/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: egonw $
* $Date: 2005-11-10 09:52:44 -0600 (Thu, 10 Nov 2005) $
* $Revision: 4255 $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Miguel, Jmol Development, www.jmol.org
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.symmetry;
* Bob Hanson 9/2006
* references: International Tables for Crystallography Vol. A. (2002)
* http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cif/cifdic_html/1/cif_core.dic/Ispace_group_symop_operation_xyz.html
* http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cif/cifdic_html/1/cif_core.dic/Isymmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz.html
* LATT : http://macxray.chem.upenn.edu/LATT.pdf thank you, Patrick Carroll
* Hall symbols:
* http://cci.lbl.gov/sginfo/hall_symbols.html
* and
* http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx/explore_symmetry.html
* (-)L [N_A^T_1] [N_A^T_2] ... [N_A^T_P] V(Nx Ny Nz)
* lattice types S and T are not supported here
import javax.vecmath.Point3i;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
class HallInfo {
String hallSymbol;
String primitiveHallSymbol;
char latticeCode;
String latticeExtension;
boolean isCentrosymmetric;
int nRotations;
RotationTerm[] rotationTerms = new RotationTerm[16];
Point3i vector12ths;
String vectorCode;
HallInfo(String hallSymbol) {
try {
String str = this.hallSymbol = hallSymbol.trim();
str = extractLatticeInfo(str);
if (Translation.getLatticeIndex(latticeCode) == 0)
latticeExtension = Translation.getLatticeExtension(latticeCode,
str = extractVectorInfo(str) + latticeExtension;
Logger.info("Hallinfo: " + hallSymbol + " " + str);
int prevOrder = 0;
char prevAxisType = '\0';
primitiveHallSymbol = "P";
while (str.length() > 0 && nRotations < 16) {
str = extractRotationInfo(str, prevOrder, prevAxisType);
RotationTerm r = rotationTerms[nRotations - 1];
prevOrder = r.order;
prevAxisType = r.axisType;
primitiveHallSymbol += " " + r.primitiveCode;
primitiveHallSymbol += vectorCode;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Invalid Hall symbol");
nRotations = 0;
String dumpInfo() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("\nHall symbol: ").append(hallSymbol)
.append("\nprimitive Hall symbol: ").append(primitiveHallSymbol)
.append("\nlattice type: ").append(getLatticeDesignation());
for (int i = 0; i < nRotations; i++) {
sb.append("\n\nrotation term ").append(i + 1).append(rotationTerms[i].dumpInfo());
return sb.toString();
String getCanonicalSeitzList() {
String[] list = new String[nRotations];
for (int i = 0; i < nRotations; i++)
list[i] = SymmetryOperation.dumpSeitz(rotationTerms[i].seitzMatrix12ths);
Arrays.sort(list, 0, nRotations);
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < nRotations; i++)
s += list[i];
s = s.replace('\t',' ').replace('\n',';');
return s;
private String getLatticeDesignation() {
return Translation.getLatticeDesignation(latticeCode, isCentrosymmetric);
private String extractLatticeInfo(String name) {
int i = name.indexOf(" ");
if (i < 0)
return "";
String term = name.substring(0, i).toUpperCase();
latticeCode = term.charAt(0);
if (latticeCode == '-') {
isCentrosymmetric = true;
latticeCode = term.charAt(1);
return name.substring(i + 1).trim();
private String extractVectorInfo(String name) {
// (nx ny nz) where n is 1/12 of the edge.
