package net.matuschek.http;
Copyright (c) 2001/2002 by Daniel Matuschek
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Properties;
import net.matuschek.http.connection.HttpConnection;
import net.matuschek.http.connection.HttpsHelper;
import net.matuschek.http.cookie.Cookie;
import net.matuschek.http.cookie.CookieException;
import net.matuschek.http.cookie.CookieManager;
import net.matuschek.http.cookie.MemoryCookieManager;
import net.matuschek.util.Base64;
import net.matuschek.util.ByteBuffer;
import net.matuschek.util.ChunkedInputStream;
import net.matuschek.util.LimitedBandwidthStream;
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
* Class for retrieving documents from HTTP servers.
* <p>The main purpose of this class is to retrieve a document
* from an HTTP server. </p>
* <p>For many purposes the Java URLInputStream is good for this,
* but if you want to have full control over the HTTP headers
* (both request and response headers), HttpTool is the answer. </p>
* <p>Also it defines a callback interface to inform a client about
* the state of the current download operation. </p>
* <p>It is possible to abort a download after getting the
* HTTP response headers from the server (e.g. if a document of
* this Content-Type is useless for your application or the document
* is to big or whatever you like) </p>
* <p>HttpTool is reusuable. You should initializes it once and use
* it for every download operation.</p>
* @author Daniel Matuschek
* @version $Id:,v 1.28 2004/03/26 20:28:44 matuschd Exp $
public class HttpTool {
/** Carriage return */
final static byte CR = 13;
/** Line feed */
final static byte LF = 10;
/** used HTTP version */
final static String HTTP_VERSION="HTTP/1.1";
/* Status constants */
/** HTTP connection will be established */
public final static int STATUS_CONNECTING=0;
/** HTTP connection was established, but no data where retrieved */
public final static int STATUS_CONNECTED=1;
/** data will be retrieved now */
public final static int STATUS_RETRIEVING=2;
/** download finished */
public final static int STATUS_DONE=3;
/** download could not be finished because a DownloadRule denied it */
public final static int STATUS_DENIEDBYRULE=4;
/** default HTTP port */
private final static int DEFAULT_HTTPPORT = 80;
/** default HTTPS port */
private final static int DEFAULT_HTTPSPORT = 443;
/** default agent name */
private final static String AGENTNAME =
"JoBo/1.4beta "
* default update interval for calls of the callback interfaces
* (in bytes)
private final static int DEFAULT_UPDATEINTERVAL =1024;
/** default socket timeout in seconds */
private final static int DEFAULT_SOCKETTIMEOUT=20;
/** HTTP AgentName header */
private String agentName = AGENTNAME;
/** HTTP Referer header */
private String referer = null;
/** HTTP From header */
private String fromAddress = null;
/** Date of the HTTP If-Modified-Since header */
private Date modifyDate = null;
* maximal used bandwidth in bytes per second
* 0 disables bandwidth limitations
private int bandwidth = 0;
/** proxy address */
private InetAddress proxyAddr = null;
/** proxy port number */
private int proxyPort = 0;
/** textual description of the proxy (format host:port) */
private String proxyDescr="";
/** timeout for getting data in seconds */
private int socketTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKETTIMEOUT;
/** HttpTool should accept and use cookies */
private boolean cookiesEnabled = true;
/** Log4J Category object for logging */
private Category log = null;
/** Authentication infos */
private Properties userInfos = new Properties();
/** @link dependency */
/*#HttpDoc lnkHttpDoc;*/
* defines after how many bytes read from the web
* server the Callback interface will be called
* (default updates after one kilobyte)
private int updateInterval = DEFAULT_UPDATEINTERVAL;
* callback interface that will be used after n bytes are
* read from the web server to update the state of the current
* retrieve operation to the application
private HttpToolCallback callback=null;
* DownloadRuleSet tells the HttpTool, if it should download
* the whole file after getting the headers
private DownloadRuleSet downloadRules = null;
* The cookie manager will be used to store cookies
private CookieManager cookieManager = null;
* The DateFormat instance will be used to format If-Modified-Since requests
static SimpleDateFormat df;
private NTLMAuthorization ntlmAuthorization = null;
* Initialize df to a formatter for timezone "GMT" and locale Locale.US
* without changing the default timezone. If-Modified-Since requests need
* to be in that format.
static {
TimeZone local = TimeZone.getDefault();
TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
* Initializes HttpTool with a new CookieManager (that will not contain
* any cookie).
