/* $RCSfile$
* * $Author: hansonr $
* $Date: 2011-06-06 04:45:58 +0200 (lun., 06 juin 2011) $
* $Revision: 15529 $
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Miguel, Jmol Development, www.jmol.org
* Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jmol.g3d;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3i;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f;
import org.jmol.api.JmolRendererInterface;
import org.jmol.modelset.Atom;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;
import org.jmol.util.MeshSurface;
import org.jmol.util.Parser;
import org.jmol.util.TextFormat;
import org.jmol.viewer.Viewer;
* Provides high-level graphics primitives for 3D visualization.
* A pure software implementation of a 3D graphics engine.
* No hardware required.
* Depending upon what you are rendering ... some people say it
* is <i>pretty fast</i>.
* @author Miguel, miguel@jmol.org
* with additions by Bob Hanson hansonr@stolaf.edu
* The above is an understatement to say the least.
* This is a two-pass rendering system. In the first pass, all opaque
* objects are rendered. In the second pass, all translucent objects
* are rendered.
* If there are no translucent objects, then that is found in the
* first pass as follows:
* The renderers first try to set the color index of the object to be
* rendered using setColix(short colix), and that method returns false
* if we are in the wrong pass for that type of object.
* In addition, setColix records in the boolean haveTranslucentObjects
* whether a translucent object was seen in the first pass.
* The second pass is skipped if this flag is not set. This saves immensely
* on rendering time when there are no translucent objects.
* g3d.setColix(short colix) PRIOR TO RENDERING.
* Translucency is rendered only approximately. We can't maintain a full
* buffer of all translucent objects. Instead, we "cheat" by maintaining
* one translucent z buffer. When a translucent pixel is to be written, its
* z position is checked and...
* ...if it is behind or at the z position of any pixel, it is ignored
* ...if it is in front of a translucent pixel, it is added to the translucent buffer
* ...if it is between an opaque and translucent pixel, the translucent pixel is
* turned opaque, and the new pixel is added to the translucent buffer
* This guarantees accurate translucency when there are no more than two translucent
* pixels between the user and an opaque pixel. It's a fudge, for sure. But it is
* pretty good, and certainly fine for "draft" work.
* Users needing more accurate translucencty are encouraged to use the POV-Ray export
* facility for production-level work.
* Antialiasing is accomplished as full scene antialiasing. This means that
* the width and height are doubled (both here and in TransformManager), the
* scene is rendered, and then each set of four pixels is averaged (roughly)
* as the final pixel in the width*height buffer.
* Antialiasing options allow for antialiasing of all objects:
* antialiasDisplay = true
* antialiasTranslucent = true
* or just the opaque ones:
* antialiasDisplay = true
* antialiasTranslucent = false
* or not at all:
* antialiasDisplay = false
* The difference will be speed and memory. Adding translucent objects
* doubles the buffer requirement, and adding antialiasing quadruples
* the buffer requirement.
* So we have:
* Memory requirements are significant, in multiples of (width) * (height) 32-bit integers:
* antialias OFF ON/opaque only ON/all objects
* no translucent 1p + 1z = 2 4p + 4z = 8 4p + 4z = 8
* objects
* with translucent 2p + 2z = 4 5p + 5z = 10 8p + 8z = 16
* objects
* Note that no antialising at all is required for POV-Ray output.
* POV-Ray will do antialiasing on its own.
* In principle we could save a bit in the case of antialiasing of
* just opaque objects and reuse the p and z buffers for the
* translucent buffer, but this hasn't been implemented because the
* savings isn't that great, and if you are going to the trouble of
* having antialiasing, you probably what it all.
final public class Graphics3D implements JmolRendererInterface {
Platform3D platform;
Line3D line3d;
Circle3D circle3d;
Sphere3D sphere3d;
//Colix3D colix3d;
Triangle3D triangle3d;
Cylinder3D cylinder3d;
Hermite3D hermite3d;
Normix3D normix3d;
boolean isFullSceneAntialiasingEnabled;
private boolean antialiasThisFrame;
private boolean antialias2;
private boolean antialiasEnabled;
public void destroy() {
platform = null;
* is full scene / oversampling antialiasing GENERALLY in effect
* @return the answer
public boolean isDisplayAntialiased() {
return antialiasEnabled;
* is full scene / oversampling antialiasing in effect
* @return the answer
public boolean isAntialiased() {
return antialiasThisFrame;
boolean inGreyscaleMode;
byte[] anaglyphChannelBytes;
boolean twoPass = false;
boolean isPass2;
boolean addAllPixels;
boolean haveTranslucentObjects;
boolean translucentCoverOnly = false;
public void setTranslucentCoverOnly(boolean TF) {
translucentCoverOnly = TF;
int windowWidth, windowHeight;
int width, height;
int displayMinX, displayMaxX, displayMinY, displayMaxY;
int slab, depth;
int zSlab, zDepth;
boolean zShade;
int xLast, yLast;
int[] pbuf;
int[] pbufT;
int[] zbuf;
int[] zbufT;
int bufferSize;
//int clipX;
//int clipY;
//int clipWidth;
//int clipHeight;
short colixCurrent;
int[] shadesCurrent;
int argbCurrent;
boolean isScreened;
int translucencyMask;
int argbNoisyUp, argbNoisyDn;
Font3D font3dCurrent;
public final static byte ENDCAPS_NONE = 0;
public final static byte ENDCAPS_OPEN = 1;
public final static byte ENDCAPS_FLAT = 2;
public final static byte ENDCAPS_SPHERICAL = 3;
public final static byte ENDCAPS_OPENEND = 4;
public final static short INHERIT_ALL = 0;
public final static short USE_PALETTE = 2;
public final static short BLACK = 4;
public final static short ORANGE = 5;
public final static short PINK = 6;
public final static short BLUE = 7;
public final static short WHITE = 8;
public final static short CYAN = 9;
public final static short RED = 10;
public final static short GREEN = 11;
public final static short GRAY = 12;
public final static short SILVER = 13;
public final static short LIME = 14;
public final static short MAROON = 15;
public final static short NAVY = 16;
public final static short OLIVE = 17;
public final static short PURPLE = 18;
public final static short TEAL = 19;
public final static short MAGENTA = 20;
public final static short YELLOW = 21;
public final static short HOTPINK = 22;
public final static short GOLD = 23;
* Allocates a g3d object
* @param awtComponent the java.awt.Component where the image will be drawn
public Graphics3D(Component awtComponent) {
platform = Platform3D.createInstance(awtComponent);
this.line3d = new Line3D(this);
this.circle3d = new Circle3D(this);
this.sphere3d = new Sphere3D(this);
this.triangle3d = new Triangle3D(this);
this.cylinder3d = new Cylinder3D(this);
this.hermite3d = new Hermite3D(this);
this.normix3d = new Normix3D();
int newWindowWidth, newWindowHeight;
boolean newAntialiasing;
public boolean currentlyRendering() {
return currentlyRendering;
public void setWindowParameters(int width, int height, boolean antialias) {
newWindowWidth = width;
newWindowHeight = height;
newAntialiasing = antialias;
if (currentlyRendering)
public void setNewWindowParametersForExport() {
windowWidth = newWindowWidth;
windowHeight = newWindowHeight;
private void setWidthHeight(boolean isAntialiased) {
width = windowWidth;
height = windowHeight;
if (isAntialiased) {
width <<= 1;
height <<= 1;
xLast = width - 1;
yLast = height - 1;
displayMinX = -(width >> 1);
displayMaxX = width - displayMinX;
displayMinY = -(height >> 1);
displayMaxY = height - displayMinY;
bufferSize = width * height;
public boolean checkTranslucent(boolean isAlphaTranslucent) {
if (isAlphaTranslucent)
haveTranslucentObjects = true;
return (!twoPass || twoPass && (isPass2 == isAlphaTranslucent));
public void beginRendering(Matrix3f rotationMatrix) {
if (currentlyRendering)
if (windowWidth != newWindowWidth || windowHeight != newWindowHeight
|| newAntialiasing != isFullSceneAntialiasingEnabled) {
windowWidth = newWindowWidth;
windowHeight = newWindowHeight;
isFullSceneAntialiasingEnabled = newAntialiasing;
antialiasEnabled = antialiasThisFrame = newAntialiasing;
currentlyRendering = true;
twoPass = true; //only for testing -- set false to disallow second pass
isPass2 = false;
colixCurrent = 0;
haveTranslucentObjects = false;
addAllPixels = true;
if (pbuf == null) {
platform.allocateBuffers(windowWidth, windowHeight,
pbuf = platform.pBuffer;
zbuf = platform.zBuffer;
if (backgroundImage != null)
plotImage(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE, backgroundImage, null, (short) 0, 0, 0);
random = Math.random();
public double random;
private void releaseBuffers() {
pbuf = null;
zbuf = null;
pbufT = null;
zbufT = null;
public boolean setPass2(boolean antialiasTranslucent) {
if (!haveTranslucentObjects || !currentlyRendering)
return false;
isPass2 = true;
colixCurrent = 0;
addAllPixels = true;
if (pbufT == null || antialias2 != antialiasTranslucent) {
pbufT = platform.pBufferT;
zbufT = platform.zBufferT;
antialias2 = antialiasTranslucent;
if (antialiasThisFrame && !antialias2)
return true;
public void endRendering() {
if (!currentlyRendering)
if (pbuf != null) {
if (isPass2)
if (antialiasThisFrame)
currentlyRendering = false;
int anaglyphLength;
public void snapshotAnaglyphChannelBytes() {
if (currentlyRendering)
throw new NullPointerException();
anaglyphLength = windowWidth * windowHeight;
if (anaglyphChannelBytes == null ||
anaglyphChannelBytes.length != anaglyphLength)
anaglyphChannelBytes = new byte[anaglyphLength];
for (int i = anaglyphLength; --i >= 0; )
anaglyphChannelBytes[i] = (byte)pbuf[i];
public void applyCustomAnaglyph(int[] stereoColors) {
//best if complementary, but they do not have to be0
int color1 = stereoColors[0];
int color2 = stereoColors[1] & 0x00FFFFFF;
for (int i = anaglyphLength; --i >= 0;) {
int a = anaglyphChannelBytes[i] & 0x000000FF;
a = (a | ((a | (a << 8)) << 8)) & color2;
pbuf[i] = (pbuf[i] & color1) | a;
public void applyGreenAnaglyph() {
for (int i = anaglyphLength; --i >= 0; ) {
int green = (anaglyphChannelBytes[i] & 0x000000FF) << 8;
pbuf[i] = (pbuf[i] & 0xFFFF0000) | green;
public void applyBlueAnaglyph() {
for (int i = anaglyphLength; --i >= 0; ) {
int blue = anaglyphChannelBytes[i] & 0x000000FF;
pbuf[i] = (pbuf[i] & 0xFFFF0000) | blue;
public void applyCyanAnaglyph() {
for (int i = anaglyphLength; --i >= 0; ) {
int blue = anaglyphChannelBytes[i] & 0x000000FF;
int cyan = (blue << 8) | blue;
pbuf[i] = pbuf[i] & 0xFFFF0000 | cyan;
public Image getScreenImage() {
return platform.imagePixelBuffer;
public void releaseScreenImage() {
public boolean haveTranslucentObjects() {
return haveTranslucentObjects;
* gets g3d width
* @return width pixel count;
public int getRenderWidth() {
return width;
* gets g3d height
* @return height pixel count
public int getRenderHeight() {
return height;
* gets g3d slab
* @return slab
public int getSlab() {
return slab;
* gets g3d depth
* @return depth
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public Image backgroundImage;
public void setBackgroundTransparent(boolean TF) {
if (platform != null)
public int bgcolor;
* sets background color to the specified argb value
* @param argb an argb value with alpha channel
public void setBackgroundArgb(int argb) {
bgcolor = argb;
// background of Jmol transparent in front of certain applications (VLC Player)
// when background [0,0,1].
