Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Martin (TJDO) and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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2003 Andy Jefferson - coding standards
2004 Andy Jefferson - conversion to use Logger
2005 Andy Jefferson - added handling for updating FK in related object
2006 Andy Jefferson - changed to extend VersionCheckRequest
package org.jpox.store.rdbms.request;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jpox.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.jpox.ManagedConnection;
import org.jpox.ObjectManager;
import org.jpox.StateManager;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXDataStoreException;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXException;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXOptimisticException;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.IdentityType;
import org.jpox.metadata.InterfaceMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.Relation;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.DatastoreClass;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.DatastoreField;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.StatementExpressionIndex;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.MappingCallbacks;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.MappingConsumer;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.Mappings;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.PersistenceCapableMapping;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.ReferenceMapping;
import org.jpox.store.rdbms.RDBMSManager;
import org.jpox.store.rdbms.SQLController;
import org.jpox.store.rdbms.fieldmanager.ParameterSetter;
import org.jpox.store.rdbms.mapping.RDBMSMapping;
import org.jpox.util.JPOXLogger;
import org.jpox.util.StringUtils;
* Class to provide a means of deletion of records from a data store.
* Extends basic request class implementing the execute method to do a JDBC delete operation.
* Provides a version check for optimistic handling.
* @version $Revision: 1.75 $
public class DeleteRequest extends VersionCheckRequest
private final MappingCallbacks[] callbacks;
/** Statement for deleting the object from the datastore. */
private final String deleteStmt;
/** Statement for deleting the object from the datastore (optimistic txns). */
private final String deleteStmtOptimistic;
/** the index for the expression(s) in the delete statement. */
private MappingStatementIndex mappingStatementIndex;
/** PK fields to be provided in defining the record to be deleted (app identity cases). */
private final int[] pkFieldNumbers;
/** 1-1 bidir non-owner fields that are reachable (but not updated) and have no datastore column. */
private final AbstractMemberMetaData[] oneToOneNonOwnerFields;
* Constructor, taking the table. Uses the structure of the datastore table to build a basic query.
* @param table The Class Table representing the datastore table to delete.
* @param cls Class of objects being deleted
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
public DeleteRequest(DatastoreClass table, Class cls, ClassLoaderResolver clr)
super(table, cls, clr);
mappingStatementIndex = new MappingStatementIndex(); // Populated using the subsequent lines
DeleteMappingConsumer consumer = new DeleteMappingConsumer(clr, cmd);
table.provideNonPrimaryKeyMappings(consumer); // to compute callbacks
// WHERE clause - add identity
// Basic delete statement
deleteStmt = consumer.getStatement();
// Add on the optimistic discriminator (if appropriate) to get the delete statement for optimistic txns
if (versionMetaData != null)
if (versionMetaData.getFieldName() != null)
// Version field
AbstractMemberMetaData[] versionFmds = new AbstractMemberMetaData[1];
versionFmds[0] = cmd.getMetaDataForMember(versionMetaData.getFieldName());
table.provideMappingsForFields(consumer, versionFmds, false);
// Surrogate version column
// Optimistic delete statement
deleteStmtOptimistic = consumer.getStatement();
pkFieldNumbers = consumer.getPrimaryKeyFieldNumbers();
callbacks = (MappingCallbacks[])consumer.getMappingCallBacks().toArray(new MappingCallbacks[consumer.getMappingCallBacks().size()]);
oneToOneNonOwnerFields = consumer.getOneToOneNonOwnerFields();
* Method performing the deletion of the record from the datastore.
* Takes the constructed deletion query and populates with the specific record information.
* @param sm The state manager for the record to be deleted.
