* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2010 ScalAgent Distributed Technologies
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 BULL
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 INRIA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
package fr.dyade.aaa.agent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
import fr.dyade.aaa.common.AverageLoadTask;
import fr.dyade.aaa.common.Queue;
class EngineThread extends Thread {
Engine engine = null;
EngineThread(Engine engine) {
super(AgentServer.getThreadGroup(), engine, engine.getName());
this.engine = engine;
* The <code>Engine</code> class provides multiprogramming of agents. It
* realizes the program loop which successively gets the notifications from
* the message queue and calls the relevant reaction function member of the
* target agent. The engine's basic behaviour is:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* While (true) {
* // get next message in channel
* Message msg = qin.get();
* // get the agent to process event
* Agent agent = load(msg.to);
* // execute relevant reaction, all notification sent during this
* // reaction is inserted into persistent queue in order to processed
* // by the channel.
* agent.react(msg.from, msg.not);
* // save changes, then commit.
* qin.pop();
* channel.dispatch();
* agent.save();
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* The <code>Engine</code> class ensures the atomic handling of an agent
* reacting to a notification:
* <ul>
* <li>if the reaction completes, a COMMIT ensures all changes related to
* the reaction are committed (state change of the agent, notifications
* signaled during the reaction, deletion of the handled notification);
* <li>if anything goes wrong during the reaction, a ROLLBACK undoes the
* changes; depending on the error kind it may be necessary to execute
* additional operations to resynchronize the database and the memory
* objects, and to allow the main program to continue.
* </ul>
* <p><hr>
* <b>Handling errors.</b><p>
* Two types of errors may occur: errors of first type are detected in the
* source code and signaled by an <code>Exception</code>; serious errors lead
* to an <code>Error</code> being raised then the engine exits. In the first
* case the exception may be handled at any level, even partially. Most of
* them are signaled up to the engine loop. Two cases are then distinguished
* depending on the recovery policy:<ul>
* <li>if <code>recoveryPolicy</code> is set to <code>RP_EXC_NOT</code>
* (default value) then the agent state and the message queue are restored
* (ROLLBACK); an <code>ExceptionNotification</code> notification is sent
* to the sender and the engine may then proceed with next notification;
* <li>if <code>recoveryPolicy</code> is set to <code>RP_EXIT</code> the engine
* stops the agent server.
* </ul>
class Engine implements Runnable, MessageConsumer, EngineMBean {
* Queue of messages to be delivered to local agents.
protected MessageQueue qin;
* Boolean variable used to stop the engine properly. The engine tests
* this variable between each reaction, and stops if it is false.
protected volatile boolean isRunning;
* Boolean variable used to stop the engine properly. If this variable
* is true then the engine is waiting and it can interrupted, else it
* handles a notification and it will exit after (the engine tests the
* <code><a href="#isRunning">isRunning</a></code> variable between
* each reaction)
protected volatile boolean canStop;
/** Logical timestamp information for messages in "local" domain. */
private int stamp;
/** Buffer used to optimize */
private byte[] stampBuf = null;
/** True if the timestamp is modified since last save. */
private boolean modified = false;
/** This table is used to maintain a list of agents already in memory
* using the AgentId as primary key.
Hashtable agents;
/** Virtual time counter use in FIFO swap-in/swap-out mechanisms. */
long now = 0;
/** Maximum number of memory loaded agents. */
int NbMaxAgents = 100;
* Returns the number of agent's reaction since last boot.
* @return the number of agent's reaction since last boot
public long getNbReactions() {
return now;
* Returns the maximum number of agents loaded in memory.
* @return the maximum number of agents loaded in memory
public int getNbMaxAgents() {
return NbMaxAgents;
* Sets the maximum number of agents that can be loaded simultaneously
* in memory.
* @parama NbMaxAgents the maximum number of agents
public void setNbMaxAgents(int NbMaxAgents) {
this.NbMaxAgents = NbMaxAgents;
* Returns the number of agents actually loaded in memory.
* @return the maximum number of agents actually loaded in memory
public int getNbAgents() {
return agents.size();
* Gets the number of messages posted to this engine since creation.
* return the number of messages.
public int getNbMessages() {
return stamp;
* Gets the number of waiting messages in this engine.