* Enables logging
public HttpTool() {
this.cookieManager = new MemoryCookieManager();
log = Category.getInstance(getClass().getName());
* Sets the Referer: HTTP header
* @param referer value for the Referer header
public void setReferer(String referer) {
this.referer = referer;
* Sets the User-Agent: HTTP header
* @param name name of the user agent (may contain spaces)
public void setAgentName(String name) {
this.agentName = name;
* Gets the current setting of the User-Agent HTTP header
* @return the User-Agent name
public String getAgentName() {
return agentName;
* <b>Insiders BugFix</b>
* This method finishes the MemoryCleanupManager.
public void finish() {
if (cookieManager != null) {
* Sets the DownloadRules for this object <br />
* A download rule uses the HTTP return headers to decide if the
* download should be finished.
* @param rule a DownloadRule
public void setDownloadRuleSet(DownloadRuleSet rules) {
* Gets the DownloadRules for this object
* @return a DownloadRuleSet
public DownloadRuleSet getDownloadRuleSet() {
return this.downloadRules;
* Gets the timeout for getting data in seconds
* @return the value of sockerTimeout
* @see #setTimeout(int)
public int getTimeout() {
return this.socketTimeout;
* Sets the timeout for getting data. If HttpTool can't read
* data from a remote web server after this number of seconds
* it will stop the download of the current file
* @param timeout Timeout in seconds
public void setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.socketTimeout = timeout;
* Enable/disable cookies
* @param enable if true, HTTP cookies will be enabled, if false
* HttpTool will not use cookies
public void setEnableCookies(boolean enable) {
* Get the status of the cookie engine
* @return true, if HTTP cookies are enabled, false otherwise
public boolean getEnableCookies() {
return this.cookiesEnabled;
* sets a proxy to use
* @param proxyDescr the Proxy definition in the format host:port
public void setProxy(String proxyDescr)
throws HttpException
String proxyHost = null;
if ((proxyDescr != null) &&
(! proxyDescr.equals(""))) {
int pos = proxyDescr.indexOf(":");
if (pos > 0) {
try {
String port = proxyDescr.substring(pos+1);
proxyHost = proxyDescr.substring(0,pos);
proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(port);
proxyAddr = InetAddress.getByName(proxyHost);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new HttpException("Proxy definition incorrect, "+
"port not numeric: "+
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new HttpException("Host not found: "+proxyHost);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Proxy definition incorrect, "+
"fomat must be host:port: "+
* Gets a textual representation of the current proxy settings
* @return return the proxy settings in the format host:port
public String getProxy() {
return proxyDescr;
* Set the value of the "If-Modified-Since" header
* Usually, this is null and HttpTool will retrieve every
* document. Setting this to a date will retrieve only
* documents that were modified since this time
public void setIfModifiedSince(Date modifyDate) {
* Returns the date used for the "If-Modified-Since" header
* @return a Date object if the "If-Modified-Since" header is set,
* null otherwise
public Date getIfModifiedSince() {
return this.modifyDate;
* Sets the content From: HTTP header
* @param fromAdress an email adress (e.g.
public void setFromAddress(String fromAddress) {
* Gets the current callback object
* @return the defined HttpToolCallback object
public HttpToolCallback getCallback() {
return callback;
* Get the value of bandwidth.
* @return value of bandwidth.
public int getBandwidth() {
return bandwidth;
* Set the value of bandwidth.
* @param bandwith Value to assign to bandwidth.
public void setBandwidth(int bandwidth) {
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
* Sets a callback object
* If set this object will be used to inform about the current
* status of the download. HttpTool will call methods of this
* object while retrieving a document.
