* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Sly Technologies, Inc.
* This file is part of jNetPcap.
* jNetPcap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.jnetpcap.packet;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.jnetpcap.PcapHeader;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JBuffer;
import org.jnetpcap.nio.JMemoryPool;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* A pcap packet. Fully decoded packet that provides access to protocol headers
* as determined during the decoding process. A <code>PcapPacket</code> class is
* designed to work with pcap library. It can not be used to create a new packet
* from an external memory buffer that only contains packet data, such as
* preparing a packet to be sent from a network interface. You can use
* <code>JMemoryPacket</code> to create an in memory packet from scratch.
* PcapPackets need a PcapHeader which is provided by libpcap at the time the
* packet was captured. Also the PcapPacket contains decoded state information
* which can be used to query the packet for its contents using friendly java
* API and compile-time type-safety. <h2>Packet accessors</h2> Once a decoded
* packet is received, the user can query the packet for its various properties.
* The most important of which is the existance of any particular protocol
* header within the packet data buffer. The data buffer is scanned and decoded.
* Any discovery of a protocol header within, is recorded in packet's state. The
* following accessors can be used to query if a particular header has been
* found within a packet:
* <ul>
* <li> <code>JPacket.hasHeader(int id):boolean</code> - id is the numerical
* protocol ID assigned to each header type by JRegistry. The accessor returns a
* boolean true or false if the header exists within the packet.</li>
* <li>
* <code>JPacket.getHeader(<? extends JHeader> header): <? extends JHeader></code>
* - an accessor that retrieves a specific instance of a header. A user supplied
* instance of a protocol header is used, initialized to point at the
* appropriate memory location within the data buffer, where the protocol
* header's state and contents reside.</li>
* <li>
* <code>JPacket.hasHeader(<<? extends JHeader> header): boolean</code> -
* a convenience accessor that combines hasHeader and getHeader methods into
* one. If the header is found within the packet, boolean true is returned and
* at the same time the user supplied instance of the header is initialized to
* pointer at the header. Otherwise false is returned.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Here is an example of how to use an accessor form a PcapPacketHandler:
* <pre>
* public void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Object user) {
* if (packet.hasHeader(Ethernet.ID)) {
* Ethernet eth = packet.getHeader(new Ethernet());
* System.out.printf("ethernet.type=%X\n", eth.type());
* }
* }
* </pre>
* Or more conveniently, combine hasHeader and getHeader in a single call
* <pre>
* private Ethernet eth = new Ethernet(); // Preallocate our ethernet header
* private Ip4 ip = new Ip4(); // Preallocat IP version 4 header
* public void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Object user) {
* if (packet.hasHeader(eth)) {
* System.out.printf("ethernet.type=%X\n", eth.type());
* }
* if (packet.hasHeader(ip)) {
* System.out.println("ip.version=%d\n", ip.version());
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <h3>Accessing a subheader such as ip options</h3>
* You can also access sub headers, usually supplied as options by the protocol
* during transmission.
* <pre>
* private Ip4 ip = new Ip4(); // Preallocat IP version 4 header
* private Ip4.Timestamp timestamp = new Ip4.Timestamp(); // Optional header
* public void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Object user) {
* if (packet.hasHeader(ip) && ip.hasSubHeader(timestamp)) {
* System.out.println("ip.version=%d\n", ip.version);
* System.out.println("timestamp optional header length=%d\n", timstamp.length());
* }
* </pre>
* A couple of points about the sub header example. Notice that we preallocated
* a Timestamp header, which is defined from within Ip4 class itself, but is a
* separate class on its own none the less. Next we first check if Ip4 header is
* present at all in the packet, peer it if exists (combined hasHeader and
* getHeader accessor method) and as a second step we check with the Ip4 header
* if it has an optional header using <code>ip.hasSubHeader(timestamp)</code>.
* If the method returns true, it also peers the sub header timestamp with the
* appropriate packet data buffer where the optional header resides.
* <h3>Formatting packet for output</h3>
* A packet can easily be formatted for textual output. Any supported formatter,
* such as TextFormatter or XmlFormatter can be used to format a packet for
* output. Also JPacket.toString() method uses an internal StringBuilder based
* TextFormatter that formats the packet for textual output in a string buffer.
