = moneynessDelta / 2.0;
            double temp = blackPrice / discount - moneynessDelta_2;
            final double moneynessDelta_PI = moneynessDelta * moneynessDelta / Math.PI;
            double temp2 = temp * temp - moneynessDelta_PI;
            if (temp2 < 0.0)
                // approximation breaks down, 2 alternatives:
                // 1. zero it
                temp2 = 0.0;
            // 2. Manaster-Koehler (1982) efficient Newton-Raphson seed
            // return std::fabs(std::log(forward/strike))*std::sqrt(2.0); -- commented out in original C++
            temp2 = Math.sqrt(temp2);
            temp += temp2;
            temp *= Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI);
            stddev = temp / (forward + strike);

        if (stddev >= 0.0) return stddev;
        throw new ArithmeticException("a negative value was calculated"); // TODO: message

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice) {

        // TODO : complete
        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(payoff, strike, forward, blackPrice, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        // TODO : complete
        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(payoff, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, 0.0);

     * Approximated Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity).
     * <p>
     * It is calculated using Brenner and Subrahmanyan (1988) and Feinstein
     * (1988) approximation for at-the-money forward option, with the extended
     * moneyness approximation by Corrado and Miller (1996)

    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(payoff.optionType(), payoff.strike(), forward, blackPrice, discount, displacement);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, 1.0, Double.NaN, 1.0e-6, 0.0);


     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, Double.NaN, 1.0e-6, 0.0);


     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final Option.Type optionType, @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward, @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double guess) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, 1.0e-6, 0.0);


     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double guess,
            @Real final double accuracy) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, accuracy, 0.0);


     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real double strike,
            @Real double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real double guess,
            @Real final double accuracy,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        // TODO: This block of code was removed because there's no option to pass maxIterations in the original C++ code
        //    return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, accuracy, displacement, 1);
        //  }
        //  /**
        //   * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
        //   * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
        //   */
        //  // TODO: Move the code
        //  public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
        //      final Option.Type optionType,
        //      @Real double strike,
        //      @Real double forward,
        //      @Real final double blackPrice,
        //      @DiscountFactor final doublediscount,
        //      @Real double guess,
        //      @Real final double accuracy,
        //      @Real final double displacement,
        //      final int maxIterations) {
        //TODO: The original C++ code does not have this line and calls to solver.setMaxIterations(100)
        final int maxIterations=100;

        QL.require(strike >= 0.0       , "strike must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(forward > 0.0       , "forward must be positive"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(displacement >= 0.0 , "displacement must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(blackPrice >= 0.0   , "blackPrice must be non-negative"); // TODO: message
        QL.require(discount > 0.0      , "discount must be positive"); // TODO: message

        strike = strike + displacement;
        forward = forward + displacement;
        if (Double.isNaN(guess))
            guess = blackFormulaImpliedStdDevApproximation(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, displacement);
        else if (guess < 0.0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("stddev guess (" + guess + ") must be non-negative");

        final BlackImpliedStdDevHelper f = new BlackImpliedStdDevHelper(optionType, strike, forward, blackPrice / discount);
        final NewtonSafe solver = new NewtonSafe();
        final double minSdtDev = 0.0, maxstddev = 3.0;
        final double stddev = solver.solve(f, accuracy, guess, minSdtDev, maxstddev);

        if (stddev >= 0.0) return stddev;
        throw new ArithmeticException("a negative value was calculated"); // TODO: add more logging

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(payoff, strike, forward, blackPrice, 1.0, Double.NaN, 1.0e-6, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(payoff, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, Double.NaN, 1.0e-6, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double guess) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(payoff, strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, 1.0e-6, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double guess,
            @Real final double accuracy) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(payoff.optionType(), strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, accuracy, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 implied standard deviation, i.e.
     * volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @Real final double blackPrice,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double guess,
            @Real final double accuracy,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        return blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(payoff.optionType(), strike, forward, blackPrice, discount, guess, accuracy, displacement);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale
     * measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real
     * world one.
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaCashItmProbability(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return blackFormulaCashItmProbability(optionType, strike, forward, stddev, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale
     * measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real
     * world one.
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaCashItmProbability(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        if (stddev==0.0) return (forward * optionType.toInteger() > strike *optionType.toInteger() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
        if (strike==0.0) return (optionType==Option.Type.Call ? 1.0 : 0.0);
        final double d1 = Math.log((forward+displacement)/(strike+displacement))/stddev + 0.5*stddev;
        final double d2 = d1 - stddev;

        // TODO: code review
        final CumulativeNormalDistribution phi = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
        return phi.op(optionType.toInteger() * d2);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 probability of being in the money (in the bond martingale
     * measure), i.e. N(d2). It is a risk-neutral probability, not the real
     * world one.
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaCashItmProbability(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        return blackFormulaCashItmProbability(payoff.optionType(), strike, forward, stddev, displacement);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(strike, forward, stddev, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(
            @Real final double strike,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(strike, forward, stddev, discount, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(
            @Real double strike,
            @Real double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        QL.require(strike >= 0.0       , "strike must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(forward > 0.0       , "forward must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(stddev >= 0.0       , "blackPrice must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(discount > 0.0      , "discount must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(displacement >= 0.0 , "displacement must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

        forward = forward + displacement;
        strike = strike + displacement;
        final double d1 = Math.log(forward/strike)/stddev + .5*stddev;