* return the number of waiting messages.
public int getNbWaitingMessages() {
return qin.size();
/** Vector containing id's of all fixed agents. */
Vector fixedAgentIdList = null;
* Returns the number of fixed agents.
* @return the number of fixed agents
public int getNbFixedAgents() {
return fixedAgentIdList.size();
* The current agent running.
Agent agent = null;
* The message in progress.
Message msg = null;
* The active component of this engine.
EngineThread thread = null;
* Send <code>ExceptionNotification</code> notification in case of exception
* in agent specific code.
* Constant value for the <code>recoveryPolicy</code> variable.
static final int RP_EXC_NOT = 0;
* Stop agent server in case of exception in agent specific code.
* Constant value for the <code>recoveryPolicy</code> variable.
static final int RP_EXIT = 1;
* String representations of <code>RP_*</code> constant values
* for the <code>recoveryPolicy</code> variable.
static final String[] rpStrings = {
* recovery policy in case of exception in agent specific code.
* Default value is <code>RP_EXC_NOT</code>.
int recoveryPolicy = RP_EXC_NOT;
private String name;
* Returns this <code>Engine</code>'s name.
* @return this <code>Engine</code>'s name.
public final String getName() {
return name;
* Returns the corresponding domain's name.
* @return this domain's name.
public final String getDomainName() {
return "engine";
* Creates a new instance of Engine (real class depends of server type).
* @return the corresponding <code>engine</code>'s instance.
static Engine newInstance() throws Exception {
String cname = "fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Engine";
cname = AgentServer.getProperty("Engine", cname);
Class eclass = Class.forName(cname);
return (Engine) eclass.newInstance();
protected Queue mq;
* Push a new message in temporary queue until the end of current reaction.
* As this method is only called by engine's thread it does not need to be
* synchronized.
final void push(AgentId from,
AgentId to,
Notification not) {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + ", push(" + from + ", " + to + ", " + not + ")");
if ((to == null) || to.isNullId())
mq.push(Message.alloc(from, to, not));
* Dispatch messages between the <a href="MessageConsumer.html">
* <code>MessageConsumer</code></a>: <a href="Engine.html">
* <code>Engine</code></a> component and <a href="Network.html">
* <code>Network</code></a> components.<p>
* Handle persistent information in respect with engine transaction.
* <p><hr>
* Be careful, this method must only be used during a transaction in
* order to ensure the mutual exclusion.
* @exception IOException error when accessing the local persistent
* storage.
final void dispatch() throws Exception {
Message msg = null;
while (! mq.isEmpty()) {
try {
msg = (Message) mq.get();
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
if (msg.from == null) msg.from = AgentId.localId;
* Cleans the Channel queue of all pushed notifications.
* <p><hr>
* Be careful, this method must only be used during a transaction in
* order to ensure the mutual exclusion.
final void clean() {
protected Logger logmon = null;
* Initializes a new <code>Engine</code> object (can only be used by
* subclasses).
protected Engine() throws Exception {
name = "Engine#" + AgentServer.getServerId();
// Get the logging monitor from current server MonologLoggerFactory
logmon = Debug.getLogger(Debug.A3Engine + ".#" + AgentServer.getServerId());
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + " created [" + getClass().getName() + "].");
NbMaxAgents = AgentServer.getInteger("NbMaxAgents", NbMaxAgents).intValue();
qin = new MessageVector(name, AgentServer.getTransaction().isPersistent());
mq = new Queue();
agentProfiling = AgentServer.getBoolean("AgentProfiling");
isRunning = false;
canStop = false;
thread = null;
needToBeCommited = false;
if (modified) save();
void init() throws Exception {
// Before any agent may be used, the environment, including the hash table,
// must be initialized.
agents = new Hashtable();
try {
// Creates or initializes AgentFactory, then loads and initializes
// all fixed agents.
fixedAgentIdList = (Vector) AgentServer.getTransaction().load(getName() + ".fixed");
if (fixedAgentIdList == null) {
// It's the first launching of this engine, in other case there is
// at least the factory in fixedAgentIdList.