* At this time both ip and timestamp header instances are properly intialized
* and can be used to access their respective headers.
* <pre>
* JPacket packet = // From out handler
* TextFormatter out = new TextFormatter(System.out);
* out.format(packet); // Send pretty output to stdout
* // Or save time
* System.out.println(packet.toString()); // Use internal TextFormatter
* </pre>
* </p>
* <h2>Packet's lifecycle</h2> A PcapPacket is made up of 3 parts:
* <ul>
* <li>Packet data buffer - peered with packet object itself</li>
* <li>Packet state - peered with packet state object</li>
* <li>PcapCapture header - peered with packet header object</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Each part of the packet is managed independently, that is either part can be
* initialized or not. Either part can point to any memory location, including a
* large single buffer of contigues bytes that contains all 3 parts, header,
* state and packet data. There are various methods supplied by PcapPacket that
* allow an external buffer to be peered with all 3 parts of the packet. There
* are also many methods for transfering (deep copy) the data to and from
* buffers.
* </p>
* <p>
* All of these components are stored in native memory in native C structures
* that are peered with the packet API classes. The classes, managed by
* <code>JMemory</code> class are referencing native memory locations. Any
* native method that is called upon in the PcapPacket class or its base
* classes, will perform those operations on the peered structure and data.
* </p>
* When a packet is delivered from either Pcap.loop or Pcap.dispatch methods,
* the capture header, packet state and packet data all point to different
* unrelated memory locations. That is, capture header is peered with the
* libpcap supplied pcap_pkthdr structure, Packet data buffer (the packet
* itself) is peered with the data buffer supplied by pcap and the packet state
* is peered with its packet_state_t structure as supplied by the JScanner,
* typically out of its internal buffer. None of these default memory locations
* are persistent for very long time. Both libpcap and JScanner buffers are
* round robin buffers that eventually wrap around and reuse previously
* dispatched memory.
* <p>
* These temporary packets are only suitable for immediate use. That is if the
* packets are processed immediately when received and then discarded, they do
* not need to be preserved. If a packet is to be put on a queue and for later
* processing, the packet needs to preserve its state. That requires a physical
* copy of all 3 components of the packet to a new memory location. The most
* efficient way to store the new packet is to allocate a memory buffer large
* enough to hold all of the packets state and data out of a JMemoryPool. The
* JPacket provides a default singleton memory pool out of which all packets
* allocate memory out of for the required space.
* </p>
* <h2>Advanced topiccs</h2> Below are several sections that describe the
* lifecycle of a packet in more depth. For simply usage, the termporary packets
* can be used immediately in the handler and then the packets can be discarded.
* For more advanced usage lets go into the detail of how packet data can be
* copied, preserved and peered to one another. <h3>Perserving packet's state
* and data</h3> In order to preserve packet's state and data a deep copy needs
* to be performed of all 3 components of he packet. PcapPacket class provides
* several <code>PcapPacket.transferTo</code> methods that perform deep copies
* of the packet. For efficiency reasons, each transferTo method are designed to
* copy data into a memory buffer of larger size. The packet state and data are
* copied to the buffer with the following layout within the buffer:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* <p>
* The buffer to which this copy takes place can be an external buffer or an
* internally allocated one by the packet class itself. As stated before,
* packet's use an interal singleton memory pool to allocate memory out of more
* efficiently. This memory allocates large native memory blocks which are then
* sub divided further and given out by the memory pool on a per request basis.
* All the copies are done natively by low level native copy routines, not in
* java space for maximum performace.
