* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2010 ScalAgent Distributed Technologies
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 BULL
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2000 INRIA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
package fr.dyade.aaa.agent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
import fr.dyade.aaa.util.management.MXWrapper;
* The <code>Agent</code> class represents the basic component in our model.
* <i>agents</i> are "reactive" objects which behave according to
* "event -> reaction"model: an event embodies a significant state change
* which one or many agents may react to.<p>
* Class <code>Agent</code> defines the generic interface and the common
* behavior for all agents; every agent is an object of a class deriving
* from class Agent. Agents are the elementary programming and execution
* entities; they only communicate using notifications through the message
* bus, and are controlled by the execution engine.<p>
* The reactive behavior is implemented by function member React, which
* defines the reaction of the agent when receiving a notification; this
* function member is called by the execution engine.<p>
* Agents are persistent objects, and the Agent class realizes a
* "swap-in/swap-out" mechanism which allows loading (or finding) in main
* memory the agents to activate, and unloading the agents idle since a while.
* <p><hr>
* Agents must be created in two steps:
* <ul>
* <li>locally creating the object in memory (via constructor),
* <li>configure it (for example via get/set methods),
* <li>the deploy it .
* </ul>
* <p>
* The following code would then create a simple agent and deploy it:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* Agent ag = new Agent();
* ag.deploy();
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* @see Notification
* @see Engine
* @see Channel
public abstract class Agent implements AgentMBean, Serializable {
/** Define serialVersionUID for interoperability. */
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* <code>true</code> if the agent state has changed.
* <p>
* This field value is initialized as <code>true</code>, so that by default
* the agent state is saved after a reaction.
private transient boolean updated = true;
transient int reactNb = 0;
* @return the reactNb
public int getReactNb() {
return reactNb;
transient long reactTime = 0L;
* @return the reactTime
public long getReactTime() {
return reactTime;
transient long commitTime = 0L;
* @return the commitTime
public long getCommitTime() {
return commitTime;
* Sets the <code>updated</code> field to <code>false</code> so that the
* agent state is not saved after the current reaction; the field is set
* back to <code>true</code> for the next reaction.
protected void setNoSave() {
updated = false;
* Sets the <code>updated</code> field to <code>true</code> so that the
* agent state is saved after the current reaction.
protected void setSave() {
updated = true;
* Indicates to the Engine component that a commit is needed.
protected final boolean needToBeCommited() {
try {
((EngineThread) Thread.currentThread()).engine.needToBeCommited = true;
return true;
} catch (ClassCastException exc) {
return false;
* Saves the agent state unless not requested.
protected final void save() throws IOException {
if (updated) {
AgentServer.getTransaction().save(this, id.toString());
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "] saved");
} else {
updated = true;
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "] not saved");
* Restores the object state from the persistent storage.
* @exception IOException
* when accessing the stored image
* @exception ClassNotFoundException
* if the stored image class may not be found
final static Agent
load(AgentId id) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Agent ag = (Agent) AgentServer.getTransaction().load(id.toString());
if (ag != null) {
ag.id = id;
ag.deployed = true;
return ag;
// Declares all fields transient in order to avoid useless
// description of each during serialization.
* Global unique identifier of the agent. Each agent is identified by a
* unique identifier allowing the agent to be found. The identifiers format
* is detailed in <a href="AgentId.html">AgentId</a> class.
transient AgentId id;
/** Symbolic name of the agent */
transient String name;
* Returns this <code>Agent</code>'s name.
* If the name is not set returns the string representation of its unique id.
* @return this <code>Agent</code>'s name.
public String getName() {
if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0))
return id.toString();
return name;
* Sets this <code>Agent</code>'s name.
* @param name the <code>Agent</code>'s name.
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Some agents must be loaded at any time, this can be enforced by this
* member variable. If <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory.
protected transient boolean fixed;
protected transient Logger logmon = null;
* Returns default log topic for agents. Its method should be overridden
* in subclass in order to permit fine configuration of logging system.
