/* $RCSfile$
* $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2007-03-30 11:40:16 -0500 (Fri, 30 Mar 2007) $
* $Revision: 7273 $
* Copyright (C) 2007 Miguel, Bob, Jmol Development
* Contact: hansonr@stolaf.edu
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* The JVXL file format
* --------------------
* as of 3/29/07 this code is COMPLETELY untested. It was hacked out of the
* Jmol code, so there is probably more here than is needed.
* see http://www.stolaf.edu/academics/chemapps/jmol/docs/misc/JVXL-format.pdf
* The JVXL (Jmol VoXeL) format is a file format specifically designed
* to encode an isosurface or planar slice through a set of 3D scalar values
* in lieu of a that set. A JVXL file can contain coordinates, and in fact
* it must contain at least one coordinate, but additional coordinates are
* optional. The file can contain any finite number of encoded surfaces.
* However, the compression of 300-500:1 is based on the reduction of the
* data to a SINGLE surface.
* The original Marching Cubes code was written by Miguel Howard in 2005.
* The classes Parser, ArrayUtil, and TextFormat are condensed versions
* of the classes found in org.jmol.util.
* All code relating to JVXL format is copyrighted 2006/2007 and invented by
* Robert M. Hanson,
* Professor of Chemistry,
* St. Olaf College,
* 1520 St. Olaf Ave.
* Northfield, MN. 55057.
* Implementations of the JVXL format should reference
* "Robert M. Hanson, St. Olaf College" and the opensource Jmol project.
* implementing marching squares; see
* http://www.secam.ex.ac.uk/teaching/ug/studyres/COM3404/COM3404-2006-Lecture15.pdf
* lines through coordinates are identical to CUBE files
* after that, we have a line that starts with a negative number to indicate this
* is a JVXL file:
* line1: (int)-nSurfaces (int)edgeFractionBase (int)edgeFractionRange
* (nSurface lines): (float)cutoff (int)nBytesData (int)nBytesFractions
* definition1
* edgedata1
* fractions1
* colordata1
* ....
* definition2
* edgedata2
* fractions2
* colordata2
* ....
* definitions: a line with detail about what sort of compression follows
* edgedata: a list of the count of vertices ouside and inside the cutoff, whatever
* that may be, ordered by nested for loops for(x){for(y){for(z)}}}.
* nOutside nInside nOutside nInside...
* fractions: an ascii list of characters represting the fraction of distance each
* encountered surface point is along each voxel cube edge found to straddle the
* surface. The order written is dictated by the reader algorithm and is not trivial
* to describe. Each ascii character is constructed by taking a base character and
* adding onto it the fraction times a range. This gives a character that can be
* quoted EXCEPT for backslash, which MAY be substituted for by '!'. Jmol uses the
* range # - | (35 - 124), reserving ! and } for special meanings.
* colordata: same deal here, but with possibility of "double precision" using two bytes.
* -----------
* This is a first attempt at a generic JVXL file reader and writer class.
* It is an extraction of Jmol org.jmol.viewer.Isosurface.Java and related pieces.
* The goal of the reader is to be able to read CUBE-like data and
* convert that data to JVXL file data.
package org.jmol.jvxl.data;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.vecmath.Point3i;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point4f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f;
import org.jmol.api.VolumeDataInterface;
import org.jmol.jvxl.readers.SurfaceReader;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.XmlUtil;
public class VolumeData implements VolumeDataInterface {
public SurfaceReader sr;
public boolean doIterate = true;
public final Point3f volumetricOrigin = new Point3f();
public final float[] origin = new float[3];
public final Vector3f[] volumetricVectors = new Vector3f[3];
public final int[] voxelCounts = new int[3];
public int nPoints;
public float[][][] voxelData;
public Hashtable voxelMap; // alternative to voxelData for sparse (plane interesected) data
public final float[] volumetricVectorLengths = new float[3];
private float maxVectorLength;
private float minToPlaneDistance;
public final Vector3f[] unitVolumetricVectors = new Vector3f[3];
private final Matrix3f volumetricMatrix = new Matrix3f();
private final Matrix3f inverseMatrix = new Matrix3f();
private Point4f thePlane;
private float thePlaneNormalMag;