public void setBackgroundImage(Image image) {
backgroundImage = image;
* controls greyscale rendering
* @param greyscaleMode Flag for greyscale rendering
public void setGreyscaleMode(boolean greyscaleMode) {
this.inGreyscaleMode = greyscaleMode;
* clipping from the front and the back
* the plane is defined as a percentage from the back of the image
* to the front
* For slab values:
* <ul>
* <li>100 means 100% is shown
* <li>75 means the back 75% is shown
* <li>50 means the back half is shown
* <li>0 means that nothing is shown
* </ul>
* for depth values:
* <ul>
* <li>0 means 100% is shown
* <li>25 means the back 25% is <i>not</i> shown
* <li>50 means the back half is <i>not</i> shown
* <li>100 means that nothing is shown
* </ul>
* @param slabValue front clipping percentage [0,100]
* @param depthValue rear clipping percentage [0,100]
* @param zShade whether to shade along z front to back
* @param zSlab for zShade
* @param zDepth for zShade
public void setSlabAndDepthValues(int slabValue, int depthValue,
boolean zShade, int zSlab, int zDepth) {
slab = slabValue < 0 ? 0 : slabValue;
depth = depthValue < 0 ? 0 : depthValue;
this.zShade = zShade;
if (zShade) {
this.zSlab = zSlab < 0 ? 0 : zSlab;
this.zDepth = zDepth < 0 ? 0 : zDepth;
zShadeR = bgcolor & 0xFF;
zShadeG = (bgcolor & 0xFF00) >> 8;
zShadeB = (bgcolor & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
pixel = new ShadePixel();
} else {
pixel = new Pixel();
Pixel pixel;
int zShadeR;
int zShadeG;
int zShadeB;
public void setSlab(int slabValue) {
slab = slabValue;
// int getZShift(int z) {
// return (zShade ? (z - slab) * 5 / (depth - slab): 0);
// }
private void downsampleFullSceneAntialiasing(boolean downsampleZBuffer) {
int width4 = width;
int offset1 = 0;
int offset4 = 0;
int bgcheck = bgcolor;
// now is the time we have to put in the correct background color
// this was a bug in 11.6.0-11.6.2.
// we must downsample the Z Buffer if there are translucent
// objects left to draw and antialiasTranslucent is set false
// in that case we must fudge the background color, because
// otherwise a match of the background color with an object
// will put it in the back -- the "blue tie on a blue screen"
// television effect. We want to avoid that. Here we can do that
// because the colors will be blurred anyway.
if (downsampleZBuffer)
bgcheck += ((bgcheck & 0xFF) == 0xFF ? -1 : 1);
for (int i =0; i < pbuf.length; i++)
if (pbuf[i] == 0)
pbuf[i] = bgcheck;
bgcheck &= 0xFFFFFF;
for (int i = windowHeight; --i >= 0; offset4 += width4)
for (int j = windowWidth; --j >= 0; ++offset1) {
/* more precise, but of no benefit:
int a = pbuf[offset4];
int b = pbuf[offset4++ + width4];
int c = pbuf[offset4];
int d = pbuf[offset4++ + width4];
int argb = ((((a & 0x0f0f0f) + (b & 0x0f0f0f)
+ (c & 0x0f0f0f) + (d & 0x0f0f0f)) >> 2) & 0x0f0f0f)
+ ( ((a & 0xF0F0F0) + (b & 0xF0F0F0)
+ (c & 0xF0F0F0) + (d & 0xF0F0F0)
) >> 2);
int argb = ((pbuf[offset4] >> 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F)
+ ((pbuf[offset4++ + width4] >> 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F)
+ ((pbuf[offset4] >> 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F)
+ ((pbuf[offset4++ + width4] >> 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F);
argb += (argb & 0xC0C0C0C0) >> 6;
pbuf[offset1] = argb & 0x00FFFFFF;
if (downsampleZBuffer) {
//we will add the alpha mask later
offset1 = offset4 = 0;
for (int i = windowHeight; --i >= 0; offset4 += width4)
for (int j = windowWidth; --j >= 0; ++offset1, ++offset4) {
int z = Math.min(zbuf[offset4], zbuf[offset4 + width4]);
z = Math.min(z, zbuf[++offset4]);
z = Math.min(z, zbuf[offset4 + width4]);
if (z != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
z >>= 1;
zbuf[offset1] = (pbuf[offset1] == bgcheck ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
: z);
antialiasThisFrame = false;
void mergeOpaqueAndTranslucentBuffers() {
if (pbufT == null)
for (int offset = 0; offset < bufferSize; offset++)
mergeBufferPixel(pbuf, pbufT[offset], offset, bgcolor);
static void averageBufferPixel(int[] pIn, int[] pOut, int pt, int dp) {
int argbA = pIn[pt - dp];
int argbB = pIn[pt + dp];
if (argbA == 0 || argbB == 0)
pOut[pt] = ((((argbA & 0xFF000000)>>1) + ((argbB & 0xFF000000)>>1))<< 1)
| (((argbA & 0x00FF00FF) + (argbB & 0x00FF00FF)) >> 1) & 0x00FF00FF
| (((argbA & 0x0000FF00) + (argbB & 0x0000FF00)) >> 1) & 0x0000FF00;
static void mergeBufferPixel(int[] pbuf, int argbB, int pt, int bgcolor) {
if (argbB == 0)
int argbA = pbuf[pt];
if (argbA == argbB)
if (argbA == 0)
argbA = bgcolor;
int rbA = (argbA & 0x00FF00FF);
int gA = (argbA & 0x0000FF00);
int rbB = (argbB & 0x00FF00FF);
int gB = (argbB & 0x0000FF00);
int logAlpha = (argbB >> 24) & 7;
//just for now:
//0 or 1=100% opacity, 2=87.5%, 3=75%, 4=50%, 5=50%, 6 = 25%, 7 = 12.5% opacity.
