* Copyright (C) 2007 Sly Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.slytechs.utils.memory;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* <p>
* A ByteBuffer backed buffer that allows bit level access and positioning. Bit
* buffer also provides enhanced position management. Instead of the typical
* mark/reset operations, positions can be pushed and popped. The contents are
* already in a buffer no additional buffering is required. The buffer follows
* the same rules as a normal ByteBuffer, that is it has the same properties
* such as position, limit and capacity. The capacity property is immutable and
* can not be changed once the buffer has been created. You can however
* duplicate and slice the buffer like its byte based counter part.
* </p>
* <p>
* Using the {@link #push} method stores the entire state of the buffer on a
* stack and {@link #pop} restores the state for the buffer. The state saved
* includes byte-order, position and limit properties.
* </p>
* <pre>
* BitBuffer b = new BitBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(10));
* b.position(5);
* b.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
* b.push(); // Saves entire state of the buffer
* b.position(6);
* b.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
* System.out
* .printf("Position=%d, order=%s\n", b.position(), b.order().toString());
* </pre>
* @author Mark Bednarczyk
* @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
public class BitBuffer {
private static class PositionEntry {
public int bits;
public int bytes;
private static final ThreadLocal<BitBuffer> cache =
new ThreadLocal<BitBuffer>() {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.ThreadLocal#initialValue()
protected BitBuffer initialValue() {
return new BitBuffer();
private static final int M = 0x000000FF;
* Amount by which stack array length is expanded when needed
private static final int STACK_INC = 50;
* @param defaultBufSize
* @return
public static BitBuffer allocate(int capacity) {
return wrap(ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity));
* Wraps a byte array into a buffer. The new buffer will be backed by the
* given byte array; that is, modifications to the buffer will cause the array
* to be modified and vice versa. The new buffer's capacity and limit will be
* array.length in bits, its position will be zero, and its mark will be
* undefined. Its backing array will be the given array, and its array offset
* will be zero.
* @param a
* array to use a data content
* @return a new bit buffer
public static BitBuffer wrap(byte[] a) {
return new BitBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(a));
* Wraps a byte buffer into a bit buffer. The new buffer will be backed by the
* given byte buffer; that is, modifications to the buffer will cause the
* array to be modified and vice versa. Changes to this buffer's content will
* be visible in the new buffer, and vice versa; the two buffers' position,
* limit, and mark values will be independent.
* @param buffer
* byte buffer that will back this buffer
* @return a new bit buffer
public static BitBuffer wrap(final ByteBuffer buffer) {
return new BitBuffer(BufferUtils.duplicate(buffer));
* Wraps a byte buffer into a bit buffer on a per thread basis. Each thread
* will get a new version of bit buffer, backed by the supplied byte buffer.
* The returned bit buffers are thread-local cached. The new buffer will be
* backed by the given byte buffer; that is, modifications to the buffer will
* cause the array to be modified and vice versa. Changes to this buffer's
* content will be visible in the new buffer, and vice versa; the two buffers'
* position, limit, and mark values will be independent.
* @param buffer
* @return
public static BitBuffer wrapThreadLocal(final ByteBuffer buffer) {
final BitBuffer front = cache.get();
/* Initialize the cached entry to be the front-end of the back buffer */
front.delagate = buffer;
front.current = 0;
front.posBits = 0;
front.posBytes = 0;
front.posCapacity = 0;
front.posIndex = 0;
return front;
* Contains the current byte's value
private byte current;
* Main buffer backing this buffer
private ByteBuffer delagate;
* Zero-based fragment position within a byte in bits.
private int posBits;
* Zero-based position in bytes
private int posBytes;
private int posCapacity = STACK_INC;
private int posIndex;
private PositionEntry[] posStack = new PositionEntry[posCapacity];
* Special constructor which allows empty uninitialized bit buffers to be
* created so that they can be cached and pulled when needed to wrap around
* byte buffers, very efficiently.
private BitBuffer() {
// empty
* @param delagate
public BitBuffer(final ByteBuffer delagate) {
this.delagate = delagate;
fetch(); // prefetch first 4 bytes
* @return
* @see java.nio.Buffer#array()
public byte[] array() {
return this.delagate.array();
* @return offset into array in bits
* @see java.nio.Buffer#arrayOffset()
public int arrayOffset() {
return this.delagate.arrayOffset() << 3; // array offset in bits
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#asReadOnlyBuffer()
public BitBuffer asReadOnlyBuffer() {
return new BitBuffer(delagate.asReadOnlyBuffer());
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#capacity()
public int capacity() {
return this.delagate.capacity() << 3; // capacity * 8
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#compact()
public ByteBuffer compact() {
return this.delagate.compact();
* @param that
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#compareTo(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
public int compareTo(ByteBuffer that) {
return this.delagate.compareTo(that);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#duplicate()
public BitBuffer duplicate() {
return new BitBuffer(delagate);
* @param ob
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object ob) {
return this.delagate.equals(((BitBuffer) ob).toByteBuffer());
private final void fetch() {
if (this.posBits == 8) {
this.posBits = 0;
this.current = this.delagate.get(posBytes);
* Relative get signed 8-bit integer on the buffer. The current position may
* be in a middle of another byte in the backing buffer. If the value needs to
* cross byte boundariers, then its appropriately calculated to do so.