private final Point3f ptXyzTemp = new Point3f();
public String xmlData;
public VolumeData() {
volumetricVectors[0] = new Vector3f();
volumetricVectors[1] = new Vector3f();
volumetricVectors[2] = new Vector3f();
unitVolumetricVectors[0] = new Vector3f();
unitVolumetricVectors[1] = new Vector3f();
unitVolumetricVectors[2] = new Vector3f();
public void setVolumetricOrigin(float x, float y, float z) {
volumetricOrigin.set(x, y, z);
public float[] getOriginFloat() {
return origin;
public float[] getVolumetricVectorLengths() {
return volumetricVectorLengths;
public void setVolumetricVector(int i, float x, float y, float z) {
volumetricVectors[i].x = x;
volumetricVectors[i].y = y;
volumetricVectors[i].z = z;
public int[] getVoxelCounts() {
return voxelCounts;
public int setVoxelCounts(int nPointsX, int nPointsY, int nPointsZ) {
voxelCounts[0] = nPointsX;
voxelCounts[1] = nPointsY;
voxelCounts[2] = nPointsZ;
return nPoints = nPointsX * nPointsY * nPointsZ;
public float[][][] getVoxelData() {
return voxelData;
public void setVoxelData(float[][][] voxelData) {
this.voxelData = voxelData;
public Hashtable getVoxelMap() {
return voxelMap;
public void setVoxelMap(Hashtable voxelMap) {
this.voxelMap = voxelMap;
public float getVoxelValueFromMap(int x, int y, int z) {
Float v = (voxelMap == null ? null : (Float) voxelMap.get(x+"_" + y + "_" + z));
return (v == null ? Float.NaN : v.floatValue());
public boolean setMatrix() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
volumetricMatrix.setColumn(i, volumetricVectors[i]);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("VolumeData error setting matrix -- bad unit vectors? ");
return false;
return true;
public void transform(Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2) {
volumetricMatrix.transform(v1, v2);
public void setPlaneParameters(Point4f plane) {
thePlane = plane;
thePlaneNormalMag = (float) Math.sqrt(plane.x * plane.x + plane.y * plane.y + plane.z * plane.z);
public float calcVoxelPlaneDistance(int x, int y, int z) {
voxelPtToXYZ(x, y, z, ptXyzTemp);
return (thePlane.x * ptXyzTemp.x + thePlane.y * ptXyzTemp.y + thePlane.z
* ptXyzTemp.z + thePlane.w)
/ thePlaneNormalMag;
Point4f mappingPlane;
public float getToPlaneParameter(Point4f plane) {
mappingPlane = plane;
return (float) (Math.sqrt(plane.x * plane.x
+ plane.y * plane.y + plane.z * plane.z) * minToPlaneDistance);
public boolean isNearPlane(int x, int y, int z, Point4f plane, float toPlaneParameter) {
voxelPtToXYZ(x, y, z, ptXyzTemp);
return ((thePlane.x * ptXyzTemp.x + thePlane.y * ptXyzTemp.y
+ thePlane.z * ptXyzTemp.z + thePlane.w) < toPlaneParameter);
public float distancePointToPlane(Point3f pt) {
return (thePlane.x * pt.x + thePlane.y * pt.y + thePlane.z * pt.z + thePlane.w)
/ thePlaneNormalMag;
public void voxelPtToXYZ(int x, int y, int z, Point3f pt) {
pt.scaleAdd(x, volumetricVectors[0], volumetricOrigin);
pt.scaleAdd(y, volumetricVectors[1], pt);
pt.scaleAdd(z, volumetricVectors[2], pt);
public boolean setUnitVectors() {
maxVectorLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float d = volumetricVectorLengths[i] = volumetricVectors[i].length();
if (d == 0)
return false;
if (d > maxVectorLength)
maxVectorLength = d;
minToPlaneDistance = maxVectorLength * 2;
origin[0] = volumetricOrigin.x;
origin[1] = volumetricOrigin.y;
origin[2] = volumetricOrigin.z;
return setMatrix();
public void xyzToVoxelPt(float x, float y, float z, Point3i pt3i) {
ptXyzTemp.set(x, y, z);
pt3i.set((int) ptXyzTemp.x, (int) ptXyzTemp.y, (int) ptXyzTemp.z);
public float lookupInterpolatedVoxelValue(Point3f point) {
if (sr != null) {
float v = sr.getValueAtPoint(point);
return (isSquared ? v * v : v);
ptXyzTemp.sub(point, volumetricOrigin);
//if (ptXyzTemp.x < -0.1f || ptXyzTemp.y < -0.1f || ptXyzTemp.z < -0.1f)
//return Float.NaN;
return getInterpolatedVoxelValue(ptXyzTemp);
private float getInterpolatedVoxelValue(Point3f pt) {
int iMax;
int xDown = indexDown(pt.x, iMax = voxelCounts[0] - 1);
int xUp = xDown + (pt.x < 0 || xDown == iMax ? 0 : 1);
int yDown = indexDown(pt.y, iMax = voxelCounts[1] - 1);
int yUp = yDown + (pt.y < 0 || yDown == iMax ? 0 : 1);
int zDown = indexDown(pt.z, iMax = voxelCounts[2] - 1);
int zUp = zDown + (pt.z < 0 || zDown == iMax ? 0 : 1);
float v1 = getFractional2DValue(pt.x - xDown, pt.y - yDown,
getVoxelValue(xDown, yDown, zDown), getVoxelValue(xUp, yDown, zDown),
getVoxelValue(xDown, yUp, zDown), getVoxelValue(xUp, yUp, zDown));
