package barcode;
* Created on September 13, 2006, 11:19 AM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
* Copyright 2006 by Jon A. Webb
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import java.util.Vector;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8CannyHoriz;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8Rgb;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8Crop;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8HistEq;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8RectStretch;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8Reduce;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8TrapWarp;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8VertAvg;
import jjil.algorithm.LinefitHough;
import jjil.algorithm.RgbSelectGray;
import jjil.algorithm.Gray8ZeroCrossingHoriz;
import jjil.core.Gray8Image;
import jjil.core.Image;
import jjil.core.Point;
import jjil.core.Rect;
import jjil.core.RgbImage;
import jjil.core.Sequence;
import jjil.debug.Debug;
/** Read an image barcode using a variety of different barcode formats, and
* return the best match.
* @author webb
public class ReadBarcode {
private int dBestLeftPos;
private int dBestRightPos;
private Gray8Image imageCropped;
private Gray8Image imageEdge;
private Gray8Image imageRectified;
private Rect rectBarcode;
private String szBestCode;
private String szBestName;
private int wBestMatch;
private int wSlopeLeft;
private int wSlopeRight;
private int cYLeft;
private int cYRight;
/** Creates a new instance of ReadBarcode */
public ReadBarcode() {
* Crop the image to a specified cropping window and detect edges
* using an appropriate Canny operator. The cWidth of the Canny operator
* is set based on the cWidth of the cropped image, so that wider images
* use lower-frequency edge detection.
* <p>
* This method assigns a value to the imageCropped and imageEdge fields.
* @param image the input image.
* @param dTopLeftX top left corner of the cropping window, x coordinate
* @param dTopLeftX top left corner of the cropping window, y coordinate
* @param cWidth cWidth of the cropping window
* @param cHeight height of the cropping window
private void cropAndDetectEdges(
Image image,
int dTopLeftX,
int dTopLeftY,
int cWidth,
int cHeight) throws jjil.core.Error
/* Build an image pipeline to do the work.
Sequence seq = new Sequence();
/* First convert the color image to black and white by selecting the
* green channel. We use the green channel because it is the highest
* resolution channel on the CCDs used in cellphones.
if (image instanceof RgbImage) {
seq.add(new RgbSelectGray(RgbSelectGray.GREEN));
/* Now crop the gray image.
int dLeft = Math.max(0, dTopLeftX - cWidth / 12);
int cWidthExp = Math.min(image.getWidth() - dLeft, cWidth * 7 / 6);
seq.add(new Gray8Crop(dLeft, dTopLeftY, cWidthExp, cHeight));
/* Apply the pipeline to get the cropped image.
Image imageResult = seq.getFront();
if (!(imageResult instanceof Gray8Image)) {
throw new jjil.core.Error(
this.imageCropped = (Gray8Image) imageResult;
{ Debug debug = new Debug();
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
RgbImage rgb = (RgbImage) g2r.getFront();
debug.toFile(rgb, "cropped.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$
/* Then do edge detection. The cWidth of the Canny operator is set
* based on the cropped cWidth, which is supposed to be the
* barcode cWidth.
int cCannyWidth = cWidth / 6;
Gray8CannyHoriz canny = new Gray8CannyHoriz(cCannyWidth);
/* Now apply the edge detection to the cropped mage
/* And obtain the result
imageResult = canny.getFront();
if (!(imageResult instanceof Gray8Image)) {
throw new jjil.core.Error(
this.imageEdge = (Gray8Image) imageResult;
Debug debug = new Debug();
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
RgbImage rgb = (RgbImage) g2r.getFront();
debug.toFile(rgb, "edges.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static Image cropAndStretchImage(
Image imageInput,
int dLeft,
int dRight,
int cHeightReduce,
int cInputWidth,
int cTargetWidth) throws jjil.core.Error
// so it is divisible by cHeightReduce, a power of 2
int cCroppedHeight = cHeightReduce *
(imageInput.getHeight() / cHeightReduce);
int cTotalWidth = dRight - dLeft;
Gray8Crop crop = new Gray8Crop(dLeft, 0, cTotalWidth, cCroppedHeight);
Sequence seq = new Sequence(crop);
seq.add(new Gray8Reduce(1,cHeightReduce));
int cReducedHeight = cCroppedHeight / cHeightReduce;
// we stretch the cropped image so cInputWidth becomes cTargetWidth. This means
// cTotalWidth must become cTargetWidth * cTotalWidth / cInputWidth
Gray8RectStretch stretch = new Gray8RectStretch(
cTargetWidth * cTotalWidth / cInputWidth, cReducedHeight);
seq.add(new Gray8HistEq());
return seq.getFront();
private boolean findBarcodeEdges() throws jjil.core.Error
Gray8ZeroCrossingHoriz zeroesFind = new Gray8ZeroCrossingHoriz(8);
int[][] wZeroes = zeroesFind.push(this.imageEdge);
Vector v = getPointsFromZeroes(wZeroes, true);
if (v.size() < 5) {
return false;
LinefitHough fit =
new LinefitHough(0, this.imageEdge.getWidth(), -76, 76, 100);
if (fit.getCount() < 5) {