public void execute(StateManager sm)
if (JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
// Debug information about what we are deleting
JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug(LOCALISER.msg("052210", StringUtils.toJVMIDString(sm.getObject()), table));
// Process all related fields first
// a). Delete any dependent objects
// b). Null any non-dependent objects with FK at other side
for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i)
if (JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
if (oneToOneNonOwnerFields != null && oneToOneNonOwnerFields.length > 0)
for (int i=0;i<oneToOneNonOwnerFields.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData relatedFmd = oneToOneNonOwnerFields[i];
updateOneToOneBidirectionalOwnerObjectForField(sm, relatedFmd);
// Choose the statement based on whether optimistic or not
String stmt = null;
ObjectManager om = sm.getObjectManager();
RDBMSManager storeMgr = (RDBMSManager)om.getStoreManager();
boolean optimisticChecks = (versionMetaData != null && om.getTransaction().getOptimistic() && versionChecks);
if (optimisticChecks)
stmt = deleteStmtOptimistic;
stmt = deleteStmt;
// Process the delete of this object
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnection(om);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
// Perform the delete
boolean batch = true;
if (optimisticChecks || !om.getTransaction().isActive())
// Turn OFF batching if doing optimistic checks (since we need the result of the delete)
// or if using nontransactional writes (since we want it sending to the datastore now)
batch = false;
PreparedStatement ps = sqlControl.getStatementForUpdate(mconn, stmt, batch);
// provide primary key field(s)
if (cmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.DATASTORE)
table.getDataStoreObjectIdMapping().setObject(om, ps,
mappingStatementIndex.getDatastoreId().getParameterIndex(), sm.getInternalObjectId());
else if (cmd.getIdentityType() == IdentityType.APPLICATION)
sm.provideFields(pkFieldNumbers, new ParameterSetter(sm, ps,
if (optimisticChecks)
// WHERE clause - current version discriminator
JavaTypeMapping verMapping = mappingStatementIndex.getVersion2().getMapping();
Object currentVersion = sm.getTransactionalVersion(sm.getObject());
if (currentVersion == null)
// Somehow the version is not set on this object (not read in ?) so report the bug
String msg = LOCALISER.msg("052202",
sm.getInternalObjectId(), table);
throw new JPOXException(msg);
verMapping.setObject(om, ps,
mappingStatementIndex.getVersion2().getParameterIndex(), currentVersion);
int[] rcs = sqlControl.executeStatementUpdate(mconn, stmt, ps, !batch);
if (optimisticChecks && rcs[0] == 0)
// No object deleted so either object disappeared or failed optimistic version checks
String msg = LOCALISER.msg("052203",
StringUtils.toJVMIDString(sm.getObject()), sm.getInternalObjectId(),
"" + sm.getTransactionalVersion(sm.getObject()));
throw new JPOXOptimisticException(msg, sm.getObject());
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
catch (SQLException e)
String msg = LOCALISER.msg("052211",
StringUtils.toJVMIDString(sm.getObject()), stmt, e.getMessage());
List exceptions = new ArrayList();
while((e = e.getNextException())!=null)
throw new JPOXDataStoreException(msg, (Throwable[])exceptions.toArray(new Throwable[exceptions.size()]));
* Method to update any 1-1 bidir non-owner fields where the foreign-key is stored in the other object.
* TODO DO this via StoreManager.update() call
* @param sm StateManager of this object
* @param fmd MetaData for field that has related (owner) objects
private void updateOneToOneBidirectionalOwnerObjectForField(StateManager sm, AbstractMemberMetaData fmd)
if (JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
StringUtils.toJVMIDString(sm.getObject()), fmd.getFullFieldName()));
RDBMSManager storeMgr = (RDBMSManager)sm.getStoreManager();
ObjectManager om = sm.getObjectManager();
ClassLoaderResolver clr = om.getClassLoaderResolver();
AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = fmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
// TODO Cater for more than 1 related field
String fullClassName = ((AbstractClassMetaData)relatedMmds[0].getParent()).getFullClassName();
//TODO I'm not sure that we need to loop all implementations. will we have the fk set to all tables, if many?
String[] classes;
if (((AbstractClassMetaData)relatedMmds[0].getParent()) instanceof InterfaceMetaData)
classes = storeMgr.getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getClassesImplementingInterface(fullClassName, clr);
classes = new String[] {fullClassName};
Set datastoreClasses = new HashSet();
for (int i=0; i<classes.length; i++)
// just remove duplicates
datastoreClasses.add(storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(classes[i], clr));
Iterator it = datastoreClasses.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
DatastoreClass refTable = (DatastoreClass)it.next();
JavaTypeMapping refMapping = refTable.getFieldMapping(fmd.getMappedBy());
if (refMapping.isNullable()) // Only clear the references that can be cleared
// Create a statement to clear the link from the previous related object
StringBuffer clearLinkStmt = new StringBuffer("UPDATE " + refTable.toString() + " SET ");
for (int j=0;j<refMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();j++)
if (j > 0)
clearLinkStmt.append(" WHERE ");
for (int j=0;j<refMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields();j++)
if (j > 0)
clearLinkStmt.append(" AND ");
ManagedConnection mconn = storeMgr.getConnection(om);
SQLController sqlControl = storeMgr.getSQLController();
// Null out the relationship to the object being deleted.
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ps = sqlControl.getStatementForUpdate(mconn, clearLinkStmt.toString(), false);
refMapping.setObject(om, ps, Mappings.getParametersIndex(1, refMapping), sm.getObject());
sqlControl.executeStatementUpdate(mconn, clearLinkStmt.toString(), ps, true);
if (ps != null)
sqlControl.closeStatement(mconn, ps);
catch (Exception e)
throw new JPOXDataStoreException("Update request failed", e);
* Mapping Consumer used for generating the DELETE statement for an object in a table.
* This statement will be of the form
* <PRE>
* DELETE FROM table-name WHERE id1=? AND id2=?
* </PRE>
* or (when also performing version checks)
* <PRE>
* DELETE FROM table-name WHERE id1=? AND id2=? AND version={oldvers}
* </PRE>
* @version $Revision: 1.75 $
private class DeleteMappingConsumer implements MappingConsumer
/** Flag for initialisation state of the consumer. */
boolean initialized = false;
/** Where clause for the statement. Built during the consumption process. */
StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer();
/** Current parameter index. */
int paramIndex = 1;
/** Primary Key field numbers to use in identifying the record to delete (when app id). */
private List pkFields = new ArrayList();
/** Fields in a 1-1 relation with FK in the table of the other object. */
private List oneToOneNonOwnerFields = new ArrayList();
/** Mapping Callbacks to invoke at deletion. */
private List mc = new ArrayList();
/** ClassLoaderResolver **/
private final ClassLoaderResolver clr;
/** MetaData for the class of the object */
private final AbstractClassMetaData cmd;
private boolean whereClauseConsumption = false;
* Constructor.
