/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2011-02-19 20:07:38 +0100 (sam., 19 févr. 2011) $
* $Revision: 15202 $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Miguel, Jmol Development Team
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.viewer;
import org.jmol.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jmol.util.BinaryDocument;
import org.jmol.util.CompoundDocument;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.Parser;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
import org.jmol.util.ZipUtil;
import org.jmol.api.JmolFileReaderInterface;
import org.jmol.api.JmolViewer;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class FileManager {
protected Viewer viewer;
FileManager(Viewer viewer) {
this.viewer = viewer;
void clear() {
fullPathName = fileName = nameAsGiven = viewer.getZapName();
private void setLoadState(Hashtable htParams) {
if (viewer.getPreserveState()) {
htParams.put("loadState", viewer.getLoadState());
String nameAsGiven = "zapped";
String fullPathName;
String fileName;
void setFileInfo(String[] fileInfo) {
// used by ScriptEvaluator dataFrame and load methods to temporarily save the state here
fullPathName = fileInfo[0];
fileName = fileInfo[1];
nameAsGiven = fileInfo[2];
String[] getFileInfo() {
// used by ScriptEvaluator dataFrame method
return new String[] { fullPathName, fileName, nameAsGiven };
String getFullPathName() {
return fullPathName != null ? fullPathName : nameAsGiven;
String getFileName() {
return fileName != null ? fileName : nameAsGiven;
// for applet proxy
private URL appletDocumentBase = null;
private URL appletCodeBase = null; //unused currently
private String appletProxy;
String getAppletDocumentBase() {
return (appletDocumentBase == null ? "" : appletDocumentBase.toString());
void setAppletContext(URL documentBase, URL codeBase, String jmolAppletProxy) {
appletDocumentBase = documentBase;
appletCodeBase = codeBase;
appletProxy = jmolAppletProxy;
Logger.info("appletDocumentBase=" + appletDocumentBase
+ "\nappletCodeBase=" + appletCodeBase);
void setAppletProxy(String appletProxy) {
this.appletProxy = (appletProxy == null || appletProxy.length() == 0 ? null
: appletProxy);
String getState(StringBuffer sfunc) {
StringBuffer commands = new StringBuffer();
if (sfunc != null) {
sfunc.append(" _setFileState;\n");
commands.append("function _setFileState() {\n\n");
if (commands.indexOf("append") < 0 && viewer.getModelSetFileName().equals("zapped"))
commands.append(" zap;\n");
if (sfunc != null)
return commands.toString();
String getFileTypeName(String fileName) {
int pt = fileName.indexOf("::");
if (pt >= 0)
return fileName.substring(0, pt);
if (fileName.startsWith("="))
return "pdb";
String type = null;
try {
Object br = getUnzippedBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(fileName, true,
false, true, true);
if (br instanceof BufferedReader) {
type = viewer.getModelAdapter().getFileTypeName((BufferedReader) br);
((BufferedReader) br).close();
} else if (br instanceof InputStream) {
String zipDirectory = getZipDirectoryAsString(fileName);
type = (zipDirectory.indexOf("JmolManifest") >= 0 ? "Jmol"
: viewer.getModelAdapter().getFileTypeName(
((InputStream) br).close();
} else if (br instanceof String[]) {
type = ((String[]) br)[0];
} catch (IOException e) {
return type;
private static BufferedReader getBufferedReaderForString(String string) {
return new BufferedReader(new StringReader(string));
private String getZipDirectoryAsString(String fileName) {
return ZipUtil
.getZipDirectoryAsStringAndClose((InputStream) getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(
fileName, false, false));
/////////////// createAtomSetCollectionFromXXX methods /////////////////
// where XXX = File, Files, String, Strings, ArrayData, DOM, Reader
* note -- createAtomSetCollectionFromXXX methods
* were "openXXX" before refactoring 11/29/2008 -- BH
* The problem was that while they did open the file, they
* (mostly) also closed them, and this was confusing.
* The term "clientFile" was replaced by "atomSetCollection"
* here because that's what it is --- an AtomSetCollection,
* not a file. The file is closed at this point. What is
* returned is the atomSetCollection object.
* One could say this is just semantics, but there were
* subtle bugs here, where readers were not always being
* closed explicitly. In the process of identifying Out of
* Memory Errors, I felt it was necessary to clarify all this.
* Apologies to those who feel the original clientFile notation
* was more generalizable or understandable.
