/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2007-03-30 11:40:16 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) $
* $Revision: 7273 $
* Copyright (C) 2007 Miguel, Bob, Jmol Development
* Contact: hansonr@stolaf.edu
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.jvxl.readers;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point4f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import org.jmol.g3d.Graphics3D;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.JvxlCoder;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.JvxlData;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.MeshData;
import org.jmol.shapesurface.IsosurfaceMesh;
import org.jmol.util.ColorEncoder;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.Parser;
import org.jmol.util.XmlReader;
public class JvxlXmlReader extends VolumeFileReader {
protected String JVXL_VERSION = "2.1";
protected int surfaceDataCount;
protected int edgeDataCount;
protected int colorDataCount;
private int excludedTriangleCount;
private int excludedVertexCount;
private int invalidatedVertexCount;
protected boolean haveContourData;
private XmlReader xr;
protected boolean isXmlFile= true;
JvxlXmlReader(SurfaceGenerator sg, BufferedReader br) {
super(sg, br);
jvxlData.wasJvxl = isJvxl = true;
isXLowToHigh = false;
xr = new XmlReader(br);
protected boolean thisInside;
/////////////reading the format///////////
protected boolean readVolumeData(boolean isMapData) {
if (!super.readVolumeData(isMapData))
return false;
strFractionTemp = jvxlEdgeDataRead;
fractionPtr = 0;
return true;
protected boolean gotoAndReadVoxelData(boolean isMapData) {
if (nPointsX < 0 || nPointsY < 0 || nPointsZ < 0)
return true;
try {
gotoData(params.fileIndex - 1, nPointsX * nPointsY * nPointsZ);
if (vertexDataOnly)
return true;
if (edgeDataCount > 0)
jvxlEdgeDataRead = jvxlReadData("edge", edgeDataCount);
params.bsExcluded = jvxlData.jvxlExcluded = new BitSet[4];
if (colorDataCount > 0)
jvxlColorDataRead = jvxlReadData("color", colorDataCount);
if (excludedVertexCount > 0) {
= JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(
xr.getXmlData("jvxlExcludedVertexData", null, false, false));
if (xr.isNext("jvxlExcludedPlaneData"))
= JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(
xr.getXmlData("jvxlExcludedPlaneData", null, false, false));
if (excludedTriangleCount > 0)
= JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(
xr.getXmlData("jvxlExcludedTriangleData", null, false, false));
if (invalidatedVertexCount > 0)
= JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(
xr.getXmlData("jvxlInvalidatedVertexData", null, false, false));
if (haveContourData)
jvxlDecodeContourData(jvxlData, xr.getXmlData("jvxlContourData", null, false, false));
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
String tempDataXml;
protected void readParameters() throws Exception {
String s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlFileTitle", null, false, false);
jvxlFileHeaderBuffer = new StringBuffer(s);
String data = tempDataXml = xr.getXmlData("jvxlVolumeData", null, true, false);
volumetricOrigin.set(xr.getXmlPoint(data, "origin"));
isAngstroms = true;
line = xr.toTag("jvxlSurfaceSet");
nSurfaces = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(line, "count"));
Logger.info("jvxl file surfaces: " + nSurfaces);
Logger.info("using default edge fraction base and range");
Logger.info("using default color fraction base and range");
cJvxlEdgeNaN = (char) (edgeFractionBase + edgeFractionRange);
protected void readVector(int voxelVectorIndex) throws Exception {
String data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlVolumeVector", tempDataXml, true, true);
tempDataXml = tempDataXml.substring(tempDataXml.indexOf(data) + data.length());
int n = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "count"));
if (n == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
vertexDataOnly = true;
voxelCounts[voxelVectorIndex] = (n < 0 ? 0 : n);
volumetricVectors[voxelVectorIndex].set(xr.getXmlPoint(data, "vector"));
if (isAnisotropic)
protected void gotoData(int n, int nPoints) throws Exception {
if (n > 0)
Logger.info("skipping " + n + " data sets, " + nPoints + " points each");
vertexDataOnly = jvxlData.vertexDataOnly = (nPoints == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
jvxlSkipData(nPoints, true);
protected void jvxlSkipData(int nPoints, boolean doSkipColorData)
throws Exception {
protected void jvxlReadSurfaceInfo() throws Exception {
