* JORAM: Java(TM) Open Reliable Asynchronous Messaging
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 ScalAgent Distributed Technologies
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Initial developer(s): ScalAgent Distributed Technologies
* Contributor(s): Benoit Pelletier (Bull SA)
* Abdenbi Benammour
package org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.admin;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Destination;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Queue;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.Topic;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.ha.tcp.HATcpConnectionFactory;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.local.LocalConnectionFactory;
import org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.tcp.TcpConnectionFactory;
import org.objectweb.joram.shared.security.SimpleIdentity;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import fr.dyade.aaa.common.Debug;
* XML SAX Wrapper for Joram Administration configuration file.
public class JoramSaxWrapper extends DefaultHandler {
public static final String SCN = "scn:comp/";
public static final String HASCN = "hascn:comp/";
* Builds a new JoramSaxWrapper using by default AdminModule static connection.
public JoramSaxWrapper() {}
* Builds a new JoramSaxWrapper using by default the given administration
* connection.
* @param defaultWrapper The administration connection to use by default.
public JoramSaxWrapper(AdminWrapper defaultWrapper) {
this.defaultWrapper = defaultWrapper;
/** Syntaxic name for JoramAdmin element */
static final String ELT_JORAMADMIN = "JoramAdmin";
/** Syntaxic name for AdminModule element */
static final String ELT_ADMINMODULE = "AdminModule";
/** Syntaxic name for connect element */
static final String ELT_CONNECT = "connect";
/** Syntaxic name for haConnect element */
static final String ELT_HACONNECT = "haConnect";
/** Syntaxic name for collocatedConnect element */
static final String ELT_COLLOCATEDCONNECT = "collocatedConnect";
/** Syntaxic name for ConnectionFactory element */
static final String ELT_CONNECTIONFACTORY = "ConnectionFactory";
/** Syntaxic name for tcp element */
static final String ELT_TCP = "tcp";
/** Syntaxic name for local element */
static final String ELT_LOCAL = "local";
/** Syntaxic name for hatcp element */
static final String ELT_HATCP = "hatcp";
/** Syntaxic name for halocal element */
static final String ELT_HALOCAL = "halocal";
/** Syntaxic name for soap element */
static final String ELT_SOAP = "soap";
/** Syntaxic name for jndi element */
static final String ELT_JNDI = "jndi";
/** Syntaxic name for Server element */
static final String ELT_SERVER = "Server";
/** Syntaxic name for User element */
static final String ELT_USER = "User";
/** Syntaxic name for Destination element */
static final String ELT_DESTINATION = "Destination";
/** Syntaxic name for Queue element */
static final String ELT_QUEUE = "Queue";
/** Syntaxic name for Topic element */
static final String ELT_TOPIC = "Topic";
/** Syntaxic name for Dead message Queue element */
static final String ELT_DMQUEUE = "DMQueue";
/** Syntaxic name for property element */
static final String ELT_PROPERTY = "property";
/** Syntaxic name for reader element */
static final String ELT_READER = "reader";
/** Syntaxic name for writer element */
static final String ELT_WRITER = "writer";
/** Syntaxic name for freeReader element */
static final String ELT_FREEREADER = "freeReader";
/** Syntaxic name for freeWriter element */
static final String ELT_FREEWRITER = "freeWriter";
/** Syntaxic name for InitialContext element */
static final String ELT_INITIALCONTEXT = "InitialContext";
/** Syntaxic name for Cluster CF */
static final String ELT_CLUSTER_CF = "ClusterCF";
/** Syntaxic name for Cluster Queue */
static final String ELT_CLUSTER_QUEUE = "ClusterQueue";
/** Syntaxic name for Cluster Topic */
static final String ELT_CLUSTER_TOPIC = "ClusterTopic";
/** Syntaxic name for Cluster element */
static final String ELT_CLUSTER_ELEMENT = "ClusterElement";
static final String ELT_IN_INTERCEPTORS="inInterceptors";
static final String ELT_OUT_INTERCEPTORS="outInterceptors";
static final String ELT_INTERCEPTOR="interceptor";