//4 is reserved because it is the default-Jmol 10.2
switch (logAlpha) {
// 0.0 to 1.0 ==> MORE translucent
// 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8
// t 32 64 96 128 160 192 224
// t >> 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
case 1: // 7:1
rbA = (((rbB << 2) + (rbB << 1) + rbB + rbA) >> 3) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gB << 2) + + (gB << 1) + gB + gA) >> 3) & 0x0000FF00;
case 2: // 3:1
rbA = (((rbB << 1) + rbB + rbA) >> 2) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gB << 1) + gB + gA) >> 2) & 0x0000FF00;
case 3: // 5:3
rbA = (((rbB << 2) + rbB + (rbA << 1) + rbA) >> 3) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gB << 2) + gB + (gA << 1) + gA) >> 3) & 0x0000FF00;
case 4: // 1:1
rbA = ((rbA + rbB) >> 1) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = ((gA + gB) >> 1) & 0x0000FF00;
case 5: // 3:5
rbA = (((rbB << 1) + rbB + (rbA << 2) + rbA) >> 3) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gB << 1) + gB + (gA << 2) + gA) >> 3) & 0x0000FF00;
case 6: // 1:3
rbA = (((rbA << 1) + rbA + rbB) >> 2) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gA << 1) + gA + gB) >> 2) & 0x0000FF00;
case 7: // 1:7
rbA = (((rbA << 2) + (rbA << 1) + rbA + rbB) >> 3) & 0x00FF00FF;
gA = (((gA << 2) + (gA << 1) + gA + gB) >> 3) & 0x0000FF00;
pbuf[pt] = 0xFF000000 | rbA | gA;
public boolean hasContent() {
return platform.hasContent();
private int currentShadeIndex;
* sets current color from colix color index
* @param colix the color index
* @return true or false if this is the right pass
public boolean setColix(short colix) {
if (colix == colixCurrent && currentShadeIndex == -1)
return true;
int mask = colix & TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
if (mask == TRANSPARENT)
return false;
boolean isTranslucent = mask != 0;
isScreened = isTranslucent && mask == TRANSLUCENT_SCREENED;
if (!checkTranslucent(isTranslucent && !isScreened))
return false;
addAllPixels = isPass2 || !isTranslucent;
if (isPass2) {
translucencyMask = (mask << ALPHA_SHIFT) | 0xFFFFFF;
// if (isPass2) {
// System.out.println("G3d mask " + Integer.toHexString(mask)+ " " +Integer.toHexString(TRANSPARENT)+ " " +Integer.toHexString(TRANSLUCENT_SCREENED));
colixCurrent = colix;
shadesCurrent = getShades(colix);
currentShadeIndex = -1;
argbCurrent = argbNoisyUp = argbNoisyDn = getColorArgbOrGray(colix);
return true;
int zMargin;
void setZMargin(int dz) {
zMargin = dz;
void addPixel(int offset, int z, int p) {
pixel.addPixel(offset, z, p);
class Pixel {
void addPixel(int offset, int z, int p) {
if (!isPass2) {
zbuf[offset] = z;
pbuf[offset] = p;
int zT = zbufT[offset];
if (z < zT) {
// new in front -- merge old translucent with opaque
// if (zT != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
int argb = pbufT[offset];
if (!translucentCoverOnly && argb != 0 && zT - z > zMargin)
mergeBufferPixel(pbuf, argb, offset, bgcolor);
zbufT[offset] = z;
pbufT[offset] = p & translucencyMask;
} else if (z == zT) {
} else if (!translucentCoverOnly && z - zT > zMargin) {
// oops-out of order
mergeBufferPixel(pbuf, p & translucencyMask, offset, bgcolor);
class ShadePixel extends Pixel {
void addPixel(int offset, int z, int p) {
if (z > zDepth)
if (z <= zDepth && z >= zSlab) {
int pR = p & 0xFF;
int pG = (p & 0xFF00) >> 8;
int pB = (p & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
int pA = (p & 0xFF000000);
float f = (float)(zDepth - z) / (zDepth - zSlab);
if (Shade3D.zPower > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < Shade3D.zPower; i++)
f *= f;
pR = zShadeR + (int) (f * (pR - zShadeR));
pG = zShadeG + (int) (f * (pG - zShadeG));
pB = zShadeB + (int) (f * (pB - zShadeB));
p = (pB << 16) | (pG << 8) | pR | pA;
super.addPixel(offset, z, p);
public void drawFilledCircle(short colixRing, short colixFill, int diameter,
int x, int y, int z) {
if (isClippedZ(z))
int r = (diameter + 1) / 2;
boolean isClipped = x < r || x + r >= width || y < r || y + r >= height;
if (isClipped && isClippedXY(diameter, x, y))
if (colixRing != 0 && setColix(colixRing)) {
if (isClipped)
circle3d.plotCircleCenteredClipped(x, y, z, diameter);
circle3d.plotCircleCenteredUnclipped(x, y, z, diameter);
if (colixFill != 0 && setColix(colixFill)) {
if (isClipped)
circle3d.plotFilledCircleCenteredClipped(x, y, z, diameter);
circle3d.plotFilledCircleCenteredUnclipped(x, y, z, diameter);
* fills a solid sphere
* @param diameter pixel count
* @param x center x
* @param y center y
* @param z center z
public void fillSphere(int diameter, int x, int y, int z) {
switch (diameter) {
case 1:
plotPixelClipped(argbCurrent, x, y, z);
case 0:
if (diameter <= (antialiasThisFrame ? Sphere3D.maxSphereDiameter2
: Sphere3D.maxSphereDiameter))
sphere3d.render(shadesCurrent, !addAllPixels, diameter, x, y, z, null,
null, null, -1, null);
* fills a solid sphere
* @param diameter pixel count
* @param center javax.vecmath.Point3i defining the center
public void fillSphere(int diameter, Point3i center) {
fillSphere(diameter, center.x, center.y, center.z);
* fills a solid sphere
* @param diameter pixel count
* @param center a javax.vecmath.Point3f ... floats are casted to ints
public void fillSphere(int diameter, Point3f center) {
fillSphere(diameter, (int)center.x, (int)center.y, (int)center.z);
public void fillEllipsoid(Point3f center, Point3f[] points, int x, int y,
int z, int diameter, Matrix3f mToEllipsoidal,
double[] coef, Matrix4f mDeriv,
int selectedOctant, Point3i[] octantPoints) {
switch (diameter) {
case 1:
plotPixelClipped(argbCurrent, x, y, z);
case 0:
if (diameter <= (antialiasThisFrame ? Sphere3D.maxSphereDiameter2
: Sphere3D.maxSphereDiameter))
sphere3d.render(shadesCurrent, !addAllPixels, diameter, x, y, z,
mToEllipsoidal, coef, mDeriv, selectedOctant, octantPoints);
* draws a rectangle
* @param x upper left x
* @param y upper left y
* @param z upper left z
* @param zSlab z for slab check (for set labelsFront)
* @param rWidth pixel count
* @param rHeight pixel count
public void drawRect(int x, int y, int z, int zSlab, int rWidth, int rHeight) {
// labels (and rubberband, not implemented) and navigation cursor
if (zSlab != 0 && isClippedZ(zSlab))
int w = rWidth - 1;
int h = rHeight - 1;
int xRight = x + w;
int yBottom = y + h;
if (y >= 0 && y < height)
drawHLine(x, y, z, w);
if (yBottom >= 0 && yBottom < height)
drawHLine(x, yBottom, z, w);
if (x >= 0 && x < width)
drawVLine(x, y, z, h);
if (xRight >= 0 && xRight < width)
drawVLine(xRight, y, z, h);
private void drawHLine(int x, int y, int z, int w) {
// hover, labels only
if (w < 0) {
x += w;
w = -w;
if (x < 0) {
w += x;
x = 0;
if (x + w >= width)
w = width - 1 - x;
int offset = x + width * y;
if (addAllPixels) {
for (int i = 0; i <= w; i++) {
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= w; i++) {
if ((flipflop = !flipflop) && z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
private void drawVLine(int x, int y, int z, int h) {
// hover, labels only
if (h < 0) {
y += h;
h = -h;
if (y < 0) {
h += y;
y = 0;
if (y + h >= height) {
h = height - 1 - y;
int offset = x + width * y;
if (addAllPixels) {
for (int i = 0; i <= h; i++) {
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
offset += width;
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= h; i++) {
if ((flipflop = !flipflop) && z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
offset += width;
* fills background rectangle for label
* @param x upper left x
* @param y upper left y
* @param z upper left z
* @param zSlab z value for slabbing
* @param widthFill pixel count
* @param heightFill pixel count
public void fillRect(int x, int y, int z, int zSlab, int widthFill, int heightFill) {
// hover and labels only -- slab at atom or front -- simple Z/window clip
if (isClippedZ(zSlab))
if (x < 0) {
widthFill += x;
if (widthFill <= 0)
x = 0;
if (x + widthFill > width) {
widthFill = width - x;
if (widthFill <= 0)
if (y < 0) {
heightFill += y;
if (heightFill <= 0)
y = 0;
if (y + heightFill > height)
heightFill = height - y;
while (--heightFill >= 0)
plotPixelsUnclipped(widthFill, x, y++, z);
* draws the specified string in the current font.
* no line wrapping -- axis, labels, measures
* @param str the String
* @param font3d the Font3D
* @param xBaseline baseline x
* @param yBaseline baseline y
* @param z baseline z
* @param zSlab z for slab calculation
public void drawString(String str, Font3D font3d,
int xBaseline, int yBaseline, int z, int zSlab) {
//axis, labels, measures
if (str == null)
if (isClippedZ(zSlab))
drawStringNoSlab(str, font3d, xBaseline, yBaseline, z);
* draws the specified string in the current font.
* no line wrapping -- echo, frank, hover, molecularOrbital, uccage
* @param str the String
* @param font3d the Font3D
* @param xBaseline baseline x
* @param yBaseline baseline y
* @param z baseline z
public void drawStringNoSlab(String str, Font3D font3d,
int xBaseline, int yBaseline,
int z) {
// echo, frank, hover, molecularOrbital, uccage
if (str == null)
if(font3d != null)
font3dCurrent = font3d;
plotText(xBaseline, yBaseline, z, argbCurrent, str, font3dCurrent, null);
public void plotText(int x, int y, int z, int argb,
String text, Font3D font3d, JmolRendererInterface jmolRenderer) {
Text3D.plot(x, y, z, argb, text, font3d, this, jmolRenderer,
public void drawImage(Image image, int x, int y, int z, int zSlab,
short bgcolix, int width, int height) {
if (image == null || width == 0 || height == 0)
if (isClippedZ(zSlab))
plotImage(x, y, z, image, null, bgcolix, width, height);
public void plotImage(int x, int y, int z, Image image, JmolRendererInterface jmolRenderer,
short bgcolix, int width, int height) {
if (bgcolix == 0)
argbCurrent = 0;
Text3D.plotImage(x, y, z, image, this, jmolRenderer, antialiasThisFrame, argbCurrent,
width, height);
public void setFont(byte fid) {
font3dCurrent = Font3D.getFont3D(fid);
public void setFont(Font3D font3d) {
font3dCurrent = font3d;
public Font3D getFont3DCurrent() {
return font3dCurrent;
boolean currentlyRendering;
private void setRectClip(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
// not implemented
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
if (x + width > windowWidth)
width = windowWidth - x;
if (y + height > windowHeight)
height = windowHeight - y;
clipX = x;
clipY = y;
clipWidth = width;
clipHeight = height;
if (antialiasThisFrame) {
clipX *= 2;
clipY *= 2;
clipWidth *= 2;
clipHeight *= 2;
//mostly public drawing methods -- add "public" if you need to
/* ***************************************************************
* points
* ***************************************************************/
public void drawPixel(int x, int y, int z) {
// measures - render angle
plotPixelClipped(x, y, z);
public void drawPoints(int count, int[] coordinates, int scale) {
// for dots only
if (scale > 1) {
float s2 = scale * scale * 0.8f;
for (int i = -scale; i < scale; i++) {
for (int j = -scale; j < scale; j++) {
if (i * i + j * j > s2)
plotPoints(count, coordinates, i, j);
plotPoints(count, coordinates, i, j);
} else {
plotPoints(count, coordinates, 0, 0);
/* ***************************************************************
* lines and cylinders
* ***************************************************************/
public void drawDashedLine(int run, int rise, Point3i pointA, Point3i pointB) {
// measures only
line3d.plotDashedLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, run, rise,
pointA.x, pointA.y, pointA.z,
pointB.x, pointB.y, pointB.z, true);
public void drawDottedLine(Point3i pointA, Point3i pointB) {
//axes, bbcage only