* @param callback a callback object
* @see HttpToolCallback
public void setCallback(HttpToolCallback callback) {
this.callback = callback;
* Gets the current update interval
* @return the update interval in bytes
* @see #setUpdateInterval(int)
public int getUpdateInterval() {
return updateInterval;
* Sets the callback update interval
* This setting is used if a callback object is defined. Then after
* reading this number of bytes, the method
* <code>setHttpToolDocCurrentSize</code> will be called.
* You should not set this to a value smaller then 1000 unless your
* bandwidth is very small, because it will slow down downloads.
* @param updateInterval update interval in bytes
* @see HttpToolCallbackInterface#setHttpToolDocCurrentSize(int)
public void setUpdateInterval(int updateInterval) {
if (updateInterval > 0) {
this.updateInterval = updateInterval;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("updateInterval must be > 0 (was "+
* Sets the CookieManager for this HttpTool
* By default a MemoryCookieManager will be used, but you can
* use this method to use your own CookieManager implementation
* @param cm an object that implements the CookieManager interface
public void setCookieManager(CookieManager cm) {
this.cookieManager = cm;
* Gets the CookieManager used by this HttpTool
* @return the CookieManager that will be used by this HttpTool
public CookieManager getCookieManager() {
return this.cookieManager;
* Delete all cookies
public void clearCookies() {
if (cookieManager != null) {
* Retrieves a document from the given URL.
* If Cookies are enabled it will use the CookieManager to set Cookies
* it got from former retrieveDocument operations.
* @param u the URL to retrieve (only http:// supported yet)
* @param method HttpConstants.GET for a GET request, HttpConstants.POST
* for a POST request
* @param parameters additional parameters. Will be added to the URL if
* this is a GET request, posted if it is a POST request
* @return a HttpDoc if a document was retrieved, null otherwise
* @see HttpConstants
public HttpDoc retrieveDocument(URL u, int method, String parameters) throws HttpException {
DocAndConnection docAndConnection = retrieveDocumentInternal(u, method, parameters, null, null);
HttpDoc doc = docAndConnection != null ? docAndConnection.httpDoc : null;
if (doc != null && doc.getHttpCode() == 401) {
String authProtName = NTLMAuthorization.WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER;
String authProtValue = doc.getHeaderValue(authProtName);
if (authProtValue == null) {
authProtValue = doc.getHeaderValue(authProtName);
if (authProtValue.indexOf(NTLMAuthorization.NTLM_TAG)>=0 ||
authProtValue.indexOf("Negotiate")>=0) {
try {
// STEP 1 - send NTLM-Request
NTLMAuthorization authorization = (NTLMAuthorization) ntlmAuthorization.clone();
//"NTLM-Authentication: " + authorization);
String auth = authorization.getRequest();
docAndConnection = retrieveDocumentInternal(u, method, parameters, null, auth);
// STEP 2 - receive NTLM-Nonce
doc = docAndConnection.httpDoc;
authProtValue = doc.getHeaderValue(authProtName);
// STEP 3 - send NTLM-Response
auth = authorization.getResponse();
docAndConnection = retrieveDocumentInternal(u, method, parameters, docAndConnection.httpConnection, auth);
if (docAndConnection != null) {
doc = docAndConnection.httpDoc;
if (docAndConnection.httpConnection != null) {
} else {
doc = null; // BUGFIX (Not modified files return null)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("NTLM-Authentication Error: " + e.getMessage());
throw new HttpException(e.getMessage());
return doc;
* Internal structure to keep connection after retrieval of doc.
protected class DocAndConnection {
HttpDoc httpDoc;
HttpConnection httpConnection;
* Same like method without parameter httpConnection, but this
* method uses the passed connection.