/** Syntaxic name for name attribute */
static final String ATT_NAME = "name";
/** Syntaxic name for login attribute */
static final String ATT_LOGIN = "login";
/** Syntaxic name for password attribute */
static final String ATT_PASSWORD = "password";
/** Syntaxic name for value attribute */
static final String ATT_VALUE = "value";
/** Syntaxic name for host attribute */
static final String ATT_HOST = "host";
/** Syntaxic name for port attribute */
static final String ATT_PORT = "port";
/** Syntaxic name for cnxTimer attribute */
static final String ATT_CNXTIMER = "cnxTimer";
/** Syntaxic name for reliableClass attribute */
static final String ATT_RELIABLECLASS = "reliableClass";
/** Syntaxic name for url attribute */
static final String ATT_URL = "url";
/** Syntaxic name for timeout attribute */
static final String ATT_TIMEOUT = "timeout";
/** Syntaxic name for serverId attribute */
static final String ATT_SERVERID = "serverId";
/** Syntaxic name for type attribute */
static final String ATT_TYPE = "type";
/** Syntaxic name for className attribute */
static final String ATT_CLASSNAME = "className";
/** Syntaxic name for user attribute */
static final String ATT_USER = "user";
/** Syntaxic name for dead message queue attribute */
static final String ATT_DMQ = "dmq";
/** Syntaxic name for nbMaxMsg attribute */
static final String ATT_NBMAXMSG = "nbMaxMsg";
/** Syntaxic name for parent attribute */
static final String ATT_PARENT = "parent";
/** Syntaxic name for threshold attribute */
static final String ATT_THRESHOLD = "threshold";
/** Syntaxic name for location attribute */
static final String ATT_LOCATION = "location";
/** Syntaxic name for identity class attribute */
static final String ATT_IDENTITYCLASS = "identityClass";
static final String DFLT_LISTEN_HOST = "localhost";
static final int DFLT_LISTEN_PORT = 16010;
static final String DFLT_CF = "org.objectweb.joram.client.jms.tcp.TcpConnectionFactory";
Object obj = null;
String name = null;
String login = null;
String password = null;
String host = null;
int port = -1;
int cnxTimer = -1;
String reliableClass = null;
String url = null;
int timeout = -1;
int serverId = -1;
String className = null;
String user = null;
String type = null;
Properties properties = null;
String identityClass = null;
String jndiName = null;
Hashtable toBind = new Hashtable();
Vector readers = new Vector();
Vector writers = new Vector();
boolean freeReading = false;
boolean freeWriting = false;
List inInterceptorClassname= new ArrayList();
List outInterceptorClassname= new ArrayList();
List currentInterceptorList;
InitialContext jndiCtx = null;
* External wrapper used to perform administration stuff.
* <p>
* It is defined at creation and it is used by default if no administration
* connection is defined in the script. if it is not defined the static AdminModule
* connection is used.
AdminWrapper defaultWrapper = null;
* Wrapper used to perform administration stuff.
* <p>
* It is defined through AdminModule element, it is closed at the end of
* the script. if it is not defined the wrapper set at creation is used, if
* none the static AdminModule connection is used.
AdminWrapper wrapper = null;
* Returns the wrapper to use.
* @return The wrapper to use.
* @throws ConnectException if no wrapper is defined.
AdminWrapper getWrapper() throws ConnectException {
if (wrapper != null) return wrapper;
if (defaultWrapper != null) return defaultWrapper;
return AdminModule.getWrapper();
Connection cnx = null;
void close() throws JMSException {
if (wrapper != null) wrapper.close();
if (cnx != null) cnx.close();
/** Contains ConnectionFactory defined in the current script */
Hashtable cfs = new Hashtable();
/** Contains all users defined in the current script */
Hashtable users = new Hashtable();
/** Contains all queues defined in the current script */
Hashtable queues = new Hashtable();
/** Contains all topics defined in the current script */
Hashtable topics = new Hashtable();
/** Contains all DMQ defined in the current script */
Hashtable dmqs = new Hashtable();
/** Temporary set of cluster's elements */
Hashtable cluster = new Hashtable();
String dmq = null;
int threshold = -1;
int nbMaxMsg = -1;
String parent = null;
* Name of joram admin to get from the file.
