* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jjil.j2se.ocr;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import jjil.core.Vec2;
import jjil.j2se.algorithm.Pair;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class PrecomputeMath.
* @author webb
public class PrecomputeMath implements Serializable {
/** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2926944121519385162L;
/** The Constant ATAN_TABLE_SIZE. */
private static final int ATAN_TABLE_SIZE = 64;
private static final int RESULT_TABLE_REDUCTION = 4;
/** The Constant RadiusGyrMaxExp. */
private static final short RadiusGyrMaxExp = 8;
/** The Constant RadiusGyrMaxMan. */
private static final short RadiusGyrMaxMan = 158;
/** The Constant RadiusGyrMinExp. */
private static final short RadiusGyrMinExp = 0;
/** The Constant RadiusGyrMinMan. */
private static final short RadiusGyrMinMan = 255;
/** The Constant SE_TABLE_SIZE. */
private static final int SE_TABLE_SIZE = 512;
/** The Constant SimilarityCenter. */
private static final double SimilarityCenter = 0.0075;
/** The Constant SE_TABLE_BITS. */
private static final int SE_TABLE_BITS = 9;
/** The rpr result. */
private int rprResult[][][];
/** The Atan table. */
private short AtanTable[];
/** The Similarity evidence table. */
public short SimilarityEvidenceTable[];
* Instantiates a new precompute math.
public PrecomputeMath() {
* Instantiates a new precompute math.
* @param bb the bb
public PrecomputeMath(ByteBuffer bb) {
// public void initFromByteBuffer() {
// rprResult = new int[32][64][64];
// int nPos = 0;
// for (int i=0; i<rprResult.length; i++) {
// rprResult[i] = new IntBuffer[64];
// for (int j=0; j<rprResult[i].length; j++) {
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += 64*Integer.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// rprResult[i][j] = this.mbb.slice().asIntBuffer();
// }
// }
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += ATAN_TABLE_SIZE*Short.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// AtanTable = this.mbb.slice().asShortBuffer();
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += SE_TABLE_SIZE*Short.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// SimilarityEvidenceTable = this.mbb.slice().asShortBuffer();
// }
* Inits the from math.
public void InitFromMath() {
this.rprResult = new int[32/RESULT_TABLE_REDUCTION][64][64];
for (int i=0; i<32; i+=RESULT_TABLE_REDUCTION) {
for (int j=0; j<64; j++) {
// this.rprResult[i][j] = IntBuffer.allocate(64);
for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
Vec2 sqrtX = MySqrt2(i<<2, j<<13);
Vec2 sqrtY = MySqrt2(i<<2, k<<13);
this.rprResult[i/RESULT_TABLE_REDUCTION][j][k] =
PairVec2Int(ClipRadius(sqrtX, sqrtY));
// this.rprResult[i][j][k] =
// ClipRadius(sqrtX, sqrtY);
// AtanTable = ShortBuffer.allocate(ATAN_TABLE_SIZE);
AtanTable = new short[ATAN_TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < ATAN_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
AtanTable[i] =
(short) (Math.atan ((i / (float) ATAN_TABLE_SIZE)) * 128.0 /
Math.PI + 0.5);
/* Initialize table for evidence to similarity lookup */
SimilarityEvidenceTable = new short[SE_TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SE_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
int IntSimilarity = i << (27 - SE_TABLE_BITS);
double Similarity = ((double) IntSimilarity) / 65536.0 / 65536.0;
double Evidence = Similarity / SimilarityCenter;
Evidence *= Evidence;
Evidence += 1.0;
Evidence = 1.0 / Evidence;
Evidence *= 255.0;
SimilarityEvidenceTable[i] = (short) (Evidence + 0.5);
* Gets the result.
* @param nBLFeat the n bl feat
* @param nX the n x
* @param nY the n y
* @return the result
public Pair<Vec2,Vec2> getResult(int nBLFeat, int nX, int nY) {
nBLFeat = Math.max(0, Math.min(31, nBLFeat>>2));
nX = Math.max(0, Math.min(63, nX>>13));
nY = Math.max(0, Math.min(63, nY>>13));
Pair<Vec2,Vec2> pvvResult = Int2PairVec(this.rprResult[nBLFeat/RESULT_TABLE_REDUCTION][nX][nY]);
// Pair<Vec2,Vec2> pvvResult = this.rprResult[nBLFeat][nX][nY];
return pvvResult;
* Clip radius.