// also allows for (nz), though that is not standard
vector12ths = new Point3i();
vectorCode = "";
int i = name.indexOf("(");
int j = name.indexOf(")", i);
if (i > 0 && j > i) {
String term = name.substring(i + 1, j);
vectorCode = " (" + term + ")";
name = name.substring(0, i).trim();
i = term.indexOf(" ");
if (i >= 0) {
vector12ths.x = Integer.parseInt(term.substring(0, i));
term = term.substring(i + 1).trim();
i = term.indexOf(" ");
if (i >= 0) {
vector12ths.y = Integer.parseInt(term.substring(0, i));
term = term.substring(i + 1).trim();
vector12ths.z = Integer.parseInt(term);
return name;
private String extractRotationInfo(String name, int prevOrder, char prevAxisType) {
int i = name.indexOf(" ");
String code;
if (i >= 0) {
code = name.substring(0, i);
name = name.substring(i + 1).trim();
} else {
code = name;
name = "";
rotationTerms[nRotations] = new RotationTerm(code, prevOrder, prevAxisType);
return name;
class RotationTerm {
RotationTerm() {
String inputCode;
String primitiveCode;
String lookupCode;
String translationString;
Rotation rotation;
Translation translation;
Matrix4f seitzMatrix12ths = new Matrix4f();
boolean isImproper;
int order;
char axisType;
char diagonalReferenceAxis;
RotationTerm(String code, int prevOrder, char prevAxisType) {
getRotationInfo(code, prevOrder, prevAxisType);
boolean allPositive = true; //for now
String dumpInfo() {
StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer("\ninput code: ")
.append(inputCode).append("; primitive code: ").append(primitiveCode)
.append("\norder: ").append(order).append(isImproper ? " (improper axis)" : "");
if (axisType != '_') {
sb.append("; axisType: ").append(axisType);
if (diagonalReferenceAxis != '\0')
if (translationString.length() > 0)
sb.append("; translation: ").append(translationString);
if (vectorCode.length() > 0)
sb.append("; vector offset:").append(vectorCode);
if (rotation != null)
sb.append("\noperator: ").append(getXYZ(allPositive)).append("\nSeitz matrix:\n")
return sb.toString();
String getXYZ(boolean allPositive) {
return SymmetryOperation.getXYZFromMatrix(seitzMatrix12ths, true, allPositive, true);
private void getRotationInfo(String code, int prevOrder, char prevAxisType) {
this.inputCode = code;
code += " ";
if (code.charAt(0) == '-') {
isImproper = true;
code = code.substring(1);
primitiveCode = "";
order = code.charAt(0) - '0';
diagonalReferenceAxis = '\0';
axisType = '\0';
int ptr = 2; // pointing to "c" in 2xc
char c;
switch (c = code.charAt(1)) {
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'z':
switch (code.charAt(2)) {
case '\'':
case '"':
diagonalReferenceAxis = c;
c = code.charAt(2);
// fall through
case '*':
axisType = c;
case '\'':
case '"':
axisType = c;
switch (code.charAt(2)) {
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'z':
diagonalReferenceAxis = code.charAt(2);
diagonalReferenceAxis = prevAxisType;
// implicit axis type
axisType = (order == 1 ? '_'// no axis for 1
: nRotations == 0 ? 'z' // z implied for first rotation
: nRotations == 2 ? '*' // 3* implied for third rotation
: prevOrder == 2 || prevOrder == 4 ? 'x' // x implied for 2
// or 4
: '\'' // a-b (') implied for 3 or 6 previous
code = code.substring(0, 1) + axisType + code.substring(1);
primitiveCode += (axisType == '_' ? "1" : code.substring(0, 2));
if (diagonalReferenceAxis != '\0') {
// 2' needs x or y or z designation
code = code.substring(0, 1) + diagonalReferenceAxis + axisType
+ code.substring(ptr);
primitiveCode += diagonalReferenceAxis;
ptr = 3;
lookupCode = code.substring(0, ptr);
rotation = Rotation.lookup(lookupCode);
if (rotation == null) {
Logger.error("Rotation lookup could not find " + inputCode + " ? "
+ lookupCode);
// now for translational part 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c n u v w d r
// The "r" is my addition to handle rhombohedral lattice with
// primitive notation. This made coding FAR simpler -- all lattice
// operations indicated by one to three 1xxx or -1 extensions.
