
Source Code of

* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2010 ScalAgent Distributed Technologies
* Copyright (C) 2004 France Telecom R&D
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 BULL
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 INRIA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
* USA.
* Initial developer(s): Dyade
* Contributor(s): ScalAgent Distributed Technologies

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Timer;

import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.LoggerFactory;


* The <code>AgentServer</code> class manages the global configuration
* of an agent server. It reads the configuration file, then it creates
* and configure {@link Engine <code>Engine</code>},
* {@link Channel <code>Channel</code>},
* {@link Network <code>Network</code>s}.
* This class contains the main method for AgentServer, for example to
* activate a server you have to run this class with two parameters: the
* server id. and the path of the root of persistency. You can also use
* a specialized main calling methods init and start.
* <p><hr>
* To start the agents server an XML configuration file describing the
* architecture of the agent platform is needed. By default, this file is
* the a3servers.xml file and it should be located inside the running
* directory where the server is launched. Each server must use the same
* configuration file.<p>
* The configuration file contains a <code>config</code> element, that
* is essentially made up of <code>domain</code>s elements, and servers
* (<code>server</code>s elements):
* <ul>
* <li>Each domain of the configuration is described by an XML element with
* attributes giving the name and the classname for <code>Network</code>
* implementation (class {@link SimpleNetwork <code>SimpleNetwork</code>}
* by default).
* <li>Each server is described by an XML element with attributes giving
* the id, the name (optional) and the node (the <code>hostname</code>
* attribute describes the name or the IP address of this node)
* <ul>
* <li>Each persistent server must be part of a domain (at least one), to
* do this you need to define a <code>network</code> element with attributes
* giving the domain's name (<code>domain</code> attribute) and the
* communication port (<code>port</code> attribute).
* <li>A service can be declared on any of these servers by inserting a
* <code>service</code> element describing it.
* </ul>
* <li>Additionally, you can define property for the global configuration
* or for a particular server, it depends where you define it: in the
* <code>config</code> element or in a server one.
* </ul>
* Each server that is part of two domains is named a "router", be careful,
* it should have only one route between two domains. If it is not true the
* configuration failed.
* <p><hr>
* A simple example of a3servers.xml follows:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
* &lt;!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "a3config.dtd"&gt;
* &lt;config&gt;
*   &lt;domain name="D1"/&gt;
*   &lt;domain name="D2" class=""/&gt;
*   &lt;property name="D2.nbMaxCnx" value="1"/&gt;
*   &lt;server id="0" name="S0" hostname="acores"&gt;
*     &lt;network domain="D1" port="16300"/&gt;
*     &lt;service class="" args="8090"/&gt;
*     &lt;property name="A3DEBUG_PROXY" value="true"/&gt;
*   &lt;/server&gt;
*   &lt;server id="2" name="S2" hostname="bermudes"&gt;
*     &lt;network domain="D1" port="16310"/&gt;
*     &lt;network domain="D2" port="16312"/&gt;
*   &lt;/server&gt;
*   &lt;server id="3" name="S3" hostname="baleares"&gt;
*     &lt;network domain="D2" port="16320"/&gt;
*   &lt;/server&gt;
* &lt;/config&gt;
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* This file described a 2 domains configuration D1 and D2, D1 with default
* network protocol and D2 with the <code>PoolNetwork</code> one, and 4
* servers:
* <ul>
* <li>The first server (id 0 and name "S0") is hosted by acores, it is
* in domain D1, and listen on port 16300. It defines a service and a
* property.
* <li>The second server (id 2) is hosted by bermudes and it is the router
* between D1 and D2.
* <li>The last server is a persistent one, it is hosted on baleares and it
* runs in domain D2.
* </ul>
* At the beginning of the file, there is a global property that defines
* the maximum number of connection handled by each server of domain D2.
* <hr>
* @see Engine
* @see Channel
* @see Network
* @see MessageQueue
* @see
public final class AgentServer {
  public final static short NULL_ID = -1;

  public final static String ADMIN_DOMAIN = "D0";
  public final static String ADMIN_SERVER = "s0";

  private static short serverId = NULL_ID;

  private static Logger logmon = null;

   *  Name of property allowing to configure the directory to search the XML
   * server configuration.
   * <p>
   *  Be careful, the XML server configuration file is normally used only for the
   * initial starting of the server, the configuration is then atomically maintained
   * in the persistence directory.
   * <p>
   *  This property can only be fixed either from <code>java</code> launching
   * command.
  public final static String CFG_DIR_PROPERTY = "";
   *  Default value of the directory to search the XML server configuration,
   * value is null.
  public final static String DEFAULT_CFG_DIR = null;