return false;
this.cYLeft = fit.getY();
this.wSlopeLeft = fit.getSlope();
v = getPointsFromZeroes(wZeroes, false);
if (v.size() < 5) {
return false;
if (fit.getCount() < 5) {
return false;
this.cYRight = fit.getY();
this.wSlopeRight = fit.getSlope();
Debug debug = new Debug();
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
debug.toFile((RgbImage) g2r.getFront(), "edges.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
private void findPreciseBarcodeLimits()
int cWidth = this.imageRectified.getWidth();
int cShortWidth = cWidth / 24,
cLongWidth = cWidth / 4;
byte[] bAvg = Gray8VertAvg.push(this.imageRectified);
int[] wShortSum = new int[bAvg.length],
wLongSum = new int[bAvg.length];
formShortAndLongSums(bAvg, cShortWidth, cLongWidth, wShortSum, wLongSum);
this.dBestLeftPos = -1;
this.dBestRightPos = -1;
int wBestLeftJump = Integer.MIN_VALUE,
wBestRightJump = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i=0; i<cWidth; i++) {
if (i < cWidth / 3 && i-cShortWidth >= 0 && i+cLongWidth < cWidth) {
int wLeftJump = wShortSum[i-cShortWidth] * cLongWidth -
wLongSum[i+cLongWidth] * cShortWidth;
if (wLeftJump > wBestLeftJump) {
this.dBestLeftPos = i;
wBestLeftJump = wLeftJump;
if (i > cWidth * 2 / 3 && i-cLongWidth >= 0 && i+cShortWidth < cWidth) {
int wRightJump = wShortSum[i+cShortWidth] * cLongWidth -
wLongSum[i-cLongWidth] * cShortWidth;
if (wRightJump > wBestRightJump) {
this.dBestRightPos = i;
wBestRightJump = wRightJump;
private static void formShortAndLongSums(
byte[] bAvg,
int cShortWidth,
int cLongWidth,
int[] wShortSumResult,
int[] wLongSumResult)
int wShortSum = 0, wLongSum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<cShortWidth; i++) {
wShortSum += bAvg[i];
for (int i=0; i<cLongWidth; i++) {
wLongSum += bAvg[i];
for (int i=0; i<bAvg.length; i++) {
wShortSumResult[i] = wShortSum;
wLongSumResult[i] = wLongSum;
if (i+cShortWidth < bAvg.length) {
wShortSum += bAvg[i+cShortWidth];
if (i+cLongWidth < bAvg.length) {
wLongSum += bAvg[i+cLongWidth];
if (i-cShortWidth >= 0) {
wShortSum -= bAvg[i-cShortWidth];
if (i-cLongWidth >= 0) {
wLongSum -= bAvg[i-cLongWidth];
/** Get the barcode read from the image.
* @return a String whose value is the barcode read from the image. Will
* be null if no barcode was read (yet).
public String getCode() {
return this.szBestCode;
* Get left top position of barcode.
* @return the approximate column in the top row where the barcode lies.
public int getLeftApproxPos() {
return this.cYLeft;
* Get the slope of the left edge of the barcode.
* @return the approximate slope of the left edge of the barcode, multiplied by
* 256.
public int getLeftApproxSlope() {
return this.wSlopeLeft;
* Get the right top position of the barcode.
* @return the approximate right edge of the barcode, in the top row of the image.
public int getRightApproxPos() {
return this.cYRight;
* Get the slope of the right edge of the barcode.
* @return the slope of the right side of the barcode.
public int getRightApproxSlope() {
return this.wSlopeRight;
/** Returns true iff a barcode was read from the image.
* @return whether or not a barcode was read.
public boolean getSuccessful() {
return this.szBestCode != null;
* Read the barcode. The image must be an 8-bit gray image. The other
* parameters specify a cropping window. The barcode should almost fill
* the cropping window. The barcode will be located and rectified in the
* window. It is assumed to extend horizontally across the window. The
* resulting barcode, if read, will be returned from getCode().
* getSuccessful() can be queried to determine whether the barcode was
* successfully read.
* <p>
* The image is cropped as all pixels whose position is greater than or
* equal to the top or left, and less than the bottom and right.
* @param image the input image.
* @throws jjil.core.Error if the barcode rectangle is outside the image, or the input image is not
* an RgbImage.
public void push(Image image) throws jjil.core.Error {
int dTopLeftX = this.rectBarcode.getLeft();
int dTopLeftY = this.rectBarcode.getTop();
int cWidth = this.rectBarcode.getWidth();
int cHeight = this.rectBarcode.getHeight();
this.szBestCode = null;
this.szBestName = null;
this.wBestMatch = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (dTopLeftX < 0 || dTopLeftX > image.getWidth() ||
dTopLeftY < 0 || dTopLeftY > image.getHeight() ||
cWidth < 0 || dTopLeftX + cWidth > image.getWidth() ||
cHeight < 0 || dTopLeftY + cHeight > image.getHeight()) {
throw new jjil.core.Error(
"(" + dTopLeftX + "," + dTopLeftY + "," + cWidth + "," + cHeight + ")",
/* Convert the RGB input image to gray, crop, and detect edges. This
* initializes imageCropped and imageEdge.
cropAndDetectEdges(image, dTopLeftX, dTopLeftY, cWidth, cHeight);
/* Find the approximate left and right edges of the barcode. Sets
* cYLeft, cYRight, wSlopeLeft, and wSlopeRight
if (!findBarcodeEdges()) {
/* Rectify the barcode image so the left and right edges are vertical
// rectifyBarcode();
/* Find the exact left and right edges of the barcode in the rectified
* image. Initializes dBestLeftPos and dBestRightPos.
