* Copyright 2008 by Jon A. Webb
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package jjil.algorithm.j2se;
import jjil.algorithm.ErrorCodes;
import jjil.algorithm.j2se.Vec2;
import jjil.core.Error;
import jjil.core.Point;
import jjil.core.Triangle;
* Class manages a mapping from one triangle to another (an affine warp).<p>
* @author webb
public class TriangleMap {
double A[][];
Point p1, p2;
* Create a new TriangleMap mapping points in one triangle into another.
* @param t1 source triangle
* @param t2 target triangle
* @throws jjil.core.Error if some of the edges in t1 are of length zero
public TriangleMap(Triangle t1, Triangle t2) throws jjil.core.Error {
this.p1 = t1.getP1();
this.p2 = t2.getP1();
Vec2 s12, s13, s22, s23;
s12 = new Vec2(this.p1, t1.getP2());
s13 = new Vec2(this.p1, t1.getP3());
s22 = new Vec2(this.p2, t2.getP2());
s23 = new Vec2(this.p2, t2.getP3());
// The matrix transformation is
// A vT = u
// where vT is the original vector (s12 or s13), transposed,
// and u is the transformed vector (s22 or s23).
// The solution to the transformation is
// A = [s22T s23T][s12T s13T]-1 = [s22T s23T] B-1
// Where -1 indicates matrix inversion of the 2x2 matrix (denoted B) formed from
// the transposed vectors s12T and s13T.
// Matrix inversion of a 2x2 matrix is easy.
double detB = s12.getX() * s13.getY() - s13.getX() * s12.getY();
if (detB == 0.0d) {
throw new Error(
double Binv[][] = new double[2][2];
Binv[0][0] = s13.getY() / detB;
Binv[0][1] = -s13.getX() / detB;
Binv[1][0] = -s12.getY() / detB;
Binv[1][1] = s12.getX() / detB;
// finally form A
this.A = new double[2][2];
this.A[0][0] = s22.getX() * Binv[0][0] + s23.getX() * Binv[1][0];
this.A[0][1] = s22.getX() * Binv[0][1] + s23.getX() * Binv[1][1];
this.A[1][0] = s22.getY() * Binv[0][0] + s23.getY() * Binv[1][0];
this.A[1][1] = s22.getY() * Binv[0][1] + s23.getY() * Binv[1][1];
* Map point in one triangle into the other triangle
* @param p Point to map
* @return mapped Point
public Point map(Point p) {
Vec2 v = new Vec2(p1, p);
// multiply by A
Vec2 v2 = new Vec2(
this.A[0][0]*v.getX() + this.A[0][1]*v.getY(),
this.A[1][0]*v.getX() + this.A[1][1]*v.getY());
return v2.add(p2);