* @return 8-bit signed integer as read from the backing buffer
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get()
public byte get() {
return (byte) getBits(8);
* @param dst
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(byte[])
public BitBuffer get(byte[] dst) {
if (this.posBits >>> 29 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can not read array of bytes from non-byte-aligned position");
this.posBits = 0;
this.posBytes = this.delagate.position();
return this;
* @param dst
* @param offset
* @param length
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(byte[], int, int)
public BitBuffer get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length) {
this.delagate.get(dst, offset, length);
return this;
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(int)
public byte get(int index) {
return (byte) getBits(index, 8);
* @param dst
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(byte[])
public BitBuffer get(int index, byte[] dst) {
if (this.posBits >>> 29 != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can not read array of bytes from non-byte-aligned position");
return this;
* @param dst
* @param offset
* @param length
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(byte[], int, int)
public BitBuffer get(int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length) {
get(dst, offset, length);
return this;
* @return the delagate
public final ByteBuffer getBackingBuffer() {
return this.delagate;
final int getBits(int count) {
if (this.delagate.order() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
return getBitsLE(count);
} else {
return getBitsBE(count);
* Allows absolute read of variable bit count. Position is temporarily pushed
* on the stack, then changed, bits are read, position restored from the stack
* and the read value returned.
* @param position
* absolute position to read bits from
* @param count
* number of bits to read
* @return integer value of the bits read
public final int getBits(int position, int count) {
final int r = getBits(count);
return r;
* Gets a sequence of bits and returns them as a signed byte which is
* represented as an int.
* @param count
* number of bits to return that are between 0 and 32
final int getBitsBE(final int count) {
* No need to check parameter boundaries, this is a private method.
int left = count;
if (posBits == 8) {
* Most common cases, make them as quick as we can
if (posBits == 0) {
switch (left) {
case 8:
this.posBits = 8;
return current;
case 16:
this.posBytes += 1;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getShort(this.posBytes - 1);
case 32:
this.posBytes += 3;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getInt(this.posBytes - 3);
return readBitsOneAtATime(count);
* Gets a sequence of bits and returns them as a signed byte which is
* represented as an int.
* @param count
* number of bits to return that are between 0 and 32
private final int getBitsBEByteAtATime(final int count) {
* No need to check parameter boundaries, this is a private method.
int left = count;
if (posBits == 8) {
* Most common cases, make them as quick as we can
if (posBits == 0) {
switch (left) {
case 8:
this.posBits = 8;
return current;
case 16:
this.posBytes += 1;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getShort(this.posBytes - 1);
case 32:
this.posBytes += 3;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getInt(this.posBytes - 3);
* Read values upto 32-bits at a time instead of the old 8-bit at a time.
* The fetch method prefetches data into the "current" variable at 32-bit
* boundaries.
int r = 0; // Result value
int offset = 0; // bit position within r
while (true) {
if (this.posBits == 8) {
final int remaining = 8 - this.posBits;
if (left <= remaining) {
final int l = 24 + remaining - left;
final int mask = M << l >>> l;
final int v = (current & mask) >>> this.posBits;
r |= v << offset;
this.posBits += left;
} else {
final int mask = M >>> this.posBits << this.posBits;
final int v = (current & mask) >>> this.posBits;
r |= v << offset;
offset += remaining;
this.posBits += remaining;
left -= remaining;
final int q;
if (count <= 8) {
q = r;
} else if (count <= 16) {
q = (r & 0x0000FF00) >>> 8 | (r & 0x000000FF) << 8;
} else if (count <= 24) {
q = (r & 0x00FF0000) >>> 16 | (r & 0x000000FF) << 16;
} else if (count <= 32) {
q =
(r & 0xFF000000) >>> 24 | (r & 0x000000FF) << 24
| (r & 0x00FF0000) >>> 8 | (r & 0x0000FF00) << 8;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be here");
return q;
* Gets a sequence of bits and returns them as a signed byte which is
* represented as an int.
