
Source Code of

Copyright (c) 2003 Erik Bengtson and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

2003 Andy Jefferson - coding standards
2005 Andy Jefferson - added handling for joins to related fields
2005 Andy Jefferson - added fix for use of "this" to avoid LEFT OUTER JOIN

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.jpox.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.jpox.api.ApiAdapter;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXUserException;
import org.jpox.jdo.exceptions.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy;
import org.jpox.metadata.InheritanceStrategy;
import org.jpox.util.JPOXLogger;

* Representation of an Object expression in a Query.
* Let's take an example :-
* <PRE>
* We have classes A and B, and A contains a reference to B "b".
* If we do a JDOQL query for class A of "b.someField == value" then
* "b" is interpreted first and an ObjectExpression is created to represent
* that object (of type B).
* </PRE>
* The expression has an associated TableExpression, and a list of
* expressions which represent the datastore columns identifying the
* object (the PK fields/columns).
* @version $Revision: 1.59 $
public class ObjectExpression extends ScalarExpression
    protected ScalarExpression conditionExpr;
    private Class castType;

    /** Name of the field that this object represents. Null typically means that this is the candidate object. */
    private String fieldName;

    /** Type of the field that this object represents. */
    private String fieldType;

    /** Flag for whether we are using a related table and so dont need to join again in field access. */
    // TODO This is always true!!!! Why ?????????
    private boolean usingRelatedTable = true;

    protected ObjectExpression(QueryExpression qs)

     * Constructor for an object expression, using the mapping of the field, and the expression for the table.
     * @param qs The Query Statement
     * @param mapping The mapping for the field whose object we are expressing
     * @param te The expression for the table of the object.
    public ObjectExpression(QueryExpression qs, JavaTypeMapping mapping, LogicSetExpression te)
        super(qs, mapping, te);

     * Constructor for an object expression, using the mapping of the field (which has no datastore columns),
     * the expression for its table, the mapping for a field in another table to join to, and the expression
     * for the other table. This is for use in 2 situations :-
     * <UL>
     * <LI>a 1-1 bidirectional single-FK relation where one side has its FK stored in the other object,
     * so we need to left outer join to get that field.</LI>
     * <LI>a 1-N bidirectional join table relation where the element side has to navigate via the
     * join table to get to the owner object.</LI>
     * </UL>
     * @param qs The Query Statement
     * @param mapping The mapping for the field whose object we are expressing
     * @param te The expression for the table of the object
     * @param refMapping The mapping of the field in another table that we join to
     * @param teTarget The expression for the other table that we are joining to.
     * @param selectMapping The mapping that we should select in the other table
    public ObjectExpression(QueryExpression qs, JavaTypeMapping mapping, LogicSetExpression te,
                            JavaTypeMapping refMapping, LogicSetExpression teTarget, JavaTypeMapping selectMapping)

        // Join from the ID field of this table to the related field of the related table
        ScalarExpression sourceExpr = mapping.getDatastoreContainer().getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs, te);
        ScalarExpression targetExpr = refMapping.newScalarExpression(qs, teTarget);
        qs.leftOuterJoin(sourceExpr, targetExpr, teTarget, true, true);

        this.mapping = selectMapping;
        this.te = teTarget;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields(); i++)
            expressionList.addExpression(new DatastoreFieldExpression(qs, this.mapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField(), teTarget));
        usingRelatedTable = true;

     * Construct an object expression conditioned to a boolean expression
     * If this expression is an operand of an operation with result type Boolean has the following semantic
     * if (conditionExpr == null )
     *    return (otherExpression op expr);
     * else
     *    return (otherExpression op expr) & conditionExpr;
     * @param qs the QueryExpression
     * @param expr the expression
     * @param conditionExpr the conditional boolean expression
     * @param te the TableExpression
    public ObjectExpression(QueryExpression qs, ScalarExpression expr, ScalarExpression conditionExpr, LogicSetExpression te)

        this.te = te;
        this.mapping = expr.mapping;;
        this.expressionList = expr.expressionList;
        this.conditionExpr = conditionExpr;

