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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jpox.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXUserException;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ColumnMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.FieldRole;
import org.jpox.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.UniqueMetaData;
import org.jpox.util.JPOXLogger;

* Representation of a join table for a container of elements.
* Can be used for collections, lists, sets and arrays.
* There can be multiple JoinTable objects referring to the same underlying datastore
* object. If the JoinTable is shared by multiple fields for example then there will
* be one for each relation.
* @version $Revision: 1.27 $
public abstract class ElementContainerTable extends JoinTable implements SCOTable
     * Mapping of an element. This is either a PersistenceCapableMapping to the element table,
     * or an EmbeddedElementPCMapping (when PC elements are embedded), or a simple mapping (when
     * using non-PC elements), or a SerialisedPCMapping, or a SerialisedReferenceMapping.
     * It will be specified in the MetaData using the <element> tag.
    protected JavaTypeMapping elementMapping;

     * Order mapping, to provide part of the primary key.
     * In the case of a List this represents the ordering index. In the case of a Set
     * this represents an index for allowing duplicates, or where the element is embedded and
     * is of a type that can't be part of the PK.
     * It will be specified in the MetaData using the <order> tag.
    protected JavaTypeMapping orderMapping;

     * Optional mapping for a column used to discriminate between elements of one collection from another.
     * Used where the join table is being shared by more than 1 relation.
     * Specified using the metadata extension "relation-discriminator-column" in the "field" element.
    protected JavaTypeMapping relationDiscriminatorMapping;

     * Value to use with any relation discriminator column for objects of this field placed in the join table.
     * Specified using the metadata extension "relation-discriminator-value" in the "field" element.
    protected String relationDiscriminatorValue;

     * Constructor.
     * @param tableName Identifier name of the table
     * @param fmd MetaData for the field of the owner
     * @param storeMgr The Store Manager managing these tables.
    public ElementContainerTable(DatastoreIdentifier tableName,
                                 AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                                 RDBMSManager storeMgr)
        super(tableName, fmd, storeMgr);

     * Method to initialise the table definition. Adds the owner mapping.
     * @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
    public void initialize(ClassLoaderResolver clr)

        boolean pkRequired = requiresPrimaryKey();

        // Add owner mapping
        AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = fmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
        ColumnMetaData[] columnMetaData = null;
        if (fmd.getJoinMetaData() != null &&
            fmd.getJoinMetaData().getColumnMetaData() != null &&
            fmd.getJoinMetaData().getColumnMetaData().length > 0)
            // Column mappings defined at this side (1-N, M-N)
            // When specified at this side they use the <join> tag
            columnMetaData = fmd.getJoinMetaData().getColumnMetaData();
        else if (relatedMmds != null && relatedMmds[0].getElementMetaData() != null &&
            relatedMmds[0].getElementMetaData().getColumnMetaData() != null &&
            relatedMmds[0].getElementMetaData().getColumnMetaData().length > 0)
            // Column mappings defined at other side (M-N)
            // When specified at other side they use the <element> tag
            // ** This is really only for Collections/Sets since M-N doesnt make sense for Lists/arrays **
            columnMetaData = relatedMmds[0].getElementMetaData().getColumnMetaData();
        ownerMapping = ColumnCreator.createColumnsForJoinTables(clr.classForName(ownerType), fmd, columnMetaData,
            storeMgr, this, pkRequired, false, false, false, FieldRole.ROLE_OWNER, clr);
        if (JPOXLogger.DATASTORE.isDebugEnabled())

        // Add any distinguisher column
        if (fmd.hasExtension("relation-discriminator-column") || fmd.hasExtension("relation-discriminator-value"))
            // Generate some columnMetaData for our new column
            String colName = fmd.getValueForExtension("relation-discriminator-column");
            if (colName == null)
                // No column defined so use a fallback name
                colName = "RELATION_DISCRIM";
            ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(null, colName);

            boolean relationDiscriminatorPk = false;
            if (fmd.hasExtension("relation-discriminator-pk") &&
                // Default this to not be part of the PK of the join table, but allow the user to override it
                relationDiscriminatorPk = true;
            if (!relationDiscriminatorPk)
                colmd.setAllowsNull(Boolean.TRUE); // Allow for elements not in any discriminated collection (when not PK)