* </p>
* <p>
* The easiest way to copy packet contents as received, for example, from
* <code>PcapPacketHandler</code>, is to pass the temporary packet to the
* PcapPacket constructor which will automatically allocate new space for the
* packet state and data and perform a deep copy. The new packet immediately
* becomes usable and is permanently stored in memory with its state and data,
* until garbage collected. Here is an example of a PcapPacketHandler that
* copies the temporary packet to new permanent one:
* <pre>
* pulic void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Queue<PcapPacket> queue) {
* PcapPacket permanent = new PcapPacket(packet);
* queue.offer(permanent);
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
* </p>
* <p>
* Alternative is to reused another packet and transfer the temporary packets
* state and data to it or create a new unitiatialized packet with
* <code>new PcapPacket(JMemory.Type.POINTER)</code> constructor and
* subsequently perform <code>PcapPacket.transferTo(PcapPacket)</code> call to
* copy the contents. In the first case where an existing packet is being
* reused, if that packet already contains a large enough memory buffer to hold
* the state and data of the temporary packet, that buffer is reused. Otherwise
* a new buffer is allocated out of the default memory pool. Here is an exmaple:
* *
* <pre>
* final PcapPacket permanent = new PcapPacket(Type.POINTER);
* pulic void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Queue<PcapPacket> queue) {
* permanent.transferStateAndData(packet);
* // Or
* packet.transferTo(permanent);
* }
* </pre>
* In either case, any existing buffer previously allocated in the permanent
* packet if its big enough to hold the state and data of the packet, is reused,
* saving time on memory allocation. You can also manually allocate a large
* buffer and reuse a packet:
* <pre>
* final PcapPacket permanent = new PcapPacket(64 * 1024); // Preallocate 64K
* pulic void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Queue<PcapPacket> queue) {
* permanent.transferStateAndData(packet);
* // Or
* packet.transferTo(permanent);
* }
* </pre>
* In this example, the packet buffer will always be large enough and resused.
* But still this is a semi permanentn state.
* </p>
* <p>
* Yet another alternative is to store the contents of the packet in an external
* buffer such as ByteBuffer, JBuffer or simply a byte[] and then at an
* appropriate time, transfer the data back or peer the external buffer with a
* packet object. Only the byte[] buffer type and ByteBuffer backed by a byte
* array, can not be peered directly with a packet as only buffer sources that
* are native memory based can be peered. All external buffer types can be
* copied back into a packet, if peering is not required. New memory space is
* allocated for the copy. Here is an example:
* <pre>
* pulic void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Queue<PcapPacket> queue) {
* JBuffer jbuf = new JBuffer(packet.getTotalSize());
* packet.transferTo(jbuf);
* // Or
* ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(packet.getTotalSize());
* packet.transferTo(bbuf);
* // Or
* byte[] babuf = new byte[packet.getTotalSize())];
* packet.transferTo(babuf);
* }
* </pre>
* In all 3 cases, complete the packet's state and data buffer are copied to
* external buffer.
* </p>
* <h2>Initializing packet from an external buffer</h2> Packet state and data
* can be preseved in an external buffer large enough to hold the entire packet
* with its state. PcapPacket class provides transferStateAndData and peer
* methods that allow the external packet data to be either copied into a packet
* or the packet be peered directly with the external buffer. Peering does not
* need to allocate memory to hold the packet state, but its state and data are
* directly read out of the extern buffer. If you change the contents of the
* external buffer, the packet's state and data will change as well. Care must
* be take with a direct reference to an external buffer, as its easy to
* override sensitive data causing the packet to behave wildly and unexpectidly.
* <code>JMemory</code> class prevents buffer overrun attacks and any access to
* memory that has not been allocated. a direct reference. Here is an example:
* <pre>
* pulic void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Queue<PcapPacket> queue) {
* JBuffer jbuf = new JBuffer(packet.getTotalSize());
* packet.transferTo(jbuf);
* // Or
* ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(packet.getTotalSize());
* packet.transferTo(bbuf);
* // Or
* byte[] babuf = new byte[packet.getTotalSize())];
* packet.transferTo(babuf);
* PcapPacket p1 = new PcapPacket(jbuf); // Deep copy
* PcapPacket p2 = new PcapPacket(Type.POINTER); // Uninitialized
* bbuf.flip(); // Have to flip the buffer to access the just written contents
* p2.peer(bbuf); // No copies, peered directly with external buffer
* PcapPacket p3 = new PcapPacket(Type.POINTER); // Uninitialized
* p3.transferStateAndData(babuf); // Deep copy - byte[] buffers can not be peered
* PcapPacket p4 = new PcapPacket(Type.POINTER); // Uninitialized
* p4.peer(p3); // both point at same internal memory space
* }
* </pre>
* The above example demonstrates 3 different ways that data from an external
* buffer can be either copied or peered with a new packet object. In all cases
* the data and state were transfered from the temporary packet received by the
* handler to a more permenant buffer and then packet. An interesting scenerio
* occures with packet p4. Lets take a closer look.
