/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2011-04-28 17:05:57 +0200 (jeu., 28 avr. 2011) $
* $Revision: 15409 $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The Jmol Development Team
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.modelset;
import org.jmol.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jmol.util.BitSetUtil;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.viewer.JmolConstants;
import org.jmol.script.Token;
import org.jmol.api.Interface;
import org.jmol.api.JmolEdge;
import org.jmol.api.SymmetryInterface;
import org.jmol.atomdata.AtomData;
import org.jmol.atomdata.RadiusData;
import org.jmol.shape.Shape;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple3f;
* An abstract class always created using new ModelLoader(...)
* Merged with methods in Mmset and ModelManager 10/2007 Jmol 11.3.32
* ModelLoader simply pulls out all private classes that are
* necessary only for file loading (and structure recalculation).
* What is left here are all the methods that are
* necessary AFTER a model is loaded, when it is being
* accessed by Viewer, primarily.
* Please:
* 1) designate any methods used only here as private
* 2) designate any methods accessed only by ModelLoader as protected
* 3) designate any methods accessed within modelset as nothing
* 4) designate any methods accessed only by Viewer as public
* Bob Hanson, 5/2007, 10/2007
abstract public class ModelSet extends ModelCollection {
protected void releaseModelSet() {
models = null;
closest[0] = null;
//variables that will be reset when a new frame is instantiated
private boolean selectionHaloEnabled = false;
private boolean echoShapeActive = false;
public void setSelectionHaloEnabled(boolean selectionHaloEnabled) {
if (this.selectionHaloEnabled != selectionHaloEnabled) {
this.selectionHaloEnabled = selectionHaloEnabled;
public boolean getSelectionHaloEnabled() {
return selectionHaloEnabled;
public boolean getEchoStateActive() {
return echoShapeActive;
public void setEchoStateActive(boolean TF) {
echoShapeActive = TF;
protected String modelSetTypeName;
public String getModelSetTypeName() {
return modelSetTypeName;
public int getModelNumberIndex(int modelNumber, boolean useModelNumber,
boolean doSetTrajectory) {
if (useModelNumber) {
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (modelNumbers[i] == modelNumber)
return i;
return -1;
//new decimal format: frame 1.2 1.3 1.4
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (modelFileNumbers[i] == modelNumber) {
if (doSetTrajectory && isTrajectory(i))
return i;
return -1;
public String getTrajectoryInfo() {
String s = "";
if (trajectorySteps == null)
return "";
for (int i = modelCount; --i >= 0; )
if (models[i].selectedTrajectory >= 0) {
s = " or " + getModelNumberDotted(models[i].selectedTrajectory) + s;
i = models[i].trajectoryBaseIndex; //skip other trajectories
if (s.length() > 0)
s = "set trajectory {" + s.substring(4) + "}";
return s;
public BitSet getBitSetTrajectories() {
if (trajectorySteps == null)
return null;
BitSet bsModels = new BitSet();
for (int i = modelCount; --i >= 0;)
if (models[i].selectedTrajectory >= 0) {
i = models[i].trajectoryBaseIndex; //skip other trajectories
return bsModels;
public void setTrajectory(BitSet bsModels) {
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (bsModels.get(i))
public void setTrajectory(int modelIndex) {
if (modelIndex < 0 || !models[modelIndex].isTrajectory)
// The user has used the MODEL command to switch to a new set of atom coordinates
// Or has specified a trajectory in a select, display, or hide command.
// Assign the coordinates and the model index for this set of atoms
int iFirst = models[modelIndex].firstAtomIndex;
if (atoms[iFirst].modelIndex == modelIndex)
int baseModel = models[modelIndex].trajectoryBaseIndex;
models[baseModel].selectedTrajectory = modelIndex;
Point3f[] trajectory = (Point3f[]) trajectorySteps.get(modelIndex);
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
int iMax = iFirst + getAtomCountInModel(baseModel);
for (int pt = 0, i = iFirst; i < iMax && pt < trajectory.length && trajectory[pt]!= null; i++) {
atoms[i].setFractionalCoord(trajectory[pt++], true);
atoms[i].modelIndex = (short) modelIndex;
// Clear the Binary Search so that select within(),
// isosurface, and dots will work properly
// Recalculate critical points for cartoons and such
// note that models[baseModel] and models[modelIndex]
// point to the same model. So there is only one copy of
// the shape business.