* @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
* @param cmd AbstractClassMetaData
public DeleteMappingConsumer(ClassLoaderResolver clr, AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
this.clr = clr;
this.cmd = cmd;
this.paramIndex = 1;
public void setWhereClauseConsumption(boolean whereClause)
this.whereClauseConsumption = whereClause;
public void preConsumeMapping(int highest)
if (!initialized)
mappingStatementIndex.setPrimaryKeys(new StatementExpressionIndex[highest]);
mappingStatementIndex.setFields(new StatementExpressionIndex[highest]);
initialized = true;
public void consumeMapping(JavaTypeMapping m, AbstractMemberMetaData fmd)
if (!fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().isSameOrAncestorOf(cmd))
if (m.includeInUpdateStatement())
if (fmd.isPrimaryKey())
Integer abs_field_num = new Integer(fmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
int parametersIndex[] = new int[m.getNumberOfDatastoreFields()];
StatementExpressionIndex sei = new StatementExpressionIndex();
mappingStatementIndex.getPrimaryKeys()[fmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber()] = sei;
for (int j=0; j<parametersIndex.length; j++)
if (where.length() > 0)
where.append(" AND ");
String condition = m.getDataStoreMapping(j).getDatastoreField().getIdentifier() +
"=" + ((RDBMSMapping)m.getDataStoreMapping(j)).getUpdateInputParameter();
if (!pkFields.contains(abs_field_num))
parametersIndex[j] = paramIndex++;
else if (m instanceof PersistenceCapableMapping || m instanceof ReferenceMapping)
if (m.getNumberOfDatastoreFields() == 0)
// Field storing a PC object with FK at other side
int relationType = fmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_ONE_BI)
if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null)
// 1-1 bidirectional field without datastore column(s) (with single FK at other side)
else if (relationType == Relation.MANY_TO_ONE_BI)
AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = fmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
if (fmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || relatedMmds[0].getJoinMetaData() != null)
// 1-N bidirectional using join table for relation
// TODO Anything to do here ?
if (whereClauseConsumption)
// Must be version field since nothing else should come through here
int parametersIndex[] = new int[m.getNumberOfDatastoreFields()];
parametersIndex[0] = paramIndex++;
StatementExpressionIndex sei = new StatementExpressionIndex();
String inputParam = ((RDBMSMapping)m.getDataStoreMapping(0)).getUpdateInputParameter();
String condition = " AND " + m.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField().getIdentifier() + "=" + inputParam;
// Build up list of mappings callbacks for the fields of this class.
// The Mapping callback called delete is the preDelete
if (m instanceof MappingCallbacks)
* Consumes a mapping for a special column (version, datastore identity etc)
* @param m The mapping
* @param mappingType the Mapping type
public void consumeMapping(JavaTypeMapping m, int mappingType)
if (mappingType == MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_DATASTORE_ID)
int[] param = { paramIndex++ };
else if (mappingType == MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_VERSION)
if (whereClauseConsumption)
StatementExpressionIndex versStmtIdx = mappingStatementIndex.getVersion2();
int[] param = { paramIndex++ };
String inputParam = ((RDBMSMapping)m.getDataStoreMapping(0)).getUpdateInputParameter();
String condition = " AND " + m.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField().getIdentifier() + "=" + inputParam;
* Consumer a datastore field without mapping.
* @param fld The datastore field
public void consumeUnmappedDatastoreField(DatastoreField fld)
// Do nothing since we dont handle unmapped columns
* Accessor for the field numbers of any primary-key fields (application identity).
* @return array of absolute primary key field numbers
public int[] getPrimaryKeyFieldNumbers()
int[] fieldNumbers = new int[pkFields.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < pkFields.size(); i++)
fieldNumbers[i] = ((Integer)pkFields.get(i)).intValue();
return fieldNumbers;
* All 1-1 bidirectional non-owner fields, with the FK In the other object.
* @return The fields that are 1-1 bidirectional with the FK at the other side.
public AbstractMemberMetaData[] getOneToOneNonOwnerFields()
AbstractMemberMetaData[] fmds = new AbstractMemberMetaData[oneToOneNonOwnerFields.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < oneToOneNonOwnerFields.size(); ++i)
fmds[i] = (AbstractMemberMetaData) oneToOneNonOwnerFields.get(i);
return fmds;
* Obtain a List of mapping callbacks that will be run for this deletion.
* @return the mapping callbacks
public List getMappingCallBacks()
return mc;
* Accessor for the delete SQL statement.
* @return The delete SQL statement
public String getStatement()
return "DELETE FROM " + table.toString() + " WHERE " + where;