translation = new Translation();
translationString = "";
int len = code.length();
for (int i = ptr; i < len; i++) {
char translationCode = code.charAt(i);
Translation t = new Translation(translationCode, order);
if (t.translationCode != '\0') {
translationString += "" + t.translationCode;
translation.rotationShift12ths += t.rotationShift12ths;
primitiveCode = (isImproper ? "-" : "") + primitiveCode
+ translationString;
// set matrix, including translations and vector adjustment
if (isImproper) {
} else {
seitzMatrix12ths.m03 = translation.vectorShift12ths.x;
seitzMatrix12ths.m13 = translation.vectorShift12ths.y;
seitzMatrix12ths.m23 = translation.vectorShift12ths.z;
switch (axisType) {
case 'x':
seitzMatrix12ths.m03 += translation.rotationShift12ths;
case 'y':
seitzMatrix12ths.m13 += translation.rotationShift12ths;
case 'z':
seitzMatrix12ths.m23 += translation.rotationShift12ths;
if (vectorCode.length() > 0) {
Matrix4f m1 = new Matrix4f();
Matrix4f m2 = new Matrix4f();
m1.m03 = vector12ths.x;
m1.m13 = vector12ths.y;
m1.m23 = vector12ths.z;
m2.m03 = -vector12ths.x;
m2.m13 = -vector12ths.y;
m2.m23 = -vector12ths.z;
seitzMatrix12ths.mul(m1, seitzMatrix12ths);
if (Logger.debugging) {
Logger.debug("code = " + code + "; primitive code =" + primitiveCode
+ "\n Seitz Matrix(12ths):" + seitzMatrix12ths);
class Translation {
char translationCode = '\0';
int rotationOrder;
int rotationShift12ths;
Point3i vectorShift12ths = new Point3i();
Translation() {
Translation(char translationCode, int order) {
for (int i = 0; i < hallTranslationTerms.length; i++) {
Translation h = hallTranslationTerms[i];
if (h.translationCode == translationCode) {
if (h.rotationOrder == 0 || h.rotationOrder == order) {
this.translationCode = translationCode;
rotationShift12ths = h.rotationShift12ths;
vectorShift12ths = h.vectorShift12ths;
private Translation(char translationCode, int order,
Point3i vectorShift12ths) {
this.translationCode = translationCode;
this.rotationOrder = 0;
this.rotationShift12ths = 0;
this.vectorShift12ths = vectorShift12ths;
private Translation(char translationCode, int order,
int rotationShift12ths) {
this.translationCode = translationCode;
this.rotationOrder = order;
this.rotationShift12ths = rotationShift12ths;
this.vectorShift12ths = new Point3i();
final static String getHallLatticeEquivalent(int latticeParameter) {
// SHELX LATT --> Hall term
char latticeCode = Translation.getLatticeCode(latticeParameter);
boolean isCentrosymmetric = (latticeParameter > 0);
return (isCentrosymmetric ? "-" : "") + latticeCode + " 1";
final static int getLatticeIndex(char latt) {
* returns lattice code (1-9, including S and T) for a given lattice type
* 1-7 match SHELX codes
for (int i = 1, ipt = 3; i <= nLatticeTypes; i++, ipt+=3)
if (latticeTranslationData[ipt].charAt(0) == latt)
return i;
return 0;
* @param latt SHELX index or character
* @return lattice character P I R F A B C S T or \0
final static char getLatticeCode(int latt) {
if (latt < 0)
latt = -latt;
return (latt == 0 ? '\0' : latt > nLatticeTypes ?