String joramAdmName = "default";
/** Working attribute used during configuration's */
String conf = null;
public static Logger logger = Debug.getLogger(JoramSaxWrapper.class.getName());
* Launches the XML parser.
public void parse(Reader cfgReader, String cfgName) throws Exception {
this.joramAdmName = cfgName;
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
parser.parse(new InputSource(cfgReader), this);
* Handles notification of a non-recoverable parser error.
* @param e The warning information encoded as an exception.
* @exception SAXException
* Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
"fatal error parsing " + e.getPublicId() + " at " + e.getLineNumber() + "." + e.getColumnNumber());
throw e;
* Handles notification of a recoverable parser error.
* @param e The warning information encoded as an exception.
* @exception SAXException
* Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
"error parsing " + e.getPublicId() + " at " + e.getLineNumber() + "." + e.getColumnNumber());
throw e;
* Handles notification of a parser warning.
* @param e The warning information encoded as an exception.
* @exception SAXException
* Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.WARN))
"warning parsing " + e.getPublicId() + " at " + e.getLineNumber() + "." + e.getColumnNumber());
throw e;
private final boolean isSet(String value) {
return value != null && value.length() > 0;
* Initializes parsing of a document.
* @exception SAXException
* unspecialized error
public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "startDocument");
* Receive notification of the start of an element.
* @param uri The Namespace URI
* @param localName The local name
* @param rawName The qualified name
* @param atts The attributes attached to the element.
* @exception SAXException
* unspecialized error
public void startElement(String uri,
String localName,
String rawName,
Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "JoramSaxWrapper startElement: " + rawName);
if (rawName.equals(ELT_JORAMADMIN)) {
conf = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
if (conf == null) conf = joramAdmName;
} else if (joramAdmName.equals(conf)) {
if (rawName.equals(ELT_ADMINMODULE)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CONNECT)) {
// Get the hostname of server for administrator connection.
host = atts.getValue(ATT_HOST);
if (!isSet(host)) host = DFLT_LISTEN_HOST;
try {
// Get the listen port of server for administrator connection.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_PORT);
if (value == null)
port = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for port: " + atts.getValue(ATT_PORT));
// Get the username for administrator connection.
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
if (!isSet(name))
name = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootLogin();
// Get the password for administrator connection.
password = atts.getValue(ATT_PASSWORD);
if (!isSet(password))
password = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootPassword();
try {
// Get the CnxTimer attribute for administrator connection.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_CNXTIMER);
if (value == null)
cnxTimer = 60;
cnxTimer = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for cnxTimer: " + atts.getValue(ATT_CNXTIMER));
// Get the protocol implementation.
reliableClass = atts.getValue(ATT_RELIABLECLASS);
// Get identity class name.
identityClass = atts.getValue(ATT_IDENTITYCLASS);
if (!isSet(identityClass))
identityClass = SimpleIdentity.class.getName();
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HACONNECT)) {
// Get the ha url for administrator connection.
url = atts.getValue(ATT_URL);
if (!isSet(url))
throw new SAXException("URL for HA connection is not defined.");
// Get the username for administrator connection.