line3d.plotDashedLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, 2, 1,
pointA.x, pointA.y, pointA.z,
pointB.x, pointB.y, pointB.z, true);
public void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) {
// stars
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true);
public void drawLine(short colixA, short colixB,
int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) {
// backbone and sticks
if (!setColix(colixA))
colixA = 0;
boolean isScreenedA = !addAllPixels;
int argbA = argbCurrent;
if (!setColix(colixB))
colixB = 0;
if (colixA == 0 && colixB == 0)
line3d.plotLine(argbA, isScreenedA, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true);
public void drawLine(Point3i pointA, Point3i pointB) {
// draw quadrilateral and hermite
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
pointA.x, pointA.y, pointA.z,
pointB.x, pointB.y, pointB.z, true);
public void fillCylinder(short colixA, short colixB, byte endcaps,
int diameter,
int xA, int yA, int zA, int xB, int yB, int zB) {
//Backbone, Mps, Sticks
if (!setColix(colixA))
colixA = 0;
boolean isScreenedA = !addAllPixels;
if (!setColix(colixB))
colixB = 0;
if (colixA == 0 && colixB == 0)
cylinder3d.render(colixA, colixB, isScreenedA, !addAllPixels, endcaps, diameter,
xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB);
public void fillCylinderScreen(byte endcaps,
int diameter,
int xA, int yA, int zA, int xB, int yB, int zB) {
//measures, vectors, polyhedra
cylinder3d.render(colixCurrent, colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, !addAllPixels, endcaps, diameter,
xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB);
public void fillCylinderScreen(byte endcaps, int diameter,
Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB) {
cylinder3d.render(colixCurrent, colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, !addAllPixels, endcaps, diameter,
screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z,
screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z);
public void fillCylinder(byte endcaps, int diameter,
Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB) {
//axes, bbcage, uccage, cartoon, dipoles, mesh
cylinder3d.render(colixCurrent, colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, !addAllPixels, endcaps, diameter,
screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z,
screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z);
public void fillCylinderBits(byte endcaps, int diameter,
Point3f screenA, Point3f screenB) {
// dipole cross, cartoonRockets, draw line
cylinder3d.renderBits(colixCurrent, colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, !addAllPixels, endcaps, diameter,
screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z,
screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z);
public void fillConeScreen(byte endcap, int screenDiameter,
Point3i screenBase, Point3i screenTip) {
// dipoles, mesh, vectors
cylinder3d.renderCone(colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, endcap, screenDiameter,
screenBase.x, screenBase.y, screenBase.z,
screenTip.x, screenTip.y, screenTip.z, false);
public void fillConeSceen(byte endcap, int screenDiameter,
Point3f screenBase, Point3f screenTip) {
// cartoons, rockets
cylinder3d.renderCone(colixCurrent, !addAllPixels, endcap, screenDiameter,
screenBase.x, screenBase.y, screenBase.z,
screenTip.x, screenTip.y, screenTip.z, true);
public void drawHermite(int tension,
Point3i s0, Point3i s1, Point3i s2, Point3i s3) {
hermite3d.renderHermiteRope(false, tension, 0, 0, 0, s0, s1, s2, s3);
public void drawHermite(boolean fill, boolean border,
int tension, Point3i s0, Point3i s1, Point3i s2,
Point3i s3, Point3i s4, Point3i s5, Point3i s6,
Point3i s7, int aspectRatio) {
hermite3d.renderHermiteRibbon(fill, border, tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6,
s7, aspectRatio);
public void fillHermite(int tension, int diameterBeg,
int diameterMid, int diameterEnd,
Point3i s0, Point3i s1, Point3i s2, Point3i s3) {
hermite3d.renderHermiteRope(true, tension,
diameterBeg, diameterMid, diameterEnd,
s0, s1, s2, s3);
public static void getHermiteList(int tension, Tuple3f s0, Tuple3f s1, Tuple3f s2, Tuple3f s3, Tuple3f s4, Tuple3f[] list, int index0, int n) {
Hermite3D.getHermiteList(tension, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, list, index0, n);
* *************************************************************** triangles
* **************************************************************
public void drawTriangle(Point3i screenA, short colixA, Point3i screenB,
short colixB, Point3i screenC, short colixC,
int check) {
// primary method for mapped Mesh
if ((check & 1) == 1)
drawLine(colixA, colixB, screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenB.x,
screenB.y, screenB.z);
if ((check & 2) == 2)
drawLine(colixB, colixC, screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z, screenC.x,
screenC.y, screenC.z);
if ((check & 4) == 4)
drawLine(colixA, colixC, screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenC.x,
screenC.y, screenC.z);
public void drawTriangle(Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB, Point3i screenC,
int check) {
// primary method for unmapped monochromatic Mesh
if ((check & 1) == 1)
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z,
if ((check & 2) == 2)
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
screenB.x, screenB.y, screenB.z, screenC.x, screenC.y, screenC.z,
if ((check & 4) == 4)
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels,
screenA.x, screenA.y, screenA.z, screenC.x, screenC.y, screenC.z,
public void drawfillTriangle(int xA, int yA, int zA, int xB,
int yB, int zB, int xC, int yC, int zC) {
// sticks -- sterochemical wedge notation -- not implemented?
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, xA,
yA, zA, xB, yB, zB, true);
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, xA,
yA, zA, xC, yC, zC, true);
line3d.plotLine(argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, argbCurrent, !addAllPixels, xB,
yB, zB, xC, yC, zC, true);
triangle3d.fillTriangle(xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB, xC, yC, zC, false);
public void fillTriangleTwoSided(short normix,
int xScreenA, int yScreenA, int zScreenA,
int xScreenB, int yScreenB, int zScreenB,
int xScreenC, int yScreenC, int zScreenC) {
// polyhedra
triangle3d.fillTriangle( xScreenA, yScreenA, zScreenA,
xScreenB, yScreenB, zScreenB,
xScreenC, yScreenC, zScreenC, false);
public void fillTriangle(Point3f screenA, Point3f screenB, Point3f screenC) {
// rockets
setColorNoisy(getShadeIndex(screenA, screenB, screenC));
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenB, screenC, false);
public void fillTriangle(Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB, Point3i screenC) {
// cartoon DNA plates
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenB, screenC, false);
public void fillTriangle(Point3i screenA, short colixA, short normixA,
Point3i screenB, short colixB, short normixB,
Point3i screenC, short colixC, short normixC,
float factor) {
// isosurface test showing triangles
boolean useGouraud;
if (!isPass2 && normixA == normixB && normixA == normixC
&& colixA == colixB && colixA == colixC) {
setTriangleColixAndShadeIndex(colixA, normix3d.getShadeIndex(normixA));
useGouraud = false;
} else {
if (!setTriangleTranslucency(colixA, colixB, colixC))
useGouraud = true;
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenB, screenC, factor, useGouraud);
public void fillTriangle(Point3i screenA, short colixA, short normixA,
Point3i screenB, short colixB, short normixB,
Point3i screenC, short colixC, short normixC) {
// mesh, isosurface
boolean useGouraud;
if (!isPass2 && normixA == normixB && normixA == normixC
&& colixA == colixB && colixA == colixC) {
setTriangleColixAndShadeIndex(colixA, normix3d.getShadeIndex(normixA));
useGouraud = false;
} else {
if (!setTriangleTranslucency(colixA, colixB, colixC))
useGouraud = true;
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenB, screenC, useGouraud);
private void setTriangleColixAndShadeIndex(short colix, int shadeIndex) {
if (colix == colixCurrent && currentShadeIndex == shadeIndex)
currentShadeIndex = -1;
private boolean setTriangleTranslucency(short colixA, short colixB,
short colixC) {
if (!isPass2)
return true;
int maskA = colixA & TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
int maskB = colixB & TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
int maskC = colixC & TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
//if (maskA == 0 && maskB == 0 && maskC == 0)
//return false;
int mask = ((maskA + maskB + maskC) / 3) & TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
// System.out.println(mask >> TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT);
translucencyMask = (mask << ALPHA_SHIFT) | 0xFFFFFF;
return true;
/* ***************************************************************
* quadrilaterals
* ***************************************************************/
public void drawQuadrilateral(short colix, Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB,
Point3i screenC, Point3i screenD) {
//mesh only -- translucency has been checked
drawLine(screenA, screenB);
drawLine(screenB, screenC);
drawLine(screenC, screenD);
drawLine(screenD, screenA);
public void fillQuadrilateral(Point3f screenA, Point3f screenB,
Point3f screenC, Point3f screenD) {
// hermite, rockets, cartoons
setColorNoisy(getShadeIndex(screenA, screenB, screenC));
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenB, screenC, false);
triangle3d.fillTriangle(screenA, screenC, screenD, false);
public void fillQuadrilateral(Point3i screenA, short colixA, short normixA,
Point3i screenB, short colixB, short normixB,
Point3i screenC, short colixC, short normixC,
Point3i screenD, short colixD, short normixD) {
// mesh
fillTriangle(screenA, colixA, normixA,
screenB, colixB, normixB,
screenC, colixC, normixC);
fillTriangle(screenA, colixA, normixA,
screenC, colixC, normixC,
screenD, colixD, normixD);
public void drawSurface(MeshSurface meshSurface, Point3f[] vertices, Point3f offset) {
// Export3D only
/* ***************************************************************
* lower-level plotting routines
* ***************************************************************/
public boolean isClipped(int x, int y, int z) {
// this is the one that could be augmented with slabPlane
return (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height || z < slab || z > depth);
public boolean isClipped(int x, int y) {
return (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height);
public boolean isInDisplayRange(int x, int y) {
return (x >= displayMinX && x < displayMaxX && y >= displayMinY && y < displayMaxY);
public boolean isClippedXY(int diameter, int x, int y) {
int r = (diameter + 1) >> 1;
return (x < -r || x >= width + r || y < -r || y >= height + r);
public boolean isClippedZ(int z) {
return (z != Integer.MIN_VALUE && (z < slab || z > depth));
final static int yGT = 1;
final static int yLT = 2;
final static int xGT = 4;
final static int xLT = 8;
final static int zGT = 16;
final static int zLT = 32;
public int clipCode(int x, int y, int z) {
int code = 0;
if (x < 0)
code |= xLT;
else if (x >= width)
code |= xGT;
if (y < 0)
code |= yLT;
else if (y >= height)
code |= yGT;
if (z < slab)
code |= zLT;
else if (z > depth) // note that this is .GT., not .GE.
code |= zGT;
return code;
public int clipCode(int z) {
int code = 0;
if (z < slab)
code |= zLT;
else if (z > depth) // note that this is .GT., not .GE.
