* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jjil.j2se.ocr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import jjil.core.Point;
import jjil.core.TimeTracker;
import jjil.core.Vec2;
import jjil.j2se.algorithm.CircularList;
import jjil.j2se.algorithm.Pair;
* The Class EdgePts manages a list of EdgePt objects which represent
* a boundary (internal or external) of a character to be recognized.
* This is a circular list, with each EdgePt including information that
* refers to the next, including at the end of the list. This class includes
* methods for polygonal approximation of the EdgePt objects, thereby reducing
* the number of EdgePt objects in the list.
* @author webb
public class EdgePts extends CircularList<EdgePt> {
/** The Constant FIXED_DIST. Controls the polygonal approximation. */
private final static int FIXED_DIST = 20;
/* Controls the recursion step in the Douglas-Peucker polygonal approximation */
/** The Constant PAR1. */
private final static int PAR1 = 50;
/** The EdgePt objects are allocated from a static list to avoid garbage collection in Android, which slows things down quite a bit. This is the maximum number of EdgePt objects that can be used. It must exceed the need for the polygonal approximation etc. to work. */
private static final int MAX_EDGEPTS = 10000;
/** The array of EdgePt objects from which the actual EdgePt's in use are taken. */
private static EdgePt srEdgePtStore[] = new EdgePt[MAX_EDGEPTS];
/** The number of EdgePt objects in use at any one time. */
private static int snEdgePtsUsed = 0;
/** The rectangular bounding box enclosing this collection of EdgePt's. */
private JessRect rectBounds = null;
/** A time tracker object, used to measure the execution time of expensive operations. */
private TimeTracker mTimeTracker;
/** Used for vector calculation, so as to avoid creating a new vector *. */
private Vec2 mvSum = new Vec2(0,0);
/** Used to hold lists of EdgePt objects while splitting */
/* Create an initialize the EdgePt store */
static {
for (int i=0; i<srEdgePtStore.length; i++) {
srEdgePtStore[i] = new EdgePt();
* The Class SortableCircListIter is used when dividing an EdgePt list into
* two parts when it is suspected that the list includes two adjacent characters
* which touch. The edges that cross the split point have to be sorted from top
* to bottom so we can connect them correctly and not create any figure-8 type
* loops (i.e., the inside connected to the outside). This is done by adding
* all edges that cross the split point to an array as members of this class,
* sorting them, then connecting them from bottom to top. This is guaranteed
* not to connect inside to outside.
private class SortableCircListIter implements Comparable<SortableCircListIter> {
/** The mn y. */
Integer mnY;
/** The mcli. */
CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter mcli;
* Instantiates a new sortable circular list iterator.
* @param nY the y position associated with this iterator
* @param cli the circular list iterator
SortableCircListIter(int nY, CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter cli) {
this.mnY = nY;
this.mcli = cli;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(SortableCircListIter o) {
return this.mnY.compareTo(o.mnY);
* Gets the circular list iterator.
* @return the circular list iterator
CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter getCircListIter() {
return this.mcli;
* Gets the y position associated with this iterator.
* @return the y position of this iterator
int getY() {
return this.mnY;
* Instantiates a new edge pts class.
* @param tt the TimeTracker object used to track expensive operations.
* May be null if no tracking is needed.
EdgePts(TimeTracker tt) {
this.mTimeTracker = tt;
* Instantiates a new edge pts, initializing it from a list of Point objects.
* This is the normal way an EdgePts object is first created.
* @param lpt the list of points that will make up the EdgePts object
* @param tt the TimeTracker object used to track expensive operations. May be
* null if tracking is not required.