   *  Name of property allowing to configure the filename of the XML server
   * configuration.
   * <p>
   *  Be careful, the XML server configuration file is normally used only for the
   * initial starting of the server, the configuration is then atomically maintained
   * in the persistence directory.
   * <p>
   *  This property can only be fixed either from <code>java</code> launching
   * command.
  public final static String CFG_FILE_PROPERTY = "";
   *  Default value of the filename of the XML server configuration, value is
   * <code>a3servers.xml</code>.
  public final static String DEFAULT_CFG_FILE = "a3servers.xml";
   *  Default value of the filename of the serialized server configuration in the
   * persistence directory, value is <code>a3cmlconfig</code>.
   * <p>
   *  Removing this file allows to load anew the XML configuration file at the next
   * starting of the server. Be careful, doing this can generate incoherence in the
   * global configuration.
  public final static String DEFAULT_SER_CFG_FILE = "a3cmlconfig";
  public final static String CFG_NAME_PROPERTY = "";
  public final static String DEFAULT_CFG_NAME = "default";
   *  Name of property allowing to configure the XML wrapper used to read the server
   * configuration.
   * <p>
   *  This property can only be fixed either from <code>java</code> launching
   * command.
  public final static String A3CMLWRP_PROPERTY = "";
   *  Default value of the XML wrapper used to read server configuration, this default
   * value implies the use of the default SaxWrapper.
  public final static String DEFAULT_A3CMLWRP = "";

  /** Task for file monitoring if configured. */
  private static MonitoringTimerTask fileMonitoringTimerTask = null;
  /** Task for log monitoring if configured. */
  private static MonitoringTimerTask logMonitoringTimerTask = null;

  static ThreadGroup tgroup = null;

  public static ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() {
    return tgroup;

   * Static reference to the engine. Used in <code>Channel.sendTo</code> to
   * know if the method is called from a react or no.
   * <p><hr>
   * AF: I think we must suppress this dependency in order to be able to run
   * multiples engine.
  static Engine engine = null;

   * Returns the agent server engine.
  public static Engine getEngine() {
    return engine;

   * Returns the agent server engine thread.
  public static Thread getEngineThread() {
    return engine.thread;

   * Returns the load averages for the last minute.
   * @return the load averages for the last minute.
  public static float getEngineAverageLoad1() {
    return getEngine().getAverageLoad1();

   * Returns the load averages for the past 5 minutes.
   * @return the load averages for the past 5 minutes.
  public static float getEngineAverageLoad5() {
    return getEngine().getAverageLoad5();
   * Returns the load averages for the past 15 minutes.
   * @return the load averages for the past 15 minutes.
  public static float getEngineAverageLoad15() {
    return getEngine().getAverageLoad15();
  /** Static reference to the transactional monitor. */
  static Transaction transaction = null;

   * Returns the agent server transaction context.
  public static Transaction getTransaction() {
    return transaction;

  private static JGroups jgroups = null;
  private static short clusterId = NULL_ID;
   * Test HA server.
   * @return true if the server is HA.
  public static boolean isHAServer() {
    return (jgroups != null);

   * Test if the server is a master (coordinator).
   * @return true if the server HA is a master.
  public static boolean isMasterHAServer() {
    if (jgroups != null)
      return jgroups.isCoordinator();
    return false;
   * Static references to all messages consumers initialized in this
   * agent server (including <code>Engine</code>).
  private static Hashtable consumers = null;

  public static void addConsumer(String domain, MessageConsumer cons) throws Exception {
    if (consumers.containsKey(domain))
      throw new Exception("Consumer for domain " + domain + " already exist");

    consumers.put(domain, cons);

    try {
      MXWrapper.registerMBean(cons, "AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=" + cons.getName());
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);

  static Enumeration getConsumers() {
    if (consumers == null)
      return null;
    return consumers.elements();

  public static MessageConsumer getConsumer(String domain) throws Exception {
    if (! consumers.containsKey(domain))
      throw new Exception("Unknown consumer for domain " + domain);
    return (MessageConsumer) consumers.get(domain);

  public static void removeConsumer(String domain) {
    MessageConsumer cons = (MessageConsumer) consumers.remove(domain);
    if (cons != null) {
      try {
        MXWrapper.unregisterMBean("AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=" + cons.getName());
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);
   * Timer provided by the agent server.
  private static Timer timer;

   * Returns a shared timer provided by the agent server.
  public static synchronized final Timer getTimer() {
    if (timer == null) {
      timer = new Timer();
    return timer;
  /** Static reference to the configuration. */
  private static A3CMLConfig a3config = null;

   *  Set the agent server configuration. Be careful, this method cannot
   * be called after initialization.
   * @param a3config  A3CMLConfig
   * @exception Exception  Server is already initialized.
  public final static void setConfig(A3CMLConfig a3config) throws Exception {
    setConfig(a3config, false);

  public final static void setConfig(A3CMLConfig a3config,
                              boolean force) throws Exception {
    if (! force) {
      synchronized(status) {
        if (status.value != Status.INSTALLED)
          throw new Exception("cannot set config, bad status: " + getStatusInfo());
    AgentServer.a3config = a3config;
   * Returns the agent server configuration.
   * @return  agent server configuration (A3CMLConfig)
  public final static A3CMLConfig getConfig() throws Exception {
    if (a3config == null) throw new Exception("Server not configured");
    return a3config;

   *  Gets configuration of agent servers for a domain from the current
   * A3CMLConfig object. This method fills the object graph configuration
   * in a <code>A3CMLConfig</code> object.
   * @param domains    list of domain's names
   * @return          a <code>A3CMLConfig</code> object.
  public static A3CMLConfig getAppConfig(String[] domains) throws Exception {
    return getConfig().getDomainConfig(domains);

  public final static short getServerId() {
    return serverId;

  public final static short getClusterId() {
    return clusterId;

  private static String name = null;

  public final static String getName() {
    return name;
  public final static String getServerName() {
    try {
      return getConfig().getServerNameById(getServerId());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return getName();