// Recalculate all measures that involve trajectories
shapeManager.refreshShapeTrajectories(baseModel, bs);
if (models[baseModel].hasRasmolHBonds) {
clearRasmolHydrogenBonds(baseModel, null);
getRasmolHydrogenBonds(models[baseModel], bs, bs, null, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false);
int m = viewer.getCurrentModelIndex();
if (m >= 0 && m != modelIndex
&& models[m].fileIndex == models[modelIndex].fileIndex)
viewer.setCurrentModelIndex(modelIndex, false);
public Point3f[] getFrameOffsets(BitSet bsAtoms) {
if (bsAtoms == null)
return null;
Point3f[] offsets = new Point3f[modelCount];
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
offsets[i] = new Point3f();
int lastModel = 0;
int n = 0;
Point3f offset = offsets[0];
boolean asTrajectory = (trajectorySteps != null && trajectorySteps.size() == modelCount);
int m1 = (asTrajectory ? modelCount : 1);
for (int m = 0; m < m1; m++) {
if (asTrajectory)
for (int i = 0; i <= atomCount; i++) {
if (i == atomCount || atoms[i].modelIndex != lastModel) {
if (n > 0) {
offset.scale(-1.0f / n);
if (lastModel != 0)
n = 0;
if (i == atomCount)
lastModel = atoms[i].modelIndex;
offset = offsets[lastModel];
if (!bsAtoms.get(i))
offsets[0].set(0, 0, 0);
return offsets;
* general lookup for integer type -- from Eval
* @param tokType
* @param specInfo
* @return bitset; null only if we mess up with name
public BitSet getAtomBits(int tokType, Object specInfo) {
switch (tokType) {
case Token.spec_model:
return getSpecModel(((Integer) specInfo).intValue());
return super.getAtomBits(tokType, specInfo);
public String getAtomLabel(int i) {
return (String) viewer.getShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_LABELS, "label", i);
private BitSet getSpecModel(int modelNumber) {
int modelIndex = getModelNumberIndex(modelNumber, true, true);
return (modelIndex < 0 && modelNumber > 0 ? new BitSet()
: viewer.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(modelIndex));
protected final Atom[] closest = new Atom[1];
public int findNearestAtomIndex(int x, int y, BitSet bsNot) {
if (atomCount == 0)
return -1;
closest[0] = null;
if (g3d.isAntialiased()) {
x <<= 1;
y <<= 1;
findNearestAtomIndex(x, y, closest, bsNot);
shapeManager.findNearestShapeAtomIndex(x, y, closest, bsNot);
int closestIndex = (closest[0] == null ? -1 : closest[0].index);
closest[0] = null;
return closestIndex;
private Hashtable userProperties;
void putUserProperty(String name, Object property) {
if (userProperties == null)
userProperties = new Hashtable();
if (property == null)
userProperties.put(name, property);
////////////////// atomData filling ////////////
public void fillAtomData(AtomData atomData, int mode) {
int[] nH = new int[1];
atomData.hAtomRadius = viewer.getVanderwaalsMar(1) / 1000f;
atomData.hAtoms = calculateHydrogens(atomData.bsSelected, nH, false, true, null);
atomData.hydrogenAtomCount = nH[0];
if(atomData.modelIndex < 0)
atomData.firstAtomIndex = (atomData.bsSelected == null ? 0 : Math.max(0, atomData.bsSelected.nextSetBit(0)));
atomData.firstAtomIndex = models[atomData.modelIndex].firstAtomIndex;
atomData.lastModelIndex = atomData.firstModelIndex = (atomCount == 0 ? 0 : atoms[atomData.firstAtomIndex].modelIndex);
atomData.modelName = getModelNumberDotted(atomData.firstModelIndex);