EdgePts(CircularList<Point> lpt, TimeTracker tt) {
this.mTimeTracker = tt;
CircularList<Point>.CircListIter cli = lpt.circListIterator();
Point ptPrev = null;
Vec2 vPrev = null;
int nRunLength = 0;
/* for each point in the list */
while (cli.hasNext() && snEdgePtsUsed < MAX_EDGEPTS-1) {
Point pt = cli.next();
Point ptNext = cli.getNext();
/* get vector to next point */
Vec2 v = pt.diff(ptNext);
/* check for start of list */
if (vPrev == null) {
/* initialize bounding box */
this.rectBounds = new JessRect(pt);
/* initialize previous point, run length, and previous vector */
ptPrev = pt;
vPrev = v;
nRunLength = 1;
} else {
/* extend bounding box */
/* check to see if we are continuing in the same direction */
if (vPrev.equals(v)) {
nRunLength ++;
} else {
/* new direction. Record chain code of previous direction
* and create EdgePt
byte bDir = getChainCode(vPrev);
EdgePt ep = srEdgePtStore[snEdgePtsUsed++];
ep.set(ptPrev, vPrev.times(nRunLength), bDir, nRunLength);
/* start new direction */
ptPrev = pt;
vPrev = v;
nRunLength = 1;
/* close circular list */
byte bDir = getChainCode(vPrev);
EdgePt ep = new EdgePt(ptPrev, vPrev.times(nRunLength), bDir,
* Instantiates a new EdgePts object from an existing list of EdgePt objects.
* Note that this code does not do runlength tracking or measure the chain
* code. This is because this code is used when we are creating an EdgePts
* object from an object which has already been subjected to polygonal
* approximation, i.e., when we are splitting an EdgePts object into two parts.
* @param leps the list of EdgePt objects
EdgePts(List<EdgePt> leps) {
EdgePt firstEdgePt = null;
EdgePt prevEdgePt = null;
for (EdgePt edgept : leps) {
EdgePt ep = edgept;
/* check for start of list */
if (firstEdgePt == null) {
firstEdgePt = ep;
/* initialize bounding box */
if (this.rectBounds == null) {
this.rectBounds = new JessRect(ep.getPos());
} else {
/* set vector from previous point to this one */
if (prevEdgePt != null) {
prevEdgePt = ep;
// close circular list
if (firstEdgePt != prevEdgePt) {
* Count the number of fixed points in the EdgePts object. This is used
* to determine when we have enough corners to consider a polygonal
* approxmation done.
* @return the number of fixed points in the EdgePts object
private int countFixed() {
int nCount = 0;
for (EdgePt ep: this) {
if (ep.getFixed()) {
nCount ++;
return nCount;
* splitDP implements the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to
* recursively break a sequence of edge points into polygonal
* segments by finding the point of maximum departure from a line linking
* the first and last points and marking that point as fixed, then
* applying splitDP to the sequence before and after that point,
* until no point is more than a fixed distance from the line connecting
* the beginning and end of the sequence.
* @param cliStart the starting point
* @param cliEnd the ending point
* @return the number of new fixed points added
private int splitDP(CircListIter cliStart, CircListIter cliEnd) {
// check for points only 1 point apart
if (cliStart.getNext() == cliEnd.getPrevious()) {
return 0;
// vecLine is the direction from the ending point to
// the starting point
Vec2 vecLine = cliEnd.getNext().getPos().diff(cliStart.getNext().getPos());
// check for starting and ending points the same
if (vecLine.getX() == 0 && vecLine.getY() == 0) {
// measure from curve direction at start
vecLine = cliStart.getPrevious().getVec();
// maxPerp is the max distance from the line to the current point
int maxPerp = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
CircListIter cli = cliStart.clone();
CircListIter cliMaxPoint = cli;
this.mvSum.setXY(0, 0);
// for each point from start to end
while (cli.getNext() != cliEnd.getNext()) {
// get the point
// perp is the magnitude of the cross product
// of vec (current position) x vecLine (line)
// which is the distance of vec to the line
// (times the length of vecLine which doesn't change)
int perp = this.mvSum.crossMag(vecLine);
perp *= perp;
// if we're further from the line than we've
// been before
if (perp > maxPerp) {
maxPerp = perp;
cliMaxPoint = cli.clone();
int vLen = 0;
try {
vLen = vecLine.length();
} catch (jjil.core.Error er) {
// check to see if we should split again
// remember maxPerp = | vLen | * (max perpendicular distance to vecLine)
if (maxPerp >= PAR1 * vLen) {
return 1 + splitDP(cliStart, cliMaxPoint) + splitDP(cliMaxPoint, cliEnd);
} else {
return 0;
* Fix2.
