Package com.nexirius.framework.application

Source Code of com.nexirius.framework.application.Application$ErrorWindowListener

* This class is part of jnex 'Nexirius Application Framework for Java'
* Copyright (C) Nexirius GmbH, CH-4450 Sissach, Switzerland (
* <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or<br>
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public<br>
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either<br>
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
* <p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,<br>
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of<br>
* Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
* <p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public<br>
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software<br>
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA</p>
* </blockquote>
* <p>
* Nexirius GmbH, hereby disclaims all copyright interest in<br>
* the library jnex' 'Nexirius Application Framework for Java' written<br>
* by Marcel Baumann.</p>
package com.nexirius.framework.application;

import com.nexirius.framework.datacontroller.PopupController;
import com.nexirius.framework.dataeditor.PopupEditorAdaptor;
import com.nexirius.framework.datamodel.*;
import com.nexirius.framework.dataviewer.DataViewer;
import com.nexirius.framework.dataviewer.LayoutItem;
import com.nexirius.framework.dataviewer.ViewerCreator;
import com.nexirius.framework.dataviewer.ViewerFactory;
import com.nexirius.framework.gadgets.ErrorAdaptor;
import com.nexirius.framework.layout.DefaultLayoutItem;
import com.nexirius.util.locale.LocaleManager;
import com.nexirius.util.locale.LocaleManagerImpl;
import com.nexirius.util.resource.ClientResource;
import com.nexirius.util.XString;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

* This class creates an application window (JFrame) and support automatic menu and toolbar generation
* as well as initialisation of client resources and viewer factory and command processor and DialogManager
public abstract class Application implements WindowListener, AskAdaptor, ErrorAdaptor, PopupEditorAdaptor {
    private LocaleManager localeManager = null;
    protected DataModelCommandVector applicationCommands = null;
    private StringModel statusLineModel = new StringModel("", "statusLineModel");

    protected String argv[];
    protected JFrame mainFrame = null;
    protected JPanel mainPanel = null;
    protected JComponent toolBar = null;
    protected ViewerFactory factory = null;
    protected ProgressAdaptorModel progressAdaptorModel = new ProgressAdaptorModel();

    public Application(String argv[]) {
        this.argv = argv;

    public abstract String getApplicationName();

    public abstract DataModel getApplicationModel();

     * starts the application
     * calls
     * <PRE>
     * preInit();
     * createApplication();
     * init();
     * getMainFrame().setVisible(true);
     * postInit();
     * </PRE>
    public void run() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * @return the application title (is used as the the title of the main frame)
    public String getApplicationTitle() {
        return getApplicationName();

     * access the client resource implementation (see getApplicationName())
    public ClientResource getClientResource() {
        return getFactory().getClientResource();

     * translate a text resource (using the client resource implementation)
    public String getText(String text) {
        String ret = text;

        if (getClientResource() == null) {

            return ret;

        ret = getClientResource().getText(text);

        if (ret == null) {
            ret = text;

        return ret;

     * access the locale manager
    public LocaleManager getLocaleManager() {
        if (this.localeManager == null) {
            this.localeManager = new LocaleManagerImpl();

        return this.localeManager;

     * access the current ViewerFactory which is based on the current client resource implementation
    public ViewerFactory getFactory() {
        if (factory == null) {
            try {
                factory = ViewerFactory.getDefaultInstance(getApplicationName());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        return factory;

     * access the status line model
     * redefine this method to introduce a special DataModel to be used on the bottom of the application
     * the default implementation for this is a StringModel
    public DataModel getStatusLineModel() {
        return statusLineModel;

     * creates the main frame and initialises the title to whatever is retutned by getApplicationTitle()
    protected void createFrame() {
        mainFrame = new JFrame(getApplicationTitle());
        Icon icon = getClientResource().getIcon("Application");

        //DialogManager.toplevelFrame = mainFrame;

        if (icon != null && icon instanceof ImageIcon) {
            mainFrame.setIconImage(((ImageIcon) icon).getImage());


        mainPanel = new JPanel();
        mainPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
        mainFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        mainFrame.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mainPanel);