super.fillAtomData(atomData, mode);
///////// atom and shape selecting /////////
public String calculateStructures(BitSet bsAtoms, boolean asDSSP,
boolean dsspIgnoreHydrogen,
boolean setStructure) {
BitSet bsAllAtoms = new BitSet();
BitSet bsDefined = BitSetUtil.copyInvert(modelsOf(bsAtoms, bsAllAtoms),
if (!setStructure)
return calculateStructuresAllExcept(bsDefined, asDSSP, true,
dsspIgnoreHydrogen, false, false);
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (!bsDefined.get(i))
addBioPolymerToModel(null, models[i]);
calculatePolymers(0, bsDefined);
String ret = calculateStructuresAllExcept(bsDefined, asDSSP, true,
dsspIgnoreHydrogen, true, false);
return ret;
public String calculatePointGroup(BitSet bsAtoms) {
return (String) calculatePointGroupForFirstModel(bsAtoms, false,
false, false, null, 0, 0);
public Hashtable getPointGroupInfo(BitSet bsAtoms) {
return (Hashtable) calculatePointGroupForFirstModel(bsAtoms, false,
false, true, null, 0, 0);
public String getPointGroupAsString(BitSet bsAtoms, boolean asDraw,
String type, int index, float scale) {
return (String) calculatePointGroupForFirstModel(bsAtoms, true,
asDraw, false, type, index, scale);
private SymmetryInterface pointGroup;
private Object calculatePointGroupForFirstModel(BitSet bsAtoms,
boolean doAll,
boolean asDraw,
boolean asInfo, String type,
int index, float scale) {
int modelIndex = viewer.getCurrentModelIndex();
int iAtom = (bsAtoms == null ? -1 : bsAtoms.nextSetBit(0));
if (modelIndex < 0 && iAtom >= 0)
modelIndex = atoms[iAtom].getModelIndex();
if (modelIndex < 0) {
modelIndex = viewer.getVisibleFramesBitSet().nextSetBit(0);
bsAtoms = null;
BitSet bs = viewer.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(modelIndex);
if (bsAtoms != null)
iAtom = bs.nextSetBit(0);
if (iAtom < 0) {
bs = viewer.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(modelIndex);
iAtom = bs.nextSetBit(0);
Object obj = viewer.getShapeProperty(JmolConstants.SHAPE_VECTORS, "mad", iAtom);
boolean haveVibration = (obj != null && ((Integer) obj).intValue() != 0 || viewer
SymmetryInterface symmetry = (SymmetryInterface) Interface
pointGroup = symmetry.setPointGroup(pointGroup, atoms, bs, haveVibration,
viewer.getPointGroupTolerance(0), viewer.getPointGroupTolerance(1));
if (!doAll && !asInfo)
return pointGroup.getPointGroupName();
Object ret = pointGroup.getPointGroupInfo(modelIndex, asDraw, asInfo, type,
index, scale);
if (asInfo)
return ret;
return (modelCount > 1 ? "frame " + getModelNumberDotted(modelIndex) + "; "
: "") + ret;
private BitSet modelsOf(BitSet bsAtoms, BitSet bsAllAtoms) {
BitSet bsModels = new BitSet(modelCount);
boolean isAll = (bsAtoms == null);
int i0 = (isAll ? atomCount - 1 : bsAtoms.nextSetBit(0));
for (int i = i0; i >= 0; i = (isAll ? i - 1 : bsAtoms.nextSetBit(i + 1))) {
int modelIndex = models[atoms[i].modelIndex].trajectoryBaseIndex;
if (isJmolDataFrame(modelIndex))
return bsModels;
///// super-overloaded methods ///////
protected void assignAromaticBonds(boolean isUserCalculation) {
super.assignAromaticBonds(isUserCalculation, null);
// send a message to STICKS indicating that these bonds
// should be part of the state of the model. They will
// appear in the state as bondOrder commands.