            // Create the mapping and its datastore column (only support String relation discriminators here)
            relationDiscriminatorMapping = dba.getMapping(String.class, storeMgr);
            ColumnCreator.createIndexColumn(relationDiscriminatorMapping, storeMgr, clr, this, colmd, relationDiscriminatorPk);

            relationDiscriminatorValue = fmd.getValueForExtension("relation-discriminator-value");
            if (relationDiscriminatorValue == null)
                // No value defined so just use the field name
                relationDiscriminatorValue = fmd.getFullFieldName();

     * Access the element type class name
     * @return the element type class name
    public abstract String getElementType();

     * Convenience method to apply the user specification of <primary-key> columns
     * @param pkmd MetaData for the primary key
    protected void applyUserPrimaryKeySpecification(PrimaryKeyMetaData pkmd)
        ColumnMetaData[] pkCols = pkmd.getColumnMetaData();
        for (int i=0;i<pkCols.length;i++)
            String colName = pkCols[i].getName();
            boolean found = false;
            for (int j=0;j<ownerMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();j++)
                if (ownerMapping.getDataStoreMapping(j).getDatastoreField().getIdentifier().getIdentifier().equals(colName))
                    found = true;

            if (!found)
                for (int j=0;j<elementMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();j++)
                    if (elementMapping.getDataStoreMapping(j).getDatastoreField().getIdentifier().getIdentifier().equals(colName))
                        found = true;

            if (!found)
                throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("057040", toString(), colName));

     * Accessor not used by this table.
     * @param fmd MetaData for the field whose mapping we want
     * @return The mapping
    public JavaTypeMapping getFieldMapping(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd)
        return null;

     * Accessor for the "element" mapping end of the relationship.
     * This is used where the element is PersistenceCapable and has its own table (not embedded),
     * or where the element is a simple type.
     * @return The column mapping for the element.
    public JavaTypeMapping getElementMapping()
        return elementMapping;

     * Accessor for the order mapping.
     * The columns in this mapping are part of the primary key.
     * @return Order mapping (where required)
    public JavaTypeMapping getOrderMapping()
        return orderMapping;

     * Accessor for the element discriminator mapping.
     * @return Element discriminator mapping (where required)
    public JavaTypeMapping getRelationDiscriminatorMapping()
        return relationDiscriminatorMapping;

     * Accessor for the element discriminator value.
     * @return Element discriminator value (where required)
    public String getRelationDiscriminatorValue()
        return relationDiscriminatorValue;

     * Convenience method to generate a ForeignKey from this join table to an owner table.
     * @param ownerTable The owner table
     * @param autoMode Whether we are in auto mode (where JPOX generates the keys regardless of what
     * the metadata says)
     * @return The ForeignKey
    protected ForeignKey getForeignKeyToOwner(DatastoreClass ownerTable, boolean autoMode)
        ForeignKey fk = null;
        if (ownerTable != null)
            // Take <foreign-key> from <join>
            ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd = null;
            if (fmd.getJoinMetaData() != null)
                fkmd = fmd.getJoinMetaData().getForeignKeyMetaData();
            if (fkmd != null || autoMode)
                fk = new ForeignKey(ownerMapping, dba, ownerTable, true);
        return fk;

     * Convenience method to generate a ForeignKey from this join table to an element table
     * using the specified mapping.
     * @param elementTable The element table
     * @param autoMode Whether we are in auto mode (where JPOX generates the keys regardless of what
     * the metadata says)
     * @param m The mapping to the element table
     * @return The ForeignKey
    protected ForeignKey getForeignKeyToElement(DatastoreClass elementTable, boolean autoMode, JavaTypeMapping m)
        ForeignKey fk = null;
        if (elementTable != null)
            // Take <foreign-key> from either <field> or <element>
            ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd = fmd.getForeignKeyMetaData();
            if (fkmd == null && fmd.getElementMetaData() != null)
                fkmd = fmd.getElementMetaData().getForeignKeyMetaData();
            if (fkmd != null || autoMode)
                fk = new ForeignKey(m, dba, elementTable, true);
        return fk;

     * Accessor for the expected foreign keys for this table.
     * @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
     * @return The expected foreign keys.
    protected List getExpectedForeignKeys(ClassLoaderResolver clr)

        // Find the mode that we're operating in for FK addition
        boolean autoMode = false;
        if (storeMgr.getOMFContext().getPersistenceConfiguration().getStringProperty("org.jpox.rdbms.constraintCreateMode").equals("JPOX"))
            autoMode = true;

        ArrayList foreignKeys = new ArrayList();
            // FK from join table to owner table
            DatastoreClass referencedTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(ownerType, clr);
            if (referencedTable != null)
                // Single owner table, so add a single FK to the owner as appropriate
                ForeignKey fk = getForeignKeyToOwner(referencedTable, autoMode);
                if (fk != null)
                // No single owner so we don't bother with the FK since referential integrity by FK cannot work
                // if we don't have a single owner at the other end of the FK(s).