code |= zGT;
return code;
void plotPixelClipped(int x, int y, int z) {
//circle3D, drawPixel, plotPixelClipped(point3)
if (isClipped(x, y, z))
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
public void plotPixelClipped(Point3i screen) {
// hermite only
plotPixelClipped(screen.x, screen.y, screen.z);
void plotPixelClipped(int argb, int x, int y, int z) {
// cylinder3d plotRaster
if (isClipped(x, y, z))
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argb);
public void plotPixelClippedNoSlab(int argb, int x, int y, int z) {
// drawString via text3d.plotClipped
if (isClipped(x, y))
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argb);
void plotPixelClipped(int argb, boolean isScreened, int x, int y, int z) {
if (isClipped(x, y, z))
if (isScreened && ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0)
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argb);
void plotPixelUnclipped(int x, int y, int z) {
// circle (halo)
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
void plotPixelUnclipped(int argb, int x, int y, int z) {
// cylinder plotRaster
int offset = y * width + x;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argb);
void plotPixelsClipped(int count, int x, int y, int z) {
// for circle only; i.e. halo
// simple Z/window clip
if (y < 0 || y >= height || x >= width)
if (x < 0) {
count += x; // x is negative, so this is subtracting -x
x = 0;
if (count + x > width)
count = width - x;
if (count <= 0)
int offsetPbuf = y * width + x;
int offsetMax = offsetPbuf + count;
int step = 1;
if (!addAllPixels) {
step = 2;
if (((x ^ y) & 1) != 0)
while (offsetPbuf < offsetMax) {
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf])
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, argbCurrent);
offsetPbuf += step;
void plotPixelsClipped(int count, int x, int y, int zAtLeft, int zPastRight,
Rgb16 rgb16Left, Rgb16 rgb16Right) {
// cylinder3d.renderFlatEndcap, triangle3d.fillRaster
if (count <= 0 || y < 0 || y >= height || x >= width
|| (zAtLeft < slab && zPastRight < slab)
|| (zAtLeft > depth && zPastRight > depth))
int seed = (x << 16) + (y << 1) ^ 0x33333333;
// scale the z coordinates;
int zScaled = (zAtLeft << 10) + (1 << 9);
int dz = zPastRight - zAtLeft;
int roundFactor = count / 2;
int zIncrementScaled = ((dz << 10) + (dz >= 0 ? roundFactor : -roundFactor))
/ count;
if (x < 0) {
x = -x;
zScaled += zIncrementScaled * x;
count -= x;
if (count <= 0)
x = 0;
if (count + x > width)
count = width - x;
// when screening 0,0 should be turned ON
// the first time through this will get flipped to true
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
int offsetPbuf = y * width + x;
if (rgb16Left == null) {
while (--count >= 0) {
if (addAllPixels || (flipflop = !flipflop) == true) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z >= slab && z <= depth && z < zbuf[offsetPbuf]) {
seed = ((seed << 16) + (seed << 1) + seed) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int bits = (seed >> 16) & 0x07;
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, bits == 0 ? argbNoisyDn
: (bits == 1 ? argbNoisyUp : argbCurrent));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
} else {
int rScaled = rgb16Left.rScaled << 8;
int rIncrement = ((rgb16Right.rScaled - rgb16Left.rScaled) << 8) / count;
int gScaled = rgb16Left.gScaled;
int gIncrement = (rgb16Right.gScaled - gScaled) / count;
int bScaled = rgb16Left.bScaled;
int bIncrement = (rgb16Right.bScaled - bScaled) / count;
while (--count >= 0) {
if (addAllPixels || (flipflop = !flipflop)) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z >= slab && z <= depth && z < zbuf[offsetPbuf])
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, 0xFF000000 | (rScaled & 0xFF0000)
| (gScaled & 0xFF00) | ((bScaled >> 8) & 0xFF));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
rScaled += rIncrement;
gScaled += gIncrement;
bScaled += bIncrement;
final static boolean ENABLE_GOURAUD_STATS = false;
static int totalGouraud;
static int shortCircuitGouraud;
void plotPixelsUnclipped(int count, int x, int y, int zAtLeft,
int zPastRight, Rgb16 rgb16Left, Rgb16 rgb16Right) {
// for Triangle3D.fillRaster
if (count <= 0)
int seed = (x << 16) + (y << 1) ^ 0x33333333;
// scale the z coordinates;
int zScaled = (zAtLeft << 10) + (1 << 9);
int dz = zPastRight - zAtLeft;
int roundFactor = count / 2;
int zIncrementScaled = ((dz << 10) + (dz >= 0 ? roundFactor : -roundFactor))
/ count;
int offsetPbuf = y * width + x;
if (rgb16Left == null) {
if (!isTranslucent) {
while (--count >= 0) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf]) {
zbuf[offsetPbuf] = z;
seed = ((seed << 16) + (seed << 1) + seed) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int bits = (seed >> 16) & 0x07;
pbuf[offsetPbuf] = (bits == 0 ? argbNoisyDn
: (bits == 1 ? argbNoisyUp : argbCurrent));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
} else {
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
while (--count >= 0) {
flipflop = !flipflop;
if (flipflop) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf]) {
zbuf[offsetPbuf] = z;
seed = ((seed << 16) + (seed << 1) + seed) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int bits = (seed >> 16) & 0x07;
pbuf[offsetPbuf] = (bits == 0 ? argbNoisyDn
: (bits == 1 ? argbNoisyUp : argbCurrent));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
} else {
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
int i = count;
int j = offsetPbuf;
int zMin = zAtLeft < zPastRight ? zAtLeft : zPastRight;
if (!isTranslucent) {
for (; zbuf[j] < zMin; ++j)
if (--i == 0) {
if ((++shortCircuitGouraud % 100000) == 0)
Logger.debug("totalGouraud=" + totalGouraud
+ " shortCircuitGouraud=" + shortCircuitGouraud + " %="
+ (100.0 * shortCircuitGouraud / totalGouraud));
} else {
if (flipflop) {
if (--i == 0)
for (; zbuf[j] < zMin; j += 2) {
i -= 2;
if (i <= 0) {
if ((++shortCircuitGouraud % 100000) == 0)
Logger.debug("totalGouraud=" + totalGouraud
+ " shortCircuitGouraud=" + shortCircuitGouraud + " %="
+ (100.0 * shortCircuitGouraud / totalGouraud));
int rScaled = rgb16Left.rScaled << 8;
int rIncrement = ((rgb16Right.rScaled - rgb16Left.rScaled) << 8) / count;
int gScaled = rgb16Left.gScaled;
int gIncrement = (rgb16Right.gScaled - gScaled) / count;
int bScaled = rgb16Left.bScaled;
int bIncrement = (rgb16Right.bScaled - bScaled) / count;
while (--count >= 0) {
if (!isTranslucent || (flipflop = !flipflop)) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf]) {
zbuf[offsetPbuf] = z;
pbuf[offsetPbuf] = (0xFF000000 | (rScaled & 0xFF0000)
| (gScaled & 0xFF00) | ((bScaled >> 8) & 0xFF));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
rScaled += rIncrement;
gScaled += gIncrement;
bScaled += bIncrement;
void plotPixelsUnclipped(int count, int x, int y, int zAtLeft,
int zPastRight, Rgb16 rgb16Left, Rgb16 rgb16Right) {
// for isosurface Triangle3D.fillRaster
if (count <= 0)
int seed = (x << 16) + (y << 1) ^ 0x33333333;
boolean flipflop = ((x ^ y) & 1) != 0;
// scale the z coordinates;
int zScaled = (zAtLeft << 10) + (1 << 9);
int dz = zPastRight - zAtLeft;
int roundFactor = count / 2;
int zIncrementScaled = ((dz << 10) + (dz >= 0 ? roundFactor : -roundFactor))
/ count;
int offsetPbuf = y * width + x;
if (rgb16Left == null) {
while (--count >= 0) {
if (addAllPixels || (flipflop = !flipflop)) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf]) {
seed = ((seed << 16) + (seed << 1) + seed) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int bits = (seed >> 16) & 0x07;
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, bits == 0 ? argbNoisyDn
: (bits == 1 ? argbNoisyUp : argbCurrent));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
} else {
int rScaled = rgb16Left.rScaled << 8;
int rIncrement = ((rgb16Right.rScaled - rgb16Left.rScaled) << 8) / count;
int gScaled = rgb16Left.gScaled;
int gIncrement = (rgb16Right.gScaled - gScaled) / count;
int bScaled = rgb16Left.bScaled;
int bIncrement = (rgb16Right.bScaled - bScaled) / count;
while (--count >= 0) {
if (addAllPixels || (flipflop = !flipflop)) {
int z = zScaled >> 10;
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf])
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, 0xFF000000 | (rScaled & 0xFF0000)
| (gScaled & 0xFF00) | ((bScaled >> 8) & 0xFF));
zScaled += zIncrementScaled;
rScaled += rIncrement;
gScaled += gIncrement;
bScaled += bIncrement;
void plotPixelsUnclipped(int count, int x, int y, int z) {
// for Cirle3D.plot8Filled and fillRect
int offsetPbuf = y * width + x;
if (addAllPixels) {
while (--count >= 0) {
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf])
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, argbCurrent);
} else {
int offsetMax = offsetPbuf + count;
if (((x ^ y) & 1) != 0)
if (++offsetPbuf == offsetMax)
do {
if (z < zbuf[offsetPbuf])
addPixel(offsetPbuf, z, argbCurrent);
offsetPbuf += 2;
} while (offsetPbuf < offsetMax);
private void plotPoints(int count, int[] coordinates, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
for (int i = count * 3; i > 0; ) {
int z = coordinates[--i];
int y = coordinates[--i] + yOffset;
int x = coordinates[--i] + xOffset;
if (isClipped(x, y, z))
int offset = y * width + x++;
if (z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
if (antialiasThisFrame) {
offset = y * width + x;
if (!isClipped(x, y, z) && z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
offset = (++y)* width + x;
if (!isClipped(x, y, z) && z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
offset = y * width + (--x);
if (!isClipped(x, y, z) && z < zbuf[offset])
addPixel(offset, z, argbCurrent);
/* ***************************************************************
* color indexes -- colix
* ***************************************************************/
/* entries 0 and 1 are reserved and are special inheritance
0 INHERIT_ALL inherits both color and translucency
1 INHERIT_COLOR is used to inherit just the color
0x8000 changeable flag (elements and isotopes, about 200; negative)
0x7800 translucent flag set
0x0000 translucent level 0 (opaque)
0x0800 translucent level 1
0x1000 translucent level 2
0x1800 translucent level 3
0x2000 translucent level 4
0x2800 translucent level 5
0x3000 translucent level 6
0x3800 translucent level 7
0x4000 translucent level 8 (invisible)
0x0000 inherit color and translucency
0x0001 inherit color; translucency determined by mask
0x0002 special palette ("group", "structure", etc.); translucency by mask
Note that inherited colors and special palettes are not handled here.