   * Returns the identifier of the agent server which name is specified.
   * @param name the name of the agent server
   * @return the identifier of the agent server
   * @exception Exception if the server name is unknown.
  public static short getServerIdByName(String name) throws Exception {
    return getConfig().getServerIdByName(name);
   * Searches for the property with the specified key in the server property
   * list.
   * @param key     the hashtable key.
   * @return     the value with the specified key value.
  public static String getProperty(String key) {
    return Configuration.getProperty(key);

   * Searches for the property with the specified key in the server property
   * list.
   * @param key     the hashtable key.
   * @param value  a default value.
   * @return     the value with the specified key value.
  public static String getProperty(String key, String value) {
    return Configuration.getProperty(key, value);

   * Determines the integer value of the server property with the
   * specified name.
   * @param key property name.
   * @return   the Integer value of the property.
  public static Integer getInteger(String key) {
    return Configuration.getInteger(key);

   * Determines the integer value of the server property with the
   * specified name.
   * @param key property name.
   * @param value  a default value.
   * @return   the Integer value of the property.
  public static Integer getInteger(String key, int value) {
    return Configuration.getInteger(key, value);

   * Determines the integer value of the server property with the specified
   * name.
   * @param key
   *          property name.
   * @return the Integer value of the property.
  public static Long getLong(String key) {
    return Configuration.getLong(key);

   * Determines the long value of the server property with the specified name.
   * @param key
   *          property name.
   * @param value
   *          a default value.
   * @return the Integer value of the property.
  public static Long getLong(String key, long value) {
    return Configuration.getLong(key, value);

   * Determines the boolean value of the server property with the specified
   * name.
   * @param key
   *          property name.
   * @param value
   *          a default value.
   * @return the boolean value of the property.
  public static boolean getBoolean(String key) {
    return Configuration.getBoolean(key);

  /** Static description of all known agent servers in ascending order. */
  private static ServersHT servers = null;

  public static void addServerDesc(ServerDesc desc) throws Exception {
    if (desc == null) return;

  public static ServerDesc removeServerDesc(short sid) throws Exception {
    return servers.remove(sid);

  public static Enumeration elementsServerDesc() {
    return servers.elements();

  public static Enumeration getServersIds() {
    return servers.keys();

   * Gets the number of server known on the current server.
   * @return  the number of server.
  final static int getServerNb() {
    return servers.size();

   * Gets the characteristics of the corresponding server.
   * @param sid  agent server id.
   * @return  the server's descriptor.
  public final static ServerDesc getServerDesc(short sid) throws UnknownServerException {
    ServerDesc serverDesc = servers.get(sid);
    if (serverDesc == null)
      throw new UnknownServerException("Unknow server id. #" + sid);
    return serverDesc;

   * Gets the message consumer for the corresponding server.
   * @param sid  agent server id.
   * @return  the corresponding message consumer.
  final static MessageConsumer getConsumer(short sid) throws UnknownServerException {
    return getServerDesc(sid).getDomain();

   * Get the host name of an agent server.
   * @param sid    agent server id
   * @return    server host name as declared in configuration file
  public final static String getHostname(short sid) throws UnknownServerException {
    return getServerDesc(sid).getHostname();

   * Get the description of all services of the current agent server.
   * @return    server host name as declared in configuration file
  final static ServiceDesc[] getServices() throws UnknownServerException {
    return getServerDesc(getServerId()).services;

   * Get the argument strings for a particular service.
   * The information provides from the A3 configuration file, so it's
   * only available if this file contains service's informations for all
   * nodes.
   * @see A3CMLConfig#getServiceArgs(short,String)
   * @param sid    agent server id
   * @param classname  the service class name
   * @return    the arguments as declared in configuration file
   * @exception  UnknownServerException
   *  The specified server does not exist.
   * @exception UnknownServiceException
   *  The specified service is not declared on this server.
   * @exception Exception
   *  Probably there is no configuration defined.
  public final static
  String getServiceArgs(short sid,
      String classname) throws Exception {
    return getConfig().getServiceArgs(sid, classname);

   * Get the argument strings for a particular service running on a server
   * identified by its host.
   * The information provides from the A3 configuration file, so it's
   * only available if this file contains service's informations for all
   * nodes.
   * @see A3CMLConfig#getServiceArgs(String, String)
   * @param hostname  hostname
   * @param classname  the service class name
   * @return    the arguments as declared in configuration file
   * @exception UnknownServiceException
   *  The specified service is not declared on this server.
   * @exception Exception
   *  Probably there is no configuration defined.
  public final static
  String getServiceArgs(String hostname,
      String classname) throws Exception {
    return getConfig().getServiceArgsHost(hostname, classname);