Object createAtomSetCollectionFromFile(String name, Hashtable htParams,
StringBuffer loadScript, boolean isAppend) {
if (htParams.get("atomDataOnly") == null)
if (name.indexOf('=') == 0 || name.indexOf('$') == 0)
name = (String) viewer.setLoadFormat(name, name.charAt(0), true);
int pt = name.indexOf("::");
String nameAsGiven = (pt >= 0 ? name.substring(pt + 2) : name);
String fileType = (pt >= 0 ? name.substring(0, pt) : null);
Logger.info("\nFileManager.getAtomSetCollectionFromFile(" + nameAsGiven
+ ")" + (name.equals(nameAsGiven) ? "" : " //" + name));
String[] names = classifyName(nameAsGiven, true);
if (names.length == 1)
return names[0];
String fullPathName = names[0];
String fileName = names[1];
htParams.put("fullPathName", (fileType == null ? "" : fileType + "::")
+ fullPathName.replace('\\', '/'));
if (viewer.getMessageStyleChime() && viewer.getDebugScript())
viewer.scriptStatus("Requesting " + fullPathName);
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName, fullPathName, nameAsGiven,
fileType, null, htParams, isAppend);
return fileReader.atomSetCollection;
Object createAtomSetCollectionFromFiles(String[] fileNames,
Hashtable htParams,
boolean isAppend) {
String[] fullPathNames = new String[fileNames.length];
String[] namesAsGiven = new String[fileNames.length];
String[] fileTypes = new String[fileNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
int pt = fileNames[i].indexOf("::");
String nameAsGiven = (pt >= 0 ? fileNames[i].substring(pt + 2) : fileNames[i]);
String fileType = (pt >= 0 ? fileNames[i].substring(0, pt) : null);
String[] names = classifyName(nameAsGiven, true);
if (names.length == 1)
return names[0];
fullPathNames[i] = names[0];
fileNames[i] = names[0].replace('\\', '/');
fileTypes[i] = fileType;
namesAsGiven[i] = nameAsGiven;
htParams.put("fullPathNames", fullPathNames);
htParams.put("fileTypes", fileTypes);
FilesReader filesReader = new FilesReader(fullPathNames, namesAsGiven,
fileTypes, null, htParams, isAppend);
return filesReader.atomSetCollection;
Object createAtomSetCollectionFromString(String strModel, StringBuffer loadScript, Hashtable htParams,
boolean isAppend,
boolean isLoadVariable) {
if (!isLoadVariable)
DataManager.getInlineData(loadScript, strModel, isAppend, viewer.getDefaultLoadFilter());
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("string", "string", "string", null,
getBufferedReaderForString(strModel), htParams, isAppend);
if (!isAppend && !(fileReader.atomSetCollection instanceof String)) {
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
fullPathName = fileName = (strModel == JmolConstants.MODELKIT_ZAP_STRING ? JmolConstants.MODELKIT_ZAP_TITLE : "string");
return fileReader.atomSetCollection;
Object createAtomSeCollectionFromStrings(String[] arrayModels,
StringBuffer loadScript,
Hashtable htParams, boolean isAppend) {
if (!htParams.containsKey("isData")) {
String oldSep = "\"" + viewer.getDataSeparator() + "\"";
String tag = "\"" + (isAppend ? "append" : "model") + " inline\"";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(
"set dataSeparator \"~~~next file~~~\";\ndata ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayModels.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sb.append("~~~next file~~~");
sb.append("end ").append(tag).append(";set dataSeparator ")
String[] fullPathNames = new String[arrayModels.length];
StringDataReader[] readers = new StringDataReader[arrayModels.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arrayModels.length; i++) {
fullPathNames[i] = "string[" + i + "]";
readers[i] = new StringDataReader(arrayModels[i]);
FilesReader filesReader = new FilesReader(fullPathNames, fullPathNames,
null, readers, htParams, isAppend);
return filesReader.atomSetCollection;
Object createAtomSeCollectionFromArrayData(List arrayData,
Hashtable htParams,
boolean isAppend) {
int nModels = arrayData.size();
String[] fullPathNames = new String[nModels];
DataReader[] readers = new DataReader[nModels];
for (int i = 0; i < nModels; i++) {
fullPathNames[i] = "String[" + i + "]";
Object data = arrayData.get(i);
if (data instanceof String)
readers[i] = new StringDataReader((String) arrayData.get(i));
else if (data instanceof String[])
readers[i] = new ArrayDataReader((String[]) arrayData.get(i));
else if (data instanceof List)
readers[i] = new VectorDataReader((List) arrayData.get(i));
FilesReader filesReader = new FilesReader(fullPathNames, fullPathNames,
null, readers, null, isAppend);
return filesReader.atomSetCollection;
Object createAtomSetCollectionFromDOM(Object DOMNode, Hashtable htParams) {
DOMReader aDOMReader = new DOMReader(DOMNode, htParams);
return aDOMReader.atomSetCollection;
* not used in Jmol project -- will close reader
* @param fullPathName
* @param name
* @param reader
* @param htParams
* @return fileData
Object createAtomSetCollectionFromReader(String fullPathName, String name,
Reader reader, Hashtable htParams) {
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(name, fullPathName, name,
null, new BufferedReader(reader), htParams, false);
return fileReader.atomSetCollection;
/////////////// generally useful file I/O methods /////////////////
// mostly internal to FileManager and its enclosed classes
BufferedInputStream getBufferedInputStream(String fullPathName) {
Object ret = getBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(fullPathName,
