* SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber.extensions.jingle.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber.extensions.jingle.ContentPacketExtension.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.jabber.jinglesdp.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.neomedia.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.neomedia.device.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.neomedia.format.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.media.*;
import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;
* An XMPP specific extension of the generic media handler.
* @author Emil Ivov
* @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl
extends CallPeerMediaHandler<CallPeerJabberImpl>
* The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl</tt>
* class and its instances for logging output.
private static final Logger logger
= Logger.getLogger(CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl.class);
* The <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation handling our address
* management.
private TransportManagerJabberImpl transportManager;
* The current description of the streams that we have going toward the
* remote side. We use {@link LinkedHashMap}s to make sure that we preserve
* the order of the individual content extensions.
private Map<String, ContentPacketExtension> localContentMap
= new LinkedHashMap<String, ContentPacketExtension>();
* The current description of the streams that the remote side has with us.
* We use {@link LinkedHashMap}s to make sure that we preserve
* the order of the individual content extensions.
private Map<String, ContentPacketExtension> remoteContentMap
= new LinkedHashMap<String, ContentPacketExtension>();
* Indicates whether the remote party has placed us on hold.
private boolean remotelyOnHold = false;
* Indicates if the <tt>CallPeer</tt> will support </tt>inputevt</tt>
* extension (i.e. will be able to be remote-controlled).
private boolean localInputEvtAware = false;
* Creates a new handler that will be managing media streams for
* <tt>peer</tt>.
* @param peer that <tt>CallPeerJabberImpl</tt> instance that we will be
* managing media for.
public CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl(CallPeerJabberImpl peer)
super(peer, peer);
* Lets the underlying implementation take note of this error and only
* then throws it to the using bundles.
* @param message the message to be logged and then wrapped in a new
* <tt>OperationFailedException</tt>
* @param errorCode the error code to be assigned to the new
* <tt>OperationFailedException</tt>
* @param cause the <tt>Throwable</tt> that has caused the necessity to log
* an error and have a new <tt>OperationFailedException</tt> thrown
* @throws OperationFailedException the exception that we wanted this method
* to throw.
protected void throwOperationFailedException(
String message,
int errorCode,
Throwable cause)
throws OperationFailedException
* Enable or disable <tt>inputevt</tt> support (remote-control).
* @param enable new state of inputevt support
public void setLocalInputEvtAware(boolean enable)
localInputEvtAware = enable;
* Get the remote content of a specific content type (like audio or video).
* @param contentType content type name
* @return remote <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt> or null if not found
public ContentPacketExtension getRemoteContent(String contentType)
for(String key : remoteContentMap.keySet())
ContentPacketExtension content = remoteContentMap.get(key);
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
return content;
return null;
* Get the local content of a specific content type (like audio or video).
* @param contentType content type name
* @return remote <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt> or null if not found
public ContentPacketExtension getLocalContent(String contentType)
for(String key : localContentMap.keySet())
ContentPacketExtension content = localContentMap.get(key);
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
return content;
return null;
* Creates if necessary, and configures the stream that this
* <tt>MediaHandler</tt> is using for the <tt>MediaType</tt> matching the
* one of the <tt>MediaDevice</tt>. This method extends the one already
* available by adding a stream name, corresponding to a stream's content
* name.
* @param streamName the name of the stream as indicated in the XMPP
* <tt>content</tt> element.
* @param connector the <tt>MediaConnector</tt> that we'd like to bind the
* newly created stream to.
* @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> that we'd like to attach the newly
* created <tt>MediaStream</tt> to.
* @param format the <tt>MediaFormat</tt> that we'd like the new
* <tt>MediaStream</tt> to be set to transmit in.
* @param target the <tt>MediaStreamTarget</tt> containing the RTP and RTCP
* address:port couples that the new stream would be sending packets to.
* @param direction the <tt>MediaDirection</tt> that we'd like the new
* stream to use (i.e. sendonly, sendrecv, recvonly, or inactive).
* @param rtpExtensions the list of <tt>RTPExtension</tt>s that should be
* enabled for this stream.
* @return the newly created <tt>MediaStream</tt>.