* @param u
* @param method
* @param parameters
* @param httpConnection (Use this connection)
* @return DocAndConnection
* @throws HttpException
protected DocAndConnection retrieveDocumentInternal(URL u, int method, String parameters,
HttpConnection httpConn, String ntlmAuthorizationInfo)
throws HttpException
String host = null;
InetAddress addr = null;
String path = null;
String requestPath = null;
String protocol = null;
String userinfo = null;
boolean chunkedEncoding = false;
boolean secureConnection = false;
ChunkedInputStream chunkStream=null;
// Content-Length
int docSize = -1;
int port = 0;
HttpDoc doc = new HttpDoc();
int i = 0;
// set document URL
// document buffer
ByteBuffer buff = new ByteBuffer();
// the connection to the HTTP server
// HttpConnection httpConn = null;
InputStream is = null;
BufferedWriter bwrite = null;
// get host
host = u.getHost();
if (host == null) {
throw new HttpException("no host part in URL found");
// get address, if not using a proxy
// if the client runs behind a proxy it is possible, that name
// resolution for the internet is not possible
if(! useProxy()) {
try {
addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
addr = null;
if (addr == null) {
throw new HttpException("host part (" + host + ") does not resolve");
// get path
path = u.getFile();
if (path.equals("")) {
path = "/";
// replace spaces
path=path.replaceAll(" ","%20");
// get protocol and port
port = u.getPort();
protocol = u.getProtocol().toLowerCase();
if (protocol.equals("http")) {
if (port == -1) {
} else if (protocol.equals("https")) {
if (port == -1) {
} else {
throw new HttpException("protocol " + protocol + " not supported");
// if using the proxy, request path is the whole URL, otherwise only
// the path part of the URL
if (useProxy() && (! secureConnection)) {
} else {
// get user info
userinfo = u.getUserInfo();
if (userinfo != null) {
if (userinfo.equals("")) {
} else {
// Store user info for this host
} else {
// do we hae a stored user info?
if (callback != null) {
// okay, we got all needed information, try to connect to the host
try {
if (httpConn == null) {
// connect and initialize streams
// timeout is stored in seconds in HttpTool, but
// HttpConnection uses milliseconds
if (secureConnection) {
HttpsHelper helper = new HttpsHelper(proxyAddr,proxyPort,useProxy());
httpConn = helper.createHttpsConnection(host,port);
} else {
if (useProxy()) {
httpConn = HttpConnection.createConnection(proxyAddr,
} else {
httpConn = HttpConnection.createConnection(addr,
is = new LimitedBandwidthStream(
new BufferedInputStream(httpConn.getInputStream(), 256),
bwrite = new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(httpConn.getOutputStream()));
if (callback != null) {
// write HTTP request
// get or post ?
if (method == HttpConstants.GET) {
bwrite.write("GET ");
if ((parameters != null)
&& (! parameters.equals(""))) {
} else if (method == HttpConstants.POST) {
bwrite.write("POST " + requestPath);
} else {
throw new HttpException("HTTP method " + method + " not supported");
// last part of request line
bwrite.write(" ");
// Referer header only if defined
if (referer != null) {
bwrite.write("Referer: " + referer + "\r\n");
// if cookies are enabled, write a Cookie: header
if (cookiesEnabled) {
String cookieString = cookieManager.cookiesForURL(u);
if (cookieString != null) {
bwrite.write("Cookie: ");
log.debug("Cookie request header: "+cookieString);
// Write other headers
bwrite.write("Host: " + host + "\r\n");
bwrite.write("User-Agent: " + agentName + "\r\n");
bwrite.write("Accept: */*\r\n");
if (ntlmAuthorizationInfo == null) {
bwrite.write("Connection: close\r\n");
} else {
bwrite.write("Connection: keep-alive\r\n");
// Write "From:" header only if a fromAddress is defined
if (fromAddress != null) {
bwrite.write("From: "+fromAddress+"\r\n");
// if we have username and password, lets write an Authorization
// header
if (userinfo != null) {
// special hack to support usernames with "@"
// TO DO: find a better solution for this problem
userinfo = userinfo.replace('%','@');
bwrite.write("Authorization: Basic ");
if (ntlmAuthorizationInfo != null) {
bwrite.write("Authorization: NTLM ");
// if there is a "If-Modified-Since" date, also write this header
if (modifyDate != null) {
String dateStr = df.format(modifyDate);
bwrite.write("If-Modified-Since: ");
log.debug("If-Modified-Since header: "+dateStr);
// for a POST request we also need a content-length header
if (method == HttpConstants.POST) {
bwrite.write("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
bwrite.write("Content-Length: "+parameters.length()+"\r\n");
// finished headers
// if this is a POST request, we have to add the POST parameters
if (method == HttpConstants.POST) {
if (callback != null) {
// read the first line (HTTP return code)
while ((i = != 10) {
if (i == -1) {
throw new HttpException("Could not get HTTP return code "+
"(buffer content is "+buff.toString()+")");
String httpCode = lineString(buff.getContent());
// read the HTTP headers
boolean finishedHeaders = false;
while (!finishedHeaders) {
i =;
if (i == -1) {
throw new HttpException("Could not read HTTP headers");
if (i >= 32) {
// HTTP header processing
if (i == LF) {
String line = lineString(buff.getContent());
// empty line means "end of headers"
if (line.trim().equals("")) {
finishedHeaders = true;
} else {
HttpHeader head = new HttpHeader(line);
if (cookiesEnabled
&& head.isSetCookie()) {
try {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(head.toLine(),u);
log.debug("Got a cookie "+cookie);
} catch (CookieException e) {"Could not interpret cookie: "+e.getMessage());
// Content chunked ?