* @param area the area
void fix2(int area) {
CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter cliSearch;
EdgePt ep = null;
for (cliSearch = this.circListIterator(); cliSearch.hasNext();) {
EdgePt prev = cliSearch.getPrevious();
ep = cliSearch.next();
EdgePt next = cliSearch.getNext();
int dir1;
if (!((((ep.getDir() - prev.getDir() + 1) & 7) < 3 &&
(dir1 = (prev.getDir() - next.getDir()) & 7) != 2 && dir1 != 6))) {
boolean stopped = false; /*not finished yet */
ep.setFixed(); /*fix it */
CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter cli = new CircListIter(cliSearch);
do {
EdgePt linestartPrevPrev = cli.getPrevX3();
EdgePt linestartPrev = cli.getPrevPrev();
EdgePt linestart = ep; /*possible start of line */
EdgePt linestartNext = cli.getNext();
int dir1 = ep.getDir(); /*first direction */
/*length of dir1 */
int sum1 = ep.getRunLength();
EdgePt prev = ep;
ep = cli.next();
int dir2 = ep.getDir(); /*2nd direction */
/*length in dir2 */
int sum2 = ep.getRunLength();
if (((dir1 - dir2 + 1) & 7) < 3) {
while (prev.getDir() == cli.getNext().getDir()) {
prev = ep;
ep = cli.next(); /*look at next */
if (ep.getDir() == dir1) /*sum lengths */ {
sum1 += ep.getRunLength();
} else {
sum2 += ep.getRunLength();
if (!cli.hasNext()) {
stopped = true; /*finished */
if (sum2 + sum1 > 2 && linestartPrev.getDir() == dir2 &&
(linestartPrev.getRunLength() >
linestart.getRunLength() || sum2 > sum1)) {
/*start is back one */
linestartNext = linestart;
linestart = linestartPrev;
linestartPrev = linestartPrevPrev;
if (((cli.getNext().getDir() - ep.getDir() + 1) & 7) >= 3 ||
(ep.getDir() == dir1 && sum1 >= sum2) ||
((prev.getRunLength() < ep.getRunLength() ||
(ep.getDir() == dir2 && sum2 >= sum1)) &&
linestartNext != ep)) {
ep = cli.next();
/*sharp bend */
} while (cli.hasNext() && !stopped);
/*do whole loop */
cli = this.circListIterator();
do {
ep = cli.next();
if (((ep.getRunLength() >= 8) &&
(ep.getDir() != 2) && (ep.getDir() != 6)) ||
((ep.getRunLength() >= 8) &&
((ep.getDir() == 2) || (ep.getDir() == 6)))) {
EdgePt next = cli.getNext();
} while (cli.hasNext());
cli = this.circListIterator();
do {
EdgePt prevprev = cli.getPrevPrev();
EdgePt prev = cli.getPrevious();
ep = cli.next();
EdgePt next = cli.getNext();
EdgePt nextnext = cli.getNextNext();
/*single fixed step */
if (ep.getFixed() &&
ep.getRunLength() == 1 /*and neighours free */ && (next.getFixed() &&
!prev.getFixed()) /*same pair of dirs */ && (!cli.getNextNext().getFixed() &&
prev.getDir() == next.getDir() &&
prevprev.getDir() == nextnext.getDir()) && ((prev.getDir() - ep.getDir() + 1) & 7) < 3) {
/*unfix it */
} while (cli.hasNext()); /*until finished */
stopped = false;
if (area < 450) {
area = 450;
int gapmin = area * FIXED_DIST * FIXED_DIST / 44000;
cli = this.circListIterator();
int fixed_count = 0;
do {
ep = cli.next();
if (ep.getFixed()) {
} while (cli.hasNext());
cli = this.circListIterator();
do {
ep = cli.next();
} while (!ep.getFixed());
EdgePt edgefix0 = ep;
do {
ep = cli.next();
} while (!ep.getFixed());
EdgePt edgefix1 = ep;
do {
ep = cli.next();
} while (!ep.getFixed());
EdgePt edgefix2 = ep;