* @throws OperationFailedException if creating the stream fails for any
* reason (like for example accessing the device or setting the format).
protected MediaStream initStream(String streamName,
StreamConnector connector,
MediaDevice device,
MediaFormat format,
MediaStreamTarget target,
MediaDirection direction,
List<RTPExtension> rtpExtensions)
throws OperationFailedException
MediaStream stream
= super.initStream(
if(stream != null)
return stream;
* Parses and handles the specified <tt>offer</tt> and returns a content
* extension representing the current state of this media handler. This
* method MUST only be called when <tt>offer</tt> is the first session
* description that this <tt>MediaHandler</tt> is seeing.
* @param offer the offer that we'd like to parse, handle and get an answer
* for.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we have a problem satisfying the
* description received in <tt>offer</tt> (e.g. failed to open a device or
* initialize a stream ...).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there's a problem with
* <tt>offer</tt>'s format or semantics.
public void processOffer(List<ContentPacketExtension> offer)
throws OperationFailedException,
// prepare to generate answers to all the incoming descriptions
List<ContentPacketExtension> answer
= new ArrayList<ContentPacketExtension>(offer.size());
boolean atLeastOneValidDescription = false;
for (ContentPacketExtension content : offer)
remoteContentMap.put(content.getName(), content);
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
MediaType mediaType
= MediaType.parseString( description.getMedia() );
List<MediaFormat> remoteFormats
= JingleUtils.extractFormats(
MediaDevice dev = getDefaultDevice(mediaType);
MediaDirection devDirection
= (dev == null) ? MediaDirection.INACTIVE : dev.getDirection();
// Take the preference of the user with respect to streaming
// mediaType into account.
= devDirection.and(getDirectionUserPreference(mediaType));
// determine the direction that we need to announce.
MediaDirection remoteDirection = JingleUtils.getDirection(
content, getPeer().isInitiator());
MediaDirection direction = devDirection
// intersect the MediaFormats of our device with remote ones
List<MediaFormat> mutuallySupportedFormats
= intersectFormats(remoteFormats, dev.getSupportedFormats());
// check whether we will be exchanging any RTP extensions.
List<RTPExtension> offeredRTPExtensions
= JingleUtils.extractRTPExtensions(
description, this.getRtpExtensionsRegistry());
List<RTPExtension> supportedExtensions
= getExtensionsForType(mediaType);
List<RTPExtension> rtpExtensions = intersectRTPExtensions(
offeredRTPExtensions, supportedExtensions);
// transport
* RawUdpTransportPacketExtension extends
* IceUdpTransportPacketExtension so getting
* IceUdpTransportPacketExtension should suffice.
IceUdpTransportPacketExtension transport
= content.getFirstChildOfType(
// stream target
MediaStreamTarget target
= JingleUtils.extractDefaultTarget(content);
// according to XEP-176, transport element in session-initiate
// "MAY instead be empty (with each candidate to be sent as the
// payload of a transport-info message)".
int targetDataPort = (target == null && transport != null) ? -1 :
(target != null) ? target.getDataAddress().getPort() : 0;
* TODO If the offered transport is not supported, attempt to
* fall back to a supported one using transport-replace.
if (mutuallySupportedFormats.isEmpty()
|| (devDirection == MediaDirection.INACTIVE)
|| (targetDataPort == 0))
// skip stream and continue. contrary to sip we don't seem to
// need to send per-stream disabling answer and only one at the
// end.
//close the stream in case it already exists
// create the answer description
ContentPacketExtension ourContent
= JingleUtils.createDescription(
ZrtpControl control = getZrtpControls().get(mediaType);
if(control == null)
control = JabberActivator.getMediaService()
getZrtpControls().put(mediaType, control);
String helloHash[] = control.getHelloHashSep();
if(helloHash != null && helloHash[1].length() > 0)
EncryptionPacketExtension encryption = new
ZrtpHashPacketExtension hash
= new ZrtpHashPacketExtension();
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension rtpDescription =
// got an content which have inputevt, it means that peer requests
// a desktop sharing session so tell it we support inputevt
!= null)
ourContent.addChildExtension(new InputEvtPacketExtension());
localContentMap.put(content.getName(), ourContent);
atLeastOneValidDescription = true;
if (!atLeastOneValidDescription)
"Offer contained no media formats"
+ " or no valid media descriptions.",
* In order to minimize post-pickup delay, start establishing the
* connectivity prior to ringing.