* By default it returns <code>Debug.A3Agent</code>.
protected String getLogTopic() {
return fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Debug.A3Agent;
* the <code>last</code> variable contains the virtual time of the
* last access. It is used by swap-out policy.
* @see garbage
transient long last;
public static final String emptyString = "";
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
if (name == null)
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
name = in.readUTF();
if (name.length() == 0)
name = null;
fixed = in.readBoolean();
updated = true;
* Allocates a new Agent object. The resulting object <b>is not an agent</b>;
* before it can react to a notification you must deploy it. This constructor
* has the same effect as
* <code>Agent(AgentServer.getServerId(), null, false)</code>.
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
* @see #deploy()
public Agent() {
this(null, false);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(AgentServer.getServerId(), null, fixed)</code>.
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @see Agent#Agent(short, String, boolean)
public Agent(boolean fixed) {
this(null, fixed);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(AgentServer.getServerId(), name, false)</code>.
* @param name symbolic name
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
public Agent(String name) {
this(name, false);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(AgentServer.getServerId(), name, fixed)</code>.
* @param name symbolic name
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
public Agent(String name, boolean fixed) {
this(AgentServer.getServerId(), name, fixed);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(to, null, false)</code>.
* @param to Identification of target agent server
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
public Agent(short to) {
this(to, null, false);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(to, name, false)</code>.
* @param to Identification of target agent server
* @param name symbolic name
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
public Agent(short to, String name) {
this(to, name, false);
* Allocates a new Agent object. This constructor has the same effect
* as <code>Agent(to, null, fixed)</code>.
* @param to Identification of target agent server
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @see Agent#Agent(short, java.lang.String, boolean)
public Agent(short to, boolean fixed) {
this(to, null, fixed);
* Allocates a new Agent object. The resulting object <b>is not an agent</b>;
* before it can react to a notification you must deploy it.
* @param to Identification of target agent server
* @param name symbolic name
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @see #deploy()
public Agent(short to, String name, boolean fixed) {
AgentId id = null;
try {
id = new AgentId(to);
} catch (IOException exc) {
logmon = Debug.getLogger(fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Debug.A3Agent +
".#" + AgentServer.getServerId());
AgentServer.getName() + ", can't allocate new AgentId", exc);
// TODO: throw an exception...
initState(name, fixed, id);
* Constructor used to build "system" agents like <code>AgentFactory</code>.
* System agents are created from the <code>agent</code> package. This
* constructor takes the agent id as a parameter instead of building it.
* @param name symbolic name
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @param stamp well known stamp
Agent(String name, boolean fixed, AgentId id) {
initState(name, fixed, id);
private void initState(String name, boolean fixed, AgentId id) {
this.name = name;
this.fixed = fixed;
this.id = id;
// Get the logging monitor from current server MonologLoggerFactory
this.logmon = Debug.getLogger(getLogTopic());
* Constructor used to build Well Known Services agents.
* <p>
* System agents are created from the <code>agent</code> package.
* WKS agents are similar to system agents, except that they may be
* defined in separate packages, and they do not necessarily exist on all
* agent servers. Their creation is controlled from the configuration file
* of the agent server.<p>
* This constructor takes the agent id as a parameter instead of building it.
* Since the constructor has been made public, the consistency of agent ids
* allocation must be enforced. This is done by the constructor checking
* that the id stamp is comprised in the <code>AgentId.MinWKSIdStamp</code>
* - <code>AgentId.MaxWKSIdStamp</code> interval.