They could be anything, including totally variable quantities such as
distance to an object. So there are two stages of argb color determination
from a colix. The special palette flag is only used transiently - just to
indicate that the color selected isn't a known color. The actual palette-based
colix is saved here, and and the atom or shape's byte paletteID is set as well.
Shapes/ColorManager: responsible for assigning argb colors based on
color palettes. These argb colors are then used directly.
Graphics3D: responsible for "system" colors and caching of user-defined rgbs.
0x0004 black...
0x0017 ...gold
0x00?? additional colors used from JavaScript list or specified by user
Bob Hanson 3/2007
private final static short CHANGEABLE_MASK = (short)0x8000; // negative
private final static short UNMASK_CHANGEABLE_TRANSLUCENT =0x07FF;
private final static int TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT = 11;
private final static int ALPHA_SHIFT = 24 - TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT;
private final static int TRANSLUCENT_MASK = 0xF << TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT; //0x7800
private final static int TRANSPARENT = 8 << TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT; //0x4000
final static int TRANSLUCENT_50 = 4 << TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT; //0x2000
public final static short OPAQUE_MASK = ~TRANSLUCENT_MASK;
private final static short INHERIT_COLOR = 1;
final static short UNUSED_OPTION3 = 3;
final static short SPECIAL_COLIX_MAX = 4;
* Return a greyscale rgb value 0-FF using NTSC color luminance algorithm
* the alpha component is set to 0xFF. If you want a value in the
* range 0-255 then & the result with 0xFF;
* @param rgb the rgb value
* @return a grayscale value in the range 0 - 255 decimal
public static int calcGreyscaleRgbFromRgb(int rgb) {
int grey = ((2989 * ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) +
(5870 * ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) +
(1140 * (rgb & 0xFF)) + 5000) / 10000;
return Shade3D.rgb(grey, grey, grey);
public static short getColix(int argb) {
return Colix3D.getColix(argb);
public short[] getBgColixes(short[] bgcolixes) {
return bgcolixes;
public static short getColixTranslucent(int argb) {
int a = (argb >> 24) & 0xFF;
if (a == 0xFF)
return getColix(argb);
return getColixTranslucent(getColix(argb), true, a / 255f);
public static String getHexCodes(short[] colixes) {
if (colixes == null)
return null;
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < colixes.length; i++)
s.append(i == 0 ? "" : " ")
return s.toString();
public static String getHexCode(short colix) {
return Escape.escapeColor(getArgb(colix));
public static short[] getColixArray(String colorNames) {
if (colorNames == null || colorNames.length() == 0)
return null;
String[] colors = Parser.getTokens(colorNames);
short[] colixes = new short[colors.length];
for (int j = 0; j < colors.length; j++) {
colixes[j] = getColix(getArgbFromString(colors[j]));
if (colixes[j] == 0)
return null;
return colixes;
public final static Point3f colorPointFromInt(int color, Point3f pt) {
pt.z = color & 0xFF;
pt.y = (color >> 8) & 0xFF;
pt.x = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
return pt;
public static int colorPtToInt(Point3f pt) {
return colorTriadToInt(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
public static int colorTriadToInt(float x, float y, float z) {
if (x <= 1 && y <= 1 && z <= 1) {
if (x > 0)
x = x * 256 - 1;
if (y > 0)
y = y * 256 - 1;
if (z > 0)
z = z * 256 - 1;
return Shade3D.rgb((int) x, (int) y, (int) z);
public final static Point3f colorPointFromInt2(int color) {
return new Point3f((color >> 16) & 0xFF, (color >> 8) & 0xFF, color & 0xFF);
public final static Point3f colorPointFromString(String colorName, Point3f pt) {
return colorPointFromInt(getArgbFromString(colorName), pt);
public static short getColix(String colorName) {
int argb = getArgbFromString(colorName);
if (argb != 0)
return Colix3D.getColix(argb);
if ("none".equalsIgnoreCase(colorName))
if ("opaque".equalsIgnoreCase(colorName))
* accepts [xRRGGBB] or [0xRRGGBB] or [0xFFRRGGBB] or #RRGGBB or
* [red,green,blue] or a valid JavaScript color
* @param strColor
* @return 0 if invalid or integer color
public static int getArgbFromString(String strColor) {
int len = 0;
if (strColor == null || (len = strColor.length()) == 0)
return 0;
float red, grn, blu;
if (strColor.charAt(0) == '[' && strColor.charAt(len - 1) == ']') {
String check;
if (strColor.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
String[] tokens = TextFormat.split(strColor.substring(1, strColor
.length() - 1), ",");
if (tokens.length != 3)
return 0;
red = Parser.parseFloat(tokens[0]);
grn = Parser.parseFloat(tokens[1]);
blu = Parser.parseFloat(tokens[2]);
return colorTriadToInt(red, grn, blu);
switch (len) {
case 9:
check = "x";
case 10:
check = "0x";
return 0;
if (strColor.indexOf(check) != 1)
return 0;
strColor = "#" + strColor.substring(len - 7, len - 1);
len = 7;
if (len == 7 && strColor.charAt(0) == '#') {
try {
red = Integer.parseInt(strColor.substring(1, 3), 16);
grn = Integer.parseInt(strColor.substring(3, 5), 16);
blu = Integer.parseInt(strColor.substring(5, 7), 16);
return colorTriadToInt(red, grn, blu);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 0;
Integer boxedArgb = (Integer) mapJavaScriptColors.get(strColor
return (boxedArgb == null ? 0 : boxedArgb.intValue());
private final static short applyColorTranslucencyLevel(short colix,
float translucentLevel) {
// 0.0 to 1.0 ==> MORE translucent
// 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 8/8
// t 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 255 or 256
// t >> 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// (t >> 5) + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 15 is reserved for screened, so 9-14 just map to 9, "invisible"
if (translucentLevel == 0) //opaque
return (short) (colix & ~TRANSLUCENT_MASK);
if (translucentLevel < 0) //screened
return (short) (colix | TRANSLUCENT_MASK);
if (Float.isNaN(translucentLevel) || translucentLevel >= 255 || translucentLevel == 1.0)
return (short) ((colix & ~TRANSLUCENT_MASK) | TRANSPARENT);
int iLevel = (int) (translucentLevel < 1 ? translucentLevel * 256
: translucentLevel <= 9 ? ((int) (translucentLevel-1)) << 5
: translucentLevel < 15 ? 8 << 5 : translucentLevel);
iLevel = (iLevel >> 5) % 16;
return (short) (colix & ~TRANSLUCENT_MASK | (iLevel << TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT));
public final static int getColixTranslucencyLevel(short colix) {
int logAlpha = (colix >> TRANSLUCENT_SHIFT) & 15;
switch (logAlpha) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
return logAlpha << 5;
case 15:
return -1;
return 255;
public static float translucencyFractionalFromColix(short colix) {
int translevel = getColixTranslucencyLevel(colix);
return (
translevel == -1 ? 0.5f
: translevel == 0 ? 0
: translevel == 255 ? 1
: translevel / 256f
public static short getColix(Object obj) {
if (obj == null)
if (obj instanceof Byte)
return (((Byte) obj).byteValue() == 0 ? INHERIT_ALL
if (obj instanceof Integer)
return Colix3D.getColix(((Integer) obj).intValue());
if (obj instanceof String)
return getColix((String) obj);
if (Logger.debugging) {
Logger.debug("?? getColix(" + obj + ")");
return HOTPINK;
public final static short getColixTranslucent(short colix, boolean isTranslucent, float translucentLevel) {
if (colix == INHERIT_ALL)
if (!isTranslucent)
return colix;
return applyColorTranslucencyLevel(colix, translucentLevel);
public int getColorArgbOrGray(short colix) {
if (colix < 0)
colix = changeableColixMap[colix & UNMASK_CHANGEABLE_TRANSLUCENT];
if (! inGreyscaleMode)
return Colix3D.getArgb(colix);
return Colix3D.getArgbGreyscale(colix);
int[] getShades(short colix) {
if (colix < 0)
colix = changeableColixMap[colix & UNMASK_CHANGEABLE_TRANSLUCENT];
if (! inGreyscaleMode)
return Colix3D.getShades(colix);
return Colix3D.getShadesGreyscale(colix);
public final static short getChangeableColixIndex(short colix) {
if (colix >= 0)
return -1;
return (short)(colix & UNMASK_CHANGEABLE_TRANSLUCENT);
public final static boolean isColixTranslucent(short colix) {
return ((colix & TRANSLUCENT_MASK) != 0);
public final static short getColixInherited(short myColix, short parentColix) {
switch (myColix) {
return parentColix;
return (short) (parentColix & OPAQUE_MASK);
//check this colix irrespective of translucency, and if inherit, then
//it must be inherit color but not translucent level;