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
if (!isSet(name))
name = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootLogin();
// Get the password for administrator connection.
password = atts.getValue(ATT_PASSWORD);
if (!isSet(password))
password = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootPassword();
try {
// Get the CnxTimer attribute for administrator connection.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_CNXTIMER);
if (value == null)
cnxTimer = 60;
cnxTimer = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for cnxTimer: " + atts.getValue(ATT_CNXTIMER));
// Get identity class name.
identityClass = atts.getValue(ATT_IDENTITYCLASS);
if (!isSet(identityClass))
identityClass = SimpleIdentity.class.getName();
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_COLLOCATEDCONNECT)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
if (!isSet(name))
name = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootLogin();
password = atts.getValue(ATT_PASSWORD);
if (!isSet(password))
password = AbstractConnectionFactory.getDefaultRootPassword();
// Get identity class name.
identityClass = atts.getValue(ATT_IDENTITYCLASS);
if (!isSet(identityClass))
identityClass = SimpleIdentity.class.getName();
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CONNECTIONFACTORY)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
className = atts.getValue(ATT_CLASSNAME);
if (!isSet(className)) className = DFLT_CF;
identityClass = atts.getValue(ATT_IDENTITYCLASS);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_TCP)) {
host = atts.getValue(ATT_HOST);
if (!isSet(host)) host = DFLT_LISTEN_HOST;
try {
// Get the listen port of server for this connection factory.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_PORT);
if (value == null)
port = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for port: " + atts.getValue(ATT_PORT));
reliableClass = atts.getValue(ATT_RELIABLECLASS);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_LOCAL)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HATCP)) {
url = atts.getValue(ATT_URL);
reliableClass = atts.getValue(ATT_RELIABLECLASS);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HALOCAL)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_SOAP)) {
host = atts.getValue(ATT_HOST);
if (!isSet(host))
host = "localhost";
try {
// Get the listen port of server for administrator connection.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_PORT);
if (value == null)
port = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for port: " + atts.getValue(ATT_PORT));
try {
// Get the timeout attribute for this connection factory.
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_TIMEOUT);
if (value == null)
timeout = 60;
timeout = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for cnxTimer: " + atts.getValue(ATT_CNXTIMER));
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_JNDI)) {
jndiName = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_SERVER)) {
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
dmq = atts.getValue(ATT_DMQ);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD);
if (value == null)
threshold = -1;
threshold = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for threshold: " + atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD));
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_USER)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
login = atts.getValue(ATT_LOGIN);
password = atts.getValue(ATT_PASSWORD);
properties = null;
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
dmq = atts.getValue(ATT_DMQ);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD);
if (value == null)
threshold = -1;
threshold = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for threshold: " + atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD));
identityClass = atts.getValue(ATT_IDENTITYCLASS);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_DESTINATION)) {
type = atts.getValue(ATT_TYPE);
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
className = atts.getValue(ATT_CLASSNAME);
dmq = atts.getValue(ATT_DMQ);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_QUEUE)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
className = atts.getValue(ATT_CLASSNAME);
dmq = atts.getValue(ATT_DMQ);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD);
if (value == null)
threshold = -1;
threshold = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for threshold: " + atts.getValue(ATT_THRESHOLD));
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_NBMAXMSG);
if (value == null)
nbMaxMsg = -1;
nbMaxMsg = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for nbMaxMsg: " + atts.getValue(ATT_NBMAXMSG));
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_TOPIC)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
className = atts.getValue(ATT_CLASSNAME);
dmq = atts.getValue(ATT_DMQ);
parent = atts.getValue(ATT_PARENT);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_DMQUEUE)) {
name = atts.getValue(ATT_NAME);
try {
String value = atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID);
if (value == null)
serverId = getWrapper().getLocalServerId();
serverId = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
throw new SAXException("bad value for serverId: " + atts.getValue(ATT_SERVERID));
} catch (ConnectException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} catch (AdminException exc) {
throw new SAXException("error getting serverId: " + exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_PROPERTY)) {
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
properties.put(atts.getValue(ATT_NAME), atts.getValue(ATT_VALUE));
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_READER)) {
user = atts.getValue(ATT_USER);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_WRITER)) {
user = atts.getValue(ATT_USER);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_FREEREADER)) {
freeReading = true;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_FREEWRITER)) {
freeWriting = true;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_INITIALCONTEXT)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_ELEMENT)) {
cluster.put(atts.getValue(ATT_NAME), atts.getValue(ATT_LOCATION));
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_QUEUE)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_TOPIC)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_CF)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_IN_INTERCEPTORS)) {
currentInterceptorList = inInterceptorClassname;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_OUT_INTERCEPTORS)) {
currentInterceptorList = outInterceptorClassname;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_INTERCEPTOR)) {
String interceptorCN = atts.getValue(ATT_CLASSNAME);
if (isSet(interceptorCN)) {
} else {
throw new SAXException("Element \"" + rawName + "\" must provide \"" + ATT_CLASSNAME + "\" attribute. ");
} else {
throw new SAXException("unknown element \"" + rawName + "\"");
* Receive notification of the end of an element.
