* Name: BasicTemplate
* Authors: Richard Rodger
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Richard Rodger
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// package
package org.jostraca;
// import
import org.jostraca.section.SectionSet;
import org.jostraca.util.Standard;
import org.jostraca.util.Internal;
import org.jostraca.util.ErrorUtil;
import org.jostraca.util.ValueSet;
import org.jostraca.util.ValueCode;
import org.jostraca.util.FileUtil;
import org.jostraca.util.RegExp;
import org.jostraca.util.RegExpMatch;
import org.jostraca.util.BuildResource;
import org.jostraca.util.RootBuildResource;
import org.jostraca.util.FileRefBuildResource;
import org.jostraca.util.FileRef;
import org.jostraca.util.OrderedPropertySetManager;
import org.jostraca.util.PropertySet;
import org.jostraca.util.PropertySetException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.List;
/** Basic implementation of template functionality.
* The text of the the file generated by the template can be accessed using
* {@link #getResult} but only if the template script is Java and the
* template is executed internally in the Jostraca process. Also, the
* template can chose to return a custom data structure with <code>getResult</code>.
public class BasicTemplate implements Template {
// public static
public static final String INCLUDE_MOD_if_exists = "if-exists";
public static final String INCLUDE_MOD_template_relative = "template-relative";
public static final String INCLUDE_MOD_output_relative = "output-relative";
// private static
// regexp used to find conf section
private static final String DEFAULT_REGEXP_Conf = "<%\\s*@\\s*conf\\s+(.+?)\\s*%>";
private static final int REGEXP_PropertySet_props = 1;
private static final String DEFAULT_REGEXP_Include = "<%\\s*@\\s*include\\s+(\".+?\"|[^ ]+)\\s*([a-z-]*)\\s*%>";
private static final int REGEXP_Include_file = 1;
private static final int REGEXP_Include_modifier = 2;
private static final String DEFAULT_REGEXP_IncludeBase = "<%\\s*@\\s*include-base\\s+[\"']?(.+?)[\"']?\\s*%>";
private static final int REGEXP_IncludeBase_folder = 1;
private static final String DEFAULT_REGEXP_IncludeBlock = "<%\\s*@\\s*include-block\\s+[\"']?(.+?)[\"']?\\s+/(.+?)/\\s*%>";
private static final int REGEXP_IncludeBlock_file = 1;
private static final int REGEXP_IncludeBlock_mark = 2;
private static final int MAX_RECURSION_COUNT_performIncludes = 22; // don't fail on circular refs
private static final String DEFAULT_IncludeBase = ".";
// protected instance
protected TemplatePath iTemplatePath = null;
protected TemplateScript iTemplateScript = null;
protected String iPath = Standard.EMPTY; // path to template file
protected String iSource = Standard.EMPTY; // source text of template
protected boolean iForceIncludeBase = false;
protected String iForcedIncludeBase = Standard.EMPTY;
protected RegExp iConfRegExp = null;
protected RegExp iIncludeRegExp = null;
protected RegExp iIncludeBaseRegExp = null;
protected RegExp iIncludeBlockRegExp = null;
protected TemplatePath[] iAlsoGenerate = new TemplatePath[] {};
protected SectionSet iSectionSet = null;
protected long iLastMod = 0L; // last modified time of template source file
protected BuildResource iBuildResource = new RootBuildResource();
protected Object iContext = null;
protected Object iResult = null;
// FIX: probably not a good place for this
protected String iCodeWriterSource = null;
protected boolean iCodeWriterChanged = false;
protected FileRef iCodeWriterRef = new FileRef( new File("code-writer") );
protected FileRef iCodeWriterExecRef = new FileRef( new File("code-writer-exec") );
protected OrderedPropertySetManager iOrderedPSM = DefaultPropertySets.makeStandardOrder();
protected List iSavedFiles = new Vector();
protected File iMetaFile = null;
// constructors
/** Create with empty template path */
public BasicTemplate() {
iTemplatePath = new BasicTemplatePath( Standard.EMPTY );
/** Create with name of template. This assumes that the
* template name refers to a file of the same name in the current folder. */
public BasicTemplate( String pName ) {
iTemplatePath = new BasicTemplatePath( pName );
/** Create a template using a {@link TemplatePath} object. This is the standard method for
* creating template objects, as the <code>TemplatePath</code> object does path and library resolution. */
public BasicTemplate( TemplatePath pTemplatePath ) {
load( pTemplatePath );
// interface template
public void setSectionSet( SectionSet pSectionSet ) {
iSectionSet = (SectionSet) Internal.null_arg( pSectionSet );
public SectionSet getSectionSet() {
return iSectionSet;
public void setContext( Object pContext ) {
iContext = Internal.null_arg( pContext );
public Object getContext() {
return iContext;
public void setResult( Object pResult ) {
iResult = pResult;
public Object getResult() {
return iResult;
public void load( TemplatePath pTemplatePath ) throws TemplateException {
String MN = ".load: ";
TemplatePath tp = (TemplatePath) Internal.null_arg( pTemplatePath );
try {
String path = tp.getTemplatePath();
String source = FileUtil.readFile( path );
iLastMod = FileUtil.lastMod( path );
iPath = path;
iTemplatePath = tp;
// set this to the template at first - the code writer is unknown at this point
iCodeWriterRef = new FileRef( new File( path ) );
// by default, assume executable is same as source (fine for scripting langs)
iCodeWriterExecRef = new FileRef( iCodeWriterRef.getFile() );
// FIX: does this conflict with init() later?