* @param count
* number of bits to return that are between 0 and 32
private final int getBitsLE(int count) {
* No need to check parameter boundaries, this is a private method.
if (posBits == 8) {
* Most common cases, make them as quick as we can
if (posBits == 0) {
switch (count) {
case 8:
this.posBits = 8;
return current;
case 16:
this.posBytes += 1;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getShort(this.posBytes - 1);
case 32:
final int r = this.delagate.getInt(this.posBytes);
this.posBytes += 3;
this.posBits = 8;
return r;
return readBitsOneAtATime(count);
* Gets a sequence of bits and returns them as a signed byte which is
* represented as an int.
* @param count
* number of bits to return that are between 0 and 32
private final int getBitsLEByteAtATime(int count) {
* No need to check parameter boundaries, this is a private method.
if (posBits == 8) {
* Most common cases, make them as quick as we can
if (posBits == 0) {
switch (count) {
case 8:
this.posBits = 8;
return current;
case 16:
this.posBytes += 1;
this.posBits = 8;
return this.delagate.getShort(this.posBytes - 1);
case 32:
final int r = this.delagate.getInt(this.posBytes);
this.posBytes += 3;
this.posBits = 8;
return r;
* Read values upto 32-bits at a time instead of the old 8-bit at a time.
* The fetch method prefetches data into the "current" variable at 32-bit
* boundaries.
int r = 0; // Result value
int offset = 0; // bit position within r
while (true) {
if (this.posBits == 8) {
final int remaining = 8 - this.posBits;
if (count <= remaining) {
final int l = 24 + remaining - count;
final int mask = M << l >>> l;
final int v = (current & mask) >>> this.posBits;
r |= v << offset;
this.posBits += count;
} else {
final int mask = M >>> this.posBits << this.posBits;
final int v = (current & mask) >>> this.posBits;
r |= v << offset;
offset += remaining;
this.posBits += remaining;
count -= remaining;
return r;
* @return
public byte getByte() {
return (byte) getBits(8);
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#get(int)
public byte getByte(int index) {
return (byte) getBits(index, 8);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getChar()
public char getChar() {
final char c = (char) getBits(16);
return c;
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getChar(int)
public char getChar(int index) {
return (char) getBits(index, 16);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getDouble()
public double getDouble() {
return this.delagate.getDouble();
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getDouble(int)
public double getDouble(int index) {
return this.delagate.getDouble(index);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getFloat()
public float getFloat() {
return this.delagate.getFloat();
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getFloat(int)
public float getFloat(int index) {
return this.delagate.getFloat(index);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getInt()
public int getInt() {
return getBits(32);
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getInt(int)
public int getInt(int index) {
return getBits(index, 32);
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getLong()
public long getLong() {
long low = getBits(32);
long high = getBits(32);
if (this.delagate.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
return low << 32 | high;
} else {
return high << 32 | low;
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getLong(int)
public long getLong(int index) {
long low = getBits(index, 32);
long high = getBits(index + 32, 32);
if (this.delagate.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
return low << 32 | high;
} else {
return high << 32 | low;
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getShort()
public short getShort() {
return (short) getBits(16);
* @param index
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#getShort(int)
public short getShort(int index) {
return (short) getBits(index, 16);
public int getUByte() {
return getBits(8);
* @return
* @see java.nio.Buffer#hasArray()
public boolean hasArray() {
return this.delagate.hasArray();
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return this.delagate.hashCode();
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#isDirect()
public boolean isDirect() {
return this.delagate.isDirect();
* @return
* @see java.nio.Buffer#isReadOnly()
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return this.delagate.isReadOnly();
* Returns the current limit position within the bit buffer in bits.
* @return limit property in units of bits
public int limit() {
return this.delagate.limit() << 3; // limit * 8
public BitBuffer limit(int value) {
this.delagate.limit(value / 8);
return this;
* @return
public ByteOrder order() {
return this.delagate.order();
* @param littleEndian
public void order(ByteOrder order) {
public final void pop() {
if (posIndex == 0) {
throw new StackOverflowError("Can't pop empty stack");
final PositionEntry e = posStack[posIndex];
position(e.bytes, e.bits);
public int position() {
return this.posBytes << 3 + posBits;
* Sets a new position.
* @param position
* in bits
public void position(int position) {
int oldPosByte = this.posBytes;
this.posBytes = position >>> 3; // same as divide by 2^3 or 8
this.posBits = (M >>> 5) & position; // same as % 8
if (posBits != 0 || oldPosByte != this.posBytes) {
* Special method used to efficiently restore previous state
* @param bytes
* @param bits
private void position(int bytes, int bits) {
this.posBytes = bytes;
this.posBits = bits;
public final void push() {
* This looks scarier then it actually is. Its actually very very efficient
* if you look at it closely. Everything is reused and it boils down to a
* single array lookup, incrementing index and setting 2 properties directly
* without a function call, for the common case of push/pop. So, we do this
* ourselves instead of using Stack container, to have more efficiency.