new TransportInfoSender()
public void sendTransportInfo(
Iterable<ContentPacketExtension> contents)
* While it may sound like we can completely eliminate the post-pickup
* delay by waiting for the connectivity establishment to finish, it may
* not be possible in all cases. We are the Jingle session responder so,
* in the case of the ICE UDP transport, we are not the controlling ICE
* Agent and we cannot be sure when the controlling ICE Agent will
* perform the nomination. It could, for example, choose to wait for our
* session-accept to perform the nomination which will deadlock us if we
* have chosen to wait for the connectivity establishment to finish
* before we begin ringing and send session-accept.
* Wraps up any ongoing candidate harvests and returns our response to the
* last offer we've received, so that the peer could use it to send a
* <tt>session-accept</tt>.
* @return the last generated list of {@link ContentPacketExtension}s that
* the call peer could use to send a <tt>session-accept</tt>.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to configure the media stream
public Iterable<ContentPacketExtension> generateSessionAccept()
throws OperationFailedException
TransportManagerJabberImpl transportManager = getTransportManager();
Iterable<ContentPacketExtension> sessAccept
= transportManager.wrapupCandidateHarvest();
CallPeerJabberImpl peer = getPeer();
//user answered an incoming call so we go through whatever content
//entries we are initializing and init their corresponding streams
for(ContentPacketExtension ourContent : sessAccept)
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(ourContent);
MediaType type = MediaType.parseString(description.getMedia());
// stream connector
StreamConnector connector
= transportManager.getStreamConnector(type);
//the device this stream would be reading from and writing to.
MediaDevice dev = getDefaultDevice(type);
// stream target
MediaStreamTarget target = transportManager.getStreamTarget(type);
//stream direction
MediaDirection direction
= JingleUtils.getDirection(ourContent, !peer.isInitiator());
//let's now see what was the format we announced as first and
//configure the stream with it.
ContentPacketExtension theirContent
= this.remoteContentMap.get(ourContent.getName());
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension theirDescription
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(theirContent);
MediaFormat format = null;
for(PayloadTypePacketExtension payload
: theirDescription.getPayloadTypes())
= JingleUtils.payloadTypeToMediaFormat(
if(format != null)
if(format == null)
"No matching codec.",
//extract the extensions that we are advertising:
// check whether we will be exchanging any RTP extensions.
List<RTPExtension> rtpExtensions
= JingleUtils.extractRTPExtensions(
description, this.getRtpExtensionsRegistry());
// create the corresponding stream...
initStream(ourContent.getName(), connector, dev, format, target,
direction, rtpExtensions);
// if remote peer requires inputevt, notify UI to capture mouse
// and keyboard events
!= null)
OperationSetDesktopSharingClientJabberImpl client
= (OperationSetDesktopSharingClientJabberImpl)
if (client != null)
return sessAccept;
* Creates a {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of the streams for a
* specific <tt>MediaDevice</tt>.
* @param dev <tt>MediaDevice</tt>
* @return the {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of stream that this
* handler is prepared to initiate.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to create the descriptions
* for reasons like problems with device interaction, allocating ports, etc.
private ContentPacketExtension createContent(MediaDevice dev)
throws OperationFailedException
MediaDirection direction
= dev.getDirection().and(
direction = direction.and(MediaDirection.SENDONLY);
if(direction != MediaDirection.INACTIVE)
ContentPacketExtension content = createContentForOffer(
dev.getSupportedFormats(), direction,
ZrtpControl control = getZrtpControls().get(dev.getMediaType());
if(control == null)
= JabberActivator.getMediaService().createZrtpControl();
getZrtpControls().put(dev.getMediaType(), control);
String helloHash[] = control.getHelloHashSep();
if(helloHash != null && helloHash[1].length() > 0)
EncryptionPacketExtension encryption = new
ZrtpHashPacketExtension hash
= new ZrtpHashPacketExtension();
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description =
return content;
return null;
* Creates a <tt>List</tt> containing the {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of
* the streams of a specific <tt>MediaType</tt> that this handler is
* prepared to initiate depending on available <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s and
* local on-hold and video transmission preferences.