     * updates the currently displayed application title (accesses getApplicationTitle())
    public void updateApplicationTitle() {
        if (mainFrame != null) {

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel, boolean reuse) {
        return popupEdit(dataModel, null, null, reuse);

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel) {
        return popupEdit(dataModel, null, null, false);

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel, ViewerCreator creator) {
        return popupEdit(dataModel, creator, null, false);

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
     * @param dataModel the model which will be translated into a dialog window
     * @param creator   the creator (or null for default creator) which translates the model into an editor
     * @param layout    the layout (or null for default or not used by creator)
     * @param reuse     deprecated
     * @deprecated
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel, ViewerCreator creator, LayoutItem layout, boolean reuse) {
        if (reuse) {

            new Exception("reuse == true is not supported anymore").printStackTrace();

        return popupEdit(dataModel, creator, layout);

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
     * @param dataModel      the model which will be translated into a dialog window
     * @param creator        the creator (or null for default creator) which translates the model into an editor
     * @param layout         the layout (or null for default or not used by creator)
     * @param duplicateModel duplicate model (show ok and cancel button if true else only close button)
     * @param commands       use dataModel.getMethods() or null (no buttons are visible on the lefthand bottom side)
     * @return true if ok was pressed on the dialog window
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel, ViewerCreator creator, LayoutItem layout, boolean duplicateModel, DataModelCommandVector commands) {
        PopupController controller = new PopupController(getFactory());

        try {
            controller.setClientModel(dataModel, duplicateModel, commands, creator, (DefaultLayoutItem) layout);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return controller.popup(duplicateModel);

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface. Creates a window with all methods of
     * the model displayed at the left bottom (with Ok and Cancel button)
     * @param dataModel the model which will be translated into a dialog window
     * @param creator   the creator (or null for default creator) which translates the model into an editor
     * @param layout    the layout (or null for default or not used by creator)
    public boolean popupEdit(DataModel dataModel, ViewerCreator creator, LayoutItem layout) {
        return popupEdit(dataModel, creator, layout, true, dataModel.getMethods());

     * implementation of the PopupEditorAdaptor interface
     * Show dataModel in a popup window with a close button.
    public boolean noDuplicatePopupEdit(DataModel dataModel, ViewerCreator creator, LayoutItem layout) {
        return popupEdit(dataModel, creator, layout, false, dataModel.getMethods());

     * access the main window
    public Frame getToplevelFrame() {
        Component currParent = DialogManager.getToplevelFrame();
        Frame theFrame = null;

        if (currParent instanceof JDialog) {
            theFrame = new Frame();

        if (theFrame == null) {

            return getMainFrame();

        return theFrame;

     * implementation of the error adaptor interface
    public void error(String message, String title) {
        JDialog dialog = DialogManager.createJDialog(title, true);

        if (message.indexOf('\n') > 0 && !message.startsWith("<")) {
            message = "<HTML><PRE>" + message + "</PRE></HTML>";


        JLabel label = new JLabel(message);

        dialog.addWindowListener(new ErrorWindowListener());

        dialog.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        label.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
        label.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(40, 40, 40, 40));

        if (label.getIcon() == null) {

        dialog.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, label);

        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();

        JButton buttons[] = new JButton[1];

        buttons[0] = getFactory().createJButton("Ok", new OkListener(dialog));


        getFactory().arrangeButtons(buttons, buttonPanel);

        dialog.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, buttonPanel);



     * implementation of the error adaptor interface
    public void error(String message) {
        error(getText(message), getText("Error"));

     * implementation of the error adaptor interface
    public void error(String message, Object param[]) {
        if (message == null) {
            message = "Error";

        MessageFormat f = new MessageFormat(getText(message));

        error(f.format(param), getText("Error"));

     * implementation of the error adaptor interface
    public void warning(String message) {
        if (message == null) {
            message = "Warning";

        error(getText(message), getText("Warning"));

     * implementation of the error adaptor interface
    public void warning(String message, Object param[]) {
        MessageFormat f = new MessageFormat(getText(message));

        error(f.format(param), getText("Warning"));

    class OkListener implements ActionListener {
        JDialog dialog;

        public OkListener(JDialog dialog) {
            this.dialog = dialog;

