* Copyright (C) 2007 Sly Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.slytechs.capture.file.indexer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.HeaderReader;
import com.slytechs.capture.file.editor.BasicRecordIterator;
import com.slytechs.capture.file.editor.PartialLoader;
import com.slytechs.utils.io.IORuntimeException;
import com.slytechs.utils.region.FlexRegion;
import com.slytechs.utils.region.RegionSegment;
* @author Mark Bednarczyk
* @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
public class HardRegionIndexer implements RegionIndexer {
private final Long[] positions;
private final HeaderReader lengthGetter;
* TODO add implementation of partial region indexer
private final PartialLoader loader;
private BasicRecordIterator iterator;
* Indexes the entire unsegmented region. The region can not be segmented
* @param target
* @throws IOException
public HardRegionIndexer(PartialLoader loader) throws IOException {
this.loader = loader;
if (loader != null) {
this.lengthGetter = loader.getLengthGetter();
this.positions = createIndexTableFromLoader(loader, 0L);
} else {
this.lengthGetter = null;
this.positions = new Long[0];
* @param data
* @param name
public HardRegionIndexer(FlexRegion<HardRegionIndexer> region, long length,
PartialLoader sData) {
* Just in case we have use soft indexes which will require rescanning using
* the partial loader
this.loader = sData;
this.lengthGetter = sData.getLengthGetter();
* For testing purposes. Leave this false as its more efficient to build the
* new index region from previous FlexRegion instead of IO limitted partial
* loader scanning. But both methods should work equally well and produce
* the same result. So for sanity checking try both.
if (false) {
try {
* Note - MWB: this works most of the time. Sometimes it fails. This is
* due to the fact that we typically are called here after a FileCapture
* flush and it seems that sometimes the flushByCopy hasn't been fully
* written to the physical file. Atleast sometimes its not fast enough.
* Then we start parsing a file that is partially incomplete still in
* the process of being written. Yikes!!!
* Update - MWB: PartialFileLoader now uses Channel.force(true)
* everytime it fetches a block. This ensures that channel is synched
* with the file before we read it. No more failures - YEAH!!!!
this.positions = createIndexTableFromLoader(loader, 0L);
if (positions.length != length) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Lengths don't match: "
+ positions.length + " != " + length);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IORuntimeException(e);
this.positions = new Long[(int) length];
RegionSegment<HardRegionIndexer> segment = region.getSegment(0);
RegionSegment linked = (RegionSegment) segment.getLinkedSegment();
RegionIndexer indexer = segment.getData();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (segment.checkBoundsGlobal(i) == false) {
segment = region.getSegment(i);
linked = (RegionSegment) segment.getLinkedSegment();
indexer = segment.getData();
long regional = segment.mapGlobalToRegional(i);
long position = linked.mapRegionalToGlobal(indexer
.mapIndexToPositionRegional((int) regional));
positions[i] = position;
* Method will iterate over the entire region full of records and index each
* record's position in an array. Record positions in regional address space
* are always constant, therefore once the region is indexed once, we don't
* have to worry about positions any more.
* @param loader
* @return
* @throws IOException
private Long[] createIndexTableFromLoader(PartialLoader loader, long offset)
throws IOException {
final long length = loader.getLength();
iterator = new BasicRecordIterator(loader, lengthGetter);
final int capacity = (int) (length / 32) + 1; // Estimate capacity needed
// TODO temporary restriction to 1000000 record indexes
if (capacity > 1000000) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"The indexer currently can not index regions "
+ "with than 1,000,000 packets");
final List<Long> temp = new ArrayList<Long>(capacity); // Rough estimate
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final long regional = iterator.getPosition();
* Now lets turn the list into more efficient array since regions are not
* mutable we can do that.
final Long[] array = temp.toArray(new Long[temp.size()]);
return array;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.slytechs.capture.file.indexer.RegionIndexer#mapIndexToPositionRegional(int)
public long mapIndexToPositionRegional(int regional) {
if (regional < 0 || regional >= positions.length) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Regional index [" + regional
+ "] is out of bounds [0 - " + (positions.length - 1) + "].");
return positions[regional];
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.slytechs.capture.file.indexer.RegionIndexer#getLength()
public long getLength() {
return positions.length;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.slytechs.capture.file.indexer.RegionIndexer#mapSRegionalToTRegional(long)
public long mapSRegionalToTRegional(long sRegional) {
// final int i = Arrays.binarySearch(positions, (sRegional < offset ? offset
// : sRegional));
final int i = Arrays.binarySearch(positions, sRegional);
return i;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Idx");
return b.toString();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.slytechs.capture.file.indexer.RegionIndexer#keepInMemory(long, long)
public Object keepInMemory(long p, long l) {
return positions;