* Specifically we reuse the Entry elements on the stack, only only create
* them when the stack wonders out into new territory.
* Check if we need to expand the stack capacity.
if (posIndex == posCapacity) {
final PositionEntry n[] = new PositionEntry[posCapacity + STACK_INC];
System.arraycopy(posStack, 0, n, 0, posCapacity);
posStack = n;
posCapacity += STACK_INC;
PositionEntry e = posStack[posIndex];
if (e == null) {
e = posStack[posIndex] = new PositionEntry();
e.bytes = posBytes;
e.bits = posBits;
* @param b
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#put(byte)
public BitBuffer put(byte b) {
return this;
* @param src
* @param offset
* @param length
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#put(byte[], int, int)
public BitBuffer put(byte[] src, int offset, int length) {
this.delagate.put(src, offset, length);
return this;
* @param src
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#put(java.nio.ByteBuffer)
public BitBuffer put(ByteBuffer src) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param b
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#put(int, byte)
public BitBuffer put(int index, byte b) {
this.delagate.put(index, b);
return this;
* @param src
* @param offset
* @param length
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#put(byte[], int, int)
public BitBuffer put(int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length) {
this.delagate.put(src, offset, length);
return this;
* @param i
* @param j
* @param value
public void putBits(int i, int j, byte value) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putChar(char)
public BitBuffer putChar(char value) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putChar(int, char)
public BitBuffer putChar(int index, char value) {
this.delagate.putChar(index, value);
return this;
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putDouble(double)
public BitBuffer putDouble(double value) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putDouble(int, double)
public BitBuffer putDouble(int index, double value) {
this.delagate.putDouble(index, value);
return this;
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putFloat(float)
public BitBuffer putFloat(float value) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putFloat(int, float)
public BitBuffer putFloat(int index, float value) {
this.delagate.putFloat(index, value);
return this;
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putInt(int)
public BitBuffer putInt(int value) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putInt(int, int)
public BitBuffer putInt(int index, int value) {
this.delagate.putInt(index, value);
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putLong(int, long)
public BitBuffer putLong(int index, long value) {
this.delagate.putLong(index, value);
return this;
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putLong(long)
public BitBuffer putLong(long value) {
return this;
* @param index
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putShort(int, short)
public BitBuffer putShort(int index, short value) {
this.delagate.putShort(index, value);
return this;
* @param value
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#putShort(short)
public BitBuffer putShort(short value) {
return this;
private int readBitsOneAtATime(int length) {
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
if (length > 32) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("0 >= range <= 32bits");
int returnValue = 0;
* Loop through and copy 1 bit at a time numOfBits amount of bits into
* returnValue integer.
while (length >= 0) {
int bitsLeft = 8 - posBits;
* Check to see if we have any unprocessed bits in the cache. if not fetch
* the next byte and set the bitsLeft counter to 8. 8 is the number of
* bits in the byte since we just fetched a single byte.
if (posBits == 8) // empty cache
* Read the bit at the current offset position out of the cache and
* advance the pointer but reducing number of bits left.
int bit = current & (0x1 << bitsLeft);
if (bit != 0) {
returnValue |= 1 << length;
// System.out.println("[" + length + ":" + (0x1 << bitsLeft) + "=" + bit
// + "]");
posBits ++;
return returnValue;
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#slice()
public BitBuffer slice() {
return new BitBuffer(this.delagate.slice());
* <p>
* Creates a new byte buffer that shares this bit buffer's content. The
* content of the new buffer will be that of this buffer. Changes to this
* buffer's content will be visible in the new buffer, and vice versa; the two
* buffers' position, limit, and mark values will be independent.
* </p>
* The new buffer's capacity, limit, position, and mark values will be
* comparable to those of this buffer in their respective units (bits vs.
* bytes.) The new buffer will be direct if, and only if, this buffer is
* direct, and it will be read-only if, and only if, this buffer is read-only.
* @return a byte buffer that is wrapped around this buffers data
public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer() {
ByteBuffer b = delagate.duplicate();
return b;
* @return
* @see java.nio.ByteBuffer#toString()
public String toString() {
return this.delagate.toString();
public void writeBits(final int count, final int value) {
int offset = 0;
while (true) {
final int remaining = 8 - this.posBits;
final int l = offset + remaining;
final int mask = M << l >>> l;
* @param bits
* @return
public static int tou(byte value) {
return (value < 0)? + Byte.MAX_VALUE * 2 + value + 2: value;
public static int tou(short value) {
return (value < 0)? + Short.MAX_VALUE * 2 + value + 2: value;
public static long tou(int value) {
return (value < 0)? + Integer.MAX_VALUE * 2 + value + 2: value;