new String[2], true, true);
return (ret instanceof BufferedInputStream ? (BufferedInputStream) ret
: null);
Object getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(String name, boolean showMsg,
boolean checkOnly) {
return getInputStreamOrPost(name, showMsg, null, checkOnly, appletDocumentBase, appletProxy);
private static Object getInputStreamOrPost(String name, boolean showMsg,
byte[] bytes, boolean checkOnly,
URL appletDocumentBase,
String appletProxy) {
String errorMessage = null;
int iurl;
for (iurl = urlPrefixes.length; --iurl >= 0;)
if (name.startsWith(urlPrefixes[iurl]))
boolean isURL = (iurl >= 0);
String post = null;
if (isURL && (iurl = name.indexOf("?POST?")) >= 0) {
post = name.substring(iurl + 6);
name = name.substring(0, iurl);
boolean isApplet = (appletDocumentBase != null);
InputStream in = null;
// int length;
try {
if (isApplet || isURL) {
if (isApplet && isURL && appletProxy != null)
name = appletProxy + "?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(name, "utf-8");
URL url = (isApplet ? new URL(appletDocumentBase, name) : new URL(name));
name = url.toString();
if (showMsg && !checkOnly)
Logger.info("FileManager opening " + url.toString());
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
if (bytes != null && !checkOnly) {
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
} else if (post != null && !checkOnly) {
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
in = conn.getInputStream();
} else {
if (showMsg)
Logger.info("FileManager opening " + name);
File file = new File(name);
// length = (int) file.length();
in = new FileInputStream(file);
if (checkOnly) {
in = null;
return in;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (in != null)
} catch (IOException e1) {
errorMessage = "" + e;
return errorMessage;
* just check for a file as being readable. Do not go into a zip file
* @param filename
* @return String[2] where [0] is fullpathname and [1] is error message or null
String[] getFullPathNameOrError(String filename) {
String[] names = classifyName(filename, true);
if (names == null || names[0] == null || names.length < 2)
return new String[] { null, "cannot read file name: " + filename };
String name = names[0];
String fullPath = names[0].replace('\\', '/');
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0)
name = TextFormat.split(name, "|")[0];
Object errMsg = getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, false, true);
return new String[] { fullPath,
(errMsg instanceof String ? (String) errMsg : null) };
Object getBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(String name,
String[] fullPathNameReturn,
boolean isBinary, boolean doSpecialLoad) {
String[] names = classifyName(name, true);
if (names == null)
return "cannot read file name: " + name;
if (fullPathNameReturn != null)
fullPathNameReturn[0] = names[0].replace('\\', '/');
return getUnzippedBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(names[0], false,
isBinary, false, doSpecialLoad);
Object getUnzippedBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(
String name,
boolean allowZipStream,
boolean asInputStream,
boolean isTypeCheckOnly,
boolean doSpecialLoad) {
String[] subFileList = null;
String[] info = (doSpecialLoad ? viewer.getModelAdapter().specialLoad(name,
"filesNeeded?") : null);
if (info != null) {
if (isTypeCheckOnly)
return info;
if (info[2] != null) {
String header = info[1];
Hashtable fileData = new Hashtable();
if (info.length == 3) {
// we need information from the output file, info[2]
String name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData);
fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0);
info = viewer.getModelAdapter().specialLoad(name,
(String) fileData.get(name0));
if (info.length == 3) {
// might have a second option
name0 = getObjectAsSections(info[2], header, fileData);
fileData.put("OUTPUT", name0);
info = viewer.getModelAdapter().specialLoad(info[1],
(String) fileData.get(name0));
// load each file individually, but return files IN ORDER
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 2; i < info.length; i++) {
name = info[i];
name = getObjectAsSections(name, header, fileData);
Logger.info("reading " + name);
String s = (String) fileData.get(name);
return getBufferedReaderForString(sb.toString());
// continuing...
// here, for example, for an SPT file load that is not just a type check
// (type check is only for application file opening and drag-drop to
// determine if
// script or load command should be used)
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0)
name = (subFileList = TextFormat.split(name, "|"))[0];
Object t = getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, true, false);
if (t instanceof String)
return t;
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream) t, 8192);
if (CompoundDocument.isCompoundDocument(bis)) {
CompoundDocument doc = new CompoundDocument(bis);
return getBufferedReaderForString(doc.getAllData("Molecule", "Input").toString());
} else if (ZipUtil.isGzip(bis)) {
do {
bis = new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(bis));
} while (ZipUtil.isGzip(bis));
} else if (ZipUtil.isZipFile(bis)) {
if (allowZipStream)
return new ZipInputStream(bis);
if (asInputStream)
return (BufferedInputStream) ZipUtil.getZipFileContents(bis, subFileList, 1,
// danger -- converting bytes to String here.
// we lose 128-156 or so.