   *  The second step of initialization. It needs the Transaction component
   * be up, then it initializes all <code>AgentServer</code> structures from
   * the <code>A3CMLConfig</code> ones. In particular the servers array is
   * initialized.
  private static void configure() throws Exception {
    A3CMLServer root = getConfig().getServer(serverId, clusterId);
    //Allocates the temporary descriptors hashtable for each server.
    servers = new ServersHT();
    // Initialized the descriptor of current server in order to permit
    // Channel and Engine initialization.
    ServerDesc local = new ServerDesc(root.sid,, root.hostname, -1);

    // Parse configuration in order to fix route related to the
    // current server

    // Creates all the local MessageConsumer.
    for (Enumeration s = getConfig().servers.elements();
         s.hasMoreElements();) {
      A3CMLServer server = (A3CMLServer) s.nextElement();
      if (server.sid == root.sid) continue;

      ServerDesc desc = createServerDesc(server);

    // for clusters
    for (Enumeration c = getConfig().clusters.elements();
         c.hasMoreElements();) {
      A3CMLCluster cluster = (A3CMLCluster) c.nextElement();

      for (Enumeration s = cluster.servers.elements();
           s.hasMoreElements();) {
        A3CMLServer server = (A3CMLServer) s.nextElement();
        if (server.sid == root.sid) continue;

        ServerDesc desc = servers.get(server.sid);
        if (desc == null) {
          desc = createServerDesc(server);
        } else {
          desc.addSockAddr(server.hostname, server.port);

    initServices(root, local);

//     if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
//       for (int i=0; i<servers.length; i++) {
//         logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG,
//                    getName() + ", servers[" + i + "]=(" +
//                    "sid=" + servers[i].sid +
//                    ", name=" + servers[i].name +
//                    ", gateway=" + servers[i].gateway +
//                    ", domain=" + servers[i].domain + ")");
//       }
//     }

  private static void createConsumers(A3CMLServer root) throws Exception {
    consumers = new Hashtable();

    // Creates the local MessageConsumer: the Engine.
    engine = Engine.newInstance();
    addConsumer("local", engine);

    // if JGroups
    if (clusterId > NULL_ID) {
      jgroups = new JGroups();
      if (engine instanceof HAEngine) {
        jgroups.setEngine((HAEngine) engine);
        ((HAEngine) engine).setJGroups(jgroups);
      } else
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + ", createConsumers(" + root + ")\n" +
                   "engine [" + engine + "] is not a HAEngine");

    // Search all directly accessible domains.
    for (Enumeration n = root.networks.elements(); n.hasMoreElements();) {
      A3CMLNetwork network = (A3CMLNetwork) n.nextElement();

      A3CMLDomain domain = getConfig().getDomain(network.domain);
      // Creates the corresponding MessageConsumer.
      try {
        Network consumer = (Network) Class.forName(;
        // Initializes it with domain description. Be careful, this array
        // is kept in consumer, don't reuse it!!
        consumer.init(, network.port, domain.getServersId());
        if (consumer instanceof SimpleNetwork && jgroups != null) {
          //NTA modify to SimpleHANetwork
          ((SimpleNetwork) consumer).setJGroups(jgroups);
          jgroups.setNetWork((SimpleNetwork) consumer);
//         domain.consumer = consumer;
        addConsumer(network.domain, consumer);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
        throw exc;
      } catch (InstantiationException exc) {
        throw exc;
      } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
        throw exc;

  public static void initServerDesc(ServerDesc desc,
                             A3CMLServer server) throws Exception {
    desc.gateway = server.gateway;
    // For each server set the gateway to the real next destination of
    // messages; if the server is directly accessible: itself.
    if ((desc.gateway == -1) || (desc.gateway == server.sid)) {
      desc.gateway = server.sid;
      desc.updateSockAddr(desc.getHostname(), server.port);  
      A3CMLServer current = getConfig().getServer(getServerId(),getClusterId());
      if (current.containsNat(server.sid)) {
        A3CMLNat nat = current.getNat(server.sid);
        desc.updateSockAddr(, nat.port);
        if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + " : NAT sDesc = " + desc);

  private static ServerDesc
      createServerDesc(A3CMLServer server) throws Exception {
    if (! server.visited)
      throw new Exception(server + " inaccessible");
    ServerDesc desc = new ServerDesc(server.sid,

    initServerDesc(desc, server);
    initServices(server, desc);

    return desc;

  private static void initServices(A3CMLServer server, ServerDesc desc) {
    if ( != null) {
      ServiceDesc services[]  = new ServiceDesc[];
      int idx = 0;
      for (Enumeration x =;
           x.hasMoreElements();) {
        A3CMLService service = (A3CMLService) x.nextElement();
        services[idx++] = new ServiceDesc(service.classname, service.args);
      } = services;
  private static void setProperties(short sid, short cid) throws Exception {
    if (a3config == null) return;

    // add global properties
    if ( != null) {
      for (Enumeration e =; e.hasMoreElements();) {
        A3CMLProperty p = (A3CMLProperty) e.nextElement();
        Configuration.putProperty(, p.value);

        if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
                     getName() + " : Adds global property: " + + " = " + p.value);

    A3CMLServer server = null;
    if (cid != NULL_ID) {
      A3CMLCluster cluster = null;
      cluster = a3config.getCluster(sid);