String s;
String data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlSurfaceInfo", null, true, true);
isXLowToHigh = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "isXLowToHigh").equals("true");
jvxlCutoff = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "cutoff"));
if (!Float.isNaN(jvxlCutoff))
Logger.info("JVXL read: cutoff " + jvxlCutoff);
int nContourData = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nContourData"));
haveContourData = (nContourData > 0);
params.isContoured = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contoured").equals("true");
if (params.isContoured) {
int nContoursRead = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nContours"));
if (nContoursRead <= 0) {
nContoursRead = 0;
} else {
s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourValues");
if (s.length() > 0) {
jvxlData.contourValues = params.contoursDiscrete = parseFloatArray(s);
Logger.info("JVXL read: contourValues " + Escape.escapeArray(jvxlData.contourValues));
s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourColors");
if (s.length() > 0) {
jvxlData.contourColixes = params.contourColixes = Graphics3D.getColixArray(s);
jvxlData.contourColors = Graphics3D.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes);
Logger.info("JVXL read: contourColixes " +
Graphics3D.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes)); }
params.contourFromZero = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "contourFromZero").equals("true");
params.nContours = (haveContourData ? nContourData : nContoursRead);
//TODO ? params.contourFromZero = false; // MEP data to complete the plane
params.isBicolorMap = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "bicolorMap").equals("true");
if (params.isBicolorMap || params.colorBySign)
jvxlCutoff = 0;
jvxlDataIsColorMapped = params.isBicolorMap || XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorMapped").equals("true");
//next is for information only -- will be superceded by "encoding" attribute of jvxlColorData
jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "precisionColor").equals("true");
jvxlData.colorDensity = params.colorDensity = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "colorDensity").equals("true");
s = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "plane");
if (s.indexOf("{") >= 0) {
try {
params.thePlane = (Point4f) Escape.unescapePoint(s);
Logger.info("JVXL read: plane " + params.thePlane);
if (params.scale3d == 0)
params.scale3d = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "scale3d"));
if (Float.isNaN(params.scale3d))
params.scale3d = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
.error("Error reading 4 floats for PLANE definition -- setting to 0 0 1 0 (z=0)");
params.thePlane = new Point4f(0, 0, 1, 0);
surfaceDataCount = 0;
edgeDataCount = 0;
} else {
params.thePlane = null;
surfaceDataCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nSurfaceInts"));
edgeDataCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nBytesUncompressedEdgeData"));
excludedVertexCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nExcludedVertexes"));
excludedTriangleCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nExcludedTriangles"));
invalidatedVertexCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nInvalidatedVertexes"));
colorDataCount = Math.max(0, parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "nBytesUncompressedColorData")));
jvxlDataIs2dContour = (params.thePlane != null && jvxlDataIsColorMapped);
if (jvxlDataIs2dContour)
params.isContoured = true;
if (params.colorBySign)
params.isBicolorMap = true;
boolean insideOut = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "insideOut").equals("true");
float dataMin = Float.NaN;
float dataMax = Float.NaN;
float red = Float.NaN;
float blue = Float.NaN;
if (jvxlDataIsColorMapped) {
dataMin = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "dataMinimum"));
dataMax = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "dataMaximum"));
red = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "valueMappedToRed"));
blue = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "valueMappedToBlue"));
if (Float.isNaN(dataMin)) {
dataMin = red = -1f;
dataMax = blue = 1f;
jvxlSetColorRanges(dataMin, dataMax, red, blue, insideOut);
protected void jvxlSetColorRanges(float dataMin, float dataMax, float red,
float blue, boolean insideOut) {
if (jvxlDataIsColorMapped) {
if (!Float.isNaN(dataMin) && !Float.isNaN(dataMax)) {
