/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2007-03-30 11:40:16 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) $
* $Revision: 7273 $
* Copyright (C) 2007 Miguel, Bob, Jmol Development
* Contact: hansonr@stolaf.edu
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.jvxl.readers;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import org.jmol.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jmol.util.BitSetUtil;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
import org.jmol.viewer.JmolConstants;
import org.jmol.atomdata.AtomData;
import org.jmol.atomdata.AtomDataServer;
import org.jmol.atomdata.RadiusData;
import org.jmol.jvxl.data.JvxlCoder;
abstract class AtomDataReader extends VolumeDataReader {
protected AtomDataServer atomDataServer;
protected float maxDistance;
AtomDataReader(SurfaceGenerator sg) {
precalculateVoxelData = true;
atomDataServer = sg.getAtomDataServer();
protected String fileName;
protected String fileDotModel;
protected int modelIndex;
protected AtomData atomData = new AtomData();
protected Point3f[] atomXyz;
protected float[] atomRadius;
protected float[] atomProp;
protected int[] atomNo;
protected int[] atomIndex;
protected int[] myIndex;
protected int atomCount;
protected int myAtomCount;
protected int nearbyAtomCount;
protected int firstNearbyAtom;
protected BitSet bsMySelected, bsMyIgnored, bsNearby;
protected boolean doAddHydrogens;
protected boolean doUsePlane;
protected boolean doUseIterator;
protected void setup() {
//CANNOT BE IN HERE IF atomDataServer is not valid
params.iUseBitSets = true;
doAddHydrogens = (atomDataServer != null && params.addHydrogens); //Jvxl cannot do this on its own
modelIndex = params.modelIndex;
bsMySelected = new BitSet();
bsMyIgnored = (params.bsIgnore == null ? new BitSet() : params.bsIgnore);
doUsePlane = (params.thePlane != null);
if (doUsePlane)
* @param marginAtoms
* @param doGetAllAtoms UNUSED
* @param addNearbyAtoms
protected void getAtoms(float marginAtoms, boolean doGetAllAtoms,
boolean addNearbyAtoms) {
if (params.atomRadiusData == null)
params.atomRadiusData = new RadiusData(1, RadiusData.TYPE_FACTOR,
atomData.radiusData = params.atomRadiusData;
if (doAddHydrogens)
atomData.radiusData.vdwType = JmolConstants.VDW_NOJMOL;
atomData.modelIndex = modelIndex; // -1 here means fill ALL atoms; any other
// means "this model only"
atomData.bsSelected = params.bsSelected;
atomData.bsIgnored = bsMyIgnored;
atomDataServer.fillAtomData(atomData, AtomData.MODE_FILL_COORDS_AND_RADII);
if (doUseIterator)
atomData.bsSelected = null;
atomCount = atomData.atomCount;
modelIndex = atomData.firstModelIndex;
int nSelected = 0;
boolean needRadius = false;
for (int i = 0; i < atomCount; i++) {
if ((params.bsSelected == null
|| params.bsSelected.get(i))
&& (!bsMyIgnored.get(i))) {
if (doUsePlane
&& Math.abs(volumeData.distancePointToPlane(atomData.atomXyz[i])) > 2 * (atomData.atomRadius[i] = getWorkingRadius(
i, marginAtoms)))
needRadius = !doUsePlane;
if (addNearbyAtoms || needRadius) {
atomData.atomRadius[i] = getWorkingRadius(i, marginAtoms);
float rH = (doAddHydrogens ? getWorkingRadius(-1, marginAtoms) : 0);
myAtomCount = BitSetUtil.cardinalityOf(bsMySelected);
BitSet atomSet = BitSetUtil.copy(bsMySelected);
int nH = 0;
atomProp = null;
float[] props = params.theProperty;
if (myAtomCount > 0) {
Point3f[] hAtoms = null;
if (doAddHydrogens) {
atomData.bsSelected = atomSet;
hAtoms = new Point3f[nH = atomData.hydrogenAtomCount];
for (int i = 0; i < atomData.hAtoms.length; i++)
if (atomData.hAtoms[i] != null)
for (int j = atomData.hAtoms[i].length; --j >= 0;)
hAtoms[--nH] = atomData.hAtoms[i][j];
nH = hAtoms.length;
Logger.info(nH + " attached hydrogens added");
int n = nH + myAtomCount;
atomRadius = new float[n];
atomXyz = new Point3f[n];
if (params.theProperty != null)
atomProp = new float[n];