if (isUserCalculation)
shapeManager.setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_STICKS, Integer.MIN_VALUE, null, bsAromatic);
public int[] makeConnections(float minDistance, float maxDistance, int order,
int connectOperation, BitSet bsA, BitSet bsB,
BitSet bsBonds, boolean isBonds, float energy) {
if (connectOperation == JmolConstants.CONNECT_AUTO_BOND
&& order != JmolEdge.BOND_H_REGULAR) {
String stateScript = "connect ";
if (minDistance != JmolConstants.DEFAULT_MIN_CONNECT_DISTANCE)
stateScript += minDistance + " ";
if (maxDistance != JmolConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_DISTANCE)
stateScript += maxDistance + " ";
addStateScript(stateScript, (isBonds ? bsA : null),
(isBonds ? null : bsA), (isBonds ? null : bsB), " auto", false, true);
moleculeCount = 0;
return super.makeConnections(minDistance, maxDistance, order,
connectOperation, bsA, bsB, bsBonds, isBonds, energy);
public void setPdbConectBonding(int baseAtomIndex, int baseModelIndex,
BitSet bsExclude) {
short mad = viewer.getMadBond();
for (int i = baseModelIndex; i < modelCount; i++) {
List vConnect = (List) getModelAuxiliaryInfo(i, "PDB_CONECT_bonds");
if (vConnect == null)
int nConnect = vConnect.size();
setModelAuxiliaryInfo(i, "initialBondCount", Integer.valueOf(nConnect));
int[] atomInfo = (int[]) getModelAuxiliaryInfo(i,
int firstAtom = atomInfo[0] + baseAtomIndex;
int atomMax = firstAtom + atomInfo[1];
int max = atomInfo[2];
int[] serialMap = new int[max + 1];
int iSerial;
for (int iAtom = firstAtom; iAtom < atomMax; iAtom++)
if ((iSerial = atomSerials[iAtom]) > 0)
serialMap[iSerial] = iAtom + 1;
for (int iConnect = 0; iConnect < nConnect; iConnect++) {
int[] pair = (int[]) vConnect.get(iConnect);
int sourceSerial = pair[0];
int targetSerial = pair[1];
short order = (short) pair[2];
if (sourceSerial < 0 || targetSerial < 0 || sourceSerial > max
|| targetSerial > max)
int sourceIndex = serialMap[sourceSerial] - 1;
int targetIndex = serialMap[targetSerial] - 1;
if (sourceIndex < 0 || targetIndex < 0)
if (bsExclude != null) {
if (atoms[sourceIndex].isHetero())
if (atoms[targetIndex].isHetero())
checkValencesAndBond(atoms[sourceIndex], atoms[targetIndex], order,
(order == JmolEdge.BOND_H_REGULAR ? 1 : mad), null);
public void deleteAllBonds() {
moleculeCount = 0;
for (int i = stateScripts.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (((StateScript) stateScripts.get(i)).isConnect())
/* ******************************************************
* methods for definining the state
public String getDefinedState(StringBuffer sfunc, boolean isAll) {
int len = stateScripts.size();
if (len == 0)
return "";
boolean haveDefs = false;
StringBuffer commands = new StringBuffer();
String cmd;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
StateScript ss = (StateScript) stateScripts.get(i);
if (!ss.postDefinitions && (cmd = ss.toString()).length() > 0) {
commands.append(" ").append(cmd).append("\n");
haveDefs = true;
if (!haveDefs)
return "";
cmd = "";
if (isAll && sfunc != null) {
sfunc.append(" _setDefinedState;\n");
cmd = "function _setDefinedState() {\n\n";
if (sfunc != null)
return cmd + commands.toString();
public String getState(StringBuffer sfunc, boolean isAll, boolean withProteinStructure) {
StringBuffer commands = new StringBuffer();
if (isAll && sfunc != null) {
sfunc.append(" _setModelState;\n");
commands.append("function _setModelState() {\n");
String cmd;
// connections
if (isAll) {
int len = stateScripts.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
StateScript ss = (StateScript) stateScripts.get(i);
if (ss.postDefinitions && (cmd = ss.toString()).length() > 0)
commands.append(" ").append(cmd).append("\n");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < bondCount; i++)
if (!models[bonds[i].atom1.modelIndex].isModelKit)
if (bonds[i].isHydrogen()
|| (bonds[i].order & JmolEdge.BOND_NEW) != 0) {
Bond bond = bonds[i];
.append('\t').append(bond.order & ~JmolEdge.BOND_NEW)
.append('\t').append(bond.mad / 1000f) // DARN! diameter, not radius... oh well...
if (sb.length() > 0)
commands.append("data \"connect_atoms\"\n")
.append(sb).append("end \"connect_atoms\";\n");
// shape construction
// unnecessary. Removed in 11.5.35 -- oops!