if (dataMax == 0 && dataMin == 0) {
//set standard -1/1; bit of a hack
dataMin = -1;
dataMax = 1;
params.mappedDataMin = dataMin;
params.mappedDataMax = dataMax;
Logger.info("JVXL read: data_min/max " + params.mappedDataMin + "/"
+ params.mappedDataMax);
if (!params.rangeDefined)
if (!Float.isNaN(red) && !Float.isNaN(blue)) {
if (red == 0 && blue == 0) {
//set standard -1/1; bit of a hack
red = -1;
blue = 1;
params.valueMappedToRed = Math.min(red, blue);
params.valueMappedToBlue = Math.max(red, blue);
params.isColorReversed = (red > blue);
params.rangeDefined = true;
} else {
params.valueMappedToRed = 0f;
params.valueMappedToBlue = 1f;
params.rangeDefined = true;
Logger.info("JVXL read: color red/blue: " + params.valueMappedToRed + "/"
+ params.valueMappedToBlue);
jvxlData.valueMappedToRed = params.valueMappedToRed;
jvxlData.valueMappedToBlue = params.valueMappedToBlue;
jvxlData.mappedDataMin = params.mappedDataMin;
jvxlData.mappedDataMax = params.mappedDataMax;
jvxlData.isColorReversed = params.isColorReversed;
jvxlData.insideOut = insideOut;
if (params.insideOut)
jvxlData.insideOut = !jvxlData.insideOut;
params.insideOut = jvxlData.insideOut;
protected void readSurfaceData(boolean isMapDataIgnored) throws Exception {
thisInside = !params.isContoured;
if (readSurfaceData())
tempDataXml = xr.getXmlData("jvxlEdgeData", null, true, false);
bsVoxelBitSet = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(xr.getXmlData("jvxlEdgeData",
tempDataXml, false, false));
// if (thisInside)
// bsVoxelBitSet = BitSetUtil.copyInvert(bsVoxelBitSet,
// bsVoxelBitSet.size());
protected boolean readSurfaceData() throws Exception {
if (vertexDataOnly) {
return true;
if (params.thePlane != null) {
params.cutoff = 0f;
jvxlData.setSurfaceInfo(params.thePlane, 0, "");
jvxlData.scale3d = params.scale3d;
return true;
return false;
protected void readVolumeFileSurfaceData() throws Exception {
protected String jvxlReadData(String type, int nPoints) {
String str;
try {
if (type.equals("edge")) {
str = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(tempDataXml, "data"));
} else {
String data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlColorData", null, true, false);
jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "encoding").endsWith("2");
str = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "data"));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Error reading " + type + " data " + e);
throw new NullPointerException();
return str;
protected BitSet bsVoxelBitSet;
protected BitSet getVoxelBitSet(int nPoints) throws Exception {
if (bsVoxelBitSet != null)
return bsVoxelBitSet;
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
int bsVoxelPtr = 0;
if (surfaceDataCount <= 0)
return bs; //unnecessary -- probably a plane or color density
int nThisValue = 0;
while (bsVoxelPtr < nPoints) {
nThisValue = parseInt();
if (nThisValue == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
// note -- does not allow for empty lines;
// must be a continuous block of numbers.
if (line == null || (nThisValue = parseInt(line)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (!endOfData)
Logger.error("end of file in JvxlReader?" + " line=" + line);
endOfData = true;
nThisValue = 10000;
//throw new NullPointerException();
thisInside = !thisInside;
if (thisInside)
bs.set(bsVoxelPtr, bsVoxelPtr + nThisValue);
bsVoxelPtr += nThisValue;
return bs;
protected float getSurfacePointAndFraction(float cutoff,
boolean isCutoffAbsolute,
float valueA, float valueB,
Point3f pointA,
Vector3f edgeVector,
float[] fReturn, Point3f ptReturn) {
if (edgeDataCount <= 0)
return super.getSurfacePointAndFraction(cutoff, isCutoffAbsolute, valueA,
valueB, pointA, edgeVector, fReturn, ptReturn);
ptReturn.scaleAdd(fReturn[0] = jvxlGetNextFraction(edgeFractionBase,
edgeFractionRange, 0.5f), edgeVector, pointA);
if (Float.isNaN(valueMin))
return (valueCount == 0 || includeValueNaN && Float.isNaN(fReturn[0])
? fReturn[0] : getNextValue());
private float getNextValue() {
float fraction = Float.NaN;
if (colorPtr >= valueCount)
System.out.println("JvxlXmlREader test 1243 " + colorPtr + " " + valueCount);
while (colorPtr < valueCount && Float.isNaN(fraction)) {
if (jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor) {
// this COULD be an option for mapped surfaces;
// necessary for planes; used for vertex/triangle 2.0 style
// precision is used for FULL-data range encoding, allowing full
// treatment of JVXL files as though they were CUBE files.