      // add cluster properties
      if (cluster != null
          && != null
          && > 0) {
        Enumeration e =;
        do {
          A3CMLProperty p = (A3CMLProperty) e.nextElement();
          Configuration.putProperty(, p.value);

          if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
                       getName() + " : Adds cluster property: " +
              + " = " + p.value);
        } while (e.hasMoreElements());
      if (cluster != null)
        server = cluster.getServer(cid);
    } else {
      server = a3config.getServer(sid);

    // add server properties
    if (server != null && != null) {
      Enumeration e =;
      do {
        A3CMLProperty p = (A3CMLProperty) e.nextElement();
        Configuration.putProperty(, p.value);

        if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
                     getName() + " : Adds server property: " +
            + " = " + p.value);
      } while (e.hasMoreElements());
  public static class Status {
    public static final int INSTALLED = 0;
    public static final int INITIALIZING = 0x1;
    public static final int INITIALIZED = 0x2;
    public static final int STARTING = 0x3;
    public static final int STARTED = 0x4;
    public static final int STOPPING = 0x5;
    public static final int STOPPED = 0x6;
    public static final int RESETING = 0x7;

    int value = INSTALLED;

    public static String[] info = {"installed",
                                   "initializing", "initialized",
                                   "starting", "started",
                                   "stopping", "stopped",

  private static Status status = new Status();

  public static int getStatus() {
    return status.value;

  public static String getStatusInfo() {

   * Parses agent server arguments, then initializes this agent server. The
   * <code>start</code> function is then called to start this agent server
   * execution. Between the <code>init</code> and </code>start</code> calls,
   * agents may be created and deployed, and notifications may be sent using
   * the <code>Channel</code> <code>sendTo</code> function.
   * @param args  launching arguments, the first one is the server id
   *      and the second one the persistency directory.
   * @return    number of arguments consumed in args
   * @exception Exception
   *  unspecialized exception
  public static int init(String args[]) throws Exception {
    if (args.length < 2)
      throw new Exception("usage: java <main> sid storage");
    short sid = NULL_ID;
    try {
      sid = (short) Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
      throw new Exception("usage: java <main> sid storage");
    String path = args[1];
    short cid = NULL_ID;
    try {
      if (args.length == 3)
      cid = (short) Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {}

    init(sid, path, null, cid);

    return 2;

  public static void reset(boolean force) {
    if (force) {
      synchronized(status) {
        if (status.value != Status.STOPPED) {
                     getName() + ", force status: " + getStatusInfo());
        status.value = Status.STOPPED;

   *  Cleans an AgentServer configuration in order to restart it from
   * persistent storage.
  public static void reset() {
    synchronized(status) {
      if (status.value != Status.STOPPED) {
                   getName() + ", cannot reset, bad status: " + getStatusInfo());
      status.value = Status.RESETING;

    // Remove all consumers Mbean
    Enumeration e = getConsumers();
    if (e != null) {
      for (; e.hasMoreElements();) {
        MessageConsumer cons = (MessageConsumer) e.nextElement();
        try {
          MXWrapper.unregisterMBean("AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=" + cons.getName());
        } catch (Exception exc) {
                     getName() + ", jmx failed: " + "server=" + getName() + ",cons=" + cons.getName(), exc);
      consumers = null;

    try {
      MXWrapper.unregisterMBean("AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=Transaction");
    } catch (Exception exc) {
                 getName() + ", jmx failed: " + "server=" + getName() + ",cons=Transaction", exc);

    if (transaction != null) transaction.close();
    transaction = null;

    try {
      MXWrapper.unregisterMBean("AgentServer", "server=" + getName());
    } catch (Exception exc) {
                 getName() + " jmx failed: "+ "server=" + getName(), exc);
    a3config = null;

    synchronized(status) {
      status.value = Status.INSTALLED;

   * Initializes this agent server.
   * <code>start</code> function is then called to start this agent server
   * execution. Between the <code>init</code> and </code>start</code> calls,
   * agents may be created and deployed, and notifications may be sent using
   * the <code>Channel</code> <code>sendTo</code> function.
   * @param sid    the server id
   * @param path        the persistency directory.
   * @param loggerFactory the monolog LoggerFactory;
   * @exception Exception
   *  unspecialized exception
  public static void init(short sid,
                          String path,
                          LoggerFactory loggerFactory) throws Exception {
    init(sid, path, loggerFactory, NULL_ID);

   * Initializes this agent server.
   * <code>start</code> function is then called to start this agent server
   * execution. Between the <code>init</code> and </code>start</code> calls,
   * agents may be created and deployed, and notifications may be sent using
   * the <code>Channel</code> <code>sendTo</code> function.
   * @param sid    the server id
   * @param path        the persistency directory.
   * @param loggerFactory the monolog LoggerFactory;
   * @param cid    the cluster id
   * @exception Exception
   *  unspecialized exception
  public static void init(short sid,
                          String path,
                          LoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                          short cid) throws Exception {
    if (cid == NULL_ID)
      name = new StringBuffer("AgentServer#").append(sid).toString();
      name = new StringBuffer("AgentServer#").append(sid).append('.').append(cid).toString();

    if (loggerFactory != null) Debug.setLoggerFactory(loggerFactory);
    logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName() + ".#" + sid);

    if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", init()", new Exception());
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", init()");

