Copyright (c) 2007 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.jpox.jpa.metadata;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.persistence.AssociationOverride;
import javax.persistence.AssociationOverrides;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.Embedded;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.EntityListeners;
import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
import javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners;
import javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.IdClass;
import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
import javax.persistence.Lob;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.MapKey;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import javax.persistence.OrderBy;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTables;
import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator;
import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.TableGenerator;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.persistence.Version;
import org.jpox.jpa.annotations.DatastoreIdentity;
import org.jpox.jpa.annotations.Extension;
import org.jpox.jpa.annotations.Extensions;
import org.jpox.jpa.annotations.PersistenceAware;
import org.jpox.metadata.ColumnMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.IdentityStrategy;
import org.jpox.metadata.MetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.annotations.Member;
import org.jpox.util.StringUtils;
* Series of utility methods for converting between JPA annotations and metadata.
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
public class JPAAnnotationUtils
public static final String ENTITY = Entity.class.getName();
public static final String MAPPED_SUPERCLASS = MappedSuperclass.class.getName();
public static final String EMBEDDABLE = Embeddable.class.getName();
public static final String EMBEDDED = Embedded.class.getName();
public static final String TABLE = Table.class.getName();
public static final String COLUMN = Column.class.getName();
public static final String ID_CLASS = IdClass.class.getName();
public static final String ID = Id.class.getName();
public static final String BASIC = Basic.class.getName();
public static final String TRANSIENT = Transient.class.getName();
public static final String ENUMERATED = Enumerated.class.getName();
public static final String TEMPORAL_TYPE = TemporalType.class.getName();
public static final String LOB = Lob.class.getName();
public static final String VERSION = Version.class.getName();
public static final String EMBEDDED_ID = EmbeddedId.class.getName();
public static final String GENERATED_VALUE = GeneratedValue.class.getName();
public static final String INHERITANCE = Inheritance.class.getName();
public static final String DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN = DiscriminatorColumn.class.getName();
public static final String DISCRIMINATOR_VALUE = DiscriminatorValue.class.getName();
public static final String ENTITY_LISTENERS = EntityListeners.class.getName();
public static final String EXCLUDE_SUPERCLASS_LISTENERS = ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class.getName();
public static final String EXCLUDE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS = ExcludeDefaultListeners.class.getName();
public static final String SEQUENCE_GENERATOR = SequenceGenerator.class.getName();
public static final String TABLE_GENERATOR = TableGenerator.class.getName();
public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_JOIN_COLUMNS = PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class.getName();
public static final String PRIMARY_KEY_JOIN_COLUMN = PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class.getName();
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDES = AttributeOverrides.class.getName();
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDE = AttributeOverride.class.getName();
public static final String ASSOCIATION_OVERRIDES = AssociationOverrides.class.getName();
public static final String ASSOCIATION_OVERRIDE = AssociationOverride.class.getName();
public static final String NAMED_QUERIES = NamedQueries.class.getName();
public static final String NAMED_QUERY = NamedQuery.class.getName();
public static final String NAMED_NATIVE_QUERIES = NamedNativeQueries.class.getName();
public static final String NAMED_NATIVE_QUERY = NamedNativeQuery.class.getName();
public static final String SQL_RESULTSET_MAPPINGS = SqlResultSetMappings.class.getName();
public static final String SQL_RESULTSET_MAPPING = SqlResultSetMapping.class.getName();
public static final String SECONDARY_TABLES = SecondaryTables.class.getName();
public static final String SECONDARY_TABLE = SecondaryTable.class.getName();
public static final String JOIN_TABLE = JoinTable.class.getName();
public static final String MAP_KEY = MapKey.class.getName();
public static final String ORDER_BY = OrderBy.class.getName();
public static final String ONE_TO_ONE = OneToOne.class.getName();
public static final String ONE_TO_MANY = OneToMany.class.getName();
public static final String MANY_TO_ONE = ManyToOne.class.getName();
public static final String MANY_TO_MANY = ManyToMany.class.getName();
public static final String JOIN_COLUMNS = JoinColumns.class.getName();
public static final String JOIN_COLUMN = JoinColumn.class.getName();
public static final String PERSISTENCE_AWARE = PersistenceAware.class.getName();
public static final String DATASTORE_IDENTITY = DatastoreIdentity.class.getName();
public static final String EXTENSIONS = Extensions.class.getName();
public static final String EXTENSION = Extension.class.getName();
* Convenience accessor for the string name of a id generator strategy (from JPA annotations)
* @param type Generation type (strategy)
* @return The name
public static String getIdentityStrategyString(GenerationType type)
if (type == GenerationType.AUTO)
return IdentityStrategy.NATIVE.toString();
else if (type == GenerationType.IDENTITY)
return IdentityStrategy.IDENTITY.toString();
else if (type == GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
return IdentityStrategy.SEQUENCE.toString();
else if (type == GenerationType.TABLE)
// TODO currently JPOX uses TABLE as "alternative"
// form for strategy, when database does not support one
return IdentityStrategy.INCREMENT.toString();
return null;
* Whether the given type has by default "basic" semantics.
* @param type the type
* @return true if the type is by default "basic" as per JPA spec
public static boolean isBasicByDefault(Class type)
if (byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.lang.Byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
char[].class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.lang.Character[].class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.lang.String.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.math.BigInteger.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.math.BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.util.Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.sql.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.sql.Time.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
return true;
return false;
* Whether the given type is temporal for JPA.
* @param type the type
* @return true if the type is temporal as per JPA spec
public static boolean isTemporalType(Class type)
if (type == Date.class || type == java.sql.Date.class || type == Time.class || type == Timestamp.class ||
type == Calendar.class)
return true;
return false;
* Method to create a ColumnMetaData based on the supplied Column annotation.
* @param parent Parent MetaData object
* @param field The field/property
* @param column The Column annotation
* @return MetaData for the column
static ColumnMetaData getColumnMetaDataForColumnAnnotation(MetaData parent, Member field, Column column)
String columnName = column.name();
String target = null;
String targetField = null;
String jdbcType = null;
String sqlType = null;
String length = null;
String scale = null;
String allowsNull = null;
String defaultValue = null;
String insertValue = null;
String insertable = null;
String updateable = null;
String unique = null;
String table = null;
if (field.getType().isPrimitive())
length = "" + column.precision();
if (length.equals(""))
length = null;
scale = "" + column.scale();
if (scale.equals(""))
scale = null;
if ((length == null || length.equals("0")) && char.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
// in the TCK, char is stored by default in a CHAR column with 1 length
// if nothing defined, then default to this
length = "1";
if (field.getType() == boolean.class)
jdbcType = "SMALLINT";
else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
length = "" + column.length();
if (length.equals(""))
length = null;
else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
length = "" + column.precision();
if (length.equals(""))
length = null;
scale = "" + column.scale();
if (scale.equals(""))
scale = null;
allowsNull = new Boolean(column.nullable()).toString();
insertable = new Boolean(column.insertable()).toString();
updateable = new Boolean(column.updatable()).toString(); // Note : "updatable" is spelt incorrectly in the JPA spec.
unique = new Boolean(column.unique()).toString();
table = column.table();
if (table != null)
// Column in secondary-table
String columnTable = table;
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(columnTable))
table = columnTable;
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(parent, columnName, target, targetField, jdbcType, sqlType, length,
scale, allowsNull, defaultValue, insertValue, insertable, updateable, unique);
return colmd;
// TODO Support columnDefinition