String s = (String) ZipUtil.getZipFileContents(bis, subFileList, 1,
return getBufferedReaderForString(s);
if (asInputStream)
return bis;
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis));
} catch (Exception ioe) {
return ioe.getMessage();
String[] getZipDirectory(String fileName, boolean addManifest) {
return ZipUtil.getZipDirectoryAndClose(
(InputStream) getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(fileName, false, false),
* delivers file contents and directory listing for a ZIP/JAR file into sb
* @param name
* @param header
* @param fileData
* @return name of entry
private String getObjectAsSections(String name, String header,
Hashtable fileData) {
if (name == null)
return null;
String[] subFileList = null;
boolean asBinaryString = false;
String name0 = name.replace('\\', '/');
if (name.indexOf(":asBinaryString") >= 0) {
asBinaryString = true;
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(":asBinaryString"));
StringBuffer sb = null;
if (fileData.containsKey(name0))
return name0;
if (name.indexOf("#JMOL_MODEL ") >= 0) {
fileData.put(name0, name0 + "\n");
return name0;
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
name = (subFileList = TextFormat.split(name, "|"))[0];
BufferedInputStream bis = null;
try {
Object t = getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, false, false);
if (t instanceof String) {
fileData.put(name0, (String) t + "\n");
return name0;
bis = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream) t, 8192);
if (CompoundDocument.isCompoundDocument(bis)) {
CompoundDocument doc = new CompoundDocument(bis);
doc.getAllData(name.replace('\\', '/'), "Molecule", fileData);
} else if (ZipUtil.isZipFile(bis)) {
ZipUtil.getAllData(bis, subFileList, name.replace('\\', '/'), "Molecule", fileData);
} else if (asBinaryString) {
// used for Spartan binary file reading
BinaryDocument bd = new BinaryDocument();
bd.setStream(bis, false);
sb = new StringBuffer();
//note -- these headers must match those in ZipUtil.getAllData and CompoundDocument.getAllData
if (header != null)
sb.append("BEGIN Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n");
try {
while (true)
sb.append(Integer.toHexString(((int) bd.readByte()) & 0xFF))
.append(' ');
} catch (Exception e1) {
if (header != null)
sb.append("\nEND Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n");
fileData.put(name0, sb.toString());
} else {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
ZipUtil.isGzip(bis) ? new GZIPInputStream(bis) : (InputStream) bis));
String line;
sb = new StringBuffer();
if (header != null)
sb.append("BEGIN Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n");
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (header != null)
sb.append("\nEND Directory Entry " + name0 + "\n");
fileData.put(name0, sb.toString());
} catch (Exception ioe) {
fileData.put(name0, ioe.getMessage());
if (bis != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!fileData.containsKey(name0))
fileData.put(name0, "FILE NOT FOUND: " + name0 + "\n");
return name0;
Object getFileAsBytes(String name, OutputStream os) {
// ?? used by eval of "WRITE FILE"
// will be full path name
if (name == null)
return null;
String[] subFileList = null;
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0)
name = (subFileList = TextFormat.split(name, "|"))[0];
Object t = getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, false, false);
if (t instanceof String)
return "Error:" + t;
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream((InputStream) t, 8192);
InputStream is = bis;
if (os != null)
return getStreamAsBytes(bis, os);
Object bytes = (ZipUtil.isZipFile(is) && subFileList != null
&& 1 < subFileList.length ? ZipUtil.getZipFileContentsAsBytes(is,
subFileList, 1) : getStreamAsBytes(bis, null));
return bytes;
} catch (Exception ioe) {
return ioe.getMessage();
private static Object getStreamAsBytes(BufferedInputStream bis, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
byte[] bytes = (os == null ? new byte[4096] : null);
int len = 0;
int totalLen = 0;
while ((len = bis.read(buf)) > 0) {
totalLen += len;
if (os == null) {
if (totalLen >= bytes.length)
bytes = ArrayUtil.ensureLength(bytes, totalLen * 2);
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, bytes, totalLen - len, len);
} else {
os.write(buf, 0, len);
if (os == null) {
buf = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buf, 0, totalLen);
return buf;
return totalLen + " bytes";
* @param data
* [0] initially path name, but returned as full path name; [1]file
* contents (directory listing for a ZIP/JAR file) or error string
* @param nBytesMax
* @param doSpecialLoad
* @return true if successful; false on error
boolean getFileDataOrErrorAsString(String[] data, int nBytesMax, boolean doSpecialLoad) {
data[1] = "";
String name = data[0];
if (name == null)
return false;
Object t = getBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(name, data, false, doSpecialLoad);
if (t instanceof String) {
data[1] = (String) t;
return false;
try {
BufferedReader br = (BufferedReader) t;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(8192);
String line;
if (nBytesMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
} else {
int n = 0;
int len;
while (n < nBytesMax && (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (nBytesMax - n < (len = line.length()) + 1)
line = line.substring(0, nBytesMax - n - 1);
n += len + 1;
data[1] = sb.toString();
return true;
} catch (Exception ioe) {
data[1] = ioe.getMessage();
return false;
Object getFileAsImage(String name, Hashtable htParams) {
if (name == null)
return "";
String[] names = classifyName(name, true);
if (names == null)
return "cannot read file name: " + name;
Image image = null;
//try {
String fullPathName = names[0].replace('\\', '/');
if (fullPathName.indexOf("|") > 0) {
Object ret = getFileAsBytes(fullPathName, null);
if (!(ret instanceof byte[]))
return "" + ret;
image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage((byte[]) ret);
} else if (urlTypeIndex(fullPathName) >= 0) {
try {
image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(new URL(fullPathName));
} catch (Exception e) {
return "bad URL: " + fullPathName;
} else {
image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(fullPathName);
try {
MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(viewer.getDisplay());
mediaTracker.addImage(image, 0);
/* SUN but here for malformed URL - can't trap
Uncaught error fetching image:
at sun.net.www.ParseUtil.toURI(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.getDecoder(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(Unknown Source)
} catch (Exception e) {
return e.getMessage() + " opening " + fullPathName;
if (image.getWidth(null) < 1)
return "invalid or missing image " + fullPathName;
htParams.put("fullPathName", fullPathName);
return image;
private final static int URL_LOCAL = 3;
private final static String[] urlPrefixes = { "http:", "https:", "ftp:",
"file:" };
private static int urlTypeIndex(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < urlPrefixes.length; ++i) {
if (name.startsWith(urlPrefixes[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
* @param name
* @param isFullLoad
* @return [0] full path name, [1] file name without path, [2] full URL
private String[] classifyName(String name, boolean isFullLoad) {
if (name == null)
return new String[] { null };
if (name.startsWith("?")