* @param mediaType <tt>MediaType</tt> of the content
* @return a {@link List} containing the {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of
* streams that this handler is prepared to initiate.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to create the descriptions
* for reasons like - problems with device interaction, allocating ports,
* etc.
public List<ContentPacketExtension> createContentList(MediaType mediaType)
throws OperationFailedException
MediaDevice dev = getDefaultDevice(mediaType);
List<ContentPacketExtension> mediaDescs
= new ArrayList<ContentPacketExtension>();
if (dev != null)
ContentPacketExtension content = createContent(dev);
if(content != null)
//fail if all devices were inactive
"We couldn't find any active Audio/Video devices and "
+ "couldn't create a call",
OperationFailedException.GENERAL_ERROR, null, logger);
//now add the transport elements
return harvestCandidates(null, mediaDescs, null);
* Creates a <tt>List</tt> containing the {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of
* the streams that this handler is prepared to initiate depending on
* available <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s and local on-hold and video transmission
* preferences.
* @return a {@link List} containing the {@link ContentPacketExtension}s of
* streams that this handler is prepared to initiate.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to create the descriptions
* for reasons like problems with device interaction, allocating ports, etc.
public List<ContentPacketExtension> createContentList()
throws OperationFailedException
//Audio Media Description
List<ContentPacketExtension> mediaDescs
= new ArrayList<ContentPacketExtension>();
for (MediaType mediaType : MediaType.values())
MediaDevice dev = getDefaultDevice(mediaType);
if (dev != null)
MediaDirection direction = dev.getDirection().and(
direction = direction.and(MediaDirection.SENDONLY);
* If we're only able to receive, we don't have to offer it at
* all. For example, we have to offer audio and no video when we
* start an audio call.
if (MediaDirection.RECVONLY.equals(direction))
direction = MediaDirection.INACTIVE;
if(direction != MediaDirection.INACTIVE)
ContentPacketExtension content
= createContentForOffer(
ZrtpControl control = getZrtpControls().get(mediaType);
if(control == null)
control = JabberActivator.getMediaService()
getZrtpControls().put(mediaType, control);
String helloHash[] = control.getHelloHashSep();
if(helloHash != null && helloHash[1].length() > 0)
EncryptionPacketExtension encryption = new
ZrtpHashPacketExtension hash
= new ZrtpHashPacketExtension();
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description =
/* we request a desktop sharing session so add the inputevt
* extension in the "video" content
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
&& localInputEvtAware)
new InputEvtPacketExtension());
//fail if all devices were inactive
"We couldn't find any active Audio/Video devices"
+ " and couldn't create a call",
//now add the transport elements
return harvestCandidates(null, mediaDescs, null);
* Generates an Jingle {@link ContentPacketExtension} for the specified
* {@link MediaFormat} list, direction and RTP extensions taking account
* the local streaming preference for the corresponding media type.
* @param supportedFormats the list of <tt>MediaFormats</tt> that we'd
* like to advertise.
* @param direction the <tt>MediaDirection</tt> that we'd like to establish
* the stream in.
* @param supportedExtensions the list of <tt>RTPExtension</tt>s that we'd
* like to advertise in the <tt>MediaDescription</tt>.
* @return a newly created {@link ContentPacketExtension} representing
* streams that we'd be able to handle.
private ContentPacketExtension createContentForOffer(
List<MediaFormat> supportedFormats,
MediaDirection direction,
List<RTPExtension> supportedExtensions)
ContentPacketExtension content
= JingleUtils.createDescription(
JingleUtils.getSenders(direction, !getPeer().isInitiator()),
this.localContentMap.put(content.getName(), content);
return content;
* Reinitialize all media contents.