* @param name symbolic name
* @param fixed if <code>true</code> agent is pinned in memory
* @param stamp well known stamp
public Agent(String name, boolean fixed, int stamp) {
if (stamp < AgentId.MinWKSIdStamp || stamp > AgentId.MaxWKSIdStamp) {
logmon = Debug.getLogger(fr.dyade.aaa.agent.Debug.A3Agent + ".#" + AgentServer.getServerId());
AgentServer.getName() + ", well known service stamp out of range: " + stamp);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Well known service stamp out of range: " + stamp);
AgentId id = new AgentId(AgentServer.getServerId(),
initState(name, fixed, id);
* Determines if the current <code>Agent</code> has already been deployed.
transient boolean deployed = false;
* Returns if the currently <code>Agent</code> has already been deployed.
public boolean isDeployed() {
return deployed;
* Deploys a new <i>agent</i>.
* It works by sending a notification to a special agent, of class Factory,
* running on the target agent server. The notification asks for a remote
* creation of the agent. This solution presents the advantage of reusing
* the standard communication mechanisms of the agent machine.<p>
* The whole process involves then the following steps:
* <ul>
* <li>serializing the object state,
* <li>building an <code>AgentCreateRequest</code> notification with the
* resulting bytes stream,
* <li>sending it to the target Factory agent.
* </ul>
* In reaction, the factory agent builds the agent in the target server
* from the serialized image, and saves it into operational storage.
* @exception IOException
* unspecialized exception
public final void deploy() throws IOException {
* Deploys a new <i>agent</i>.
* It works as <a href="#deploy()">deploy()</a> method above; after the
* agent creation, the Factory agent sends an <code>AgentCreateReply</code>
* notification.
* @param reply agent to reply to
* @exception IOException
* unspecialized exception
public final void deploy(AgentId reply) throws IOException {
if ((id == null) || id.isNullId()) {
AgentServer.getName() + ", can't deploy " + this.toString() + ", id is null");
throw new IOException("Can't deploy agent, id is null");
if (deployed) {
AgentServer.getName() + ", can't deploy " + this.toString() + ", already deployed");
throw new IOException("Can't deploy agent, already deployed");
// If we use sendTo agent's method the from field is the agent id, and
// on reception the from node (from.to) can be false.
new AgentCreateRequest(this, reply));
deployed = true;
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
logmon.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, this.toString() + " deployed");
* Returns a string representation of this agent, including the agent's
* class, name, global identification, and fixed property.
* @return A string representation of this agent.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
return strbuf.toString();
* Returns String format of the global unique identifier of the agent.
* @return the global unique identifier of the agent.
public final String getAgentId() {
return id.toString();
* Returns the global unique identifier of the agent. Each agent is
* identified by a unique identifier allowing the agent to be found.
* The identifiers format is detailed in <a href="AgentId.html">AgentId</a>
* class.
* @return the global unique identifier of the agent.
public final AgentId getId() {
return id;
* Tests if the agent is pinned in memory.
* @return true if this agent is a pinned in memory; false otherwise.
public final boolean isFixed() {
return fixed;
* Gives this agent an opportunity to initialize after having been deployed,
* and each time it is loaded into memory.
* <p>
* This function is first called by the factory agent, just after it deploys
* the agent.
* <p>
* This function is used by agents with a <code>fixed</code> field set to
* <code>true</code> to initialize their transient variables, as it is called
* each time the agent server is restarted.
* <p>
* This function is not declared <code>final</code> so that derived classes
* may change their reload policy. The implementation of this method provided
* by the <code>Agent</code> class just registers the JMS MBean.
* @param firstTime true when first called by the factory
* @exception Exception
* unspecialized exception
protected void agentInitialize(boolean firstTime) throws Exception {
// Get the logging monitor from current server MonologLoggerFactory
this.logmon = Debug.getLogger(getLogTopic());
// Initializes the updated field to true:
this.updated = true;
try {
MXWrapper.registerMBean(this, "AgentServer", getMBeanName());
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "] jmx failed", exc);
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "], initialized: " + firstTime);
private String getMBeanName() {
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0))
return strbuf.toString();
* This method sends a notification to the agent which id is given in
* parameter. During an agent reaction alls notifications sent are buffered
* until reaction commit.