* <p>
* First, p3 is created unitialized, meaning that packet header, state and data
* are null pointers at this time, they don't point to anything and any accessor
* method used will immediately throw a NullPointerException. Second, the byte[]
* external buffer is copied into newly allocate memory space by p3. The packet
* is intiailized to pointer at its internal buffer for the header, state and
* packet data. Then we create p4, also unitialized and in the following step we
* peer p4 to p3. That is p4 points at the exact same memory location for
* packet's header, state and data. No new memory was allocated and changing the
* contents in either packet, p3 or p4, will have immediate effect on the other
* packet. Another words, both p3 and p4 are peered to the same internal memory
* space.
* </p>
* @author Mark Bednarczyk
* @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
* @see JMemoryPool
public class PcapPacket extends JPacket {
/** The Constant STATE_SIZE. */
private final static int STATE_SIZE = PcapHeader.sizeof()
static {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* JNI Ids.
private native static void initIds();
/** The header. */
private final PcapHeader header = new PcapHeader(Type.POINTER);
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
public PcapPacket(byte[] buffer) {
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
public PcapPacket(ByteBuffer buffer) {
* Allocates a memory buffer large enough to hold atleast size bytes of data
* and the decoded packet state. The size of the the state structure is
* estimated to contain maximum of {@literal DEFAULT_STATE_HEADER_COUNT}
* headers.
* @param size
* amount of memory to allocate to hold packet data
public PcapPacket(int size) {
super(size, STATE_SIZE);
* Allocates memory for packet data and certain amount of state and headers.
* @param size
* number of bytes for packet data
* @param headerCount
* maximum number of header to allocate space for
public PcapPacket(int size, int headerCount) {
super(size, PcapHeader.sizeof() + JPacket.State.sizeof(headerCount));
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
public PcapPacket(JBuffer buffer) {
* Does a deep copy of the source packet into newly allocated native memory
* location.
* @param src
* source packet
public PcapPacket(JPacket src) {
if (src instanceof PcapPacket) {
((PcapPacket) src).transferStateAndDataTo(this);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Unsupported packet type for this constructor");
* Allocates memory for new packet and copies both the header and packet
* buffer to newly allocated memory. Packet state is uninitialized and needs
* to be decoded.
* @param header
* capture header
* @param buffer
* packet data buffer
public PcapPacket(PcapHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer) {
transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(header, buffer);
* Allocates memory for new packet and copies both the header and packet
* buffer to newly allocated memory. Packet state is uninitialized and needs
* to be decoded.
* @param header
* capture header
* @param buffer
* packet data buffer
public PcapPacket(PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(header, buffer);
* Does a deep copy of the source packet into newly allocated native memory
* location.
* @param src
* source packet
public PcapPacket(PcapPacket src) {
* Special type of instantiation that allows an empty packet to be peered, or
* in C terms its a packet pointer with no actual memory allocated. Accessing
* most methods in this packet object before its initialized will throw
* NullPointerException as the object has not been initialized yet.
* @param type
* state of the object to create
public PcapPacket(Type type) {
* Retrieves the PcapHeader, capture header provided by libpcap.
* @return capture header
public PcapHeader getCaptureHeader() {
return header;
* Gets the total size of the packet including pcap header, decoded state and
* data buffer.
* @return total size of the packet in bytes
public int getTotalSize() {
return super.size() + state.size() + header.size();
* Peers both header and data to buffer. The buffer must contain first header
* then packet data layout in its memory. Packet state is uninitialized.
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return number of bytes peered
public int peerHeaderAndData(JBuffer buffer) {
int o = header.peer(buffer, 0);
o += super.peer(buffer, o, buffer.size() - header.size());
return o;
* Peer.
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
public int peer(PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
int o = this.header.peerTo(header, 0);
o += this.peer(buffer);
return o;
* Peer and scan.
* @param dlt
* the dlt
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
public int peerAndScan(int dlt, PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
int o = this.header.peerTo(header, 0);
o += this.peer(buffer);
return o;
* Peer header and data.
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
* @throws PeeringException
* the peering exception
public int peerHeaderAndData(PcapHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer)
throws PeeringException {
int o = this.header.peerTo(header, 0);
o += super.peer(buffer);
return o;
* Peer header and data.