// the two parts of the "double-character-precision" value
// are in separate lines, separated by n characters.
fraction = JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter2(jvxlColorDataRead
.charAt(colorPtr), jvxlColorDataRead.charAt((colorPtr++)
+ valueCount), colorFractionBase, colorFractionRange);
} else {
// my original encoding scheme
// low precision only allows for mapping relative to the defined color range
fraction = JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter(jvxlColorDataRead
.charAt(colorPtr++), colorFractionBase, colorFractionRange, 0.5f);
return valueMin + fraction * valueRange;
private void setValueMinMax() {
valueCount = jvxlColorDataRead.length();
if (jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor)
valueCount /= 2;
includeValueNaN = (valueCount != jvxlEdgeDataRead.length());
valueMin = (!jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor ? params.valueMappedToRed
: params.mappedDataMin == Float.MAX_VALUE ? defaultMappedDataMin
: params.mappedDataMin);
valueRange = (!jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor ? params.valueMappedToBlue
: params.mappedDataMin == Float.MAX_VALUE ? defaultMappedDataMax
: params.mappedDataMax)
- valueMin;
haveReadColorData = true;
private boolean includeValueNaN = true;
private int valueCount;
private float valueMin = Float.NaN;
private float valueRange = Float.NaN;
private int fractionPtr;
private int colorPtr;
private String strFractionTemp = "";
private float jvxlGetNextFraction(int base, int range, float fracOffset) {
if (fractionPtr >= strFractionTemp.length()) {
if (!endOfData)
Logger.error("end of file reading compressed fraction data");
endOfData = true;
strFractionTemp = "" + (char) base;
fractionPtr = 0;
return JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter(strFractionTemp.charAt(fractionPtr++),
base, range, fracOffset);
boolean haveReadColorData;
protected String readColorData() {
// overloads SurfaceReader
// standard jvxl file read for color
int vertexCount = jvxlData.vertexCount = meshData.vertexCount;
// the problem is that the new way to read data in Marching Cubes
// is to ignore all points that are NaN. But then we also have to
// remove those points from the color string.
short[] colixes = meshData.vertexColixes;
float[] vertexValues = meshData.vertexValues;
* haveReadColorData?
