/* $RCSfile$
* $Author jonathan gutow$
* $Date Aug 5, 2007 9:19:06 AM $
* $Revision$
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 The Jmol Development Team
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301, USA.
package org.openscience.jmol.app.webexport;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.jmol.api.JmolViewer;
import org.jmol.i18n.GT;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
class PopInJmol extends WebPanel implements ChangeListener {
PopInJmol(JmolViewer viewer, JFileChooser fc, WebPanel[] webPanels,
int panelIndex) {
super(viewer, fc, webPanels, panelIndex);
panelName = "pop_in";
listLabel = GT._("These names will be used as filenames for the applets");
// description = "Create a web page with images that convert to live Jmol
// applets when a user clicks a link";
JPanel appletParamPanel() {
// Create the appletSize spinner so the user can decide how big
// the applet should be.
SpinnerNumberModel appletSizeModelW = new SpinnerNumberModel(WebExport
.getPopInWidth(), // initial value
50, // min
1000, // max
25); // step size
SpinnerNumberModel appletSizeModelH = new SpinnerNumberModel(WebExport
.getPopInHeight(), // initial value
50, // min
1000, // max
25); // step size
appletSizeSpinnerW = new JSpinner(appletSizeModelW);
appletSizeSpinnerH = new JSpinner(appletSizeModelH);
// panel to hold spinner and label
JPanel appletSizeWHPanel = new JPanel();
appletSizeWHPanel.add(new JLabel(GT._("Applet width:")));
appletSizeWHPanel.add(new JLabel(GT._("height:")));
return (appletSizeWHPanel);
String fixHtml(String html) {
return html;
String getAppletDefs(int i, String html, StringBuffer appletDefs,
JmolInstance instance) {
String divClass = (i % 2 == 0 ? "floatRightDiv" : "floatLeftDiv");
String name = instance.name;
String javaname = instance.javaname;
int JmolSizeW = instance.width;
int JmolSizeH = instance.height;
String widgetDefs = "";
if (!instance.whichWidgets.isEmpty()) {
widgetDefs += "<div id=\"JmolCntl" + i
+ "\" style=\"display:none;\">";
for (int j = 0; j < nWidgets; j++) {
if (instance.whichWidgets.get(j)) {
widgetDefs += "\n<div>"
+ theWidgets.widgetList[j].getJavaScript(i, instance)
+ "</div>\n"; //each widget in one line
widgetDefs += "</div>";
if (useAppletJS) {
appletInfoDivs += "\n<div id=\"" + javaname + "_caption\">\n"
+ GT.escapeHTML(GT._("insert a caption for {0} here.", name))
+ "\n</div>";
appletInfoDivs += "\n<div id=\"" + javaname + "_note\">\n"
+ GT.escapeHTML(GT._("insert a note for {0} here.", name))
+ "\n</div>";
//TODO fix pure javascript to work with widgets...
appletDefs.append("\naddJmolDiv(" + i + ",'" + divClass + "','"
+ javaname + "'," + JmolSizeW + "," + JmolSizeH + ")");
} else {
String s = htmlAppletTemplate;
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@CLASS@", "" + divClass);
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@I@", "" + i);
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@WIDTH@", "" + JmolSizeW);
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@HEIGHT@", "" + JmolSizeH);
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@NAME@", GT.escapeHTML(name));
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@APPLETNAME@", GT.escapeHTML(javaname));
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@LEFTWIDGETS@", "");// no left widgets
// for now
s = TextFormat.simpleReplace(s, "@RIGHTWIDGETS@", widgetDefs);
return html;
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == appletSizeSpinnerW
|| e.getSource() == appletSizeSpinnerH) {
int width = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerW.getModel()))
int height = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerH.getModel()))
WebExport.setPopInDim(width, height);
JList whichList = getInstanceList();
int[] list = whichList.getSelectedIndices();
if (list.length != 1)// may want to make this work on multiple selections
int index = whichList.getSelectedIndex();
JmolInstance instance = (JmolInstance) whichList.getModel().getElementAt(
instance.width = width;
instance.height = height;
viewer.createImage(instance.pictFile, "PNG", null, 2, width, height);
if (e.getSource() == appletSizeSpinnerP) {
int percent = ((SpinnerNumberModel) (appletSizeSpinnerP.getModel()))