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    class ErrorWindowListener extends WindowAdapter {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

     * implementation of the ask adaptor interface
    public boolean ask(String question, String answerYes, String answerNo, boolean defaultIsYes) {
        return ask(question, answerYes, answerNo, defaultIsYes, false);

    public boolean ask(String question, String answerYes, String answerNo, boolean defaultIsYes, boolean hasCancel) {
        return ask(question, answerYes, answerNo, defaultIsYes, hasCancel, null);

     * implementation of the ask adaptor interface
    public boolean ask(String question, String answerYes, String answerNo, boolean defaultIsYes, boolean hasCancel, Object[] parameters) {
        String title = getText("Question");
        JDialog dialog = DialogManager.createJDialog(title, true);

        if (parameters != null) {
            question = MessageFormat.format(getClientResource().getLabel(question), parameters);

        AskModel model = new AskModel("Question", question, answerYes, answerNo, defaultIsYes);

        model.setAnswerListener(new AskListener(dialog));

        try {
            DataViewer viewer = getFactory().createDefaultViewer(model);

            dialog.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            dialog.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, viewer.getJComponent());

        } catch (Exception ex) {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            e.printStackTrace()//To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
        if (model.isCancel()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cancel");

        return model.isYes();

    class AskListener implements DataModelListener {
        JDialog dialog;

        public AskListener(JDialog dialog) {
            this.dialog = dialog;

        public void dataModelChangeValue(DataModelEvent event) {

        public void dataModelChangeStructure(DataModelEvent event) {

        public void dataModelGrabFocus(DataModelEvent event) {

     * creates an application menu and the tool bar based on a text file (in the class path) getApplicationName() + ".menu"
    public ApplicationMenu getApplicationMenu() throws Exception {
        return new ApplicationMenu(getFactory(), getApplicationModel(), applicationCommands, getApplicationName() + ".menu");

     * creates the application menu and the tool bar and attaches them to the main frame
    protected void createMenu()
            throws Exception {
        toolBar = getApplicationMenu().getToolBar();

        if (toolBar != null) {
            getMainFrame().getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.NORTH, toolBar);

     * creates the status line viewer on the bottom of the main frame based on getStatusLineModel()
    protected void createStatusLine()
            throws Exception {
        if (getStatusLineModel() != null) {
            DataViewer sl = getFactory().createDefaultViewer(getStatusLineModel());
            getMainFrame().getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, sl.getJComponent());

     * builds the application main frame with
     * <PRE>
     * applicationCommands = getApplicationModel().getMethods();
     * createFrame();
     * createMenu();
     * createStatusLine();
     * </PRE>
    private void createApplication()
            throws Exception {
        applicationCommands = getApplicationModel().getMethods();

     * builds the application main frame and calls init methods in the right order
     * <PRE>
     * preInit();
     * createApplication();
     * init();
     * getMainFrame().setVisible(true);
     * postInit();
     * </PRE>
    protected void initialise()
            throws Exception {

     * redefine this method to initialize the main model with all its method (methods whitch are part of the menu)
     * Menu or toolbar items reference methods by name which are appended (appendMethod()) to the application model (main model)
    public void preInit() {


     * redefine this method to do all the initialize work which has to be done right before the application window is visible
    public void init() throws Exception {


     * redefine this method to do alll the initialisation which should be done right after the application window becomes visible
     * (e.g. load most recent file)
    public void postInit() {


     * redefine this method to veto the actual exit
    public void exit() {

     * redefine this method to access the status line information�
    public void info(String info) {
        if (info == null || info.length() == 0) {
            statusLineModel.setFlag(ModelFlag.INVISIBLE, true);


     * this method translates the message and sends it to the info() method
    public void tinfo(String info) {

     * access the main panel (which is the center of the application window)
    public JPanel getMainPanel() {
        return mainPanel;

     * access the main frame
    public JFrame getMainFrame() {
        return mainFrame;

     * access the DataModel which holds progress info
    public ProgressAdaptor getProgressAdaptor() {
        return progressAdaptorModel;

    // Window Listener
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {

    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {
    // Window Listener

Related Classes of com.nexirius.framework.application.Application$ErrorWindowListener

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