float v2 = getFractional2DValue(pt.x - xDown, pt.y - yDown,
getVoxelValue(xDown, yDown, zUp), getVoxelValue(xUp, yDown, zUp),
getVoxelValue(xDown, yUp, zUp), getVoxelValue(xUp, yUp, zUp));
return v1 + (pt.z - zDown) * (v2 - v1);
public float getVoxelValue(int x, int y, int z) {
if (voxelMap == null)
return voxelData[x][y][z];
Float f = (Float) voxelMap.get(x + "_" + y + "_" + z);
return (f == null ? Float.NaN : f.floatValue());
public static float getFractional2DValue(float fx, float fy, float x11,
float x12, float x21, float x22) {
float v1 = x11 + fx * (x12 - x11);
float v2 = x21 + fx * (x22 - x21);
return v1 + fy * (v2 - v1);
private static int indexDown(float value, int iMax) {
if (value < 0)
return 0;
int floor = (int) value;
return (floor > iMax ? iMax : floor);
void offsetCenter(Point3f center) {
Point3f pt = new Point3f();
pt.scaleAdd((voxelCounts[0] - 1) / 2f, volumetricVectors[0], pt);
pt.scaleAdd((voxelCounts[1] - 1) / 2f, volumetricVectors[1], pt);
pt.scaleAdd((voxelCounts[2] - 1) / 2f, volumetricVectors[2], pt);
volumetricOrigin.sub(center, pt);
public void setDataDistanceToPlane(Point4f plane) {
int nx = voxelCounts[0];
int ny = voxelCounts[1];
int nz = voxelCounts[2];
voxelData = new float[nx][ny][nz];
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++)
voxelData[x][y][z] = calcVoxelPlaneDistance(x, y, z);
private boolean isSquared;
public void filterData(boolean isSquared, float invertCutoff) {
boolean doInvert = (!Float.isNaN(invertCutoff));
if (sr != null) {
this.isSquared = isSquared;
int nx = voxelCounts[0];
int ny = voxelCounts[1];
int nz = voxelCounts[2];
if (isSquared)
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++)
voxelData[x][y][z] = voxelData[x][y][z] * voxelData[x][y][z];
if (doInvert)
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++)
voxelData[x][y][z] = invertCutoff - voxelData[x][y][z];
public void capData(Point4f plane, float cutoff) {
if (voxelData == null)
int nx = voxelCounts[0];
int ny = voxelCounts[1];
int nz = voxelCounts[2];
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z);
float f = 1f;
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++) {
float value = voxelData[x][y][z] - cutoff;
voxelPtToXYZ(x, y, z, ptXyzTemp);
float d = (ptXyzTemp.x * normal.x + ptXyzTemp.y * normal.y + ptXyzTemp.z * normal.z + plane.w - cutoff) / f;
if (d >= 0 || d > value)
voxelData[x][y][z] = d;
public String setVolumetricXml() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (voxelCounts[0] == 0) {
XmlUtil.appendTag(sb, "jvxlVolumeData", null);
} else {
XmlUtil.openTag(sb, "jvxlVolumeData", new String[] {
"origin", Escape.escape(volumetricOrigin) });
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
XmlUtil.appendTag(sb, "jvxlVolumeVector", new String[] {
"type", "" + i,
"count", "" + voxelCounts[i],
"vector", Escape.escape(volumetricVectors[i]) } );
XmlUtil.closeTag(sb, "jvxlVolumeData");
return xmlData = sb.toString();
* for sparse data mapping, as for a plane
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param v
public void setVoxelMapValue(int x, int y, int z, float v) {
if (voxelMap == null)
voxelMap.put(x+"_" + y + "_" + z, new Float(v));
private final Vector3f edgeVector = new Vector3f();
private Point3f ptTemp = new Point3f();
public float calculateFractionalPoint(float cutoff, Point3f pointA,
Point3f pointB, float valueA,
float valueB, Point3f pt) {
float d = (valueB - valueA);
float fraction = (cutoff - valueA) / d;
edgeVector.sub(pointB, pointA);
pt.scaleAdd(fraction, edgeVector, pointA);
if (sr == null || !doIterate || valueB == valueA
|| fraction < 0.01f || fraction > 0.99f
|| (edgeVector.length()) < 0.01f)
return cutoff;
// Do a nonlinear interpolation here and get a better value
// such is the case for atomic orbitals.
// In some cases we will find that we cannot get there, either
// because the actual point is not between valueA and valueB
// or because the projected point is not between pointA and pointB
// In that case we invalidate the point.
int n = 0;
float v = lookupInterpolatedVoxelValue(ptTemp);
float v0 = Float.NaN;
while (++n < 10) {
float fnew = (v - valueA) / d;
if (fnew < 0 || fnew > 1)
float diff = (cutoff - v) / d / 2;
fraction += diff;
if (fraction < 0 || fraction > 1)
v0 = v;
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.005f)
ptTemp.scaleAdd(diff, edgeVector, pt);
v = lookupInterpolatedVoxelValue(ptTemp);
return v0;