= (isJvxl ? jvxlColorDataRead : "");
if (isJvxl && strValueTemp.length() == 0) {
.error("You cannot use JVXL data to map onto OTHER data, because it only contains the data for one surface. Use ISOSURFACE \"file.jvxl\" not ISOSURFACE .... MAP \"file.jvxl\".");
return "";
if (params.colorEncoder == null)
params.colorEncoder = new ColorEncoder(null);
params.colorEncoder.setColorScheme(null, false);
params.valueMappedToBlue, params.isColorReversed);
Logger.info("JVXL reading color data mapped min/max: "
+ params.mappedDataMin + "/" + params.mappedDataMax + " for "
+ vertexCount + " vertices." + " using encoding keys "
+ colorFractionBase + " " + colorFractionRange);
Logger.info("mapping red-->blue for " + params.valueMappedToRed + " to "
+ params.valueMappedToBlue + " colorPrecision:"
+ jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor);
boolean getValues = (Float.isNaN(valueMin));
if (getValues)
float contourPlaneMinimumValue = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float contourPlaneMaximumValue = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
if (colixes == null || colixes.length < vertexCount)
meshData.vertexColixes = colixes = new short[vertexCount];
//hasColorData = true;
short colixNeg = 0, colixPos = 0;
if (params.colorBySign) {
colixPos = Graphics3D.getColix(params.isColorReversed ? params.colorNeg
: params.colorPos);
colixNeg = Graphics3D.getColix(params.isColorReversed ? params.colorPos
: params.colorNeg);
int vertexIncrement = meshData.vertexIncrement;
// here's the problem: we are assuming here that vertexCount == nPointsRead
boolean needContourMinMax = (params.mappedDataMin == Float.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += vertexIncrement) {
float value;
value = vertexValues[i] = getNextValue();
value = vertexValues[i];
if (needContourMinMax) {
if (value < contourPlaneMinimumValue)
contourPlaneMinimumValue = value;
if (value > contourPlaneMaximumValue)
contourPlaneMaximumValue = value;
if (needContourMinMax) {
params.mappedDataMin = contourPlaneMinimumValue;
params.mappedDataMax = contourPlaneMaximumValue;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += vertexIncrement) {
float value = vertexValues[i];
//note: these are just default colorings
//orbital color had a bug through 11.2.6/11.3.6
if (marchingSquares != null && params.isContoured) {
marchingSquares.setContourData(i, value);
} else if (params.colorBySign) {
colixes[i] = ((params.isColorReversed ? value > 0 : value <= 0) ? colixNeg
: colixPos);
} else {
colixes[i] = params.colorEncoder.getColorIndex(value);
return jvxlColorDataRead + "\n";
* retrieve Jvxl 2.0 format vertex/triangle/color data found
* within <jvxlSurfaceData> element
* @throws Exception
protected void getEncodedVertexData() throws Exception {
String data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlSurfaceData", null, true, false);
String tData = xr.getXmlData("jvxlTriangleData", data, true, false);
jvxlDecodeVertexData(xr.getXmlData("jvxlVertexData", data, true, false), false);
String polygonColorData = xr.getXmlData("jvxlPolygonColorData", data, false, false);
jvxlDecodeTriangleData(tData, polygonColorData);
Logger.info("Checking for vertex values");
data = xr.getXmlData("jvxlColorData", data, true, false);
jvxlData.isJvxlPrecisionColor = XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "encoding").endsWith("2");
jvxlColorDataRead = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "data"));
if (jvxlColorDataRead.length() == 0)
jvxlColorDataRead = xr.getXmlData("jvxlColorData", data, false, false);
jvxlDataIsColorMapped = (jvxlColorDataRead.length() > 0);
if (haveContourData)
jvxlDecodeContourData(jvxlData, xr.getXmlData("jvxlContourData", null, false, false));
* decode vertex data found within <jvxlVertexData> element
* as created by jvxlEncodeVertexData (see above)
* @param data tag and contents
* @param asArray or just addVertexCopy
* @return Point3f[] if desired
* @throws Exception
public Point3f[] jvxlDecodeVertexData(String data, boolean asArray) throws Exception {
int vertexCount = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "count"));
if (!asArray)
Logger.info("Reading " + vertexCount + " vertices");
Point3f min = xr.getXmlPoint(data, "min");
Point3f range = xr.getXmlPoint(data, "max");
int colorFractionBase = jvxlData.colorFractionBase;
int colorFractionRange = jvxlData.colorFractionRange;
int ptCount = vertexCount * 3;
Point3f[] vertices = (asArray ? new Point3f[vertexCount] : null);
Point3f p = (asArray ? null : new Point3f());
float fraction;