do {
ep = cli.next();
} while (!ep.getFixed());
EdgePt edgefix3 = ep;
EdgePt startfix = edgefix2;
do {
if (fixed_count <= 3) {
break; //already too few
Vec2 d12vec = edgefix1.getPos().diff(edgefix2.getPos());
int d12 = d12vec.lengthSqr();
if (d12 <= gapmin) {
Vec2 d01vec = edgefix0.getPos().diff(edgefix1.getPos());
int d01 = d01vec.lengthSqr();
Vec2 d23vec = edgefix2.getPos().diff(edgefix3.getPos());
int d23 = d23vec.lengthSqr();
if (d01 > d23) {
} else {
edgefix1 = edgefix2;
} else {
edgefix0 = edgefix1;
edgefix1 = edgefix2;
edgefix2 = edgefix3;
ep = cli.next();
while (!ep.getFixed()) {
if (ep == startfix) {
stopped = true;
ep = cli.next();
edgefix3 = ep;
} while ((edgefix2 != startfix) && (!stopped));
/** sbLookup translates the offset to the next point to the chain code. The offset is represented as ((x+1)*3+(y+1)) where -1<=x<=1 and -1<=y<=1 are the differences between the current point and the next point. So the chain codes and offsets around the current point are y offset chain code ^ 6 7 8 5 6 7 | 3 4 5 4 -1 0 (-1 is unused) .->x 0 1 2 3 2 1 */
static byte sbLookup[] = new byte[]{
3, 2, 1, 4, -1, 0, 5, 6, 7
* Gets the chain code.
* @param v the vector to the next point:
* (x,y) where -1<=x<=1 and -1<=y<=1, (x,y) != (0,0)
* @return the chain code -- byte 0-8, clockwise around
* central point, starting at 0 to right
private byte getChainCode(Vec2 v) {
assert Math.abs(v.getX()) <= 1 &&
Math.abs(v.getY()) <= 1;
int nIndex = (v.getX()+1)*3 + (v.getY()+1);
return sbLookup[nIndex];
* Gets the EdgePt objects which have not yet been traversed, starting
* at the given iterator. The purpose of this is to pull out closed loops
* of EdgePt objects from an existing EdgePts object when splitting.
* @param lcli the iterator marking the starting point
* @return the edge pts, up to the first traversed point. EdgePts is modified
* by marking points as traversed as we add them to the resulting list.
private List<EdgePts> getEdgePts(List<EdgePts.CircListIter> lcli) {
List<EdgePts> lcp = new ArrayList<EdgePts>();
for (CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter cli: lcli) {
EdgePt ep = cli.getNext();
if (!ep.isTraversed()) {
EdgePts eps = new EdgePts(this.mTimeTracker);
while (cli.hasNext() && !cli.getNext().isTraversed()) {
ep = cli.next();
} else {
return lcp;
* We have a situation like this
* <code>
* cliPrev.getNext() -> cliPrev.getNextNext()
* cliNext.getNextNext() <= cliNext.getNext()
* we exchange iterators and add points so we get this
* cliPrev --------> ptPrev |---> cliPrev.getNext()
* | |
* cliNext.getNext <---| |<--- cliNext
* </code>
* This is for splitting characters which are joined together.
* @param cliPrev "top" iterator
* @param cliNext "bottom" iterator
* @param ptPrev intermediate point for top
* @param ptNext intermediate point for bottom
private void insertAndSplit(CircListIter cliPrev, CircListIter cliNext,
Point ptPrev, Point ptNext) {
EdgePt ep = new EdgePt(ptPrev, cliNext.getNext().getPos().diff(ptPrev));
this.add(cliPrev, ep);
ep = new EdgePt(ptNext, cliPrev.getNext().getPos().diff(ptNext));
this.add(cliNext, ep);
* Poly2.