* @param Rx the rx
* @param Ry the ry
* @return the pair< vec2, vec2>
private static Pair<Vec2, Vec2> ClipRadius(Vec2 Rx, Vec2 Ry) {
int RxInvLarge, RyInvSmall;
short AM = RadiusGyrMinMan;
short AE = RadiusGyrMinExp;
short BM = (short) Rx.getX();
short BE = (short) Rx.getY();
short LastCarry = 1;
short BitN;
while ((AM != 0) || (BM != 0)) {
if (AE > BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + 1);
AM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
} else if (AE < BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
BM >>= 1;
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
} else { /* AE == BE */
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
AM >>= 1;
BM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1: 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + 1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1: 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
if (BitN == 1) {
Rx = new Vec2(RadiusGyrMinMan, RadiusGyrMinExp);
AM = RadiusGyrMinMan;
AE = RadiusGyrMinExp;
BM = (short) Ry.getX();
BE = (short) Ry.getY();
LastCarry = 1;
while ((AM != 0) || (BM != 0)) {
if (AE > BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + 1);
AM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
} else if (AE < BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
BM >>= 1;
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
} else { /* AE == BE */
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
AM >>= 1;
BM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1: 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + 1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1 : 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
if (BitN == 1) {
Ry = new Vec2(RadiusGyrMinMan, RadiusGyrMinExp);
AM = RadiusGyrMaxMan;
AE = RadiusGyrMaxExp;
BM = (short) Rx.getX();
BE = (short) Rx.getY();
LastCarry = 1;
while ((AM != 0) || (BM != 0)) {
if (AE > BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + 1);
AM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
} else if (AE < BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
BM >>= 1;
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
} else { /* AE == BE */
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
AM >>= 1;
BM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1 : 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + 1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1 : 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
if (BitN == 1) {
RxInvLarge = 1;
} else {
RxInvLarge = 0;
AM = (short) Ry.getX();
AE = (short) Ry.getY();
BM = RadiusGyrMaxMan;
BE = RadiusGyrMaxExp;
LastCarry = 1;
while ((AM != 0) || (BM != 0)) {
if (AE > BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + 1);
AM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
} else if (AE < BE) {
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
BM >>= 1;
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
} else { /* AE == BE */
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + (AM & 1) + ((~(BM & 1))&1));
AM >>= 1;
BM >>= 1;
AE = (short) ((AE==0)?255:AE-1);
BE = (short) ((BE==0)?255:BE-1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1 : 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
BitN = (short) (LastCarry + 1);
LastCarry = (short) ((BitN & 2) > 1? 1 : 0);
BitN = (short) (BitN & 1);
if (BitN == 1) {
RyInvSmall = 1;
} else {
RyInvSmall = 0;
if (RxInvLarge != 0 && RyInvSmall != 0) {
Ry = new Vec2(RadiusGyrMaxMan, RadiusGyrMaxExp);
return new Pair(Rx, Ry);
* My sqrt2.
* @param N the n
* @param I the i
* @return the vec2
private static Vec2 MySqrt2(int N, int I) {
if (N == 0 || I == 0) {
return new Vec2(0,0);
long N2 = N * 41943;
short k = 9;
while ((N2 & 0xc0000000) == 0) {
N2 <<= 2;
k += 1;
while ((I & 0xc0000000) == 0) {
I <<= 2;
k -= 1;
if (((N2 & 0x80000000) == 0) && ((I & 0x80000000) == 0)) {
N2 <<= 1;
I <<= 1;
N2 &= 0xffff0000;
I >>>= 14;
int Ratio = (int) (N2 / I);
short BitLocation = 128;
int SqRoot = 0;
do {
int Square = (SqRoot | BitLocation) * (SqRoot | BitLocation);
if (Square <= Ratio) {
SqRoot |= BitLocation;
BitLocation >>>= 1;
} while (BitLocation != 0);
if (k < 0) {
return new Vec2(255, 0);
} else {
return new Vec2(SqRoot, k);
* Table lookup.