* @param uri The Namespace URI
* @param localName The local name
* @param rawName The qualified name
* @exception SAXException
* unspecialized error
public void endElement(String uri,
String localName,
String rawName) throws SAXException {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "JoramSaxWrapper endElement: " + rawName);
if (rawName.equals(ELT_JORAMADMIN)) {
conf = null;
} else if (joramAdmName.equals(conf)) {
try {
if (rawName.equals(ELT_ADMINMODULE)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CONNECT)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"JoramSaxWrapper creates wrapper (TCP): " + host + ',' + port + ',' + name);
ConnectionFactory cf = TcpConnectionFactory.create(host, port, reliableClass);
cf.getParameters().connectingTimer = cnxTimer;
cnx = cf.createConnection(name, password);
wrapper = new AdminWrapper(cnx);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HACONNECT)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"JoramSaxWrapper creates wrapper (HA): " + url + ',' + name);
ConnectionFactory cf = HATcpConnectionFactory.create(url);
cf.getParameters().connectingTimer = cnxTimer;
cnx = cf.createConnection(name, password);
wrapper = new AdminWrapper(cnx);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_COLLOCATEDCONNECT)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"JoramSaxWrapper creates wrapper (Local): " + name);
ConnectionFactory cf = LocalConnectionFactory.create();
cnx = cf.createConnection(name, password);
wrapper = new AdminWrapper(cnx);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CONNECTIONFACTORY)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "cf \""+ name + "\"= " + obj);
// set identity className
if (isSet(identityClass))
((AbstractConnectionFactory) obj).setIdentityClassName(identityClass);
// Bind the ConnectionFactory in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, obj);
jndiName = null;
// Register the CF in order to handle it later (cluster, etc.)
if (isSet(name)){
cfs.put(name, obj);
//Add interceptors if any
if ((inInterceptorClassname!=null) && (!inInterceptorClassname.isEmpty())) {
for (Iterator it=inInterceptorClassname.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String iicn = (String) it.next();
((AbstractConnectionFactory) obj).getParameters().addInInterceptor(iicn);
if ((outInterceptorClassname != null) && (!outInterceptorClassname.isEmpty())) {
for (Iterator it=outInterceptorClassname.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String oicn = (String) it.next();
((AbstractConnectionFactory) obj).getParameters().addOutInterceptor(oicn);
className = null;
obj = null;
identityClass = null;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_TCP)) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Class [] classParams = {new String().getClass(),
new String().getClass()};
Method methode = clazz.getMethod("create", classParams);
Object[] objParams = {host, new Integer(port), reliableClass};
obj = methode.invoke(null, objParams);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
"JoramSaxWrapper: Cannot instantiate " + className, exc);
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_LOCAL)) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Method methode = clazz.getMethod("create", new Class[0]);
obj = methode.invoke(null, new Object[0]);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
"JoramSaxWrapper: Cannot instantiate " + className, exc);
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HATCP)) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Class [] classParams = {new String().getClass(),
new String().getClass()};
Method methode = clazz.getMethod("create",classParams);
Object[] objParams = {url,reliableClass};
obj = methode.invoke(null,objParams);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
"JoramSaxWrapper: Cannot instantiate " + className, exc);
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_HALOCAL)) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Method methode = clazz.getMethod("create", new Class[0]);
obj = methode.invoke(null, new Object[0]);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
"JoramSaxWrapper: Cannot instantiate " + className, exc);
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_SOAP)) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Class [] classParams = {new String().getClass(),