     * Method to change the expression to use only the first datastore field.
     * This is used where we want to use the expression in an aggregate and
     * only can use one datastore field. Package permission to prevent external access.
    void useFirstDatastoreFieldOnly()
        if (mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields() <= 1)
            // Do nothing

        // Replace the expressionList and SQL as if starting from scratch
        expressionList = new ExpressionList();
        expressionList.addExpression(new DatastoreFieldExpression(qs, mapping.getDataStoreMapping(0).getDatastoreField(), te));

     * Convenience method for the case where the mapping being used is a PersistenceCapableMapping
     * and where we want to represent the identity instead of the object represented by that
     * mapping. This changes the mapping to use the id.
    public void useIdentityFormOfPCMapping()
        if (mapping instanceof PersistenceCapableMapping)
            mapping = new ObjectIdClassMapping((PersistenceCapableMapping) mapping);

     * Convenience method to add an outer join suffix.
     * Particularly for use with Oracle (8) which uses syntax like table1.col1 = table2.col2 (+),
     * @param suffix The suffix
    public void addOuterJoinSuffix(String suffix)
        if (suffix != null)

     * Cast operator. Called when the query contains "(type)obj" where "obj" is this object.
     * @param castType The type we cast this object to
     * @return Scalar expression representing the cast object.
    public ScalarExpression cast(Class castType)
        ObjectExpression objectCast;
        LogicSetExpression te = qs.getTableExpression(this.qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(castType.getName(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver()).getIdentifier());
        DatastoreClass dc = this.qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(castType.getName(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
        if (te == null)
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
            String jtIdentifier = this.te.getAlias().getIdentifier();
            if (castType != null && !castType.getName().equals(mapping.getType()))
                String castTypeName = castType.getName();
                jtIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(this.te.getAlias(), castTypeName.substring(castTypeName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)).getIdentifier();

            DatastoreIdentifier jtRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierFactory.TABLE, jtIdentifier);
            LogicSetExpression jtTblExpr = qs.getTableExpression(jtRangeVar);

            if (jtTblExpr == null)
                jtTblExpr = qs.newTableExpression(dc, jtRangeVar);
            te = jtTblExpr;
            qs.leftOuterJoin(this, dc.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs,jtTblExpr), jtTblExpr, true, true);
        objectCast = new ObjectExpression(qs,dc.getIDMapping(),te);
        objectCast.conditionExpr = this.conditionExpr;
        return objectCast;

     * Equals operator. Called when the query contains "obj == value" where "obj" is this object.
     * @param expr The expression we compare with (the right-hand-side in the query)
     * @return Boolean expression representing the comparison.
    public BooleanExpression eq(ScalarExpression expr)
        BooleanExpression bExpr = null;
        if (expr instanceof NullLiteral)
            for (int i=0; i<this.expressionList.size(); i++)
                if (bExpr == null)
                    bExpr = expr.eq(this.expressionList.getExpression(i));
                    bExpr = bExpr.and(expr.eq(this.expressionList.getExpression(i)));
        else if (literalIsValidForSimpleComparison(expr))
            if (this.expressionList.size() > 1)
                // More than 1 value to compare with a literal!
                bExpr = super.eq(expr);
                // Just do a direct comparison with the basic literals
                bExpr = new BooleanExpression(this, OP_EQ, expr);
        else if (expr instanceof ObjectLiteral)
            bExpr = expr.eq(this);
        else if (expr instanceof ObjectExpression)
            for (int i=0; i<this.expressionList.size(); i++)
                ScalarExpression source = this.expressionList.getExpression(i);
                ScalarExpression target = expr.expressionList.getExpression(i);
                if (bExpr == null)
                    bExpr = source.eq(target);
                    bExpr = bExpr.and(source.eq(target));
        else if (expr instanceof UnboundVariable)
            if (((UnboundVariable)expr).getVariableType() == null)
                // Set the variable type to this objects type
            bExpr = expr.eq(this);
        else if (expr instanceof BooleanBitColumnExpression)
            bExpr = null;
            bExpr = super.eq(expr);

        if (conditionExpr != null)
            return new BooleanExpression(conditionExpr, OP_AND, bExpr);

        return bExpr;