if (withProteinStructure)
commands.append(getProteinStructureState(null, isAll, false, false));
viewer.getShapeState(commands, isAll);
boolean needOrientations = false;
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (models[i].isJmolDataFrame) {
needOrientations = true;
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) {
String t = frameTitles[i];
if (t != null && t.length() > 0)
commands.append(" frame " + getModelNumberDotted(i)
+ "; frame title " + Escape.escape(t) + ";\n");
if (needOrientations && models[i].orientation != null && !isTrajectorySubFrame(i))
commands.append(" frame " + getModelNumberDotted(i) + "; "
+ models[i].orientation.getMoveToText(false) + "\n");
if (sfunc != null)
return commands.toString();
private void includeAllRelatedFrames(BitSet bsModels) {
int j;
for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) {
if (bsModels.get(i)) {
// if (isJmolDataFrame(i) && !bsModels.get(j = models[i].dataSourceFrame)) {
// bsModels.set(j);
// includeAllRelatedFrames(bsModels);
// }
if (isTrajectory(i) && !bsModels.get(j = models[i].trajectoryBaseIndex)) {
if (isTrajectory(i) && bsModels.get(models[i].trajectoryBaseIndex)
|| isJmolDataFrame(i) && bsModels.get(models[i].dataSourceFrame))
public BitSet deleteModels(BitSet bsAtoms) {
// full models are deleted for any model containing the specified atoms
moleculeCount = 0;
BitSet bsModels = getModelBitSet(bsAtoms, false);
int nAtomsDeleted = 0;
int nModelsDeleted = BitSetUtil.cardinalityOf(bsModels);
if (nModelsDeleted == 0)
return null;
// clear references to this frame if it is a dataFrame
for (int i = bsModels.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsModels.nextSetBit(i + 1))
BitSet bsDeleted;
if (nModelsDeleted == modelCount) {
bsDeleted = getModelAtomBitSetIncludingDeleted(-1, true);
viewer.zap(true, false, false);
return bsDeleted;
// zero out reproducible arrays
bspf = null;
// create a new models array,
// and pre-calculate Model.bsAtoms and Model.atomCount
Model[] newModels = new Model[modelCount - nModelsDeleted];
Model[] oldModels = models;
bsDeleted = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0, mpt = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
if (bsModels.get(i)) { // get a good count now
bsDeleted.or(getModelAtomBitSetIncludingDeleted(i, false));
} else {
models[i].modelIndex = mpt;
newModels[mpt++] = models[i];
models = newModels;
int oldModelCount = modelCount;
// delete bonds
BitSet bsBonds = getBondsForSelectedAtoms(bsDeleted, true);
deleteBonds(bsBonds, true);
// main deletion cycle
for (int i = 0, mpt = 0; i < oldModelCount; i++) {
if (!bsModels.get(i)) {
int nAtoms = oldModels[i].atomCount;
if (nAtoms == 0)
nAtomsDeleted += nAtoms;
BitSet bs = oldModels[i].bsAtoms;
int firstAtomIndex = oldModels[i].firstAtomIndex;
int firstGroupIndex = atoms[firstAtomIndex].getGroupIndex();
int nGroups = atoms[firstAtomIndex + nAtoms - 1].getGroupIndex() - firstGroupIndex + 1;
groups = (Group[]) ArrayUtil.deleteElements(groups, firstGroupIndex, nGroups);
groupCount -= nGroups;
// delete from symmetry set
BitSetUtil.deleteBits(bsSymmetry, bs);
// delete from stateScripts, model arrays and bitsets,
// atom arrays, and atom bitsets
deleteModel(mpt, firstAtomIndex, nAtoms, bs, bsBonds);
// adjust all models after this one
for (int j = oldModelCount; --j > i;)
oldModels[j].fixIndices(mpt, nAtoms, bs);
// adjust all shapes
viewer.deleteShapeAtoms(new Object[] { newModels, atoms,
new int[] { mpt, firstAtomIndex, nAtoms } }, bs);
// set final values
deleteModel(-1, 0, 0, null, null);
return bsDeleted;
public void setAtomProperty(BitSet bs, int tok, int iValue, float fValue,
String sValue, float[] values, String[] list) {
switch (tok) {
case Token.backbone:
case Token.cartoon:
case Token.meshRibbon:
case Token.ribbon:
case Token.rocket:
case Token.strands:
case Token.trace:
if (fValue > Shape.RADIUS_MAX)
fValue = Shape.RADIUS_MAX;
// fall through
case Token.halo:
case Token.star:
RadiusData rd = null;
int mar = 0;
if (values == null) {
if (fValue > Atom.RADIUS_MAX)
fValue = Atom.RADIUS_MAX;
if (fValue < 0)
fValue = 0;
mar = (int) (fValue * 2000);
} else {
rd = new RadiusData();
rd.values = values;
rd.value = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
.setShapeSize(JmolConstants.shapeTokenIndex(tok), mar, rd, bs);
super.setAtomProperty(bs, tok, iValue, fValue, sValue, values, list);
public Object getFileData(int modelIndex) {
if (modelIndex < 0)
return "";
Hashtable fileData = (Hashtable) getModelAuxiliaryInfo(modelIndex, "fileData");
if (fileData != null)
return fileData;
if (!getModelAuxiliaryInfoBoolean(modelIndex, "isCIF"))
return getPDBHeader(modelIndex);
fileData = viewer.getCifData(modelIndex);
setModelAuxiliaryInfo(modelIndex, "fileData", fileData);
return fileData;
/** see comments in org.jmol.modelsetbio.AlphaPolymer.java
* Struts are calculated for atoms in bs1 connecting to atoms in bs2.