    synchronized(status) {
      if (status.value == Status.STOPPED) {
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", reset configuration");
      if (status.value != Status.INSTALLED)
        throw new Exception("cannot initialize, bad status: " + getStatusInfo());
      status.value = Status.INITIALIZING;

    try {
      serverId = sid;

      tgroup = new ThreadGroup(getName()) {
        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
          if (e instanceof VirtualMachineError) {
            if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.FATAL)) {
                         "Abnormal termination for " +
                         t.getThreadGroup().getName() + "." + t.getName(),
              // AF: Should be AgentServer.stop() ?
          } else {
            if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.WARN)) {
                         "Abnormal termination for " + t.getThreadGroup().getName() + "." + t.getName(), e);
      //  Try to get transaction type from disk, then initialize the right
      // transaction manager and get the configuration.
      File dir = new File(path);
      if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) {
        File tfc = new File(dir, "TFC");
        if (tfc.exists()) {
          DataInputStream dis = null;
          try {
            dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tfc));
            String tname = dis.readUTF();
            Class tclass = Class.forName(tname);
            transaction = (Transaction) tclass.newInstance();
          } catch (Exception exc) {
            logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ", can't instantiate transaction manager", exc);
            throw new Exception("Can't instantiate transaction manager");
          } finally {
            if (dis != null) dis.close();
          try {
          } catch (IOException exc) {
            logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ", can't start transaction manager", exc);
            throw new Exception("Can't start transaction manager: " + exc.getMessage());

      // Gets static configuration of agent servers from a file. This method
      // fills the object graph configuration in the <code>A3CMLConfig</code>
      // object, then the configure method really initializes the server.
      // There are two steps because the configuration step needs the
      // transaction components to be initialized.
      if (transaction != null) {
        // Try to read the serialized configuration (through transaction)
        try {
          a3config = A3CMLConfig.load();
        } catch (Exception exc) {
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", config not found");

      if (a3config == null) {
        //  Try to load an initial configuration (serialized or XML), or
        // generates a default one in case of failure.
        try {
          a3config = A3CMLConfig.getConfig(DEFAULT_SER_CFG_FILE);
        } catch (Exception exc) {
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", serialized a3cmlconfig not found");

        if (a3config == null) {
          // Try to found XML configuration file, then parse it.
          try {
            a3config = A3CML.getXMLConfig();
          } catch (Exception exc) {
            logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", XML configuration file not found");

        if (a3config == null) {
          // 3rd, Generate A3CMLConfig base.
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "Generate default configuration");
          A3CMLDomain d = new A3CMLDomain(ADMIN_DOMAIN, SimpleNetwork.class.getName());
          A3CMLServer s = new A3CMLServer((short) 0, ADMIN_SERVER, "localhost");
          s.networks.addElement(new A3CMLNetwork(ADMIN_DOMAIN, 27300));
          a3config = new A3CMLConfig();

      // if JGroups
      if (cid > NULL_ID) clusterId = cid;
      // set properties
      setProperties(serverId, clusterId);

      if (transaction == null) {
        try {
          String tname = getProperty("Transaction", "");
          transaction = (Transaction) Class.forName(tname).newInstance();
        } catch (Exception exc) {
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ", can't instantiate transaction manager", exc);
          throw new Exception("Can't instantiate transaction manager");

        try {
        } catch (IOException exc) {
          logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ", can't start transaction manager", exc);
          throw new Exception("Can't start transaction manager");

      try {
                                "AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=Transaction");
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        if (logmon == null)
          logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);

      // save A3CMLConfig (Maybe we can omit it in some case).;

      try {
        // Initialize AgentId class's variables.
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't initialize AgentId", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't initialize AgentId, bad classpath");
      } catch (IOException exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't initialize AgentId", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't initialize AgentId, storage problems");

      try {
        // Configure the agent server.
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.FATAL, getName() + ", can't configure", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't configure server: " + exc.getMessage());

      try {
        // then restores all messages.
        String[] list = transaction.getList("@");
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
          Message msg = Message.load(list[i]);

          if (msg.getSource() == serverId) {
            // The update has been locally generated, the message is ready to
            // deliver to its consumer (Engine or Network component). So we have
            // to insert it in the queue of this consumer.
            try {
            } catch (UnknownServerException exc) {
                         getName() + ", discard message to unknown server id#" +
            } catch (NullPointerException exc) {
                         getName() + ", discard message to unknown server id#" +
            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exc) {
                         getName() + ", discard message to unknown server id#" +
          } else {
                       getName() + ", discard undelivered message from server id#" +
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't restore messages", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't restore messages, bad classpath");
      } catch (IOException exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't restore messages", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't restore messages, storage problems");

      // initializes channel before initializing fixed agents

      try {
        //  Initialize services.

                   getName() + ", ServiceManager initialized");

        /* Actually get Services from A3CML configuration file. */
        ServiceDesc services[] = AgentServer.getServices();
        if (services != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i ++) {
      } catch (Exception exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't initialize services", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't initialize services");

      // initializes fixed agents

      // If the server is part of an HA group starts the JGroup component
      if (jgroups != null) jgroups.init(sid);

                 getName() + ", initialized at " + new Date());