void poly2() {
boolean bFound = false;
CircListIter cli = this.circListIterator();
while (cli.hasNext()) {
if (cli.getNext().getFixed() &&
!cli.getNextNext().getFixed()) {
bFound = true;
if (!bFound) {
cli = this.circListIterator();
if (!cli.getNext().getFixed()) {
bFound = true;
if (bFound) {
CircListIter loopstart = cli.clone();
int nFixed = countFixed();
while (nFixed < 3) {
cli = new CircListIter(loopstart);
do {
CircListIter linestart = cli.clone();
do {
} while (!cli.getNext().getFixed() &&
nFixed += splitDP(linestart, cli);
while (cli.getNextNext().getFixed() &&
cli.hasNext()) { /*look for next non-fixed */
} while (cli.hasNext());
cli = this.circListIterator();
// remove all the non-fixed points from the loop
do {
if (!cli.next().getFixed()) {
} while (cli.hasNext());
* Reset traversed.
void resetTraversed() {
for (EdgePt ep: this) {
* Split.
* @param nX the n x
* @return the pair< list< edge pts>, list< edge pts>>
Pair<List<EdgePts>, List<EdgePts>> split(int nX) {
if (this.mTimeTracker != null) {
ArrayList<Pair<SortableCircListIter,SortableCircListIter>> sep =
new ArrayList<Pair<SortableCircListIter,SortableCircListIter>>();
boolean mbLeft = true;
SortableCircListIter scliLast = null;
for (CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter cli = this.circListIterator();
cli.hasNext();) {
EdgePt epThis = cli.getNext();
EdgePt epNext = cli.getNextNext();
// see if this edge crosses the split point
Point ptThis = epThis.getPos();
Point ptNext = epNext.getPos();
if (ptThis.getX() >= nX) {
mbLeft = false;
if ((ptThis.getX() < nX) != (ptNext.getX() < nX)) {
int nY = ptThis.getY() + (ptNext.getY() - ptThis.getY()) *
(nX - ptThis.getX()) / (ptNext.getX() - ptThis.getX());
SortableCircListIter scliThis =
new SortableCircListIter(nY, cli.clone());
if (scliLast == null) {
scliLast = scliThis;
} else {
sep.add(new Pair<SortableCircListIter,SortableCircListIter>
(scliLast, scliThis));
scliLast = null;
assert scliLast == null;
if (sep.size() == 0) {
ArrayList<EdgePts> al = new ArrayList<EdgePts>();
if (mbLeft) {
return new Pair<List<EdgePts>, List<EdgePts>>(al, null);
} else {
return new Pair<List<EdgePts>, List<EdgePts>>(null, al);
ArrayList<CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter> alcliLeft =
new ArrayList<CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter>(),
alcliRight = new ArrayList<CircularList<EdgePt>.CircListIter>();
for (Pair<SortableCircListIter,SortableCircListIter> prscli:
sep) {
SortableCircListIter sepTop = prscli.getFirst();
SortableCircListIter sepBottom = prscli.getSecond();
EdgePts.CircListIter cliTop = sepTop.getCircListIter();
EdgePts.CircListIter cliBottom = sepBottom.getCircListIter();
if (cliTop.getNext().getPos().getX() < cliBottom.getNext().getPos().getX()) {
Point ptTop = new Point(nX-1, sepTop.getY());
Point ptBottom = new Point(nX, sepBottom.getY());
insertAndSplit(cliTop, cliBottom, ptTop, ptBottom);
alcliLeft.add(new CircListIter(cliTop));
alcliRight.add(new CircListIter(cliBottom));
} else {
Point ptTop = new Point(nX, sepTop.getY());
Point ptBottom = new Point(nX-1, sepBottom.getY());
insertAndSplit(cliTop, cliBottom, ptTop, ptBottom);
alcliRight.add(new CircListIter(cliTop));
alcliLeft.add(new CircListIter(cliBottom));
List<EdgePts> lcpLeft = getEdgePts(alcliLeft),
lcpRight = getEdgePts(alcliRight);
assert lcpLeft.size() > 0 && lcpRight.size() > 0;
if (this.mTimeTracker != null) {
return new Pair<List<EdgePts>,List<EdgePts>>(lcpLeft, lcpRight);
* Reset.
public static void reset() {
snEdgePtsUsed = 0;