&& (name = viewer.dialogAsk("load", name.substring(1))) == null) {
return new String[] { isFullLoad ? "#CANCELED#" : null };
File file = null;
URL url = null;
String[] names = null;
if (name.indexOf("=") == 0 || name.indexOf('$') == 0)
name = (String) viewer.setLoadFormat(name, name.charAt(0), false);
if (name.indexOf(":") < 0 && name.indexOf("/") != 0)
name = addDirectory(viewer.getDefaultDirectory(), name);
if (appletDocumentBase != null) {
// This code is only for the applet
try {
if (name.indexOf(":\\") == 1 || name.indexOf(":/") == 1)
name = "file:/" + name;
// else if (name.indexOf("/") == 0 && viewer.isSignedApplet())
// name = "file:" + name;
url = new URL(appletDocumentBase, name);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return new String[] { isFullLoad ? e.getMessage() : null };
} else {
// This code is for the app
if (urlTypeIndex(name) >= 0) {
try {
url = new URL(name);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return new String[] { isFullLoad ? e.getMessage() : null };
} else {
file = new File(name);
names = new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath(), file.getName(),
"file:/" + file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/') };
if (url != null) {
names = new String[3];
names[0] = names[2] = url.toString();
names[1] = names[0].substring(names[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (isFullLoad && (file != null || urlTypeIndex(names[0]) == URL_LOCAL)) {
String path = (file == null ? TextFormat.trim(names[0].substring(5), "/")
: names[0]);
int pt = path.length() - names[1].length() - 1;
if (pt > 0) {
path = path.substring(0, pt);
setLocalPath(viewer, path, true);
return names;
private static String addDirectory(String defaultDirectory, String name) {
if (defaultDirectory.length() == 0)
return name;
char ch = (name.length() > 0 ? name.charAt(0) : ' ');
String s = defaultDirectory.toLowerCase();
if ((s.endsWith(".zip") || s.endsWith(".tar")) && ch != '|' && ch != '/')
defaultDirectory += "|";
return defaultDirectory
+ (ch == '/'
|| ch == '/'
|| (ch = defaultDirectory.charAt(defaultDirectory.length() - 1)) == '|'
|| ch == '/' ? "" : "/") + name;
String getDefaultDirectory(String name) {
String[] names = classifyName(name, true);
if (names == null)
return "";
name = fixPath(names[0]);
return (names == null ? "" : name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("/")));
private static String fixPath(String path) {
path = path.replace('\\', '/');
path = TextFormat.simpleReplace(path, "/./", "/");
int pt = path.lastIndexOf("//") + 1;
if (pt < 1)
pt = path.indexOf(":/") + 1;
if (pt < 1)
pt = path.indexOf("/");
String protocol = path.substring(0, pt);
path = path.substring(pt);
while ((pt = path.lastIndexOf("/../")) >= 0) {
int pt0 = path.substring(0, pt).lastIndexOf("/");
if (pt0 < 0)
return TextFormat.simpleReplace(protocol + path, "/../", "/");
path = path.substring(0, pt0) + path.substring(pt + 3);
if (path.length() == 0)
path = "/";
return protocol + path;
public String getFilePath(String name, boolean addUrlPrefix, boolean asShortName) {
String[] names = classifyName(name, false);
return (names == null ? "" : asShortName ? names[1]
: addUrlPrefix ? names[2] : names[0].replace('\\', '/'));
private final static String[] urlPrefixPairs = { "http:", "http://", "www.",
"http://www.", "https:", "https://", "ftp:", "ftp://", "file:",
"file:///" };
public static String getLocalUrl(File file) {
// entering a url on a file input box will be accepted,
// but cause an error later. We can fix that...
// return null if there is no problem, the real url if there is
if (file.getName().startsWith("="))
return file.getName();
String path = file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
for (int i = 0; i < urlPrefixPairs.length; i++)
if (path.indexOf(urlPrefixPairs[i]) == 0)
return null;
// looking for /xxx/xxxx/file://...