if( tp.isLibraryTemplate() ) {
forceIncludeBase( Standard.DOT );
setSource( source );
catch( TemplateException te ) {
throw te;
catch( IOException ioe ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_load_file, new ValueSet( ValueCode.FILE, pTemplatePath ) );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( MN+e );
public TemplatePath getTemplatePath() {
return iTemplatePath;
public void setSource( String pSource ) throws TemplateException {
String MN = ".setSource: ";
String source = Internal.null_arg( pSource );
// FIX: load and setSource ARE A MESS!
try {
source = parseForPropertySet( source, true );
source = performIncludes( source );
// again, in case of new conf sections
source = parseForPropertySet( source, false );
// REVIEW: hack!!
String version = getMergedPropertySet().get( Property.main_JostracaVersion );
if( ! version.startsWith( Service.VERSION_NUMBER ) ) {
source = performIncludes( source );
source = parseForPropertySet( source, false );
// new includes might have changed it
iSource = source;
catch( TemplateException te ) {
throw te;
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( MN, e );
public String getSource() {
return iSource;
public PropertySet getPropertySet( String pConfName ) {
return iOrderedPSM.get( pConfName );
public void setPropertySet( String pConfName, PropertySet pPropertySet ) {
iOrderedPSM.put( pConfName, pPropertySet );
public PropertySet getMergedPropertySet() {
return iOrderedPSM.merge();
public String traceProperty( String pName ) {
return iOrderedPSM.trace( pName );
public TemplatePath[] getAlsoGenerate() {
return iAlsoGenerate;
public String getCodeWriterLang() {
return iTemplateScript.getCanonicalScriptName( getMergedPropertySet() );
public long getLastMod() {
return iLastMod;
public BuildResource getBuildResource() {
return iBuildResource;
public void setCodeWriterPath( File pCodeWriter ) {
iCodeWriterRef.setFile( (File) Internal.null_arg( pCodeWriter ) );
public File getCodeWriterPath() {
return iCodeWriterRef.getFile();
public void setCodeWriterSource( String pCodeWriterSource ) {
iCodeWriterSource = Internal.null_arg( pCodeWriterSource );
public String getCodeWriterSource() {
return iCodeWriterSource;
public void setCodeWriterChanged( boolean pChanged ) {
iCodeWriterChanged = pChanged;
public boolean getCodeWriterChanged() {
return iCodeWriterChanged;
public void setCodeWriterExecutablePath( File pCodeWriterExecutablePath ) {
File cwep = (File) Internal.null_arg( pCodeWriterExecutablePath );
iCodeWriterExecRef.setFile( cwep );
public File getCodeWriterExecutablePath() {
return iCodeWriterExecRef.getFile();
public void setSavedFiles( List pSavedFiles ) {
iSavedFiles = pSavedFiles;
public List getSavedFiles() {
return iSavedFiles;
public void setMetaFile( File pMetaFile ) {
iMetaFile = pMetaFile;
public File getMetaFile() {
return iMetaFile;
public boolean hasMetaFile() {
return null != iMetaFile;
public String toString() {
return "Template[p:"+iTemplatePath+"]";
// public methods
/** Force template to use a specified include base. Any
* includebase actions in template will be ignored
* @param pIncludeBase include base folder path
public void forceIncludeBase( String pIncludeBase ) {
if( ErrorUtil.not_null( pIncludeBase, "pIncludeBase" ) ) {
iForceIncludeBase = true;
iForcedIncludeBase = pIncludeBase;
/** Modify template properties to handle older template versions. */
public void modifyForOldVersion() {
PropertySet mps = getMergedPropertySet();
PropertySet tmps = iOrderedPSM.get( Service.CONF_template );
String version = mps.get( Property.main_JostracaVersion );
if( ! version.startsWith( Service.VERSION_NUMBER ) ) {
if( "0.1".equals( version ) ) {
// set markers
tmps.set( Property.parse_SectionMarker, "@" );
tmps.set( Property.parse_DirectiveMarker, "!" );
tmps.set( Property.parse_DeclarationMarker, "" ); // no declarations in v0.1
// section marker is a prefix in v0.1
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_regexp_MatchSectionName
+"$<jostraca.regexp.SubmatchAnyWhiteSpaceAnyCharsAtEnd>" );
// old perl and python writer formats
if( "0.1".equals( version ) || "0.2".equals( version ) || "0.3".equals( version ) ) {
String csn = iTemplateScript.getCanonicalScriptName( mps );