Method methode = clazz.getMethod("create", classParams);
Object[] objParams = {host, new Integer(port), new Integer(timeout)};
obj = methode.invoke(null, objParams);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
"JoramSaxWrapper: Cannot instantiate " + className, exc);
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage());
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_JNDI)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_SERVER)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Server.configure(" + serverId + ")");
if (threshold > 0)
getWrapper().setDefaultThreshold(serverId, threshold);
if (isSet(dmq)) {
if (dmqs.containsKey(dmq)) {
getWrapper().setDefaultDMQ(serverId, (DeadMQueue) dmqs.get(dmq));
} else {
"Cannot set default DMQ, unknown DMQ: " + dmq);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_USER)) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"User.create(" + name + "," + login + "," + "-," + serverId + " ," + properties + ")");
if (! isSet(login)) login = name;
if (! isSet(identityClass)) identityClass = SimpleIdentity.class.getName();
User user = getWrapper().createUser(login, password, serverId, identityClass, properties);
users.put(name, user);
if (threshold > 0)
if (isSet(dmq)) {
if (dmqs.containsKey(dmq)) {
user.setDMQ((DeadMQueue) dmqs.get(dmq));
} else {
"User.create(), unknown DMQ: " + dmq);
properties = null;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_DESTINATION)) {
Destination dest = null;
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "dest type =" + type);
if (type.equals("queue")) {
if (className == null)
className = "org.objectweb.joram.mom.dest.Queue";
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Queue.create(" + serverId + "," + name + "," + className + "," + properties + ")");
dest = getWrapper().createQueue(serverId, name, className, properties);
} else if (type.equals("topic")) {
if (className == null)
className = "org.objectweb.joram.mom.dest.Topic";
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Topic.create(" + serverId + "," + name + "," + className + "," + properties + ")");
dest = getWrapper().createTopic(serverId, name, className, properties);
} else
throw new Exception("type " + type + " bad value. (queue or topic)");
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "destination = " + dest);
properties = null;
// Bind the destination in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, dest);
jndiName = null;
// Register the destination in order to handle it later.
String name = dest.getAdminName();
if (! isSet(name))
name = dest.getName();
if (dest instanceof Queue) {
queues.put(name, dest);
} else {
// It's a Topic
topics.put(name, dest);
// Fix DMQ if any
setDestinationDMQ(dest, dmq);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_QUEUE)) {
if (className == null)
className = "org.objectweb.joram.mom.dest.Queue";
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Queue.create(" + serverId + "," + name + "," + className + "," + properties + ")");
Queue queue = (Queue) getWrapper().createQueue(serverId, name, className, properties);
properties = null;
if (threshold > 0)
if (nbMaxMsg > 0)
// Bind the queue in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, queue);
jndiName = null;
// Register the queue in order to handle it later (cluster, etc.)
String name = queue.getAdminName();
if (! isSet(name)) name = queue.getName();
queues.put(name, queue);
// Fix DMQ if any
setDestinationDMQ(queue, dmq);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_TOPIC)) {
if (className == null)
className = "org.objectweb.joram.mom.dest.Topic";
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Topic.create(" + serverId + "," + name + "," + className + "," + properties + ")");
Topic topic = (Topic) getWrapper().createTopic(serverId, name, className, properties);
properties = null;
if (isSet(parent)) {
// TODO (AF): may be we should search the parent topic: JNDI? Joram?
if (topics.containsKey(parent)) {
topic.setParent((Topic) topics.get(parent));
} else {
"Topic.create(): Unknown parent: " + parent);
// Bind the topic in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, topic);
jndiName = null;
// Register the topic in order to handle it later (cluster, etc.)