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to handle <tt>content</tt>
* for reasons like failing to initialize media devices or streams.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there's a problem with the syntax or
* the semantics of <tt>content</tt>. Method is synchronized in order to
* avoid closing mediaHandler when we are currently in process of
* initializing, configuring and starting streams and anybody interested
* in this operation can synchronize to the mediaHandler instance to wait
* processing to stop (method setState in CallPeer).
public void reinitAllContents()
throws OperationFailedException,
for(String key : remoteContentMap.keySet())
ContentPacketExtension ext = remoteContentMap.get(key);
if(ext != null)
* Reinitialize a media content such as video.
* @param name name of the Jingle content
* @param senders media direction
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to handle <tt>content</tt>
* for reasons like failing to initialize media devices or streams.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there's a problem with the syntax or
* the semantics of <tt>content</tt>. Method is synchronized in order to
* avoid closing mediaHandler when we are currently in process of
* initializing, configuring and starting streams and anybody interested
* in this operation can synchronize to the mediaHandler instance to wait
* processing to stop (method setState in CallPeer).
public void reinitContent(
String name,
ContentPacketExtension.SendersEnum senders)
throws OperationFailedException,
ContentPacketExtension ext = remoteContentMap.get(name);
if(ext != null)
remoteContentMap.put(name, ext);
* Removes a media content with a specific name from the session represented
* by this <tt>CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl</tt> and closes its associated
* media stream.
* @param name the name of the media content to be removed from this session
public void removeContent(String name)
removeContent(localContentMap, name);
removeContent(remoteContentMap, name);
* Removes a media content with a specific name from the session represented
* by this <tt>CallPeerMediaHandlerJabberImpl</tt> and closes its associated
* media stream.
* @param contentMap the <tt>Map</tt> in which the specified <tt>name</tt>
* has an association with the media content to be removed
* @param name the name of the media content to be removed from this session
private void removeContent(
Map<String, ContentPacketExtension> contentMap,
String name)
ContentPacketExtension content = contentMap.remove(name);
if (content != null)
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
String media = description.getMedia();
if (media != null)
* Process a <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt> and initialize its
* corresponding <tt>MediaStream</tt>.
* @param content a <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt>
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to handle <tt>content</tt>
* for reasons like failing to initialize media devices or streams.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there's a problem with the syntax or
* the semantics of <tt>content</tt>. Method is synchronized in order to
* avoid closing mediaHandler when we are currently in process of
* initializing, configuring and starting streams and anybody interested
* in this operation can synchronize to the mediaHandler instance to wait
* processing to stop (method setState in CallPeer).
private void processContent(ContentPacketExtension content)
throws OperationFailedException,
RtpDescriptionPacketExtension description
= JingleUtils.getRtpDescription(content);
MediaType mediaType
= MediaType.parseString( description.getMedia() );
//stream target
TransportManagerJabberImpl transportManager = getTransportManager();
MediaStreamTarget target = transportManager.getStreamTarget(mediaType);
if (target == null)
target = JingleUtils.extractDefaultTarget(content);
// no target port - try next media description
if((target == null) || (target.getDataAddress().getPort() == 0))
List<MediaFormat> supportedFormats = JingleUtils.extractFormats(
description, getDynamicPayloadTypes());
MediaDevice dev = getDefaultDevice(mediaType);
if(dev == null)
MediaDirection devDirection
= (dev == null) ? MediaDirection.INACTIVE : dev.getDirection();
// Take the preference of the user with respect to streaming
// mediaType into account.
= devDirection.and(getDirectionUserPreference(mediaType));
if (supportedFormats.isEmpty())
//remote party must have messed up our Jingle description.
//throw an exception.
"Remote party sent an invalid Jingle answer.",
OperationFailedException.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, null, logger);
StreamConnector connector
= transportManager.getStreamConnector(mediaType);
//determine the direction that we need to announce.
MediaDirection remoteDirection
= JingleUtils.getDirection(content, getPeer().isInitiator());
MediaDirection direction
= devDirection.getDirectionForAnswer(remoteDirection);
// update the RTP extensions that we will be exchanging.