            // FK from join table to element table(s)
            if (elementMapping instanceof SerialisedPCMapping)
                // Do nothing since no element table
            else if (elementMapping instanceof EmbeddedElementPCMapping)
                // Add any FKs for the fields of the (embedded) element
                EmbeddedElementPCMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedElementPCMapping)elementMapping;
                for (int i=0;i<embMapping.getNumberOfJavaTypeMappings();i++)
                    JavaTypeMapping embFieldMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(i);
                    AbstractMemberMetaData embFmd = embFieldMapping.getFieldMetaData();
                    if (this.storeMgr.getOMFContext().getTypeManager().isReferenceType(embFmd.getType()) && embFieldMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping)
                        // Field is a reference type, so add a FK to the table of the PC for each PC implementation
                        Collection fks = TableUtils.getForeignKeysForReferenceField(embFieldMapping, embFmd, autoMode, storeMgr, clr);
                    else if (storeMgr.getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(embFmd.getType(), clr) != null &&
                            embFieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields() > 0 &&
                            embFieldMapping instanceof PersistenceCapableMapping)
                        // Field is for a PC class with the FK at this side, so add a FK to the table of this PC
                        ForeignKey fk = TableUtils.getForeignKeyForPCField(embFieldMapping, embFmd, autoMode, storeMgr, clr);
                        if (fk != null)
            else if (elementMapping instanceof ReferenceMapping)
                JavaTypeMapping[] implJavaTypeMappings = ((ReferenceMapping)elementMapping).getJavaTypeMapping();
                for (int i=0;i<implJavaTypeMappings.length;i++)
                    JavaTypeMapping implMapping = implJavaTypeMappings[i];
                    if (storeMgr.getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(implMapping.getType(), clr) != null &&
                        implMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields() > 0)
                        referencedTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(implMapping.getType(), clr);
                        if (referencedTable != null)
                            ForeignKey fk = getForeignKeyToElement(referencedTable, autoMode, implMapping);
                            if (fk != null)
                referencedTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(getElementType(), clr);
                if (referencedTable != null)
                    ForeignKey fk = getForeignKeyToElement(referencedTable, autoMode, elementMapping);
                    if (fk != null)
                    // Either no element table or multiple (where the user has element with "subclass-table" strategy)
                    // so do nothing since referential integrity will not allow multiple FKs.
        catch (NoTableManagedException e)
            // expected when no table exists
        return foreignKeys;

     * Accessor for the indices for this table.
     * This includes both the user-defined indices (via MetaData), and the ones required by
     * foreign keys (required by relationships).
     * @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
     * @return The indices
    protected Set getExpectedIndices(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        // The indices required by foreign keys (BaseTable)
        Set indices = super.getExpectedIndices(clr);

        if (elementMapping instanceof EmbeddedElementPCMapping)
            // Add all indices required by fields of the embedded element
            EmbeddedElementPCMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedElementPCMapping)elementMapping;
            for (int i=0;i<embMapping.getNumberOfJavaTypeMappings();i++)
                // Add indexes for fields of this embedded PC object
                JavaTypeMapping embFieldMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(i);
                IndexMetaData imd = embFieldMapping.getFieldMetaData().getIndexMetaData();
                if (imd != null)
                    Index index = TableUtils.getIndexForField(this, imd, embFieldMapping);
                    if (index != null)

        return indices;

     * Accessor for the candidate keys for this table.
     * @return The indices
    protected List getExpectedCandidateKeys()
        // The indices required by foreign keys (BaseTable)
        List candidateKeys = super.getExpectedCandidateKeys();

        if (elementMapping instanceof EmbeddedElementPCMapping)
            // Add all candidate keys required by fields of the embedded element
            EmbeddedElementPCMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedElementPCMapping)elementMapping;
            for (int i=0;i<embMapping.getNumberOfJavaTypeMappings();i++)
                JavaTypeMapping embFieldMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(i);
                UniqueMetaData umd = embFieldMapping.getFieldMetaData().getUniqueMetaData();
                if (umd != null)
                    CandidateKey ck = TableUtils.getCandidateKeyForField(this, umd, embFieldMapping);
                    if (ck != null)

        return candidateKeys;

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