for (int i = 0; i < urlPrefixPairs.length; i += 2)
if (path.indexOf(urlPrefixPairs[i]) > 0)
return urlPrefixPairs[i + 1]
+ TextFormat.trim(path.substring(path.indexOf(urlPrefixPairs[i])
+ urlPrefixPairs[i].length()), "/");
return null;
public static File getLocalDirectory(JmolViewer viewer, boolean forDialog) {
String localDir = (String) viewer
.getParameter(forDialog ? "currentLocalPath" : "defaultDirectoryLocal");
if (localDir.length() == 0 && forDialog)
localDir = (String) viewer.getParameter("defaultDirectoryLocal");
if (localDir.length() == 0)
return (viewer.isApplet() ? null : new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")));
if (viewer.isApplet() && localDir.indexOf("file:/") == 0)
localDir = getLocalPathForWritingFile(viewer, localDir);
File f = new File(localDir);
return f.isDirectory() ? f : f.getParentFile();
public static void setLocalPath(JmolViewer viewer, String path,
boolean forDialog) {
while (path.endsWith("/") || path.endsWith("\\"))
path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
viewer.setStringProperty("currentLocalPath", path);
if (!forDialog)
viewer.setStringProperty("defaultDirectoryLocal", path);
public static String getLocalPathForWritingFile(JmolViewer viewer, String file) {
if (file.indexOf("file:/") == 0)
return file.substring(6);
if (file.indexOf("/") == 0 || file.indexOf(":") >= 0)
return file;
File dir = getLocalDirectory(viewer, false);
return (dir == null ? file : fixPath(dir.toString() + "/" + file));
public static String setScriptFileReferences(String script, String localPath,
String remotePath, String scriptPath) {
if (localPath != null)
script = setScriptFileReferences(script, localPath, true);
if (remotePath != null)
script = setScriptFileReferences(script, remotePath, false);
script = TextFormat.simpleReplace(script, "\1\"", "\"");
if (scriptPath != null) {
while (scriptPath.endsWith("/"))
scriptPath = scriptPath.substring(0, scriptPath.length() - 1);
for (int ipt = 0; ipt < scriptFilePrefixes.length; ipt++) {
String tag = scriptFilePrefixes[ipt];
script = TextFormat.simpleReplace(script, tag + ".", tag + scriptPath);
return script;
* Sets all local file references in a script file to point to files within
* dataPath. If a file reference contains dataPath, then the file reference is
* left with that RELATIVE path. Otherwise, it is changed to a relative file
* name within that dataPath.
* Only file references starting with "file://" are changed.
* @param script
* @param dataPath
* @param isLocal
* @return revised script
private static String setScriptFileReferences(String script, String dataPath, boolean isLocal) {
if (dataPath == null)
return script;
boolean noPath = (dataPath.length() == 0);
List fileNames = new ArrayList();
getFileReferences(script, fileNames);
List oldFileNames = new ArrayList();
List newFileNames = new ArrayList();
int nFiles = fileNames.size();
for (int iFile = 0; iFile < nFiles; iFile++) {
String name0 = (String) fileNames.get(iFile);
String name = name0;
int itype = urlTypeIndex(name);
if (isLocal == (itype < 0 || itype == URL_LOCAL)) {
int pt = (noPath ? -1 : name.indexOf("/" + dataPath + "/"));
if (pt >= 0) {
name = name.substring(pt + 1);
} else {
pt = name.lastIndexOf("/");
if (pt < 0 && !noPath)
name = "/" + name;
if (pt < 0 || noPath)
name = dataPath + name.substring(pt);
Logger.info("FileManager substituting " + name0 + " --> " + name);
oldFileNames.add("\"" + name0 + "\"");
newFileNames.add("\1\"" + name + "\"");
return TextFormat.replaceStrings(script, oldFileNames, newFileNames);
private static String[] scriptFilePrefixes = new String[] { "/*file*/\"", "FILE0=\"", "FILE1=\"" };
public static void getFileReferences(String script, List fileList) {
for (int ipt = 0; ipt < scriptFilePrefixes.length; ipt++) {
String tag = scriptFilePrefixes[ipt];
int i = -1;
while ((i = script.indexOf(tag, i + 1)) >= 0) {
String s = Parser.getNextQuotedString(script, i);
if (s.indexOf("::") >= 0)
s = TextFormat.split(s, "::")[1];
String createZipSet(String fileName, String script, boolean includeRemoteFiles) {
List v = new ArrayList();
List fileNames = new ArrayList();
getFileReferences(script, fileNames);
List newFileNames = new ArrayList();
int nFiles = fileNames.size();
fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/');
String fileRoot = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if (fileRoot.indexOf(".") >= 0)
fileRoot = fileRoot.substring(0, fileRoot.indexOf("."));
for (int iFile = 0; iFile < nFiles; iFile++) {
String name = (String) fileNames.get(iFile);
int itype = urlTypeIndex(name);
boolean isLocal = (itype < 0 || itype == URL_LOCAL);
if (isLocal || includeRemoteFiles) {
int pt = Math.max(name.lastIndexOf("|"), name.lastIndexOf("/"));
String newName = "$SCRIPT_PATH$/" + name.substring(pt + 1);
if (isLocal && name.indexOf("|") < 0) {
v.add(null); // data will be gotten from disk
} else {
Object ret = getFileAsBytes(name, null);
if (!(ret instanceof byte[]))
return (String) ret;
name = newName;
String sname = fileRoot + ".spt";
String sinfo = "# Jmol Manifest Zip Format 1.0\n"
+ "# Created "
+ DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date()) + "\n"
+ "# JmolVersion " + Viewer.getJmolVersion() + "\n"
+ sname;
script = TextFormat.replaceQuotedStrings(script, fileNames, newFileNames);
Object bytes = viewer.getImageAs("PNG", -1, -1, -1, null, null,
if (bytes instanceof byte[]) {
v.add(fileRoot + ".png");
v.add((byte[]) bytes);
return writeZipFile(fileName, v, false, "OK JMOL");
* generic method to create a zip file based on
* http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.util.zip/CreateZip.html
* @param outFileName
* @param fileNamesAndByteArrays
* List of [filename1, bytes|null, filename2, bytes|null, ...]