     * Not equals operator. Called when the query contains "obj != value" where "obj" is this object.
     * @param expr The expression we compare with (the right-hand-side in the query)
     * @return Boolean expression representing the comparison.
    public BooleanExpression noteq(ScalarExpression expr)
        BooleanExpression bExpr = null;
        if (expr instanceof NullLiteral)
            for (int i=0; i<this.expressionList.size(); i++)
                if (bExpr == null)
                    bExpr = expr.eq(this.expressionList.getExpression(i));
                    bExpr = bExpr.and(expr.eq(this.expressionList.getExpression(i)));
            bExpr = new BooleanExpression(OP_NOT, bExpr.encloseWithInParentheses());
        else if (literalIsValidForSimpleComparison(expr))
            if (this.expressionList.size() > 1)
                // More than 1 value to compare with a literal!
                bExpr = super.noteq(expr);
                // Just do a direct comparison with the basic literals
                bExpr = new BooleanExpression(this, OP_NOTEQ, expr);
        else if (expr instanceof ObjectLiteral)
            bExpr = expr.noteq(this);
        else if (expr instanceof ObjectExpression)
            for (int i=0; i<this.expressionList.size(); i++)
                ScalarExpression source = this.expressionList.getExpression(i);
                ScalarExpression target = expr.expressionList.getExpression(i);
                if (bExpr == null)
                    bExpr = source.eq(target);
                    bExpr = bExpr.and(source.eq(target));
            bExpr = new BooleanExpression(OP_NOT, bExpr.encloseWithInParentheses());
        else if (expr instanceof UnboundVariable)
            if (((UnboundVariable)expr).getVariableType() == null)
                // Set the variable type to this objects type
            bExpr = expr.noteq(this);
        else if (expr instanceof BooleanBitColumnExpression)
            if (conditionExpr != null)
                bExpr = new BooleanExpression(ScalarExpression.OP_NOT, conditionExpr);
            bExpr = super.noteq(expr);

        if (conditionExpr != null)
            return new BooleanExpression(conditionExpr, OP_AND, bExpr);

        return bExpr;

     * Convenience method to return if this object is valid for simple comparison
     * with the passed expression. Performs a type comparison of the object and the expression
     * for compatibility. The expression must be a literal of a suitable type for simple
     * comparison (e.g where this object is a String, and the literal is a StringLiteral).
     * @param expr The expression
     * @return Whether a simple comparison is valid
    private boolean literalIsValidForSimpleComparison(ScalarExpression expr)
        // Our mapping is a single field type and is of the same basic type as the expression
        if ((expr instanceof BooleanLiteral && (mapping instanceof BooleanMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof ByteLiteral && (mapping instanceof ByteMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof CharacterLiteral && (mapping instanceof CharacterMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof FloatingPointLiteral &&
             (mapping instanceof FloatMapping || mapping instanceof DoubleMapping || mapping instanceof BigDecimalMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof IntegerLiteral &&
             (mapping instanceof IntegerMapping || mapping instanceof LongMapping || mapping instanceof BigIntegerMapping) || mapping instanceof ShortMapping) ||
            (expr instanceof SqlDateLiteral && (mapping instanceof SqlDateMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof SqlTimeLiteral && (mapping instanceof SqlTimeMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof SqlTimestampLiteral && (mapping instanceof SqlTimestampMapping)) ||
            (expr instanceof StringLiteral && (mapping instanceof StringMapping || mapping instanceof CharacterMapping)))
            return true;

        return false;

    public BooleanExpression in(ScalarExpression expr)
        return new BooleanExpression(this, OP_IN, expr);