atomNo = new int[n];
if (doUseIterator) {
atomIndex = new int[n];
myIndex = new int[atomCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nH; i++) {
atomRadius[i] = rH;
atomXyz[i] = hAtoms[i];
atomNo[i] = -1;
if (atomProp != null)
atomProp[i] = Float.NaN;
// if (params.logMessages)
// Logger.debug("draw {" + hAtoms[i].x + " " + hAtoms[i].y + " "
// + hAtoms[i].z + "};");
myAtomCount = nH;
for (int i = atomSet.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = atomSet.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
if (atomProp != null)
atomProp[myAtomCount] = (props != null && i < props.length ? props[i]
: Float.NaN);
atomXyz[myAtomCount] = atomData.atomXyz[i];
atomNo[myAtomCount] = atomData.atomicNumber[i];
if (doUseIterator)
myIndex[atomIndex[myAtomCount] = i] = myAtomCount;
atomRadius[myAtomCount++] = atomData.atomRadius[i];
firstNearbyAtom = myAtomCount;
Logger.info(myAtomCount + " atoms will be used in the surface calculation");
for (int i = 0; i < myAtomCount; i++)
setBoundingBox(atomXyz[i], atomRadius[i]);
if (!Float.isNaN(params.scale)) {
Vector3f v = new Vector3f(xyzMax);
// fragment idea
if (!addNearbyAtoms || myAtomCount == 0)
Point3f pt = new Point3f();
bsNearby = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < atomCount; i++) {
if (atomSet.get(i) || bsMyIgnored.get(i))
float rA = atomData.atomRadius[i];
if (params.thePlane != null
&& Math.abs(volumeData.distancePointToPlane(atomData.atomXyz[i])) > 2 * rA)
if (params.theProperty != null)
rA += maxDistance;
pt = atomData.atomXyz[i];
if (pt.x + rA > xyzMin.x && pt.x - rA < xyzMax.x && pt.y + rA > xyzMin.y
&& pt.y - rA < xyzMax.y && pt.z + rA > xyzMin.z
&& pt.z - rA < xyzMax.z) {
int nAtoms = myAtomCount;
if (nearbyAtomCount != 0) {
nAtoms += nearbyAtomCount;
atomRadius = ArrayUtil.setLength(atomRadius, nAtoms);
atomXyz = (Point3f[]) ArrayUtil.setLength(atomXyz, nAtoms);
if (atomIndex != null)
atomIndex = ArrayUtil.setLength(atomIndex, nAtoms);
if (props != null)
atomProp = ArrayUtil.setLength(atomProp, nAtoms);
for (int i = bsNearby.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsNearby
.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
if (props != null)
atomProp[myAtomCount] = props[i];
if (doUseIterator)
myIndex[atomIndex[myAtomCount] = i] = myAtomCount;
atomXyz[myAtomCount] = atomData.atomXyz[i];
atomRadius[myAtomCount++] = atomData.atomRadius[i];
private float getWorkingRadius(int i, float marginAtoms) {
float r = (i < 0 ? atomData.hAtomRadius : atomData.atomRadius[i]);
if (!Float.isNaN(marginAtoms))
return r + marginAtoms;
switch (params.atomRadiusData.type) {
case RadiusData.TYPE_ABSOLUTE:
r = params.atomRadiusData.value;
case RadiusData.TYPE_OFFSET:
r += params.atomRadiusData.value;
case RadiusData.TYPE_FACTOR:
r *= params.atomRadiusData.value;
r += params.solventExtendedAtomRadius;
if (r < 0.1)
r = 0.1f;
return r;
protected void setHeader(String calcType, String line2) {
jvxlFileHeaderBuffer = new StringBuffer();
if (atomData.programInfo != null)
jvxlFileHeaderBuffer.append("#created by ").append(atomData.programInfo).append(" on ").append(new Date()).append("\n");
protected void setRangesAndAddAtoms(float ptsPerAngstrom, int maxGrid,
int nWritten) {
if (xyzMin == null)
setVoxelRange(0, xyzMin.x, xyzMax.x, ptsPerAngstrom, maxGrid);
setVoxelRange(1, xyzMin.y, xyzMax.y, ptsPerAngstrom, maxGrid);
setVoxelRange(2, xyzMin.z, xyzMax.z, ptsPerAngstrom, maxGrid);
JvxlCoder.jvxlCreateHeader(volumeData, nWritten, atomXyz,
atomNo, jvxlFileHeaderBuffer);
protected boolean fixTitleLine(int iLine) {
if (params.title == null)
return false;
String line = params.title[iLine];
if (line.indexOf("%F") > 0)
line = params.title[iLine] = TextFormat.formatString(line, "F", atomData.fileName);
if (line.indexOf("%M") > 0)
params.title[iLine] = TextFormat.formatString(line, "M", atomData.modelName);
return true;