      // Commit all changes.

      try {
        SCServerMBean bean = new SCServer();
        MXWrapper.registerMBean(bean, "AgentServer", "server=" + getName());
      } catch (Exception exc) {
        if (logmon == null)
          logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + "Cannot initialize", exc);
      synchronized(status) {
        // AF: Will be replaced by a BAD_INITIALIZED status allowing the
        // re-initialization..
        status.value = Status.INSTALLED;
      throw exc;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + "Cannot initialize", t);
      synchronized(status) {
        // AF: Will be replaced by a BAD_INITIALIZED status allowing the
        // re-initialization..
        status.value = Status.INSTALLED;
      throw new Exception(t.getMessage());

    synchronized(status) {
      status.value = Status.INITIALIZED;

  static String startConsumers() throws Exception {
    StringBuffer errBuf = null;

    // Now we can start all networks.
    if (consumers != null) {
      for (Enumeration c=AgentServer.getConsumers(); c.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        MessageConsumer cons = (MessageConsumer) c.nextElement();
        if (cons != null) {
          try {
            if (! (cons instanceof Engine)) {
          } catch (IOException exc) {
            if (errBuf == null) errBuf = new StringBuffer();
            errBuf.append(cons.getName()).append(": ");
                       getName() +
                       ", problem during " + cons.getName() + " starting", exc);

    if (errBuf == null) return null;
    return errBuf.toString();

   *  Causes this AgentServer to begin its execution. This method starts all
   * <code>MessageConsumer</code> (i.e. the engine and the network components).
  public static String start() throws Exception {
    if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", start()", new Exception());
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", start()");

    synchronized(status) {
      if ((status.value != Status.INITIALIZED) &&
          (status.value != Status.STOPPED))
        throw new Exception("cannot start, bad status: " + getStatusInfo());
      status.value = Status.STARTING;

    StringBuffer errBuf = null;
    try {
      try {
        if (jgroups == null) {
          // with osgi, ServiceManager start asynchronously, we can't save here.
         //; //NTA
                     getName() + ", ServiceManager started");
      } catch (Exception exc) {
                   getName() + ", can't initialize services", exc);
        throw new Exception("Can't initialize services: " + exc.getMessage());

      // Now we can start all message consumers.
      if (consumers != null) {
        for (Enumeration c=AgentServer.getConsumers(); c.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          MessageConsumer cons = (MessageConsumer) c.nextElement();
          if (cons != null) {
            try {
              if ((jgroups == null) || (cons instanceof Engine)) {
            } catch (IOException exc) {
              if (errBuf == null) errBuf = new StringBuffer();
              errBuf.append(cons.getName()).append(": ");
                         getName() +
                         ", problem during " + cons.getName() + " starting", exc);
      // The server is running.
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", started at " + new Date());

      // Commit all changes.
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + "Cannot start", exc);
      synchronized(status) {
        // TODO AF: Will be replaced by a BAD_STARTED status allowing the
        // stop and reset..
        status.value = Status.STOPPED;
      throw exc;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + "Cannot start", t);
      synchronized(status) {
        // TODO AF: Will be replaced by a BAD_STARTED status allowing the
        // stop and reset..
        status.value = Status.STOPPED;
      throw new Exception(t.getMessage());

    synchronized(status) {
      status.value = Status.STARTED;
    // TODO AF: This code should be removed, this work should be done through a
    // service or a separate bundle.
    String config = getProperty(FileMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_CONFIG_PATH_PROPERTY,
    try {
      // if "fileMonitoring.props" file exists configure a FileMonitoringTimerTask.
      File file = new File(config);
      if (file.exists()) {
        long period = getLong(FileMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_CONFIG_PERIOD_PROPERTY,
        String results = getProperty(FileMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_RESULT_PATH_PROPERTY,
        Properties monitoringProps = new Properties();
        monitoringProps.load(new FileInputStream(file));
        fileMonitoringTimerTask = new FileMonitoringTimerTask(getTimer(), period, monitoringProps, results);
        if (fileMonitoringTimerTask != null) {
          try {
                                    "AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=FileMonitoring");
          } catch (Exception exc) {
            if (logmon == null)
              logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
            logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + "Cannot read monitoring configuration file: " + config, exc);
    config = getProperty(LogMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_CONFIG_PATH_PROPERTY,
    try {
      // if "logMonitoring.props" file exists configure a FileMonitoringTimerTask.
      File file = new File(config);
      if (file.exists()) {
        long period = getLong(LogMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_CONFIG_PERIOD_PROPERTY,
        String logname = getProperty(LogMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_RESULT_LOGGER_PROPERTY,
        Logger logger = Debug.getLogger(logname);
        int loglevel = getInteger(LogMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_RESULT_LEVEL_PROPERTY,
        String logmsg = getProperty(LogMonitoringTimerTask.MONITORING_RESULT_MESSAGE_PROPERTY,
        Properties monitoringProps = new Properties();
        monitoringProps.load(new FileInputStream(file));
        logMonitoringTimerTask = new LogMonitoringTimerTask(getTimer(), period, monitoringProps,
                                                            logger, logmsg, loglevel);

        if (logMonitoringTimerTask != null) {
          try {
                                    "AgentServer", "server=" + getName() + ",cons=LogMonitoring");
          } catch (Exception exc) {
            if (logmon == null)
              logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
            logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " jmx failed", exc);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + "Cannot read monitoring configuration file: " + config, exc);
    if (errBuf == null) return null;
    return errBuf.toString();