return ((myColix & OPAQUE_MASK) == INHERIT_COLOR ? (short) (parentColix
& OPAQUE_MASK | myColix & TRANSLUCENT_MASK) : myColix);
public final static boolean isColixColorInherited(short colix) {
switch (colix) {
return true;
default: //could be translucent of some sort
return (colix & OPAQUE_MASK) == INHERIT_COLOR;
public static int getArgb(short colix) {
return Colix3D.getArgb(colix);
* changeable colixes
* give me a short ID and a color, and I will give you a colix
* later, you can reassign the color if you want
* Used only for colorManager coloring of elements
private short[] changeableColixMap = new short[16];
public short getChangeableColix(short id, int argb) {
if (id >= changeableColixMap.length) {
short[] t = new short[id + 16];
System.arraycopy(changeableColixMap, 0, t, 0, changeableColixMap.length);
changeableColixMap = t;
if (changeableColixMap[id] == 0)
changeableColixMap[id] = Colix3D.getColix(argb);
return (short)(id | CHANGEABLE_MASK);
public void changeColixArgb(short id, int argb) {
if (id < changeableColixMap.length && changeableColixMap[id] != 0)
changeableColixMap[id] = Colix3D.getColix(argb);
/* ***************************************************************
* shading and lighting
* ***************************************************************/
private static void flushCaches() {
public static Point3f getLightSource() {
return new Point3f(Shade3D.xLight, Shade3D.yLight, Shade3D.zLight);
public synchronized static void setSpecular(boolean val) {
if (Shade3D.specularOn == val)
Shade3D.specularOn = val;
public static boolean getSpecular() {
return Shade3D.specularOn;
* fractional distance from black for ambient color
* @param val
public synchronized static void setZShadePower(int val) {
Shade3D.zPower = val;
public static int getZShadePower() {
return Shade3D.zPower;
* fractional distance from black for ambient color
* @param val
public synchronized static void setAmbientPercent(int val) {
if (Shade3D.ambientPercent == val)
Shade3D.ambientPercent = val;
Shade3D.ambientFraction = val / 100f;
public static int getAmbientPercent() {
return Shade3D.ambientPercent;
* df in I = df * (N dot L) + sf * (R dot V)^p
* @param val
public synchronized static void setDiffusePercent(int val) {
if (Shade3D.diffusePercent == val)
Shade3D.diffusePercent = val;
Shade3D.diffuseFactor = val / 100f;
public static int getDiffusePercent() {
return Shade3D.diffusePercent;
* p in I = df * (N dot L) + sf * (R dot V)^p
* @param val
public synchronized static void setPhongExponent(int val) {
if (Shade3D.phongExponent == val && Shade3D.usePhongExponent)
Shade3D.phongExponent = val;
float x = (float) (Math.log(val) / Math.log(2));
Shade3D.usePhongExponent = (x != (int) x);
if (!Shade3D.usePhongExponent)
Shade3D.specularExponent = (int) x;
public static int getPhongExponent() {
return Shade3D.phongExponent;
* log_2(p) in I = df * (N dot L) + sf * (R dot V)^p
* for faster calculation of shades
* @param val
public synchronized static void setSpecularExponent(int val) {
if (Shade3D.specularExponent == val)
Shade3D.specularExponent = val;
Shade3D.phongExponent = (int) Math.pow(2, val);
Shade3D.usePhongExponent = false;
public static int getSpecularExponent() {
return Shade3D.specularExponent;
* sf in I = df * (N dot L) + sf * (R dot V)^p
* not a percent of anything, really
* @param val
public synchronized static void setSpecularPercent(int val) {
if (Shade3D.specularPercent == val)
Shade3D.specularPercent = val;
Shade3D.specularFactor = val / 100f;
public static int getSpecularPercent() {
return Shade3D.specularPercent;
* fractional distance to white for specular dot
* @param val
public synchronized static void setSpecularPower(int val) {
if (val < 0) {
if (Shade3D.specularPower == val)
Shade3D.specularPower = val;
Shade3D.intenseFraction = val / 100f;
public static int getSpecularPower() {
return Shade3D.specularPower;
private final Vector3f vectorAB = new Vector3f();
private final Vector3f vectorAC = new Vector3f();
private final Vector3f vectorNormal = new Vector3f();
void setColorNoisy(int shadeIndex) {
currentShadeIndex = shadeIndex;
argbCurrent = shadesCurrent[shadeIndex];
argbNoisyUp = shadesCurrent[shadeIndex < Shade3D.shadeIndexLast ? shadeIndex + 1
: Shade3D.shadeIndexLast];
argbNoisyDn = shadesCurrent[shadeIndex > 0 ? shadeIndex - 1 : 0];
* used by CartoonRenderer (DNA surface) and GeoSurfaceRenderer (face) to
* assign a noisy shade to the surface it will render
* @param screenA
* @param screenB
* @param screenC
public void setNoisySurfaceShade(Point3i screenA, Point3i screenB, Point3i screenC) {
vectorAB.set(screenB.x - screenA.x, screenB.y - screenA.y, screenB.z
- screenA.z);
int shadeIndex;
if (screenC == null) {
shadeIndex = Shade3D.getShadeIndex(-vectorAB.x, -vectorAB.y, vectorAB.z);
} else {
vectorAC.set(screenC.x - screenA.x, screenC.y - screenA.y, screenC.z
- screenA.z);
vectorAB.cross(vectorAB, vectorAC);
shadeIndex = vectorAB.z >= 0 ? Shade3D.getShadeIndex(-vectorAB.x,
-vectorAB.y, vectorAB.z) : Shade3D.getShadeIndex(vectorAB.x,
vectorAB.y, -vectorAB.z);
if (shadeIndex > Shade3D.shadeIndexNoisyLimit)
shadeIndex = Shade3D.shadeIndexNoisyLimit;
private int getShadeIndex(Point3f screenA,
Point3f screenB, Point3f screenC) {
// for fillTriangle and fillQuad.
vectorAB.sub(screenB, screenA);
vectorAC.sub(screenC, screenA);
vectorNormal.cross(vectorAB, vectorAC);
(vectorNormal.z >= 0
? Shade3D.getShadeIndex(-vectorNormal.x, -vectorNormal.y,
: Shade3D.getShadeIndex(vectorNormal.x, vectorNormal.y,
/* ***************************************************************
* fontID stuff
* a fontID is a byte that contains the size + the face + the style
* ***************************************************************/
public Font3D getFont3D(float fontSize) {
return Font3D.getFont3D(Font3D.FONT_FACE_SANS,
Font3D.FONT_STYLE_PLAIN, fontSize, fontSize, platform);
public Font3D getFont3D(String fontFace, float fontSize) {
return Font3D.getFont3D(Font3D.getFontFaceID(fontFace),
Font3D.FONT_STYLE_PLAIN, fontSize, fontSize, platform);
// {"Plain", "Bold", "Italic", "BoldItalic"};
public static int getFontStyleID(String fontStyle) {
return Font3D.getFontStyleID(fontStyle);
public Font3D getFont3D(String fontFace, String fontStyle, float fontSize) {
int iStyle = Font3D.getFontStyleID(fontStyle);
if (iStyle < 0)
iStyle = 0;
return Font3D.getFont3D(Font3D.getFontFaceID(fontFace),
iStyle, fontSize, fontSize, platform);
public Font3D getFont3DScaled(Font3D font, float scale) {
float newScale = font.fontSizeNominal * scale;
return (newScale == font.fontSize ? font : Font3D.getFont3D(
(isAntialiased() ? font.idFontStyle | 1 : font.idFontStyle),
newScale, font.fontSizeNominal, platform));
public byte getFontFid(float fontSize) {
return getFont3D(fontSize).fid;
public byte getFontFid(String fontFace, float fontSize) {
return getFont3D(fontFace, fontSize).fid;
/* ***************************************************************
* known JavaScript colors
* ***************************************************************/
// 140 JavaScript color names
// includes 16 official HTML 4.0 color names & values
// plus a few extra rasmol names
private final static String[] colorNames = {
"black", // 000000
"pewhite", // ffffff
"pecyan", // 00ffff
"pepurple", // d020ff
"pegreen", // 00ff00
"peblue", // 6060ff
"peviolet", // ff80c0
"pebrown", // a42028
"pepink", // ffd8d8
"peyellow", // ffff00
"pedarkgreen", // 00c000
"peorange", // ffb000
"pelightblue", // b0b0ff
"pedarkcyan", // 00a0a0
"pedarkgray", // 606060
"aliceblue", // F0F8FF
"antiquewhite", // FAEBD7
"aqua", // 00FFFF
"aquamarine", // 7FFFD4
"azure", // F0FFFF
"beige", // F5F5DC
"bisque", // FFE4C4
"blanchedalmond", // FFEBCD
"blue", // 0000FF
"blueviolet", // 8A2BE2
"brown", // A52A2A
"burlywood", // DEB887
"cadetblue", // 5F9EA0
"chartreuse", // 7FFF00
"chocolate", // D2691E
"coral", // FF7F50
"cornflowerblue", // 6495ED
"cornsilk", // FFF8DC
"crimson", // DC143C
"cyan", // 00FFFF
"darkblue", // 00008B
"darkcyan", // 008B8B
"darkgoldenrod", // B8860B
"darkgray", // A9A9A9
"darkgreen", // 006400
"darkkhaki", // BDB76B
"darkmagenta", // 8B008B
"darkolivegreen", // 556B2F
"darkorange", // FF8C00
"darkorchid", // 9932CC
"darkred", // 8B0000
"darksalmon", // E9967A
"darkseagreen", // 8FBC8F
"darkslateblue", // 483D8B
"darkslategray", // 2F4F4F
"darkturquoise", // 00CED1
"darkviolet", // 9400D3
"deeppink", // FF1493
"deepskyblue", // 00BFFF
"dimgray", // 696969
"dodgerblue", // 1E90FF
"firebrick", // B22222
"floralwhite", // FFFAF0 16775920
"forestgreen", // 228B22
"fuchsia", // FF00FF