     * Access a field in the object that this expression represents.
     * If the field is contained in a different table then will use the "innerJoin" input parameter
     * and make a join to the required table. If the field is a 1-1 relation and the current table holds the FK
     * then no join will be made.
     * @param subfieldName the field to be accessed in this object
     * @param innerJoin whether to inner join
     * @return The field expression representing the required field of this object
    public ScalarExpression accessField(String subfieldName, boolean innerJoin)
        DatastoreContainerObject table;
        ClassLoaderResolver clr = qs.getClassLoaderResolver();
            if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping)
                // Any embedded fields can go straight to the main table if embedded there
                table = mapping.getDatastoreContainer();
                if (te.getMainTable().equals(table))
                    // Provide the full field name so we can allow for nested embeddings
                    return te.newFieldExpression(fieldName + "." + subfieldName);
            else if (mapping instanceof PersistenceCapableMapping || mapping instanceof ReferenceMapping)
                AbstractClassMetaData otherCmd = qs.getStoreManager().getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(
                    mapping.getType(), clr);
                if (otherCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategyValue() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
                    // Field is a PC class that uses "subclass-table" inheritance strategy (and so has multiple possible tables to join to)
                    AbstractClassMetaData[] cmds = qs.getStoreManager().getClassesManagingTableForClass(otherCmd, clr);
                    if (cmds != null)
                        // Join to the first table
                        // TODO Allow for all possible tables. Can we do an OR of the tables ? How ?
                        if (cmds.length > 1)
                                mapping.getFieldMetaData().getFullFieldName(), cmds[0].getFullClassName()));
                        table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(cmds[0].getFullClassName(), clr);
                        // No subclasses with tables to join to, so throw a user error
                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037005",
                    // Class of the field will have its own table
                    table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
                    ApiAdapter api = qs.getStoreManager().getApiAdapter();

                    if (fieldName != null && subfieldName != null)
                        AbstractMemberMetaData subfieldMetaData = otherCmd.getMetaDataForMember(subfieldName);
                        if (subfieldMetaData != null && subfieldMetaData.isPrimaryKey() &&
                            // Selecting a non-PC field in the other class that is part of its PK mapping (so we have a column here for it)
                            // Avoids the extra join to the other table
                            JavaTypeMapping[] subMappings = ((PersistenceCapableMapping)mapping).getJavaTypeMapping();
                            if (subMappings.length == 1)
                                // TODO Cater for a field of a composite PK being selected
                                return subMappings[0].newScalarExpression(qs, te);
                table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
        catch (ClassNotPersistenceCapableException cnpce)
            return te.newFieldExpression(subfieldName);

        if (fieldType != null && !fieldType.equals(mapping.getType()))
            // The field relation is to a table that allows multiple types to be stored (and has a discriminator)
            // and the type we want is not the base type, so we need to restrict the values of the discriminator.
            DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = table.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
            DiscriminatorMapping discriminatorMapping = (DiscriminatorMapping)table.getDiscriminatorMapping(false);
            if (dismd != null && dismd.getStrategy() != DiscriminatorStrategy.NONE)
                // Start with the required class
                BooleanExpression discrExpr = booleanConditionForClassInDiscriminator(qs, fieldType, dismd, discriminatorMapping, te);

                // Add "or" condition for any of its possible subclasses (if any)
                Iterator subclassIter = qs.getStoreManager().getSubClassesForClass(fieldType, true, clr).iterator();
                while (subclassIter.hasNext())
                    String subCandidateType = (String);
                    discrExpr.ior(booleanConditionForClassInDiscriminator(qs, subCandidateType, dismd, discriminatorMapping, te));


                // Add the discriminator restrictions as an "and" condition to the Query Statement

        if (te.getMainTable().equals(table) && usingRelatedTable && fieldName==null)
            //TODO fieldname==null, QUESTION is it "<candidateAlias>" namespace? debug and see
            // We are already in the same table (left outer join in the constructor) and it isn't a self reference so just return
            // the field expression. This can happen when we have a 1-1 bidir single FK and to generate the ObjectExpression we
            // had to join across to the related field
            return te.newFieldExpression(subfieldName);

        // jt... = "joined table"
        String jtIdentifier = te.getAlias().getIdentifier();
        if (fieldName != null)
            jtIdentifier += '.' + fieldName;
        if (!subfieldName.equals("this")) // TODO Use qs.getCandidateAlias()
            jtIdentifier += '.' + subfieldName;

        if (castType != null && !castType.getName().equals(mapping.getType()))
            String castTypeName = castType.getName();
            jtIdentifier += '.' + castTypeName.substring(castTypeName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