   *  Forces this AgentServer to stop executing. This method stops all
   * consumers and services. Be careful, if you specify a synchronous
   * process, this method wait for all server's thread to terminate; so
   * if this method is called from a server's thread it should result a
   * dead-lock.
   * @param sync  If true the stop is processed synchronously, otherwise
   *      a thread is created and the method returns.
  public static void stop(boolean sync) {
    stop(sync, 0, false);

   *  Forces this AgentServer to stop executing. This method stops all
   * consumers and services. Be careful, if you specify a synchronous
   * process, this method wait for all server's thread to terminate; so
   * if this method is called from a server's thread it should result a
   * dead-lock.
   * @param sync  If true the stop is processed synchronously, otherwise
   *      a thread is created and the method returns.
   * @param delay       if sync is false then the thread in charge of
   *                    stopping the server waits this delay before
   *                    initiating the stop.
   * @param reset  If true the server is stopped then reseted.
  public static void stop(boolean sync, long delay, boolean reset) {
    ServerStopper stopper = new ServerStopper(delay, reset);
    if (sync == true) {;
    } else {
      if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
        logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", stop()", new Exception());

      // Creates a thread to execute AgentServer.stop in order to
      // avoid deadlock.
      Thread t = new Thread(stopper);

  static class ServerStopper implements Runnable {
    private long delay;
    private boolean reset;

    ServerStopper(long delay, boolean reset) {
      this.delay = delay;
      this.reset = reset;

    public void run() {
      if (delay > 0) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException exc) {}
      if (reset) {

   *  Forces this AgentServer to stop executing. This method stops all
   * consumers and services. Be careful, the stop process is now synchronous
   * and wait for all server's thread to terminate ; If this method is called
   * from a server's thread it should result a dead-lock.
  public static void stop() {
    if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, getName() + ", stop()", new Exception());
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", stop()");

    synchronized(status) {
      if ((status.value != Status.STARTED) &&
          (status.value != Status.STOPPED)) {
                   getName() + "cannot stop, bad status: " + getStatusInfo());
      status.value = Status.STOPPING;

    try {
      if (fileMonitoringTimerTask != null)
      fileMonitoringTimerTask = null;
      if (logMonitoringTimerTask != null)
      logMonitoringTimerTask = null;
      if (timer != null)
      timer = null;
      // If the server is part of an HA group stops the JGroup component
      if (jgroups != null) jgroups.disconnect();

      // Stop all message consumers.
      if (consumers != null) {
        for (Enumeration c=AgentServer.getConsumers(); c.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          MessageConsumer cons = (MessageConsumer) c.nextElement();
          if (cons != null) {
            if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
                         getName() + ", stop " + cons.getName());


            if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
                         getName() + ", " + cons.getName() + " stopped");
      // Stop all services.

      // Wait for all threads before stop the TM !!
      while (true) {
        int nbt = getThreadGroup().activeCount();
        if (nbt == 0) break;

        Thread[] tab = new Thread[nbt];
        if ((nbt == 1) && (tab[0] == Thread.currentThread())) break;

        for (int j=0; j<tab.length; j++) {
                     "[" +  tab[j].getName() + ":" +
                     (tab[j].isAlive()?"alive":"-") + "/" +
                     (tab[j].isDaemon()?"daemon":"-") + "," +
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

      // Stop the transaction manager.
      if (transaction != null) transaction.stop();
      // Wait for the transaction manager stop

      // AF: This call seems to cause deadlock with JOnAS and it is no longer needed so
      // we will remove it.
      // System.runFinalization();

      logmon.log(BasicLevel.WARN, getName() + ", stopped at " + new Date());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + "Cannot stop", t);
      synchronized(status) {
        // AF: Will be replaced by a BAD_STOPPED status allowing the
        // stop and reset..
        status.value = Status.STOPPED;

    synchronized(status) {
      status.value = Status.STOPPED;

  public static final String OKSTRING = "OK";
  public static final String ERRORSTRING = "ERROR";
  public static final String ENDSTRING = "END";

   * Main for a standard agent server.
   * The start arguments include in first position the identifier of the
   * agent server to start, and in second position the directory name where
   * the agent server stores its persistent data.
   * @param args  start arguments
   * @exception Exception
   *  unspecialized exception
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      System.out.println(getName() + "initialization failed: " + ERRORSTRING);
      if (logmon == null)
        logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
                 getName() + " initialization failed", exc);

    try {
      String errStr = start();
      // Be careful, the output below is needed by some tools (AdminProxy for
      // example.
      if (errStr == null) {
        System.out.println(getName() + " started: " + OKSTRING);
      } else {
        System.out.println(getName() + " started: " + ERRORSTRING);
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
      System.out.println(getName() + " start failed: " + ERRORSTRING);
      if (logmon == null)
        logmon = Debug.getLogger(AgentServer.class.getName());
      logmon.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, getName() + " failed", exc);

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