"gainsboro", // DCDCDC
"ghostwhite", // F8F8FF
"gold", // FFD700
"goldenrod", // DAA520
"gray", // 808080
"green", // 008000
"greenyellow", // ADFF2F
"honeydew", // F0FFF0
"hotpink", // FF69B4
"indianred", // CD5C5C
"indigo", // 4B0082
"ivory", // FFFFF0
"khaki", // F0E68C
"lavender", // E6E6FA
"lavenderblush", // FFF0F5
"lawngreen", // 7CFC00
"lemonchiffon", // FFFACD
"lightblue", // ADD8E6
"lightcoral", // F08080
"lightcyan", // E0FFFF
"lightgoldenrodyellow", // FAFAD2
"lightgreen", // 90EE90
"lightgrey", // D3D3D3
"lightpink", // FFB6C1
"lightsalmon", // FFA07A
"lightseagreen", // 20B2AA
"lightskyblue", // 87CEFA
"lightslategray", // 778899
"lightsteelblue", // B0C4DE
"lightyellow", // FFFFE0
"lime", // 00FF00
"limegreen", // 32CD32
"linen", // FAF0E6
"magenta", // FF00FF
"maroon", // 800000
"mediumaquamarine", // 66CDAA
"mediumblue", // 0000CD
"mediumorchid", // BA55D3
"mediumpurple", // 9370DB
"mediumseagreen", // 3CB371
"mediumslateblue", // 7B68EE
"mediumspringgreen", // 00FA9A
"mediumturquoise", // 48D1CC
"mediumvioletred", // C71585
"midnightblue", // 191970
"mintcream", // F5FFFA
"mistyrose", // FFE4E1
"moccasin", // FFE4B5
"navajowhite", // FFDEAD
"navy", // 000080
"oldlace", // FDF5E6
"olive", // 808000
"olivedrab", // 6B8E23
"orange", // FFA500
"orangered", // FF4500
"orchid", // DA70D6
"palegoldenrod", // EEE8AA
"palegreen", // 98FB98
"paleturquoise", // AFEEEE
"palevioletred", // DB7093
"papayawhip", // FFEFD5
"peachpuff", // FFDAB9
"peru", // CD853F
"pink", // FFC0CB
"plum", // DDA0DD
"powderblue", // B0E0E6
"purple", // 800080
"red", // FF0000
"rosybrown", // BC8F8F
"royalblue", // 4169E1
"saddlebrown", // 8B4513
"salmon", // FA8072
"sandybrown", // F4A460
"seagreen", // 2E8B57
"seashell", // FFF5EE
"sienna", // A0522D
"silver", // C0C0C0
"skyblue", // 87CEEB
"slateblue", // 6A5ACD
"slategray", // 708090
"snow", // FFFAFA 16775930
"springgreen", // 00FF7F
"steelblue", // 4682B4
"tan", // D2B48C
"teal", // 008080
"thistle", // D8BFD8
"tomato", // FF6347
"turquoise", // 40E0D0
"violet", // EE82EE
"wheat", // F5DEB3
"white", // FFFFFF 16777215
"whitesmoke", // F5F5F5
"yellow", // FFFF00
"yellowgreen", // 9ACD32
// plus a few rasmol names/values
"bluetint", // AFD7FF
"greenblue", // 2E8B57
"greentint", // 98FFB3
"grey", // 808080
"pinktint", // FFABBB
"redorange", // FF4500
"yellowtint", // F6F675
private final static int[] colorArgbs = {
0xFF000000, // black
// plus the PE chain colors
0xFFffffff, // pewhite
0xFF00ffff, // pecyan
0xFFd020ff, // pepurple
0xFF00ff00, // pegreen
0xFF6060ff, // peblue
0xFFff80c0, // peviolet
0xFFa42028, // pebrown
0xFFffd8d8, // pepink
0xFFffff00, // peyellow
0xFF00c000, // pedarkgreen
0xFFffb000, // peorange
0xFFb0b0ff, // pelightblue
0xFF00a0a0, // pedarkcyan
0xFF606060, // pedarkgray
// standard JavaScript
0xFFF0F8FF, // aliceblue
0xFFFAEBD7, // antiquewhite
0xFF00FFFF, // aqua
0xFF7FFFD4, // aquamarine
0xFFF0FFFF, // azure
0xFFF5F5DC, // beige
0xFFFFE4C4, // bisque
0xFFFFEBCD, // blanchedalmond
0xFF0000FF, // blue
0xFF8A2BE2, // blueviolet
0xFFA52A2A, // brown
0xFFDEB887, // burlywood
0xFF5F9EA0, // cadetblue
0xFF7FFF00, // chartreuse
0xFFD2691E, // chocolate
0xFFFF7F50, // coral
0xFF6495ED, // cornflowerblue
0xFFFFF8DC, // cornsilk
0xFFDC143C, // crimson
0xFF00FFFF, // cyan
0xFF00008B, // darkblue
0xFF008B8B, // darkcyan
0xFFB8860B, // darkgoldenrod
0xFFA9A9A9, // darkgray
0xFF006400, // darkgreen
0xFFBDB76B, // darkkhaki
0xFF8B008B, // darkmagenta
0xFF556B2F, // darkolivegreen
0xFFFF8C00, // darkorange
0xFF9932CC, // darkorchid
0xFF8B0000, // darkred
0xFFE9967A, // darksalmon
0xFF8FBC8F, // darkseagreen
0xFF483D8B, // darkslateblue
0xFF2F4F4F, // darkslategray
0xFF00CED1, // darkturquoise
0xFF9400D3, // darkviolet
0xFFFF1493, // deeppink
0xFF00BFFF, // deepskyblue
0xFF696969, // dimgray
0xFF1E90FF, // dodgerblue
0xFFB22222, // firebrick
0xFFFFFAF0, // floralwhite
0xFF228B22, // forestgreen
0xFFFF00FF, // fuchsia
0xFFDCDCDC, // gainsboro
0xFFF8F8FF, // ghostwhite
0xFFFFD700, // gold
0xFFDAA520, // goldenrod
0xFF808080, // gray
0xFF008000, // green
0xFFADFF2F, // greenyellow
0xFFF0FFF0, // honeydew
0xFFFF69B4, // hotpink
0xFFCD5C5C, // indianred
0xFF4B0082, // indigo
0xFFFFFFF0, // ivory
0xFFF0E68C, // khaki
0xFFE6E6FA, // lavender
0xFFFFF0F5, // lavenderblush
0xFF7CFC00, // lawngreen
0xFFFFFACD, // lemonchiffon
0xFFADD8E6, // lightblue
0xFFF08080, // lightcoral
0xFFE0FFFF, // lightcyan
0xFFFAFAD2, // lightgoldenrodyellow
0xFF90EE90, // lightgreen
0xFFD3D3D3, // lightgrey
0xFFFFB6C1, // lightpink
0xFFFFA07A, // lightsalmon
0xFF20B2AA, // lightseagreen
0xFF87CEFA, // lightskyblue
0xFF778899, // lightslategray
0xFFB0C4DE, // lightsteelblue
0xFFFFFFE0, // lightyellow
0xFF00FF00, // lime
0xFF32CD32, // limegreen
0xFFFAF0E6, // linen
0xFFFF00FF, // magenta
0xFF800000, // maroon
0xFF66CDAA, // mediumaquamarine
0xFF0000CD, // mediumblue
0xFFBA55D3, // mediumorchid
0xFF9370DB, // mediumpurple
0xFF3CB371, // mediumseagreen
0xFF7B68EE, // mediumslateblue
0xFF00FA9A, // mediumspringgreen
0xFF48D1CC, // mediumturquoise
0xFFC71585, // mediumvioletred
0xFF191970, // midnightblue
0xFFF5FFFA, // mintcream
0xFFFFE4E1, // mistyrose
0xFFFFE4B5, // moccasin
0xFFFFDEAD, // navajowhite
0xFF000080, // navy
0xFFFDF5E6, // oldlace
0xFF808000, // olive
0xFF6B8E23, // olivedrab
0xFFFFA500, // orange
0xFFFF4500, // orangered
0xFFDA70D6, // orchid
0xFFEEE8AA, // palegoldenrod
0xFF98FB98, // palegreen
0xFFAFEEEE, // paleturquoise
0xFFDB7093, // palevioletred
0xFFFFEFD5, // papayawhip
0xFFFFDAB9, // peachpuff
0xFFCD853F, // peru
0xFFFFC0CB, // pink
0xFFDDA0DD, // plum
0xFFB0E0E6, // powderblue
0xFF800080, // purple
0xFFFF0000, // red
0xFFBC8F8F, // rosybrown
0xFF4169E1, // royalblue
0xFF8B4513, // saddlebrown
0xFFFA8072, // salmon
0xFFF4A460, // sandybrown
0xFF2E8B57, // seagreen
0xFFFFF5EE, // seashell
0xFFA0522D, // sienna
0xFFC0C0C0, // silver
0xFF87CEEB, // skyblue
0xFF6A5ACD, // slateblue
0xFF708090, // slategray
0xFFFFFAFA, // snow
0xFF00FF7F, // springgreen
0xFF4682B4, // steelblue
0xFFD2B48C, // tan
0xFF008080, // teal
0xFFD8BFD8, // thistle
0xFFFF6347, // tomato
0xFF40E0D0, // turquoise
0xFFEE82EE, // violet
0xFFF5DEB3, // wheat
0xFFFFFFFF, // white
0xFFF5F5F5, // whitesmoke
0xFFFFFF00, // yellow
0xFF9ACD32, // yellowgreen
// plus a few rasmol names/values
0xFFAFD7FF, // bluetint
0xFF2E8B57, // greenblue
0xFF98FFB3, // greentint
0xFF808080, // grey
0xFFFFABBB, // pinktint
0xFFFF4500, // redorange
0xFFF6F675, // yellowtint
private static final Hashtable mapJavaScriptColors = new Hashtable();
static {
for (int i = colorNames.length; --i >= 0; )
mapJavaScriptColors.put(colorNames[i], new Integer(colorArgbs[i]));
/* ***************************************************************
* normals and normal indexes -- normix
* ***************************************************************/
public static final short NORMIX_NULL = Normix3D.NORMIX_NULL;
public static short getInverseNormix(short normix) {
return Normix3D.getInverseNormix(normix);
public static short getNormix(Vector3f vector, BitSet bsTemp) {
return Normix3D.getNormix(vector, bsTemp);
public static short get2SidedNormix(Vector3f vector, BitSet bsTemp) {
return Normix3D.get2SidedNormix(vector, bsTemp);
public static Vector3f getNormixVector(short normix) {
return Normix3D.getVector(normix);
public boolean isDirectedTowardsCamera(short normix) {
return normix3d.isDirectedTowardsCamera(normix);
public Vector3f[] getTransformedVertexVectors() {
return normix3d.getTransformedVectors();
public void renderBackground() {
public void renderBackground(JmolRendererInterface jmolRenderer) {
if (backgroundImage != null)
plotImage(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE, backgroundImage,
jmolRenderer, (short) 0, 0, 0);
public void drawAtom(Atom atom) {
atom.screenX, atom.screenY, atom.screenZ);
// implemented only for Export3D:
public final static int EXPORT_NOT = 0;
public final static int EXPORT_CARTESIAN = 1;
public final static int EXPORT_RAYTRACER = 2;
public int getExportType() {
return EXPORT_NOT;
public String getExportName() {
return null;
public boolean canDoTriangles() {
return true;
public boolean isCartesianExport() {
return false;
public boolean initializeExporter(String type, Viewer viewer, Graphics3D g3d,
Object output) {
return false;
public String finalizeOutput() {
return null;
public void drawBond(Atom atomA, Atom atomB, short colixA, short colixB,
byte endcaps, short mad) {
public boolean drawEllipse(Point3f ptAtom, Point3f ptX, Point3f ptY,
boolean fillArc, boolean wireframeOnly) {
return false;