if (head.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Transfer-Encoding")
&& head.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")) {
chunkedEncoding = true;
// if there is a DownloadRule, ask if we should download
// the data
if (downloadRules != null) {
// if it is not allowed to download this URL, close socket
// and return a null document
boolean isNotModified = false;
if (modifyDate != null) {
HttpHeader lastModifiedHeader = doc.getHttpHeader("Last-Modified");
if (lastModifiedHeader != null) {
try {
Date lastModifiedDate = df.parse(lastModifiedHeader.getValue());
if (lastModifiedDate.compareTo(modifyDate) <= 0) {
isNotModified = true;
} catch (ParseException e) {}
if (! downloadRules.downloadAllowed(doc.getHttpHeader()) || isNotModified) {
if (doc.isNotModified()) {"If-Not-Modified successfull for: " + u);
} else if (isNotModified) {"Header indicates not modified for: " + u);
} else {"Download not allowed by download rule.");
// Close connection
httpConn.close(); httpConn = null;
if (callback != null) {
return null;
// if we got encoding "chunked", use the ChunkedInputStream
if (chunkedEncoding) {
chunkStream = new ChunkedInputStream(is);
// did we got an Content-Length header ?
HttpHeader contentLength = doc.getHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH);
if (contentLength != null) {
try {
docSize = Integer.parseInt(contentLength.getValue());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.error("Got a malformed Content-Length header from the server");
docSize = -1;
// send information to callback
if (callback != null) {
// initialize the byte buffer with the given document size
// there is no need to increase the buffer size dynamically
if (docSize > 0) {
// read data
boolean finished = false;
int count=0;
while (! finished) {
if (chunkedEncoding) {
i =;
} else {
i =;
if (i == -1) {
// this should only happen on HTTP/1.0 responses
// without a Content-Length header
finished = true;
} else {
// finished ?
// there are other tests then wait until read gives us a -1:
// if there was a Content-Length header stop after reading the
// given number of bytes
if (count == docSize) {
finished = true;
// if it is a chunked stream we should use the isDone method
// to look if we reached the end
if (chunkedEncoding) {
if (chunkStream.isDone()) {
// should we call the callback interface ?
if (callback != null) {
if (((buff.length() % updateInterval) == 0)
|| finished) {
if (ntlmAuthorizationInfo == null) {
// close everything
// bwrite.close();
// is.close();
httpConn.close(); httpConn = null;
if (callback != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HttpException(e.getMessage());
DocAndConnection docAndConnection = new DocAndConnection();
docAndConnection.httpDoc = doc;
docAndConnection.httpConnection = httpConn;
return docAndConnection;
* should I use a proxy ?
* @return true if a proxy was configured, false otherwise
protected boolean useProxy() {
return (proxyAddr != null);
* convert an array of bytes to a String. if the last byte is an CR
* it will be ignored
protected String lineString(byte[] b) {
if (b.length == 0) {
return "";
if (b[b.length-1] != CR) {
return new String(b);
} else {
return new String(b,0,b.length-1);
public void setNtlmAuthorization(NTLMAuthorization ntlmAuthorization) {
this.ntlmAuthorization = ntlmAuthorization;
public NTLMAuthorization getNtlmAuthorization() {
return ntlmAuthorization;