        // TODO: code review
        final CumulativeNormalDistribution cdf = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
        return discount * forward * cdf.derivative(d1);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulastddevDerivative(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(payoff, forward, stddev, 1.0, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulastddevDerivative(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount) {

        return blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(payoff, forward, stddev, discount, 0.0);

     * Black 1976 formula for standard deviation derivative
     * <p>
     * @note Instead of volatility it uses standard deviation, i.e.
     *       volatilitysqrt(timeToMaturity), and it returns the derivative with
     *       respect to the standard deviation. If T is the time to maturity
     *       Black vega would be blackstddevDerivative(strike, forward,
     *       stddev)sqrt(T)
    public static /*@Real*/ double blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @DiscountFactor final double discount,
            @Real final double displacement) {

        return blackFormulaStdDevDerivative(payoff.strike(), forward, stddev, discount, displacement);

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This
     * is essentially the model of Bachelier.
     * @note Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage
     *       volatility. Standard deviation is
     *       absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double bachelierBlackFormula(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final  double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            @Real final  double discount) {

        return bachelierBlackFormula(payoff.optionType(), payoff.strike(), forward, stddev, discount);

     * Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This
     * is essentially the model of Bachelier.
     * @note Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage
     *       volatility. Standard deviation is
     *       absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double bachelierBlackFormula(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final   double strike,
            @Real final   double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev,
            final @DiscountFactor double discount) {

        QL.require(stddev >= 0.0 , "blackPrice must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(discount > 0.0 , "discount must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

        final double d = (forward - strike) * optionType.ordinal(), h = d / stddev;
        if (stddev == 0.0) return discount * Math.max(d, 0.0);

        // TODO: code review
        final CumulativeNormalDistribution phi = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
        final double result = discount * stddev * phi.derivative(h) + d * phi.op(h);
        if (result >= 0.0) return result;
        throw new ArithmeticException("negative value");

    // ---
    // ---
    // ---

     * Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This
     * is essentially the model of Bachelier.
     * @note Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage
     *       volatility. Standard deviation is
     *       absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double bachelierBlackFormula(
            final Option.Type optionType,
            @Real final  double strike,
            @Real final  double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return bachelierBlackFormula(optionType, strike, forward, stddev, 1.0);

     * Black style formula when forward is normal rather than log-normal. This
     * is essentially the model of Bachelier.
     * @note Bachelier model needs absolute volatility, not percentage
     *       volatility. Standard deviation is
     *       absoluteVolatility*sqrt(timeToMaturity)
    public static /*@Real*/ double bachelierBlackFormula(
            final PlainVanillaPayoff payoff,
            @Real final  double forward,
            @StdDev final double stddev) {

        return bachelierBlackFormula(payoff, forward, stddev, 1.0);

    // private inner classes

    private static class BlackImpliedStdDevHelper implements Derivative {

        private final double halfOptionType_;
        private final double signedStrike_, signedForward_;
        private final double undiscountedBlackPrice_, signedMoneyness_;
        private final CumulativeNormalDistribution N_;

        public BlackImpliedStdDevHelper(
                final Option.Type optionType,
                final double strike,
                final double forward,
                final double undiscountedBlackPrice) {
            this(optionType, strike, forward, undiscountedBlackPrice, 0.0d);

        public BlackImpliedStdDevHelper(
                final Option.Type optionType, final double strike,
                final double forward,
                final double undiscountedBlackPrice,
                final double displacement) {

            QL.require(strike >= 0.0       , "strike must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
            QL.require(forward > 0.0       , "forward must be positive"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
            QL.require(displacement >= 0.0 , "displacement must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
            QL.require(undiscountedBlackPrice >= 0.0 , "undiscounted Black price must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

            this.halfOptionType_ = (0.5 * optionType.toInteger());
            this.signedStrike_ = (optionType.toInteger() * (strike + displacement));
            this.signedForward_ = (optionType.toInteger() * (forward + displacement));
            this.undiscountedBlackPrice_ = (undiscountedBlackPrice);
            signedMoneyness_ = optionType.toInteger() * Math.log((forward + displacement) / (strike + displacement));

            // TODO: code review
            this.N_ = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();

        public double op(@NonNegative final double stddev) {
            QL.require(stddev >= 0.0 , "stddev must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
            if (stddev == 0.0) return Math.max(signedForward_ - signedStrike_, 0.0d) - undiscountedBlackPrice_;

            final double temp = halfOptionType_ * stddev;
            final double d = signedMoneyness_ / stddev;
            final double signedD1 = d + temp;
            final double signedD2 = d - temp;
            final double result = signedForward_ * N_.op(signedD1) - signedStrike_ * N_.op(signedD2);
            // numerical inaccuracies can yield a negative answer
            return Math.max(0.0, result) - undiscountedBlackPrice_;

        public double derivative(@NonNegative final double stddev) {
            QL.require(stddev >= 0.0 , "stddev must be non-negative"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

            final double signedD1 = signedMoneyness_ / stddev + halfOptionType_ * stddev;
            return signedForward_ * N_.derivative(signedD1);



Related Classes of org.jquantlib.pricingengines.BlackFormula$BlackImpliedStdDevHelper

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