: latticeTranslationData[latt * 3].charAt(0));
final static String getLatticeDesignation(int latt) {
boolean isCentrosymmetric = (latt > 0);
String str = (isCentrosymmetric ? "-" : "");
if (latt < 0)
latt = -latt;
if (latt == 0 || latt > nLatticeTypes)
return "";
return str + getLatticeCode(latt) + ": "
+ (isCentrosymmetric ? "centrosymmetric " : "")
+ latticeTranslationData[latt * 3 + 1];
final static String getLatticeDesignation(char latticeCode, boolean isCentrosymmetric) {
int latt = getLatticeIndex(latticeCode);
if (!isCentrosymmetric)
latt = - latt;
return getLatticeDesignation(latt);
final static String getLatticeExtension(char latt, boolean isCentrosymmetric) {
* returns a set of rotation terms that are equivalent to the lattice code
for (int i = 1, ipt = 3; i <= nLatticeTypes; i++, ipt += 3)
if (latticeTranslationData[ipt].charAt(0) == latt)
return latticeTranslationData[ipt + 2]
+ (isCentrosymmetric ? " -1" : "");
return "";
final static String[] latticeTranslationData = {
"\0", "unknown", ""
,"P", "primitive", ""
,"I", "body-centered", " 1n"
,"R", "rhombohedral", " 1r 1r"
,"F", "face-centered", " 1ab 1bc 1ac"
,"A", "A-centered", " 1bc"
,"B", "B-centered", " 1ac"
,"C", "C-centered", " 1ab"
,"S", "rhombohedral(S)", " 1s 1s"
,"T", "rhombohedral(T)", " 1t 1t"
final static int nLatticeTypes = latticeTranslationData.length/3 - 1;
final static Translation[] hallTranslationTerms = {
// all units are 12ths
new Translation('a', 0, new Point3i(6, 0, 0))
, new Translation('b', 0, new Point3i(0, 6, 0))
, new Translation('c', 0, new Point3i(0, 0, 6))
, new Translation('n', 0, new Point3i(6, 6, 6))
, new Translation('u', 0, new Point3i(3, 0, 0))
, new Translation('v', 0, new Point3i(0, 3, 0))
, new Translation('w', 0, new Point3i(0, 0, 3))
, new Translation('d', 0, new Point3i(3, 3, 3))
, new Translation('1', 2, 6)
, new Translation('1', 3, 4)
, new Translation('2', 3, 8)
, new Translation('1', 4, 3)
, new Translation('3', 4, 9)
, new Translation('1', 6, 2)
, new Translation('2', 6, 4)
, new Translation('4', 6, 8)
, new Translation('5', 6, 10)
// extension to handle rhombohedral lattice as primitive
, new Translation('r', 0, new Point3i(4, 8, 8))
, new Translation('s', 0, new Point3i(8, 8, 4))
, new Translation('t', 0, new Point3i(8, 4, 8))
class Rotation {
String rotCode;
//int order;
Matrix4f seitzMatrix = new Matrix4f();
Matrix4f seitzMatrixInv = new Matrix4f();
Rotation () {
private Rotation (String code, String matrixData) {
rotCode = code;
//order = code.charAt(0) - '0';
float[] data = new float[16];
float[] dataInv = new float[16];
data[15] = dataInv[15] = 1f;
for (int i = 0, ipt = 0; ipt < 11; i++) {
int value = 0;
switch(matrixData.charAt(i)) {
case ' ':
case '+':
case '1':
value = 1;
case '-':
value = -1;
data[ipt] = value;
dataInv[ipt] = -value;
final static Rotation lookup(String code) {
for (int i = hallRotationTerms.length; --i >= 0;)
if (hallRotationTerms[i].rotCode.equals(code))
return hallRotationTerms[i];
return null;
final static Rotation[] hallRotationTerms = {
// in matrix definitions, "+" = 1; "-" = -1;
// just a compact way of indicating a 3x3
new Rotation("1_" , "+00 0+0 00+")
, new Rotation("2x" , "+00 0-0 00-")
, new Rotation("2y" , "-00 0+0 00-")
, new Rotation("2z" , "-00 0-0 00+")
, new Rotation("2\'" , "0-0 -00 00-") //z implied
, new Rotation("2\"" , "0+0 +00 00-") //z implied
, new Rotation("2x\'" , "-00 00- 0-0")
, new Rotation("2x\"" , "-00 00+ 0+0")
, new Rotation("2y\'" , "00- 0-0 -00")
, new Rotation("2y\"" , "00+ 0-0 +00")
, new Rotation("2z\'" , "0-0 -00 00-")
, new Rotation("2z\"" , "0+0 +00 00-")
, new Rotation("3x" , "+00 00- 0+-")
, new Rotation("3y" , "-0+ 0+0 -00")
, new Rotation("3z" , "0-0 +-0 00+")
, new Rotation("3*" , "00+ +00 0+0")
, new Rotation("4x" , "+00 00- 0+0")
, new Rotation("4y" , "00+ 0+0 -00")
, new Rotation("4z" , "0-0 +00 00+")
, new Rotation("6x" , "+00 0+- 0+0")
, new Rotation("6y" , "00+ 0+0 -0+")
, new Rotation("6z" , "+-0 +00 00+")