* The two bitsets may overlap.
* @param bs1
* @param bs2
* @return number of struts found
public int calculateStruts(BitSet bs1, BitSet bs2) {
return super.calculateStruts(bs1, bs2);
* these are hydrogens that are being added due to a load 2D command and are
* therefore not to be flagged as NEW
* @param vConnections
* @param pts
* @return BitSet of new atoms
public BitSet addHydrogens(List vConnections, Point3f[] pts) {
int modelIndex = modelCount - 1;
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
if (models[modelIndex].isTrajectory || models[modelIndex].getGroupCount() > 1)
return bs; // can't add atoms to a trajectory or a system with multiple groups!
growAtomArrays(atomCount + pts.length);
RadiusData rd = viewer.getDefaultRadiusData();
short mad = getDefaultMadFromOrder(1);
for (int i = 0, n = models[modelIndex].atomCount + 1; i < vConnections.size(); i++, n++) {
Atom atom1 = (Atom) vConnections.get(i);
// hmm. atom1.group will not be expanded, though...
// something like within(group,...) will not select these atoms!
Atom atom2 = addAtom(modelIndex, atom1.group, (short) 1, "H"
+ n, n, n, pts[i].x, pts[i].y, pts[i].z);
atom2.setMadAtom(viewer, rd);
bondAtoms(atom1, atom2, JmolEdge.BOND_COVALENT_SINGLE, mad, null, 0, false);
// must reset the shapes to give them new atom counts and arrays
return bs;
public void setAtomCoordRelative(Tuple3f offset, BitSet bs) {
setAtomCoordRelative(bs, offset.x, offset.y, offset.z);
public void setAtomCoord(BitSet bs, int tokType, Object xyzValues) {
super.setAtomCoord(bs, tokType, xyzValues);
switch(tokType) {
case Token.vibx:
case Token.viby:
case Token.vibz:
case Token.vibxyz:
public void recalculatePositionDependentQuantities(BitSet bs) {
if (getHaveStraightness())
BitSet bsModels = getModelBitSet(bs, false);
for (int i = bsModels.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsModels.nextSetBit(i + 1))
shapeManager.refreshShapeTrajectories(i, viewer.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(i));
public void connect(float[][] connections) {
// array of [index1 index2 order diameter energy]
molecules = null;
moleculeCount = 0;
BitSet bsDelete = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
float[] f = connections[i];
if (f == null || f.length < 2)
int index1 = (int) f[0];
int index2 = (int) f[1];
if (index1 < 0 || index2 < 0 || index1 >= atomCount || index2 >= atomCount)
int order = (f.length > 2 ? (int) f[2] : JmolEdge.BOND_COVALENT_SINGLE);
if (order < 0)
order &= 0xFFFF; // 12.0.1 was saving struts as negative numbers
short mad = (f.length > 3 ? (short) (1000f * connections[i][3]) : getDefaultMadFromOrder(order));
// sad to say I used DIAMETER here, not radius....
if (order == 0 || mad == 0 && order != JmolEdge.BOND_STRUT && !Bond.isHydrogen(order)) {
Bond b = atoms[index1].getBond(atoms[index2]);
if (b != null)
float energy = (f.length > 4 ? f[4] : 0);
bondAtoms(atoms[index1], atoms[index2], order, mad, null, energy, true);
if (bsDelete.nextSetBit(0) >= 0)
deleteBonds(bsDelete, false);