* @param v the v
* @return the short
public short TableLookup(Vec2 v) {
int X = v.getX();
int Y = v.getY();
assert ((X != 0) || (Y != 0));
int AbsX = Math.abs(X);
int AbsY = Math.abs(Y);
int Ratio;
if (AbsX > AbsY)
Ratio = Math.min(ATAN_TABLE_SIZE-1, AbsY * ATAN_TABLE_SIZE / AbsX);
Ratio = Math.min(ATAN_TABLE_SIZE-1, AbsX * ATAN_TABLE_SIZE / AbsY);
int Angle = this.AtanTable[Ratio];
int nBits = ((X >= 0)? 4:0) + ((Y >= 0)? 2: 0) + ((AbsX > AbsY)? 1:0);
switch (nBits) {
case 0: // X < 0, Y < 0, AbsX <= AbsY
Angle = 192 - Angle;
case 1: // X < 0, Y < 0, AbsX > AbsY
Angle = 128 + Angle;
case 2: // X < 0, Y >= 0, AbsX <= AbsY
Angle = 64 + Angle;
case 3: // X < 0, Y >= 0, AbsX > AbsY
Angle = 128 - Angle;
case 4: // X >= 0, Y < 0, AbsX <= AbsY
Angle = 192 + Angle;
case 5: // X >= 0, Y < 0, AbsX > AbsY
Angle = 256 - Angle;
case 6: // X >= 0, Y >= 0, AbsX <= AbsY
Angle = 64 - Angle;
case 7: // X >= 0, Y >= 0, AbsX > AbsY
/* reverse angles to match old feature extractor: Angle += PI */
Angle += 128;
Angle &= 255;
return (short) Angle;
* Int2 pair vec.
* @param l the l
* @return the pair< vec2, vec2>
private Pair<Vec2,Vec2> Int2PairVec(int l) {
short s1 = (short) ((l >>> 24));
short s2 = (short) (((l << 8) >>> 24));
short s3 = (short) (((l << 16) >>> 24));
short s4 = (short) (((l << 24) >>> 24));
return new Pair<Vec2,Vec2>(new Vec2(s1,s2), new Vec2(s3,s4));
* Pair vec2 int.
* @param pvv the pvv
* @return the int
private int PairVec2Int(Pair<Vec2,Vec2> pvv) {
int s1 = pvv.getFirst().getX();
int s2 = pvv.getFirst().getY();
int s3 = pvv.getSecond().getX();
int s4 = pvv.getSecond().getY();
assert s1 >= 0 && s2 <= 255 &&
s2 >= 0 && s2 <= 255 &&
s3 >= 0 && s3 <= 255 &&
s4 >= 0 && s4 <= 255;
return ((int)s1 << 24) | ((int)s2 << 16) | ((int)s3 << 8) | (int)s4;
// @Override
// public void readExternal(ObjectInput oi) throws IOException,
// ClassNotFoundException {
// rprResult = new IntBuffer[32][];
// int nPos = 0;
// for (int i=0; i<rprResult.length; i++) {
// rprResult[i] = new IntBuffer[64];
// for (int j=0; j<rprResult[i].length; j++) {
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += 64*Integer.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// rprResult[i][j] = this.mbb.slice().asIntBuffer();
// for (int k=0; k<rprResult[i][j].capacity(); k++) {
// rprResult[i][j].put(k, oi.readInt());
// }
// }
// }
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += ATAN_TABLE_SIZE*Short.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// AtanTable = this.mbb.slice().asShortBuffer();
// for (int i=0; i<AtanTable.capacity(); i++) {
// AtanTable.put(i, oi.readShort());
// }
// this.mbb.position(nPos);
// this.mbb.limit(nPos += SE_TABLE_SIZE*Short.SIZE/Byte.SIZE);
// SimilarityEvidenceTable = this.mbb.slice().asShortBuffer();
// for (int i=0; i<SimilarityEvidenceTable.capacity(); i++) {
// SimilarityEvidenceTable.put(i, oi.readShort());
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput oo) throws IOException {
// for (int i=0; i<rprResult.length; i++) {
// for (int j=0; j<rprResult[i].length; j++) {
// for (int k=0; k<rprResult[i][j].capacity(); k++) {
// oo.writeInt(rprResult[i][j].get(k));
// }
// }
// }
// for (int i=0; i<AtanTable.capacity(); i++) {
// oo.writeShort(AtanTable.get(i));
// }
// for (int i=0; i<SimilarityEvidenceTable.capacity(); i++) {
// oo.writeShort(SimilarityEvidenceTable.get(i));
// }
// }