* ImageLoader
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Marco Schmidt.
* All rights reserved.
package net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.InvalidFileStructureException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.InvalidImageIndexException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.WrongFileFormatException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.BMPCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.IFFCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.PCDCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.PNGCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.PNMCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.PSDCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.RASCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs.tiff.TIFFCodec;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.data.PixelImage;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.gui.awt.ImageCreator;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.MissingParameterException;
import net.sourceforge.jiu.ops.OperationFailedException;
* A convenience class with static methods to load images from files using JIU codecs.
* The load methods of this class try to load an image with all codecs registered with this class.
* This includes almost every codec that resides in the <code>net.sourceforge.jiu.codecs</code> package.
* You can register additional codecs with {@link #registerCodecClass} or remove the usage
* of codecs with {@link #removeCodecClass}.
* <p>
* A Codec that cannot safely identify a file to be in the format that it supports must not be used with ImageLoader.
* The failure to identify typically comes from the lack of magic byte sequences defined for the format.
* In order to load such a file, use the codec manually.
* Example: {@link PalmCodec}.
* <p>
* In order to load an image via {@link java.awt.Toolkit} (JPEG, PNG or GIF), use
* {@link net.sourceforge.jiu.gui.awt.ToolkitLoader}.
* It combines the loading features of java.awt.Toolkit and JIU's ImageLoader.
* <h3>Usage example</h3>
* <pre>
* PixelImage image = null;
* try
* {
* image = ImageLoader.load("image.tif");
* }
* catch (Exception e)
* {
* // handle exception
* }
* </pre>
* @author Marco Schmidt
public class ImageLoader
// all elements of class String
private static Vector fileExtensions;
private static Vector imageCodecClasses;
imageCodecClasses = new Vector();
registerCodecClass(new BMPCodec());
registerCodecClass(new IFFCodec());
registerCodecClass(new PCDCodec());
registerCodecClass(new PNGCodec());
registerCodecClass(new PNMCodec());
registerCodecClass(new PSDCodec());
registerCodecClass(new RASCodec());
registerCodecClass(new TIFFCodec());
private ImageLoader()
* Creates an instance of one of the codec classes known to ImageLoader.
* @param index 0-based index of codec number, maximum value is {@link #getNumCodecs}<code> - 1</code>
* @return new codec object or <code>null</code> if no object could be instantiated
public static ImageCodec createCodec(int index)
ImageCodec result = null;
if (index >= 0 && index < getNumCodecs())
Class c = (Class)imageCodecClasses.elementAt(index);
Object obj = c.newInstance();
if (obj != null && obj instanceof ImageCodec)
result = (ImageCodec)obj;
catch (IllegalAccessException iae)
// ignore
catch (InstantiationException ie)
// ignore
return result;
* Returns a filename filter ({@link java.io.FilenameFilter}) that accepts files
* with name extensions typical for the image file formats known to ImageLoader.
* The filter could then be used in an file dialog like {@link java.awt.FileDialog}.
* <p>
* Note that this filter does not include file formats supported by the AWT
* {@link java.awt.Toolkit} (GIF and JPEG, also PNG since Java 1.3).
* @return filter for image file names
public static FilenameFilter createFilenameFilter()
return new FilenameFilter()
public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
if (name == null)
return false;
if (fileExtensions == null)
name = name.toLowerCase();
int index = 0;
while (index < fileExtensions.size())
String ext = (String)fileExtensions.elementAt(index++);
if (name.endsWith(ext))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the number of codec classes currently known to ImageLoader.
* This number can be changed by registering additional codecs
* ({@link #registerCodecClass})
* or by removing codec classes ({@link #removeCodecClass}).
* @return number of known codec classes
public static int getNumCodecs()
return imageCodecClasses.size();
* Attempts to load an image from a file.
* @param file the file from which an image is to be loaded
* @return the image on success or <code>null</code> on failure
public static PixelImage load(File file) throws
return load(file, null);
* Attempts to load an image from a file, notifying the
* argument progress listeners.
* @param file the file to load an image from
* @param listeners a Vector of ProgressListener objects to be notified
* @return an instance of a class implementing {@link PixelImage}
public static PixelImage load(File file, Vector listeners) throws
for (int i = 0; i < getNumCodecs(); i++)
PixelImage result = null;
ImageCodec codec = null;
codec = createCodec(i);
codec.setFile(file, CodecMode.LOAD);
result = codec.getImage();
if (result != null)
return result;
catch (MissingParameterException mpe)
// ignore
catch (WrongFileFormatException wffe)
// ignore
catch (IOException ioe)
// ignore
catch (OperationFailedException ofe)
// ignore
//System.out.println("codec: " + ofe);
if (codec != null)
return null;
* Load an image from a file given by its name.
* Simply calls load(fileName, null).
* @param fileName name of the file from which an image is to be loaded
* @return the loaded image on success, null on failure
public static PixelImage load(String fileName) throws
return load(fileName, null);
* Attempts to load an image from the file with the given name,
* using the given list of progress listeners.
* @param fileName name of the file from which an image is to be loaded
* @param listeners a list of objects implementing ProgressListener
* @return the loaded image
public static PixelImage load(String fileName, Vector listeners) throws
return load(new File(fileName), listeners);
public static PixelImage loadToolkitImageUri(String uri) throws
ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader();
InputStream in = loader.getClass().getResourceAsStream(uri);
if (in == null)
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int b;
while ((b = in.read()) != -1)
byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
java.awt.Image awtImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(data);
MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(new Frame());
mediaTracker.addImage(awtImage, 0);
catch (InterruptedException ie)
return null;
PixelImage image = ImageCreator.convertImageToRGB24Image(awtImage);
return image;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
* Registers a codec class with ImageLoader.
* The argument is an instance of the class to be registered.
* Note that the codec class must have an empty constructor.
* <p>
* Example: let's say you have written a new codec called ACMEImageCodec.
* Your codec supports loading images.
* Then you could register it like that:
* <pre>
* ImageLoader.registerCodecClass(new ACMEImageCodec());
* </pre>
* <p>
* @param codec an instance of the codec class to be registered
public static void registerCodecClass(ImageCodec codec)
if (codec == null)
if (imageCodecClasses.contains(codec.getClass()))
if (!codec.isLoadingSupported())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Codec does not support loading.");
* Removes all codec classes from the internal list of codec classes.
* After a call to this method, ImageLoader will not load anything unless
* new codecs get registered.
public static void removeAllCodecClasses()
imageCodecClasses = new Vector();
* Removes a codec class from the internal list of codec classes.
* @param codec an instance of the codec class to be removed
public static void removeCodecClass(ImageCodec codec)
if (codec == null)
int index = imageCodecClasses.indexOf(codec.getClass());
if (index != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument codec's class " +
"could not be found in the internal list of codec classes.");
private static void updateFileExtensions()
fileExtensions = new Vector();
int index = 0;
while (index < getNumCodecs())
ImageCodec codec = createCodec(index++);
String[] extArray = codec.getFileExtensions();
if (extArray != null && extArray.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < extArray.length; i++)
catch (Exception e)