* <p>
* Be careful if you use this method outside of an agent reaction,
* its behavior is slightly different: each notification is immediately
* sent using a local transaction.
* @see Channel#sendTo
* @param to the unique id. of destination <code>Agent</code>.
* @param not the notification to send.
protected final void
sendTo(AgentId to, Notification not) {
// try {
// EngineThread thread = (EngineThread) Thread.currentThread();
// // Use the engine's sendTo method that push message in temporary queue
// // until the end of current reaction.
// thread.engine.push(getId(), to, not);
// } catch (ClassCastException exc) {
// // Be careful, the destination node use the from.to field to
// // get the from node id.
// Channel.channel.directSendTo(getId(), to, not);
// }
// if (Class.EngineThread.isAssignable(Thread.currentThread())) {
if (Thread.currentThread() == AgentServer.engine.thread) {
AgentServer.engine.push(getId(), to, not);
} else {
Channel.channel.directSendTo(getId(), to, not);
* This method sends a notification to the agent which id is wrapped
* in the specified role.
* @param role the destination <code>Role</code>.
* @param not the notification to send.
protected final void sendTo(Role role, Notification not) {
if (role == null) return;
sendTo(role.getListener(), not);
* Sends a notification to all the agents registered in a role.
* @param role the destination <code>MultiplRole</code>.
* @param not the notification to send.
protected final void
sendTo(RoleMultiple role, Notification not) {
if (role == null) return;
Enumeration to = role.getListeners();
if (to == null)
while (to.hasMoreElements())
sendTo((AgentId) to.nextElement(), not);
* Permits this agent to destroy itself. If necessary, this method should be
* overloaded to work properly.
public void delete() {
* Permits this agent to destroy itself. If necessary, this method should be
* overloaded to work properly.
* @param agent Id of agent to notify.
public void delete(AgentId agent) {
if (deployed)
new AgentDeleteRequest(agent));
* Permits this agent to destroy itself. If necessary, this method should be
* overloaded to work properly.
* @param agent
* Id of agent to notify.
* @param extraInformation
* extra information added when notifying the agent.
public void delete(AgentId agent, Object extraInformation) {
if (deployed)
sendTo(AgentId.factoryId(id.getTo()), new AgentDeleteRequest(agent, extraInformation));
* Defines the reaction of the agent when receiving a notification. This
* member function implements the common reactive behavior of an agent, it
* is called by the execution engine (see <a href="Engine.html">Engine</a>
* class).<p>
* If there is no corresponding reaction, the agent send an
* <code>UnknownNotification</code> notification to the sender.
* @param from agent sending notification
* @param not notification to react to
* @exception Exception
* unspecialized exception
public void react(AgentId from, Notification not) throws Exception {
if (not instanceof DeleteNot) {
delete(((DeleteNot) not).reply);
} else if ((not instanceof UnknownAgent) ||
(not instanceof UnknownNotification) ||
(not instanceof ExceptionNotification)) {
this.toString() + ".react(" + from + ", " + not + ")");
} else {
this.toString() + ".react(" + from + ", " + not + ")");
sendTo(from, new UnknownNotification(id, not));
* Called to inform this agent that it is garbaged and that it should free
* any active resources that it has allocated.
* A subclass of <code>Agent</code> should override this method if it has
* any operation that it wants to perform before it is garbaged. For example,
* an agent with threads (a ProxyAgent for example) would use the initialize
* method to create the threads and the <code>agentFinalize</code> method to
* stop them.
* <p>
* Be careful, the notification sending is not allowed in this method.
* <p>
* The implementation of this method provided by the <code>Agent</code> class
* just unregister the JMX MBean if needed.
* @param lastTime true when last called by the factory on agent deletion.
public void agentFinalize(boolean lastTime) {
try {
MXWrapper.unregisterMBean("AgentServer", getMBeanName());
} catch (Exception exc) {
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "] jmx failed", exc);
if (logmon.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG))
"Agent" + id + " [" + name + "], finalize: " + lastTime);