* @param preservePath
* @param msg
* @return msg bytes filename or errorMessage
private static String writeZipFile(String outFileName,
List fileNamesAndByteArrays,
boolean preservePath, String msg) {
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
long nBytesOut = 0;
long nBytes = 0;
Logger.info("creating zip file " + outFileName + "...");
String fullFilePath = null;
String fileList = "";
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = (outFileName.startsWith("http://") ? new ByteArrayOutputStream() : null);
ZipOutputStream os = new ZipOutputStream(bos == null ?
(OutputStream) new FileOutputStream(outFileName) : bos);
for (int i = 0; i < fileNamesAndByteArrays.size(); i += 2) {
String fname = (String) fileNamesAndByteArrays.get(i);
if (fname.indexOf("file:/") == 0)
fname = fname.substring(6);
byte[] bytes = (byte[]) fileNamesAndByteArrays.get(i + 1);
String fnameShort = fname;
if (!preservePath || fname.indexOf("|") >= 0) {
int pt = Math.max(fname.lastIndexOf("|"), fname.lastIndexOf("/"));
fnameShort = fnameShort.substring(pt + 1);
Logger.info("...adding " + fname);
String key = ";" + fnameShort + ";";
if (fileList.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
Logger.info("duplicate entry");
fileList += key;
os.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fnameShort));
if (bytes == null) {
// get data from disk
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fname);
int len;
while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
os.write(buf, 0, len);
nBytesOut += len;
} else {
// data are already in byte form
os.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
nBytesOut += bytes.length;
Logger.info(nBytesOut + " bytes prior to compression");
if (bos != null) {
fullFilePath = outFileName;
byte[] bytes = bos.toByteArray();
nBytes = bytes.length;
String ret = postByteArray(outFileName, bytes);
if (ret != null)
return ret;
} else {
File f = new File(outFileName);
fullFilePath = f.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\','/');
nBytes = f.length();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
return msg + " " + nBytes + " " + fullFilePath;
private static String postByteArray(String outFileName, byte[] bytes) {
//getInputStreamOrPost(outFileName, false, bytes, false, null, null);
return null;
////////////////// reader classes -- DOM, File, and Files /////////////
private class DOMReader {
private Object aDOMNode;
Object atomSetCollection;
Hashtable htParams;
DOMReader(Object DOMNode, Hashtable htParams) {
this.aDOMNode = DOMNode;
this.htParams = htParams;
void run() {
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter().getAtomSetCollectionFromDOM(
aDOMNode, htParams);
if (atomSetCollection instanceof String)
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
fullPathName = fileName = nameAsGiven = "JSNode";
private class FileReader {
private String fileNameIn;
private String fullPathNameIn;
private String nameAsGivenIn;
private String fileTypeIn;
Object atomSetCollection;
private BufferedReader reader;
private Hashtable htParams;
private boolean isAppend;
FileReader(String fileName, String fullPathName, String nameAsGiven, String type,
BufferedReader reader, Hashtable htParams, boolean isAppend) {
fileNameIn = fileName;
fullPathNameIn = fullPathName;
nameAsGivenIn = nameAsGiven;
fileTypeIn = type;
this.reader = reader;
this.htParams = htParams;
this.isAppend = isAppend;
void run() {
if (!isAppend && viewer.displayLoadErrors)
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
String errorMessage = null;
Object t = null;
if (reader == null) {
t = getUnzippedBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(fullPathNameIn,
true, false, false, true);
if (t == null || t instanceof String) {
errorMessage = (t == null ? "error opening:" + nameAsGivenIn
: (String) t);
if (!errorMessage.startsWith("NOTE:"))
Logger.error("file ERROR: " + fullPathNameIn + "\n" + errorMessage);
atomSetCollection = errorMessage;
if (reader == null) {
if (t instanceof BufferedReader) {
reader = (BufferedReader) t;
} else if (t instanceof ZipInputStream) {
String name = fullPathNameIn;
String[] subFileList = null;
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0)
name = (subFileList = TextFormat.split(name, "|"))[0];
if (subFileList != null)
htParams.put("subFileList", subFileList);
ZipInputStream zis = (ZipInputStream) t;
String[] zipDirectory = getZipDirectory(name, true);
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter()
.getAtomSetCollectionOrBufferedReaderFromZip(zis, name,
zipDirectory, htParams, false);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (reader != null) {
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter()
.getAtomSetCollectionReader(fullPathNameIn, fileTypeIn, reader,
if (!(atomSetCollection instanceof String))
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter().getAtomSetCollection(
if (reader != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
if (atomSetCollection instanceof String)
if (!isAppend && !viewer.displayLoadErrors)
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
fullPathName = fullPathNameIn;
nameAsGiven = nameAsGivenIn;
fileName = fileNameIn;
* open a set of models residing in different files
private class FilesReader implements JmolFileReaderInterface {
private String[] fullPathNamesIn;
private String[] namesAsGivenIn;
private String[] fileTypesIn;
Object atomSetCollection;
private DataReader[] stringReaders;
private Hashtable htParams;
private boolean isAppend;
FilesReader(String[] name, String[] nameAsGiven, String[] types,
DataReader[] readers, Hashtable htParams, boolean isAppend) {
fullPathNamesIn = name;
namesAsGivenIn = nameAsGiven;
fileTypesIn = types;
stringReaders = readers;
this.htParams = htParams;
this.isAppend = isAppend;
void run() {
if (!isAppend && viewer.displayLoadErrors)
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
boolean getReadersOnly = !viewer.displayLoadErrors;
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter().getAtomSetCollectionReaders(
this, fullPathNamesIn, fileTypesIn, htParams, getReadersOnly);
stringReaders = null;
if (getReadersOnly && !(atomSetCollection instanceof String)) {
atomSetCollection = viewer.getModelAdapter()
.getAtomSetCollectionFromSet(atomSetCollection, null, htParams);
if (atomSetCollection instanceof String) {
Logger.error("file ERROR: " + atomSetCollection);
if (!isAppend && !viewer.displayLoadErrors)
viewer.zap(false, true, false);
fullPathName = fileName = nameAsGiven = (stringReaders == null ? "file[]"
: "String[]");
* called by SmartJmolAdapter to request another buffered reader,
* rather than opening all the readers at once.