fixedAgentIdList = new Vector();
// Creates factory
AgentFactory factory = new AgentFactory(AgentId.factoryId);
createAgent(AgentId.factoryId, factory);
logmon.log(BasicLevel.INFO, getName() + ", factory created");
// loads all fixed agents
for (int i=0; i<fixedAgentIdList.size(); ) {
try {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + ", loads fixed agent" + fixedAgentIdList.elementAt(i));
load((AgentId) fixedAgentIdList.elementAt(i));
i += 1;
} catch (Exception exc) {
getName() + ", can't restore fixed agent" + fixedAgentIdList.elementAt(i), exc);
} catch (IOException exc) {
logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + ", can't initialize", exc);
throw exc;
averageLoadTask = new EngineAverageLoadTask(AgentServer.getTimer());
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", initialized");
void terminate() {
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", ends");
Agent[] ag = new Agent[agents.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Enumeration e = agents.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
ag[i++] = (Agent) e.nextElement();
for (i--; i>=0; i--) {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + ag[i].id + " [" + ag[i].name + "] garbaged");
try {
// Set current agent running in order to allow from field fixed
// for sendTo during agentFinalize (We assume that only Engine
// use this method).
agent = ag[i];
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Agent" + ag[i].id + " [" + ag[i].name + "] error during agentFinalize", exc);
} finally {
agent = null;
ag[i] = null;
* Creates and initializes an agent.
* @param agent agent object to create
* @exception Exception
* unspecialized exception
final void createAgent(AgentId id, Agent agent) throws Exception {
agent.id = id;
agent.deployed = true;
* Creates and initializes an agent.
* @param agent agent object to create
* @exception Exception
* unspecialized exception
final void createAgent(Agent agent) throws Exception {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", creates: " + agent);
if (agent.isFixed()) {
// Subscribe the agent in pre-loading list.
if (agent.logmon == null)
agent.logmon = Debug.getLogger(fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Debug.A3Agent +
".#" + AgentServer.getServerId());
// Memorize the agent creation and ...
now += 1;
agents.put(agent.getId(), agent);
* Deletes an agent.
* @param agent agent to delete
void deleteAgent(AgentId from) throws Exception {
Agent ag;
Agent old = agent;
try {
ag = load(from);
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + ", delete Agent" + ag.id + " [" + ag.name + "]");
} catch (UnknownAgentException exc) {
getName() +
", can't delete unknown Agent" + from);
throw new Exception("Can't delete unknown Agent" + from);
} catch (Exception exc) {
getName() + ", can't delete Agent" + from, exc);
throw new Exception("Can't delete Agent" + from);
if (ag.isFixed())
try {
// Set current agent running in order to allow from field fixed
// for sendTo during agentFinalize (We assume that only Engine
// use this method).
agent = ag;
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Agent" + ag.id + " [" + ag.name + "] error during agentFinalize", exc);
} finally {
agent = old;
* The <code>garbage</code> method should be called regularly , to swap out
* from memory all the agents which have not been accessed for a time.
void garbage() {
if (! AgentServer.getTransaction().isPersistent())
if (agents.size() < (NbMaxAgents + fixedAgentIdList.size()))
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + ", garbage: " + agents.size() + '/' + NbMaxAgents + '+' + fixedAgentIdList.size() + ' ' + now);
long deadline = now - NbMaxAgents;
Agent[] ag = new Agent[agents.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Enumeration e = agents.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
ag[i++] = (Agent) e.nextElement();
for (i--; i>=0; i--) {
if ((ag[i].last <= deadline) && (!ag[i].fixed)) {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + ag[i].id + " [" + ag[i].name + "] garbaged");
try {
// Set current agent running in order to allow from field fixed
// for sendTo during agentFinalize (We assume that only Engine
// use this method).
agent = ag[i];
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Agent" + ag[i].id + " [" + ag[i].name + "] error during agentFinalize", exc);
} finally {
agent = null;
ag[i] = null;
getName() + ", garbage: " + agents.size());
* Removes an <code>AgentId</code> in the <code>fixedAgentIdList</code>
* <code>Vector</code>.