if( "perl".equals( csn ) && -1 != mps.get( Property.main_CodeWriterFormat ).indexOf("BasicPerlWriterFormat") ) {
tmps.set( Property.main_CodeWriterFormat, "NonObjectPerlWriterFormat" );
tmps.set( Property.lang_InsertPrefix, "_insert( " );
else if( "python".equals( csn ) && -1 != mps.get( Property.main_CodeWriterFormat ).indexOf("BasicPythonWriterFormat") ) {
tmps.set( Property.main_CodeWriterFormat, "NonObjectPythonWriterFormat" );
tmps.set( Property.lang_InsertPrefix, "_py_insert( " );
// private methods
/** Create conf regexp to bootstrap - this will all be cleaned up when conf, include etc are proper directives
* @param pPropertySet conf regular expression definitions by properties
private void createConfRegExps( PropertySet pPropertySet ) {
String regexpFailed = "RegExp invalid for ";
try {
String confREDef = pPropertySet.get( Property.jostraca_regexp_template_ConfDirective, DEFAULT_REGEXP_Conf );
iConfRegExp = RegExp.make( confREDef, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_conf, e );
/** Create regexps used to implement preprocessing directives */
private void createRegExps() {
String regexpFailed = "RegExp invalid for ";
PropertySet ps = getMergedPropertySet();
try {
String confREDef = ps.get( Property.jostraca_regexp_template_ConfDirective, DEFAULT_REGEXP_Conf );
iConfRegExp = RegExp.make( confREDef, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_conf, e );
try {
String includeREDef = ps.get( Property.jostraca_regexp_template_IncludeDirective, DEFAULT_REGEXP_Include );
iIncludeRegExp = RegExp.make( includeREDef, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_include, e );
try {
String includeBaseREDef = ps.get( Property.jostraca_regexp_template_IncludeBaseDirective, DEFAULT_REGEXP_IncludeBase );
iIncludeBaseRegExp = RegExp.make( includeBaseREDef, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_includebase, e );
try {
String includeBlockREDef = ps.get( Property.jostraca_regexp_template_IncludeBlockDirective, DEFAULT_REGEXP_IncludeBlock );
iIncludeBlockRegExp = RegExp.make( includeBlockREDef, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_includeblock, e );
// the entire include handling needs to be redone
/** Include specified files: <% @include "filepath" %> */
private String performIncludes( String pSource ) {
String source = pSource;
String includeBase = DEFAULT_IncludeBase;
try {
if( iForceIncludeBase ) {
includeBase = iForcedIncludeBase;
// include-base or template folder
else {
// check for and remove include base
String templateIncludeBase = includeBase;
String includeBaseMatch = iIncludeBaseRegExp.matchFirstSub( source );
if( !Standard.EMPTY.equals( includeBaseMatch ) ) {
templateIncludeBase = includeBaseMatch;
String includeBaseContent = iIncludeBaseRegExp.match( source );
int lengthOfIncludeBase = includeBaseContent.length();
int startOfIncludeBase = source.indexOf( includeBaseContent );
= source.substring( 0, startOfIncludeBase )
+ source.substring( startOfIncludeBase + lengthOfIncludeBase, source.length() )
includeBase = templateIncludeBase;
// template relative by default
else {
includeBase = iTemplatePath.getTemplateFolder();
return performRecursiveInclude( source, includeBase, 0 );
catch( TemplateException te ) {
throw te;
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_re_includebase, iPath, e );
/** perform includes recursively - include directives in included files work */
private String performRecursiveInclude( String pSource, String pIncludeBase, int pRecursionCount )
if( pRecursionCount > MAX_RECURSION_COUNT_performIncludes ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_infinite_recursion, pRecursionCount+" > "+MAX_RECURSION_COUNT_performIncludes );
String source = pSource;
RegExpMatch includeMatch = null;
String includeText = null;
String includeFile = null;
String includeModifier = null;
int numIncludes = 0;
int numIncludeBlocks = 0;
// normal includes
String includeFilePath = Standard.EMPTY;
try {
RegExpMatch[] allincludes = iIncludeRegExp.matchAll( source );
numIncludes = allincludes.length;
for( int includeI = 0; includeI < numIncludes; includeI++ ) {
includeMatch = allincludes[ includeI ];
includeText = includeMatch.match();
includeFile = includeMatch.matchFirstSub();
