Copyright (c) 2003 Mike Martin (TJDO) and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
2003 Andy Jefferson - equality operator
2004 Andy Jefferson - deleteAction, updateAction, MetaData interface
package org.jpox.store.rdbms.key;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXException;
import org.jpox.metadata.ForeignKeyAction;
import org.jpox.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.DatastoreAdapter;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.DatastoreClass;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.DatastoreField;
import org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping;
import org.jpox.store.rdbms.adapter.RDBMSAdapter;
* Representation of a foreign key to another table.
* @version $Revision: 1.15 $
public class ForeignKey extends Key
/** Constant representing that we should cascade the action. */
public static final FKAction CASCADE_ACTION = new FKAction(1, "CASCADE");
/** Constant representing that we should restrict the action. */
public static final FKAction RESTRICT_ACTION = new FKAction(2, "RESTRICT");
/** Constant representing that we should null the foreign key */
public static final FKAction NULL_ACTION = new FKAction(3, "SET NULL");
/** Constant representing that we should set the FK to default value. */
public static final FKAction DEFAULT_ACTION = new FKAction(4, "SET DEFAULT");
/** Inner class representing an action on the FK. */
public static class FKAction
int type;
String keyword;
* Constructor
* @param type the type of this action
* @param keyword the keyword (name) of this action
public FKAction(int type, String keyword)
this.type = type;
this.keyword = keyword;
* Accessor for the type
* @return the type
public int getType()
return type;
* Accessor for the keyword
* @return the keyword
public String getKeyword()
return keyword;
private boolean initiallyDeferred;
private DatastoreClass refTable;
private DatastoreAdapter dba;
/** Action to perform on update */
private FKAction updateAction;
/** Action to perform on delete */
private FKAction deleteAction;
private ArrayList refColumns = new ArrayList();
* Constructor.
* @param initiallyDeferred Whether the constraints are deferred
public ForeignKey(boolean initiallyDeferred)
this.initiallyDeferred = initiallyDeferred;
this.refTable = null;
this.dba = null;
* Constructor.
* @param mapping The type mapping for this Foreign-key field
* @param dba Datastore adapter
* @param refTable Referred to table
* @param initiallyDeferred Whether they are deferred
public ForeignKey(JavaTypeMapping mapping, DatastoreAdapter dba, DatastoreClass refTable, boolean initiallyDeferred)
this.initiallyDeferred = initiallyDeferred;
this.refTable = refTable;
this.dba = dba;
if (refTable.getIDMapping() == null)
throw new JPOXException("ForeignKey ID mapping is not initilized for "+mapping+". Table referenced: " + refTable.toString()).setFatal();
for (int i=0; i<refTable.getIDMapping().getNumberOfDatastoreFields(); i++)
setDatastoreField(i, mapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField(), refTable.getIDMapping().getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField());
* Convenience mutator for setting the specification based on MetaData
* @param fkmd ForeignKey MetaData definition
public void setForMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd)
if (fkmd == null)
if (fkmd.getName() != null)
ForeignKeyAction deleteAction = fkmd.getDeleteAction();
if (deleteAction != null)
if (deleteAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE))
else if (deleteAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.RESTRICT))
else if (deleteAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.NULL))
else if (deleteAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.DEFAULT))
ForeignKeyAction updateAction = fkmd.getUpdateAction();
if (updateAction != null)
if (updateAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE))
else if (updateAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.RESTRICT))
else if (updateAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.NULL))
else if (updateAction.equals(ForeignKeyAction.DEFAULT))
if (fkmd.isDeferred())
initiallyDeferred = true;
* Accessor for deleteAction.
* @return Returns the deleteAction.
public FKAction getDeleteAction()
return deleteAction;
* Mutator for deleteAction.
* @param deleteAction The deleteAction to set.
public void setDeleteAction(FKAction deleteAction)
this.deleteAction = deleteAction;
* Accessor for updateAction.
* @return Returns the updateAction.
public FKAction getUpdateAction()
return updateAction;
* Mutator for updateAction.
* @param updateAction The updateAction to set.
public void setUpdateAction(FKAction updateAction)
this.updateAction = updateAction;
* Method to add a Column.
* @param col The column to add
* @param refCol The column to reference
public void addDatastoreField(DatastoreField col, DatastoreField refCol)
setDatastoreField(columns.size(), col, refCol);
* Set the datastore field for the specified position <code>seq</code>
* @param seq the specified position
* @param col the datastore field
* @param refCol the foreign (refered) datastore field
public void setDatastoreField(int seq, DatastoreField col, DatastoreField refCol)
if (table == null)
table = col.getDatastoreContainerObject();
refTable = (DatastoreClass) refCol.getDatastoreContainerObject();
dba = table.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter();
if (!table.equals(col.getDatastoreContainerObject()))
throw new JPOXException("Cannot add " + col + " as FK column for " + table).setFatal();
if (!refTable.equals(refCol.getDatastoreContainerObject()))
throw new JPOXException("Cannot add " + refCol + " as referenced FK column for " + refTable).setFatal();
setMinSize(columns, seq + 1);
setMinSize(refColumns, seq + 1);
columns.set(seq, col);
refColumns.set(seq, refCol);
* Hashcode operator.
* @return The hashcode
public int hashCode()
return super.hashCode() ^ refColumns.hashCode();
* Equality operator.
* @param obj Object to compare against
* @return Whether they are equal.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof ForeignKey))
return false;
ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey)obj;
if (!refColumns.equals(fk.refColumns))
return false;
// TODO Add update-action, delete-action here
return super.equals(obj);
* Stringify method. Generates the foreign key statement ready for use in an SQL call.
* @return String version of this object.
public String toString()
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("FOREIGN KEY ");
// Referenced table
if (refTable != null)
// Include the referenced column list because some RDBMS require it (e.g MySQL)
s.append(" REFERENCES ");
s.append(" ").append(getColumnList(refColumns));
// Delete action
if (deleteAction != null && ((RDBMSAdapter)dba).supportsForeignKeyDeleteAction(deleteAction))
s.append(" ON DELETE ").append(deleteAction.getKeyword());
// Update action
if (updateAction != null && ((RDBMSAdapter)dba).supportsForeignKeyUpdateAction(updateAction))
s.append(" ON UPDATE ").append(updateAction.getKeyword());
// Deferral of constraints
if (initiallyDeferred && ((RDBMSAdapter)dba).supportsDeferredConstraints())
s.append(" ");
return s.toString();