* @param i the reader index
* @return a BufferedReader or null in the case of an error
public Object getBufferedReader(int i) {
if (stringReaders != null)
return stringReaders[i].getBufferedReader();
String name = fullPathNamesIn[i];
String[] subFileList = null;
if (name.indexOf("|") >= 0)
name = (subFileList = TextFormat.split(name, "|"))[0];
Object t = getUnzippedBufferedReaderOrErrorMessageFromName(name, true,
false, false, true);
if (t instanceof ZipInputStream) {
if (subFileList != null)
htParams.put("subFileList", subFileList);
String[] zipDirectory = getZipDirectory(name, true);
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(
(InputStream) getInputStreamOrErrorMessageFromName(name, false, false),
t = viewer.getModelAdapter()
.getAtomSetCollectionOrBufferedReaderFromZip(is, name,
zipDirectory, htParams, true);
if (t instanceof BufferedReader)
return (BufferedReader) t;
return (t == null ? "error opening:" + namesAsGivenIn[i]
: (String) t);
* Just a simple abstract class to join a String reader and a String[]
* reader under the same BufferedReader umbrella.
* Subclassed as StringDataReader, ArrayDataReader, and VectorDataReader
abstract class DataReader extends BufferedReader {
DataReader(Reader in) {
BufferedReader getBufferedReader() {
return this;
protected int readBuf(char[] buf) throws IOException {
// not used by StringDataReader
int nRead = 0;
String line = readLine();
if (line == null)
return 0;
int linept = 0;
int linelen = (line == null ? -1 : line.length());
for (int i = 0; i < buf.length && linelen >= 0; i++) {
if (linept >= linelen) {
linept = 0;
buf[i] = '\n';
line = readLine();
linelen = (line == null ? -1 : line.length());
} else {
buf[i] = line.charAt(linept++);
return nRead;
* ArrayDataReader subclasses BufferedReader and overrides its
* read, readLine, mark, and reset methods so that JmolAdapter
* works with String[] arrays without any further adaptation.
class ArrayDataReader extends DataReader {
private String[] data;
private int pt;
private int len;
ArrayDataReader(String[] data) {
super(new StringReader(""));
this.data = data;
len = data.length;
public int read(char[] buf) throws IOException {
return readBuf(buf);
public String readLine() {
return (pt < len ? data[pt++] : null);
int ptMark;
public void mark(long ptr) {
//ignore ptr.
ptMark = pt;
public void reset() {
pt = ptMark;
class StringDataReader extends DataReader {
StringDataReader(String data) {
super(new StringReader(data));
* VectorDataReader subclasses BufferedReader and overrides its
* read, readLine, mark, and reset methods so that JmolAdapter
* works with Vector<String> arrays without any further adaptation.
class VectorDataReader extends DataReader {
private List data;
private int pt;
private int len;
VectorDataReader(List data) {
super(new StringReader(""));
this.data = data;
len = data.size();
public int read(char[] buf) throws IOException {
return readBuf(buf);
public String readLine() {
return (pt < len ? (String) data.get(pt++) : null);
int ptMark;
public void mark(long ptr) {
//ignore ptr.
ptMark = pt;
public void reset() {
pt = ptMark;
public static String fixFileNameVariables(String format, String fname) {
String str = TextFormat.simpleReplace(format, "%FILE", fname);
if (str.indexOf("%LC") < 0)
return str;
fname = fname.toLowerCase();
str = TextFormat.simpleReplace(str, "%LCFILE", fname);
if (fname.length() == 4)
str = TextFormat.simpleReplace(str, "%LC13", fname.substring(1,3));
return str;
private class MonitorInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
private long length;
private int position;
private int markPosition;
MonitorInputStream(InputStream in, long length) {
this.length = length;
public int read() throws IOException {
int nextByte = super.read();
if (nextByte >= 0)
return nextByte;
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
int cb = super.read(b);
if (cb > 0)
position += cb;
return cb;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int cb = super.read(b, off, len);
if (cb > 0)
position += cb;
return cb;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
long cb = super.skip(n);
// this will only work in relatively small files ... 2Gb
position += cb;
return cb;
public void mark(int readlimit) {
markPosition = position;
public void reset() throws IOException {
position = markPosition;
int getPosition() {
return position;
long getLength() {
return length;
int getPercentageRead() {
return (int) (position * 100 / length;