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
public int peerHeaderAndData(PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
int o = this.header.peerTo(header, 0);
o += super.peer(buffer);
return o;
* Peers the contents of the buffer directly with this packet. No copies are
* performed but the capture header, packet state and data are expected to be
* contained within the buffer with a certain layout as described below:
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* Buffer containing packet header, state and data. Position property
* specifies that start within the buffer where to peer the first
* byte.
* @return number of bytes that were peered out of the buffer
* @throws PeeringException
* thrown if ByteBuffer is not direct byte buffer type
public int peerStateAndData(ByteBuffer buffer) throws PeeringException {
if (buffer.isDirect() == false) {
throw new PeeringException("unable to peer a non-direct ByteBuffer");
return peerStateAndData(getMemoryBuffer(buffer), 0);
* Peers the contents of the buffer directly with this packet. No copies are
* performed but the capture header, packet state and data are expected to be
* contained within the buffer with a certain layout as described below:
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing packet header, state and data
* @return number of bytes that were peered out of the buffer
public int peerStateAndData(JBuffer buffer) {
return peerStateAndData(getMemoryBuffer(buffer), 0);
* Peer state and data.
* @param memory
* the memory
* @param offset
* the offset
* @return the int
private int peerStateAndData(JBuffer memory, int offset) {
int o = header.peer(memory, offset);
state.peerTo(memory, offset + o, State.sizeof(0));
o += state.peerTo(memory, offset + o, State.sizeof(state.getHeaderCount()));
o += super.peer(memory, offset + o, header.caplen());
return o;
* Copies contents of header and packet buffer to a single newly allocated
* buffer. State is uninitialized. The packet's header and buffer's are peered
* with newly allocated buffer.
* @param header
* source header
* @param buffer
* source packet data buffer
* @return number of bytes copied.
public int transferHeaderAndDataFrom(PcapHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer) {
return transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(header, buffer);
* Transfer header and data from0.
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
private int transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(PcapHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer) {
return getMemoryPool().duplicate2(header, buffer, this.header, this);
* Copies contents of header and packet buffer to a single newly allocated
* buffer. State is uninitialized. The packet's header and buffer's are peered
* with newly allocated buffer.
* @param header
* source header
* @param buffer
* source packet data buffer
* @return number of bytes copied.
public int transferHeaderAndDataFrom(PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
return transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(header, buffer);
* Transfer header and data from0.
* @param header
* the header
* @param buffer
* the buffer
* @return the int
private int transferHeaderAndDataFrom0(PcapHeader header, JBuffer buffer) {
return getMemoryPool().duplicate2(header, buffer, this.header, this);
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @return number of bytes copied
public int transferStateAndDataFrom(byte[] buffer) {
JBuffer b = getMemoryBuffer(buffer);
return peerStateAndData(b, 0);
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* Buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer. Current buffer position points at the
* start of pcap header.
* @return number of bytes copied
public int transferStateAndDataFrom(ByteBuffer buffer) {
final int len = buffer.limit() - buffer.position();
JBuffer b = getMemoryBuffer(len);
b.transferFrom(buffer, 0);
return peerStateAndData(b, 0);
* Copies contents of the buffer to new packet. All of the contents of the
* buffer are deep copied to new packet. The new packet allocates new memory
* for the packet contents, state and header if existing memory buffer is not
* large enough. Otherwise the existing memory buffer is overriden and reused.
* Existing buffers are not cleared before hand and may contain old data
* outside of the new header, state and packet data areas that are being
* overriden.
* <p>
* Supplied buffer layout expected:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @return number of bytes copied
public int transferStateAndDataFrom(JBuffer buffer) {
final int len = buffer.size();
JBuffer b = getMemoryBuffer(len);
return peerStateAndData(b, 0);
* Deep copy of the supplied packet to this packet. Contents of the supplied
* packet such as pcap header, packet state and packet data are deep copied
* into newly allocated memory if necessary or existing memory buffer if it is
* large enough to hold the new packet with its complete state. In either
* case, the new packet will be stored with its header and state in a single
* contigues buffer.