        DatastoreIdentifier jtRangeVar = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory().newIdentifier(IdentifierFactory.TABLE, jtIdentifier);
        LogicSetExpression jtTblExpr = qs.getTableExpression(jtRangeVar);
        if (jtTblExpr == null)
            // We can't join further (this subfield is not an object with a table expression)
            if (te.getAlias().getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase("this") && // TODO Use qs.getCandidateAlias()
                table == qs.getMainTableExpression().getMainTable() &&
                fieldName == null)
                // Query contains "this.field" so just provide the associated field expression for that field
                return qs.getMainTableExpression().newFieldExpression(subfieldName);

            jtTblExpr = qs.newTableExpression(table, jtRangeVar);

            ScalarExpression jtExpr = table.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs, jtTblExpr);
            ScalarExpression expr = mapping.newScalarExpression(qs, te);
            if (mapping.isNullable())
                if (innerJoin)
                    qs.innerJoin(jtExpr, expr, jtTblExpr, true, true);
                    qs.leftOuterJoin(jtExpr, expr, jtTblExpr, true, true);
                qs.innerJoin(jtExpr, expr, jtTblExpr, true, true);

        if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedPCMapping)
            return jtTblExpr.newFieldExpression(fieldName + "." + subfieldName);
            return jtTblExpr.newFieldExpression(subfieldName);

     * Method to return a constraint for restricting the field to just instances of a particular class.
     * @param expr Expression for the class that we want instances of (a ClassExpression).
     * @return The expression for the instanceof clause
    public BooleanExpression instanceOf(ScalarExpression expr)
        if (expr instanceof ClassExpression)
            ClassLoaderResolver clr = qs.getClassLoaderResolver();
            Class instanceofClass = ((ClassExpression)expr).getCls();
            Class fieldClass = clr.classForName(mapping.getType());
            if (!fieldClass.isAssignableFrom(instanceofClass) && !instanceofClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass))
                // Field type and instanceof type are totally incompatible, so just return false
                return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, false));

            DatastoreContainerObject table;
                if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping)
                    // Field is embedded in this table
                    // TODO Enable instanceof on non-PC fields (currently just return "true")
                    return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
                else if (mapping instanceof PersistenceCapableMapping || mapping instanceof ReferenceMapping)
                    // Field has its own table, so join to it
                    AbstractClassMetaData fieldCmd = qs.getStoreManager().getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(
                        mapping.getType(), clr);
                    if (fieldCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategyValue() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
                        // Field is a PC class that uses "subclass-table" inheritance strategy (and so has multiple possible tables to join to)
                        AbstractClassMetaData[] cmds = qs.getStoreManager().getClassesManagingTableForClass(fieldCmd, clr);
                        if (cmds != null)
                            // Join to the first table
                            // TODO Allow for all possible tables. Can we do an OR of the tables ? How ?
                            if (cmds.length > 1)
                                    mapping.getFieldMetaData().getFullFieldName(), cmds[0].getFullClassName()));
                            table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(cmds[0].getFullClassName(), clr);
                            // No subclasses with tables to join to, so throw a user error
                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037005",
                        // Class of the field will have its own table
                        table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
                    table = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(mapping.getType(), clr);
            catch (ClassNotPersistenceCapableException cnpce)
                // Field is not PersistenceCapable
                // TODO Enable instanceof on non-PC fields (currently just return "true")
                return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));

            // Check if the table of the field has a discriminator
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
            DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = table.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
            DiscriminatorMapping discriminatorMapping = (DiscriminatorMapping)table.getDiscriminatorMapping(false);
            if (discriminatorMapping != null)
                // Has a discriminator so do a join to the table of the field and apply a constraint on its discriminator
                LogicSetExpression fieldTblExpr = null;
                if (fieldName == null)
                    // Using THIS so use default table expression
                    fieldTblExpr = qs.getMainTableExpression();
                    // Using field, so our real table will have an identifier of "THIS_{fieldName}" via INNER JOIN
                    String fieldIdentifier = te.getAlias().getIdentifier();
                    fieldIdentifier += '.' + fieldName;
                    DatastoreIdentifier fieldRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierFactory.TABLE, fieldIdentifier);
                    fieldTblExpr = qs.getTableExpression(fieldRangeVar);
                    if (fieldTblExpr == null)
                        fieldTblExpr = qs.newTableExpression(table, fieldRangeVar);
                    ScalarExpression fieldExpr = table.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs, fieldTblExpr);
                    expr = mapping.newScalarExpression(qs, te);
                    qs.innerJoin(fieldExpr, expr, fieldTblExpr, true, true);