includeFile = ( null == includeFile ? Standard.EMPTY : includeFile );
= ( includeFile.startsWith( Standard.QUOTE ) && includeFile.endsWith( Standard.QUOTE ) )
? includeFile.substring( 1, includeFile.length()-1 ) : includeFile;
includeModifier = includeMatch.matchSecondSub();
includeModifier = ( null == includeModifier ? Standard.EMPTY : includeModifier.trim() );
// REVIEW: TemplatePath interaction with Template needs refactoring
// include the file
String includeBase = pIncludeBase;
if( -1 != includeModifier.indexOf( INCLUDE_MOD_template_relative ) ) {
includeBase = iTemplatePath.getTemplateFolder();
else if( -1 != includeModifier.indexOf( INCLUDE_MOD_output_relative ) ) {
includeBase = getMergedPropertySet().get( Property.main_OutputFolder );
// another HACK
File includeF = new File( includeFile );
if( includeF.isAbsolute() || includeFile.startsWith("/") || includeFile.startsWith("\\") ) {
includeFilePath = includeFile;
else {
// REVIEW: possible user info message that include file does not exist when "if-exists" used?
includeFilePath = includeBase + File.separatorChar + includeFile;
boolean onlyifexists = -1 != includeModifier.indexOf( INCLUDE_MOD_if_exists );
String includeContent = Standard.EMPTY;
try {
includeContent = FileUtil.readFile( includeFilePath, ( onlyifexists ? FileUtil.EMPTY_IF_IO_ERROR : FileUtil.FAIL_ON_IO_ERROR ) );
// try to load from template path
catch( Throwable t ) {
BasicTemplatePath includeRef = new BasicTemplatePath( includeFile );
//includeRef.resolve( iParameters.getList( Property.main_TemplatePath, Standard.COMMA ));
includeRef.resolve( getMergedPropertySet().getList( Property.main_TemplatePath, Standard.COMMA ));
includeFilePath = includeRef.getTemplatePath();
includeContent = FileUtil.readFile( includeFilePath, ( onlyifexists ? FileUtil.EMPTY_IF_IO_ERROR : FileUtil.FAIL_ON_IO_ERROR ) );
int startOfInclude = source.indexOf( includeText );
if( 0 > startOfInclude ) { // paranoia ;)
int lengthOfInclude = includeText.length();
= source.substring( 0, startOfInclude )
+ includeContent
+ source.substring( startOfInclude + lengthOfInclude, source.length() )
FileRefBuildResource includeBuildResource = new FileRefBuildResource( new FileRef( new File( includeFilePath ) ), iCodeWriterRef );
iBuildResource.add( includeBuildResource );
catch( IOException ioe ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_include,
new String[] { ValueCode.FILE, includeFilePath, ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath }, ioe );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_include,
new String[] { ValueCode.FILE, includeFilePath, ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath }, e );
// block includes
RegExpMatch includeBlockMatch = null;
String includeBlockText = null;
String includeBlockFile = null;
String includeBlockMark = null;
try {
RegExpMatch[] allincludeblocks = iIncludeBlockRegExp.matchAll( source );
numIncludeBlocks = allincludeblocks.length;
for( int includeBlockI = 0; includeBlockI < numIncludeBlocks; includeBlockI++ ) {
includeBlockMatch = allincludeblocks[ includeBlockI ];
includeBlockText = includeBlockMatch.match();
includeBlockFile = includeBlockMatch.matchFirstSub();
includeBlockMark = includeBlockMatch.matchSecondSub();
RegExp markRegExp = RegExp.make( includeBlockMark, RegExp.ModeSet.DotMatchesNewline );
// include the file block
String includeFileContent = FileUtil.readFile( pIncludeBase + File.separatorChar + includeBlockFile );
String includeBlockContent = markRegExp.match( includeFileContent );
// very important - prevent data loss
if( Standard.EMPTY.equals( includeBlockContent ) ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_includeblock_find,
new ValueSet( ValueCode.FILE, includeBlockFile, ValueCode.VALUE, includeBlockMark ) );
int startOfIncludeBlock = source.indexOf( includeBlockText );
if( 0 > startOfIncludeBlock ) { // paranoia ;)
int lengthOfIncludeBlock = includeBlockText.length();
= source.substring( 0, startOfIncludeBlock )
+ includeBlockContent
+ source.substring( startOfIncludeBlock + lengthOfIncludeBlock, source.length() )
catch( IOException ioe ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_includeblock,