String s = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "data"));
if (s.length() == 0)
s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlVertexData", data, false, false);
for (int i = 0, pt = -1; i < vertexCount; i++) {
if (asArray)
p = vertices[i] = new Point3f();
fraction = JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter2(s.charAt(++pt), s.charAt(pt
+ ptCount), colorFractionBase, colorFractionRange);
p.x = min.x + fraction * range.x;
fraction = JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter2(s.charAt(++pt), s.charAt(pt
+ ptCount), colorFractionBase, colorFractionRange);
p.y = min.y + fraction * range.y;
fraction = JvxlCoder.jvxlFractionFromCharacter2(s.charAt(++pt), s.charAt(pt
+ ptCount), colorFractionBase, colorFractionRange);
p.z = min.z + fraction * range.z;
if (!asArray)
addVertexCopy(p, 0, i);
return vertices;
* decode triangle data found within <jvxlTriangleData> element as created
* with jvxlEncodeTriangleData (see above)
* @param data
* tag and contents
* @param colorData
* @return int[][] if desired
* @throws Exception
int[][] jvxlDecodeTriangleData(String data, String colorData)
throws Exception {
int nColors = (colorData == null ? -1 : 0);
int color = 0;
int nData = parseInt(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "count"));
Logger.info("Reading " + nData + " triangles");
int[][] triangles = null;
int[] triangle = new int[3];
String s = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(data, "data"));
if (s.length() == 0)
s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlTriangleData", data, false, false);
int[] nextp = new int[1];
int[] nextc = new int[1];
int ilast = 0;
int p = 0;
int b0 = (int) '\\';
for (int i = 0, pt = -1; i < nData;) {
char ch = s.charAt(++pt);
int idiff;
switch (ch) {
case '!':
idiff = 0;
case '+':
case '.':
case ' ':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\t':
case ',':
case '-':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
nextp[0] = pt;
idiff = Parser.parseInt(s, nextp);
pt = nextp[0] - 1;
idiff = (int) ch - b0;
ilast += idiff;
triangle[p] = ilast;
if (++p % 3 == 0) {
p = 0;
if (nColors >= 0) {
if (nColors == 0) {
nColors = Parser.parseInt(colorData, nextc);
color = Parser.parseInt(colorData, nextc);
if (color == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
color = nColors = 0;
addTriangleCheck(triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2], 7, 0, false,
return triangles;
protected void jvxlDecodeContourData(JvxlData jvxlData, String data)
throws Exception {
List vs = new ArrayList();
StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer colors = new StringBuffer();
int pt = -1;
jvxlData.vContours = null;
if (data == null)
while ((pt = data.indexOf("<jvxlContour", pt + 1)) >= 0) {
List v = new ArrayList();
String s = xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", data.substring(pt), true, false);
float value = parseFloat(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s, "value"));
values.append(" ").append(value);
short colix = Graphics3D.getColix(Graphics3D.getArgbFromString(XmlReader
.getXmlAttrib(s, "color")));
int color = Graphics3D.getArgb(colix);
colors.append(" ").append(Escape.escapeColor(color));
String fData = JvxlCoder.jvxlUncompressString(XmlReader.getXmlAttrib(s,
BitSet bs = JvxlCoder.jvxlDecodeBitSet(xr.getXmlData("jvxlContour", s,
false, false));
int n = bs.length();
IsosurfaceMesh.setContourVector(v, n, bs, value, colix, color,
new StringBuffer(fData));
int n = vs.size();
if (n > 0) {
jvxlData.vContours = new ArrayList[n];
// 3D contour values and colors
jvxlData.contourColixes = params.contourColixes = new short[n];
jvxlData.contourValues = params.contoursDiscrete = new float[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
jvxlData.vContours[i] = (List) vs.get(i);
jvxlData.contourValues[i] = ((Float) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(2))
jvxlData.contourColixes[i] = ((short[]) jvxlData.vContours[i].get(3))[0];
jvxlData.contourColors = Graphics3D.getHexCodes(jvxlData.contourColixes);
Logger.info("JVXL read: " + n + " discrete contours");
Logger.info("JVXL read: contour values: " + values);
Logger.info("JVXL read: contour colors: " + colors);
protected void postProcessVertices() {
BitSet bsInvalid = params.bsExcluded[1];
if (bsInvalid != null) {
if (meshDataServer != null)
meshDataServer.fillMeshData(meshData, MeshData.MODE_GET_VERTICES, null);
if (meshDataServer != null) {
meshDataServer.fillMeshData(meshData, MeshData.MODE_PUT_VERTICES, null);
meshData = new MeshData();