Package com.slytechs.capture

Source Code of com.slytechs.capture.StreamFactory

* Copyright (C) 2007 Sly Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.slytechs.capture;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jnetstream.capture.CapturePacket;
import org.jnetstream.capture.FilePacket;
import org.jnetstream.capture.FormatType;
import org.jnetstream.capture.InputCapture;
import org.jnetstream.capture.OutputCapture;
import org.jnetstream.capture.Captures.LocalFactory;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.pcap.PcapInput;
import org.jnetstream.capture.file.snoop.SnoopInput;
import org.jnetstream.filter.Filter;
import org.jnetstream.packet.ProtocolFilterTarget;

import com.slytechs.file.pcap.PcapInputCapture;
import com.slytechs.file.snoop.SnoopInputCapture;
import com.slytechs.utils.factory.FactoryLoader;

* @author Mark Bednarczyk
* @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
public abstract class StreamFactory
    extends LiveFactory implements LocalFactory {

  private final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(StreamFactory.class);

   * Factory for loading <code>FormatType.Other</code> which by default
   * invokes an NPL based codec to decode the file format.
  private static final FactoryLoader<InputCapture.FormatTypeOtherFactory> factoryForOther =
      new FactoryLoader<InputCapture.FormatTypeOtherFactory>(logger,

  public FormatType formatType(final ReadableByteChannel in) throws IOException {

     * Wrap the original input in buffer channel so that we can rewind and check
     * various types.

    final BufferedReadableByteChannel b = new BufferedReadableByteChannel(in);
    b.mark(24); // Max number of bytes of all the known block headers

    if (PcapInputCapture.checkFormat(b) != null) {
      return FormatType.Pcap;


    if (SnoopInputCapture.checkFormat(b) != null) {
      return FormatType.Snoop;


    if (factoryForOther.getFactory().formatType(b) != null) {
      return FormatType.Other;

    return null;

  public FormatType.Detail formatTypeDetail(final ReadableByteChannel in)
      throws IOException {

     * Wrap the original input in buffer channel so that we can rewind and check
     * various types.

    final BufferedReadableByteChannel b = new BufferedReadableByteChannel(in);
    b.mark(24); // Max number of bytes of all the known block headers

    if (PcapInputCapture.checkFormat(b) != null) {
      return new DefaultFormatTypeDetail(FormatType.Pcap);


    if (SnoopInputCapture.checkFormat(b) != null) {
      return new DefaultFormatTypeDetail(FormatType.Snoop);


    final FormatType.Detail detail;

    detail = factoryForOther.getFactory().formatTypeDetail(b);

    return detail;

  public <T extends InputCapture<? extends FilePacket>> T newInput(
      final Class<T> t, final File file, Filter<ProtocolFilterTarget> filter)
      throws IOException {

    final BufferedInputStream b =
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    b.mark(1024); // Buffer first 1K of stream so we can rewind

     * Check the stream, without decompression first
    if (formatType(Channels.newChannel(b)) != null) {

       * This is a plain uncompressed file, open up a FileChannel. It will be
       * much faster
      return newInput(t, new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel(), filter);

     * Try with gunziped stream, second
    b.reset(); // Rewind
    if (formatType(Channels.newChannel(new GZIPInputStream(b))) != null) {

       * Now reopen the same file, but this time without the buffered
       * inputstream in the middle. Try to make things as efficient as possible.
       * TODO: implement much faster channel based GZIP decompression algorithm
      return newInput(t, Channels.newChannel(new GZIPInputStream(
          new FileInputStream(file))), filter);

    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "File is not any compressed or decompressed known format ["
            + file.getName() + "]");


  public <T extends InputCapture<? extends FilePacket>> T newInput(
      final Class<T> t, final ReadableByteChannel in) throws IOException {
    return this.newInput(t, in, null);

  public <T extends InputCapture<? extends FilePacket>> T newInput(
      final Class<T> t, final ReadableByteChannel in,
      final Filter<ProtocolFilterTarget> filter) throws IOException {
    if (t == PcapInput.class) {
      final BufferedReadableByteChannel b = new BufferedReadableByteChannel(in);

      ByteOrder order = PcapInputCapture.checkFormat(b);

      return t.cast(new PcapInputCapture(b, order, filter));

    } else if (t == SnoopInput.class) {
      return t.cast(new SnoopInputCapture(in, filter));

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown input stream format type ["
        + t.getName() + "]");

  public InputCapture<? extends CapturePacket> newInput(final File file,
      final Filter<ProtocolFilterTarget> filter) throws IOException {

    final BufferedInputStream b =
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    b.mark(1024); // Buffer first 1K of stream so we can rewind

     * Check the stream, without decompression first
    if (formatType(Channels.newChannel(b)) != null) {

       * This is a plain uncompressed file, open up a FileChannel. It will be
       * much faster
      return newInput(new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel(), filter);

     * Try with gunziped stream, second
    b.reset(); // Rewind
    if (formatType(Channels.newChannel(new GZIPInputStream(b))) != null) {

       * Now reopen the same file, but this time without the buffered
       * inputstream in the middle. Try to make things as efficient as possible.
       * TODO: implement much faster channel based GZIP decompression algorithm
      return newInput(Channels.newChannel(new GZIPInputStream(
          new FileInputStream(file))), filter);

    return factoryForOther.getFactory().newInput(
        new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel(), filter);


  public InputCapture<? extends CapturePacket> newInput(
      final ReadableByteChannel in) throws IOException {
    return this.newInput(in, null);

  public InputCapture<? extends CapturePacket> newInput(
      final ReadableByteChannel in, final Filter<ProtocolFilterTarget> filter)
      throws IOException {

    final BufferedReadableByteChannel b = new BufferedReadableByteChannel(in);

    final FormatType type = this.formatType(b);

    switch (type) {
      case Pcap:
        ByteOrder order = PcapInputCapture.checkFormat(b);

        return new PcapInputCapture(b, order, filter);

      case Snoop:
        return new SnoopInputCapture(b, filter);

         * Loads NPL based file formats. Use
         * <code>InputCapture.getFormatName()</code> to get a more accurate
         * name of the file format if its NPL based.
      case Other:
        return factoryForOther.getFactory().newInput(b, filter);

         * Otherwise throw an exception, we don't recognize the format
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized internal format type ["
            + type + "]");


  public <T extends OutputCapture> T newOutput(final Class<T> t,
      final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");

  public <T extends OutputCapture> T newOutput(final Class<T> t,
      final WritableByteChannel out) throws IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");

  public OutputCapture newOutput(final FormatType type, final OutputStream out)
      throws IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");

Related Classes of com.slytechs.capture.StreamFactory

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