* @param packet
* source packet from which to copy from
* @return number of bytes copied
public int transferStateAndDataFrom(PcapPacket packet) {
return packet.transferStateAndDataTo(this);
* Copies contents of this packet to buffer. The packets capture header, state
* and packet data are copied to new buffer. After completion of this
* operation the complete contents and state of the packet will be transfered
* to the buffer. The layout of the buffer data will be as described below. A
* buffer with this type of layout is suitable for any transferStateAndData or
* peer methods for any buffers that are JMemory based. The buffer has to be
* large enough to hold all of the packet content as returned by method
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @return number of bytes copied {@link #getTotalSize()}. If the buffer is
* too small and a runtime exception may be thrown.
* <p>
* The buffer layout will look like the following:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
public int transferStateAndDataTo(byte[] buffer) {
int o = header.transferTo(buffer, 0);
o += state.transferTo(buffer, o);
o += super.transferTo(buffer, 0, size(), o);
return o;
* Copies contents of this packet to buffer. The packets capture header, state
* and packet data are copied to new buffer. After completion of this
* operation the complete contents and state of the packet will be transfered
* to the buffer. The layout of the buffer data will be as described below. A
* buffer with this type of layout is suitable for any transferStateAndData or
* peer methods for any buffers that are JMemory based. The buffer has to be
* large enough to hold all of the packet content as returned by method
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @return number of bytes copied {@link #getTotalSize()}. If the buffer is
* too small and a runtime exception may be thrown.
* <p>
* The buffer layout will look like the following:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
public int transferStateAndDataTo(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int o = header.transferTo(buffer);
o += state.transferTo(buffer);
o += super.transferTo(buffer);
return o;
* Copies contents of this packet to buffer. The packets capture header, state
* and packet data are copied to new buffer. After completion of this
* operation the complete contents and state of the packet will be transfered
* to the buffer. The layout of the buffer data will be as described below. A
* buffer with this type of layout is suitable for any transferStateAndData or
* peer methods for any buffers that are JMemory based. The buffer has to be
* large enough to hold all of the packet content as returned by method
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @return number of bytes copied {@link #getTotalSize()}. If the buffer is
* too small and a runtime exception may be thrown.
* <p>
* The buffer layout will look like the following:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
public int transferStateAndDataTo(JBuffer buffer) {
return transferStateAndDataTo(buffer, 0);
* Copies contents of this packet to buffer. The packets capture header, state
* and packet data are copied to new buffer. After completion of this
* operation the complete contents and state of the packet will be transfered
* to the buffer. The layout of the buffer data will be as described below. A
* buffer with this type of layout is suitable for any transferStateAndData or
* peer methods for any buffers that are JMemory based. The buffer has to be
* large enough to hold all of the packet content as returned by method
* @param buffer
* buffer containing capture header, packet state and data buffer
* sequentially in the buffer
* @param offset
* the offset
* @return number of bytes copied {@link #getTotalSize()}. If the buffer is
* too small and a runtime exception may be thrown.
* <p>
* The buffer layout will look like the following:
* <pre>
* +----------+-----+----+
* |PcapHeader|State|Data|
* +----------+-----+----+
* </pre>
* </p>
public int transferStateAndDataTo(JBuffer buffer, int offset) {
int o = header.transferTo(buffer, offset);
o += state.transferTo(buffer, 0, state.size(), offset + o);
o += super.transferTo(buffer, 0, size(), offset + o);
return o;
* Deep copy of the this packet to the supplied packet. Contents of the this
* packet such as pcap header, packet state and packet data are deep copied
* into the suppliedpacket, allocating memory if necessary or existing memory
* buffer if it is large enough to hold the new packet with its complete
* state. In either case, the packet will be stored with its header and state
* in a single contigues buffer in the supplied packet.
* @param packet
* destination packet to which to copy header, state and packet data
* @return number of bytes copied
public int transferStateAndDataTo(PcapPacket packet) {
JBuffer buffer = packet.getMemoryBuffer(this.getTotalSize());
int o = header.transferTo(buffer, 0);
packet.header.peerTo(buffer, 0);
packet.state.peerTo(buffer, o, state.size());
o += state.transferTo(packet.state);
packet.peer(buffer, o, size());
o += this.transferTo(buffer, 0, size(), o);
return o;