new String[] { ValueCode.VALUE, includeBlockText, ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath }, ioe );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_includeblock,
new String[] { ValueCode.VALUE, includeBlockText, ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath }, e );
if( 0 < ( numIncludes + numIncludeBlocks ) ) {
return performRecursiveInclude( source, pIncludeBase, pRecursionCount + 1 );
else {
return pSource;
/** Parse source text for property set definition */
private String parseForPropertySet( String pSource, boolean pConfRequired ) {
Internal.null_state( iConfRegExp );
try {
String templateSource = pSource;
RegExpMatch[] allconfs = iConfRegExp.matchAll( templateSource );
int numConfs = allconfs.length;
if( 0 == numConfs && pConfRequired ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_no_conf, new ValueSet( ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath ) );
else {
PropertySet ps = new PropertySet();
boolean foundConf = false;
RegExpMatch conf = null;
String props = null;
PropertySet propSet = null;
for( int confI = 0; confI < numConfs; confI++ ) {
conf = allconfs[ confI ];
props = conf.matchFirstSub();
propSet = new PropertySet();
propSet.parse( props );
ps.overrideWith( propSet );
foundConf = true;
iOrderedPSM.get( Service.CONF_template ).overrideWith( ps );
if( foundConf ) {
// remove conf sections from template
// WARNING: relying on default replace to be empty string here
templateSource = iConfRegExp.replaceAll( templateSource );
else if( pConfRequired ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_no_conf, new ValueSet( ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath ) );
return templateSource;
catch( TemplateException te ) {
throw te;
catch( PropertySetException pse ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_parse_conf, new ValueSet( ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath ), pse );
catch( Exception e ) {
throw new TemplateException( TemplateException.CODE_no_conf, new ValueSet( ValueCode.TEMPLATE, iPath ), e );
/** Perform special processing on template property set */
private void processProperties() throws Exception {
PropertySet tmps = iOrderedPSM.get( Service.CONF_template );
if( null != iTemplatePath ) {
PropertySet tpps = iTemplatePath.resolvePropertySet();
tmps.inheritFrom( tpps );
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_template_path, iTemplatePath.getTemplatePath() );
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_template_name, iTemplatePath.getTemplateName() );
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_template_file, iTemplatePath.getTemplateFileName() );
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_template_folder, iTemplatePath.getTemplateFolder() );
tmps.set( Property.jostraca_template_isLibrary, iTemplatePath.isLibraryTemplate() );
// handle also generate templates
Vector alsoTemplates = new Vector();
String alsoGenerate = tmps.get( Property.main_AlsoGenerate );
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( alsoGenerate, "," );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
String alsoTemplateName = st.nextToken().trim();
if( 0 < alsoTemplateName.length() ) {
alsoTemplates.addElement( new BasicTemplatePath( alsoTemplateName ) );
iAlsoGenerate = new TemplatePath[ alsoTemplates.size() ];
alsoTemplates.copyInto( iAlsoGenerate );
tmps.set( Property.main_AlsoGenerate, Standard.EMPTY ); // very important!
/** Determine template script */
private void handleTemplateScript() {
PropertySet mps = getMergedPropertySet();
if( null == iTemplateScript ) {
// FIX: not the right way to create it
iTemplateScript = BasicTemplateScript.defineByProperty( mps );
iTemplateScript.setByProperty( mps );
// FIX: so suffixes are not automatic anymore? check this
if( mps.isYes( "jostraca.support.ForceScriptByPath" ) ) {
TemplateScript ts = BasicTemplateScript.defineByPath( iTemplatePath.getTemplatePath() );
if( null != ts ) {
iTemplateScript = ts;
/** Initiliase template source */
private void init() {
PropertySet ps = getMergedPropertySet();
// PropertySet include base has precedence
if( ps.isDefined( Property.main_IncludeBase ) ) {
forceIncludeBase( ps.get( Property.main_IncludeBase ) );
// hack: to be removed
createConfRegExps( ps );
//iParameters = ps;