List<RTPExtension> remoteRTPExtensions
= JingleUtils.extractRTPExtensions(
description, getRtpExtensionsRegistry());
List<RTPExtension> supportedExtensions
= getExtensionsForType(mediaType);
List<RTPExtension> rtpExtensions = intersectRTPExtensions(
remoteRTPExtensions, supportedExtensions);
// create the corresponding stream...
initStream(content.getName(), connector, dev,
supportedFormats.get(0), target, direction, rtpExtensions);
* Handles the specified <tt>answer</tt> by creating and initializing the
* corresponding <tt>MediaStream</tt>s.
* @param answer the Jingle answer
* @throws OperationFailedException if we fail to handle <tt>answer</tt> for
* reasons like failing to initialize media devices or streams.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there's a problem with the syntax or
* the semantics of <tt>answer</tt>. Method is synchronized in order to
* avoid closing mediaHandler when we are currently in process of
* initializing, configuring and starting streams and anybody interested
* in this operation can synchronize to the mediaHandler instance to wait
* processing to stop (method setState in CallPeer).
public void processAnswer(List<ContentPacketExtension> answer)
throws OperationFailedException,
* The answer given in session-accept may contain transport-related
* information compatible with that carried in transport-info.
for (ContentPacketExtension content : answer)
remoteContentMap.put(content.getName(), content);
* Gets the <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation handling our address
* management.
* @return the <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation handling our address
* management
* @see CallPeerMediaHandler#getTransportManager()
protected TransportManagerJabberImpl getTransportManager()
if (transportManager == null)
CallPeerJabberImpl peer = getPeer();
if (peer.isInitiator())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"The initiator is expected to specify the transport"
+ " in their offer.");
ScServiceDiscoveryManager discoveryManager
= peer.getProtocolProvider().getDiscoveryManager();
DiscoverInfo peerDiscoverInfo = peer.getDiscoverInfo();
if (discoveryManager.includesFeature(
&& ((peerDiscoverInfo == null)
|| peerDiscoverInfo.containsFeature(
transportManager = new IceUdpTransportManager(peer);
else if (discoveryManager.includesFeature(
&& ((peerDiscoverInfo == null)
|| peerDiscoverInfo.containsFeature(
transportManager = new RawUdpTransportManager(peer);
else if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
"No known Jingle transport supported"
+ " by Jabber call peer "
+ peer);
return transportManager;
* Sets the <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation to handle our address
* management by Jingle transport XML namespace.
* @param xmlns the Jingle transport XML namespace specifying the
* <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation type to be set on this instance
* to handle our address management
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified <tt>xmlns</tt> does not
* specify a (supported) <tt>TransportManager</tt> implementation type
private void setTransportManager(String xmlns)
throws IllegalArgumentException
// Is this really going to be an actual change?
if ((transportManager != null)
&& transportManager.getXmlNamespace().equals(xmlns))
CallPeerJabberImpl peer = getPeer();
if (!peer
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported Jingle transport " + xmlns);
* TODO The transportManager is going to be changed so it may need to be
* disposed prior to the change.
if (xmlns.equals(
transportManager = new IceUdpTransportManager(peer);
else if (xmlns.equals(
transportManager = new RawUdpTransportManager(peer);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported Jingle transport " + xmlns);
* Acts upon a notification received from the remote party indicating that
* they've put us on/off hold.
* @param onHold <tt>true</tt> if the remote party has put us on hold
* and <tt>false</tt> if they've just put us off hold.
public void setRemotelyOnHold(boolean onHold)
this.remotelyOnHold = onHold;
MediaStream audioStream = getStream(MediaType.AUDIO);
MediaStream videoStream = getStream(MediaType.VIDEO);
if(audioStream != null)
if(videoStream != null)
//off hold - make sure that we re-enable sending if that's
if(audioStream != null)
if(videoStream != null)
* Determines and sets the direction that a stream, which has been place on
* hold by the remote party, would need to go back to after being
* re-activated. If the stream is not currently on hold (i.e. it is still
* sending media), this method simply returns its current direction.
* @param stream the {@link MediaStreamTarget} whose post-hold direction
* we'd like to determine.