* @param id the <code>AgentId</code> of no more used fixed agent.
void removeFixedAgentId(AgentId id) throws IOException {
AgentServer.getTransaction().save(fixedAgentIdList, getName() + ".fixed");
* Adds an <code>AgentId</code> in the <code>fixedAgentIdList</code>
* <code>Vector</code>.
* @param id the <code>AgentId</code> of new fixed agent.
void addFixedAgentId(AgentId id) throws IOException {
AgentServer.getTransaction().save(fixedAgentIdList, getName() + ".fixed");
* Method used for debug and monitoring. It returns an enumeration
* of all agents loaded in memory.
AgentId[] getLoadedAgentIdlist() {
AgentId list[] = new AgentId[agents.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Enumeration e = agents.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() ;)
list[i++] = ((Agent) e.nextElement()).id;
return list;
* Returns a string representation of the specified agent.
* @param id The string representation of the agent's unique identification.
* @return A string representation of the specified agent.
* @see Engine#dumpAgent(AgentId)
public String dumpAgent(String id) throws Exception {
return dumpAgent(AgentId.fromString(id));
* Returns a string representation of the specified agent. If the agent
* is not present it is loaded in memory, be careful it is not initialized
* (agentInitialize) nor cached in agents vector.
* @param id The agent's unique identification.
* @return A string representation of specified agent.
public String dumpAgent(AgentId id) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Agent ag = (Agent) agents.get(id);
if (ag == null) {
ag = Agent.load(id);
if (ag == null) {
return id.toString() + " unknown";
return ag.toString();
* The <code>load</code> method return the <code>Agent</code> object
* designed by the <code>AgentId</code> parameter. If the <code>Agent</code>
* object is not already present in the server memory, it is loaded from
* the storage.
* Be careful, if the save method can be overloaded to optimize the save
* process, the load procedure used by engine is always load.
* @param id The agent identification.
* @return The corresponding agent.
* @exception IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
* @exception ClassNotFoundException
* Should never happen (the agent has already been loaded in deploy).
* @exception UnknownAgentException
* There is no corresponding agent on secondary storage.
* @exception Exception
* when executing class specific initialization
final Agent load(AgentId id) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, Exception {
now += 1;
Agent ag = (Agent) agents.get(id);
if (ag == null) {
ag = reload(id);
ag.last = now;
return ag;
* The <code>reload</code> method return the <code>Agent</code> object
* loaded from the storage.
* @param id The agent identification.
* @return The corresponding agent.
* @exception IOException
* when accessing the stored image
* @exception ClassNotFoundException
* if the stored image class may not be found
* @exception Exception
* unspecialized exception
final Agent reload(AgentId id)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, Exception {
Agent ag = null;
if ((ag = Agent.load(id)) != null) {
try {
// Set current agent running in order to allow from field fixed
// for sendTo during agentInitialize (We assume that only Engine
// use this method).
agent = ag;
} catch (Throwable exc) {
agent = null;
// AF: May be we have to delete the agent or not to allow
// reaction on it.
getName() + "Can't initialize Agent" + ag.id + " [" + ag.name + "]",
throw new Exception(getName() + "Can't initialize Agent" + ag.id);
if (ag.logmon == null)
ag.logmon = Debug.getLogger(fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Debug.A3Agent +
".#" + AgentServer.getServerId());
agents.put(ag.id, ag);
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + "Agent" + ag.id + " [" + ag.name + "] loaded");
} else {
throw new UnknownAgentException();
return ag;
* Insert a message in the <code>MessageQueue</code>.
* This method is used during initialization to restore the component
* state from persistent storage.
* @param msg the message
public void insert(Message msg) {
* Validates all messages pushed in queue during transaction session.
public void validate() {
* Causes this engine to begin execution.
* @see stop
public void start() {
if (isRunning) return;
thread = new EngineThread(this);
int priority = AgentServer.getInteger("Engine.threadPriority", Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).intValue();
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + " starting.");
String rp = AgentServer.getProperty("Engine.recoveryPolicy");
if (rp != null) {
for (int i = rpStrings.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (rp.equals(rpStrings[i])) {
recoveryPolicy = i;
isRunning = true;
canStop = true;
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + " started.");
* Forces the engine to stop executing.
