Package net.sourceforge.jiu.geometry

Source Code of net.sourceforge.jiu.geometry.ScaleReplication

* ScaleReplication
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Marco Schmidt.
* All rights reserved.

package net.sourceforge.jiu.geometry;

import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.ImageToImageOperation;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.MissingParameterException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.WrongParameterException;

* Changes the pixel resolution of an image by replicating (or dropping) pixels.
* A fast but low quality scaling algorithm that works with all kinds
* of image types.
* {@link Resample} provides better quality, but is slower and works with
* intensity-based image data types only.
* <h3>Usage example</h3>
* The input image will be scaled to an image that is twice as wide as
* itself and three times as high.
* <pre>
* ScaleReplication scale = new ScaleReplication();
* scale.setInputImage(image); // something implementing IntegerImage
* scale.setSize(image.getWidth() * 2, image.getHeight() * 2);
* scale.process();
* PixelImage scaledImage = scale.getOutputImage();
* </pre>
* @author Marco Schmidt
public class ScaleReplication extends ImageToImageOperation
  private Integer outWidth;
  private Integer outHeight;

  private void process(IntegerImage in, IntegerImage out)
    if (out == null)
      out = (IntegerImage)in.createCompatibleImage(outWidth.intValue(), outHeight.intValue());
    int IN_MAX_X = in.getWidth() - 1;
    int IN_MAX_Y = in.getHeight() - 1;
    int OUT_WIDTH = outWidth.intValue();
    int OUT_HEIGHT = outHeight.intValue();
    for (int y = 0; y < OUT_HEIGHT; y++)
      final int SRC_Y = (int)(IN_MAX_Y * (y + 1) / OUT_HEIGHT);
      for (int x = 0; x < OUT_WIDTH; x++)
        final int SRC_X = (int)(IN_MAX_X * (x + 1) / OUT_WIDTH);
        for (int c = 0; c < in.getNumChannels(); c++)
          out.putSample(c, x, y, in.getSample(c, SRC_X, SRC_Y));
      setProgress(y, OUT_HEIGHT);

  public void process() throws
    PixelImage pin = getInputImage();
    if (pin == null)
      throw new MissingParameterException("Input image object missing.");
    if (!(pin instanceof IntegerImage))
      throw new WrongParameterException("ScaleReplication only works on IntegerImage objects.");
    if (outWidth == null)
      throw new MissingParameterException("Output width value missing.");
    if (outHeight == null)
      throw new MissingParameterException("Output height value missing.");
    process((IntegerImage)pin, (IntegerImage)getOutputImage());

   * Specify the resolution to be used for the image to be created.
   * @param width horizontal resolution of the new image
   * @param height vertical resolution of the new image
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the arguments is smaller than 1
  public void setSize(int width, int height)
    if (width < 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output width must be larger than 0.");
    if (height < 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output height must be larger than 0.");
    outWidth = new Integer(width);
    outHeight = new Integer(height);

Related Classes of net.sourceforge.jiu.geometry.ScaleReplication

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