* @return the {@link MediaDirection} that we need to set on <tt>stream</tt>
* once it is reactivate.
private MediaDirection calculatePostHoldDirection(MediaStream stream)
MediaDirection streamDirection = stream.getDirection();
return streamDirection;
//when calculating a direction we need to take into account 1) what
//direction the remote party had asked for before putting us on hold,
//2) what the user preference is for the stream's media type, 3) our
//local hold status, 4) the direction supported by the device this
//stream is reading from.
//1. check what the remote party originally told us (from our persp.)
ContentPacketExtension content = remoteContentMap.get(stream.getName());
MediaDirection postHoldDir = JingleUtils.getDirection(content,
//2. check the user preference.
MediaDevice device = stream.getDevice();
= postHoldDir.and(
//3. check our local hold status.
//4. check the device direction.
postHoldDir = postHoldDir.and(device.getDirection());
return postHoldDir;
* Gathers local candidate addresses.
* @param remote the media descriptions received from the remote peer if any
* or <tt>null</tt> if <tt>local</tt> represents an offer from the local
* peer to be sent to the remote peer
* @param local the media descriptions sent or to be sent from the local
* peer to the remote peer. If <tt>remote</tt> is <tt>null</tt>,
* <tt>local</tt> represents an offer from the local peer to be sent to the
* remote peer
* @param transportInfoSender the <tt>TransportInfoSender</tt> to be used by
* this <tt>TransportManagerJabberImpl</tt> to send <tt>transport-info</tt>
* <tt>JingleIQ</tt>s from the local peer to the remote peer if this
* <tt>TransportManagerJabberImpl</tt> wishes to utilize
* <tt>transport-info</tt>
* @return the media descriptions of the local peer after the local
* candidate addresses have been gathered as returned by
* {@link TransportManagerJabberImpl#wrapupCandidateHarvest()}
* @throws OperationFailedException if anything goes wrong while starting or
* wrapping up the gathering of local candidate addresses
private List<ContentPacketExtension> harvestCandidates(
List<ContentPacketExtension> remote,
List<ContentPacketExtension> local,
TransportInfoSender transportInfoSender)
throws OperationFailedException
TransportManagerJabberImpl transportManager = getTransportManager();
if (remote == null)
* We'll be harvesting candidates in order to make an offer so it
* doesn't make sense to send them in transport-info.
if (transportInfoSender != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("transportInfoSender");
* XXX Ideally, we wouldn't wrap up that quickly. We need to revisit
* this.
return transportManager.wrapupCandidateHarvest();
* Processes the transport-related information provided by the remote
* <tt>peer</tt> in a specific set of <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt>s.
* @param contents the <tt>ContentPacketExtenion</tt>s provided by the
* remote <tt>peer</tt> and containing the transport-related information to
* be processed
* @throws OperationFailedException if anything goes wrong while processing
* the transport-related information provided by the remote <tt>peer</tt> in
* the specified set of <tt>ContentPacketExtension</tt>s
public void processTransportInfo(Iterable<ContentPacketExtension> contents)
throws OperationFailedException
if (getTransportManager().startConnectivityEstablishment(contents))
* Waits for the associated <tt>TransportManagerJabberImpl</tt> to conclude
* any started connectivity establishment and then starts this
* <tt>CallPeerMediaHandler</tt>.
* @throws IllegalStateException if no offer or answer has been provided or
* generated earlier
public void start()
throws IllegalStateException
catch (OperationFailedException ofe)
throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ofe);
* Notifies the associated <tt>TransportManagerJabberImpl</tt> that it
* should conclude any connectivity establishment, waits for it to actually
* do so and sets the <tt>connector</tt>s and <tt>target</tt>s of the
* <tt>MediaStream</tt>s managed by this <tt>CallPeerMediaHandler</tt>.
* @throws OperationFailedException if anything goes wrong while setting the
* <tt>connector</tt>s and/or <tt>target</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>s
* managed by this <tt>CallPeerMediaHandler</tt>
private void wrapupConnectivityEstablishment()
throws OperationFailedException
TransportManagerJabberImpl transportManager = getTransportManager();
for (MediaType mediaType : MediaType.values())
MediaStream stream = getStream(mediaType);
if (stream != null)