String name = topic.getAdminName();
if (! isSet(name)) name = topic.getName();
topics.put(name, topic);
// Fix DMQ if any
setDestinationDMQ(topic, dmq);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_DMQUEUE)) {
className = "org.objectweb.joram.mom.dest.Queue";
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"DeadMQueue.create(" + serverId + "," + name + ")");
DeadMQueue dmq = (DeadMQueue) getWrapper().createDeadMQueue(serverId, name);
// Bind the destination in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, dmq);
jndiName = null;
// Register the DMQ in order to handle it later.
if (isSet(name))
dmqs.put(name, dmq);
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_PROPERTY)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_READER)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_WRITER)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_FREEREADER)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_FREEWRITER)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_INITIALCONTEXT)) {
try {
jndiCtx = new javax.naming.InitialContext(properties);
} catch (NamingException exc) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_ELEMENT)) {
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_CF)) {
Map.Entry entries[] = new Map.Entry [cluster.size()];
ClusterConnectionFactory clusterCF = new ClusterConnectionFactory();
for (int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) cfs.get(entries[i].getKey());
clusterCF.addConnectionFactory((String) entries[i].getValue(), cf);
// Bind the destination in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, clusterCF);
jndiName = null;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_QUEUE)) {
Map.Entry entries[] = new Map.Entry [cluster.size()];
ClusterQueue clusterQueue = new ClusterQueue();
Queue root = null;
for (int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
Queue queue = (Queue) queues.get(entries[i].getKey());
clusterQueue.addDestination((String) entries[i].getValue(), queue);
if (i == 0)
root = queue;
// Bind the destination in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, clusterQueue);
jndiName = null;
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_CLUSTER_TOPIC)) {
Map.Entry entries[] = new Map.Entry [cluster.size()];
ClusterTopic clusterTopic = new ClusterTopic();
Topic root = null;
for (int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
Topic topic = (Topic) topics.get(entries[i].getKey());
clusterTopic.addDestination((String) entries[i].getValue(), topic);
if (i == 0)
root = topic;
// Bind the destination in JNDI.
// Be Careful, currently only one binding is handled.
if (isSet(jndiName))
toBind.put(jndiName, clusterTopic);
jndiName = null;
}else if (rawName.equals(ELT_IN_INTERCEPTORS)){
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_OUT_INTERCEPTORS)){
} else if (rawName.equals(ELT_INTERCEPTOR)){
} else {
throw new SAXException("unknown element \"" + rawName + "\"");
} catch (SAXException exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new SAXException(exc.getMessage(), exc);
void configureDestination(Destination dest) throws Exception {
if (freeReading)
freeReading = false;
if (freeWriting)
freeWriting = false;
for (int i = 0; i < readers.size(); i++) {
User u = (User) users.get(readers.get(i));
if (u != null)
for (int i = 0; i < writers.size(); i++) {
User u = (User) users.get(writers.get(i));
if (u != null)
void setDestinationDMQ(Destination dest, String dmq) throws Exception {
if (isSet(dmq)) {
if (dmqs.containsKey(dmq)) {
dest.setDMQ((DeadMQueue) dmqs.get(dmq));
} else {
"Destination.create(): Unknown DMQ: " + dmq);
* Finalizes parsing of a document.
* @exception SAXException
* unspecialized error
public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "endDocument");
try {
} catch (JMSException exc) {
try {
if (jndiCtx == null)
jndiCtx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
for (Enumeration e = toBind.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
StringBuffer buff = null;
StringTokenizer st = null;
if (name.startsWith(SCN)) {
buff = new StringBuffer(SCN);
st = new StringTokenizer(name.substring(SCN.length(), name.length()), "/");
} else if (name.startsWith(HASCN)) {
buff = new StringBuffer(HASCN);
st = new StringTokenizer(name.substring(HASCN.length(), name.length()), "/");
} else {
buff = new StringBuffer();
st = new StringTokenizer(name, "/");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
} catch (NameAlreadyBoundException exc) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "createSubcontext:: NameAlreadyBoundException" + buff.toString());
} catch (NamingException exc) {
if (logger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.WARN))
logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "createSubcontext", exc);
jndiCtx.rebind(name, toBind.get(name));
} catch (NamingException exc) {