* @see start
public void stop() {
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", stops.");
isRunning = false;
if (thread != null) {
while (thread.isAlive()) {
if (canStop) {
if (thread.isAlive())
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
thread = null;
* Get this engine's <code>MessageQueue</code> qin.
* @return this <code>Engine</code>'s queue.
public MessageQueue getQueue() {
return qin;
* Tests if the engine is alive.
* @return true if this <code>MessageConsumer</code> is alive; false
* otherwise.
public boolean isRunning() {
return isRunning;
* Saves logical clock information to persistent storage.
public void save() throws IOException {
if (modified) {
stampBuf[0] = (byte)((stamp >>> 24) & 0xFF);
stampBuf[1] = (byte)((stamp >>> 16) & 0xFF);
stampBuf[2] = (byte)((stamp >>> 8) & 0xFF);
stampBuf[3] = (byte)(stamp & 0xFF);
AgentServer.getTransaction().saveByteArray(stampBuf, getName());
modified = false;
* Restores logical clock information from persistent storage.
public void restore() throws Exception {
stampBuf = AgentServer.getTransaction().loadByteArray(getName());
if (stampBuf == null) {
stamp = 0;
stampBuf = new byte[4];
modified = true;
} else {
stamp = ((stampBuf[0] & 0xFF) << 24) +
((stampBuf[1] & 0xFF) << 16) +
((stampBuf[2] & 0xFF) << 8) +
(stampBuf[3] & 0xFF);
modified = false;
* This operation always throws an IllegalStateException.
public void delete() throws IllegalStateException {
throw new IllegalStateException();
protected final int getStamp() {
return stamp;
protected final void setStamp(int stamp) {
modified = true;
this.stamp = stamp;
protected final void stamp(Message msg) {
modified = true;
msg.source = AgentServer.getServerId();
msg.dest = AgentServer.getServerId();
msg.stamp = ++stamp;
* Adds a message in "ready to deliver" list. This method allocates a
* new time stamp to the message ; be Careful, changing the stamp imply
* the filename change too.
public void post(Message msg) throws Exception {
if (msg.isPersistent()) {
protected boolean needToBeCommited = false;
protected long timeout = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Boolean value indicating if the agent profiling is on.
* If true, the cumulative time of reaction and commit is kept for each agent.
* In addition the total reaction and commit time is calculated for this engine.
public boolean agentProfiling = false;
* Returns true if the agent profiling is on.
* @see fr.dyade.aaa.agent.EngineMBean#isAgentProfiling()
public boolean isAgentProfiling() {
return this.agentProfiling;
* Sets the agent profiling.
* @see fr.dyade.aaa.agent.EngineMBean#setAgentProfiling(boolean)
public void setAgentProfiling(boolean agentProfiling) {
this.agentProfiling = agentProfiling;
* Time consumned during agent's reaction.
private long reactTime = 0L;
* @return the reactTime
public long getReactTime() {
return reactTime;
* Time consumned during reaction commit.
private long commitTime;
* @return the commitTime
public long getCommitTime() {
return commitTime;
protected void onTimeOut() throws Exception {}
* Main loop of agent server <code>Engine</code>.
public void run() {
try {
long start = 0L;
long end = 0L;
boolean profiling;
while (isRunning) {
agent = null;
canStop = true;
profiling = agentProfiling;
// Get a notification, then execute the right reaction.
try {
msg = qin.get(timeout);
if (msg == null) {
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
canStop = false;
if (! isRunning) break;
if ((msg.from == null) || (msg.to == null) || (msg.not == null)) {
// The notification is malformed.
AgentServer.getName() + ": Bad message [" +
msg.from + ", " + msg.to + ", " + msg.not + ']');
// Remove the failed notification ..
// .. then deletes it ..