                // Return a constraint on the discriminator for this table to get the right instances
                // This allows all discriminator values for the instanceof class and all of its subclasses
                // DISCRIM = 'baseVal' OR DISCRIM = 'sub1Val' OR DISCRIM = 'sub2Val' ... etc
                BooleanExpression discrExpr =
                    booleanConditionForClassInDiscriminator(qs, instanceofClass.getName(), dismd,
                        discriminatorMapping, fieldTblExpr);
                Iterator subclassIter = qs.getStoreManager().getSubClassesForClass(instanceofClass.getName(),
                    true, clr).iterator();
                while (subclassIter.hasNext())
                    String subCandidateType = (String);
                    discrExpr.ior(booleanConditionForClassInDiscriminator(qs, subCandidateType, dismd,
                        discriminatorMapping, fieldTblExpr));

                return discrExpr;
                // No discriminator so maybe union, or just a SELECT
                // Need to join to the instanceof class (where appropriate)
                // TODO RDBMS-71 Only join on the UNION select that it is applicable to
                if (table instanceof DatastoreClass)
                    DatastoreClass ct = (DatastoreClass)table;
                    if (ct.managesClass(instanceofClass.getName()))
                        // This type is managed in this table so must be an instance
                        return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
                        // The instanceof type is not managed here
                        DatastoreClass instanceofTable = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(
                            instanceofClass.getName(), clr);
                        String fieldIdentifier = te.getAlias().getIdentifier();
                        if (fieldName == null)
                            // Using THIS, so our real table will have an identifier of "THIS_INST"
                            fieldIdentifier += ".INST";
                            // Using field, so our real table will have an identifier of "THIS_{fieldName}"
                            fieldIdentifier += '.' + fieldName;
                        DatastoreIdentifier fieldRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierFactory.TABLE, fieldIdentifier);
                        LogicSetExpression fieldTblExpr = qs.newTableExpression(instanceofTable, fieldRangeVar);
                        ScalarExpression fieldExpr = table.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs, te);
                        if (fieldName == null)
                            expr = instanceofTable.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(qs, fieldTblExpr);
                            expr = mapping.newScalarExpression(qs, fieldTblExpr);
                        qs.innerJoin(fieldExpr, expr, fieldTblExpr, true, true);
                        return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
                    // Assumed to be in the right class
                    return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
            // Invalid to use "XX instanceof YY" where YY is not a class.
            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037007", expr.getClass().getName()));

     * Set the field which this expression was created from.
     * @param fieldName The fieldName to set.
     * @param fieldType The fieldType to set
    public void setFieldDefinition(String fieldName, String fieldType)
        this.fieldName = fieldName;
        this.fieldType = fieldType;

     * Convenience method to generate a BooleanExpression for a value of the
     * discriminator for the provided table expression.
     * @param stmt The Query Statement to be updated
     * @param className The possible class name
     * @param dismd MetaData for the discriminator
     * @param discriminatorMapping Mapping for the discriminator
     * @param tableExpr Table Expression
     * @return BooleanExpression for this discriminator value
    private BooleanExpression booleanConditionForClassInDiscriminator(QueryExpression stmt,
            String className,
            DiscriminatorMetaData dismd,
            JavaTypeMapping discriminatorMapping,
            LogicSetExpression tableExpr)
        // Default to the "class-name" discriminator strategy
        String discriminatorValue = className;
        if (dismd.getStrategy() == DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP)
            // Get the MetaData for the target class since that holds the "value"
            AbstractClassMetaData targetCmd = stmt.getStoreManager().getOMFContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(className, stmt.getClassLoaderResolver());
            discriminatorValue = targetCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData().getValue();
        ScalarExpression discrExpr = discriminatorMapping.newScalarExpression(stmt, tableExpr);
        ScalarExpression discrVal = discriminatorMapping.newLiteral(stmt, discriminatorValue);
        return discrExpr.eq(discrVal);

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