// findPreciseBarcodeLimits();
// if (this.dBestLeftPos == -1 || this.dBestRightPos == -1) {
// return;
// }
BarcodeReaderEan13 reader = new BarcodeReaderEan13();
Gray8Crop gc = new Gray8Crop(dBestLeftPos,
dBestRightPos - dBestLeftPos,
Gray8Image imCropped = (Gray8Image) gc.getFront();
Debug debug = new Debug();
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
debug.toFile((RgbImage) g2r.getFront(), "rectCropped.png");
int wGoodness = reader.decode(
if (reader.getCode() != null && wGoodness > this.wBestMatch) {
this.szBestCode = reader.getCode();
this.wBestMatch = wGoodness;
this.szBestName = reader.getName();
for (int cInputWidth = dBestRightPos - dBestLeftPos - 2*cJitter;
cInputWidth <= dBestRightPos - dBestLeftPos + 2*cJitter;
cInputWidth++) {
tryWidth(cInputWidth, cJitter, reader);
private void rectifyBarcode()
throws jjil.core.Error
int cYLeft = Math.max(0, this.cYLeft - this.imageCropped.getWidth() / 8);
int cClip = -this.wSlopeLeft * (this.imageCropped.getHeight() - 1) / 256;
cYLeft = Math.max(cYLeft, cClip);
int cYRight = Math.min(this.imageCropped.getWidth(),
this.cYRight + this.imageCropped.getWidth() / 8);
cClip = this.imageCropped.getWidth()
- (this.imageCropped.getHeight() - 1) * this.wSlopeRight / 256;
cYRight = Math.min(cYRight, cClip);
int cTl = cYLeft;
int cTr = cYRight;
int cBl = cYLeft +
(this.imageCropped.getHeight() - 1) * this.wSlopeLeft / 256;
int cBr = cYRight +
(this.imageCropped.getHeight() - 1) * this.wSlopeRight / 256;
Gray8TrapWarp warp = new Gray8TrapWarp(0, this.imageCropped.getHeight(),
Image imageResult = warp.getFront();
if (!(imageResult instanceof Gray8Image)) {
throw new jjil.core.Error(
Debug debug = new Debug();
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
debug.toFile((RgbImage) g2r.getFront(), "rectified.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.imageRectified = (Gray8Image) imageResult;
* Set barcode rectangle.
* @param rect The rectangle in which to look for a barcode.
public void setRect(Rect rect) {
this.rectBarcode = rect;
private void tryWidth(int cInputWidth, int cJitter, BarcodeReader reader)
throws jjil.core.Error
// find smallest cTargetWidth that is a cMultiple of reader.Width()
// and larger than cInputWidth.
// cMultiple is the smallest number of barcode cWidth's greater than the
// input cWidth
int cMultiple = ((cInputWidth + reader.getWidth() - 1) / reader.getWidth());
// cTargetWidth is the width we'll stretch input cWidth to
int cTargetWidth = reader.getWidth() * cMultiple;
Image imageStretched =
Gray8Rgb g2r = new Gray8Rgb();
new Debug().toFile((RgbImage) g2r.getFront(), "stretched.png"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// now look for a barcode in the stretched rectangle at positions 0..2*cJitter-1
// (in the input image) which must be scaled by cTargetWidth / cInputWidth in
// the stretched image
int wGoodness = reader.decode(
if (reader.getCode() != null && wGoodness > this.wBestMatch) {
this.szBestCode = reader.getCode();
this.wBestMatch = wGoodness;
this.szBestName = reader.getName();
private Vector getPointsFromZeroes(int[][] wZeroes, boolean oLeft) {
Vector vResult = new Vector();
for (int i=0; i<wZeroes.length; i++) {
if (wZeroes[i] != null) {
if (wZeroes[i].length > 5) {
if (oLeft) {
// on the left side of the barcode we are looking for a positive
// zero crossing, from dark to light
if (wZeroes[i][0] > 0) {
vResult.addElement(new Point(i, Math.abs(wZeroes[i][0]) / 256));
} else {
vResult.addElement(new Point(i, Math.abs(wZeroes[i][1]) / 256));
} else {
// on the right side of the barcode we are looking for a positive
// zero crossing, from dark to light
if (wZeroes[i][wZeroes[i].length-1] < 0) {
new Point(i, Math.abs(wZeroes[i][wZeroes[i].length-1]) / 256));
} else {
new Point(i, Math.abs(wZeroes[i][wZeroes[i].length-2]) / 256));
return vResult;