// .. and frees it.
if ((msg.not.expiration <= 0L) ||
(msg.not.expiration >= System.currentTimeMillis())) {
// The message is valid, try to load the destination agent
try {
agent = load(msg.to);
} catch (UnknownAgentException exc) {
// The destination agent don't exists, send an error
// notification to sending agent.
getName() + ": Unknown agent, " + msg.to + ".react(" +
msg.from + ", " + msg.not + ")");
agent = null;
new UnknownAgent(msg.to, msg.not));
} catch (Exception exc) {
// Can't load agent then send an error notification
// to sending agent.
getName() + ": Can't load agent, " + msg.to + ".react(" +
msg.from + ", " + msg.not + ")",
agent = null;
// Stop the AgentServer
break main_loop;
} else {
if (msg.not.deadNotificationAgentId != null) {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
getName() + ": forward expired notification " +
msg.from + ", " + msg.not + " to " +
ExpiredNot expiredNot = new ExpiredNot(msg.not, msg.from, msg.to);
push(AgentId.localId, msg.not.deadNotificationAgentId, expiredNot);
} else {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
getName() + ": removes expired notification " +
msg.from + ", " + msg.not);
if (profiling) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (agent != null) {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
getName() + ": " + agent + ".react(" + msg.from + ", " + msg.not + ")");
try {
agent.react(msg.from, msg.not);
agent.reactNb += 1;
if (profiling) {
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
agent.reactTime += (end - start);
reactTime += (end - start);
start = end;
} catch (Exception exc) {
getName() + ": Uncaught exception during react, " +
agent + ".react(" + msg.from + ", " + msg.not + ")",
switch (recoveryPolicy) {
case RP_EXC_NOT:
// In case of unrecoverable error during the reaction we have
// to rollback.
// then continue.
case RP_EXIT:
// Stop the AgentServer
break main_loop;
// Commit all changes then continue.
if (profiling) {
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (agent != null)
agent.commitTime += (end - start);
commitTime += (end - start);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
// There is an unrecoverable exception during the transaction
// we must exit from server.
logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ": Fatal error", exc);
canStop = false;
// Stop the AgentServer
} finally {
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + " stopped.");
* Commit the agent reaction in case of right termination:<ul>
* <li>suppress the processed notification from message queue,
* then deletes it ;
* <li>push all new notifications in qin and qout, and saves them ;
* <li>saves the agent state ;
* <li>then commit the transaction to validate all changes.
* </ul>
void commit() throws Exception {
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ": commit()");
// Suppress the processed notification from message queue ..
// .. then deletes it ..
// .. and frees it.
// Post all notifications temporary kept in mq to the right consumers,
// then saves changes.
// Saves the agent state then commit the transaction.
if (agent != null) agent.save();
// The transaction has committed, then validate all messages.
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ": commited");
* Abort the agent reaction in case of error during execution. In case
* of unrecoverable error during the reaction we have to rollback:<ul>
* <li>reload the previous state of agent ;
* <li>remove the failed notification ;
* <li>clean the Channel queue of all pushed notifications ;
* <li>send an error notification to the sender ;
* <li>then commit the transaction to validate all changes.
* </ul>
void abort(Exception exc) throws Exception {
// Reload the state of agent.
try {
agent = reload(msg.to);
} catch (Exception exc2) {
getName() + ", can't reload Agent" + msg.to, exc2);
throw new Exception("Can't reload Agent" + msg.to);
// Remove the failed notification ..
// .. then deletes it ..
// .. and frees it.
// Clean the Channel queue of all pushed notifications.
// Send an error notification to client agent.
new ExceptionNotification(msg.to, msg.not, exc));
// The transaction has committed, then validate all messages.
EngineAverageLoadTask averageLoadTask = null;
* Returns the load averages for the last minute.
* @return the load averages for the last minute.
public float getAverageLoad1() {
return averageLoadTask.getAverageLoad1();
* Returns the load averages for the past 5 minutes.
* @return the load averages for the past 5 minutes.
public float getAverageLoad5() {
return averageLoadTask.getAverageLoad5();
* Returns the load averages for the past 15 minutes.
* @return the load averages for the past 15 minutes.
public float getAverageLoad15() {
return averageLoadTask.getAverageLoad15();
class EngineAverageLoadTask extends AverageLoadTask {
public EngineAverageLoadTask(Timer timer) {
* Returns the number of waiting messages in the enfgine.
* @see fr.dyade.aaa.common.AverageLoadTask#countActiveTasks()
protected long countActiveTasks() {
return AgentServer.engine.getNbWaitingMessages();
* Returns a string representation of this engine.
* @return A string representation of this engine.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
return strbuf.toString();